microdomination - the 7 powerful characteristics of micro mavens

The 7 Powerful Characteristics of ‘Micro Mavens’ By Trevor Young - @trevoryoung

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Post on 10-May-2015



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Micro mavens are introduced in my book - microDOMINATION: How To Leverage Social Media and Content Marketing to Build a Mini-Business Empire Around Your Personal Brand (published by Wiley). I describe Micro mavens as a new breed of creative entrepreneur who use social media technologies to develop their platform, build their personal brand and their community of fans and followers, and grow their mini-business empire, often from the comfort of their home (or on the road somewhere). In this SlideShare presentation, I outline the seven powerful characteristics micro mavens share. What do they do regularly and consistently that sets them apart from the pack? What behaviours do they exhibit that contributes to the continued growth of their public profile and personal reputation and, ultimately, the development of their business? MORE - http://microdominationbook.com/


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The 7 Powerful Characteristics of ‘Micro Mavens’ By Trevor Young - @trevoryoung

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“Be consistently useful. Isn’t that the key to

influence anywhere?” JASON FALLS ~ @jasonfalls

Co-author No Bullshit Social Media

The 7 Powerful Characteristics of ‘Micro Mavens’

@trevoryoung | trevoryoung.me | microdominationbook.com

Jason Falls (right) with Trevor Young at BlogWorld LA

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@trevoryoung | trevoryoung.me | microdominationbook.com

The 7 Powerful Characteristics of ‘Micro Mavens’

MICRO MAVENS defined … Micro mavens are a new breed of creative entrepreneur who use social media technologies to develop their platform, build their personal brand and their community of fans and followers, and grow their mini-business empire, often from the comfort of their home or on the road somewhere. They’re at once digitally smart, self sufficient and generous with their knowledge and experience. Examples covered in the book microDOMINATION include Gary Vaynerchuk, Jonathan Fields, Danielle LaPorte, Chris Guillebeau, Trey Ratcliff, Marie Forleo, Darren Rowse, Chris Brogan, Natalie Sisson, Brian Solis, Mari Smith, Mignon Fogarty and Cliff Ravenscraft. You may not be aware of these names, but within their particular sector or niche they are well known, highly respected and very influential.

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@trevoryoung | trevoryoung.me | microdominationbook.com

The 7 Powerful Characteristics of ‘Micro Mavens’

Here are the seven powerful

characteristics of MICRO MAVENS

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1. The Power of Authenticity The art of keeping it real! When it comes to micro mavens, what you see is what you get. Of course, this is the antithesis of how TV and film celebrities operate, where everything about them tends to be planned, staged and highly ‘airbrushed’! Authenticity can be a powerful strategy: •  Taking people ‘behind the velvet rope’

of your life and your business builds a greater sense of connection.

•  Adhering to high degrees of openness and transparency builds trust.

•  Showing your authentic self consistently online as well as IRL (in real life) strengthens your personal brand.

The 7 Powerful Characteristics of ‘Micro Mavens’

@trevoryoung | trevoryoung.me | microdominationbook.com

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The 7 Powerful Characteristics of ‘Micro Mavens’

2. The Power of Blogging A well-maintained blog (or content hub) sits pretty close to the core of the micro maven brand – it’s the foundation of their business and the digital heart of their personal and professional brand. A blog …

•  Helps you get found online. •  Ensures you have a steady stream of

content to share via social networking sites.

•  Gives your fans something to share online with their friends and followers.

•  Provides a platform from which to promote your products and services.

•  Helps you gain clarity around your thoughts, opinions and ideas.

@trevoryoung | trevoryoung.me | microdominationbook.com

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3. The Power of Social Participation Micro mavens understand the power, context and nuance of the social web – they get the fact that participating on social networks with enthusiasm and authenticity can build your profile, your reputation as well as your business. Social media helps micro mavens in numerous ways: •  Engaging with new fans and

followers (and staying in touch with existing ones).

•  Increasing their reach globally no matter where they are in the world.

•  Building relationships with media and key influencers.

•  Engendering trust and enhancing their personal influence.

The 7 Powerful Characteristics of ‘Micro Mavens’

@trevoryoung | trevoryoung.me | microdominationbook.com

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@trevoryoung | trevoryoung.me | microdominationbook.com

The practice of solving people’s problems by consistently creating and distributing free content has been described by best selling business author BRIAN SOLIS as “relentless giving”. Relentless giving is an attitude that sets micro mavens apart from the ‘also-rans’ and the ‘wannabes’. It takes time, energy and not inconsiderable effort to get up every day and consistently deliver value to your community (without the expectation of anything in return). Micro mavens give relentlessly by: •  Teaching and sharing ideas. •  Responding to people’s queries. •  Creating content of high value.

The 7 Powerful Characteristics of ‘Micro Mavens’

4. The Power of Relentless Giving

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The 7 Powerful Characteristics of ‘Micro Mavens’

@trevoryoung | trevoryoung.me | microdominationbook.com

5. The Power of Building a Community This is where micro mavens really come into their own (and where the real smart marketing begins). Firstly, the micro maven attracts an audience by providing compelling content via their blog or podcast; they then turn that audience into a tribe of passionate fans and followers, a community of advocates who will over time: •  Share the micro maven’s content with their own

personal networks. •  Amplify the micro maven’s opinions and ideas

through conversation, making them an integral part of their worldview.

•  Talk about them in glowing terms, including recommending their products and services.

•  And importantly, buy their stuff, thus keeping them in business!

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6. The Power of Generating Revenue from Multiple Sources

•  Speaking, training, coaching. •  Running their own events or online membership sites. •  Developing and selling their own training and information products. •  Writing books or selling blog sponsorship packages to advertisers. •  Becoming paid advocates or ambassadors for companies and brands.

The 7 Powerful Characteristics of ‘Micro Mavens’

@trevoryoung | trevoryoung.me | microdominationbook.com

The micro maven business model is highly diversified. While some might parlay their personal brand into a traditional bricks-and-mortar business (such as a consulting firm with an office and staff), more likely they will remain virtual and generate revenue from endeavours such as …

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The 7 Powerful Characteristics of ‘Micro Mavens’

@trevoryoung | trevoryoung.me | microdominationbook.com

“Today’s empire of one has to have a diversified business model… your blog is just one extension of what you do,” says Lisa Stone, co-founder and CEO of blogher.com (on-stage at BlogWorld LA 2011 with Mitch Joel and Deanna Brown).

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The 7 Powerful Characteristics of ‘Micro Mavens’

@trevoryoung | trevoryoung.me | microdominationbook.com

7. The Power of Pressing the Flesh While micro mavens are active in the virtual world, don’t think for one moment they sit in front of their computer in the basement all day, wearing pyjamas. Micro mavens understand the power of online social media is in the relationships you build with people offline. That’s why they invest time: •  Attending conferences and events connecting

with fans and followers. •  Touring heavily (including to out-of-the-way

places) when promoting a book. •  Organising informal meetups to ‘press the flesh’

with readers of their blog, or listeners of their podcast.

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The 7 Powerful Characteristics of ‘Micro Mavens’

@trevoryoung | trevoryoung.me | microdominationbook.com

When his first book Crush It was launched, social media celebrity and entrepreneurial micro maven GARY VAYNERCHUK hit the road undertaking what he called the ‘Hudson Hustle Tour’. He visited Hudson News & Bookseller outlets in six airports within a 24-hour period, taking advantage of the opportunity to meet and chat with his growing legion of fans and followers. <<< Gary Vaynerchuk shakes hands with a new fan at his Crush It! book signing at Dallas Fort Worth airport. PIC – Matt Sitomer, Vaynermedia

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@trevoryoung | trevoryoung.me | microdominationbook.com

1.  Develop your platform 2.  Build your brand 3.  Grow your business 4.  Live your dream

Become  a  micro  maven  

The 7 Powerful Characteristics of ‘Micro Mavens’

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About TREVOR YOUNG Trevor is an author, speaker, consultant and adviser on using social media and content marketing to build your business and personal brand. He is a former journalist with two decades’ experience in public relations and marketing communications. Follow Trevor on Twitter - @trevoryoung