middleton nursery school - open objects software …...middleton nursery school brochure 2014/15...

Middleton Nursery School Brochure 2014/15 236-240 Oldham Road, Middleton, Manchester, M24 2DP [email protected] 0161-653-8586

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Page 1: Middleton Nursery School - Open Objects Software …...Middleton Nursery School Brochure 2014/15 236-240 Oldham Road, Middleton, Manchester, M24 2DP middletonnurseryschool@yahoo.co.uk

Middleton Nursery School

Brochure 2014/15

236-240 Oldham Road, Middleton, Manchester, M24 2DP

[email protected]


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Our Aims

Middleton Nursery School aims to provide a caring and safe environment

where children can develop through play and first hand experiences. The

child’s total development is important - social, emotional, physical,

intellectual and moral developments are inter-related.

The children will be encouraged to develop:

A feeling of self worth.

Confidence and independence.

Positive social relationships.

Self discipline.

Curiosity about their environment.

Lively and enquiring minds with an eagerness to learn.

When can my child start in the nursery?

The age group for Middleton Nursery School is from 1 year old to 5years


The nursery will provide full time and part-time children’s places.

The nursery open hours will be from 7:30am – 6:30pm Monday-Friday.

Please be on time to meet your child so he/she does not worry. If you have

made arrangements for your child to be collected by someone else please

inform the staff prior to collection.

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What will my child do in the Nursery Class?


Young children learn through play. Never underestimate the value of play.

It is a young child’s work. Through play your child is discovering new things

about the world. He/she is developing new skills and building new


The nursery curriculum is based on the ‘Areas of Learning’ set out in the

Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.

The Seven Areas of Learning:

i. Personal, Social and Emotional Development

ii. Communication and Language

iii. Physical Development

iv. Understanding the World

v. Mathematics

vi. Expressive Arts and Design

vii. Literacy

All nursery activities are carefully planned and structured to provide a

stimulating and balanced learning environment for the children.

Topics may include:

Animals and nature, The Weather, Transport and

Holidays, Keeping Healthy, Traditional Tales, All

About Me, My favorite book’s, Colours, shapes and


Each topic will be supporting festivals and celebrations.

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A Typical Morning Session In The Nursery Class

7:30am Session begins.

Your child will need to find their name card and place it

on the ‘I am at nursery’ board. Free play begins.

8:00 – 8:30am Breakfast will be served (menu available)

9.00am Group time - Topic based discussions,

Sharing news, circle time, music and movement,

Planned activities.

10am Wash hands followed by fruit and drink.

10:15am Nappy changes and Toilet training

10.20 am Free access to a wide range of planned

activities, both inside and outdoors.

During this time staff will encourage your child to join in

with adult led focus activities.

11.15am Story time, singing and rhymes and a listening activity.

11.30am Dinner time (menu available)

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Helpful activities for you to do with your child

Speaking and listening are important skills, you can help develop these by:

Sitting together with a book, talking about the pictures and reading simple

stories and rhymes.

Visiting places together like the park, supermarket, beach, library, Post

Office, etc. and talking about what you see and do. For example, name the

colour of passing cars, count steps as you climb them, talk about different

items in the supermarket.

Supporting your child's work in the Nursery Class

The children will be introduced to basic colours and shapes (circle, square,

triangle, rectangle). Please take every opportunity to name and match

colours and to look for, and name shapes around the home.

The children will be introduced to numbers from 0-10. Please help your

child to count objects and look for numbers on doors and pages of books,

etc. Letter sounds will be also be introduced throughout the year.

Your support at home will help to give your child the best start to their

education. You can help your child by playing simple

games like ‘I Spy’.

There will also be topic related items your child may

bring home for you to complete together.

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How can I help to prepare my child for the nursery school?

As your child starts the nursery school it will be helpful if you can

encourage your child to learn some of the following things.

1. Sit down to share food and


2. Help Take off his/her coat,

gloves and hat and hang them


3. Use the toilet properly,

flush it and wash and dry his/her


4. Use a handkerchief.

5. Tidy away his/her toys.

6. Share his/her toys and be

prepared to take turns.

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Settling your child into the nursery class

Every child is an individual. Nobody can be sure how a child will react to

starting nursery. Some children will settle quickly, while others will need

more reassurance. Please be prepared to stay with your child initially to

ensure the settling in period is a successful one.

We can help this period by allowing a three 1h visiting sessions at

designated times to help your child familiarize themselves with the

setting whilst you are present

Hopefully by doing these visits regularly before your child attends, you

and your child will be happy and able to enjoy your time at Middleton

Nursery School. Don’t hesitate to speak to staff if you have any queries or

concerns during this time.

We do not take all the children in at once, but a few at a time, so that we

can give them extra care and attention.

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What will your child need in nursery class?

1. Suitable clothes

Things that you don’t mind getting dirty. Accidents do happen.

Clothes that your child can easily manage when going to the toilet.

2. A named coat

Part of the curriculum is daily outdoor play.

3. A pair of sensible, wellington boots and shoes e.g. trainers (not flip

flops) that your child can put on and take off themselves.

4. A spare set of clothing including underwear.

To be kept in the bag on your child’s peg in case of an accident.

5. A named sun hat for sunny days.

6. If your child uses nappies or training

pants please provide these in your child’s

bag with nappy cream if needed.



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The Nursery Class Library

The nursery class has a library from which your child will be encouraged to

borrow books each day. You may wish to help him/her choose a book.

Please take care of the book when it comes home. If a book is lost it will

need to be paid for so that it can be replaced.

There will be a sheet of paper with your child’s name on it in the nursery

class for you to write down the title of the book you have borrowed.

Enjoy the books with your child. Sharing books is not just reading to your

child. Look at the pictures. Discuss the story. Ask your child what they

think will happen next.


Please do not send a drink to school. The children will be provided with a

drink of milk or water.


Your child will have the opportunity to take part in a number of cooking

and tasting activities. We ask for a contribution of £1 per term in order

to buy ingredients, etc.


During the session, your child will be encouraged to have a snack of fruit.

There is no charge for this.

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To Help Us

1. No jewellery or tattoos are allowed in the nursery class for safety

reasons, with the exception of stud earrings.

2. Do not bring toys from home or food to the nursery class.

3. Please do not send your child to the nursery class if they are unwell.

In case of illness

Please let us know if your child is sick and will not be coming to the

nursery class. If your child has been sick, please keep them at home for

48 hours afterwards. Notification of any absence will be required when

your child returns to nursery school.

If your child needs medicine during nursery hours a medicine form will

need to be completed and all medicine needs to be labeled clearly with the

child’s full name.

Nursery staff will have some first aid training and there is always a

qualified First-Aider on duty in school.

Parents will always be informed of any accidents or incidents (which will be

recorded in our accident/incident book). If we are in any doubt about an

injury, parents will be contacted immediately.

Please make sure that we have an up to date

Emergency Telephone Number

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School-Home Partnership


We believe that your child’s success and happiness depends upon a good

partnership between the nursery and home. If you have any concerns

please do not hesitate to talk to the staff. We want your child to be

settled, secure and happy in the nursery class.

Keeping in touch

Please look at the notice board and Learning Platform for forthcoming

events and other information.

You can phone the Nursery during operational hours on 0161 653 8586.

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Moving up to pre-school Class

Middleton Nursery School will advance your child to the next class when

the time arrives, you will be asked to fill out the relevant forms and begin

the introduction process.

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Full week £150.00

Full day £35.00

Morning 7:30am to 1pm £25.00

Afternoon 1pm to 6:30pm £25.00

Per hour £4.95


Full week £160.00

Full day £40.00

Morning 7:30-1pm £30

Afternoon 1pm-6:30 £30

Per hour £5.50

Please note meals will be charged at £2.50 per day