mgt 501 solved mcqs hrm

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  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    MGT 501 solved mcqs HRM

    MGT501 solved mcqs

    1. HRM is associated with the management of:

    General people Financial resources Organizational people ommunit! mem"ers

    2# $hich of the following management function includes setting standards for ever!one in the


    Planning 'rgani%ing (eading ontrolling

    3# Motivating the emplo!ees is classified as:

    )nformational role Interpersonal role *ecisional role onceptual role

    4# $hich of the following is the main responsi"ilit! of an HR department&

    +ttracting candidates for ,o" -nsure staff development .eep emplo!ees motivated ll o! t"e given options

    5# HR managers are generall! the /////////////// managers:

    (ine Middle #ta!! Top

    $# Manufacturing was the main concern of personnel department during:

    Mec"anistic period atal!tic period 'rganistic period trategic period

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    %# Running the organi%ational activities is called:

    Management process -ecutive position 2ualit! management *# 3erformance measurement

    4o"s are identified grouped while:

    3lanning Organizing (eading ontrolling

    '# -ffective HRM leads to:

    Organizational s(ccess 'rgani%ational failure 'rgani%ational compleit! 'rgani%ational inefficienc!

    10# 'rgani%ational goals should "e:

    c"ieva)le +m"iguous Random 6ague

    11# ustomers of an organi%ation fall under which of the following categor!&

    hareholders taff 3artners #ta*e"olders

    12# $hat could "e the "est approach for an organi%ation to sustain in a d!namic environment&

    7e stagnant +esponsive to c"ange Reluctant to change Merge with others

    13# The thorough detailed stud! regarding ,o"s within an organi%ation is represented "!:

    ,o) anal-sis 4o" description 4o" specification

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    4o" evaluation

    14# + practice used "! companies to assign their costl! activities to outside providers is 8nown as:

    3lanning *ecentrali%ation Restructuring O(tso(rcing

    15# 'rgani%ational "ehavior depicts the:

    4argons used within the organi%ation ollective )e"avior o! emplo-ees -ffect of societ!9s "ehavior on an organi%ation +ll of the given options

    1$# (eaders perform: *ecisional roles )nformal roles )nformational roles Interpersonal roles

    1%# 'rgani%ations ta8e inputs from:

    Rules policies )nternal environment /ternal environment (egislations litigations

    1 $hich of the following s!stem represents interrelated activities&

    + closed s!stem +n isolated s!stem n open s-stem + clogged s!stem

    1'# 7rain drain is one of the:

    Organizational t"reat 'rgani%ational opportunit! 'rgani%ational strength 'rgani%ational wea8ness

    20# hifting from manual to computeri%ed s!stem is resulted due to:

    $or8force diversit! Tec"nological advancement

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    ta8e holders involvement *# Glo"ali%ation

    21.$hich of the following statement reflects the +ge *iscrimination +ct for wor8ers&

    t t"e age o! 40 to %0 or*ers can not )e retired )- !orce +t the age "elow 1;< wor8ers can never "e hired Having 10 !ears of eperience< wor8ers should "e promoted $or8ers can never "e rehired if retired once

    22# Reactive approach to overcome the influence of discriminator! practices occurred

    in the past is referred as:

    -qual emplo!ment opportunit! !!irmative action HR planning (itigation process

    23# 'rgani%ations put maimum effort in measuring performance of organi%ational

    people "ecause:

    )t ma8es procedures cost effective It "elps in detecting t"e pro)lems )t leads to product innovation *# )t assists in implementing new technolog!

    24# )n order to promote un"iased management< organi%ations should develop:

    3owerful union trategic alliance egal compliance ta8eholder influence

    25# Following are all included in tatistical +pproach of forecasting< //PT:

    Trend anal!sis #ensitivit- anal-sis Ratio anal!sis Regression anal!sis

    2$# +lternative wor8 arrangements include all of the following< //PT:

    3art=time wor8 Flei"le hours Onsite c"ild care 4o" sharing

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    2%# How often HR planning process is implemented within an organi%ation&

    ontin(o(sl- +nnuall! 7i=annuall! 2uarterl!

    2 $hich of the following reflects the relationship "etween M) HR)&

    7oth are same M) is one aspect of HR) 6+I# is one aspect o! MI# >o relationship eists

    2'# ?trengths9 ?$ea8nesses9 are //////////////////// to an organi%ation#

    )mportant Internal -ternal *# entral

    30# $hich of the following statement "est reflects the 4o" anal!sis&

    oncept(al process $ritten statement Recruitment method (egal clause

    31# tandards are esta"lished to: c"ieve desired o(tcomes Meet legal compliance +chieve competitive advantage 3romote goodwill in mar8et

    32# $hich of the following constraint does 7OT affect the recruiting efforts&

    ompensation of the ,o" )mage of the organi%ation )nternal organi%ational policies 8. 7one o! t"e given options

    33# 4o" evaluation is "ased on the:

    3h!sical s8ills required "! the ,o" +elative 9o) ort" !or an organization ompleit! of the ,o" to perform onceptual s8ill required "! the ,o"

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    34# $ho is in the "est position to o"serve and evaluate an emplo!ee9s performance for the purposes

    of a performance appraisal&

    3eers ustomers Top management Immediate s(pervisor

    35# $hich of the following is a stated outcome of 4o" +nal!sis&

    4o" description 4o" specification 4o" evaluation ll o! t"e given options

    3$# $hich of the following term is used as an indicator of missing information "! the applicant whilema8ing selection decision&

    +ed !lag Red alert High alert +larming situation

    3%# $hich of the following "est defines recruitment in an organi%ation&

    Forecast the suppl! of outside candidates 8evelop an appropriate applicant pool *etermine the importance of ,o" applicants *# +ll of the given options

    3 $hich of the following term is used for choosing the individual who is "est suited to a particular

    position and to the organi%ation from a group of potential applicants&

    Recruitment taffing -nrollment #election

    3'# Followings are included in contingent wor8ers< //PT:

    3art=timers ontractors 8irectors Temporaries

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    40# $hich of the following term contains information regarding machines equipments used at


    4o" anal!sis 4o" specification ,o) description 4o" evaluation

    41. HRM is associated with the management of@

    General people Financial resources Organizational people ommunit! mem"ers

    42# ost of human resources refers to@

    ompan! profits -mplo!ee shares #alar- pac*ages -arned revenues

    43# Top level managers require ////////////////// s8ills the most@

    Technical )nterpersonal oncept(al Mechanical

    44# Matching the ,o" description with the individuals9 qualification is an important aspect of@

    ) M) 6+I# *7M

    45# HR managers are generall! the /////////////// managers@

    (ine Middle #ta!! Top

    4$# Manufacturing was the main concern of personnel department during@

    Mec"anistic period atal!tic period 'rganistic period

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    trategic period

    4%# $'T +nal!sis is a tool for@

    *etermining organi%ation9s mission *eveloping organi%ational goals Formulating strategies /nvironmental scanning

    4 4o"s are identified grouped while@

    3lanning Organizing (eading ontrolling

    4'# +ccording to the Hawthorne studies< the productivit! of emplo!ees@ )ncreased "! increasing light *ecreased "! decreasing light Increased )- o)serving t"em >o change in their productivit!

    50# 'rgani%ational goals should "e@

    c"ieva)le +m"iguous Random 6ague

    51# $hich one of the following is 7OT the source of wor8force diversit!&

    +ge Gender -ducation +esentment

    52# To anticipate the human resource needs of the organi%ation "ased on some previous data or

    managerial ,udgment is 8nown as@

    8emand !orecasting upplies forecasting Financial forecasting ales forecasting

    53# The thorough detailed stud! regarding ,o"s within an organi%ation is represented "!@

    ,o) anal-sis

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    4o" description 4o" specification 4o" evaluation

    54# + practice used "! companies to assign their costl! activities to outside providers< Afor the

    purpose of cost savingB< rather than completing it internall! is called@

    3lanning *ecentrali%ation Restructuring O(tso(rcing

    55# 'rgani%ational "ehavior depicts the@

    4argons used within the organi%ation ollective )e"avior o! an organization -ffect of societ!9s common "ehavior on an organi%ation ulture prevails in an organi%ation

    5$# (eaders perform@

    *ecisional roles )nformal roles )nformational roles Interpersonal roles

    5%# 'rgani%ations ta8e inputs from its@

    Rules 3olicies )nternal -nvironment /ternal /nvironment (egislations

    5 +s organi%ational activities are interrelated< it is said to "e@

    + closed s!stem +n isolated s!stem n open s-stem + clogged s!stem

    5'# Management sciences department is one of the /////////////// of the 6C@

    !stem #()s-stem 7oard tructure

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    $0# hifting from manual to computeri%ed s!stem is resulted due to@

    $or8force diversit! Tec"nological advancement ta8e holders involvement Glo"ali%ation

    $1. Rewards offered to la"ors involved in production< are categori%ed as@

    alar! Fringe "enefits :age *# ommission

    $2# The goal of pre=retirement educational programs is to@

    )mprove ,o" satisfaction )ncrease emplo!ee commitment Minimi%e medical claims from retirees 8. /ase t"e transition !rom or*ing li!e to retirement

    $3# 'rgani%ations put maimum effort in measuring performance of organi%ational people "ecause@

    )t ma8es procedures cost effective It "elps in detecting t"e pro)lems )t leads to product innovation )t assists in implementing new technolog!

    $4# $illingness< capacit! opportunit! to perform are said to "e@ 3erformance outcomes 8eterminants o! per!ormance 3erformance appraisals T!pes of performance standards

    $5# 'ne of the ma,or "arriers to career advancement eperiencing "! wor8ing ladies is@

    8i!!ic(lt- in )alancing or* and !amil- li!e Top management is usuall! male oriented (ac8 of educational opportunities ommon perception that woman can not "e "etter "oss

    $$# +lternative wor8 arrangements include all of the following //PT@

    3art=time wor8 Flei"le hours Onsite c"ild care 4o" sharing

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    $%# Mr# +hmed is a cashier and he feels dissatisfied at wor8# $hat "est ,ustifies this situation&

    6is 9o) ma- not )e str(ct(red to s(it "is pre!erences )t involves ph!sical toughness )t requires mental toughness )t involves too much customer interaction

    $ The ///// pro"lem occurs when supervisors tend to rate all their su"ordinates consistentl!


    entral tendenc! enienc- trictness Halo effect

    $'# The relationship "etween critical incident method 7+R A"ehaviorall! anchored rating scaleBis@

    >o relationship eists *ifferent methods to evaluate performance ;ot" are similar P met"ods omparison method is used for 3+< while 7+R is related to training evaluation

    %0# $hat is another term for DE0=degree feed"ac8&

    Feed"ac8 loop M(ltiso(rce assessment Cpward feed"ac8 ircle feed"ac8

    %1# tandards are esta"lished to@

    c"ieve desired o(tcomes Meet legal compliance +chieve competitive advantage 3romote goodwill in mar8et

    %2# The point method to evaluate ,o" is an etension of@

    Ran8ing method

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    +elative 9o) ort" !or an organization ompleit! of the ,o" to perform onceptual s8ill required "! the ,o"

    %4# $ho is in the "est position to o"serve and evaluate an emplo!ee9s performance

    for the purposes of a performance appraisal&

    3eers ustomers Top management Immediate s(pervisor

    %5# Groups are called ////////////// if ,o"s are similar#

    lasses Grades cales Roles

    %$# Train the raters prior to conduct the performance appraisal is an important

    responsi"ilit! of@

    Top management 6+ department (ine managers 3roduction department

    %%# urrentl! 'rgani%ations are providing "enefits to their emplo!ees@ To attract ne )lood in t"e organization To create stronger customer relationship To enhance the mar8et share +ll of the a"ove

    % Following are all eamples of direct compensation --3T@

    Pension alar! 7onus )ncome

    %'# 'ne of the main flaws of lassification method to evaluate the ,o"s is@

    )t is an epensive method 'nl! "eneficial for small organi%ations Maimum pro"a"ilit! of "iasness 7ot (se!(l "en 9o)s are di!!erent

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    &0# $hich of the following measurement methods rates emplo!ee performance relative to other


    Graphic rating scale omparative met"od -ssa! method ritical incident method

    &1. s-stem (sed to acq(ire store manip(late anal-ze retrieve and distri)(ted

    in!ormation related to t"e compan-=s "(man reso(rces is called a>n?


    6+I# 3rogressive discipline s!stem )R ontingent wor8force s!stem

    &2.:"ic" o! t"ese is a ma9or dimension o! 6+M practices contri)(ting to compan-


    ompensating human resources +cquiring and preparing human resources Managing the human resource environment ll o! t"e given options

    &3.6+M "as primar- responsi)ilit- !or all o! t"ese implementation varia)les eceptB

    Tas8 design 3eople Reward s!stems Organization str(ct(re

    &4.:"ic" o! t"ese is t"e process o! getting detailed in!ormation a)o(t 9o)sA

    4o" design 4o" description ,o) anal-sis 4o" s8ills

    &5.In "ic" o! t"ese steps t"e 6+ manager attempts to ascertain t"e s(ppl- o! and

    demand !or vario(s t-pes o! "(man reso(rcesA

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    &$.:"ic" o! t"ese is de!ined as an- practice or activit- carried on )- t"e organization

    it" t"e primar- p(rpose o! identi!-ing and attracting potential emplo-eesA

    + leading indicator anal!sis +ecr(itment 3ersonnel policies election

    &%.#cienti!ic management as one o! t"e earliest and )est*non statements o! t"e

    @@@@@@@@@@@@@ approac".

    7iological Motivational 3erceptual=Motor Mec"anistic

    &&.Most 6+ !(nctions spend ver- little time onB

    Traditional activities Transactional activities Transformational activities *a!=to=da! operational activities

    &'.Pla-ing t"e role o! @@@@@@@@@@@@ req(ires designing and delivering e!!icient and

    e!!ective 6+ s-stems processes and practices.

    +dministrative +gent hange +gent #trategic Partner -mplo!ee +dvocate

    '0.:"ic" o! t"ese re!ers to t"e degree to "ic" decisionma*ing a(t"orit- resides at

    t"e top o! t"e organizational c"artA

    4o" design *ecentrali%ation Cnit! of command entralization

    '1.areer development consists o! s*ills ed(cation and eperiences as ell as

    )e"avioral modi!ication and re!inement tec"niq(es t"at allo individ(als to or*

    )etter and add val(e.

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    '2.Mentoring C oac"ing "as )ecome increasingl- important over t"e -ears )eca(se

    t"e emplo-ees "o aspire to "ig"er management levels in t"e organization o!ten need

    t"e assistance and advocac- o! someone "ig"er (p in t"e organization.

    '3.T"e goal o! meas(ring per!ormance is to improve t"e e!!ectiveness C e!!icienc- o!

    t"e organization )- aligning t"e emplo-eeDs or* )e"aviors C res(lts it" t"e

    organizationDs goals improving t"e emplo-eeDs or* )e"aviors C res(lts.

    '4.Innovation entails developing s*ills to discover ne prod(cts and processes and

    designing adapta)le str(ct(res and c(lt(res.

    '5.a)or (nion mig"t a!!ect t"e appraisal process )- stressing seniorit- as t"e )asis

    !or promotions and pa- increases.

    '$.M;O req(ires t"at s(pervisors and emplo-ees determine o)9ectives !or emplo-eesto meet d(ring t"e rating period and t"e emplo-ees appraise "o ell t"e- "ave

    ac"ieved t"eir o)9ectives.

    '%.Organizational approac"es t"at are )ecoming increasingl- pop(lar in dealing it"

    t"e needs o! d(al career co(ples are !lei)le or* sc"ed(les telecomm(ting and t"e

    o!!ering o! c"ildcare services.

    '&.T"e or*ers m(st loo* across compan- lines to ot"er organizations to determine

    "at s*ills are trans!era)le and t"en go and get t"em

    ''.Per!ormance !eed)ac* s"o(ld do more t"an in!orming learners "et"er t"e- ere

    rig"t or rong. ,(st noti!-ing t"e trainees t"at t"e- ere rong is not as e!!ective as

    telling t"em "- t"e- ere rong and "o t"e- can avoid ma*ing t"ose mista*es in


    100.ssistant to Position emplo-ees are given t"e opport(nit- to or* (nder a

    s(ccess!(l manger o!ten in di!!erent areas o! organization. In doing so t"ese

    emplo-ees get epos(re to ide variet- o! management activities and are groomed !or

    ass(ming t"e d(ties o! net "ig"er level.

    101.One reason !or !alling (nion mem)ers"ip in recent -ears is t"at @@@@@@@@@@

    egislation protects or*ers in a a- t"at as once onl- o!!ered )- t"e (nions

    Cnions have "een seen as largel! ineffectual Cnion mem"ership is too epensive Manufacturers will not hire union mem"ers Cnion mem"ers earn less on average compared to non=union mem"ers

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    102.ll o! t"e !olloing t-pes o! organizations are covered )- t"e Occ(pational #a!et-

    and 6ealt" ct ecept @@@@@@@@@@

    Federal agencies Hospitals chools #el!emplo-ed persons Manufacturing facilities

    103.T"ere is !airl- strong evidence t"at traits can predict @@@@@@@@@ more acc(ratel-

    t"an leaders"ip e!!ectiveness

    eaders"ip emergence -traversion in leaders (eadership awareness (eadership competence The conscientiousness of leaders

    104.:"ic" one o! t"e !olloing is not implied in t"e de!inition o! poerA

    )nfluence 3otential *ependenc! ct(alization apacit!

    105.T"e con!lict"andling intention o! accommodating is @@@@@@@@ assertive and uncooperative assertive and cooperative unassertive and uncooperative (nassertive and cooperative reflective and emotional

    10$.:"ic" department en!orces t"e standards set o(t in t"e Occ(pational #a!et- and

    6ealt" ctA

    *epartment of Health ervices 8epartment o! a)or *epartment of *efense *epartment of Financial ervices -conomic *evelopment *epartment


  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    ocial -nvironmental 3ersonnel 3s!chological Personal

    10&.T"e @@@@@@@@@@@ !orm o! (nion sec(rit- means t"at it is (p to t"e or*ers

    "et"er or not t"e- 9oin t"e (nion and onl- t"ose "o 9oin m(st pa- d(es.

    losed shop Cnion shop +genc! shop Open s"op Maintenance of agreement

    10'.T"e dimension o! assertiveness re!ers to sit(ations @@@@@@@@ in "ic" one part- attempts to satis!- "isE"er on concerns in which there is an epression of competition involving a ma,or "ehavior change that lead to conflict in which one part! "ehaves generousl!

    110#:"ic" o! t"e !olloing )ene!its co(ld )e aarded as or*ersD compensationA

    ash "enefit Medical services Time off with pa! Time off without pa! a and )

    111# +ppraisal of a wor8er9s performance can "e descri"ed as:

    3lanning +ctivit! 'rgani%ing +ctivit! ontrolling ctivit- (eading +ctivit!

    112# Hawthorne studies depict the effects of wor8 environment on:

    6(man ;e"avior Human 3erformance Human atisfaction +ll the given options

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    113.3rocess of wor8ing with different resources to accomplish organi%ational goals is 8nown


    trategic management Human Resource management Management Team wor8

    114.The concept of how a person "ehaves in a group can "e attri"uted to:

    Thermod!namics Gro(p 8-namics M7' AManagement "! o",ectivesB Group 7ehavior

    115.The stud! of 'rgani%ational 7ehavior is closel! related to:

    Human 3s!cholog! Human 7ehavior in general 6(man ;e"avior at or* Human=Machine )nteraction

    11$.-ssential component of an organi%ation is:

    Team #tr(ct(re )ndividual >one of the given options

    11%.The whole is greater than the sum of its parts is 8nown as:

    -fficienc! -ffectiveness 3roductivit! #-nerg-

    11&.6irtual teams can contri"ute to "etter coordination among the team mem"ers "ecause:

    Tec"nolog- )rings t"em toget"er on a !or(m. Team mem"ers meet ph!sicall! with each other Team mem"ers share views among themselves via communication lin8s#

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    Team mem"ers have the real time environment for interaction#

    11'.etting standards should "e left to the emplo!ee rather than organi%ation leads to self

    controlling "ecause:

    )t follows the management "! o",ective approach# )t increases the productivit! of the wor8er )t increases the confidence of wor8ers :or*ers come (p to t"e "ig" standard since t"e- "ave no press(re !rom "is s(periors.

    120.$hich one is not "asic component of '7 A'rgani%ational 7ehaviorB Model&

    'rgani%ation Group Team )ndividual

    121. ,o) posting


    Internal advertisement )- an organization to attract candidates !rom t"e eistingemplo-ees against a vacanc-.

    The s!stem of transferring eisting emplo!ees to compara"le new ,o"s availa"le in the organi%ation# +n arrangement of in house training of emplo!ees for career advancement# Grouping together of a famil! of similar ,o"s< under a single title to esta"lish uniformit! of standards

    in controls and compensations#

    1# +ealistic 9o) previe is aB

    Technique for listing elements of ,o" "efore selecting someone to perform it# 3erformance appraisal technique# selection device t"at ena)les t"e candidates to learn )ot" t"e negative and positive

    in!ormation a)o(t t"e 9o) and organization.

    >one of the given options

    123. ,o) anal-sis can )e per!ormed in all o! t"e !olloing a-s eceptB

    O)serving "o(rl- or* Reviewing interviews conducted with departing emplo!ees tud!ing diaries or dail! ,ournals that manager 8ept over a three=month period Giving wor8ers chec8lists to indicate which tas8s on the list are performed during ,o" eecution

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    1I# onsidering contin(o(s process improvement activities in organizations

    #"o(ld Fero de!ectsH reall- )e a goalA

    Jes perfection is reasona"le goal# >o< 0#1 percent errors can "e corrected much more efficientl! than the! can "e prevented Jes most industries find this an attaina"le goal# #ometimes !or some mista*es cost )ene!its can not )e calc(lated

    15# Organizational e!!icienc- is epressed asB

    3lanning for long=run goals Ma*ing t"e )est (se o! scarce reso(rces Goal attainment Meeting deadlines

    12$. Goal setting isB

    Top down process 7ottom up process process o! top don s(pport and )ottom (p development + function of senior management

    12%. :"en t"e !irm c"anges t"e a- it operates t"e process is *non asB

    *ownsi%ing 7rain drain +estr(ct(ring 'utsourcing

    12&. :"ic" one is not incl(ded in t"e "iring processA

    Recruitment ociali%ation election ,o) speci!ication

    12'. /!!ectiveness is

    8o rig"t t"ings *o things right 3roductivit!

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    +ll of the given options

    1D0# /tents o! individ(al !reedom and discretion emplo-ees "ave in per!orming

    t"eir 9o)s is non as

    apitation Fletime -mpowerment (tonom-

    1D1#7ased on the concept of q(ali!ied privilege< some courts have ruled that emplo!ers must "e

    a"le to tal8 to one another a"out emplo!ees#

    1D#ontrol and oordination of headquarters ma! "e impeded in selecting6osto(ntr-


    133.Prearrival stage eplicitl! recogni%es that each individual arrives in organi%ation with a set of

    organi%ational values< attitudes< and epectations#

    134.Traininginvolves planned learning activities designed to improve an emplo!ee9s performance

    at herKhis current ,o"#

    1D5#The anal!sis that identifies the 8inds of the s8ills and "ehaviors required for the incum"ents of

    a given ,o" and the standards of performance that must "e met is called Tas*EOperational


    1DE#lear tas8 instructions and model appropriate "ehavior are required for/!!ective learning#

    1D#Training to "e more effective< is supposed to "e followed with carefuleval(ation#

    1D;#The "enefits gained "! a T * program must outweigh the costassociated with providing the

    learning eperience#

    1DL##(ccession planning programsare considerations of the ,o" openings that presentl! eist in

    an organi%ation< the openings that are li8el! to occur in the future< and how these positions might "e


    1I0#)nssistant to Positionmethod< emplo!ees with demonstrated potential are given the

    opportunit! to wor8 under a successful manger< often in different areas of organi%ation#

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    1I1#+ process that significantl! affects organi%ational success "! having managers and emplo!ees

    wor8 together to set epectations< review results< and reward performance#

    Management "! '",ectives 3erformance +ppraisal Per!ormance Management 'rgani%ational 3lanning

    1I#//////////////// is solel! responsi"le for managing individual9s career#

    Individ(al Team 'rgani%ation HR Manager

    1ID#The evaluator uses a list of "ehavioral descriptions and chec8s off those "ehaviors that appl! to

    the emplo!ee# This method of appraisal is called

    Forced=hoice +ppraisal Forced *istri"ution +ppraisal "ec*list ppraisal 7ehaviorall! +nchored Rating cales

    1II#+n! compensation method that ties pa! to the quantit! or qualit! of wor8 the person produces is


    Gain=sharing 3lan )ncentive 3lan ompensation 3lan Pa- !or per!ormance Plan

    1I5#-mplo!ee evaluations are directl! affected "! a supervisor9s perceptions of who is "elieved to "e

    in control of the emplo!ee9s performance N the emplo!er or the manager#O This theor! is 8nown as

    ttri)(tion T"eor- tereot!pe Halo -ffect >one of a"ove options

    1IE#$hich has an impact on ,o" pricing and the ultimate determination of an individual9s financial


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    The 'rgani%ation The 4o" The -mplo!ee ll o! t"e a)ove options

    1I#'ffice environment that contain harmful air"orne chemicals< as"estos< or indoor pollution is

    referred to

    Homicide #ic* ;(ilding Green -nvironment -nvironment pollution

    1I;#7enefits offered to emplo!ees reflect man! of the trends eisting in our

    ountr! -nvironment 'rgani%ation a)or egative Reinforcement *e=motivation


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    15I#ontri)(tor- Plansare group health=care plans in which emplo!ees share in the cost of the


    155##tressis comple issue@ it can affect the per!ormancein positive as well as negative wa!s#

    15E#+ *eveloping trend toward integrating disa"ilit! coverage with wor8ers< compensation andotice

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    1EI#+ wor8er surplus forecasted results in

    reative Recruiting pecial Training 3rograms +ed(ced 6o(rs uccession 3lanning

    1E5#$hich theor! suggests that a leader should adapt hisKher leadership st!le to the tas8&

    3ath=Goal (eadership Theor! 6room=4ago=Jetton Model (M Theor! T"e #it(ational eaders"ip Model

    1EE#To "e effective< leaders must provide a /////////////////that is a general statement of the

    organi%ation9s intended direction that evo8es positive emotional feelings in organi%ation mem"ers#

    Lision Mission Goal *eclaration

    1E#These rights 3rotect emplo!ees from discrimination< afe wor8ing conditions< Right to form


    #tat(tor- +ig"ts ontractual Rights -mplo!ment policies ivil Rights

    1E;#For simplicit!9s sa8e< we can classif! the most frequent violations of discipline into

    ///////////// categories#

    Two Three

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    Managerial ,udgment +egression anal-sis Trend anal!sis Ratio anal!sis

    11#Reduced hours technique is used to

    increase la!offs cope it" s(rpl(s initiate creative recruiting provide training

    1#The actual hiring decision is done after

    ph!sical eam interview )ac*gro(nd investigation conditional ,o" offer

    1D#The ,o"s having challenging assignments< career oriented and having good remuneration


    government influence recruiting cost image of organi%ation attractiveness o! 9o)

    1I#'rgani%ations assess the training needs through compan! record customer complaints )ot" o! t"e given options none of the given options

    15#The purpose of overtime is to

    restrict recr(iting increase wor8ing hours reduce varia"le cost provide contingent wor8ers

    1E#The process in which organi%ation notifies its emplo!ees a"out ,o" openings through notice

    "oards< compan! pu"lications or letters is called

    internal recruitment 9o) posting ,o" advertisement

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    open house

    1#election criteria ma! includes all ecept

    education competencies applicant pool integrit!

    1;#To conduct ,o" anal!sis< HR manager wor8 together with all ecept

    wor8er recr(it supervisor consultant

    1L#The test that measures a"ilit! to learn and to perform the ,o" is called aptit(de test wor8 sample test vocational interest test ,o" 8nowledge test

    1;0# Hiring process completes "!

    selection recruitment training orientation

    1;1#Mclelland "elieves the needs for ///////////////////// are most important#

    epectanc!< instrumentalit!< and valance eistence< relatedness< and growth positive reinforcement< negative reinforcement< and punishment a!!iliation poer and ac"ievement

    1;#///////////are programs designed to help emplo!ees whose ,o" performance is suffering

    "ecause of ph!sical< mental< or emotional pro"lems#

    /mplo-ee ssistance Programs $ellness 3rograms afet! 3rograms Managed health

    1;D#The DE0 degree appraisal

    wor8s "est in large organi%ations#

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    1L0#//////////// eists when individuals performing similar ,o"s for the same firm are paid

    according to factors unique to the emplo!ee

    /mplo-ee /q(it- Team -quit! )nternal -quit! +ll of the given options

    1L1#@@@@@@@@@ is t"e process o! acq(iring training appraising and compensating

    emplo-ees attending to t"eir la)or relations "ealt" and sa!et- and !airness concerns.

    (a"or Relations 'rgani%ational 7ehavior 6(man +eso(rce Management 'rgani%ational Health and afet! Management

    1'2.:"ic" o! t"ese re!ers to t"e temporar- parttime and sel!emplo-ed or*ersA )nternal la"or force ontingent or* !orce High=performance wor8 s!stems *ownsi%ed emplo!ees

    1'3.:"ic" )asic !(nction o! management incl(des delegating a(t"orit- to

    s()ordinates and esta)lis"ing c"annels o! comm(nicationA

    3lanning Organizing (eading taffing

    1'4.Over t"e past 25 -ears all o! t"ese areas o! legal environment "ave in!l(enced

    6+M eceptB

    -qual emplo!ment opportunit! legislation -mplo!ees pa! and "enefits /mplo-ee competition legislation 4o" securit!

    1'5.One o! t"e most pop(lar met"ods o! increasing emplo-ee responsi)ilit- and

    control is @@@@@@@.

    'utsourcing PMilitar! modelP of management HR) :or* teams

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    1'$.:"ic" o! t"ese is a ma9or dimension o! 6+M practices contri)(ting to compan-


    ompensating human resources +cquiring and preparing human resources Managing the human resource environment ll o! t"e given options

    1'%.6o "as tec"nolog- c"anged 6+M practicesA

    Recruiting using the we" generates smaller< more focused applicant pools# -mplo!ee training is offered through scheduled classes rather than on demand# /lectronic res(mes ta*e less time to eval(ate t"an paper res(mes. >one of the given options#

    1'&.6o do companies !acilitate or*!orce diversit-A

    Rel! on eternal support s!stems for minorit! wor8ers# -ncourage emplo!ees to challenge the "eliefs and values of other emplo!ees# ;(ild in acco(nta)ilit- t"ro(g" s(rve-s and a(dits. Reinforce traditional values#

    1''./mplo-ee involvement req(ires etensive additional 6+M activit- in "ic" o!

    t"ese areasA

    Training 7enefits (a"or negotiation Mar8eting

    200.Managers "o meet designated goals are @@@@@@@.

    +ssertive -fficient /!!ective -ntitled

    201.8avid cond(cts ne emplo-ee orientation !or a large organization. 6is or* is

    it"in "ic" )asic 6+M !(nctionA

    Management Motivation areer planning Training and development

    202./mplo-ee relations specialists are involved in "ic" o! t"ese activitiesA

    6andling emplo-ee complaints

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  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    215.:"ic" o! t"e !olloing is categorized as an indirect pa-ment portion o! emplo-ee


    $ages alaries /mplo-erpaid ins(rance ommissions

    21$.#tress can a!!ect not onl- -o(r "ealt" )(t also ot"er aspects o! -o(r li!e. :"at else

    can )e a!!ected )- stressA

    Famil! relationships $or8 performance Jour attention to safet! ll o! t"e given options

    21%.Jnemplo-ment )ene!its are t-picall- a)o(t @@@@@@@@@@ percent o! a person=searnings and last !or@@@@@@@@@@.

    50 2$ ee*s 5@ 1 !ear 100@ !ears 5@ I wee8s

    1;#Jnsa!e acts can )e red(ced t"ro(g" all o! t"e !olloing met"odseceptB

    ,o) rotation creening Training )ncentive programs

    21'.:"ic" o! t"ese is t"e most common t-pe o! retirement planA

    8e!ined )ene!it -R)+ *efined contri"ution Mone! purchase plan

    220.:"ic" one o! t"e !olloing statements is correct in relation to monetar- reards

    in accordance it" 6erz)ergDs To

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    221.:"ic" pattern o! comm(nication is t"e q(ic*est a- to send a messageA

    The circle The chain The J T"e "eel

    222."ronic stress is t"e stress t"at ears at people da- a!ter da-. :"ic" o! t"ese is an

    eample o! c"ronic stressA

    +n unhapp! marriage 'ngoing mone! pro"lems *issatisfaction with a ,o" ll o! t"e given options

    223.T"e relative position o! an organization=s pa- incentives compared to ot"er

    companies in t"e same ind(str- is *non asB 3a! structure 3a! appraisal Pa- level 3a! feed"ac8

    224.Poor q(alit- lateral comm(nication ill res(lt in "ic" o! t"e !olloingA

    (ac8 of direction ac* o! coordination (ac8 of delegation (ac8 of control

    225.:"ic" o! t"e !olloing is a "ealt" "azard in t"e or* placeA

    Cncollected waste paper Heav! o",ect Fra!ed cr!pt ll o! t"e given options

    22$.Managers can motivate people to avoid per!orming d-s!(nctional )e"aviors )-


    I. /tinction

    II. P(nis"ment

    III. 7egative rein!orcement

    )< ))< ))) ) and ))) )) and )))

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    I and II

    22%.:or*ers= compensation )ene!its !all into all o! t"ese ma9or categories eceptB

    Medical care +etirement )ene!its *isa"ilit! income *eath "enefits

    22&./pectanc- t"eor- !oc(ses on t"e relations"ips )eteen "ic" t"ree !actorsA

    >eeds< effort and persistence >eeds< performance and inputs )nputs< performance and outcomes 7eeds per!ormance and o(tcomes

    22'. "orizontal etension o! t"e o)9ect to increase tas* variet- is calledB 4o" evaluation 4o" enrichment ,o) enlargement 4o" rotation

    230.omm(nication )eteen to mem)ers o! a pro9ect team !rom di!!erent !(nction

    )(t t"e same level o! a(t"orit- is @@@@@@@@ comm(nication.

    C3 ward *ownward ateral *iagonal

    D1# +ll of the following are -ternal -nvironmental Factors ecept

    (egal onsiderations The (a"or Force ustomers orporate (lt(re

    D# The people who perform tas8s in a wide variet! of human resource=related areas are called

    HR -ecutives 6+ Generalists HR pecialist +ll of the given options

    DD# + strateg! intended to achieve fair emplo!ment "! urging emplo!ers to hire certain groups of people

    who were discriminated against in the past is 8nown as

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    Fair emplo!ment -qual -mplo!ment 'pportunit! A--'B !!irmative action -mplo!ment discrimination

    DI# Generall!< the goal setting is a

    Top down process 7ottom up process Process o! top don s(pport and )ottom (p development Function of senior management

    D5# Following are the reasons for conducting ,o" anal!sis ecept

    taffing wor8ers O)serving or*ers Training and *evelopment (egal onsiderations

    DE# The method that uses the organi%ation9s current level of emplo!ment as the starting point for

    determining future staffing needs is

    ero ;ased

  • 8/13/2019 MGT 501 Solved Mcqs HRM


    I0# $hat tactic will emplo!ers li8el! have to ta8e to fill openings left "! retiring emplo!ees&

    )nstituting flei"le wor8 hours 3roviding elder care Hiring more women +e"iring retirees

    I1#Following are the "asic principles or conditions that facilitate learning ecept

    3articipation Relevance Feed"ac8 /d(cation

    I#areer *evelopment is:

    !ormal approac" ta*en )- an organization to "elp its people acq(ire t"e s*ills andeperiences needed to per!orm c(rrent and !(t(re 9o)s.

    +n emplo!ee9s progresses verticall! upward in the organi%ation from one specific ,o" to the net# 7oth a vertical sequence of ,o"s and a series of hori%ontal opportunities# elf=understanding for future ,o"s# Then< the person is in a position to esta"lish realistic goals and

    determine how to achieve these goals#

    ID#/////////// can provide an opportunit! for the emplo!ee to share in decision ma8ing< to

    learn "! watching others< and to investigate specific organi%ational pro"lems#

    (ectures eminars +ssistant to 3osition ommittee ssignments imulations:

    II#////// is a career=path method recogni%ing that technical specialists can and should "e

    allowed to continue to contri"ute their epertise to a compan! without having "ecome managers#

    *emotion (ateral s8ill path 8(alcareer pat" >one of the given options

    I5#Training instruction for a small group< which emplo!s such techniques as role=pla!ing or

    simulation etc# and encounters give and ta8e sessions and pro"lem=solving techniques is called:

    areer counseling :or*s"op *evelopment 3lan 'n the ,o" training

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    IE#7arriers to career advancement include:

    (ac8 of time Rigid ,o" specifications hort=term focus ll o! t"e given options

    I#The "asic s8ills possessed "! the individual that are required to give certain performance are

    termed as:

    )ilit- Motivation -perience 3erformance

    I;#Csing the ////////// approach< managers evaluate organi%ational effectiveness# -ternal resource Internal s-stems Technical !stems

    IL#+ career stage in which one "egins to search for wor8 and finds a first ,o" is:

    -ploration period /sta)lis"ment period Middle stage >one of the given options

    50#$ithout proper feed"ac8 a"out an emplo!ee9s effort and its effect on performance< we run the

    ris8 of decreasing hisK her /////////#

    alar! -perience Motivation 3erformance appraisal

    51# The //// trust is "ased on the "ehavioral predicta"ilit! that comes from a histor! of interaction

    *eterrence="ased noledge)ased )dentification="ased >one of the given options

    5# ////// is the process where"! union mem"ers vote out their union as their representative#

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    +uthori%ation card Representation certification +epresentation decerti!ication Trade union election

    5D# $e can define //// as activities people perform to acquire< enhance< and use power and other

    resources to o"tain their preferred outcomes in a situation of uncertaint! or disagreement#

    Organizational politics -ecuting authorit! ollective "argaining 3osition power

    5I# 3rotection from discrimination< safe wor8ing conditions and union formulation are /////

    rights< provided to emplo!ees#

    ontractual )ndividual #tat(tor- 'rgani%ational

    55# + situation in la"or N management negotiation where"! management prevents union mem"ers

    from returning to wor8 is called /////#

    Grievance tri8e +r"itration oc*o(t

    5E# The ////// leadership is a set of a"ilities that allows the leader to recogni%e the need for

    change< to create a vision to guide that change< and to eecute that change effectivel!#

    Trans!ormational harismatic +utocratic Transactional

    5# The first formal stage of the disciplinar! procedure is

    $ritten 6er"al $arning :ritten :arning uspension *ismissal

    5;# The cost associated with emplo!ee separations and turnover includes:

    Recruitment election costs

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    Training cost eparation costs ll o! t"e given options

    5L# +ccording to /////< leaders ma! use different st!les with different mem"ers of the same wor8


    3ath=goal leadership 6room=4ago=Jetton model eadermem)er ec"ange t"eor- The situational leadership theor!

    E0# Following the ////< discipline should "e immediate< provide ample warning< "e consistent