microsoft workspace step by step guide january 2015

Microsoft WorkSpace Step by Step Guide January 2015

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Page 1: Microsoft WorkSpace Step by Step Guide January 2015

Microsoft WorkSpaceStep by Step Guide

January 2015

Page 2: Microsoft WorkSpace Step by Step Guide January 2015

The WorkSpace is a new web application and analysis program designed to help bridge the gap between the technical part of running an engagement and understanding the customer’s licensing footprint.

The steps outlined in this guide will lead you through the steps a Partner User would take to create an Established Deployment Position report. Follow the instructions in the green arrows to find your way through this new process.



2 EDP Creation 3 ELP Creation1 Pre-Processing: CIDC Creation

WorkSpace Azure

User web browser

Upload raw inventory


UploadCIDC with no PII

DownloadEDP with no PII

Upload MLS/other


Mark EDPas final

Mark ELPas finalValidate

& cleanValidate, consolidate

& reportValidate& report

Iterate untilfinal

PII Encryption

Iterate untilfinal

Iterate untilfinal

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Sign in page

Sign into the WorkSpace

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Microsoft account access page

This page is to allow the WorkSpace to store the email address used to login to the site in the future.

Click “Yes”

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EULA (partner admin)

If you are a WorkSpace Partner Admin, and this is your first time signing in, you will be presented with a EULA. This is for WorkSpace Steps 2 – 3. Step 1 can be handled in a few ways, one of which is linked in the WorkSpace Engagement chevrons to a 3rd party site.

Check the boxClick “Register”

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WorkSpace landing page (partner user)

This is the landing page once you have signed into the WorkSpace. At any point, click the “WorkSpace” text in the header to be brought back to this page.

Click the “Manage Engagements” tile to get started on an Engagement.

Click “Manage Engagements” tile

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WorkSpace landing page (partner admin)

This is the landing page once you have signed into the WorkSpace. At any point, click the “WorkSpace” text in the header to be brought back to this page.

The first tile, “Manage Partner Organizations”, will be covered at the end of this presentation. For now, click the “Manage Engagements” tile to get started on an Engagement.

Click “ManageEngagements” tile

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Engagement dashboard

To get started, pick an engagement that has the status “Not Started”. Pick it by clicking the drop down arrow to the right of the engagement name, and then click “Manage Engagement”.

1. Click the caret near an Engagement with the Status “Not Started”

2. Click “Manage Engagement

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Engagement dashboard

The first time any user selects “Manage Engagement” for a particular engagement, a CPE Survey is required. There is one survey per engagement. Complete the questions and click “Save & Continue” to get to the Engagement steps.

Enter the customer information

Answer survey questions

Click “Save & Continue”

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Engagement chevron steps

These are the steps available in the WorkSpace.• Step 1, Pre-Processing: This step will take you to a 3rd party site to create a CIDC. There are other toolsets in development

for CIDC creation, and there is also the option of manually creating the CIDC. If choosing manual, click on Step 2 to download the CIDC template.

• Step 2, Established Deployment Position: This is where the encrypted CIDC is uploaded and EDP generated. The Analyzer is also available here.

• Step 3, Effective License Position: This is where EDP report is generated, and is not available until an EDP report is finalized.


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Step 1: Pre-processing

After clicking Step 1, a warning will pop up to tell you that you are leaving a Microsoft site. No data will be passed between the sites.

Click “Continue”

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Step 1: Sign in

This page is a third party toolset to help you complete step 1 of the WorkSpace. Click Sign in to sign in or sign up. Until sign in, only the Learn tile is available.

Click “Sign in”

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Step 1: Sign in

Click Microsoft to login. You will need to use a Microsoft Account.

Click “Microsoft”

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Step 1: Sign in

This page is to allow WorkSpace– Step 1 to send notifications to an appropriate corporate email. There is also a checkbox for accepting this site’s EULA.

Enter a contact email, check the box, and click “Register”

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Step 1: Sign in complete

Note that all the tiles are now in color, and can be clicked now that you have signed in.

Click “Learn”

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Step 1: Learn

Note that all the tiles are now in color, and can be clicked now that you have signed in.

Click “Download Toolkit”

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Step 1: WorkSpace Discovery Tool

Run the set up file. Click “Run anyway” to any error that may come up.

Click “Run anyway”

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Step 1: WorkSpace Discovery Tool

Once you have downloaded, installed, and opened the WorkSpace Discovery Toolkit, you should arrive here: at the Start Here page in the Toolkit. The toolkit connects to various inventory tools and extracts data from them. The toolkit outputs different types of XML files, all referred to as ‘artifacts.’ The Inviso Step 1 site is designed to process all the different artifacts this tool outputs.

Click “Inventory Tool Connector”

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Step 1: WorkSpace Discovery Tool – MAP Toolkit

Here, we’re going to connect the WorkSpace Discovery Toolkit to a MAP database in order to generate an artifact. 1. Input the name of the server2. Input the name of the database within the

MAP tool that you wish to query.You can Test the Connection before attempting to run the query.

If you want to view the query before you run it, you can take a look at it in this query viewer section.

After successfully generating an artifact, you can view it here by opening the output folder. This .xml file is what you will want to upload to the Step 1 site for processing.

Click “System Center Configuration Manager Data”

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Step 1: WorkSpace Discovery Tool - SCCM

Here, we’re going to connect the WorkSpace Discovery Toolkit to a SCCM database in order to generate an artifact. 1. Input the name of the server2. Input the name of the database within the

SCCM tool that you wish to query.You can Test the Connection before attempting to run the query.

If you want to view the query before you run it, you can take a look at it in this query viewer section.

After successfully generating an artifact, you can view it here by opening the output folder. This .xml file is what you will want to upload to the Step 1 site for processing.

Click “Custom Inventory”

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Step 1: WorkSpace Discovery Tool – Active Directory

You can also use the WorkSpace Discovery Tool to query custom inventories of Active Directory.

Click “VMware vCenter Data”

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Step 1: WorkSpace Discovery Tool – VMware vCenter

You can also use the WorkSpace Discovery Tool to query custom inventories of VMware vCenter data.

Close the window when inventory is complete

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Step 1: Sign in complete

Note: that all the tiles are now in color, and can be clicked now that you have signed in.

You can now upload the artifacts you created. To begin, click on the “Upload” tile.

Click “Upload”

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Step 1: Upload

Click “See/Add Artifacts” to upload artifacts, or see those already uploaded.

Click “See/Add Artifacts”

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Step 1: Upload artifact

If you come to this page right away, there are no current artifacts. Follow the steps to upload one.

3. Click “Upload”

2. Click “Browse” and select the file

1. Give a name to the artifact

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When the artifact status indicates ‘Succeeded’ data is ready to go, and you are ready to create a job that will create a CIDC. Click “Report” to do so.

Step 1: Report

Click “Report”

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To create a CIDC out of the artifacts you just uploaded begin by clicking “Create a New Job”. Note: the create a new job button will only appear once you have uploaded at least on artifact.

Step 1: Create a New Job

Click “Create a New Job”

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Step 1: Create a New Job

Create New Job

Name New Job

Pick Artifacts For Job

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Step 1: Report create download job

Jobs run on the artifacts you select and create reports. Click “Download CIDC report” to see the merger artifacts into the Clean Inventory Data contract.

Click “Download CIDC Report” and return to the WorkSpace

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Once a CIDC is ready, it will need to be run through an encryption app before being uploaded into the WorkSpace. The app will be available in the public Windows app store, with a link to the app in Step 2. Windows 8.1 is required to install and run the app.

CIDCs submitted not using the encryption process will not pass validation.

Options and PII Encryption

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Engagement dashboard

After visiting the Step 1 site, your engagement is now in the “Step 1: Pre-Processing” status. Click “Manage Engagement” to get to the Engagement chevrons to access Step 2.

1. Click the caret near an Engagement with the Status “Step 1: Pre-Processing”

2. Click “Manage Engagement

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Engagement chevron steps

Going back to the WorkSpace Engagement chevron, the next step in the process is to download the WorkSpace Encryption app to encrypt your CIDC before uploading the CIDC to Step 2. Click on the second chevron to begin.


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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Manage CIDC

Click “Data Encryption App”

Select the link “Data Encryption App” to install the WorkSpace Encryption app. Once installed, launch the application.

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Encrypt CIDC

The first time the app is launched, there is a Welcome screen fly out. This text includes the instructions for using the app. Click the “<<“ to close the fly out. Once closed, the app will launch with the page minimized until “>>” is clicked to expand the fly out.

Click to minimize

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Encrypt CIDC

Select a CIDC to encrypt by clicking the “Browse” button under the Encryption tile section.

Click to browse for your CIDC.

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Encrypt CIDC

Browse to the CIDC created in the Step 1 site and click the “Open” button.

Click “Open” after selecting the CIDC

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Encrypt CIDC

Decide on a password that meets the complexity requirements, re-enter it, and click “Encrypt”. This will start the Encryption process.

Note: The password will not be stored anywhere. You must remember the password or store it yourself. There is no limitation to using the same password on other CIDCs.

Click “Encrypt” after entering and re-entering a password

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP)- Encrypt CIDC

Browse to the folder where the Encrypted CIDC will be stored for you to upload later and click “Save”.

Click “Save” after browsing to the folder

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Encrypt CIDC

After encryption, your CIDC is ready for upload to the Microsoft WorkSpace site. Click the hyperlink “Upload the CIDC file >” to return to the WorkSpace.

See recently encrypted CIDCs and their locations on your computer in “Encryption History”

Click “Upload the CIDC file >” to create an EDP in the WorkSpace

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Manage CIDC

Back in the WorkSpace, Step 2, under your engagement, click the “Upload” button to select your encrypted CIDC.

Click “Upload”

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Upload CIDC

1. Click “Browse…” and select the file

2. Click “Upload CIDC”

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Manage CIDC

Once uploaded, the Status will update as the CIDC is processed.

The status will auto-refresh

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Manage CIDC

If your CIDC fails to match with the accepted data values, data types, or other inconsistencies, the CIDC will show a status of “Validation Failed”. Click the caret next to the status to download the Error Report. Note, however, that any changes made to an encrypted CIDC will void the encryption token. You must change the original, unencrypted CIDC and run that CIDC through the Encryption app before uploading again for validation. Check the footer link, “Product & Program Definitions”, for acceptable CIDC values.

Click “Download Error Report”

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Manage CIDC

Click the “MANAGE EDP DATA” tab to see EDP reports created from your CIDCs.


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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Manage EDP

Click the caret next to the EDP report you wish to review, and select “Download EDP Report” to decrypt using the Encryption app.

Click the caret near the EDP Report name and click “Download EDP Report”

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Decrypt EDP

After opening the WorkSpace Encryption app, click the “Browse” button under the Decryption tile section to select an EDP report to decrypt.

Click the “Browse” button to select an EDP report to decrypt

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) - Decrypt EDP

Select an EDP report and click the “Open” button

Browse to the folder where the Encrypted EDP is stored and click “Open”.

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Decrypt EDP

Enter the same password used to encrypt the corresponding CIDC that was used to generate the EDP Report in order to decrypt the EDP. The application is not able to validate what is the correct password as it is not stored in the system. Any password entered will result in the application trying to decrypt the file.

Enter the password and click “Confirm”

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Decrypt EDP

Select a folder for the EDP report and click the “Save” button

Browse to the folder where the Decrypted EDP will be stored and click “Open”.

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Decrypt EDP

The “Decryption History” tile now shows the EDP report you have decrypted and its location on your computer. You can review all the details of the EDP with your customer and obtain their agreement before going into the WorkSpace – Step 2 chevron and finalizing the EDP report.

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Finalize EDP

Back in the WorkSpace– Step 2 page for your engagement, click the caret next to the corresponding EDP report you and your customer consider “final”, and select “Finalize Report” to complete Step 2 – EDP.

Click the caret near the EDP Report name and click “Finalize Report”

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Finalize EDP

Finalizing an EDP cannot be undone. If changes must be made, a Microsoft user will have to create a new engagement.

Check the box and click “Finalize”

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Analyzer

The Analyzer can be used to provide analysis. Download it and the Analyzer User Guide to run through the steps for analyzing your decrypted EDP reports.

Download the Analyzer to upload decrypted EDPs.

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Step 2: Established Deployment Position (EDP) – Finalize EDP

Once you have finalized an EDP Report, you are able to continue to Step 3 – ELP. Click the third chevron to begin your final step.

Click “Step 3 – ELP”

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Step 3: Effective License Position (EDP) – Manage MLS

Step 3 – ELP is similar to the Step 2 – EDP as far as look and feel. To get to an ELP, you must first upload an MLS. Click “Upload” to select an MLS report.

Click “Upload”

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Step 3: Effective License Position (EDP) – Manage MLS

Use the pop up button “Browse” to select your MLS, and “Upload MLS” to upload the MLS.

1. Click “Browse”

2. Click “Upload MLS”

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Step 3: Effective License Position (EDP) – Manage MLS

1. To append the MLS with other license data not captured in an MLS, click on the “MANAGE OTHER DATA” tab.2. If there is no more additional license data, click on the “MANAGE ELP” tab.


2. Click “MANAGE ELP”

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Step 3: Effective License Position (EDP) – Manage Other Data

To get started adding other data, click the “Download Other Data Template” link to create an “Other Data Report”. Once the report is ready, click the “Upload” button.

1. Select “Download Other Data Template”

2. Click “Upload”

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Step 3: Effective License Position (EDP) – Manage Other Data

Use the pop up button “Browse” to select your Other Data report, and “Upload Other Data” to upload the Other Data report.

1. Click “Browse”

2. Click “Upload Other Data”

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Step 3: Effective License Position (EDP) – Manage Other Data

Once passed validation, the Other Data report will generate a new ELP. If additional Other Data reports are uploaded, the most recent will auto-generate another ELP. You cannot create an ELP with only an Other Data report. You must also upload an MLS.

Once all license information is included in your latest upload, click the “MANAGE ELP” tab.


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Step 3: Effective License Position (EDP) – Manage ELP

On the “MANAGE ELP” tab, you can download ELP reports. Note that there are two reports, the first based off of the MLS upload, and the second which incorporated the Other Data Report and the MLS. Once you have reviewed the ELP Report with your customer and have agreed to the report details, choose “Finalize ELP Report” to complete the engagement in the WorkSpace.

1. Select “Download ELP Report”

2. Select “Finalize ELP Report”

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The final slides only apply to Partner Administrators, and the steps outlined will show how to invite Partner Users to a Partner Organization.

Manage Partner Org (partner admin)

Click to go to the next slide

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WorkSpace landing page (Partner Admin)

Click “Manage Partner Organizations” tile

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Partner organization dashboard

Click the caret next to the Partner Organization Name

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User management

Click “Edit”

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Invite users

Click “Users”

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Invite users

2. Click “Users”

1. Review current partner admins

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Invite users

2. Click “Invite”

1. Review current partner users

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Invite users

Enter the first name

Enter the last name

Enter a Microsoft Account

Select a user role

Click “Send Invitation”

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Thank [email protected]