michael bettaney, also known as michael malkin - a spook in the cpgb

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An article by Dr. Larry O'Hara about CPGB-PCC (Weekly Worker), from Notes from the Borderland, issue 4, winter 2001-2002.http://www.borderland.co.uk/index.php/home-mainmenu-1/about/27-issues/32-issue4.html




    swards the end of 2000, myself andother anti-fascists becameincreasingly concerned at the

    activities of Terry Liddle, then a GreenParty member, who was seeking to entangleGreens and Leftists in working politicalalliances with open racists and fascists,Eventually, after an enquiry, Liddle wasasked to leave the Green Party because hecould not provide a consistent andsatisfactory explanation for playing footsiewith fascists. At the height of thiscontroversy, Weekly Worker, paper of the'Communist Party of Great Britain' cameout openly in support of Liddle (not even amember), and used their influence toprevent the Socialist Alliance (unlikeGreens) even investigating Liddle [1],Being Stalinists, they did not print GreenAnarchist's reply to their attacks, nor mineto one from Liddle [2]. The CPGB'sdefence of Liddle was so strenuous, andevidence-free, it led me to wonder exactlywhy they might be doing this. Was Liddleenjoying the protection of a state asset orassets inside the CPGB. A chilling thought,but one at least in principle worthy ofconsideration because the CPGB have inthe ranks a former MI5 officer, MichaelBettaney, using the name Michael Malkin.


    Bettaney was perhaps the mostsignificant MI5 defector of recenttimes. Hejoined MI5 in September1975 and after training worked inNorthernIreland between June 1976 and September1978. He then worked in MI5'sinternational 'counter-terrorism' section, tillSeptember 1980, then MI5's trainingsection till December 1982. FromDecember 1982 he worked in the MI5 (K)section countering the KGB, remainingthere until his arrest in September 1983.Bettaney's arrest was triggered by the factthat sometime in 1982 he became sodisillusioned as to think he should givesecrets to the USSR. In April 1983 he firstcontacted the KGB's Head of Londonstation, offering him names of MIS agentsand other choice morsels. Anatoly Gouk,his contact, believed these approaches ahoax, and never met Bettaney. He did,however, tell his Deputy. Oleg Gordievsky,an MI6 asset. He told the British who sooncaught Bettaney. He went on trial in 1984,resulting in a 23 year prison sentence.Bettaney was an unusual defector becausehis motivations were primarily ideological,not financial. So far, therefore, whileBettaney would not win prizes for politicalliteracy (genuine socialists saw through theUSSR as far back as 1956 at least, if not thePrague Spring of 1968), a believable tale.

    Notes Froz.


    Hailing from a working classbackground, Bettaney won a placeat Oxford University in 1969, and

    from then on things went downhill.According to Private Eye (house magazineof the Oxbridge elite) Bettaney was "knownto all his friends at Oxford as a fascist loon,striding about the quads giving fascistsalutes and inviting the future leaders of thenation back to his room for a rendering ofthe Horst Wessel" [3]. Such exhibitionismhelped him blend into his surroundings, oras the 1985 Security Commission Report(hereafter SCR) into his case coyly stated"his extra-curricular activities whilst atOxford centred on the Officer TrainingCorps" [4],Given this Report (SCR) will feature inthisarticle, it is worth noting Bettaney"indicated he welcomed this opportunity ofa discussion with the Commission" (p.5).He first met them on 26th November 1984,13 days after his appeal was dismissed. Hedid not spill his guts just to the Commissioneitheras early as July 1984 one report saidhis statements to Special Branch filled 170pages [5], So, whatever he may (or maynot) have learnt from the IRA, counter-interrogation technique clearly wasn'tamong it. Pertinently, Bettaney has nevermade any specific public refutation of facteoutlined in the report using his own name-so until he does we must presume heaccepts it as a factual record. Simultaneouswith being a Communist (by 1983 that is)Bettaney saw himself as a Catholic. GivenLiberation Theology, that juxtaposition isnot as ludicrous as itmight seem to some.

    Bettaney's criminal record and personalbehaviour pattern are of some relevance inwhat follows, so Ishall briefly rehearsethem. In 1970 he was convicted of fare-dodging on British Rail (SCR p.7). On hisvery first posting (in Northern Ireland) hebegan drinking heavily (SCR p.12) and wasagain warned about excessive drinking inMay 1981 (p.13). On 11/10/82 he wasarrested by two WPCs for being "so drunkhe was able to stand unaided" and the nextday pleaded guilty in court to being drunkin a public place & was fined (p.14). On19/10/82 he was again caught fare-dodgingand pleaded guilty incourt to this 11/11/82.In July 1982 and July 1983, Bettaney gotdrunk at parties and came out with suchgems as "I'm working for the wrong side","come and see me in my dacha when Iretire" & so on (SCR p.17). Apart fromshowing him to be very partial to unlimiteddrinking, the above points to Bettaney as aweak tortured individual, not at ease withhimself. An object of pity, really. Thathowever, is not the whole of it


    G!iven the pivotal importance oft Irelandto the Britishruling class ingeneral, and secret state inparticular, it is no surprise the Security-Commission Report did not even admitBettaney had worked in Ireland,examination of that being inan unpublishedappendix. From other sources though,tantalising fragments of Bettaney's Irishactivities, using the name Edmondsemerge. His immediate boss in NorthernIreland was Stella Rimington, indirectlyalluded to in SCR (p.16) but they changeher gender, and Rimingtonbeing Bettaney'sboss is one more detail omitted from herrecent autobiography [6].

    Bettaney himself handled a number ofagents, of whom we only know the name ofone, Willy Carlin. Carlin became very closeto Martin McGuinness of Sinn Fein and(according to himself) helped influenceMcGuinness' political evolution [7]. Whileon remand in Brixton jail, Bettaney isbelieved to have passed on sufficient detailsto IRA prisoners as to enable them tonarrow enquiries down to Carlin, whoescaped with minutes to spare. Itmay wellbe that Bettaney gave Carlin away out ofideological motives, although there is apotentially more troubling reason. MightBettaney have feared Carlin knew about hisown personal operations in Ireland and wastherefore a liability?Ionly ask.

    There is a vague parallel (Iput it no higher)between Bettaney's known career inIrelandand that of SAS provocateur Robert Nairac,who prided himself on 'local knowledge'and posing as a Republican infiltrated suchcircles. Simultaneously, Nairac carried outplausibly deniable operations includingmurderMs gun was used at the sectarianmurder of Catholics at the Miami ShowBand massacre in 1975 [8], Bettaney (likeNairac) apparently affected IrishRepublican sympathies and beganwandering alone into Republican areas.This may have just been foolhardiness, butwas there something more to it? MarkUrban, in a 1992 book, reports this(sourced) allegation. Apparently "Bettaneylater told colleagues inLondon that he hada number of close escapes in Ulster. Once,he said, he had narrowly avoided beingcaught in a bomb blast. On anotheroccasion he claimed to have hidden in onepart of the house as paramilitaries broke thekneecaps of someone suspected cf being aninformer" [9]. These are troublingfragments. Uunder what circurrrsrances wasBettaney present at both ejectsif treyhappened? Urban was untble t: :reply

    The Borderland SS-r-t 2:c--2X2

  • elsewhere. We ask the question ofsupposed revolutionary communistBettaney-what covert operations did heundertake, and did he indeed betray Carlinto the IRA? Carlin certainly thinks so [10],If Carlin (and others who allege this) arewrong, why does Bettaney not answerthem? Iask this not out of concern for MI5assets, but because it has a bearing onBettaney's previous activity in Ireland. Atthe time Carlin's cover was blown he wastrying to facilitate the move of Sinn Fein toa peaceful path. IfBettaney was prepared togive Carlin up to a presumed certain death,is it not reasonable to suspect that duringhis tour of dutv Bettaney might have beeninvolved in covert actions leading to themurder of MI5 targets? Isn't this what MI5do (or get others toV? Will not suspicionslinger as long as Bettaney does not comeclean on Ireland? Despite the plethora ofTV programmes and documentaries onIreland, Bettaney has never contributed anycredited interviews. Why not? After all,Bettaney has divulged selective details ofsome MI5 operationsfor instance thatthere was a high level asset in the NUMduring the 1984-5 strike [11],

    WHATIAM & AM NOT SAYINGIam not saying Bettaney never tried todefect to the USSR. Iam saying Bettaneyseems a volatile untrustworthy individualwho has over the years veered from oneextreme view to another, and for whombetrayal seems a constant companion.Certainly, Bettaney was imprisoned waybeyond when he could have got parole(1991), seven years in fact. Storiesrubbishing Bettaney were placed m themedia to delay his release [1Z]. However,this is not necessarily inconsistent with apossibility that towards the end of his timeinjail, Bettaney inight (just might) have cuta deal to avoid getting out even later thanhe d.id. This prospect only deservesconsideration because of concerns/questions arising from Bettaney's currentactivities within the CPGB. These are:

    1) Bettaney's use of pseudonymsGiven, as Bettaney says in an obscureinternet newsgroup "many individuals onthe left, one way or another, know myidentity", why stop all Weekly Workerreaders knowing exactly whose opinionshey are reading? It is disturbing even thisinternet post only happened due to priormention by Green Anarchist of Bettaney'spresence in the CPGB. In other words, itwas forced out, grudgingly. Thanks though.2) Bettaney's IrishoutputUsing the pseudonym Malkin (which hedoesn't deny is him) [13] Bettaney writesfrequently about Northern Ireland.However, in his columns a number of keyplayers' do not feature--MI5, Armyintelligence, MI6 and RUC Special Brancheven. Typical is a recent offering stating

    that "if at all the peace is threatened lies inthe hands of the orange paramilitaries andtheir political friends" [14], The only'friends' mentioned are Ulster Loyalists.Can Malkin & the CPGB explain thiscurious omission, indeed why a wordsearch on their internet paper archivesreveals no mention of Brian Nelson, FredHolroyd, Colin Wallace et al. In otherwords, a Northern Ireland without shadowystate agencies. Ludicrous (at best).3) The memoir question: inprincipleGiven Richard Tomlinson, StellaRimington and even David Shayler haveserved up autobiographies, why hasn'tBettaney too? After all does he not agreewith Weekly Worker, contributor MauriceBernal that "anything which casts even aminuscule ray of light on the work of thespecial services or which damages themcan only be good from the point of view ofour movement" (1/6/00). Does Bettaney notthink he (a supposed Marxist) might say atleast as much of interest as these three?

    4) The Official Secrets Act defenceIf Bettaney is barred by having signed theOfficial Secrets Act from commenting onsensitive security matters, why did Malkinwrite in Weekly Worker (31/5/01)rubbishing allegations MI6 might haveinfiltrated UKIP (see p.26-8 of thismagazine) in terms that strongly implyknowledge of secret state workings?Specifically, Imean the assertion "it israther hard to imagine the head ofMI6...ordering [people] to penetrate UKIP.Even those whose knowledge of thesecurity services is acquired from readingspy memoirs and John Le Carre novelsknow this is not how things are done". Howis it done Mr Bettaney, I'dlike to know. Oris Bettaney allowed/willing to write aboutthe secret state only on condition herubbishes the idea thev intervene in politicstoday, whether in Ireland, UKIP orelsewhere? If so, why should we believehim? IfBettaney can write about MI6, whynot MIS? If Bettaney is constrained by theOfficial Secrets Act, why say in May 1998"my release becomes unconditional nextJanuary. Perhaps Iwill have something tosay then" [15].Why hasn't he?

    5) The output of MauriceBernalAn infrequent contributor to WeeklyWorker. Bernal has written about StellaRimington. twice (1/6/00 & 4/10/01).Bettaney by contrast has not mentioned her.Bernal's review of Rimington's bookconcurs with the misleading view that"communists and revolutionaries are nodoubt regarded currently as a very lowpriority" (4/10/01). Just like the whiningspook Shayler. this is not Malkin's viewregarding himself (internet posting25/2/01). Would the CPGB (and Bettaney)agree that in the light of MI5 redefining'subversion' as 'terrorism' (well before

    11/9/01) anybody taking this complacentview seriously would be prey todisinformation (see NFB 2 p.3-18). Does'Bernal' know nothing of MI5 operations, inwhich case why write like he does? InWeekly Worker (1/6/00) Bernal stated "justas Bettaney had been smeared as a drunk,Massiter was written off as a nutcase",Describing Bettaney as a drunk, howeverhurtful, has (had) some basis in fact. DidBettaney not advise Bernal of this? AreBernal & Bettaney the same person?

    6) The memoir question: inpracticeCan Bettaney confirm or deny this claimpublished in Dublin's Phoenix magazine(22/6/01) a publication immune fromBritishDA Notice censorship. Specifically" earlier this year...the MI5 traitor hit on theidea of telling his former chiefs that heintended to move to Ireland to write thedefinitive story of MI5 activities in theFour Green Fields-naming many of thoseIrish citizens who spied for London oraccepted the Queen's shilling under thecounter. Understandably, Michael wasprevailed upon to desist, in return for agratuity in lieu of the pension he didn't getwhen he was banged up after his OldBailey trial" If true, is not Bettaneyhopelessly compromisedhow cansomebody having a recent and publiclyundisclosed (by the recipient) fiscalrelationship with MI5 (or MI6) henceforthbe trusted in any genuine Left group?7) Input into CPGB decisionsWhat views has Malkin advanced aboutTerry Liddle & his fascist collaborationconsistent CPGB defence of Searchlightagainst charges of being an MI5 front--vile accusations Genoa black blocwere/are agent provocateurs?Finally, given the excellent track recordof Socialist Alliance members RedAction (for example) in challenging MI5,are they/will they now be happy withCPGB participation in such, especiallywhen Malkin seems a frequent CPGBdelegate/commentator on SA matters?1 Weekly Worker 7/12/002 'Convergence & Liddle: Against the CPGBWhitewash' (Green Anarchist 11/12/00)3 PrivateEye 4/5/844 May 1985 CMND 95145 PrivateEye 5/7/846 Stella Rimington 'Open Secret' (Hutchinson2001)p.l75-67 Sunday Times 21/5/00 Liam Clarke & NickFielding8 see Fred Holroyd 'War Without Honour(Medium 1989) passim, which John Parker'Death of A Hero' (Metro 1999) p.80-104valiantly tries to refute.9 Mark Urban 'Big Boys Rules' (Faber & Faber1992)p.9910 FN7 (above), also see Punch 133 20/6/0111 Seamas Milne 'The Enemy Within Pan1995)p.391-212 see Mail on Sunday 4/6/95 (Nick rn'.tzi13 see UK Left Network 25/2/0114 Weekly Worker 19/7/01.see also5/79115 BBC News Online 13/5.98

    Notes From The Borderland ISSUE 4 WINTER 2001-2002 Page 51