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Here are some information about Beatles. Complete the text with the following verbs. Use the past simple, positive or negative. be (5x) know play (3x) join die (2x) start (2x) appear see meet become (2x) give (2x) have (2x) hold scream weep go (2x) buy make fade split The four Beatles - John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr - 1)__________ all born in Liverpool. John, Paul and George 2)__________ each other at school and 3)__________ together in a guitar-based rock band called "The Quarrymen" in 1959. They 4)__________ in their late teens. Ringo Starr 5)__________ the group untill 1962, after Stuart Sutcliffe, "the fifth Beatle", 6)__________. John, Paul and George 7)__________ rhythm, lead and bass guitars. Ringo 8)__________ the drums. The Beatles 9)__________ their career at the Cavern Club in Liverpool. They first 10)__________ there without Ringo on 21st february 1961. On 9th november, Brian Epstein, a local record shop owner, 11)_____ The Beatles at a lunchtime session. He 12)_____ them and a month later he 13)__________ their manager. Brian Epstein 14)__________ The Beatles a new image - the famous Beatles suits and Beatles haircuts.

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Past Simple & The Beatles


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Here are some information about Beatles. Complete the text with the following verbs. Use the past simple, positive or negative.

be (5x) know play (3x) join die (2x) start (2x) appear see meet become (2x) give (2x) have (2x) hold scream weep go (2x) buy make fade split

The four Beatles - John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr - 1)__________ all born in Liverpool. John, Paul and George 2)__________ each other at school and 3)__________ together in a guitar-based rock band called "The Quarrymen" in 1959. They 4)__________ in their late teens. Ringo Starr 5)__________ the group untill 1962, after Stuart Sutcliffe, "the fifth Beatle", 6)__________. John, Paul and George 7)__________ rhythm, lead and bass guitars. Ringo 8)__________ the drums.

The Beatles 9)__________ their career at the Cavern Club in Liverpool. They first 10)__________ there without Ringo on 21st february 1961. On 9th november, Brian Epstein, a local record shop owner, 11)_____ The Beatles at a lunchtime session. He 12)_____ them and a month later he 13)__________ their manager. Brian Epstein 14)__________ The Beatles a new image - the famous Beatles suits and Beatles haircuts.

In 1963 the group 15)_____ their first Number 1 hit record in the UK charts with their single, Please Please Me. They 16)__________ their first US concert on 11th February 1964. By April 1964 The Beatles 17)__________ top of the UK singles and album charts and they 18)_____ the top five places in the US charts.

The next two years 19)__________ the high point of Beatlemania. Girls 20)__________ and 21)__________ when they 22)_____ to Beatles' concerts. Everybody 23)__________ their records. By 1966 The Beatles 24)_____ eight more Number 1 hit singles and five Number 1 albums.

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In 1967 The Beatles 25)_____ their most creative album, Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. In the same year they 26)_____ to India and 27)__________ followers of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. From then on, nothing 28)_____ ever quite the same. Gradually, Beatlemania 29)__________ and, in 1968, the four Beatles 30)__________ to go to their different ways.. In 1971 they finally 31)_____ up.

But the music of The Beatles 32)__________ and it is still very popular today.