messenger july 2013

28 messenger | 1 July/August 2013 Parish Magazine | £1 News from Bolton-le-Sands, Nether Kellet and Christ Church (United Reformed) Shrimps in danger! Bric-a-brac Sale Scout camp news

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Community Magazine for Bolton le Sands and Nether Kellet


Page 1: Messenger July 2013 messenger | 1

July/August 2013

Parish Magazine | £1

News from Bolton-le-Sands, Nether Kellet and Christ Church (United Reformed)

Shrimps in danger!Bric-a-brac Sale Scout camp news

Page 2: Messenger July 2013

CommunityWorship at Holy TrinitySunday 8.00am Holy Eucharist 10.30am Holy Eucharist 3.00pm Liturgy of Healing (every 2nd Sunday in the month) Wednesday 10.00am Holy Eucharist

First Friday WorshipThe first Friday of each month at Holy Trinity at 7.30pm – followed by refreshments and fellowship.

Details of services are displayed on the outside notice board, and are given in The Link each Sunday.

Worship at St Mark’s Nether KelletSundays 9.00amFirst Sunday Holy Eucharist - Common WorshipSecond Sunday Morning Prayer Third Sunday Holy Eucharist - Book of Common PrayerFourth Sunday Morning PrayerFifth Sunday Morning Prayer

Worship at Christ Church United Reformed Church7th June 10.00am Rev G Lear Flowers from - Mrs P Newall 14th June 10.00am Rev G Barton Flowers from - Mr. J. Jones 21st June 10.00am Rev G Barton Flowers from - R Dickenson and M Heaton 28th June 10.00am Rev Y Burns Flowers from - Flower Fund 4th Aug 10.00am TBA Flowers from - C Richardson 11th Aug 10.00am Rev Y Burns Flowers from - G and A Shaw18th Aug 10.00am Rev G Lear Flowers from - Flower Fund 25th Aug 10.00am Rev G Barton Flowers from - Flower Fund

Mass times at St. Mary of The AngelsSundays 9.00amMonday - Friday 10.00am

See Parish Bulletin on notice board by the Church gate for variations

ServicesChrist Church United Reformed ChurchRev’d Y Burns - Minister 822747Mr G Shaw - Treasurer 67644Mrs M Park - Secretary 823096

Old Boys’ Free Grammar SchoolMrs Joan Baker 824384

Trefoil GuildJudith Spotswood 736929

Thwaite Brow Woods Consevation ProjectMrs L. Belcher 824191 Women’s InstituteMrs Hazel Short 822614

Lune Valley Keep Fit OrganisationSheila Stockdale 823632

Men’s GroupMr Keith Budden 824247

Bowling ClubMr Geoff Forrest - Secretary 824346

Cricket ClubMr Mike Clarkson - Secretary 824059

Tennis ClubMrs Pam Holding - President 733805

Bolton-le-Sands & District Floral and Horticultural SocietyMrs Amanda Kerr 720730

PetsearchMrs Margaret Carter 823013

2nd Bolton-le-Sands Scout GroupDebra Thackrah - Cub Leader 07900 803139 [email protected] Dave Squirrell - Scout Leader 07811 274452 [email protected]

Bolton-le-Sands Guides Catherine Spreckley - Guide Leader 07708 275582 [email protected]

Bolton- le-Sands BrowniesRachel Shaw - Brownie Leader01524732726 [email protected]

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Dear all...We are all workers in God’s kingdom. We are all of us called by God into his service. Every one of us has been given our particular set of gifts, talents and abilities to put to God’s use. We all are asked by God to do God’s work in the world. When we respond to God and ask for his blessings in our lives, we are offering ourselves to God, offering ourselves for work, his work.

God calls us by name and has an individual part for us. I once knew lady who had deteriorating MS and became confined to home. “I can’t do any work for God,” she said “except pray.” She had the monthly magazine from church and the weekly newssheet and she made sure that every single thing that the church did was soaked in prayer, that every confirmation candidate was prayed for by name, and every PCC meeting, even the finance meetings and choir practices, had prayer going on at the same time. It was a busy church, but I think she may have been the hardest worker by a mile. She told me that through her illness she had been given the gift of time, and that she was called to use her gift to make a difference to the kingdom of God by praying, and through her generosity God poured out blessings through her. She made a difference to God’s work in the world as God’s blessing flowed abundantly through her and out to others.

We are all called by God. For some people that work will be in a church based setting, for a few that means a public ministry, for some it will be doing what we can, praying and giving, being alongside those in need, for some it will be to make a difference in our place of work. But for all of us it is God’s work that we are called to do, wherever it is based, whatever the shape of that ministry is, and still doing God’s kingdom work even when we are at the coalface and facing an impenetrable secular context. It is sacrificial, we are not like volunteers, we are more like conscripts who are nevertheless free to walk away and deny our calling.

Imagine God asking you, “What difference for my kingdom are you making in the world?” And imagine God asking you, “Will you let me pour my blessing through you into the world?”

We are all abundantly blessed. Praise God.



BLACKBURN messenger | 3

Please come along to a service to celebrate women’s ministry at Lancaster Priory on Saturday 6th July at 4pm with very special guest preacher, The Revd Lucy Winkett, Rector of St James’ Piccadilly and a regular contributor to Radio 4’s ‘Thought for the Day’. Lots of the women priests from Blackburn Diocese will be there and it will be good to show local support.

General Synod again debates Women Bishops

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Celebrating the CoronationOn Sunday 2nd June 2013 the parishioners of Holy Trinity Church celebrated the 60th

anniversary of the Queen’s Coronation. The Reverend Barbara Jones led a service of thanksgiving and tribute to the Queen. The service was followed by coffee and cakes in the fellowship area.

Mothers’ Union Boxes Please could all M.U. boxes be handed in to church, or dropped off at my house 174 Coastal Road, during the month of July. The Coffee Morning to support the Overseas Fund is on Thursday 22nd August and unfortunately I will be away. I would like to have all the boxes emptied, and the money in the bank before I go.

Do hope you can support the Coffee Morning, in the Community Centre; the usual contributions to stalls raffle etc will be greatly appreciated. Sorry I won’t be there!

Enjoy the rest of the summer, with love to all Gaynor

The Messenger The next edition of The Messenger will be September 2013. The deadline for contributions will be Tuesday August 20th.

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Mother’s Union Coffee Morning Thursday 18th July & 22nd August - 9.45 - 11.15amAdmission to the stalls is FREE - Coffee £1

Please could all M.U. boxes be handed in to church, or dropped off at my house 174 Coastal Road, during the month of July. The Coffee Morning to support the Overseas Fund is on Thursday 22nd August and unfortunately I will be away. I would like to have all the boxes emptied, and the money in the bank before I go.

Do hope you can support the Coffee Morning, in the Community Centre; the usual contributions to stalls raffle etc will be greatly appreciated. Sorry I won’t be there!

Enjoy the rest of the summer

With love to all


Tunstall Deanery Festival took place on a sunny afternoon in June at St Luke’s, Slyne-with-Hest and was well attended by members from Silverdale, Hornby, Slyne and Bolton-le-Sands, as well as our MU Diocesan Vice-President, Enid Nutland.

The service was taken by the Revd Pauline Bicknell and took the form of a Songs of Praise, with hymns chosen by the various branches. We were treated to singing by the children of St Luke’s C of E School, which this week is celebrating 50 years on its present site on Shady Lane. A medley of songs from the Hans Christian Andersen suite was followed by the song “Electricity” from the stage show, “Billy Elliot”.

Mr Paul Bowden, the Head-teacher, took his address from the reading of Ecclesiastes 3, “To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven”. He said that this is one of his favourite readings, reminding him that some things are the same every day but other things are unique, as is every child. Over the 50 years children had routinely been taught life skills in the school, but this year had also had the rare experience of playing on the Wembley football pitch. Through it all, Christ had been with them, his promises of everlasting love and care enduring for ever. He concluded with some words of the hymn, “Take this moment, sign and space; Take my friends around; Here among us make the place, Where your love is found” written by John Bell from the Iona Community. After the service we enjoyed fellowship over a lovely buffet of home-made refreshments.

Members recently joined with others from Lancaster Deanery on a Bluebell Walk led by their Deanery Chaplain, the Revd Linda Macluskie, followed by bacon butties at Woodies at the Crook o’ Lune. Do make a note in your diaries of the next Walk, planned for Wednesday 11th September. It follows an easy path from Condor Green to Glasson Dock, so should be suitable for everyone. We shall set off at 12.30, but those who wish to have a picnic or lunch at the Café de Lune may like to go earlier.

Our Summer Lunch at Morecambe Golf Club is planned for Friday 16th August and promises to be another popular event. Before then we will host a Coffee Morning at the Village Hall on Thursday 18th July, with another to follow on 22nd August, both excellent opportunities to meet up in the summer months.

Alan and Margaret Crossley, our Deputy Enrolling Member and former Deanery Presiding Member, are in the process of moving to Bolton to be near their family. They will be greatly missed in the life of our church and in the Mothers’ Union, where their support, guidance, friendship and love have enriched our lives beyond measure. We wish them every happiness and hope they will visit us often!

I do hope to meet with you over the summer events and meanwhile send warmest greetings to all our members, remembering especially any who are unwell at present.

with love and wishing you every blessing,Pam Bentley, Enrolling Member

Mothers’ Union Update

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Dear friendsThe summer holiday season is upon us and many of us will be receiving postcards from family and friends as they travel around our own country and further afield. I always enjoy reading about the places people are visiting and what they are getting up to.

A letter at any time of the year is something to enjoy. In this day and age we can be in touch with people very easily by ‘phone, email or text but a letter is something special. It can be read over and over again, carried around in pocket or handbag and shared with other people. My auntie, who lived for a long time in a residential home, always enjoyed receiving letters. Letters were her main contact with what was happening in the different strands of the family and when visitors called by they would often be shown those letters keeping them in touch with what was happening. Now she has died we have remarked on not only how we will miss sending her postcards and letters but how we will miss reading the ones she received from other people.

A big chunk of the New Testament is made up of letters from St Paul to the churches he had established as he travelled around proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These letters were written 2000 years ago and are still read, discussed and debated about in churches, colleges and homes across the world. What an amazing legacy he left for us – he would have had no idea that we would still be reading and learning from his words in the 21st century.

If you are going on holiday maybe you could send a postcard to someone you know who lives alone or is in a residential home. With a few words, the cost of a card and a stamp you could make someone’s day a little more cheerful.

Happy holidays – with best wishes,Yolande

Carnforth Local Information Centre

A number of people who have been to Carnforth station have asked what has happened to the Local Information Centre. It has been closed all this year owing to lack of funding. Although only needing a net figure of £5,000 for a year, applications to raise such an amount have all failed. As a result, the centre is closed at the present, but it is hoped that something may be done within the foreseeable future. It is a great pity it has closed as it performed a valuable service in providing wide ranging information not only to visitors but to the community as a whole.

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Stories for Change - Bangladesh Shrimp FarmsThe popularity of tropical shrimp – often marketed as scampi, giant shrimp or tiger prawns - is having a devastating impact on local communities in Bangladesh. Sales of frozen prawns have soared in recent years, eaten deep-fried, in stir-fries or as sushi.

Global production now exceeds 1.3 million tonnes a year and on the face of it provides much-needed trade for poor exporting countries, such as Bangladesh. Developed in the 1980s, shrimp farms have produced good profits for rich businessmen. However the environmental devastation is great. They cause pollution, degradation of agricultural land and loss of mangrove ecosystems protecting coastal communities against storm floods. Dead cows are often put into ponds to feed the shrimps creating health hazards.

This land used to be used to grow rice and feed the local population. It also provided work for many labourers, now it only needs a night watchman and about five other workers to keep an eye on the farm. These environmental and human costs far exceed the value of the prawns and scampi produced for western consumers.

Shrimps/prawns are already among the least sustainable fish produced. After being peeled and frozen they are shipped around the world at great cost, in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. In Bangladesh fertile crop land has been flooded with waste from expanding shrimp farms, while bio diverse-rich Mangrove forests have been cut down. Prawn farmers were also found to be using a dangerous pesticide, banned in more than 150 countries around the world because of its toxicity to marine ecosystems and potentially consumers who eat products contaminated with it.

More than half of Bangladesh’s prawns are exported to the EU before being sold on to supermarkets, wholesalers and restaurants. Campaign groups have been calling on consumers, shops and restaurants to stop buying and selling tropical shrimp. For more details see the Environmental Justice Foundation

Dates for the Diary30th June 10.30am -UNITED SERVICE at Bolton-le-Sands followed by Jacob’s Join

4th July 12noon - Agape Lunch

5th July 9.30am - Shining Stars

12th July 9.30am - Shining Stars

18th July 7.00pm - Church Meeting

19th July 9.30am - Shining Stars

23th July Bible Study in the Towers Room

1st August 12noon - Agape Lunch

5th September 12noon - Agape Lunch

6th September 9.30am - Shining Stars

Any changes or additions to be announced

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St. Mark’sNether Kellet

On Sunday 9th June, Caoimhe Mason made her First Holy Communion surrounded by her family and her Parish family. Our young people did the readings and the bidding prayers, and Canon John involved Caoimhe throughout the Mass. It was a joyful, heartwarming occasion, and after there was a party for all in the Hall.

At the moment, even on the dullest day weather wise, it appears the sun is shining on St. Mark’s and the village. The fields around us are a sea of sunshine yellow, thanks to the wonderful display of buttercups - it really is a beautiful sight.

The village was blessed on Saturday 15th with good weather, if a little windy, for its annual Field Day. A town crier led the parade of five floats through the village on to the field where Beccy Meehan, the BBC North West presenter, crowned the Queen, and later presented the cups and prizes to the winners of the floats, fancy dress and races. Once again the ladies of the church and friends provided the refreshments, but unfortunately, those of us involved in the activities on the field were too busy to sample the wonderful home-made cakes - we will have to organise ourselves better next year! It was great to see that Nancy and her family had found time to visit us and enjoy the activities.

I would like to take this opportunity to invite everyone interested in joining some of our other village events. WI meets every second Friday of the month, and will be celebrating their 80th birthday this month. The Indoor Bowling Club play every Wednesday evening and Thursday morning. The Gardening Club meet on the first Friday of the month.

But most of all we would like to welcome everyone who is able to join us in our worship at St. Mark’s each Sunday at 9.00am.

Jean Crabtree

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Thank you...Betty Riley would like to thank everybody for their cards, flowers, best wishes and prayers during her recent incapacity and passes on her love to you all.

Bolton-le-Sands WIOur June meeting was opened by Hazel Short, President. She welcomed a special visitor, Alice Tennant, and we hope she enjoyed the meeting and that we see her again soon. We heard that Betty Riley is on the mend and that Gertie, who has not been feeling too well, is now much better.

Hazel reported on 4 success stories. One was about the reports printed in the Lancaster Guardian - it was nice to know that other people read them and think what an interesting Institute we are!! We had a successful day at the Village Gala, thanks to all who helped. SUCCESS ` the walk` - completed and enjoyed - Jean Bayliss again giving an amusing report on the day’s events which included gale force winds and a lost hat. The next walk is on 17th July starting at 10am from the Old Boys School. Arts and Crafts – another success – Judith Spotswood reported on a good afternoon and thanked all who had helped - the fused glass made on the day was on display. It is hoped further craft events can be held. Knit and Natter will be on the third Tuesday of each month at the Blue Anchor at 10.30. All welcome - if you cannot knit, well you can natter!!! Joan Baker confirmed the visit to Carlisle on 23rd July leaving at 9am and getting back at approx.5.30 cost £10. Notes for your diary - County Show 24th September and Tatton Park 4th December.

A reminder of our own Coffee Mornings : Thursdays once a month – books needed for the book stall.

Our speaker was Eileen Belshaw. Her subject was “It shouldn`t happen to a Nurse”- and when I tell you she was from Liverpool, I need hardly add that we were in for a fun evening. She commenced nursing in 1968 and had been a nurse, mid-wife, a special care nurse and a Community Midwife - she had a wealth of funny experiences to last a full day not just an evening. She talked of everything from bedpans, shrouds, MEN, hospital porters, to birthing pools and shaving pubic hair. She retired 10 weeks ago from being a District Nurse and Midwife in Cumbria and has a follow up talk be continued. This was followed by a natural break FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Yes, we had a Fire Drill which I must say moved along without any problem - we evacuated the building in 2mins. Well done everybody.

When we had all recovered and had a cup of tea, Joan Usher delighted us all by relating the `special day` she had spent with her daughter at the Queen`s Garden Party at Buckingham Palace. The competition, `A Doctor Joke`, was won by Brenda Wood - again more laughter – a good meeting ended at approx. 9.30pm.


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Page 14: Messenger July 2013

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14 | messenger

Alan M Fawcett N.A.F.D, Dip F.D

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Archers CaféVisit our comfortable, family run café, full of character and converted from a lambing shed, situated at the front of the site overlooking Morecambe Bay across to the Lakeland hills.

Somewhere villagers and visitors meet to relax and welcome friends to this beautiful area. Enjoy a cup of freshly ground coffee or select from our choice of teas.

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Page 15: Messenger July 2013

First FridayWorship and Fellowship at Holy Trinity on 5th July, 7.30pm

Mrs Jean Pearson will speak on “The Challenge of South Africa”. All Age worship - Everyone welcome! messenger | 15

Community Playground ProjectLocal school boy Harry Mason (aged 6) has raised nearly £500 for Bolton-le-Sands Community Playground Project by completing 5 laps (approx 1.25 miles) of Silverdale Cricket Ground on Saturday 25 May 2013. On behalf of the CPP: Well done Harry, you are a superstar and we can’t thank you enough for your amazing contribution to the new village playground.

The Family BBQ and Beer Tent event on Saturday 8th June was a great success - raising £1326.50 for the playground fund.

For more information on how you can get involved and support the Bolton-le-Sands Community Playground Project please go to

Alan M Fawcett N.A.F.D, Dip F.D

Funeral Directors

71-73 Main Road, Bolton le SandsT. 01524 824848

120 Kellet Road, CarnforthT. 01524 733048

A complete funeral service froman independent family firm

Private Chapel of RestPre-paid plans available

Floral and Horticultural SocietyThe Floral and Horticultural Society will be hosting a coffee morning at the Community Centre on Thursday 25th July. There will be plants, homemade cakes, jam and chutney, cards, raffle etc. Coffee and biscuits £1.

Saturday 17th August is the Annual Show Day. The show will be opened at 2.15pm by a past President, Mr Michael Short. Entries to Ms Louise Belcher, 7 Slyne Road, Bolton-le-Sands - Tel 824191 - email [email protected] by Thursday 15th August, or between 6.00 and 8.00pm on that day at The Old Boys’ Grammar School.

PetsearchPetsearch is an unincorporated association which keeps a register to help reunite lost pets with their owners. We had over 100 calls last year, and a good half of pets lost were reunited with their owners. Some people just ring for advice, and we give support, counselling and reassurance to people who have lost their pets.

Contact : [email protected]

Lost cat : 10 month old male cat. (Swizzle) He has a tabby face. A brownie back. A black stripe on neck, and is oriental looking. Lost from Bridge Road. Nether Kellet three weeks ago after a move from Lowgill, near Wray.

phone Margaret 823013. or Pauline 822518

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News from the Trefoil GuildAt our Trefoil meeting in April, we were asked to bring an object that brought back memories or was a treasure that we would never part with. Are you sitting comfortably? Then let us begin. Our first member showed a pair of clogs; no ordinary pair, they would fit into a walnut shell, complete with iron caulkers on the soles. These were made by her dad to give to her mum for Christmas. Then came a pair of tiny men’s boots, which he had made for his father. Both examples in the softest of leathers, a lovely memory of a master craftsman.

Next came a photograph of a pair of Royal Dux figures from the Bohemian factory now in Czechoslovakia. These were inherited from a great aunt who never had a lot of money but who had taste in her purchases. They were always kept carefully wrapped and brought out of their drawer each Christmas for the family to admire. When she died, her niece put them on her mantle shelf and they have been on display ever since.

We then were shown the most exquisite piece of jewellery by the renowned goldsmith Lydia Cock. Two, tiny, tiny circles of flowers done in enamel work, attached to the finest of chains and presented in its original leather box. The lady had known Lydia in her youth and Lydia’s nephew had given the brooch to her when auntie passed away. Last year at Blackwell, the arts and crafts house in the Lake District, there was an exhibition of this world wide known goldsmith. An ex-district commissioner in our group brought a Wedgwood pottery bowl which was presented to her on retirement. When she arrived home that evening she heard on the T.V. about the horrific Lockerbie air disaster, so this memento was both happy and sad to its owner.

Our crafty member had always fancied owning a knitting sheaf, so when on holiday on the Yorkshire coast she spotted one in a junkshop. She had to forget the price and buy it, because they are quite rare to find for sale. Always a memory of a holiday and hobbies she enjoys. Memories of her dad cleaning the family’s shoes on Sunday mornings were brought back by a small pottery figure of a chap doing just that, polishing a shoe. Next came a photograph of a sculpture at Lichfield cathedral; “ The Hands of Life”, two metres tall, which brought different thoughts to its presenter.

Lastly, a simple, laminated bookmark, hand painted by the lady’s grand daughter, aged six at the time, which the child had done for grandma’s Christmas present.

Other items included a gold sovereign, a mysterious Victorian pectoral cross, a poem from Vietnam, a watercolour of anemones, and a cowbell from Switzerland. You do not need to be a millionaire to treasure simple things. They were worth their weight in gold to our ladies and obviously gave them the most happy memories of times past.

For our May meeting, we Trefoil ladies have taken up campanology, but have no fear! We are not being taken up into the belfry, oh no, we prefer a sitting down version of the Big Tom type of bell. None of us knew what we were going to do when our May meeting took place but we were shown this colourful set of plastic covered bells about seven inches in height, inside which was a smaller bell with two springs attached, so they could be swung like a brass handbell or as we played them, donged smartly on top with the palm of your hand or a finger. The easy bit was they had a number and a letter on top of the handle. An octave of notes plus some deeper others higher, so it mattered not that most of us had no musical knowledge at all because we had propped in front of us a paper with numbers or letters instead of musical notes.

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To raise funds for Holy Trinity Church Cakes-Jams-Cards-Books-Raffles

If you would like to host a Coffee Morning, or to have a stall, please contact Karen Hillis on 824001, or other members of the social group.

“Camp Fire’s Burning” was supposedly our first tune, but we soon found out, counting the notes and keeping the rhythm whilst peering through varilux or bifocal specs was not easy, chaos reigned. So we moved on to “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”, much more suitable for a pensioner you may think. Oh dear no! We never laughed so much at each other’s failings, but then improvement began as we got the hang of these Combi bells.

We progressed to “Land of the Silver Birch” and “Taps” before having our well earned refreshments. Certainly children will find it fun to play with the bells and be introduced to music in an enjoyable way. It gave us a fun evening too, and we were grateful to Alice from Garstang for coming to our meeting to teach us some very simple campanology. I doubt you will ever find us in the belfry of St. Michael’s. In June we are having a day out to Farfield Mill near Sedbergh, and joining Morecambe guild for afternoon tea at Leighton Hall in July. Our next indoor meeting is at the end of September, so you will not read of our doings until the November issue of The Messenger. Soon be Christmas after that!! Enjoy the summer.

Betty Cottam

A double helping from our Trefoil ladies - and apologies to all regular readers that the April report was left out of the June magazine. But it was worth waiting for! Editor

FoodbankWe are still supporting the work of the Foodbank. All items are welcome, particularly tinned fruit, tinned meat and spaghetti. There is a full list of suitable items, and a collection point, at the back of Holy Trinity Church.

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FundraisingThe amount raised at Holy Trinity for Christian Aid was £218.15.

The Quiz Night at The Blue Anchor on Thursday 6th June raised £183 for church funds. We thank Lisa and her staff for organising the quiz, and a raffle, and for hosting this event.

Water Aid The children of the Loaves and Fishes group, who organised the June First Friday service, raised £160 from a Sponsored Walk, as well £55.22 from a collection at the First Friday service.

Bloemfontein Many thanks to all those who supported the Coffee Morning, hosted by Pam Bentley, for the Revd. Hilary Murphy. A total of £546 was raised for her work in the township of Bloemfontein.

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2nd Bolton-le-Sands Scout GroupOn Friday 14th June the Scouts and Cubs gathered at Silverhelme campsite, in the rain, for their annual group camp. Following the drenching of putting tents up in the rain and the pandemonium of the cubs getting in their tents, the cubs set off on a walk whilst the scouts did what scouts do in woods. Then after some hotdogs, it was to bed, but certainly not to sleep, for the cubs, some of whom were still going strong chatting in their tents beyond 2am.

The next morning we were greeted with dry skies and very tired cubs as all congregated for a cooked breakfast in the lodge. Then even more chaos as the beavers and brownies arrived, some with bags bigger than themselves! With the scouts having disappeared for a hike over Warton Crag, the beavers, cubs and brownies made bow ties, cracked code breakers and hurtled through the trees on a zipwire, kindly built by Paul and Simon. After lunch it was time for the James Bond Games as all competed in teams in events such as welly wanging and sack races before the usual tug of war and it was yet again all the young people who defeated all the leaders in the final event of the day. It was now time for the barbecue and with our three chefs dressed up in their “License to Grill” aprons and bow ties, they delivered a fantastic tea. With the campfire now roaring all gathered to sing campfire songs before settling in the Lodge for a film. Although the cubs were now exhausted, the beavers more than made up for the noise late into the night.

On Sunday morning we greeted our day beavers over breakfast before the scout own, incident hike and the judging of the best dressed teddy competition. During the scout own, prayers and stories were shared by all the sections. Then the teams set out looking for bases where the teams were marked for activities such as cocktail making, painting rocks and apple bobbing followed by sugar bobbing. Then with all the tents down mass games of rounders ensued, before flag down and the whole group photo. A fantastic weekend with the weather better than forecast - and a special thanks to all the leaders who gave up their weekend to help out.

Jason Hillis

Friendship Club - Forthcoming tripsThursday 11th July to Hexham 10.00am to 7.00pmMonday 12th August Selby 10.00am to 7.00pm

For full details of costs and pick-up points, please contact Jean Serle 734107 or Joyce Regan 733321

Page 21: Messenger July 2013

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Page 22: Messenger July 2013

Parish RegistersBaptismsDuring June we welcomed into the church with our love and prayers :Tyler Leigh ReillyLeon Paul BirkettMatthew John Anthony Midgley

WeddingsWe congratulate and pray for Adam Crawley and Joanne North who were married in June.

FuneralsWe continue to pray for the relatives and friends of those who funerals took place during June :Douglas (Ian) AldersleyDavid RobertsJoyce Farr Michael Snape

Readings for July1 Ezekiel 1: 1-14, 2 Corinthians 1: 1-142 Ezekiel 1: 15- 2: 2, 2 Corinthians 1: 15- 2: 43 Ephesians 2: 19-end, John 20: 24-294 Ezekiel 3: 12-end, 2 Corinthians 35 Ezekiel 8, 2 Corinthians 46 Ezekiel 9, 2 Corinthians 57 Galatians 6: 1-16, Luke 10: 1-11, 16-208 Ezekiel 10: 1-19, 2 Corinthians 6: 1- 7: 19 Ezekiel 11: 14-end, 2 Corinthians 7: 2-end10 Genesis 41: 55-end, 42: 5-7, 17 – end, Matthew 10: 1-711 Ezekiel 12: 17-end, 2 Corinthians 8: 16 – 9: 512 Ezekiel 13: 1-16, 2 Corinthians 9: 6-end13 Ezekiel 14: 1-11, 2 Corinthians 1014 Colossians 1: 1-14, Luke 10: 25-3715 Ezekiel 14: 12-end, 2 Corinthians 11: 1-1516 Ezekiel 18: 1-20, 2 Corinthians 11: 16-end17 Exodus 3: 1-6, 9-12, Matthew 11: 25-2718 Ezekiel 20: 1-20, 2 Corinthians 1319 Ezekiel 20: 21-38, James 1: 1-1120 Ezekiel 24: 15-end, James 1: 12-end21 Colossians 1: 15-28, Luke 10: 38-end22 1 Samuel 16: 14-end, Luke 8: 1-323 Ezekiel 33: 1-20, James 2: 14-end24 Exodus 16: 1-5, 9-15, Matthew 13: 1-925 2 Kings 1: 9-15, Luke 9: 46-5626 Ezekiel 34: 17-end, James 4: 13 - 5: 627 Ezekiel 36: 16-36, James 5: 7-end28 Colossians 2: 6-15, Luke 11: 1-1329 Ezekiel 37: 1-14, Mark 1: 1-1330 Ezekiel 37: 15-end, Mark 1: 14-2031 Exodus 34: 29-end, Matthew 13: 44-46

3rd Thomas the Apostle;22nd Mary Magdalene; 25th James the Apostle

We remember all those departed this life whose anniversaries occur during July

Harry PyeStephen Erskine HillHilda SuttonIrene TophamElizabeth Esme RambottomAlbert Leslie ThomasBill AldrenAlice Isabella WhitesideMarjorie Marian BroughtonFrank WestranCalum Alexander LawrieBetty DixonJack SandersonJanice Margaret AnagnostouFrances BowkerCathryn DuncanViolet Mary MooreEunice LangtonAgnes Margrave ExleyFrank Gregory PinkneyFrank Gregory ThomasAgnes Mary ButterworthRichard StretchRobert Henry SimpsonSimon Mark EdwardsDeidre DunnWilliam SandersonElizabeth Mary GallagherMary Gillam

July | messenger

Page 23: Messenger July 2013

We remember all those departed this life whose anniversaries occur during August

Jack L. M. HelmeMoyra WarbrickJoseph Richard HuntingtonClive PartridgeCharles MarshGwyneth GummersallCarlos NoiceKyra Elizabeth JacksonJohn MartinPhoebe Marian DaniellsRobert Irving (Bobby) CooperKenneth M. RigbyJoseph Charles FryerHarry SmithEric JacksonRuby Perks

Community Coffee MorningEvery Thursday 9.45 - 11.15amBolton-le-Sands Community Centre - FREE ENTRY


If you would like to host a Coffee Morning, or to have a stall, please contact Dorothy Carruthers on 824588

Readings for August1 Ezekiel 43: 1-12, Mark 1: 29-end2 Ezekiel 44: 4-16, Mark 2: 1-123 Ezekiel 47: 1-12, Mark 2: 13-224 Colossians 3: 1-11, Luke 12: 13-215 Proverbs 1: 1-19, Mark 2: 23- 3: 66 1 Kings 19: 1-16, 1 John 3: 1-37 Numbers 13: 1-2, 25 – 14: 1, 26-35, Matthew 15: 21-288 Proverbs 3: 1-26, Mark 4: 1-209 Proverbs 3: 27 – 4: 19, Mark 4: 21-3410 Proverbs 6: 1-19, Mark 4: 35 - end11 Hebrews 11: 1-3, 8-16, Luke 12: 32-4012 Proverbs 8: 1-21, Mark 5: 1-2013 Proverbs 8: 22-end, Mark 5: 21-3414 Deuteronomy 34, Matthew 18: 15-2015 Isaiah 7: 1-15, Luke 11: 27-2816 Proverbs 11: 1-12, Mark 6: 14-2917 Proverbs 12: 10-end, Mark 6: 30-4418 Hebrews 11: 29 – 12: 2, Luke 12: 49-5619 Proverbs 14: 31 – 15: 17, Mark 6: 45-end20 Proverbs 15: 18-end, Mark 7: 1-1321 Judges 9: 6-15, Matthew 20: 1-1622 Proverbs 20: 1-22, Mark 7: 24-3023 Proverbs 22: 1-16, Mark 7: 31-end24 Genesis 28: 10-17, John 1: 43-end25 Hebrews 12: 18-end, Luke 13: 10-1726 Proverbs 25: 1-14, Mark 8: 11-2127 Proverbs 25: 15-end, Mark 8: 22-2628 1 Thessalonians 2: 9-13, Matthew 23: 27-3229 Proverbs 27: 1-22, Mark 9: 2-1330 Proverbs 30: 1-9, 24-31, Mark 9: 14-2931 Proverbs 31: 10-end, Mark 9: 30-37

6th Transfiguration of Our Lord;15th The Blessed Virgin Mary; 24th Bartholomew the Apostle

August messenger | 23

Page 24: Messenger July 2013

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Page 25: Messenger July 2013

Complete Garden Maintenance

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Complete Garden Maintenance messenger | 25

Wednesday 3rd 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

5.00pm Confirmation Preparation

Friday 5th 7.30pm First Friday Worship at Holy Trinity

Saturday 6th 10.00 - 11.30am Coffee Morning and Bric a Brac Sale in Holy Trinity

Sunday 7th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Holy Eucharist (CW) at St. Mark's

10.30am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Normal meetings for children's groups

Wednesday 10th 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

5.00pm Confirmation Preparation

Friday 12th Deep Clean at Holy Trinity - times to be announced

Saturday 13th Deep Clean at Holy Trinity - times to be announced

Sunday 14th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Morning Prayer at St. Mark's

10.30am Holy Eucharist Family Service and Confirmation at Holy Trinity

NB There will be NO HEALING SERVICE this afternoon

Wednesday 17th 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Thursday 18th 9.45 - 11.15am MU Coffee Morning at Community Centre

Sunday 21th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Holy Eucharist (BCP) at St. Mark's

10.30am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Combined Children's Group Party in the Scout Hut

12.15pm Holy Baptism ; Lily Boon and Scarlett Brooke Taylor at Holy

Wednesday 24th 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

1.00pm School Leavers' Service at Holy Trinity

Sunday 28th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Moring Prayer at St. Mark's

10.30am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Wednesday 31st 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Parish Calendar - July

We were saddened to learn of the death of Michael Snape in June. Michael had delivered The Messenger for many years, and his was the largest of the delivery rounds. We are very grateful for this tremendous commitment.

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Saturday 3rd 1.00pm Wedding of Cihan Oktem and Jennifer Cliff at Holy Trinty

Sunday 4th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Holy Eucharist (CW) at St. Mark's

10.30am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Wednesday 7th 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Sunday 11th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Morning Prayer at St. Mark's

10.30am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

NB There will be NO HEALING SERVICE this afternoon

Wednesday 14th 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Sunday 18th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Holy Eucharist (BCP) at St. Mark's

10.30am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Wednesday 21st 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Thursday 22nd 9.45-11.15am MU Coffee Morning at Community Centre

Saturday 24th 12.30pm Wedding of Michael Murgatroyd and Jenny Foden at Holy Trinity

Sunday 25th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Morning Prayer at St. Mark's

10.30am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

12.15pm Holy Baptism : Amelia Greenland

Wednesday 28th 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Saturday 31st 2.00pm Wedding of Daniel Newport and Gemma I’anson

Parish Calendar - August

Deep Clean - Help needed In preparation for the Confirmation Service, which will be the 10.30am Family Service on Sunday 14th July. The service will be conducted by the Bishop of Lancaster.Your help is needed on :Friday 12th July in church from 7.00pmSaturday 13th July in church from 9.30am

Page 27: Messenger July 2013

Saturday 3rd 1.00pm Wedding of Cihan Oktem and Jennifer Cliff at Holy Trinty

Sunday 4th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Holy Eucharist (CW) at St. Mark's

10.30am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Wednesday 7th 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Sunday 11th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Morning Prayer at St. Mark's

10.30am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

NB There will be NO HEALING SERVICE this afternoon

Wednesday 14th 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Sunday 18th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Holy Eucharist (BCP) at St. Mark's

10.30am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Wednesday 21st 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Thursday 22nd 9.45-11.15am MU Coffee Morning at Community Centre

Saturday 24th 12.30pm Wedding of Michael Murgatroyd and Jenny Foden at Holy Trinity

Sunday 25th 8.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

9.00am Morning Prayer at St. Mark's

10.30am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

12.15pm Holy Baptism : Amelia Greenland

Wednesday 28th 10.00am Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Saturday 31st 2.00pm Wedding of Daniel Newport and Gemma I’anson messenger | 27

Vicar The Rev’d Nancy Goodrich 823106

SSM Curate The Rev’d Barbara Jones 65598

Reader Mrs Janet Thompson 823503

Church Wardens Mrs Karen Hillis 824001

St Mark’s Officers Mr Robert Whittaker 730362

Pastoral Assistants Mrs Susan Axon 824014

Mr Ian Entwistle 824504

Mr Robert Midgley 732347

P.A Emeritus Mrs Maree Aldren

Verger Mrs Joan Midgley 732347

Musical Director Mr Ian Entwistle 824504

Treasurer Mr Simon Wilson 822037

Covenant Secretary Mr Alan Thompson 823503

PCC Secretary Mrs Jane Ruscoe 824611

Bolton le Sands CE Primary School Headteacher

Mr Tim Cross 823606

Under 18’s Coordinator Mrs Adele Wilkinson 823861

Junior Church Mrs Amanda Graham 824155

Rock Solid Mrs Kath Brough 733730

HEAT Mrs Andrea Hobbs 822159

Serving Information Mrs J Midgley

Childrens Society Parish Coordinator Miss Margaret Hutchinson 824110

MU Enrolling Member Mrs Pam Bentley 822077

The Messenger : Editor Mr David Bateman 822065

The Messenger : Subscriptions Mrs Kathy Edwards 824518

Church Staff Directory

We are keen to include news of any events taking place within the parish, and to celebrate the many successes of all who live and work here. The deadline for receiving articles for THE MESSENGER is 20th of the month. Articles can be sent by email to [email protected] or by hand/post to 30 Slyne Road, Bolton-le-Sands.Editor David Bateman 822065Subscriptions Kathy Edwards 824518

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BLACKBURNVicarThe Reverend Nancy Goodrich, T. 01524 823106E. [email protected]

SSM CurateThe Reverend Barbara Jones, T. 01524 65598

Holy Trinity, Main Road, Bolton-le-Sands, Lancs, LA5 8DU Tel: 01524 823106St Marks, Main Road, Nether Kellet, Lancs, LA6 1ER Tel: 01524 823106Christ Church (United Reformed), Main Road, Bolton-le-Sands, Lancs, LA5 8DL Tel: 01524 822747St Mary of the Angels (Catholic), Main Road, Bolton-le-Sands, Lancs, LA5 8DN Tel: 01524 732940

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