mercury in flue gas.pdf

A Technique to Control Mercury From Flue Gas: The Thief Process DOE Mercury Control Technology R&D Program Review Meeting July 14-15, 2004 Mark Freeman, Henry Pennline, Evan Granite, Richard Hargis, and William O’Dowd U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory

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7/27/2019 Mercury in flue gas.pdf 1/13

A Technique to Control Mercury From

Flue Gas: The Thief Process

DOE Mercury Control Technology

R&D Program Review MeetingJuly 14-15, 2004

Mark Freeman, Henry Pennline, Evan Granite,

Richard Hargis, and William O’Dowd

U.S. Department of Energy

National Energy Technology Laboratory

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Furnace Sampling Probes

NETL Borescope Probe

View of Pulverized Coal Flame

and Sampling Probes

Support – Conventional HVT, gas, and particulate sampling probes

… Lab-scale screening of Thief samples for Hg reactivity 

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Norit Darco Thief Sample

Characterization - Surface area (BET), pore volume,

particle size, bulk chemical anlysis, microanalysis

Mercury capacity in lab-scale screening

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Mercury Removal Results - Darco FGD vs. Thief Sorbent










0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Sorbent Injection Rate, lb/MMacf 

   H   g

   R   e   m

   o   v   a   l ,   %

Duct Removal, Thief Sorbent

Overall Removal, Thief Sorbent

Duct Removal, Darco FGD

Overall Removal, Darco FGDMercury Removal With PRB Coal

Thief at 35-50% ash

Thief at 30-35% ash

~ BET 200 m2 /g

Baghouse 270o

F Sorbent Duct Residence Time 2.5 sec

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Example Relationship of Particle Burnout &Furnace Gas during Combustion


85705946372518(ranges during

84695744352417Furnace Gaslb gas per lb particle

93908782776757Carbon Conversion, % (S, N, O, H)



Semi-Combusted PRB

wt% basis

Support Tools – CFD modeling, in-furnace sensors (LOI, CO, temperature) and 

conventional sampling probes … lab-scale screening of Thief samples (for Hg 

reactivity) for site-specific boiler designs

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Thief Process Equipment• Thief Process – engineering & field assembly of small

components for slipstream− Probe, including small boiler penetration

− Duct work and insulation

− Simple (e.g., double pipe) heat exchanger 

− ID Fan

− Instrumentation and controls

− Optional - baghouse/cyclone, small storage hopper, sorbent feeder …

for intermediate Thief sorbent collection/storage to add flexibilityEngineering strategy for managing a small series of heat rate penalties

(in lieu of sorbent purchases) is the key driver in Thief Process

Thief Process− Extraction of ~ 0.1 - 0.5% of furnace gas inside boiler 

• Much lower requirements than utility FGR experience or 3-5 MWe

slipstreams built for field studies of flue gas cleanup technologies

• Heat rate penalty << 0.5%

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Thief Process – Thermal Heat Rate PenaltyThe thermal heat rate penalty basically consists of 3 items:

• Combustible heat loss, based on estimated heating value of Thief solids

(e.g., unburned carbon loss*14,500 Btu/lb, and adjusted for H, S, etc.)

− Combustible heat loss includes Thief furnace gas – for example, where Thief 

gas contains appreciable quantities of carbon monoxide (4374 Btu/lb).• Sensible heat loss when cooling the extracted Thief solids & gas through

the system prior to re-injection

− This is given by the calculated heat capacities of Thief gas composition

(based on standard correlations) and estimate of Thief sorbent heat capacity

• Additional heat losses, the most important is the incident heat transfer 

from the furnace gas (boiler) to the high-temperature Thief probe

This is based on designing a probe to absorb a specified incident heat flux(Btu/hr-ft2), and surface area of probe (OD and length) inside the boiler 

The latter two considerations influenced by engineering design in

managing heat rate losses (e.g., tie-in with cooling water system,

temperatures where extraction/re-injection occurs)

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Thief Process – Parasitic Power Requirements• Suction (e.g., fan power) for extraction of Thief sorbent/gas from the

furnace and reinjection into downstream location

− This is calculated based on Thief gas requirements and pressure dropthrough various probe(s) and piping

• Pneumatic injection if Thief sorbent is stored and handled similar to

activated carbon … if so, this is treated similar to the ACI case• Pulverizer power required for make-up coal from thermal heat penalty

− Pulverizer power is specified on per ton coal basis, and a typical value for existing pulverizers is 22 kW-hr/ton coal

• Parasitic power associated with circulating any heat exchanger coolingmedia (e.g., if a separate heat transfer system with new pumps, etc. wouldbe purchased)

− Largely negligible if cooling is tied-into the power plant water system

assuming existing system can handle minute changes in pressure head• Thief incremental cooling requirements are very small compared to the power 

station so that total water circulation is basically the same

• Thief process basically diverts a minute fraction of the water flow through a

system which may have slightly higher pressure drop due to the small scale of heat exchanger piping

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Example Heat Balance for Thief Process(at at 2 lb/MMacf) for 500 MW PRB Reference Plant rate penalty, % (adjusted)

With 70% Incident/Sensible Recovery

0.320.290.260.22heat rate penalty, %

37.337.337.337.3Coal Firing Rate - Trillion Btu/yr 


19,81918,35216,77115,088incident heat loss

70,33860,38950,51640,988sensible heat loss

14,74515,69316,59917,443combustible heat loss

Heat Rate Penalty - MMBtu/yr 

796796796796Thief Sorbent, tons per year 

59514234Thief Gas, lb gas per lb particle Sorbent, wt% Ash

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Example Parasitic Power Considerations for Thief Process(at 2 lb/MMacf) for 500 MW PRB Reference Plant

709,640618,100526,920498,200Parasitic Power - Thief Total, kW-hr 

0.020%0.018%0.015%0.014%Parasitic Power Requirement, %

68,04861,29554,48952,552Thief Gas Estimated Power, kW-hr 

Parasitic Power - ID Fan Increment

153,670138,402123,046118,668Annual Incremental Pulverizer kW-hr 

6985629155935394Thief Coal Make-up Flow, ton per year 

Parasitic Power - Pulverizer Coal Make-up

487,932418,398349,388326,989Thief Gas Annual kW-hr 

Parasitic Power - Thief Gas Suction

14141212Duct Pipe Size, inch

134451150695818936Thief Gas Flow, lb/hr 

Thief Slipstream Duct Work Sorbent, wt% Ash

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Example Impact on Fly Ash for Thief Process(at 2 lb/MMacf) for 500 MW PRB Reference Plant

0.610.650.690.730.77% LOI in Final Fly Ash

0.840.840.840.840.84% Increase in Fly Ash

9425094250942509425094250Baseline Fly Ash tons/yr 

8080808080Fly Ash Percent of Total CCB Baseline LOI, wt%

Incremental Increase in Fly Ash

wt% ash composition in Thief Sample

Fly Ash Characteristics or Marketability Will be Studied in the Future

(e.g., Perhaps During Scale-Up)

Thief Process does not introduce “external” substance in commingled fly ash

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Thief Process Optimization FY05 Plans

• Demonstrate Integrated, Continuous Testing

−Bypass cyclone collection and storage

• Improved Hg removal expected with smallest Thief particles

• Further refine Thief Process economics model

− Identify sensitivity options and target R&D opportunities

• Thief sorbent characterization and 500 lb/hr furnace

mapping on PRB coal, PRB blend, lignite−Test Thief samples from other combustor locations & conditions

• Obtain experimental data to evaluate sensitivities with cost model

−Thief furnace gas characterization to enhance mapping studies andevaluate options for gas reinjection in concert with cost model

• Support Thief licensing and scale-up

−Technical issues and business plan