message from iem president -...

2 013 has been a challenging year for the engineering profession with the slowdown in the construction sector and few avenues for new major projects in 2014. We have to turn ourselves to new innovative projects in the energy sector or infrastructure networks to keep the profession going until the economy picks up again. e engineering profession will continue to shape up Mauritius hopefully within the Maurice Ile Durable Concept if the financial and technological means are put at our disposal. IEM welcomes the initiative of the University of Mauritius to proceed with the accreditation of engineering programmes run by the Faculty of Engineering. In this connection, we attended a seminar with resource persons from the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) at the University of Mauritius; if these engineering courses become recognised under the Washington Accord, then the future graduates of UoM will have better chance of finding jobs outside Mauritius. We are worried with the employability of young graduates in engineering under the present economic situation; as at today we have about 150 young graduates looking for placement or traineeship and many experienced engineers are finding themselves in delicate employment situations. IEM is strongly supporting the possibility of exporting our competence to the region – Indian Ocean or African countries. is wish was expressed during the pre-budget consultations with the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Honourable Xavier Duval on Monday 07 October 2013 and IEM will closely monitor future roadshows by Enterprise Mauritius or Board of Investment to include delegation of engineering or construction firms who would like to prospect overseas markets. We will be successful if we pool resources together to tender for the big jobs on the African continent – for those who remembered the construction recession in 1982-1983, the contractors of Mauritius joined forces under the Consortium of Mauritian Contractors (CMC) to carry out major constructions works on the island of Diego Garcia for the US Government. IEM has been multiplying contact with engineering institutions within the region to foster links for our members. We recently co- founded the Southern African Federation of Engineering Organisations (SAFEO) regrouping B o t s w a n a , Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. We have Memorandum of Understanding with the Institution of Engineers, India and will shortly sign another MoU with the South Africa Institution of Civil Engineers (SAICE). We hope that our members will benefit from the facilities of our sister institutions if ever they visit the abovementioned countries. On the local front, we are awaiting the draſt Engineering Council Bill and all the re-structuring of the construction industry sectors under the CIDB. We had a very successful and enjoyable Annual Dinner at Casela on Friday 13 September 2013 – nothing supernatural happened to any of the participants !!! We have been able to publish our Annual Journal thanks to the sponsorship and collaboration of our esteemed engineers to whom I extend my warmest thanks and appreciation. Your Executive Council mandate will end in March 2014; so I invite members to prepare themselves to serve on the Council for 2014-2015 mandate. New blood brings new ideas. I would like to thank all members of the Executive Council who have continued to provide good support during 2013. As we near the end of year festivities, I take this opportunity to wish all members of IEM many wonderful returns for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2014 CLAUDE WONG SO OSK FIEM FIOSH IEM President 2012-2013 11 November 2013 MESSAGE FROM IEM PRESIDENT CLAUDE WONG SO OSK, FIEM, FIOSHM P. O. BOX 464 Port Louis NOVEMBER 2013

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2013 has been a challenging year for the engineering profession with the slowdown in the construction

sector and few avenues for new major projects in 2014. We have to turn ourselves to new innovative projects in the energy sector or infrastructure networks to keep the profession going until the economy picks up again. The engineering profession will continue to shape up Mauritius hopefully within the Maurice Ile Durable Concept if the financial and technological means are put at our disposal.

IEM welcomes the initiative of the University of Mauritius to proceed with the accreditation of engineering programmes run by the Faculty of Engineering. In this connection, we attended a seminar with resource persons from the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) at the University of Mauritius; if these engineering courses become recognised under the Washington Accord, then the future graduates of UoM will have better chance of finding jobs outside Mauritius.We are worried with the employability of young graduates in engineering under the present economic situation; as at today we have about 150 young graduates looking for placement or traineeship and many experienced engineers are finding themselves in delicate employment situations. IEM is strongly supporting the possibility of exporting our competence to the region – Indian Ocean or African countries. This wish was expressed during the pre-budget consultations with the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Honourable Xavier Duval on Monday 07 October 2013 and IEM will closely monitor future roadshows by Enterprise Mauritius or Board of Investment to include delegation of engineering or construction firms who would like to prospect overseas markets. We will be successful if we pool resources together to tender for the big jobs on the African continent – for those who remembered the construction recession in 1982-1983, the contractors of Mauritius joined forces under the Consortium of Mauritian Contractors (CMC) to carry out major constructions works on the island of Diego Garcia for the US Government.IEM has been multiplying contact with engineering

institutions within the region to foster links for our members. We recently co-founded the Southern African Federation of Engineering O r g a n i s a t i o n s (SAFEO) regrouping B o t s w a n a , Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. We have Memorandum of Understanding with the Institution of Engineers, India and will shortly sign another MoU with the South Africa Institution of Civil Engineers (SAICE).We hope that our members will benefit from the facilities of our sister institutions if ever they visit the abovementioned countries.On the local front, we are awaiting the draft Engineering Council Bill and all the re-structuring of the construction industry sectors under the CIDB. We had a very successful and enjoyable Annual Dinner at Casela on Friday 13 September 2013 – nothing supernatural happened to any of the participants !!!We have been able to publish our Annual Journal thanks to the sponsorship and collaboration of our esteemed engineers to whom I extend my warmest thanks and appreciation.Your Executive Council mandate will end in March 2014; so I invite members to prepare themselves to serve on the Council for 2014-2015 mandate. New blood brings new ideas. I would like to thank all members of the Executive Council who have continued to provide good support during 2013.As we near the end of year festivities, I take this opportunity to wish all members of IEM many wonderful returns for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2014


IEM President 2012-2013

11 November 2013


P. O. BOX 464 Port Louis NOVEMBER 2013



Twenty two members have been admitted in 2013, or have been upgraded. We wish all a warm welcome!


1 Michael Wong So IEM203 Corporate

2 Vijendra Kumar Mohonee IEM204 Associate

3 R J Jumnoodoo IEM205 Admitted

4 D Damonaiko IEM206 Associate

5 Nitin Dochianth Seenundun IEM207 Associate

6 Y Raaj Joyseeree IEM208 Associate

7 V S Doobooree IEM209 Admitted

8 Divesh Budhai IEM210 Associate

9 J Alvin Castel IEM211 Associate

10 Y Chandrakumar Takoory IEM212 Associate

11 Vikram Gunnoo IEM213 corporate

12 Preety Baboo IEM214 Associate

13 Kamleshwar Greedharry IEM215 Associate

14 R Tilhoo IEM216 upgrade to Corporate

15 S K Seelochun IEM217 upgrade to Corporate

16 H V Mohabirsingh IEM218 upgrade to Corporate

17 Chetty Krishen Veerapen IEM219 corporate

18 Charun Abeeluck IEM220 Associate

19 Y Kishnah IEM221 Admitted

20 Y Devi Leelodharry Student

21 T Ganeshan Student

22 J R Maurel upgrade to fellow


A series of events were on our “to do list” provided in our previous Newsletter. We are happy to report that they have materialised and are now on our “done list”.

We can of course do more – much more - with the input and help of each of you, IEM members. We reiterate our wish that news topics, presentations, seminars, visits be proposed on our IEM platform of events.


• Presentation of “CEB’s Integrated Electricity Plan 2013-2022”. Mr S. Mukoon made a presentation at IEM House on 21 June 2013.

• Presentation of the “Latest Technologies and Applications for Photovoltaic Panels”. SFER (Maurice) Ltee made a presentation on 19 April 2013.

Sustainable development• The visit to Solid Waste Recycling Ltd - la

Chaumiere’s composting plant – took place on 08 June 2013

Construction - Road Infrastructure • A visit was organised at Sir Colville Deverell

Bridge, Montagne Ory on 10 August 2013. Construction works are related to the widening of the M1 motorway

o NEXT LOCAL EVENTS• Presentation of the three best projects of

the IEM-UoM Best Final Year Engineering Completion 2012-2013

• Talk by Barclays/KPMG – possible topic: insurances/guarantees/bonds

• The Social Outdoor Day event has not yet materialised. We hope to organise such an event for members and family. Casela was the earmarked location; we decided instead to host our annual dinner in this magnificent place.


• Agreements Mauritius has become a member country of the Southern African Federation of Engineering Organisations (SAFEO). The agreement with signed by the President of IEM on 05 September 2013.

The objectives of SAFEO is for SAFEO to promote and extend the exchange of technical, scientific and professional knowledge to better service the interests and welfare of engineering practitioners in membe countries, as well as to encourage and support members to uphold and advance the integrity, honour and dignity of engineering.

Initial Member countries of SAFEO include Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

IEM is presently considering an agreement of collaboration with the South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) to promote bilateral cooperation between the parties.

• WFEO General Assembly

IEM could not attend the WFEO General Assembly conference on “Innovative and Sustainable Solutions to Climate Change” meeting in Singapore, Sept. 9 – 15, 2013 as this clashed with the organisation of our annual dinner and associated events

As member of international organisations, IEM has received invitations/notifications for several international events which were forwarded to our members.




The IEM Annual Dinner was held on 13 September – in line with our tradition to celebrate the Engineers’ Day.

120 participants made it to Casela Leisure Park for this year’s dinner.

Pre-Dinner Cocktail in the Friendly Environment of Casela Leisure Park

Speech by IEM President



Raymond Maurel receiving his Certificate of Fellowfrom Claude Wong So,

President of IEM


1st Prize and Certificate handed over by Mr Tamojoy Sengupta, Chief Marketing Officer of EMTEL Mauritius to Ms RAGO Yogeshwari Pooja for the project “Effect of Operational Parameters on Degradation of Reactive Blue 221 Assisted by Sonification”.

2nd Prize and Certificate handed over by Mr. Gungoosingh, Director of Servansingh Jadav & Partners Consulting Engineers Ltd to Mr SEENUNDUN Nived Duchainth for the project “Evaluation of Power Plant Wastes in Engineered Fills”

3rd Prize and Certificate handed over by Mr C Wong So, President of IEM to Ms BOYJONAUTH Juhee for the project “Comparison between Eurocode, American Standard and Australian Standard for Reinforced Concrete Design”

Institution of Engineers Mauritius P.O.Box 464 Port Louis

or c/o Pro-Five Ltd, 5 Ylang-Ylang St, Q. BornesE-mail : [email protected]


IEM Journal 2013 launched by Roland Fayolle, Chairman of the CRPE and Assoc. Prof. D.K. Hurrerram

Snapshots of the dinner !