metabolic alkalosis - nephkids

Metabolic alkalosis Dr N C Gowrishankar MD DCH DNB FIAP Pediatric Pulmonologist & Head-Pediatrics:Clinical Operations &Quality Mehta Multispeciality Hospitals India Pvt Ltd, Chennai

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Metabolic alkalosis

Dr N C GowrishankarMD DCH DNB FIAP

Pediatric Pulmonologist &Head-Pediatrics:Clinical Operations &Quality

Mehta Multispeciality Hospitals India Pvt Ltd, Chennai

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• Basics

• Causes

• Pathophysiology

• Clinical features

• Investigations

• Management algorithm

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• Normal pH - 7.35 to 7.45• CO2 levels regulated – Lungs : HCO3 levels regulated –kidneys• Arterial blood gas – normal values :

– pH - 7.35 to 7.45– HCO3 - 21 to 27 mEq/L– PCO2 - 35 to 45 mmHg

• Alkalemia – An arterial pH above normal range (greater than 7.45)• Alkalosis – A process that tends to raise extracellular fluid pH-

elevation serum HCO3 concentration and/or fall in PCO2 - Alkalosis is not necessarily accompanied by alkalemia

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Metabolic alkalosis

• A disorder -elevates serum HCO3 concentration and pH

• pH > 7.45• HCO3- > 28 mmol/l• Kidney normally respond -

rapidly excrete excess alkali • Only when additional factor

disrupts renal regulation of body alkali stores- Sustained metabolic alkalosis

3 months - 2011 March – CF

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Systemic pH- Chemoreceptors

• Central (ventrolateral surface-medulla oblongata )-sensitive to pH

• Peripheral (carotid & aortic bodies) -detect variation -arterial PCO2 & as well as arterial PO2

• Chemoreceptors - lead to adjustments -both components of minute ventilation: tidal volume & respiratory cycle frequency (through central respiratory control centers in pons and medulla)

• Lung-mediated changes in arterial PCO2 -rapid alteration in systemic hydrogen ions (H+) - CO2 lipid soluble - readily cross cell membranes -allow tight control of arterial PCO2 near 40 mm Hg

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Kidney role in acid base balance

• Reabsorbing filtered HCO3 & excreting daily acid load derived – metabolism – sulfur containing amino acids

• Filtered HCO3

– 90% - reabsorbed - proximal tubules –primarily by Na-H exchange

– Remaining 10% -reabsorbed - distal nephron - primarily via hydrogen secretion by proton pump (H-ATPase)

• Under normal conditions - no HCO3 present in final urine.

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Cellular and luminal event – bicarbonate reabsorbtion-Proximal convoluted tubule

Na + K + ATPase – create steep electrochemical gradient for Na+

H + secreted into lumen in exchange for Na + by Na + H + exchanger

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Cellular and luminal event – bicarbonate reabsorbtion-Proximal convoluted tubule

H+ entering lumen – combine with filtered HCO3-

form H2CO3- dissociated by carbonic anhydrase IV tethered to membrane- H2O & CO2- passively reabsorbed

Peritubularcapillary Proximal Tubular cell Tubular lumen

CO2 combines with OH- – form HCO3-

(carbonic anhydrase II) – enter peritubular capillary by Na+ 3HCO3- cotransporter

90% filtered HCO3 reclaimed

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Kidney role in acid base balance

• Reabsorbing filtered HCO3 & excreting daily acid load derived – metabolism – sulfur containing amino acids

• Filtered HCO3

– 90% - reabsorbed - proximal tubules –primarily by Na-H exchange

– Remaining 10% -reabsorbed - distal nephron - primarily via hydrogen secretion by proton pump (H-ATPase)

• Under normal conditions - no HCO3 present in final urine.

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Type A cell-Distal convoluted & collecting tubule

10% filtered HCO3- enter distal tubule-Combine with H+ form H2CO3-

Dissociate- H2O & CO2- passively reabsorbed into cell

H+ATPase pump- drive H+ secretion

cellular HCO3- moves into peritubular capillary in exchange for extracellular chloride by

Cl-HCO3- exchanger

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H+K+ATPase – luminal membrane- promote H+ secretion & K+ absorbtion

Type A cell-Distal convoluted & collecting tubule

Excretion of daily H+ load - occur distal tubule -H+ must be bound to buffer to avoid excessive urine acidification Kidneys synthesize and excrete NH3 - which combines with H+ - form NH4 +

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Metabolic alkalosis

• Elevation- plasma HCO3- Several mechanisms – Excessive hydrogen loss– Functional addition of new HCO3– Volume contraction around a relatively constant amount of

extracellular HCO3 - “contraction alkalosis”• Kidneys

– Extremely efficient in eliminating excess HCO3 in urine

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Addition of HCO3

• Decreased renal excretion of HCO3(Renal failure )

• Posthypercapnic alkalosis

• Excessive intake / very large quantities of HCO3 administered acutely

• Administration - large quantities >8 units citrated blood product infusion / fresh frozen plasma (citrate converted to bicarbonate by liver)

Contraction alkalosis • IV loop diuretics – fluid loss without bicarbonate• Disorders – high Cl & low HCO3 solution lost– Sweat losses in cystic fibrosis– Loss of gastric secretions in achlorhydria– Fluid loss from frequent stools- congenital

chloridorrhea/ villous adenoma• BPD - chronic respiratory acidosis - receive diuretics – further ↓intravascular volume

• Posthypercapnic alkalosis Chronic respiratory acidosis – compensatory ↑H+ secretion & ensuing ↑ in HCO3 Reduce PCO2 gradually by mechanical ventilation – if PCO2 decreased rapidly -

ensuing metabolic alkalosis - slow to disappear

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Kidneys promptly respond to metabolic alkalosis –

increasing base excretion

For generation of metabolic alkalosis- addition of

base/loss of acid to body required

For maintenance of metabolic alkalosis –

impairment - kidney's ability to excrete base required

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Maintenance phase of metabolic alkalosis

normal renal response to metabolic alkalosis –

urinary loss of bicarbonate

Volume depletion interferes with urinary loss of bicarbonate -

3 mechanisms

Reduction in GFR, so less bicarbonate filtered

↑angiotensin II & ↑adrenergic stimulation of kidney -

Increased reabsorption – Na+ & HCO3- in PCT - limit HCO3 that

can be excreted in urine

↑aldosterone -increases HCO3-

reabsorption & H+ secretion in collecting duct

caused by volume depletion (“chloride depletion” from gastric loss of HCl)

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Chloride resistant

Normal Blood Pressure High Blood Pressure

Bartter syndromeGitelman syndrome Autosomal dominant

hypoparathyroidismEAST syndromeBase administration

Cushing syndromeAdrenal adenoma/


aldosteronismRenovascular diseaseRenin-secreting tumor17α-Hydroxylase deficiency11β-Hydroxylase deficiency11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydro

genase deficiency Licorice ingestionLiddle syndrome

Chloride responsive

Gastric lossesEmesisNasogastric suctionDiuretics (loop or thiazide)Cystic fibrosis Chloride-losing diarrhea Post hypercapniaLow chloride formula

Metabolic alkalosis - Classification – based on response to chloride

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Bartter & Gitelman syndromes

• Metabolic alkalosis & hypokalemia• Genetic defect - transporters

• Gitelman syndrome : Na-Cl cotransporter – distal tubule -same location as those inhibited by thiazidediuretics

• Bartter syndrome: Na-K-2Cl cotransporter- loop of Henle- same location as those inhibited by loop diuretics

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Consequences of Untreated Alkalosis

System Effects

Cerebral •Cerebral vasoconstriction with reduction of cerebral blood flow•Tetany, seizures, lethargy, delirium, stupor

Cardiovascular •Vasoconstriction - small arterioles, including coronary arteries •Decreased threshold for arrhythmias

Respiratory •Compensatory hypoventilation with possible subsequent hypoxemia & hypercarbia

Hematologic •Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve shifts to left

Metabolic & Electrolyte Imbalances

•Stimulation of anaerobic glycolysis•Hypokalemia•Decreased plasma ionized calcium •Hypomagnesemia and hypophosphatemia

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Clinical features

• Features directly related to metabolic alkalosis uncommon• Asymptomatic: alterations in blood HCO3 concentration –

slow → less pronounced change in intracellular pH & brain pH• Symptoms primarily related to

– Alkalemia– Underlying etiology of metabolic alkalosis– Accompanying electrolyte abnormalities

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Clinical features• Alkalemia –

– ↓ ionised Ca+ - ↑binding of calcium to albumin - symptoms of tetany

– ↓decrease cardiac output – Shift K+ intracellularly - decrease in extracellular K+ -

hypokalemia - muscle weakness, cardiac arrhythmias• Metabolic alkalosis

– compensatory ↑ in PCO2 decreasing ventilation -if underlying lung disease -hypoxia.

– With normal lungs, severe metabolic alkalosis can cause hypoxia

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Clinical features

• If metabolic alkalosis from vomiting – symptoms of severe volume contraction– signs of dehydration - tachycardia, dry mucous

membranes, decreased skin turgor, postural hypotension, poor peripheral perfusion, weight loss.

• Children with congenital chloride –watery diarrhea at birth, metabolic alkalosis, hypovolemia.

• Weight gain &hypertension - ↑mineralocorticoid state.

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• History

• Clinical exam – rarely gives clue to diagnosis

• Investigations

– Arterial blood gas

– Serum electrolytes

– Spot urine chloride measurements

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• ABG: elevated pH - high bicarbonate (HCO3) level - with compensation, PCO2 may be near reference range/ elevated.

• Serum electrolytes: hypokalemia, hypochloremia, hyponatremia

• Urine chloride – < 20 mEq/L - chloride-responsive metabolic alkalosis– > 20 mEq/L - chloride-resistant metabolic alkalosis

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Appropriate Compensation

• Metabolic alkalosis - appropriate respiratory compensation - by decreasing ventilation

• Should raise PCO2 by approximately 0.7 mmHg for every 1 mEq/L elevation in serum HCO3 concentration

• PCO2 appropriately increased or not :easy to use

• PCO2 = HCO3 + 10

• If PCO2

– Lower than expected compensation- concurrent respiratory alkalosis

– Greater than expected compensation - concurrent respiratory acidosis

• Respiratory compensation never exceeds PCO2 of 55-60 mm Hg

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• Address underlying disease state

• Goal

– prevent life-threatening complications with least amount of correction -target pH & bicarbonate levels (correcting severe alkalemia)

• Hypovolemia

– Intravascular volume expansion - isotonic crystalloid solution(Isotonic saline) – under close monitoring

• Diuretics

– if change tolerated- dose reduced/ eliminated

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Treatment – moderate/severe metabolic alkalosis

• Reducing H+ loss– Nasogastric suction –discontinue /Replace NG aspirate equivalent

promptly –avoid volume loss

– Proton pump inhibitor - ↓ gastric secretion –reduces loss of HCl

• Correcting K+ -Potassium– Adequate K+ supplementation as chloride salt - also help replenish

chloride losses partly

– K+ sparing diuretic use : decrease renal K+ loss

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Treatment - moderate or severe metabolic alkalosis

• Increasing HCO3 excretion

– K+ sparing diuretic use - block action of aldosterone → decrease H+

secretion in distal nephron – facilitate ↑HCO3 excretion– Acetazolamide (carbonic anhydrase inhibitor)

• ↓ HCO3 − resorption in PCT - significant bicarbonate loss in urine• Produces major K+ losses - urine • ↑ fluid losses - necessitating dose reduction -other diuretics

• Arginine HCl - chloride-responsive metabolic acidosis if sodium or potassium salts are not appropriate - may raise serum K+ levels during administration

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Treatment- chloride-responsive

• Most metabolic alkalosis → Cl responsive etiology

• Sufficient NaCl & KCl administration

– Correct volume deficit & potassium deficit

– Not an option if volume depletion due to diuretics as volume repletion may be contraindicated.

• With adequate intravascular volume & normal serum K + - kidney excretes excess bicarbonate within 2 days

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Renovascular disease – surgical correction

17α hydroxylase deficiency/11β-hydroxylase deficiency - glucocorticoid

11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency – spironolactone –decrease mineralocorticoid effect of cortisol

Bartter or Gitelman syndrome –oral Na+ & K+ supplementation +/- potassium-sparing diuretics

Gitelman syndrome –Mg supplementation

Adrenal adenomas –resection

Treatment- chloride-resistant

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Metabolic alkalosis – Suggestive history/ABG/electrolytes

Urine chloride level > 20 mmol/L< 20 mmol/L

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Metabolic alkalosis – Suggestive history/ABG/electrolytes

Urine chloride level > 20 mmol/L< 20 mmol/L

Recent diuretic therapyGastric lossPost hypercapnic stateVillous adenoma

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Metabolic alkalosis – Suggestive history/ABG/electrolytes

Urine chloride level > 20 mmol/L< 20 mmol/L

Recent diuretic therapyGastric lossPost hypercapnic stateVillous adenoma

BP normal BP high

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Metabolic alkalosis – Suggestive history/ABG/electrolytes

Urine chloride level > 20 mmol/L< 20 mmol/L

Recent diuretic therapyGastric lossPost hypercapnic stateVillous adenoma

BP normal BP high

Ongoing diureticsBartter syndromeGitelman syndromeHypokalemiaHypomagnesemia

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Metabolic alkalosis – Suggestive history/ABG/electrolytes

Urine chloride level > 20 mmol/L< 20 mmol/L

Recent diuretic therapyGastric lossPost hypercapnic stateVillous adenoma

BP normal BP high

Ongoing diureticsBartter syndromeGitelman syndromeHypokalemiaHypomagnesemia

High renin Low renin

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Metabolic alkalosis – Suggestive history/ABG/electrolytes

Urine chloride level > 20 mmol/L< 20 mmol/L

Recent diuretic therapyGastric lossPost hypercapnic stateVillous adenoma

BP normal BP high

Ongoing diureticsBarrter syndromeGitelman syndromeHypokalemiaHypomagnesemia

High renin Low renin

Ongoing diureticsRenal A stenosisRenin sec tumor

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Metabolic alkalosis – Suggestive history/ABG/electrolytes

Urine chloride level > 20 mmol/L< 20 mmol/L

Recent diuretic therapyGastric lossPost hypercapnic stateVillous adenoma

BP normal BP high

Ongoing diureticsBarrter syndromeGitelman syndromeHypokalemiaHypomagnesemia

High renin Low renin

Ongoing diureticsRenal A stenosisRenin sec tumor


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Metabolic alkalosis – Suggestive history/ABG/electrolytes

Urine chloride level > 20 mmol/L< 20 mmol/L

Recent diuretic therapyGastric lossPost hypercapnic stateVillous adenoma

BP normal BP high

Ongoing diureticsBarrter syndromeGitelman syndromeHypokalemiaHypomagnesemia

High renin Low renin

Ongoing diureticsRenal A stenosisRenin sec tumor


Low High

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Metabolic alkalosis – Suggestive history/ABG/electrolytes

Urine chloride level > 20 mmol/L< 20 mmol/L

Recent diuretic therapyGastric lossPost hypercapnic stateVillous adenoma

BP normal BP high

Ongoing diureticsBarrter syndromeGitelman syndromeHypokalemiaHypomagnesemia

High renin Low renin

Ongoing diureticsRenal A stenosisRenin sec tumor


Low High

Cushing syndromeCS use17hydroxylase defLiddle syndrome12/6/2020 38NCGS metabolic alkalosis

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Metabolic alkalosis – Suggestive history/ABG/electrolytes

Urine chloride level > 20 mmol/L< 20 mmol/L

Recent diuretic therapyGastric lossPost hypercapnic stateVillous adenoma

BP normal BP high

Ongoing diureticsBarrter syndromeGitelman syndromeHypokalemiaHypomagnesemia

High renin Low renin

Ongoing diureticsRenal A stenosisRenin sec tumor


Low High

Cushing syndromeCS use17hydroxylase defLiddle syndrome

HyperaldosteronismAdrenal adenomaAdrenal hyperplasia

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Thank you

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