microsoft office powerpoint 2013 tutorial- selecting backgrounds

Backgrounds in PowerPoint j then press F5 or click Slide Show > From Beginning to start the course. In the message bar, click Enable Editing, If the videos in this course don’t play, you may need to download QuickTime or just switch to PowerPoint 2013 .

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1. Backgrounds in PowerPoint j then press F5 or click Slide Show > From Beginning to start the course. In the message bar, click Enable Editing, If the videos in this course dont play, you may need to download QuickTime or just switch to PowerPoint 2013. 2. 5 761 2 3 4 Course summary Help Press F5 to start, Esc to stop 1/4 videos Backgrounds in PowerPoint Closed captions Summary Feedback HelpQuick backgrounds Pictures and logos 4:59 2:483:23 1:22 In this course were going to work with backgrounds in PowerPoint.You could start with a theme that controls backgrounds, and colors, and fonts.But if you want to start from scratch, that's what were going to dig into.So here I have almost a blank slide and to get to the background menu I just right-click on my mouse.And I can see Format Background. Now, one thing, you want to make sure you click on the blank part of the slide. If I click on this image or I click over here on this text box I get a different menu when I right-click.So, some place with no element, right-click, Format Background, and it opens up this menu. Lets jump into Solid Fill. And we choose Let me just click on the fill color box and it gives me colors.Now, even though this is a blank presentation it has a theme. Its called the Office theme.And each theme has its own palette of colors. Thats why these are chosen.But you also can use Standard Colors or you can click More Colors.First there is a color wheel you can choose a color on.Or you can go up to Custom. Custom is great because you can plug in values.There is a thing called RGB colors and they have a number value.If you get those from your design team or you can plug those in and get the exact colorLets say for your company colors, you can put that in your PowerPoint.But, there's also a shortcut for that and this is new in PowerPoint 2013.Let me go over here to Color and go down to this Eyedropper tool and click that.And I move now the very tip of this eyedropper, if you put it on a color.One, if you rest in there, it shows you the RGB colors.But if you click it, there you go, it turns the background to that color, right from that image.Couple things about color. One don't be afraid to use white or black.I mean this is your background, it shouldn't be you know the star is your foreground of your presentation.Also if you use a strong color, its going to limit the color palette.I mean think about those PowerPoint we've seen where you had those blue, dark blue backgrounds.They put black text on them, it's really hard to read.Also if youre going to be in auditorium, some place dark where the audiences dark,make sure you use a dark or black background.Okay, lets go on. Lets show Gradient Fill. Click that and you can see it kind of blends light in color.In fact, the top part here's white and the color comes in at the bottom corner.Now if you look over the menu, there's tons of different ways you could fiddle with this as much as you want.Ill just show you a preset or two. If I click this box, now the light is at the bottom and the corners are dark.Finally we're going to show a Texture Fill.And, go down here to this box, this little box, that says Texture and shows you some premade ones.There's some marble, there's cloth, there's some other things you can use. This is a paper bag I kind of like.You click on that. Now one thing with a strong background is, as you can see, its hard to read text on that,so you can lighten it up with just this Transparency tool.Its a bar you just click on it and move it to get the lightness that you wanted.You can see which you want and and click and there you have it.If you like this for the background anytime that you like the background, you just go down here to Apply to All. And you can click that and it applies the background to all of the slides.Now, to do more with pictures and watermarks,we need to learn a little bit about the Slide Master and well do that in the next video. Slide Masters Removing 3. 5 761 2 3 4 Course summary Help Press F5 to start, Esc to stop 2/4 videos Backgrounds in PowerPoint Closed captions Summary Feedback Help If you want to go further into a backgrounds,you know to know a little bit about Slide Masters. Slide Masters are kind of a skeleton of your PowerPoint.You can view it at any time. On the Home menu, go over here to New Slide, and click on that.And you can see as there is a whole bunch of different slides in that Theme. They have different elements to them. And, that's great to use. Anytime you do a new slide, just dont copy or duplicate previous slide.You can use a new one here.Now you can edit those and that's what the master slide can do. Ill show you how to get to that.So, click up here in the Menu and click View.And, then click Slide Master. And now everything on the left-hand side is the Slide Master.You're not working on your presentation anymore, youre just working on Slide Masters.Let me make these a little bigger for you.So, you can change anything here and you can use those slides.This one on the top you want to be careful, its a little extra big, because its extra-special.Anything you put on this slide will appear in all the other slides. Again, you want to be careful with that.When you're done with Slide Master, just click here and Close Master View, and, you're back in your presentation. Well show you how to put something in there like a watermark in our next video. Quick backgrounds Pictures and logos 4:59 2:483:23 1:22 Slide Masters Removing 4. 5 761 2 3 4 Course summary Help Press F5 to start, Esc to stop 3/4 videos Backgrounds in PowerPoint Closed captions Summary Feedback Help So, here were going to show you a couple of different ways to use a picture background.A lot of people want to use as a watermark or even a logo.To do that as we talked about in the previous video you need to open up your Slide Master, so let's do that.Let's go over here to View and click Slide Master.And now again, the left-hand side - it's no longer presentation - its all Slide Masters.You could pick the top one and put something there but that would Anything you put here would be in all of your slides. I dont think you need logo on all of your slides, just maybe a few of them. Unless youre doing something for security. So Im going to pick this slide here I'm going to put something here.Now if youre doing something small, you just insert like a regular picture.Its not a backgroundits a little watermarkso lets say a logo.So, Insert, Pictures, you can grab them from online. Im going to grab them from my desktop here. Now Ill grab the logo. And, I can drag this around to where I want to, I just click the outside, and I can pull it down.Therere some guides pop up that kind of guide you in and tell you when you level with things Im going to put it right there. And this will appear anytime I choose this slide in my presentation.Ill show you that in just a moment but since Im here lets just add a picture.But were going to add a background picturethe whole width.So, to do thatwhat we want to do is right-click on the blank part of the slide, Format Background.Well come back over here to Picture or Texture fill.Except this time were going to choose the picture under File, and Im going to choose this picture.It might be something for, lets say, first slide for jumping off event.Or maybe this is a slide we use a lot in our advertising we want to useNow, its a pretty strong picture with a lot of colors.So, again, this is a background, we want to drop it down, its foreground thats important.So were going to take this Transparency bar and move that down quite of ways actually. Just so its subtlety there. Okay, and when Im done, Im going to Close Master View in the ribbon. And now Im back at my presentation. And here Im going to add a new slide. And here is the new slide I just made.So I can choose that one anytime I want the background with a logo.Now there is another way to use pictures that I think is a little bit for me its a lot of more fun.But I think its a vibrant way of doing it. Let me show you that.Im going to just insert a regular picture. Let me get a new slide here. A new blank slide.Okay, and then Im going to insert a picture. Im going to choose the same picture.Im going to change a few things here. Im going to close the Format menu here, by clicking the box.And then down here on the bottom right-hand corner.Thats the Zoom, thats its not controlling the slide, its controlling the work space.And what I want to do, I want to make this smaller. Now, the large white box, thats the slide itself with the picture. You can see what its going to look like here in the thumbnail on the left-hand side. So kind of watch both spaces. But what I want to do here. Is I want to take this picture and Im going to use an element of the picture.One of the things is I want to take one of these big beautiful pictures nowand if you have something that has a lot of quality to it, you can blow it up and it still looks really nice.So you kind of see what Im doing. I just want to grab an element of this picture.Just kind of the steps the kind of the action of the picture.And it has a nice big negative space here this cement, thats a great place to put text.So lets do that. Lets click Insert, Text Box.Ill just put a big text box in here. Let me type in something really quick. Let me pick a big font here.Something that you can read in the back row.So there I can put text and I can kind of see where its going to be if I look at the left side,if I look at the thumbnail at the same time.And now, lets show what it looks like when its fully done. There!Thats a great way, I think, to use a big vibrant picture with some actionthat its a background but still its now that kind of barely there.Its really vibrant and can really help to tell your story.In fact we can do even you want to do a little extra?Well do a little extra. Watch this. That new tool in PowerPoint 2013, the Eyedropper. Watch what I can do here. Im going to select the text and then this little mini menu pops up, and I can change the font color.So let me click on that. And here I can use the Eyedropper. And I can use any part of the picture, any color here. I can use, the green of the grass or the blue jeans. Im going to use a little bit of orange shirt and click that.And now my text blends a color from the picture right into the font. Thats pretty good looking slide.Well show you about removing backgrounds in PowerPoint in our next video. Quick backgrounds Pictures and logos 4:59 2:483:23 1:22 Slide Masters Removing 5. 5 761 2 3 4 Course summary Help Press F5 to start, Esc to stop 4/4 videos Backgrounds in PowerPoint Closed captions Summary Feedback Help For our last video were going to be talking about removing backgrounds in PowerPoint.Most of the time when people want to remove a background its because they were given a deck, they inherited a deck, maybe Well in this example: this Charity Ball & Action, lets say this is last years deck I'm in charge of this year.And I want to clean up the deck a little bit to give it a different look. Now is this a background I can change?Its not a solid background. Now one clue is you look at the left-hand sideAll those slide the backgrounds look the same with that stripe. And if I click under LayoutYou see all the slides, theyre all themed, so this is the theme Im dealing with. Not just a solid background.So to change the theme, I go up to Design.And, really you could change really quickly right here you can you see what you just put your mouse over each look. You can see what it looks like. It changes everything. But I'm going to just use a blank presentation so let me do that. And, use this one here, this Office theme, it changes the fonts a bit but it keeps the text,It keeps the pictures and I can start with a fresh background. Now, pictures here. This main picture here I want to change. Now watch this one when I click on it. As soon as I click the picture, I get this box around it thats selects the picture. So now I can move it around or I can just simply delete it. I'll do that. Now let me go down to this logo.Lets say this company doesn't notice anymore.So I want to get rid of this logo. I click on it but there's no box, nothing happens.The reason, and if you've been watching the videos you knowit's because of this image is not on this slide, its on the Slide Master.So I have to go in there to delete it. So let's go up to View. And, click Slide Master.And now the left-hand side, no longer my presentation its all the Slide Masters.and as you can see in the bottom right-hand corner there's a logo in each one of those slides.So let me go to the very top on this big master slide and there it is.So let me click on that to select it. And now on the right-hand side Im going to choose this logo.Again, anything on this main slide will be on the others slides.So if I go down here to the logo and click it, now I get the box. So now Ive selected it. I simply delete it.In fact let me show you that again.If you look on the left-hand side of the thumbnails as soon as I delete it,itll disappear from all of the slides.When I'm done, click Close Master View and now I'm back.I have a very clean background and for me I'm ready to build the auctionThe Charity Ball & Auction for this year, make new backgrounds, make new pictures, and you know what?Ill going to invite you to come along. So you'll be going to the Charity Ball this year.I cant believe I did the double thumb. Quick backgrounds Pictures and logos 4:59 2:483:23 1:22 Slide Masters Removing 6. Help Course summary Press F5 to start, Esc to stop Course summaryBackgrounds in PowerPoint Summary Feedback Help 5 761 2 3 4 Quick backgrounds Pictures and logos 4:59 2:483:23 1:22 Slide Masters Removing Backgrounds: First steps If you want to start from scratch, just right-click on a blank part of the slide. Click Format Backgrounds. A menu appears on the right-hand side and you can use colors, pictures, or textures. Remember, this is the background of your presentation, so dont be afraid to use white or black. Dont let the background overwhelm your presentation. A bit about Slide Masters Watermarks and logos are often found in the PowerPoint Slide Master. If you dont know how to work with Slide Masters, youll need to learn about opening and closing them. To open the Slide Master, select View>Slide Master. Make sure you select the Close Master View button when you are done with changes. Picture backgrounds: Two methods Click Insert>Pictures to add images such as logos. To use pictures as a backgrounds, reduce transparency so text can be seen. Right-click a blank part of the slide. Click Format Backgrounds > Picture or texture fill, use the menu to change transparency. Removing backgrounds If you cant remove a background, it may be part of a theme. On the Home Tab, click the Layout button to see what the slides look like. You can change a theme by going to the Design tab and mousing over the different designs. The Office Theme is the simplest with a blank background. See also Where to find the buttons Insert a picture Webinar: Working with Photos in Office More training courses Office Compatibility Pack 7. Check out more courses Help Course summary Press F5 to start, Esc to stop Rating and comments Thank you for viewing this course! Please tell us what you think Summary Feedback Help 5 761 2 3 4 Quick backgrounds Pictures and logos 4:59 2:483:23 1:22 Slide Masters Removing 8. Help Course summary Press F5 to start, Esc to stop Help Summary Feedback Help 5 761 2 3 4 Using PowerPoints video controls Going places Stopping a course If you download a course and the videos dont play get the PowerPoint Viewer. the QuickTime player upgrade to PowerPoint 2013 Quick backgrounds Pictures and logos 4:59 2:483:23 1:22 Slide Masters Removing