mesolithic and neolithic presentation

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  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


    A. Mesolithic

    1. Began approximately 12,000 years ago

    2. Warmer, drier climate with disappearance of large herd animals such as mammoths

    and wooly rhinoceros.

    3. Greater reliance on small game, wild plants, fishing

    4. Stone tool technology changes: microliths, smoothly ground stone axes, harpoons

    5. Natufians in Southwest Asia (Fertile Crescent)

    a. For example, the village of Jericho

    b. Hunters and gatherers, but settled into a village

    c. Storage pits for grains.

    6. Transition for Nomadic Hunting and Gathering way of life to Settled Agricultural


  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


    B. The Neolithic


    The Neolithic means the new Stone Age.

    2. However what's really important is the domestication of plants and animal

    development of sedentary communities.

    3. This happened 10,500 years ago in Southwest Asia.

    4. And 8000 years ago in southeast Asia, Mexico, Peru.

  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


    C. Characteristics of Plant domesticates.

    1. Increase size of edible parts, e.g., wheat, corn.

    2. Loss or reduction of husk, teosinte to corn.

    3. The development of tough stems, e.g., wheat so seeds can be harvested easil

  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


    Teosintle; Maize Evolution

  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


    D. Major Cultigens (Plant Domesticates)

    1. Southwest Asia: wheat, barley, flax, lentil, rye.

    2. Southeast Asia: millet, rice, taro.

    3. Africa: sorghum, yams.

    4. Melanesia: yams

    5. Mesoamerica: corn, beans, squash, cotton, chili, avocado, amaranth.

    6. Highland South America: potato, quinoa

    7. Tropical south America: manioc , peanuts

  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation

    9/31Taro Root for Sale

  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation



  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


    E. Characteristics of Animal Domesticates

    1. Reduction or loss of horns, female sheep.

    2. Greater number of woolly follicles, sheep.

    3. Reduction in the size of teeth, pigs

    F. Identification of domesticated animals in the archaeological record1. higher percentage of remains of young and male animals. Why?

    a. Butchering of male sheep in Iraq.

    b. High newborn mortality due to diseases in corrals, llamas in

  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


    G. Major Animal Domesticates

    1. Southwest Asia: sheep, goats, cattle, dogs, camels, horses, ducks.

    2. Southeast Asia: silk worm, pigs, water buffalo, ducks, geese, chic

    3. South America: guinea pig, llama, alpaca.

    4. Mexico: turkey, dog, honey bee.

    5. Egypt: cat

  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


    Silk Worm

  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


    Alpaca (Lama pacos).

    Jarno GonzalezZarraonandia/

  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


    Xoloitzcuintli, Mexican hairless dog

  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


    Population growth by Cohen.

    1. Hunting, fishing and gathering were very productive

    2. So productive that population grew.3. More people needed more food

    4. People in marginal areas decided to domesticate animals and plants to provide

    new food

    5. Problems.

    a. Domestication is gradual and would not provide people with more food in

    the short term.

    b. Assumes domestication was intentional. However, people cannot predictwhich plants or animals could be domesticated.

  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


    Seasonal stress theory of plant domestication in SW Asia by McCorriston and Hole.

    1. The earliest plant domestication took place around the margins of evaporating

    lakes. For example, the Jordan River Valley.

    2. Beginning in the Mesolithic, the climate became warmer with seasonal droughts(these are seasonal stresses.)

    3. Annuals are best adapted to this environment,

    a. wild cereal and grains produce abundant seeds and survive for long periods

    of drought.

    4. People collected wild plants, for example, wheat, barley, and rye.

    5. They used sickles, which meant that plants with tough stems and seeds that did

    not readily scatter were the most likely to be carried back to settlements.

    6. Some lost seeds germinated at disturbed sites such as latrines, garbage pits, and

    burned over areas.

    7. People began to promote growth of these annuals.

  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


    The hilly flanks theory of animal domestication by Hole.

    1. Wild sheep and goats were domesticated in the hilly flanks or the foothills of the

    Zargos Mountains in present day Iraq and Iran

    2. Wild sheep and goats migrated up and down mountains due to the seasonal

    availability of grasses.

    3. Sheep and goats grazed in the lowlands during the winter and in the high pastures in

    the summer.

    4. People follow these animals, and became very familiar with their behavior and habits

    5. By 11,000 years ago, the percentage of male lamb remains increased.

    6. This indicates the presence of herd management

    a. Females were spared for breeding and people were feasting on ram lambs.

    7. By 8000 years ago, domesticated sheep and goats were being kept at villages like


  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


    I. Neolithic life; Jericho in the Jordan River Valley.

    1. 10,350 years before present, Jericho was first settled by hunters and gather

    2. 8000 years before present, the farmers were raising animals, and cultivatin

    3. Wheat, barley, sheep, goats.

    4. 400 to 900 people


    egalitarian, centralized cemetery6. Massive stone walls to prevent flooding.

    7. Mud brick houses with courtyards.

    8. Storage rooms.9. Stone Tower.

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    Stone Towerin Jericho

  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


    Foundationof RoundHouse inJericho

  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


    1. Obsidian turquoise and shells traded with other villages.

    2. Tools.

    a. Polished stone, wood, bone, horn.

    b. Scythes, forks, hoes, plow

    c. mortar and pestle.

    d. Pottery

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  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation


    J. Neolithic health.

    1. There were waterborne diseases and gastrointestinal diseases due to poor s

    2. Airborne diseases.3. Carbohydrate related diseases.

    4. Periodic epidemics and food shortages lead to malnutrition and stunted gro

    5. Harris lines in long bones, enamel hypoplasias

    6. Zoonoses such as smallpox and chickenpox -- transmitted from domesticat

    7. Sickle cell anemia, malaria, and farming

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    Enamel Hypoplasia

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  • 7/28/2019 Mesolithic and Neolithic Presentation
