microworld direct-mail


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Page 2: MicroWorld Direct-mail

MicroWorld Direct Mail : New tools for an innovative social involvement

MicroWorld Direct Mail

MicroWorld Direct Mail offers new tools to highlight a 100% efficient CSR action. MicroWorld Direct Mail is an email mechanism that communicates on your innovative CSR initiative by encouraging your professional network, business partners, clients or employees, to be part of your action.

Supporting a social initiative by lending to micro-entrepreneurs

Highlighting your action with a dedicated webpage

- The email gives direct access to this page

- The opportunity to set-up a community that is open to your external contacts

- A CEO interview highlighting the CSR activity of your company

- An automatic loan counter to emphasize the social impact of your community

A full visibility of your investment and its impact on MicroWorld website

Dedicated page example

Engaging your network through an email

Targeted emails give your network the opportunity to choose micro-entrepreneurs to invest in on your behalf.

E-Mail example

- Loan to support micro-entrepreneurs are invested by your network through a pass included in the email.

- After each mail: According to the statistics, MicroWorld team adapts your emailing strategy.

- Can be used for any occasion celebrated by the company such as the group anniversary, christmas card...

Microcredit: A durable and efficient economic lever

- Microcredit allows individuals who are excluded from the traditional banking system to gain access to financial services in order to start or grow a small business.

- Not only does this allow them to develop an economic activity, it also gives them greater freedom and opportunity.

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MicroWorld Direct Mail : TWO Levels of visibility

TWO levels of visibility and impact for your Direct Mail campaigns

* If the total amount is not completely invested by your ‘Direct Mail’ beneficiaries, it will automatically be re-allocated to co-finance micro-entrepreneurs projects on MicroWorld.

MicroWorld will assist you in selecting the relevant criteria for your correspondence strategy. A bespoke programme for your CSR strategy.


LEVEL 2pRemium

You choose to support micro-entrepreneurs from 50K€ * through the Direct Mail Programme

You choose to support micro-entrepreneurs from 5K€ to 50K€* through the Direct Mail Programme

An innovative email campaign

Detailed Reporting on your loan investment

Detailed Statistics on your emailing campaign (email open rate, click-though rate, conversion rate, etc.)

Company logo on the Affiliated Partners page

An innovative email campaign

Detailed Reporting on your loan investment

Detailed Statistics on your emailing campaign (email open rate, click-though rate, conversion rate, etc.)

Company logo on the Affiliated Partners page

High level of visibility - Company logo on the image of each project supported

- A dedicated page for the company with a loan counter measuring your social impact

Invitations to a MicroShow* for clients of your choice. *MicroShows are exclusive live events where famous musicians perfom for a limited num-ber of MicroWorld lenders.

Specific to PREMIUM:

Your Loan Investment Your Loan Investment

The Direct Mail Benefits

Technical FeesTechnical Fees

The Direct Mail Benefits

2 900 €1 850 €

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Frédéric Vaulpré: Tèl: +331 49 21 29 87 / Mob: +336 31 68 75 33 / [email protected], rue de Prony 75017 Paris - www.microworld.org

MicroWorld Direct Mail : : an effective and simple communication tool

8 reasons to opt for the MicroWorld Direct Mail Programme

MicroWorld : an innovative social business

- MicroWorld is an internet platform that allows individuals and businesses to f inance the projects of micro-entrepreneurs around the world by making online loans to fight against poverty.

- MicroWorld is run as a social business combining a strong social mission with business methodology. The model is designed to maximise social impact through efficient, sustainable, and scalable business practices.

- MicroWorld selects MFIs with strong social impact, rigorous assessment of their micro-entrepreneurs, and strong policies to avoid over-indebtedness

- 15 days after its launch MicroWorld had more than 2000 members!

Mobilise your community with an innovative CSR strategy and reinforce your company image Offer to your employees the chance to become involved in a sustainable, social activity Develop loyalty amongst your clients by giving them the opportunity to support a social cause in an innovative way through your company View and support microfinance projects on the web with immediate results Benefit from high visibility on Microworld website and promote key values : dignity, responsibility and durability A loan is a not a donation. The loans will be 100% refunded to your company within 6 to 18 months Organise effective campaigns on a sustainable basis by re-investing the amount you first invested. Campaign 100% managed by our team









Some Existing Partners of MicroWorld