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Maria BernyiRomni n Buda i n Pesta Romanians in Buda and Pest Romnok Budn s Pesten

Povetile caselor Tales of houses Mesl hzak


Publicaie a Societii Culturale a Romnilor din Budapesta i a Institutului de Cercetri al Romnilor din Ungaria Published by the Cultural Society of Romanians in Budapest and by the Research Institute of Romanians in HungaryKiadja a Budapesti Romnok Kulturlis Trsasga s a Magyarorszgi Romnok Kutatintzete

Sub naltul patronaj al Excelenei sale Ireny Comaroschi, Ambasador Extraordinar i Plenipoteniar al Romniei n Republica Ungar Under the high patronage of Her Excellency, Ireny Comaroschi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania to the Republic of Hungary Fvdnk: excellencija Ireny Comaroschi, Romnia Rendkvli s Meghatalmazott Magyarorszgi Nagykvete

Redactor / Editor / Szerkeszt: Emilia Martin Lector / Reader / Lektor: Mihaela Bucin, Tiberiu Herdean Traducere / Translation / Fordts: Vajna Tnde (romn / Romanian / romn), Ana Scarlat (maghiar/ Hungarian / magyar), Bucin Barna, Vlad Marinescu (englez / English / angol) Fotografii / Pictures / Fotk: Emilia Martin, Maria Bernyi, Szl Zsolt Coperta / Cover / Bort: Emlia Nagy

Editor responsabil / Responsible of edition / Felels kiad: Maria Bernyi Maria Bernyi Tehnoredactare / Editing / Nyomdai elkszts: Kovcs Sndor Tiparul / Print and Bookbinding / Nyoms, kts: Drer Nyomda Kft., GyulaISBN: 978-963-08-1267-2


Maria Bernyi

Povetile caselorRomni n Buda i n Pesta

Tales of housesRomanians in Buda and Pest

Mesl hzakRomnok Budn s Pesten

Budapesta Budapest, 20113


Cuvnt nainte de povesteVieile noastre trectoare dobndesc trinicia idealurilor i a aciunilor noastre care le mplinesc. Astfel, ne prelungim vieuirea, ne proiectm peste timp visele, eforturile, ateptrile, n parte realizate, n parte transmise motenire generaiilor viitoare. La temelia neamurilor stau oamenii. Un neam se ncheag din vieile efervescente trecute, prezente i viitoare, aflate ntr-o convieuire subtil i sublim, ale celor care i asum nceputurile, greutile parcursului, euforia mplinirilor i inefabilul idealurilor. Un neam, ca i un om, depete derularea cronologic, nu se msoar n timp, i nici mcar n spaiu, ci n infinitezimale transformri i relaionri care l structureaz i l definesc. Un neam devine mai puternic i mai bogat la rscrucile interferenelor cu alte neamuri, pe care istoria i le hrzete. Un neam puternic nva generozitatea i convieuirea cu alii, mulumind destinului i recunoscndu-le celor cu care interfer contribuia acestora la propria devenire. Sunt fericit s constat faptul c neamul romnesc a avut de-a lungul istoriei sale prilejuri nenumrate, chiar dac de foarte multe ori dramatice, de a se raporta la culturi, civilizaii, forme de organizare statale i sociale diferite de ale sale, dar, n egal msur, nelepciunea de a le prelucra, asimila i integra, evolund i ntregindu-i astfel caracterul i proiectele n conformitate cu propriile trsturi i interese.

ForewordA nations foundation is its people their ideals and actions, their dreams and expectations, whether achieved during a lifetime or passed along to future generations. People make their nation. A nation is born through those who assume responsibility from the beginning; they live through the inevitable hardships, enjoy the euphoria of their accomplishments, and never let go of their enduring ideals. A nation, as does the individual, defines itself beyond time and space, by the infinitesimal transformations and connections that structure and shape it. A nation becomes stronger and richer because of its interactions with others; it learns about generosity and coexistence, and recognizes that it is those interactions that contributed to its ability to become what it is today. Throughout its turbulent history, Romania has had the opportunity often through dramatic events to be influenced by other cultures, civilizations, and forms of statehood, and I am proud that Romanians time and again welcomed change, adapting and integrating, ultimately developing their own unique culture, one reflective of new influences yet consistent with their heritage. Traditionally, Romanians have valued the Hungarian capital as a significant intellectual and cultural center. Romanians living in Hungary, or coming to Hungary from Romania or the Balkan Peninsula, all benefited from the advancements and opportunities offered by Buda and Pest as a result of their

Elsz a meshezMland letnk elnyeri eszmnykpeink s tetteink szilrdsgt, maradandsgt miltal beteljesl. Ltezsnk gy folytatdhat. lmaink tugorjk az idt, fradozsaink, elvrsaink, rszben teljestve, rszben rksgknt tadva a jvend generciknak. A nemzetek alapjt az emberek kpezik. Minden nemzet az elmlt, a jelenkori s jvbeli pezsg letekbl ll ssze, mint egy kifinomult, sszetett s magasztos egyttlse mindazon embereknek, akik felvllaljk a kezdeteket, a folyamat nehzsgeit, a beteljeslsek eufrijt s ideljaik kimondhatatlansgt. Egy nemzet, akr egy ember, tllp a kronolgin. Nem lehet sem idben, sem trben lemrni, csak a vgtelenl apr vltozsokban s kapcsolatokban, amelyek felptik s meghatrozzk. Egy nemzet ersebb s gazdagabb vlik ms, a trtnelem ltal neki rendelt nemzetekkel val klcsnhatsok kereszttjn. Egy ers nemzet megtanulja a msok irnti nagylelksg s msokkal val egyttls mvszett, megkszni sorsnak, s elismeri mindazok hozzjrulst nnn ltezsnek fejldshez, akiknek klcsnhatsban rszeslt, rszesl. rmmel llapthatom meg, hogy a romn nemzetnek trtnelme sorn szmtalan alkalma volt mg ha ezek sokszor drmai korszakok is voltak sajtjtl klnbz kultrkhoz, civilizcikhoz, llami s trsadalmi berendezkedsekhez vonatkoztatnia nmagt. Blcsen feldolgozta, magv tette


Tradiional, romnii s-au raportat la capitala ungar ca la un centru cultural intelectual de prim rang. Acetia, fie c era vorba despre romnii tritori n Ungaria, cei venii din Peninsula Balcanic sau din Romnia, au beneficiat de progresele i posibilitile pe care le ofereau Buda i Pesta pentru creterea lor cultural, tiinific, economic, social, religioas. Ei au constituit o comunitate puternic, strns n jurul Bisericii Ortodoxe, cu un rang social recunoscut i integrat organic timpului su i societii multiculturale, multiconfesionale, multietnice i cosmopolite caracteristice Ungariei i capitalei sale. Disponibilitatea lor pentru comunicare i aculturaie, respectul pentru societatea ungar n ansamblul su, implicarea lor civic semnificativ au fcut ca muli dintre acetia s devin reprezentani de seam ai comunitii budapestane, iubii, respectai, ascultai i comemorai peste timp. Albumul monografic de fa este un omagiu dedicat convieuirii culturilor i aduce n atenie pe romnii care au trit sau au trecut prin Budapesta. Acetia au ridicat ctitorii culturale, spirituale i arhitecturale care nfrumuseeaz i mbogesc patrimoniul acestui ora. n egal masur, ei au contribuit la transmiterea ctre Romnia a unor elemente de progres tiinific i social, acumulate ntr-o capital european emancipat, deschis, aflat mai la vest, deci mai aproape de alte centre recunoscute ca modele de cultur, civilizaie i progres ale continentului, fa de care romnii, oriunde s-au aflat, au tnjit i s-au strduit s le cunoasc i s le asimileze. Trecnd dincolo de splendoarea exterioar i ptrunznd prin zidurile frumoaselor cldiri care stau i azi mrturie, albumul spicuiete doar cteva dintre povetile acestor romni i descrie momente semcultural, scientific, economic, social and religious progress. They built a strong community around the Orthodox Church, which, held in high esteem, was organically integrated into Hungary and its capitals multicultural, multi-denomination, multiethnic, and cosmopolitan society. The Romanians openness to communication and acculturation, their respect for the Hungarian society and its people, and their remarkable civic involvement turned many of them into important representatives of the Budapest culture, people who were, respected, beloved, admired and revered over time. This monographic album is a tribute to the coexistence of these cultures and features Romanians who have lived in or passed through Budapest. Over time, they created cultural, spiritual, and architectural foundations that enriched the patrimony of this great city, while bringing to Romania the scientific and social progress that characterized this emancipated, open, European capital, similar to other famous European centers as cultural models of civilization and progress, which Romanians, wherever they were, had dreamed of and had tried to know and absorb. Beyond the exterior splendor of the stunning buildings that stand as proof till today, the album presents merely a few stories of these Romanians and talks about special moments in their lives, showing, once again, the identity in interests and endeavors of all those who have lived here, in this stimulating cultural diversity. Their example inspired us and will continue to inspire new generations today, who

s integrlta e hatsokat, fejldtt ltaluk, kiegsztvn jellemt s terveit sajt vonsainak s rdekeinek megfelelen. E hagyomnyok szellemben a romnok elsrang kulturlis szellemi kzpontknt tekintettek a magyar fvrosra. Akr Magyarorszgon szlettek, akr a Balknrl menekltek vagy Romnibl rkeztek, haszonlvezi voltak mindannak a haladsnak s lehetsgnek, amelyet kulturlis, tudomnyos, gazdasgi, trsadalmi, vallsi fejldsk s gyarapodsuk rdekben Buda s Pest felknlt szmukra. Ers kzssget alkottak, szorosan az Ortodox Egyhz kr tmrlve, elismert trsadalmi ranggal s szervesen beplve a korba s annak multikulturlis, tbb felekezet s etnikum, Magyarorszgra s fvrosra jellemz kozmopolita trsadalmba. A prbeszd s akkulturci irnti nyitottsguk, tiszteletk a magyar trsadalom egsze irnt, jelents trsadalmi szerepvllalsuk tette lehetv, hogy sokan kzlk fontos szemlyisgei legyenek a budapesti kzssgnek. A budapesti kzlet fontos, szeretett, tisztelt, meghallgatott s az idkn tnyl emlkezetben rztt kpviseliv vltak. A jelen album a kultrk kzti egyttlsnek llt emlket, azokat a romnokat ajnlva az Olvas figyelmbe, akik Budapesten ltek vagy csak tutazban jrtak itt. Szmos alapt egynisget tallunk kzttk, kulturlis, szellemi, ptszeti ltestmnyeik szptik, gazdagtjk e vros rksgt. Mindannyian hozzjrultak az eurpaibb, emancipltabb, nyitottabb, nyugatiasabb, s ez ltal ms, a kontinens kulturlis, civilizcis s progresszv modellknt elismert kzpontjaihoz kzelebbi fvrosban


nificative din viaa lor, demonstrnd, nc o dat, identitatea de interese i de eforturi a tuturor celor care au trit aici n diversitate cultural autentic i stimulatoare. Exemplul lor ne-a inspirat i va continua s ne inspire pe noi, cei de azi, pentru care traiul n diversitate i libertatea de expresie a identitii trebuie s reprezinte singura i naturala opiune a spaiului comun european. Adresez gratitudinea mea romnilor din Republica Ungar pentru delicata, dar ferma exprimare a identitii lor culturale, etnice, lingvistice i religioase, n calitate de ceteni demni, loiali i apreciai ai rii lor, constituind astfel o punte de legtur statornic ntre Romnia i Republica Ungar. Salut activitatea deosebit a Institutului de Cercetri al Romnilor din Ungaria, a Societii Culturale a Romnilor din Budapesta, felicitndu-le n mod special pe doamna Maria Bernyi, Director al Institutului de Cercetri al Romnilor din Ungaria i pe doamna Emilia Martin, Director al Muzeului Ferenc Erkel din Giula, pentru devotamentul i contribuia determinant la cunoaterea istoriografiei romnilor din Ungaria, n rndurile comunitii, n Romnia i n relaia cu concetenii lor. Le adresez mulumiri speciale pentru eforturile foarte mari depuse prin implicarea personal la scrierea i editarea acestui album monografic, fr de care lucrarea de fa nu ar fi existat. Transmit admiraia i recunotina mea dasclilor care se ocup de educaia n limba romn la toate nivelurile la care activeaz i i invit s continue s fac educaie n limba romn, despre limba, cultura i civilizaia romneasc tuturor romnilor care triesc aici. Aduc un cuvnt cald de mulumire doamnei Mihaela Bucin, efa Catedrei de Limba Romn din cadrul Universitii din Seghedin, care are living in diversity and freedom of expression, both of which can be the only natural status quo for our common European space. I would like to address my gratitude to the Romanians living in Hungary for their gentle but firm expression of their cultural, ethnic, linguistic and religious identity, in the role of loyal citizens of their country. It is they who constitute the unyielding connection between Romania and the Republic of Hungary. I applaud the considerable activity of the Research Institute of Romanians in Hungary, that of the Cultural Society of Romanians in Budapest, and I would like to specially congratulate Mrs. Maria Bernyi, Director of the Research Institute of Romanians in Hungary and Mrs. Emilia Martin, Director of the Museum Ferenc Erkel in Gyula, for their devotion and significant contribution to showing the historiography of Romanians from Hungary among their community, in Romania and in relation to their co-citizens. I would like to recognize them for their tremendous efforts undertaken through their personal involvement in writing and editing this monographic album, without which this album would not have come to fruition. My admiration and gratitude goes to all educators, at all levels, teaching subjects in Romanian and I encourage them to continue to educate all Romanians living in Hungary about the Romanian language, culture, and society. A warm thank you goes to Mrs. Mihaela Bucin, Head of the Romanian Language

felhalmozd tudomnyos s trsadalmi fejlds elemeinek amely elemek irnt a romnok, akrhol is legyenek, svrogtak, s amelyeket megismerni s elsajttani trekedtek tovbbtshoz Romnia fel. Az impozns pletek pomps klssgein tlhaladva, s belpve mig a mltrl tanskod falaik kz, az album nhny mest vlogat e romnok vallomsaibl, ismertetve letk fontosabb momentumait bizonytvn ismt azon rdekek azonossgt s mindazok erfesztst, akik megltk itt ezt a vals, autentikus s sztnz kulturlis soksznsget. Pldjuk ihletett s ihletni fog bennnket, mai embereket, akiknek lte az identits kifejezsnek szabadsgban s soksznsgben az egyetlen s termszetes vlasztst kell, hogy kpviselje a kzs eurpai trsgben. Elismersemet fejezem ki a Magyar Kztrsasgban l romnok, kulturlis, etnikai, nyelvi s vallsi identitsuk finom, de hatrozott kifejezse irnt, melyet hazjuk mlt, lojlis, rtkelt llampolgri minsgben tesznek, szilrd hidat kpezvn Romnia s a Magyar Kztrsasg kztt. Kszntm a Magyarorszgi Romnok Kutatintzetnek, a Budapesti Romnok Kulturlis Trsasgnak kivl munkssgt, kiemelvn itt fleg Bernyi Mrit, az Intzet igazgatjt s Martyin Emlit, a gyulai Erkel Ferenc Mzeum igazgatjt. Ksznm odaadsukat s meghatroz hozzjrulsukat a magyarorszgi romn trtnetrshoz, ennek megismertetshez a kzssg soraiban, Romniban s honfitrsaik kztt. Kln ksznm szemlyes hozzjrulsukat, komoly erfesztsket az album megrshoz s megjelentetshez. Nlklk ez a kiadvny nem ltezne.


a efectuat traducerea literar n limba romn a textului acestui album. Adresez recunotina mea distinsului profesor Gheorghe Petruan pentru carierea prestigioas de ef al Catedrei de Limba Romn din cadrul Universitii din Seghedin, dar mai ales pentru menirea pe care i-a asumat-o de peste 40 de ani, i anume aceea de mentor al intelectualitii romneti din Ungaria, pe care a format-o i pe care o cluzete n continuare. Cunoaterea are nevoie de comunicare, de aceea am bucuria s mulumesc partenerilor notri media, i anume domnului Tiberiu Boca, Redactorul ef al emisiunii Ecranul Nostru, magazinul cultural n limba romn a Televiziunii Publice Maghiare, doamnei Eva Iova, Directorul Revistei Foaia Romneasc, sptmnal al romnilor din Ungaria i doamnei Iulia Kaupert, Redactorul ef al emisiunii n limba romn O voce romneasc a Radiodifuziunii Maghiare. Dincolo de filele acestui album, ei vor vorbi mereu despre aceast motenire preioas a caselor povestitoare din Budapesta. Adresez recunotina mea Bisericii Ortodoxe Romne din Ungaria pentru statornicia sprijinului i ndrumrii sale. Mulumesc i pe aceast cale autoritilor maghiare pentru sprijinul acordat publicrii acestui album. Un cuvnt de apreciere se ndreapt ctre sponsorii i binefctorii care au susinut acest album, care i-au exprimat i n acest fel opiunea pentru diversitatea cultural i o convieuire mbogit. Nu n ultimul rnd, sunt onorat s transmit admiraia mea locuitorilor frumosului ora Budapesta, capitala Republicii Ungare, oamenilor minunai pe care i-am ntlnit n drumurile mele cotidiene i section at the Szeged University, who was responsible for the translation of the text in this album into Romanian. I would also like to convey my admiration to the distinguished professor Gheorghe Petruan for his outstanding career as the Head of the Romanian Language department at the Szeged University. For the past 40 years, he has mentored and guided Romanian intellectuals living in Hungary. Knowledge needs communication, which is why I have the pleasure of thanking our media partners, Mr. Tiberiu Boca, Chief Editor of the Ecranul nostru show, a cultural show in Romanian airing on the Public Hungarian Television, Mrs. Eva Iova, Director of Foaia Romneasc, weekly magazine of Romanians in Hungary and Mrs. Iulia Kaupert, Chief Editor of O Voce romneasc, a radio show in Romanian on the Hungarian Radio. Beyond the pages of this album, they will continue to dedicate their work to talking about this precious heritage of the story-telling houses in Budapest. I extend my special thank you to the Romanian Orthodox Church in Hungary for their enduring support and advice. I take the opportunity to once again thank the Hungarian authorities for the support given in publishing this album. A word of deep appreciation goes to the sponsors and benefactors of this album, who expressed also in this way their allegiance to cultural diversity and enriched coexistence. Last but not least, I would like to express my sincere respect and thank you, to the wonderful people

Kifejezem csodlatom s elismersem azon tanrok irnt, akik az oktats minden szintjn romn nyelvi nevelsben rszestik a dikokat, s krem ket, hogy nevel munkjukat folytatva minden itt l romnnak adjk t a romn nyelvtudst, kultrt s a romn civilizcit. Hls ksznetem fejezem ki Bucin Mihaelnak, a Szegedi Tudomnyegyetem Romn Tanszke vezetjnek, aki az album szvegnek irodalmi romn fordtja volt. Petrusn Gyrgy tanr rnak szeretnm kifejezni elismersemet, hlmat a Szegedi Tudomnyegyetem Romn Tanszkn kifejtett nagyszer munkjrt, s klnsen a tbb mint 40 esztend alatt a magyarorszgi romn rtelmisg mentoraknt, alaktjaknt s irnytjaknt tanstott elhivatottsgrt. Az ismeret ignyli a kzlst, ezrt rmmel ksznm meg mdia-partnereink, nevezetesen Boka Tibor, a Magyar Televzi romn nyelv kulturlis magazinja, az Ecranul Nostru fszerkesztjnek, tovbb Jova va, a Foaia Romneasc magyarorszgi romn hetilap igazgatjnak s Kaupert Jlia, a Voce Romneasc romn nyelv rdiads fszerkesztjnek munkjt. Az album lapjain tl k sokszor fogjk bemutatni a budapesti mesl hzak becses rksgt. Elismersemet szeretnm kifejezni a Magyarorszgi Romn Ortodox Egyhznak llhatatos tmogatsrt s irnytsrt. Ezton szeretnm megksznni a magyar kormnyzati szerveknek az album megjelentetshez adott tmogatst.


celor pe care i-am cunoscut personal n activitatea desfurat, pentru amabilitatea i afeciunea pe care mi le-au artat mie i culturii romne. i felicit pentru capacitatea i talentul cu care au ridicat acest ora care se bucur de aprecierea tuturor vizitatorilor, pentru ospitalitatea locuitorilor i pentru splendoarea construciilor, mreie la care au contribuit, din loc n loc, i romnii tritori aici. Doresc s le mulumesc locuitorilor Budapestei pentru deschiderea, bucuria i interesul cu care au primit i n trecut i primesc i n prezent cultura romneasc. Budapesta, 11 iulie 2011 Ambasador Ireny Comaroschi Ambasador Extraordinar i Plenipoteniar al Romniei n Republica Ungar ntre anii 20052011

of the beautiful city of Budapest, whom I had the honor of meeting through my professional activity and my personal encounters. Thank you for your kindness and the affection you have shown me and the Romanian culture and people. I congratulate you for your ability and talent with which you have built this world renowned city, your hospitality and the splendor of the architecture, to which also Romanians calling this city their home have contributed. I would like to thank you, the people of Budapest, for your openness, joyfulness and interest with which you welcomed the Romanian culture and people in the past and today. Budapest, 11 July, 2011 Ambassador Ireny Comaroschi Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania to the Republic of Hungary, 20052011

Mly ksznet illeti az album szponzorait s tmogatit is. Tmogatsukkal egyttal kifejeztk elktelezettsgket a kulturlis sokflesg s az ltala gazdagtott egyttls irnyban. Nem utols sorban, megtisztel szmomra, hogy kifejezhetem csodlatomat e szpsges vros, Budapest, Magyarorszg fvrosa lakosainak, azon nagyszer embereknek, akikkel htkznapi tjaimon tallkoztam, s akiket munkm folyamn szemlyesen megismerhettem. Ksznm mindazt a kedvessget s gyngdsget, melyet irntam s a romn kultra irnt mutattak. Gratullok nekik ahhoz a hozzrtshez s tehetsghez, melynek segtsgvel felptettk ezt a vrost, amely minden ltogatja csodlatt kivvja, gratullok lakosai vendgszeretethez s az pletek pompzatossghoz, nagyszersghez, melyhez helyenknt hozzjrultak az itt l romnok is. Ksznetemet szeretnm kifejezni Budapest lakinak nyitottsgukrt, rmkrt s rdekldskrt, amellyel a mltban s a jelenben is fogadtk s fogadjk a romn kultrt. Budapest, 2011. jlius 11. Ireny Comaroschi Nagykvet Romnia Rendkvli s Meghatalmazott Magyarorszgi Nagykvete 20052011 kztt


Macedoromni i romni la Buda i la Pesta n secolele al 18-lea i al 19-leaNu e exagerat afirmaia conform creia, din punct de vedere etnic, Ungaria istoric a fost statul cel mai pestri din Europa. Diversitatea etnic reprezenta o caracteristic i pentru cele dou orae gemene de pe cele dou maluri ale Dunrii, Pesta i Buda. Acest caracter multietnic persist constant i dup constituirea capitalei Ungariei, prin unificarea acestora. Alturi de unguri, i-au constituit aici comuniti cultural-religioase germanii, srbii, slovacii, grecii i romnii. Grecii i comercianii macedoromni de cultur greceasc au venit n numr mare n Ungaria n secolul al 18-lea, cei mai muli din Moscopole (azi, Voskopoje, n sudul Albaniei), din Kozani, din Bitolia. Membrii familiilor Grabovschi, Derra, Naco, Arghir, Manno, Lica aduceau cu lepurile la Pesta cereale din regiunile sudice ale Europei, dar fceau comer i cu piei, pnzeturi, argint i tot felul de alte mrfuri i articole de bazar. La Pesta, pe atunci, vlahii macedoneni (inari) erau denumii cu etnonimul de greci, deoarece greaca reprezenta pentru ei limba de afaceri. n familie, ns, foloseau aromna (limba matern a macedoromnilor), prin acest lucru ei nsii se delimitau de greci. Centrul economic i comercial al acestei comuniti era Pesta. n secolele al 18-lea i al 19-lea, la Buda i Pesta viaa romneasc cultural, artistic, eclesiastic era deosebit de intens. n capitala ungar, romnii i alte minoriti au editat ziare literare i culturale, au fondat asociaii, societi literare, au sprijinit trupe de actori amatori.

Macedo-Romanians and Romanians in Buda and Pest in the 18th and 19th CenturiesIt is not an exaggerated affirmation, that from an ethnic point of view, historical Hungary was Europes most spotted state. Ethnical diversity represents a characteristic of the two twin cities on the banks of the Danube, Buda and Pest, a phenomenon that is constantly persisting even after the establishment of the Hungarian Capital, through the unification of the two. Next to Hungarians, the Germans, Serbians, Slovakians, Greek and Romanians also established here cultural-religious communities. Greek and Macedo-Romanian merchants from a Greek culture came to Hungary in large groups in the 18th century, most of them coming from Moscopole (today Voskopoje, in the south of Albania), from Kozani and from Bitolia. Members of the Grabovschi, Derra, Naco, Arghir, Manno, and Lica families would bring with them barges of grain from the southern region of Europe to Pest. They also made commerce with leather, linen drapery, silver and all other types of bazaar merchandise and goods. In Pest, around that time, Macedonian Vlachs (also called tzantzari (mosquitoes) is what they were called with the Greek ethnonym, because Greek represented for them the business language. However in the family, they used Aromanian (the native language of Macedo-Romanians) and through this action they delimited themselves from the Greek people. The economic and commercial center of this community was Pest. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the Romanian cultural, artistic and ecclesiastical life was very interesting. In the

Macedoromnok, romnok Budn s Pesten a 1819. szzadbanA trtnelmi Magyarorszg etnikai szempontbl Eurpa legtarkbb npessg orszga volt. Ez a soksznsg a Duna parti ikervrosokat, Pestet s Budt, majd a fvross egyeslt Pest-Budt, illetve Budapestet is egyarnt jellemezte. A magyarok mellett kulturlis-vallsi kzssget alkottak itt a nmetek, a szerbek, a szlovkok, a grgk, valamint a romnok is. A grg s grg mveltsg macedoromn kereskedk a 18. szzadban rkeztek nagy szmban Magyarorszgra, a legtbben Moschopolisbl (ma: Voskopoje, Dl-Albnia), Koznibl, Bitolibl. A Grabovszkyak, a Derrk, a Nkk, az Argirik, a Mannk, a Lykk szlltottk uszlyaikkal Pestre a dlvidki gabont, de kereskedtek brrel, vszonnal, ezsttel, arannyal s mindenfle egyb holmival, bazrruval. Az akkori Pesten a macedniai vlahokat (cincrokat) is grgknek mondtk, mivel grg nyelven folytattk zleteiket. Csaldi krben azonban az aromn nyelvet (a macedoromnok nyelvt) hasznltk, gy klnbztettk meg magukat a grgktl. E npessg gazdasgi s szellemi kzpontja Pesten volt. A 1819. szzadban igen gazdag romn irodalmi, egyhzi s kulturlis let folyt Pest-Budn. A magyar fvrosban a romnok s ms kisebbsgek irodalmi s kulturlis lapokat alaptottak, kulturlis egyesleteket, olvas s sznjtsz krket hoztak ltre.



1. Alt-Sandmann: Biserica ortodox greacromn, 1853 Alt-Sandmann: The Greek Romanian Orthodox church, 1853 Alt-Sandmann: A Nemeg yeslt grg eg yhz,1853 2. Moscopole, Biserica Sfntul Nicolae, construit n 1721 Moscopole, Saint Nicholas church, built in 1721 Moschopolis, az 1721-ben plt Szent Mikls-templom 3. Moscopole, Interiorul Bisericii Sfntul Nicolae, construit n 1721 Moscopole, Interior of the Saint Nicholas church, built in 1721 Moschopolis, Szent Mikls templom bels tere 4. Panorama oraelor Pesta-Buda de pe Muntele Gellrt, 1817 Panoramic view of Pest-Buda from Gellrt mountain, 1817 Pest-Buda ltkpe a Gellrtheg yrl, 1817 5. Franz Xaver Sandmann: Panorama oraelor Pesta-Buda de pe Muntele Gellrt, 1853 Franz Xaver Sandmann: Panoramic view of Pest-Buda from Gellrt mountain, 1853 Franz Xaver Sandmann: Pest-Buda ltkpe a Gellrtheg yrl, 1853



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De la sfritul secolului al 17-lea ncoace, Budapesta a fost treptat reconstruit. Primria de astzi i majoritatea bisericilor n stil baroc dateaz din aceast epoc i tot atunci a fost renovat i Palatul Regal din Cetate. Buda a devenit centrul administrativ iar Pesta centrul industrial i comercial. n prima jumtate a secolului al 19-lea, Pesta era nucleul spiritual al rii, atunci a fost construit i Podul cu Lanuri. Dup lupta pentru independen a Ungariei, odat cu ncheierea pactului cu Austria, s-a creat Monarhia austro-ungar, lucru ce a imprimat un suflu nou pentru progresul oraului. n 1873, Buda, Pesta i buda (Buda Veche) s-au unit. n urma unificrii a nceput o dezvoltare spectaculoas, s-au construit poduri, s-au amenajat parcuri, s-au introdus canalizarea i iluminatul public, s-au construit drumuri i o linie de tren subteran. Budapesta a ajuns, la sfritul secolului al 19-lea, un ora cu opt sute de mii de locuitori, fcnd concuren Vienei, att n privina numrului de locuitori, ct i a rolului deinut. n timpul Celui De-al Doilea Rzboi Mondial, o mare parte a oraului a fost distrus i toate podurile au fost bombardate. ntre 1945 i 1949, oraul a fost reconstruit. Pn n 1950, numrul de locuitori a crescut considerabil prin anexarea de orae i comune din mprejurimi. n prima jumtate a secolului al 19-lea, centrul oraului nu mai putea face fa noilor cerine: i ndeplinea n continuare rolul important ca centru administrativ, eclesiastic i de nvmnt, dar nucleul vieii economice s-a transferat definitiv n Oraul Nou, n Liptvros. Palate lng palate, i ce stil de via, ce mai du-te-vino! exclam, plimbndu-se pe cheiul Dunrii, vestitul poet i povestitor danez, Hans Christian Andersen.Hungarian capital, Romanians and other minorities edited cultural and literary publications, founded associations, literary societies and supported amateur actor troops. From the end of the 17th century till today, Budapest has been gradually rebuilt. The city hall of today as well as the majority of churches in the Baroque style date from this age and also the Royal Palace Citadel was renovated then. Buda became the administrative center and Pest the commercial and industrial one. Around the middle of the 19th century, Pest was the spiritual center of the country, that is when the Chain Bridge was built. After the War of Independence, after the signing of the Conciliation Pact, the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy was created, positively influencing the development of the city. In 1873 Buda, Pest and buda (old Buda) were united. Following the unification, there began a spectacular development, bridges were constructed, parks were managed, sewer and public lighting were introduced, roads and a subterranean train were built. Budapest became, by the end of the 19th century, a city with population of eight hundred thousand, making competition to Vienna as much in terms of population as in its obtained role. During the Second World War, a big part of the city was destroyed and all the bridges were bombed. Between 1945 and 1949 the city was rebuilt. Until 1950 the population grew considerably by means of annexation of the surroundings cities. In the first half of the 19th century, the center of the city could not keep up with the new demands: it continued to meet its important role as the administrative, ecclesiastical and educational center, but the nucleus of economic life was transferred finally to the new city of Liptvros. Palace after palace, what a life, what traffic! exclaims Hans Christian Andersen, the well known Danish poet and narrator, while walking on the shores of the Danube.

Budapest a 17. szzad vgtl fokozatosan szplt. Ebben az idszakban plt a mai vroshza s a barokk templomok tbbsge, s jult meg a kirlyi vrpalota. Buda kzigazgatsi, Pest pedig ipari s kereskedelmi kzpontt fejldtt. A 19. szzad els felben Pest lett az orszg szellemi centruma, megplt a Lnchd is. A kiegyezssel ltrejtt az Osztrk-Magyar monarchia, aminek pozitv hatsa volt a vros fejldsre is. 1873-ban Buda, Pest s buda egyeslt. A vros risi fejldsen ment keresztl: hidak, parkok, csatornk, utak pltek, valamint a fldalatti is elkszlt, s javult a kzvilgts is. Budapest a 19. szzad vgre nyolcszzezres lakos vilgvross fejldtt, vetekedve Bcs nagysgval s szerepvel. A msodik vilghbor idejn azonban nagy rsze elpusztult, illetve megrongldott, a hidakat lebombztk. 1945 s 1949 kztt a vros jjplt, 1950-ben pedig a lakossg szma a krnyez megyei vrosok s nagykzsgek hozzcsatolsval jelentsen megntt. A Belvros a 19. szzad els felben mr nemigen tudott megfelelni az j ignyeknek: fontos igazgatsi, egyhzi s iskolai centrum maradt, de a gazdasgi let kzpontja vgrvnyesen az jvrosba a Liptvrosba helyezdtt t. Palota palota mellett, s micsoda let, micsoda forgalom! kiltott fel a Duna-soron stl vilghr dn meseklt, Hans Christian Andersen.





6. Barabs Mikls: Punerea pietrei de temelie a Podului cu Lanuri, 1842 Barabs Mikls: Laying the foundation stone of the the Chain Bridge, 1842 Barabs Mikls: a Lnchd alapklettele, 1842 7. Franz Weiss: Palatele de pe Feldunasor Franz Weiss: Palaces on Feldunasor/ Upper Danube Lane Franz Weiss: A pesti Feldunasor paloti 8. Alt-Sandmann: Alsdunasor/Lower Danube Lane Alt-Sandmann: Alsdunasor


Romnii ortodoci sunt organizai i condui n Pesta de comunitatea puternic macedoromn. Timp ndelungat, romnii din Ungaria aproape c nici n-au avut alt burghezie, n afar de cea ridicat dintre macedoromni. Macedoromnii erau oameni srguincioi i cumptai, puneau interesele economice nainte de toate, ineau mult la credina lor ortodox i la dezvoltarea culturii. Deinnd prvlii n toate punctele frecventate ale oraului, n scurt timp i-au fcut averi considerabile, au achiziionat multe proprieti imobiliare. Cei mai ilutri locuitori din centrul Pestei aparineau acestei comuniti. Faptul c acetia au cumprat terenurile i imobilele cele mai scumpe i au construit palate n centrul i pe teritoriul din ce n ce mai extins al Pestei, sunt dovezi elocvente ale mbogirii lor. Muli macedoromni s-au stabilit n special n zona Pieei Teatrului (azi piaa Vrsmarty), a Pieei Jzsef ndor i jvsrtr (azi piaa Erzsbet), iar alii locuiau pe strzile Vci, Blvny (azi strada Oktber 6) i pe strada Kt sas (azi strada Sas). Ei nu construiau imobile numai pentru a avea unde locui sau pentru a le folosi drept spaii comerciale, ci pentru a investi. Familia Lica avea 15 case iar familia Mocioni 17 case. Familiile Nedelcu, Gojdu, Lepora, Derra, Ioanovici i Sina erau, de asemenea, proprietare ale mai multor cldiri. Numeroase dintre acestea fac i astzi parte din patrimoniul imobiliar al capitalei Ungariei.

In Pest, the Orthodox Romanians are organized and led by a strong Macedo-Romanian community. For a long time, the Romanians in Hungary almost did not have any bourgeoisie other than that risen from the Macedo-Romanian community. Macedo-Romanians were diligent and sober people, putting economic interests before all other things. They cared a lot about their Orthodox belief and about the development of culture. Operating shops in all the frequently visited places of the city, they made in short time considerable fortunes and owned a lot of real estate. They were the most illustrious residents of central Budapest. The fact that these people purchased the most expensive land and real estate on which they built palaces in the center and in the ever extending territory of Pest is an eloquent evidence of their wealth. Macedo-Romanians settled specifically in the areas of Theater Square (today Vrsmarty Square), Jzsef Ndor Square and jvsr Square (today Erzsbet Square), and some of them lived on the Vci Street, Blvny Street (today Oktber 6 Street) and Kt Sas Street (today Sas Street). They did not build real estate with the sole purpose of having a place to live or a commercial space, but rather for making investments. The Lica family had 15 houses and the Mocioni family 17. The Nedelcu, Gojdu, Lepora, Derra, Ioanovici and Sina families were also owners of numerous buildings. Today, several of these buildings are part of the Hungarian capitals real estate heritage.

Pesten az ortodox romnsg vezet ereje s szervezje a macedoromnsg volt. Hossz idn keresztl ms polgri rtege szinte nem is volt a magyarorszgi romnoknak. Szorgalmas, takarkos, az zleti rdekeket mindenek fl helyez emberek voltak, akik ragaszkodtak ortodox hitkhz, s figyelemmel ksrtk a kulturlis let alakulst is. A vros szinte valamennyi forgalmasabb pontjn voltak zleteik, s hamarosan tekintlyes vagyonra s szmos ingatlanra tettek szert. k kpviseltk Pest kzpontjnak elitjt. Vagyoni gyarapodsukat jl pldzza, hogy a belvros legdrgbb telkein s az egyre bvl Pest j terletein vsroltak ingatlanokat, illetve ptettek palotkat. A Sznhz tr (ma Vrsmarty tr), a Jzsef ndor tr s az jvsrtr (ma Erzsbet tr) krnykre telepltek, de laktak a Vci, a Blvny (ma Oktber 6.) s a Kt sas (ma Sas) utcban is. Cljuk a hzptssel mr nem a laks s zlethelyisg biztostsa volt, hanem a pnzbefektets. A vrosban 15 hza volt a Lyka s 17 a Mocsonyi csaldnak. Tbb hzzal rendelkezett mg a Nedelk, Gozsdu, Lepora, Derra, Joanovics, Sina csald is. Ezek kzl ma is tbb plet kpezi Budapest kiemelt ptsi rksgt.


Destinele unor oameni i ale unor cldiriCentrul oraului Pesta Piaa Vrsmartyn anii 1840, proprietarii irului de case din partea de est a pieei Vrsmarty de azi erau n exclusivitate macedoromni. Casa de pe col, de la numrul 2 din piaa Vrsmarty era proprietatea familiei Mocioni, pe locul casei de la numrul 3, se afla casa lui Gheorghe Sina, la numrul 4, casa lui Anastasie Lepora, la numrul 5 casa lui Constantin Grabovschi, iar n col, la numrul 6, casa lui Anastasie Lica. Familia Lica era una dintre familiile macedoromne cele mai respectabile din Budapesta n secolul al 19-lea. Fondatorul dinastiei, Dumitru Lica, s-a nscut n 1737 la Moscopole. Nu se tie precis cnd s-a stabilit n Ungaria, dar n 1789 el fusese deja unul dintre semnatarii cererii naintate de grecii i macedoromnii din Pesta, pentru a construi o biseric. i-a ales soie tot dintr-o familie macedoromn, pe Iuliana Gojdu, cu treizeci i unu de ani mai tnr dect el. Cuplul a avut mai muli copii, dintre care Anastasie, nscut n 1800, a devenit cunoscut om de afaceri, prin negustoria cu piele de care s-a ocupat. n 1830, Dumitru Anastasie Lica a devenit cetean al oraului Pesta, iar n 1833, cetean al oraului Buda. i-a investit surplusul de capital n special n cldiri, n cartierul j-Liptvros (n nordul

The destiny of some people and some buildingsCenter of Pest Vrsmarty SquareIn the 1840s, the owners of the rows of houses on the east side of todays Vrsmarty square were exclusively Macedo-Romanian. The house on the corner, No. 2 Vrsmarty Square was the property of the Mocioni family, on the lot from No. 3 there was the house of Gheorghe Sina, at No. 4 the house of Anastasie Lepora, at No. 5 the house of Constantin Grabovschi and in the corner, at No. 6, the house of Anastasie Lica. The Lica family was one of the most respected Macedo-Romanian families in the 19th Century. The founder of the dynasty, Dumitru Lica was born in 1737 in Moscopole. It is not known for sure when did they settle in Hungary, but in 1789 he was already one of the signatories of the petition forwarded by the Greek and the Macedo-Romanians from Pest, in order get approval to build a Church. He chose a wife also from a MacedoRomaian family, Iuliana Gojdu, who was thirty one years younger than him. The couple had many children, including Ansatasie, born in 1800, who became a well-known businessman as leather trader. Dumitru Anastasie Lica was accepted in 1830 among the Bourgeoisie in Pest, and in 1833 among the ones from Buda. He selectively invested his surplus capital into buildings from the j-Liptvros district (north of actual fifth district), and in 1844 he built a palace with three floors on the corner of Vrsmarty square and Harmincad Street following the designs made by the renowned architect Hild Jzsef.

lettrtnetek pletekA pesti Belvros Vrsmarty trA mai Vrsmarty tr keleti hzsornak tulajdonosai az 1840-es vekben mr kizrlag a pesti macedoromnok kzl kerltek ki. A Vrsmarty tr 2. szm sarokhz a Mocsonyi csald volt, a 3. szm hz helyn Sina Gyrgy hza llott, a 4. szm alatt Lepora Anasztz hza emelkedett. Az 5. szm hz a Grabovszky Konstantin, a 6. szm sarokhz pedig Lyka Anasztz tulajdont kpezte. A 19. szzadi Budapest macedoromn famlii krben az egyik legtekintlyesebbnek a Lyka csald szmtott. A dinasztit alapt Lyka Demeter 1737-ben szletett Moschopolisban. Pontosan nem tudhat, mikor telepedett le Magyarorszgon, 1789-ben azonban mr szerepelt a neve azon a krvnyen, amelyben a pesti grgk s macedoromnok sajt templom ptst krvnyeztk. Felesget szintn macedoromn csaldbl vlasztott magnak: a nla harmincegy vvel fiatalabb Gozsdu Juliannt vezette oltrhoz. Hzassgukbl tbb gyermek szletett, kztk 1800-ban Anasztz, akibl ksbb zletember, hres brkeresked lett. Lyka Demeter Anasztzt 1830-ban felvettk a pesti, 1833-ban pedig a budai polgrok kz is. Fls tkjt fleg hzingatlanokba fektette, az akkor pl j-Liptvrosban (a mai V. kerlet szaki rsze),


actualului sector V), iar n 1844 i-a construit un palat cu trei etaje la colul pieei Vrsmarty cu strada Harmincad, dup planul renumitului arhitect Hild Jzsef. Terenul din faa casei Lica unde fusese cldirea birourilor Tricesimei Regale (Harmincadvm), cldire demolat n anul 1859 a fost mprit n patru loturi i scos la licitaie, n vederea finanrii construciei noii Redute (Vigad). Partea de teren din colul pieei Jzsef ndor cu strada Dorottya a fost cumprat de Dumitru Anastasie Lica, iar restul, de croitorul Eisele Antal, de un profesor chirurg, i de ctre Banca Comercial Ungar din Pesta. (Pesti Magyar Kereskedelmi Bank). Astfel, noul complex de cldiri, care a fost ridicat aici, a i fost botezat blocul ciuntitorilor dat fiindc fiecare proprietar tia ceva: piele, ordine de plat, textile, pacieni! La parterul noilor cldiri s-au deschis magazine, printre care i cafeneaua Privorszky, denumit apoi Kugler i, mai trziu, cofetria Gerbeaud. Maestrul cofetar Kugler l-a cunoscut la Paris pe Emil Gerbeaud i l-a invitat la Pesta, s-i fie asociat i urma. Cofetarul de origine elveian a adus cu sine un important capital i, n 1892, a cumprat cofetria pe care, pn atunci, Kugler o avea doar n chirie. Dup decesul lui Kugler, ncepnd din 1908, cofetria devenit cea mai renumit din Budapesta, se va numi pn astzi Gerbeaud. n scurt timp, proprietarii vor cumpra i aripa vestic a cldirii. Imobilul primete forma actual la reconstrucia general din 1910. n jurul anilor 1870, puin a lipsit ca piaa ncadrat de aceste cldiri s primeasc numele lui Anastasie Lica. Bogatul macedoromn a observat c numele locului Sznhz Tr (Piaa Teatrului) nu mai era actual, pentru c teatrul german din Pesta, care se afla cndva n partea dinspre Dunre aThe land opposite to Licas house where the Regal Offices of Tricesima (Harmincadvm) building was located, demolished in 1859, was split up into four lots and brought to auction in view of the financing of the new Redoubts (Vigad) construction. The corner of the land, Jzsef Ndor Square with Dorottya Street was purchased by Dumitru Anastasie Lica, and the other three parts by the tailor Antal Eisele, by a professor surgeon and by the Commercial Bank of Hungary from Pest (Pesti Magyar Kereskedelmi Bank). So, the new complex of buildings that was constructed was baptized cutters building, named like this because every owner cut something: leather, legal tender, textiles or patients. Stores were opened at the street level of the building, including the caf Privorszky, later renamed Kugler, then became after a while the Gerbeaud confectionery. The Master confectioner Kugler met Emil Gerbeaud in Paris and invited him to Pest to be his associate and successor. The Master confectioner of Swiss origin brought with himself an important capital and in 1892 purchased the confectionery that was only rented by Kugler until then. After the death of Kugler, since 1908, the confectionery became the most famous in Budapest and is named till today Gerbeaud. In short time the owners purchased also the west wing of the building. The real-estate received its current form after a general reconstruction in 1910. Around the 1870s, not much was missing for the square framed by these buildings to receive the name of Anastasie Lica. The rich Macedo-Romanian noticed in 1860 that the name of the place Sznhz Tr (Theater Square) was no longer actual, because the German theater from Pest, that inspired the name of the square and was previously situated on the side towards the Danube of this square, burned down in 1847, even the last foundation stones of the theater being removed in the meantime. Nevertheless, there was an intention

1844-ben a Vrsmarty tr s a Harmincad utca sarkn pttetett magnak egy hromemeletes palott, amelyet Hild Jzsef, a neves ptsz tervezett. A Lyka hzzal szembeni telken a Harmincadvm hivatalnak plete llt. Azt 1859-ben lebontottk, telkt ngy rszre osztva elrvereztk, hogy a bevtelt az j Vigad ptsre fordthassk. A Jzsef ndor tr s a Dorottya utca sarkn lv rsztelket Lyka Demeter Anasztz vette meg, a tbbit Eisele Antal szabmester, egy sebszprofesszor s a Pesti Magyar Kereskedelmi Bank. El is neveztk a pestiek az j hztmbt a Vgk tmbjnek, mivel tulajdonosai kzl ki brt, ki szelvnyeket, ki szvetet, ki beteget vgott. Az j hzak fldszintjn zletek nyltak, tbbek kztt a Privorszky kvhz, azaz a ksbbi Kugler, majd Gerbeaud cukrszda. Kugler cukrszmester Prizsban ismerte meg a ksbbi nvadt, Gerbeaud Emilt, akit trsul s utdjul hvott Pestre. A svjci szrmazs cukrsz nagy tkt hozott magval, 1892-ben megvsrolta az addig csak brelt zlethelyisget. Kugler halla (1892) utn az zlet a Gerbeaud nevet vette fel; ekkor mr Budapest els cukrszdjnak szmtott. Nem sokkal ksbb a fldszint nyugati oldalt is hozzvsroltk, mai arculatt pedig az 1910. vi nagy feljts sorn nyerte el. 1870 tjn nem sokon mlt, hogy a tr maga is Lyka Anasztz nevt vegye fel. A gazdag macedoromn ugyanis idszertlennek tlte az akkor hasznlatos elnevezst, mert az egykor ott llt, s 1847-ben legett pesti Nmet Sznhznak 1856-ra mr az utols kveit is eltakartottk a tr Duna felli oldalrl. A tisztelet s az emlkezs azonban mg j ideig kijrt a rgen patins pletnek, alapos okot kellett


9. Casele din partea de est a Pieei Vrsmarty Buildings from the Eastern side of Vrsmarty Square Vrsmarty tr keleti hzsora 10. Palatul Lica The Lica Palace Lyka palota 11. Casa Gerbeaud, 1890 Maison Gerbaud, 1890 A Gerbeaud-hz 1890 12. Cofetria Gerbeaud Gerbaud confectioner y Gerbeaud cukrszda

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acestei piee, arsese n 1847, iar n 1856 chiar i ultimele pietre de fundaie ale teatrului fuseser evacuate. ns vechea denumire a locului s-a mai pstrat un timp, din respect i ca amintire a prestigioasei cldiri istorice. n aceste condiii, cererea de schimbare a denumirii pieei trebuia s fie foarte bine argumentat. Anastasie Lica i-a motivat iniial cererea spunnd c palatul su domin piaa. Pentru a da o mai mare prestan propunerii sale, a oferit o sum apreciabil n eventualitatea afirii numelui su i pe tbliele de marcaj ale strzii. Norocul ns nu a fost de partea lui, deoarece, odat cu cererea sa, a sosit la primrie i vestea naterii fiicei mpratului Franz Iosif, botezat Gizella, dup numele primei regine a Ungariei. Iar pentru a reaciona cum se cuvine la o astfel de onoare, n Ungaria s-a hotrt botezarea unei piee publice cu numele prinesei Gizella. Piaa Teatrului a devenit astfel Piaa Gizella, ca, dup 1920, s i se schimbe din nou denumirea, cu numele lui Vrsmarty. Anastasie Lica a murit n 1871, lsnd motenire urmailor si cincisprezece imobile n Pesta. El nsui, precum i familia sa, au subvenionat multe evenimente culturale romneti i au acordat deseori ajutor financiar studenilor romni care nvau n capitala Ungariei.

Strada VciAlexandru Mocioni a locuit decenii la rnd n casa de la numrul 2, din colul pieei cu strada Vci (Vrsmarty tr 2). Monograma M. S. (Mocsonyi Sndor) de pe suportul metalic al firmei din colul cldirii, ne mai amintete i astzi de numele preserve the old name of the square as a sign of respect and as a remembrance of the prestigious historical building. In these conditions, the request to change the name of the square should have been very well argued. Anastasie Lica initially handed in his request reasoning that his palace dominates the square. To strengthen his proposal even more, he offered a considerable sum in the event that his name would appear on the street signs. However, luck was not on his side, because at the time he made his request, the City Hall received the news of the birth of Emperor Franz Jozefs youngest daughter, baptized Gizella after the first Queen of Hungary. In order to properly react to such an honor, it was decided in Hungary to name a public square with the name of princess Gizella. This way, Theater Square became Gizella Square and after 1920 it was renamed again, with the name of the author of the lyrics of the Call Anthem (Szzat), Vrsmarty. Anastasie Lica died in 1871, leaving to his successors an inheritance of fifteen mansions in Pest. Alike the rest of his family members, he, subsidized many Romanian cultural events and frequently gave financial support to Romanian students who were studying in the capital.

Vci StreetAlexandru Mocioni lived for decades in the house from No. 2, on the corner of the square with Vci street (actual address: Vrsmarty tr /square/ 2). The initials M. S. from the forged iron support placed on the corner of the building to hold the company sign reminds us even today of his name.

teht adni a nvvltoztatsi krelmhez. Elszr azzal indokolta nvadsi vgyt, hogy ott ll palotja elgg meghatrozza a tr kpt. Krelmnek nyomatkot adva, tekintlyes sszeget is kiltsba helyezett arra az esetre, ha az neve kerlne az utcatblkra. Balszerencsjre, krelmvel egy idben rkezett a hr a vroshzra, hogy Ferenc Jzsefnek lnya szletett, akinek az els magyar kirlyn, Gizella nevet adtk. Ilyen megtiszteltetst pedig illett egy kzterlet elnevezssel viszonozni. A Sznhz trbl gy lett Gizella tr, majd 1920-tl Vrsmarty tr. Lyka Anasztz 1871-ben hunyt el, utdaira tizent pesti brpalott hagyott. maga s csaldtagjai tmogattk a pesti romn kulturlis rendezvnyeket, s sokszor segtettk anyagilag a magyar fvrosban tanul romn egyetemi hallgatkat.

Vci utcaA Vci u. 2. szm sarokhzban (Vrmarty tr 2.) tlttt el vtizedeket Mocsonyi Sndor. A hz sarkn a cgrtart vasllvny M. S. beti mg ma is emlkeztetnek erre.


13 13. Franz Weiss: Cldirea Teatrului German din Pesta, 1808-1812 Franz Weiss: The building of the German Theater from Pest 1808-1812 Franz Weiss: A pesti Nmet Sznhz plete, 1808 1812 14. Cofetria Gerbeaud n zilele noastre Gerbaud confectioner y in our days Gerbeaud cukrszda napjainkban 15. Piaa Gizella, 1902 Gizella Square, 1902 Gizella tr, 1902 16. Cripta familiei Lica i a Iulianei Gojdu, n cimitirul Kerepei The grave of Lica family and Iuliana Gojdu from the Kerepesi Graveyard Lyka csald s Gozsdu Julianna sremlke a Kerepesi temetben 16

14 15


n cldirea aflat n acest loc, funcionau multe prvlii i antreprize, printre care i atelierul fotografului Mayer Gyrgy, precum i coala de muzic a lui Joksch Anasztz, nfiinat n 1836. Cldirea care se afl astzi n acest loc, proiectat de arhitectul Kallina Mr, finalizat la nceputul anului 1877, a avut parte de multe critici, fiind considerat ca fiind mult prea simpl fa de ambiana pieei. i n aceast cldire nou s-au deschis diferite spaii comerciale. Aici se afla atelierul de gravuri i rame al lui Winkle Nndor, dar printre chiriai se aflau i Partidul pentru independen, ct i Partidul din 48 (Partidul Krolyi), al crui sediu era situat pe partea dinspre Piaa Vrsmarty, unde se vede un mic balcon deasupra intrrii. La data de 28 octombrie 1918, din acest balcona s-au rostit discursurile de instigare la revoluie, nainte de cunoscuta lupt de pe Podul cu lanuri. Neamul Mocioni a sosit n Ungaria din Macedonia, n secolul al 18-lea. Aceast familie nu s-a declarat niciodat a fi greceasc i provenea din neamul moscopolenilor, cel mai cultivat dintre cele ase neamuri romneti din Macedonia. n limba macedoromnilor (a aromnilor) porecla Mocion nseamn descins din moi. Strmoii familiei, care mai trziu s-a scindat n dou ramuri, au fost Mihai i Andrei, ei s-au stabilit n Pesta. Au fcut avere din activiti comerciale, avnd o mare influen asupra industriei, dar i-au asumat un rol important i n viaa public. O parte din capital l-au investit n imobile. Membrii familiei Mocioni deineau 17 imobile n Pesta. n 1780, urmaii lui Andrei au primit pentru merite militare i ca donaie, moia de la Foeni, din Banat, iar apoi, n 1783, diploma de nnobilare cu titlul de Foeni. Unul dintre descendenii celeilalte ramuri a familiei, Petre, urma al luiThe building that was formerly located on this lot offered room for many shops and enterprises, such as the workshop of the photographer Gyrgy Mayer and the music school of Anasztz Joksch opened in 1836. The present building, designed by architect Mr Kallina and finalized in the beginning of 1877, has been heavily criticized, being considered too simple compared to the ambiance of the square. In this new building there were opened also stores and entrepises, such as the workshop of engraving and frames of Nndor Winkle, and among the tenants, there were the Independence Party and the Party of 48 (Krolyi Party), whose offices were located on the side of Vrsmarty square, where a small balcony is visible above the entrance. On the 28th of October 1918, rousing speeches for the revolution were given from this balcony, previously to the well known fight on the Chain Bridge. The Mocioni family came to Hungary from Macedonia in the 18th century. They never declared themselves to be Greek as they were descendants of the Moscopoleans, the most cultivated out of the six Romanian branchesfrom Macedonia. In Macedo-Romanian (Aromanian) language , the nickname Mocion means descedants of the Moi population. The ancestors of the family, that later split in two parts, were Mihai and Andrei, who settled in Pest. They became wealthy merchants, having seriuos influence on industry, however they assumed important roles in public life as well. They invested part of their capital in real-estate. Members of the Mocioni family owned 17 estates in Pest. In 1780, the offspring of Andrei received for military merits the Foeni estate from Banat and in 1783 were awarded the diploma of ennoblement with the title de Foeni. One of the decedents of the other branch of the family, Petre, offspring of Mihai, who was already living in Tokaj, received the title of ennoblement

A telken ll korbbi hzban sok zlet s vllalkozs mkdtt, kztk Mayer Gyrgy fotogrfus mterme s Joksch Anasztz 1836-tl mkd zeneiskolja. A mai plet Kallina Mr ptsz tervei alapjn 1877 elejre kszlt el, de sok szakmai kritikt kapott, mivel a tr ptszeti arculathoz tlsgosan egyszernek tartottk. Az j pletben is helyet kaptak klnfle zletek, tbbek kztt Winkle Nndor metszet- s rmakereskedse, de a hz brli kz tartozott a Fggetlensgi s 48-as (Krolyi) Prt is, amelynek helyisge a tr azon oldaln volt, ahol ma a bejrat feletti kis erkly lthat. Errl az erklyrl hangzottak el 1918. oktber 28-n az n. lnchdi csata eltt a forradalmi lelkest beszdek. A Mocsonyiak a 18. szzadban Macednibl rkeztek Magyarorszgra. Sohasem vallottk magukat grgnek, mert a macedniai romnsg hat nemzetsge kzl a legmveltebbl, a moszkopolok nemzetsgbl szrmaztak. A macedoromnok (aromnok) nyelvben a Mocion ragadvnynv mc eredetre utal. A ksbb kt gra sztvlt csald sei Mihly s Andrs voltak, akik Pesten telepedtek meg. Vagyonos kereskedk lettek, s nagy befolyssal voltak az iparra, de a kzletben is fontos szerepet vllaltak magukra. Tkjk egy rszt k is hzingatlanokba fektettk. A Mocsonyi csald tagjai 17 hzat birtokoltak Pesten. 1780-ban Andrs utdai kaptk katonai rdemeik s pnzgyi ldozataik elismersl a bnti, foeni birtokot, majd 1783-ban nemesi oklevelet de Foeni elnvvel. A msik g se, Mihly egyik utda, az akkor mr Tokajban lt Pter, 1804-ben kapott nemessget. A kt g ksbbi egyestsbl szletett Sndor (1841) s Eugen (1844).


17 20

17. Casa Mocioni de la captul strzii Vci, 1880 Front of Vci Street with the Mocioni residence, 1880 Vci utca eleje a Mocsonyi hzzal, 1880 18. Firma cu monograma lui Alexandru Mocioni (Mocsonyi Sndor M.S.) Company sign holder with the initials of Alexandru Mocioni (Mocsonyi Sndor M.S.) Cgrtart Mocsonyi Sndor (M.S.) monogramjval 19. Alexandru Mocioni Alexandru Mocsonyi 20. Blazonul familiei Mocioni The coat of arms of the Mocioni family Mocsonyi csald cmere 21. Palatul Mocioni The Mocioni Palace Mocsonyi palota

18 19



Mihai, care tria deja la Tokaj, a primit titlul nobiliar n 1804. Din reunificarea celor dou ramuri ale familiei, s-au nscut mai trziu Alexandru (1841) i Eugen (1844). Alexandru Mocioni, adic Mocsonyi Sndor (18411901), a fost un politician romn din Ungaria, mare meloman dar i compozitor. A fcut liceul la piariti, tatl su l-a angajat pe Atanasie Marienescu ca ndrumtor de studii pentru fiul lui. Alexandru a urmat studii de drept la Pesta, la Viena i la Graz. De la bun nceput s-a pregtit s devin politician, a cltorit prin Belgia i Elveia pentru a cunoate statele multinaionale din vestul Europei. n 1865 a devenit deputat n parlament. Tnrul n jur de douzeci de ani, foarte pregtit i nzestrat cu deosebite caliti de orator, a ocupat repede un loc de frunte printre deputaii reprezentani ai minoritilor naionale. n 1867, el a fost autorul acelui proiect de lege pe care minoritile naionale l-au prezentat drept alternativ a proiectului lui Etvs, propunnd o reglementare a limbii statului, pe baze federative. Mocioni considera c dreptul de folosire a limbii materne este fundamental pentru destinul altor etnii dect cea maghiar. El a publicat scrieri n paginile unor ziare ca Reform, Zukunft, Politik din Praga, ct i n alte reviste. n lucrarea publicat la 15 ianuarie 1869, prin care i definea programul, Mocioni constat c n loc s fi cutat asocierea cu grupurile etnice din ar, clasa dominant ungar a ncheiat o alian nefireasc cu clasa politic german din Austria, orientat chiar mpotriva celorlalte popoare din imperiu. El declar c legea minoritilor, deja adoptat, este contrar drepturilor naturale, deoarece nu recunoate existena altor naiuni n ar, n afar de cea 1804. Through the reunification of the two branches, thereafter there was born Alexandru (1841) and Eugen (1844).

federal bases. Mocioni considered the right of using ones native language being fundamental to the destiny of ethnicities other than Hungarian. He published articles in some newspapers like Reform, Zukunft, Politik from Prague, as well as in other magazines. In the work published January 15th 1869, in which he defined his program, Mocioni concludes that instead of finding a way of association with the ethnic groups from the country, the leading class of Hungary finalized a non-regular alliance with the German political class from Austria, who were actually oriented against the other ethnicities in the empire. He declares that the already adopted law of minorities is against natural rights, because it does not recognize the existence of other nationalities in the country, other than the Hungarians.

as private tutor for his sons studies. Alexandru completed law studies in Pest, Vienna and Graz. He prepared himself to be a politician from the beginning, he traveled through Belgium and Switzerland with the objective of studying multinational states from west Europe. In 1865 he became deputy in the Parliament. The young, well prepared and gifted 20-year-old man with great oratorical skills, quickly gained a leading position in the group of deputies who represented the national minorities. In 1867, he authored the legislation project which the national minorities presented as a direct alternative to the Etvs project, proposing a regulation of the state language on

Alexandru Mocioni, known as Mocsonyi Sndor (18411901), was a Romanian politician from Hungary, a great music enthusiast and composer. He graduated Piarist high school, his father hired Atanasie Marienescu

Alexandru Mocioni, azaz Mocsonyi Sndor (18411901) magyarorszgi romn politikus, zeneszerz. A pesti piaristkhoz jrt gimnziumba, apja Atanasie Marienescut fogadta mell hzitantnak. Jogi tanulmnyait Pesten, Bcsben s Grazban vgezte. Tudatosan kszlt a politikusi plyra, krutazst tett Belgiumban s Svjcban, hogy megismerje a nyugat-eurpai tbbnemzetisg llamokat. 1865ben lett orszggylsi kpvisel. Felkszltsge s kivl sznoki kpessgei a huszonves fiatalembert hamar vezrszerephez juttattk a nemzetisgi kpviselk kztt. 1867-ben megalkotta az Etvs-fle trvnyjavaslattal szembeni nemzetisgi ellenjavaslatot, amely fderatv alapon szablyozta volna a hivatalos nyelv krdst. A magyarorszgi nem magyar npek sorsnak kulcskrdst ugyanis a nyelvi jogokban ltta. A Reform, a Zukunft, a prgai Politik s ms lapok hasbjain publiklt. 1869. janur 15-n megjelent programad rsban megllaptotta, hogy a magyar uralkod osztly ahelyett, hogy az orszg npeinek szvetsgt kereste volna, termszetellenes szvetsget kttt az ausztriai nmet politikai osztllyal, amely a tbbi np ellen irnyul. A megszletett nemzetisgi trvnyrl azt tartotta, hogy ellenkezik a termszetes jogokkal, mivel nem ismeri el a nem magyar nemzetek ltt az orszgban.


Mocioni a fost ales preedinte al Partidului Naional Romn, constituit la data de 26 ianuarie 1869, n Reduta de la Timioara. ntre 18691872, el a fost deputat n Parlament, ales n circumscripia electoral de la Lugoj, iar ncepnd din 1872 a fost ales deputat n circumscripia electoral de la Radna. n 1874 a renunat la mandatul su de deputat, pstrndu-i funcia de preedinte al partidului. ncetul cu ncetul, Mocioni a devenit adept al rezistenei pasive fa de sistemul politic maghiar. El a depus eforturi considerabile pentru separarea bisercii romne de cea srbeasc i pentru nfiinarea mitropoliei Sibiului. A fost ntemeietor i membru al multor asociaii literare i culturale din Banat, din Ardeal i din Ungaria. A acordat sprijin financiar ziarelor n limba romn din Pesta, a desfurat o important activitate de mecenat al studenilor romni de la Pesta i a finanat cu generozitate activitile Societii Petru Maior. n timpul studeniei la Viena, a studiat i muzic. Mai multe compoziii ale sale au fost chiar prezentate n concerte. n palatul din Piaa Vrsmarty de astzi, col cu strada Vci, familia Mocioni organiza adeseori matineuri i serate muzicale. Chiar i Franz Liszt a fost de multe ori n vizit la palatul Mocioni, ntreinnd relaii de prietenie cu Alexandru Mocioni. Iosif Vulcan a reuit s-l ctige pe Mocioni pentru a interveni n vederea nfiinrii unui teatru. n februarie 1870, Mocioni invit n casa lui din strada Vci pe toi intelectualii romni din Budapesta i creeaz o asociaie cu numele Societatea pentru fond de teatru romn. Societatea i-a nceput activitatea cu un capital de opt mii de forini. Sediul societii a fost n Budapesta pn n 1895, iar apoiMocioni was elected president of the National Romanian Party, founded in January 26, 1869, in the Redoute from Timioara. Between 1869 and 1872, he was member of Parliament, elected in the electoral circumscription from Lugoj, and starting from 1872 he was elected deputy in the electoral circumscription from Radna. In 1874 he resigned from his mandate as deputy, maintaining his function as Party president. Step by step, Mocioni became the advocate of passive resistance against the Hungarian political system. He put a lot of considerable effort into separating the Romanian Church from the Serbian one, and towards the establishing of the Metropolis of Sibiu. He was founder and member of many literary and cultural associations from Banat, from Transylvania and from Hungary. He gave financial support to Romanian language periodicals published in Pest, he ran an important activity of supporting Romanian students in Pest and he generously financed the Petru Maior Society. During his studies in Vienna, he also studied music. Many of his compositions were even presented in concerts. At the palace from present Vrsmarty Square, corner with Vci Street, the Mocioni family often organized matinees and musical evenings. Even Franz Liszt visited many times the Mocioni palace, maintaining a friendly relationship with Alexandru Mocioni. Iosif Vulcan managed to persuade Mocioni to sustain the initiative of creation of a theater. In February 1870, Mocioni invites in his Vci Street mansion all the Romanian intellectuals from Budapest and established an association named Society for the Romanian Theater Fund. The Society began its activity with a capital of eight thousand Forints. Till 1895, the headquarters of the society was in Budapest, then moved to Braov until 1914.

1869. janur 26-n a temesvri vigadban megalakult Romn Nemzeti Prt elnkv vlasztottk. 18691872-ben Lugos, 1872-tl pedig Mriaradna vlasztkerlett kpviselte az orszggylsben. 1874-ben lemondott kpviseli mandtumrl, de prtelnki tisztsgt megtartotta. Lassanknt a magyar politikai rendszerrel szembeni passzv ellenlls hvv vlt. Sokat tett a romn egyhznak a szerbtl val elvlsa s a szebeni rseksg megalaptsa rdekben. Tagja, illetve kezdemnyezje tbb bnti, erdlyi, valamint ms magyarorszgi romn irodalmi s kulturlis egyesletnek. Anyagi tmogatst nyjtott a Pesten megjelen romn jsgoknak, mecnsa volt a Pesten tanul romn hallgatknak, s a Petru Maior Kr klnbz tevkenysgeit is bkezen pnzelte. Bcsi tanulmnyi vei alatt zent is tanult. Tbb ltala szerzett zenemvet el is adtak. A mai Vrsmarty tr s Vci utca sarkn lv palotjukban a Mocsonyiak gyakran rendeztek matinkat s zenei esteket. Liszt Ferenc is gyakran volt vendg a Mocsonyi-hzban, aki bartsgos viszonyt polt Alexandru Mocionival. Iosif Vulcannak sikerlt megnyernie a sznhz-gy felkarolsra is. Mocioni 1870 februrjban Vci utcai hzba invitlta az sszes budapesti romn rtelmisgit, s egyesletet alaptottak Romn sznhzalap szerzsi trsulat elnevezssel. Mkdsket nyolcezer forintos tkvel kezdtk meg. Az egyeslet szkhelye 1895-ig Budapest, azutn pedig 1914-ig Brass volt. Mkdsk sorn vndorszntrsulatot alaktottak, amely bejrta a romn teleplseket, s vrl-vre sznmplyzatokat is kirtak.


la Braov, pn n 1914. Societatea a constituit o echip de teatru ambulant, care s-a perindat prin localitile romneti, i a publicat n fiecare an un concurs de piese de teatru. Cldirea de la numrul 9 de pe strada Vci a fost cumprat n 1800 de Cristofor Naco, cu cincizeci de mii de forini. Cldirea era cunoscut nc din 1777, pe cnd adpostea hotelul Zu den 7 Kurfrsten. Multe baluri au fost organizate aici, iar n 1823, n sala festiv a hanului de alt dat, a dat concert i Franz Liszt, pe cnd avea doar vrsta de 11 ani. Cldirea nu mai servea drept han ncepnd cu 1840. A fost motenit de contele Alexandru Naco. Acesta cumprase deja terenul din partea de nord a cldirii, i, n 1840, a unificat cele dou terenuri ca s obin autorizaie de construcie pentru a ridica o cldire, cunoscut mai trziu pe numele de Casa celor apte palatini (Ht vlasztfejedelem-hz). Arhitectul a fost i de data aceasta Hild Jzsef. Alexandru Naco a murit n 1848. Motenitorul su a fost contele Coloman Naco, el a transformat cldirea n hotel. Din 1865, n acest imobil au funcionat Hotelul Naional, cu 160 de camere, un restaurant i o cafenea. n 1881, Banca Ungar de Ipotec i de Credit a cumprat cldirea, la preul de patru sute aptezeci de mii de forini, folosind-o un timp ca hotel, iar apoi, din cauz c lucrrile generale de ntreinere ar fi costat prea mult, i-a schimbat destinaia n imobil de locuine cu chirie. Inscripia Hotel Naional a fost nlturat de pe faada cldirii n 1902. Dup o renovare mai important n 1937, cldirea a fost reconstruit ntre anii 19641967 pentru a adposti Teatrul din Pesta (Pesti Sznhz). Casa de la numrul 16 de pe strada Vci a fost cumprat n 1818 de Ioan Mocioni. n 1833, HildThe society established an itinerant theater company, which was very successful throughout the Romanian communities and held every year a contest of theater pieces. The building from No. 9 Vci Street was purchased in 1800 by Cristofor Naco, for fifty thousand Forints. The building was well known already from 1777, under the namre of Zu den 7 Kurfrsten Inn, hosting many balls. In 1823, in the ceremonial hall of the inn, a concert was given by Franz Liszt, around the time he was only 11 years of age. Starting with 1840, the building did not serve only as an inn. It was inherited by Count Alexandru Naco. He already purchased the land from the north side of the building, and in 1840 he unified the two properties to obtain the building authorization and raised a building, later known as the House of the Seven Palatines. Again, the architect was Hild Jzsef. Alexandru Naco died in 1848. The person who inherited the property was Count Colman Naco, who transformed the building into a hotel. From 1864, the National Hotel operated in this structure with 160 rooms, a restaurant and a confectionery. In 1881, the Hungarian Bank of Mortgage and Credit purchased the building for the price of four hundred and seventy thousand Forints, using it for a while as a hotel, then, due to the extremely high reconstruction costs that would have been necessary to keep the hotel competitive, changed its destination into housing estate for rent. The National Hotel logo was removed from the front of the building in 1902. After an important renovation in 1937, the building was finally reconstructed between 19641967 to become the Theater from Pest. The house at No. 16 Vci Street was purchased in 1818 by Ioan Mocioni. In 1833, Hild Jzsef transformed the one-storey house into a house with three floors, at the request of Ioan Mocioni. From all the houses from Vci

A Vci u. 9. alatt ll pletet 1800-ban Nk Kristf vsrolta meg tvenezer forintrt. Mr 1777-ben ismert volt a hz, Zu den 7 Kurfrsten-szll nven, sok blt is rendeztek benne. 1823-ban, az akkor tizenegy ves Liszt Ferenc hangversenyezett a fogad dsztermben. Az pletet, amelynek fogad jellege 1840-ben megsznt, grf Nk Sndor rklte. vette meg az szaki telket, s 1840-ben egyestette, hogy engedlyt kaphasson az j a ksbbi Ht vlasztfejedelem-hz felptsre. A tervez ptsz ebben az esetben is Hild Jzsef volt. Az 1848-ban elhunyt Nk Sndor rkbe grf Nk Klmn lpett, aki az pletet szllodv alaktotta t. 1865-tl 160 szobval s tteremmel, kvhzzal itt mkdtt a Nemzeti Szll. Az pletet 1881-ben ngyszzhetvenezer forintrt vsrolta meg a Magyar Jelzlog Hitelbank, amely egy ideig mg fenntartotta a szllodt, majd mivel csak teljes tpts utn lehetett volna versenykpes jbl brhzz alaktotta. A Nemzeti Szll feliratot 1902-ben tvoltottk el a homlokzatrl. Az 1937-es nagyobb talakts utn 19641967 kztt ptettk t jra a hzat a Pesti Sznhz szmra. A Vci u. 16. szm alatti hzat 1818-ban Mocsonyi Jnos vette meg, majd az egyemeletes hzat 1833-ban hromemeletesre pttette t Hild Jzseffel.




22. Franz List Liszt Ferenc 23. Gheorghe Mocioni Gheorghe Mocsonyi 24. Strada Vci n anii 1900 Vci Street in the 1900s Vci utca, 1900 -as vek 25. Casa celor apte cpetenii, azi Teatrul din Pesta The house of the seven Palatines, in our days the Theater from Pest Htvlasztfejedelem-hz, mai Pesti Sznhz 23





26. Hild Jzsef 27. Contele Ioan Naco Count Ioan Naco Grf Nk Jnos 28. Kuvasseg Martens: Piaa de desfacere din Pesta Kuvasseg Martens: The weekly market from Pest Kuvasseg Martens: Pesti rakpiac 29. Palatul Gresham, 1909 The Gresham Palace, 1909 Gresham palota, 1909




Jzsef transform casa cu un etaj ntr-una cu trei etaje, la cererea lui Ioan Mocioni. Dintre casele de pe strada Vci, aceasta a rmas cel mai mult timp n proprietatea unei familii, pe care a motenit-o apoi Gheorghe Mocioni. Dup moartea acestuia, Livia, fiica sa, soia contelui Bethlen Andrs, a devenit proprietara cldirii, astfel cldirii i-a rmas numele de Casa Bethlen. Casa din strada Vci, numrul 17 era n proprietatea familiei Manno. Primul membru al familiei la Budapesta a fost Dumitru Manno, de origine din Bitolia, Macedonia. n ziua n care a depus jurmntul de fidelitate, pe data de 9 octombrie 1802, el a cumprat casa respectiv de la Neumayer Mikls. n aceeai zi i-a ctigat i dreptul de cetean, fiind proprietar de cas. Dumitru Manno a avut patru copii din dou csnicii. A decedat n 1815, la vrsta de 58 de ani. Din inventarul de succesiune se poate vedea c n aceast cas erau patru locuine la etajul nti, iar la parter erau opt camere. n anii 1830, aici au trit cei patru frai Manno. Cel mai cunoscut dintre ei era bancherul tefan, unul dintre cei mai mari contribuabili din Pesta. Familia Manno a locuit n casa de pe strada Vci pn la mijlocul anilor 1860, dup care s-a mutat n imobilul cu dou etaje din strada Kirly. Casa din strada Vci, numrul 21, avea mai muli proprietari, pn cnd, n 1782, Locotenena a autorizat pentru prima oar ca i ceteni de religie ortodox s poat cumpra case n Pesta. Prin mrinimosul ajutor financiar acordat de Dumitru Arghir, negustor de piele originar din Moscopole, grecii i macedoromnii au putut cumpra terenul pe care i-au construit biserica i Curtea greceasc. Fii lui Dumitru Naum i Constantin Arghir la 18 iunie 1812, au naintat o cerere pentru a putea moteni pe numele lor aceast cas i nc o alt cldire, lsate prin succesiune de tatl lor.Street, this house remained for the longest period of time in the property of the same family. It was inherited by George Mocioni. After his death, his daughter Livia, the wife of Count Bethlen Andrs, became the owner of the building, that is why the house was known also as the Bethlen House. The house at No. 17 Vci Street was the property of the Manno family. The first member of the family to settele Budapest was Dumitru Manno, originating from Bitolia, Macedonia. In the day that he gave the fidelity oath, on the 9th of October 1802, he purchased this house from Neumayer Mikls. In the same day he also won the right to citizenship, being the owner of a house. Dumitru Manno had four children from two marriages. He passed away in 1815, at the age of 58. In the succession inventory, it can be seen that in his house there were four apartments on the first floor and eight rooms on the ground floor. This is where the four Manno brothers lived in the 1830s. The most well known of them was tefan, who was a banker and one of the biggest contributors from Pest. The Manno family lived in the house from Vci Street until the middle of the 1860s, then moved to a real-estate with two floors on Kirly Street. The house at No. 21 Vci Street had many owners until 1782, when the Governing Council authorized for the first time citizens from the Orthodox religion the right to buy houses in Pest. Due to the enormous financial contribution made by Dumitru Arghir, merchant of leather originating from Moscopole, Greek and MacedoRomanians were allowed to buy the land where they established the Greek Church and Garden. On the 18th of June 1812, the sons of Dumitru, Naum and Constantin Arghiron put forward a request to inherit on their name this house and another building, left by succession from their father.

A vci utcai hzak kzl, melyet aztn Mocsonyi Gyrgy rklt meg, ez maradt meg legtovbb egyetlen csald kezn. Halla utn Lvia nev lnya, grf Bethlen Andrs felesge lett az plet tulajdonosa, ezrt a hzat Bethlen-hzknt is ismertk. A Vci u. 17. szm hz a Mann csald volt. A famlia els pesti kpviselje Mann Demeter a macedniai Bitlibl szrmazott. 1802. oktber 9-n vsrolta meg a hzat Neumayer Miklstl, azon a napon, amikor letette a hsgeskt. Ugyanezen a napon, mint hztulajdonos, polgrjogot is nyert. Kt hzassgbl ngy gyermeke szletett. Mann Demeter 1815-ben 58 ves korban elhunyt. A hagyatki leltrbl tudjuk, hogy a hz t lakst foglalt magban az els emeleten, nyolc szobt pedig a fldszinten. Az 1830-as vekben a hzban a ngy Mann testvr lt. Istvn volt kzlk a legismertebb, aki bankr volt s az egyik legnagyobb pesti adfizet. A Mann csald az 1860-as vek kzepig lt a Vci utcai hzban, ezutn tkltztek Kirly utcai ktemeletes otthonukba. A Vci u. 21-es hzat tbb tulajdonos birtokolta, amg 1782-ben a Helytarttancs els zben engedlyezte, hogy grgkeleti valls is vsrolhasson hzat magnak Pesten. Argiri (Argyr) Demeter, Moschopolisbl szrmaz brkeresked bkez anyagi tmogatsa tette lehetv, hogy a grgk s macedoromnok megvsroljk azt a telket, amelyen templomuk s a Grg-udvar felplt. Fiai, Argiri Naum s Konstantin 1812. jnius 18-n krelmeztk, hogy az apjuk vgrendelete rtelmben rjuk maradt hzat (s egy msikat is) a nevkre rathassk.


Cldirea de pe strada Vci, numrul 26 (Casa Wulpe) a fost construit n 1890, dup planurile lui Hauszmann Alajos. La nceputul secolului al 19-lea, casa Wulpe era n proprietatea lui Dumitru Vulpe. Imobilul a fost demolat n 1888. Aici a locuit Anastasia Pometa, prima soie a lui Emanuil Gojdu, care rmsese vduv foarte devreme, dup decesul primului su so, Dumitru Vulpe, care a murit de tnr. Pn la mijlocul secolului al 19-lea, la numrul 28 de pe pe strada Vci, se afla hanul Aranyhorgonyhoz (La ancora de aur). Noul proprietar al cldirii, contele Keglevich dm a demolat-o i a construit n locul ei o cas cu etaj, n stil baroc. Pe strada Vci circula mult lume, de aceea ceaprzria La cele trei fete din Pesta, amenajat cu mult gust la parterul cldirii, s-a dovedit a fi foarte profitabil. n curte funciona atelierul de heliografie al lui Simonyi Antal, poate cel mai elegant studio de fotografie din capital. Atelierul nu avea dect vreo treizeci de metri ptrai, dar aici a executat Simonyi una dintre cele mai ilustre lucrri ale sale, cea care i nfieaz pe membrii dietei ungare din 1861. n ianuarie 1864, atelierul a fost distrus de un incendiu i, pe locul acestuia, Dimitrie Lica i-a comandat n 1879 lui Steindl Imre, arhitectul Parlamentului, s ridice casa Lica, pstrat pn n zilele noastre.

Piaa RooseveltHild Jzsef, proiectant al multor ansambluri de cldiri, a contribuit i la amenajarea promenadei de pe cheiul din Pesta al Dunrii, reconstruit ntre timp n stil clasicist. Acest arhitect a sistematizat iThe building on No. 26 Vci Street (Wulpe house), was built in 1890 according to the plans of Hauszmann Alajos. In the beginning of the 19th century, the Wulpe house was the property of Dumitru. The building was demolished in 1888. Anastasia Pometa lived here, the first wife of Emanuil Gojdu, who became a widow very early, after the death of her first husband Dumitru Wulpe, who died young. Until the middle of the 19th century, the building from No. 28 Vci Street hosted the Aranyhorgonyhoz Inn (At the Gold Anchor Inn). The new owner of the building, Count Keglevich dm demolished it and build in its place a two-storey house in Baroque style. Due to the crowded traffic from Vci Street, the haberdasher At the three girls from Pest, installed and managed with much taste at the ground level, proved to be very profitable. In the courtyard, there was the Heliographic workshop of Simonyi Antal, maybe the most elegant photo studio from the Capital. Despite that the workshop did not have more than thirty square meters, here Simonyi executed one of his most famous works that show the members of the Diet from 1861. The workshop was burnt down in 1864. In its place, at the order of Dimitrie Lica, in 1879 Steindl Imre, the architect of the Parliament, raised the Lica house, which still stands even today.

Roosevelt SquareHild Jzsef, designer of numerous assemblies of buildings, contributed also to the arrangement of the promenade on the Danube coast from Pest, which was rebuilt in Classical style. This architect also systematized the municipal landscape from the Sale Square (Kirakod tr Roosevelt square of today) which was considered the

A Vci u. 26. szm plet (Wulpe Hz) 1890-ben plt fel Hauszmann Alajos tervei alapjn. A 19. szzad elejn a hz Wulpe Demeter tulajdona volt, 1888-ban bontottk le. Itt lakott Anastasia Pometa, Gozsdu Man els felesge, aki korn zvegyen maradt, mivel Wulpe Demeter fiatalon halt meg. A Vci u. 28. szm alatt llt a 19. szzad kzepig az Aranyhorgonyhoz cmzett fogad. Az pletet j tulajdonosa, grf Keglevich dm lebontatta, s barokk emeletes hzat ptett a helybe. A Vci utca mr akkor is forgalmas volt, ezrt jl jvedelmez vllalkozsnak bizonyult a hz fldszintjn ignyesen kialaktott, A hrom pesti lenyhoz cmzett rfs bolt. Az plet udvarban mkdtt Simonyi Antal fnyrdja, amely a fvros taln legelkelbb fotogrfiai mtermnek szmtott. Noha a terem alig haladta meg a harminc ngyzetmtert, a fotogrfus itt ksztette egyik leghresebb, az 1861. vi Orszggyls tagjait brzol munkjt. A fnyrda 1864 janurjban legett, helyre Lyka Dme 1879-ben Steindl Imrvel, az Orszghz tervezjvel pttette fel a mig pen maradt Lyka-hzat.

Roosevelt trHild Jzsef, szmos pletegyttes tervezje, az azta tplt klasszicista pesti Duna part kialaktsban is kzremkdtt. Az akkori Kirakod (a mai Roosevelt) tren melyet az akkori Eurpa legszebb kzternek tartottak s a hozz csatlakoz utckban is tbb pletet tervezett.



31 32 30. Simion Sina senior Id. Sina Simon 31. Academia Ungar, anii 1870 The Hungarian Academy in the 1870s Mag yar Akadmia, 1870 -es vek 32. Muzeul Naional, n jurul anului 1850 The National Museum in the 1850s Nemzeti Mzeum, 1850 krl 33. Gheorghe Sina Sina Gyrg y 34. Academia Militar Ludovika, 1913 Militar y Academy Ludovika, 1913 Ludovika, 1913 34 33


peisajul edilitar din fosta pia de desfacere (Kirakod tr Piaa Roosevelt de astzi) care era considerat cea mai frumoas pia public din Europa de atunci. Tot el a proiectat numeroase alte cldiri pe strzile care se ntlneau n aceast pia. Aici se aflau Bile Diana (Diana-frd), ntr-o cldire care a devenit apoi Hotelul Europa, i tot aici se aflau Lloyd-ul i palatul Naco. Din pcate, aceste cldiri nu s-au pstrat pn azi. Splendidul ir de palate clasiciste din Piaa Kirakod constituia o expresie clar a tendinei de afirmare a noii pturi de negustori, industriai, bancheri. Cldirea din mijloc a fost construit de angrosistul Deron Antal. Dup ce e cumprat de Ioan Naco, n 1833, i s-au adugat n 1869 nc dou etaje, sub comanda arhitectului Pucher Jzsef, devenind astfel cel mai impozant palat privat din Pesta. Arhitecii Podului cu Lanuri au locuit n acest palat, Adam Clark nsui aici a terminat proiectul de construcie a podului. De asemenea, aici a locuit ntre 1835 1836, marele pictor al romantismului maghiar, Barabs Mikls, cel care a pictat cunoscutul portret al lui Emanuil Gojdu. La etajul nti al imobilului a avut sediu temporar i Asociaia tiinific Ungar (Magyar Tuds Trsasg). Palatul a rmas n proprietatea familiei Naco aproape patruzeci de ani. n 1880, Ioan Naco l-a vndut Societii de Asigurri Gresham. Palatul Naco a fost demolat n 1903. n locul lui s-a construit, n anul 1906, dup planurile lui Quittner Zsigmond, palatul n stil art nouveau Gresham, care exist i astzi, fiind una dintre cele mai valoroase cldiri din Budapesta. Palatul deinea cele mai vaste spaii de locuit din Budapesta (12 mii de metri ptrai), iglele unicatemost beautiful public square in Europe at that time, and he also designed many other buildings on the streets that met in this square. Here were situated the Diana baths (Diana-frd), in a building which later became Hotel Europa, and also here were situated the Lloyd and Naco palaces. Unfortunately these buildings were not kept until today. The splendid row of Classical palaces from Kirakod square was a clear expression of the affirmation tendency of the new class of merchants, industrialists and bankers. The building from the center was built by the wholesaler Deron Antal. Then it is purchased by Ioan Naco in 1833, and in 1869 there were added two levels under the surveliance of architect Pucher Jzsef, thereby becoming the most exuberant private palace from Pest. The architect of the Chain Bridge also lived in this palace, Adam Clark himself finalised the construction project of the bridge here. Between 1835 and 1836 lived here also the famous Hungarian romantic painter Barabs Mikls, who painted the well known portrait of Emanuil Gojdu. On the first floor of the building there also was the temporary headquarters of Hungarian Scientific Association (Magyar Tuds Trsasg). The palace remained in the property of the Naco family almost forty years. In 1880, Ioan Naco sold it to the English insurance society Gresham, who demolished the Naco palace in 1903. In 1906, following the plans of Quittner Zsigmond, the Gresham Palace was built in Art Nouveau style in its place, which exists also today, being one of the most valuable buildings in Budapest. The Palace was the building with the largest residential surface from Budapest (12 thousand square meters), the exclusive tiles with which it was covered came from the Zsolnay factory, and the stained glass windows

Ezen a tren volt tallhat a Diana-frd, a ksbbi Eurpa szll, a Lloyd- s a Nk-palota is. Sajnos ezek mr mind a mlt. Az j kereskedi, iparosi s bankri rteg reprezentcis ignyt fejezte ki a Kirakod tr pomps, kt-hromemeletes klasszicista palotasora. A tr hzsornak kzps plett Deron Antal nagykeresked pttette. 1833-ban vsrolta meg Nk Jnos, s miutn 1869-ben Pucher Jzsef ptsszel hromemeletesre bvttette, a palota Pest leglenygzbb magnpletnek szmtott. A Lnchd pti, maga Clark dm is a palota lakja volt, itt dolgozta ki a Lnchd vgleges terveit. Itt lakott tovbb 183536-ban a magyar romantika nagy festje, Barabs Mikls is, aki megfestette Gozsdu Man hres protrjt is. A Magyar Tuds Trsasg is e hz els emeletn tallt ideiglenes otthonra. A palota kzel 40 vig volt a Nk csald birtokban. 1880-ban Nk Jnos eladta az angol Gresham letbiztost Trsasgnak A Nk-palott 1903-ban bontottk le. Quittner Zsigmond tervei alapjn 1906-ban plt helyre a mig ll szecesszis Gresham-palota Budapest egyik legrtkesebb ingatlana, amely a vros egyik legnagyobb sszterlet lakhza volt (12 ezer ngyzetmter), egyedi burkollapjait a Zsolnaygyrban ksztettk, vegablakait Rth Miksa tervezte. 1912-ben a palota msodik emeletn rendeztk be a Budapesti Romn Konzultus hivatalt.


35 36


3835. Mahlknecht: Proiectul Podului cu lanuri Mahlknecht: Plan of the Chain Bridge Mahlknecht: Lnchdter v 36. Schoefft Jzsef: Contele Szchenyi Istvn Schoefft Jzsef: Count Szchenyi Istvn Schoefft Jzsef: Grf Szchenyi Istvn 37. Blazonul Szchenyi-Sina The Szchenyi-Sina blazon Szchenyi-Sina cmer 38. Podul cu lanuri The Chain Bridge Lnchd


cu care era acoperit proveneau din fabrica Zsolnay iar vitraliile au fost concepute de Rth Miksa. n 1912, sediul Consulatului Romn la Budapesta se afla n acest palat, la etajul al doilea. Strmoii familiei Naco proveneau din Macedonia i au ajuns n sudul Ardealului trecnd prin ara Romneasc. Imensa lor avere se datora comerului cu porci i furnizrii de muniie n timpul campaniilor militare turceti i franceze. Numele primului strmo cunoscut este Cristoforos Dionisos Nacos, nnobilat n Ungaria cu numele de Nk, ca proprietar al moiilor de la Snnicolau Mare i Marienfeld (Szentmarja). (Numele de Nakos a fost la origine doar o porecl, nsemnnd om cu barb deas.) Despre bogiile familiei Naco circulau multe legende. Chiar i scriitorul Jkai Mr s-a inspirat din acestea, se spune c a luat drept model pentru personajul su din romanul Voievodul iganilor (Cignybr), un membru al familiei Naco. Vestitul tezaur de la Snnicolau-Mare, compus din douzeci i trei de obiecte de aur, a fost descoperit pe moia familiei Naco. Tezaurul, considerat timp ndelungat comoara lui Attila, se afl acum la Kunsthistorisches Museum din Viena, constituind i azi obiect al unor serioase dispute ntre oamenii de tiin. Familia Naco de origine macedoromn, a fost timp ndelungat una dintre familiile influente n Pesta i Viena. Strmoii lor, Cristofor i Chiril, s-au stabilit la Viena dar au achiziionat terenuri n comitatul Torontal, la Teremia i Snnicolau Mare. Cei doi frai Naco primesc diplom nobiliar n 1784, unde este specificat i numele moiei: Nagyszentmiklsi (de Snnicolau Mare). Peste puin timp, familia se scindeaz n dou ramuri: Naco Nagykomlsi (de Comloul Mare, n Banat) i familia Naco Nagyszentmiklsi (de Snnicolau Mare).were designed by Rth Miksa. In 1912, the headquarters of the Romanian Consulate was in this palace, on the second floor. The ancestors of the Naco family came from Macedonia and arrived in the south of Transylvania after passing through Wallachia. Their huge fortune was due to commerce with swine and military supply during the Turkish and French military campaigns. The name of the first well-known ancestor was Cristoforos Dionisos Nacos, ennobled in Hungary with the name Nk, as the owner of estates from Snnicolau Mare and Marienfeld (Szentmarja). (The name of Nakos was only a nickname at the origin, meaning man with thick beard.) Many legends circulated about the wealth of the Naco family. Even writer Jkai was inspired by these, it is said that he took as a model for one of his characters in the novel Voievodul iganilor (The Gipsy Baron) one of the members of the Naco family. The famous treasure from Snnicolau-Mare, comprised of twenty-three gold objects, was discovered on the Naco family estate. The treasure, which was considered for a long while the treasure of Atilla, can be found today at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna and is even today the object of serious debates between scientists. The Naco family, of Macedo-Romanian origin, was for a long time one of the influential families from Pest and Vienna. Their ancestors, Cristofo and Cyril, settled in Vienna, but acquired land in the county of Torontal, at Tirimia and Snnicolau Mare. The two brothers received the noble diploma in 1784, where there is specified also the estate name: Nagyszentmiklsi (of Snnicolau Mare). After a short while, the family splits up into two:

A Nk csald sei Macednibl szrmaztak, a Havasalfldn t vndoroltak Dl-Erdlybe. Hatalmas vagyonukat a trk s a francia hadjratok sorn sertskereskedssel s hadiszlltssal szereztk. Az els ismert sk neve Krisztoforosz Diogninosz Nakosz, aki magyar nemessget mr Nk nven kapott, a nagyszentmiklsi s szentmarjai uradalmak gazdjaknt. (A Nakosz eredetileg ragadvnynv volt, ami sr szakllt jelent.) A Nk csald gazdagsgrl legendk keringtek. Ez ragadta meg Jkai fantzijt is, aki az egyik Nkrl mintzta a Cignybr alakjt. A Nk-birtokon kerlt el a fldbl a hres, huszonhrom darabbl ll nagyszentmiklsi aranylelet. A sokig Attila kincsnek tartott, gyakori tudomnyos vitk trgyt kpez leletet ma a bcsi Kunsthistorisches Museumban rzik. Hossz ideig Pest s Bcs egyik befolysos csaldja volt a macedoromn szrmazs Nk csald. seik, Kristf s Cyrill mr bcsi lakosok, amikor megszerzik a Torontl vrmegyben tallhat Nagyteremit (Mriafld) s Nagyszentmiklst. A kt testvr 1784-ben nemesi cmert kapott s ehhez pedig a Nagyszentmiklsi elnevet. Nem sokkal ksbb kt gra vlt a csald: a nagy