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STATE BUDGET EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION SCHOOL № 1595 PROJECT THE COMPARATIVE FEATURES OF King Arthur and Ilya Muromets Performed by: Anastasia Satrivanova 8«U» Scientific leader: Ivchenko S. S.

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Page 1: · Web viewSo they had different kinds of tales, legends, songs, proverbs, etc. There are many kinds of


SCHOOL № 1595



Performed by:

Anastasia Satrivanova


Scientific leader: Ivchenko S. S.



Page 2: · Web viewSo they had different kinds of tales, legends, songs, proverbs, etc. There are many kinds of

Contents:………………………………………………………………………...2Title page………………………………………………………….….………......11. Introduction………………………………………………………….……….32. Theoretical part ……………………………………………………….……...42.1 Determination of legends. Types of legends………………………………....42.2 Analysis of the legends about King Arthur ………………………………….62.2.1 A plot of legend……………………………………………………………62.2.2 Short historical information………………………………………………72.2.3 The image of Arthur………………………………………………………82.2.4 Researches to find out did King Arthur actually live…………………….82.3 Analysis of the legends about Ilya Muroments……………………………..92.3.1 A plot of legend “Ilya Muromets and Kalin-tsar”……………………......112.3.2 Some information about legends………………………………………….122.3.3 The image of Ilya Muromets………………………………………………132.3.4 Researches to find out did Ilya Muromets actually live…………………..133. Practical part……………………………………….………………………...144. Conclusion ………………………………………………….……………...145. Bibliography……………………………………………….……………….15 6. Apps…………………………………………………………………………16


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It’s saying without arguing that King Arthur [look app №1] and Ilya Muromets [look app №2] are the most outstanding characters of the English and Russian culture. There are two main opinions if they existed or not in a real life. I have decided to analyze the legends and research works to find out common and different features to form my own view on this issue. As a result of my work I would like to present a table with comparative features.

The objective: to compare King Arthur (the hero of a number of British legends) and Ilya Muromets (the hero of a number of Slavic legends), to find similarities and differences.


1. To get acquainted with legends about King Arthur and Ilya Muromets

2. Describe the image of King Arthur and Ilya Muromets

3. Perform a comparative analysis

4. Make a conclusion

The topicality of this work:

I consider that there are not many researches, devoted to the study and comparing such persons, as Ilya Muromets and King Arthur. After all, scientists can only guess, put forward hypotheses, based on the annals and folklore. In addition, no special studies are currently being conducted. Therefore, I consider my research project topical.

Methods of my research:

Historical Comparison Analysis and synthesis Study and synthesis


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Theoretical partDetermination of legends. Types of legends

A legend is a narrative of human actions that are perceived both by teller and listeners to take place within human history and demonstrating human values, and which possesses certain qualities that give the tale verisimilitude. Legend, for its active and passive participants, includes no happenings that are outside the realm of "possibility," but may include miracles. Legends may be transformed over time, in order to keep them fresh and vital, and realistic. Many legends operate within the realm of uncertainty, never being entirely believed by the participants, but also never being resolutely doubted.

Before creating or assimilation of writing, all peoples were making verbal works orally, stored them in their collective memory and distributed in oral transmission. So they had different kinds of tales, legends, songs, proverbs, etc.

There are many kinds of legends. Here are some of them:

1. Mythological legends are oral folk pieces of a plot character based on ancient pre-Christian ideas that eventually lost their worldview basis and acquired purely symbolic artistic meanings.

2. Anthropomorphic legends - legends with the humanization of objects or phenomena - sun, wind, water, forest spirits, rivers, diseases, fates, etc.

3. Zoomorphic legends - legends about the transformation of man into an animal and vice versa.

4. Teratomorphic legends - legends about monsters and man.

5. Etiological legends - legends telling about the origin of natural phenomena, flora and fauna (no longer divine, as in myths, beginning, but human)

6. Demonological legends - legends about the relationship of man with the forces of evil.

7. Legends of the afterlife - the legends of a person's life after death.

8. Apocryphal legends - prose works of church-religious content, created on the basis of motifs and images of biblical and apocryphal literature in the presence of pagan representations and the imagination of the people.


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9. Historically-heroic legends are legends connected with the real events of history.

10. Socio-utopian legends - legends about the simple life of man and the expectations of the future.

11. Modern legends - not yet established, but already possessing certain features, legends about modern life, and at the same time "returning" old themes in modern processing.


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Analysis of the legends about King Arthur

A plot of l egend “Arthur is the son of King of Britain Uther Pendragon [look app №3]. The wizard Merlin [look app №4] put a spell on the boy, giving strength and courage. Then the sorcerer gave Arthur the education of the old knight Ector. A few years later, Uther was poisoned by the near, and the country plunged into anarchy and internecine strife.Twenty years later, Merlin in London presented to the assembled knights a "sword in stone"; on the stone was the inscription: "Whoever pulls this sword from under the anvil, that is by birth's right a king over all the land of England." None of the kings and barons could draw a sword. He accidentally took out young Arthur. Merlin revealed the secret to his youth and proclaimed Arthur as king.Arthur made his capital city of Camelot and gathered at one table the best knights in the world. To ensure that there was no discord between them because of the high and low places, Merlin gave the King a Round Table. Arthur married the beautiful Guinevere [look app №5], the daughter of King Lodegrans, but their marriage was childless.After the Sword-of-the-Stone broke in Arthur's fight with Sir Pelinore, Merlin promised the young king a new miracle sword. It was forged by the elves of Lake Vatelin, and the Lady of the Lake handed the sword to Arthur with the condition: to strip only in the name of a right cause and return it when the time comes. The sword, named Excalibur [look app №6], smashed without a miss, and its scabbard defended better than any armor.Between Lancelot [look app №7] (the approximate knight of the king) and Guinevere, a romance broke out, and the queen betrayed her husband. This was discovered by the treacherous Mordred [look app №8], nephew of Arthur. He reported to the king about treason. Arthur sent Mordred and the detachment to arrest Lancelot and Guinevere. The Queen was threatened with execution at the stake for her sin, but Lancelot freed the queen from custody, and at the same time mistakenly killed the unarmed nephews of King Gareth Beloruchka and Gaheris. Lancelot and Guinevere fled the sea, Arthur went after them in pursuit, leaving the governor of Mordred. Taking advantage of the occasion, the insidious bastard usurped power and proclaimed himself king.Upon learning of the trouble in Britain, Arthur returned from behind the sea. The troops of the king and impostor met at the Kammlansky field for negotiations. But


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during the meeting, the snake bit one of the knights, and he snatched the sword, which signaled an attack to both sides. In the grandiose battle that erupted in Kammlane, the entire British army was killed. Traitor Mordred fell, pierced by the spear of Arthur, but also mortally wounded the king himself.The dying king asked Sir Bedivere to return the sword of Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake. According to legend, Arthur is dozing on Avalon [look app №9] in anticipation of a day of great need, when he will rise from a dream to save Britain”Short historical informationThe Arthurian legends are a series of legends belonging to the Celtic tradition with an accent on the King of Britons Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, primarily Lancelot, Perceval [look app №10] and Galahad [look app №11].Up to now, there are 8 legends about King Arthur:

1. "From the Marriage of King Uther unto King Arthur that Reigned After Him and Did Many Battles"

2. "The Noble Tale Between King Arthur and Lucius the Emperor of Rome" 3. "The Noble Tale of Sir Launcelot Du Lac" 4. "The Tale of Sir Gareth of Orkney" 5. "The First and the Second Book of Sir Tristrams de Lione" 6. "The Noble Tale of the Sangreal" 7. "Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere"8. "The Death of Arthur"

There were only individual stories that were not recorded and existed as folklore. First, the mention of Arthur's name is contained in the Welsh poem Y. Gododdin, dated about 600 year. The poem describes the battle of Katraete between the Anglo-Saxons and the kings of the "Old North". A poet compares a leader of Britons with Arthur in one stanza.Other early Welsh poem in which Arthur appears is Preiddeu Annwfn (there is not any mistake in spelling). Author of this poem is bard Taliesin (VI c. BC). A poem is devoted to the journey of Arthur to Annwfn - the Welsh otherworld. The precise dating of the time of writing the poem proved to be difficult, but the linguistic analysis showed that the text took the modern form by about 900.Authentic “father” of the Arthurian legend should be considered Galfrid of Monmouth (XII century.), who wrote in Latin "History of the Britons". Galfrid

made a history of 99 British kings, starting with the legendary Brutus. About 15 of

his work is devoted to Arthur. He is described here not only like warrior, but like a


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king, surrounded by faithful knights, a typically medieval monarch who conquered many nations, a descendant of the Emperor Constantine. Galfrid (from the “History” of which begins the “heroic-novel” stage in the development of the image of King Arthur) describes his court as the center of knightly culture and civilization.Other creator of compositions based on Arthurian legends is Thomas Malory [look app №12] (an English writer). He gathered all these myths together and created two poems: “The book about King Arthur and his valiant Knights of the Round Table” and “Le Morte D’Arthur”.The novelty of Malory is that he wrote prose. French sources Malory in all cases, sometimes very significantly. The fact that his predecessors took ten pages, he sets out in a couple of lines.In his preface, William Caxton [look app №13] pretends that before Malory there was almost no literature on King Arthur in English: “Many glorious books are written about him and his noble knights in French, which I saw and read overseas, but in our native their language is not. <...> there are other and in English, but not all”.

The image of Arthur

The image of Arthur became "winged" and widely used in culture. He became one of the most recognizable and popular heroes of British myths and remains so until now.

For Britain, the Arthurian cycle served as the same national epic as the Kiev and Novgorod epics for Rus.

In countless chivalric novels, from the Middle Ages to the 21st century, Arthur appears as the main positive hero. The most popular motifs are the beginning of Arthur's rule with the extraction of a sword from stone and his tragic ending with death at the hands of his own son. Arthur is represented as the ideal fair king and valiant knight. Mark Twain [look app №14], Alfred Tennyson [look app №15], Terence White [look app №16], Mary Stewart [look app №17], Marion Zimmer Bradley [look app №18], Nikolai Tolstoy [look app №19] addressed the image of Arthur.

Researches to find out did King Arthur actually live

Searches for the tomb of King Arthur, like an argument of his living.

When an enormous trouble (which, however, brought some benefit) happened in 1184, the monks engaged in a large-scale search for the grave of Arthur. In 1190 it


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was found! Carefully tapping stone floor slabs, the Benedictines found at an altitude of three meters - below the modern masonry - an even older one, with a hollow chamber in it. Having opened the floor, the monks made their way to the legendary tomb. Two huge coffins, impregnated with resin-preserving resins, appeared to their astonished gaze!

The archives of the abbey preserved a detailed account of the examination of the bodies of the deceased. The skeleton of a man was struck by his high growth - 2 m 25 cm. His skull was damaged, but the cause of the injury could not be established, although it could have been a trace of the wound. The blond hair is perfectly preserved on the woman's head.

The monastery administration ordered a solemn reburial of the royal spouses, and soon a large lead cross crossed over their new grave with the inscription: "Here on the island of Avalon, the illustrious King Arthur is buried underground." In 1278, the remains of the monarch were re-buried in a special tomb of fine black marble.

Modern studies were also carried out, but there was no more evidence of the real existence of King Arthur. From all of the above, we can conclude that King Arthur (or his historical prototype) did exist.


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Analysis of the legends about Ilya Muroments

A plot of legend “Ilya Muromets and Kalin-Tsar [look app №20]”

The evil envious people told Prince Vladimir [look app №21] about the old hero Ilya of Murom, as if Ilya boasted of surviving the prince from Kiev and taking his place in his place. Vladimir was angry and ordered Ilya to be imprisoned in an underground cellar, deep in the cellar. Ilya did not argue with the prince. I said goodbye to my favorite horse, Burushka shaggy [look app №22], and gave me to take me to the dungeon raw, cold, dark.

There would have been a brave person there. Yes, fortunately, his young princess, Vladimir's daughter, regretted: she secretly sent her father down to the dungeon, feather pillows, silk blankets, warm clothes and nourishing food. The hero lives in the dungeon.

And over Kiev the trouble is going: wrote the foe-Tatar, Kalin-tsar, that he would soon come with an army to Kiev; requires that you meet him in each lane with sweet wines full of barrels. Vladimir the prince asked Kalin to delay for three years, for three months, to prepare for his arrival. Calin the Tsar agreed. And the appointed time passed - and wept, the prince of Kiev queried:

- We do not have any more glorious hero Ilya Muromets! There is nobody to defend his native land, there is no one to save Kiev! And why did I ruin it in the cellars!

And the princess is young and says to her father:

"I'm alive, my father, Ilya Muromets!" He did not die in the cellar!

Vladimir rushed to the dungeon, and Ilya was there: alive, well, shod, dressed. The prince was delighted, led the hero in his wards white-stone, he began to entertain and beg:

- The dog Kalin-tsar our Kiev-grad went around. Help, Ilya, stand for the fatherland, go against the enemy troops!

Ilya Muromets began to gather in the campaign. Favorite servant young to him all these years the horse bereg. Ilya left in a clear field. In the field of the Tatar army is apparently invisible. And in the other side there are white tents: twelve Russian


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warriors live in them. Ilya began to persuade them to go with him against Tsar Kalin. Samson Samoylovich tells him:

"We do not want to help Vladimir: he feeds his boyar servants, he complains, but we, the heroes, do not have anything from the prince."

No matter how Ilya asked his comrades, no one wants to go to defend Prince Vladimir. Ilya went alone alone in a clear field.

Unhappy was his departure: he beat, trampled the enemies, and in the end he was captured. Tatar brought him to Tsar Kalin. Kalin-tsar met Ilya kindly. Persuaded began:

"Do not serve, Ilya, to Prince Vladimir." Serve me, King Kalina. I'll give you precious, gold coffers without the ladies' account.

Ilya Muromets answered him:

"I do not need your rich gifts." I will not serve you, but my native land!

And wanted to leave. And the Tatars press him, they do not let him out. Then he seized Ilya with a Tatar, began to beat them like a club. He made his way in a clean field, jumped on his horse and galloped off. He had a bow taut, arrows stained. And he let the arrow in the direction where the heroes, his comrades, put up the tents. The heroes slept in tents. An arrow came and fell on Samson Samoylovitch's chest. In a moment the warrior woke up and woke others up.

"Glorious heroes of the Holy Russia, it is clear that Ilya is badly ill: a pointed arrow has come from him. We must hurry to help him. The bogatyrs mounted on their kind horses, Ilya Muromets rushed to help out. They all went out with Ilya against the Tatar army. The army was killed, King Kalin was taken prisoner. He wanted to cut off his head, but Ilya kept it:

"We'll take him to Kiev," he says, "let the Vladimir prince decide how to be with him."

They brought Tsar Kalin to the glorious city of Kiev.

Asked Kalin Vladimir:

"Do not cut me off!" I'll pay you a tribute forever.

Vladimir agreed. On that they are enmity and finished.

Some information about legends


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There are eighteen legend in which Ilya Muromets is the main characters (there are more than forty legends, in which the Ilya Muromets is only involved):

1. The acquisition of power by Ilya Muromets (Healing of Ilya of Murom)

2. Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor [look app №23]

3. Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber [look app №24]

4. Ilya Muromets and Idolische [look app №25]

5. Ilya Muromets in a quarrel with Prince Vladimir

6. Ilya Muromets and gobies taverns (rarely exists in the form of a separate story, usually attached to stories about a quarrel with Vladimir)

7. Ilya Muromets on the Falcon-ship

8. Ilya Muromets and robbers

9. Three trips by Ilya Muromets

10. Ilya Muromets and Baty the Tsar [look app №26]

11. Ilya Muromets and Zhidovin [look app №27]

12. Ilya Muromets and Tugarin [look app №28] (about the wife of Ilya of Murom)

13. Ilya Muromets and Sokolnik [look app №29]

14. Ilya Muromets, Ermak [look app №30] and Kalin-Tsar

15. The Battle of Kamsk

16. Ilya Muromets and Kalin-Tsar

17. Dobryni Nikitich's [look app №31] fight with Ilya Muromets

18. Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich [look app №32]

An image of Iliya Muromets

Ilya Muromets is a perfect image of a hero who embodies the common national ideal of the hero warrior, the guardian of the Russian land from enemies. The main idea of epics (the idea of protecting the native land) is most vividly and expressively embodied in the image of Ilya Muromets. He acts as a brave and conscious guardian of the Russian land more often than other heroes. He most often stands on the post of the heroic, more often than others he engages in battle


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with the enemies, gaining victory. He is a hero of mighty strength, which gives him confidence and endurance. He has a sense of dignity, which he will not give up even before the prince. He is a defender of the Russian land, a defender of widows and orphans. He hates "boyars with skewed bellies", he tells everyone the truth in person. He forgets the insult when it comes to the trouble hanging over his native land, calls on other bogatyrs to stand up for the protection not of Prince Vladimir or Princess Opraksa, but "for Mother's sake, the holy land of Russia"

Researches to find out did Ilya Muromets actually live

Discussions about whether Ilya Muromets really existed could have lasted a very long time, were it not for the scientific studies carried out in 1989-1992 in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The fact is that in the Middle Caves of the laurels, among the more than a hundred relics of the ancient saints, there are also the remains of a certain "Ilya from the City of Murom". It was these remains, together with dozens of others, that were investigated by a group of scientists.

Let's remember the epic. There he is described as a man of bogatyr's physique. Checking. The length of the body, that is, the height, is 177 cm. For that period of time it was a man of high stature, because the bulk of the population was lower. For example, the growth of other saints from the laurels is 160-165 cm. Further, on the bones of the mummy, the so-called tuberosity is very well developed. And we know that the better a person develops muscles in life, the more he will have these tuberosity. That is, he had a well developed muscular system. In addition, in the X-ray study, changes in the brain region, called the "Turkish saddle," were found in the skull. These changes, characteristic for acromegaly, acromegaloid accent. People with acromegaly have disproportionately large parts of the body. At all times there are people with such symptoms, they are told about them - "slanting sazhen in the shoulders", in Ukrainian they are called "creams". They have large limbs, a large head, that is, a heroic look. Does the appearance coincide with the description from epic? Of course!

We look further. According to the epic, he was 33 years on the stove, then some cross-witted cross-wool came to heal him, and he went to defend the Russian land. According to the same x-ray studies, he had a specific disease - spondyloarthrosis.

In the description of roentgenologists it is indicated: "flattening of the body of the fifth lumbar vertebra, the presence of osteophytes on the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, and also the arcuate joints of the processes of the fifth and fourth lumbar vertebrae allow us to state that during life this person suffered from spondyloarthrosis." Symptomatically, this disease is similar to radiculitis, and in


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this state, people have limited mobility. For some period of time a person does not move or does not move in part. 33 years, which are referred to in the epics, - most likely, hyperbole. But the fact that he did not move for a while - that's for sure. And then these grandfathers came, apparently - bone caries. And then he got up. Nowadays, such diseases are treated with massages, relaxing procedures, but a good chiropractor can correct vertebrae and even cure a person.

And one more argument is the age of burial dating from the 11th or 12th century. Given all these parameters, we can well consider that these relics really belong to Ilya Muromets.

Practical part


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After analyzing the material from the Internet resources and transforming the most important thing into my Theoretical part, I compiled this table, in which I derived the characteristics of King Arthur and Ilya Muromets.

Comparison criteria

Image Activity Social status

Real existing

Merits Personal lifeAppearance Character

King Arthur High growth, muscular body, pretty face, brown hair (information is based on pictures).

Soft, noble, virtuous, open-handed

Ruling England, protection England from enemies.

Ruler Definitely isn’t proven

The victory over the Saxons in the Battle of Mount Badon, victory in battle with Scotts and Gilomory Irish, unification and prosperity of the country.

Married Guinevere.Childless. Wife was unfaithful to him.

Ilya Muromets mighty power, brown-haired, blue-eyed, quite high, broad shoulders, thin, small head, small features

Confidence and endurance, self-esteem, honest, incorruptible, selfless

“Mother Russia’s” protection

Warrior Definitely isn’t proven

The victory over Tugarin and Dragon Gorynych, Nightingale the Robber, Zhidovin the Damned (or Khazar), The Idolische Pogany, Baty the Tsar

Connection with glacier-hero Zlatogorka, illegitimate son Sokolnic or daughter (from different sources)


Looking at the table, we can identify the following similarities:

1. Real existence is not proven;2. Powerful physique;3. Protection of native lands and the desire for its prosperity;4. A large number of military victories;5. Unsuccessful personal life.

Also, we can identify the following differences:

1. Differences in their characters;2. Different social statuses;3. A bit different activities (consequence of paragraph 2);4. Different marital status.



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2. 3. 4.

legenda5. Король _ Артур 7. 8. 9. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

solovej-razbojnik/19. 20.


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I. King Arthur

II. Ilya Muromets


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III. Uther Pendragon

IV. Merlin


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V. Guinevere

VI. Excalibur


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VII. Lancelot

VIII. Mordred


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IX. Avalon

X. Perceval21

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XI. Galahad

XII. Thomas Malory


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XIII. William Caxton

XIV. Mark Twain


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XV. Alfred Tennyson

XVI. Terence White


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XVII. Mary Stewart

XVIII. Marion Zimmer Bradley

XIX. Nikolai Tolstoy


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XX. Kalin tsar

XXI. Prince Vladimir


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XXII. Burushka

XXIII. Svyatogor


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XXIV. Nightingale the Robber

XXV. Idolische


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XXVI. Baty the tsar

XXVII. Zhidovin


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XXVIII. Tugarin

XXIX. Sokolnic


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XXX. Ermak

XXXI. Dobryni Nikitich31

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XXXII. Alyosha Popovich


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