mentally bound..poetry

By: Martin A. Bryant Black Prism Publishing

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A collection of Inspirationally poetry


Page 1: Mentally Bound..Poetry

By: Martin A. Bryant

Black Prism Publishing

Page 2: Mentally Bound..Poetry

A Message to Self:

This book is a long time coming, after writing several poems, after publishers several poems, I am

glad finally to go back to my lifelong dream of publishing. Seeing words in print is the biggest

high to me. Back when the journey began in 1999, it actually began in 1982 when on a ribbon

typewriter I created the “neighborhood news”. Print media is far better and satisfying than online

because it’s vintage.

Mentally Bound, Determined by Grace is important because it defines where my pen has been for

the past seven years. It’s not about the applause, it’s not about the open mic circuit, it’s as

Ramsey RIP brother) used to say…it’s about the core. The core of myself is my spirit, a spirit that

possesses many gifts, one of which is inspiration through the written word. If no one sees

anything I write again, I can at least say I inspired myself. God has given me six reasons at least to

be inspired, I must always remember that whenever I have a job to do.

This is a milestone, that MUST turn into a mountain stone, in the manifestation of my writing,

That’s the bottom line cause, I said so.

Sincerely, Lyrically, Spiritually

Martin A. Bryant

All content of this book were conceptualized originally from the mind and soul of Martin A.

Bryant. All poems have been copy-written, from 2005-to the present.

Any permission to copy or duplicate must be agreed upon by the author for Black Prism


For any questions, comments, or request [email protected]

© 2010 M.A.B.

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Table Of Contents (Poetry)

1. Love

2. More For Me 3. In The Midst Of It All


5. Heaven Hath No Glory Yet A Man Be Reborn

6. Mirror of Self


8. God's will......Our Won't

9. Untitled

10. I Want Not


12. "I’m not looking behind me.....My Focus is Pressing and Moving Forward"

13. The worst off you are, The Better you become...

14. Fullness of God


16. The World is not Enough


18. MAN


20. Break That Yoke

21. Defense wins Championships

22. Less Gossip, More God Talk.......Change Your Speech

23. My spirit, My inner strong-hold on life

24. Don't be scared to fear the Lord


26. Time to Play the Game, Just Bring It

27. The Struggle....Beat Me If You Can, Survive If God Let's You



1. My Letter to Black Men (Just the Beginning Part 1)

2. A Letter to Black Men ( The Apology Letter)

3. The Silent Killer (Domestic Violence)

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I am not he who opposes me

But Jesus said

love those who oppose

like I have loved thee

For Heaven only knows

the Bible shows

that as we grow as brothers and sisters

our love grows.

God created man in his image and likeness

He said "love one another"

even though some might say "I don't like this"

or that, her or him.....

Love is an internal Spirit

Has to come from within.

Can't love thy neighbor

unless we acknowledge HIM.

For God so love the world he gave his only begotten Son

There's No Greater Love

than that from the Holy One.

Love is the most powerful of the Spirit

Love thy friends as well as your enemies

grab hold of love

ENDEAR IT........

Peace and Love

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More For Me

God is more for me than the whole world against....

God is more for me than the whole world against....

Pain my endureth for a night but joy cometh in the morning......

In the midst of the mourning, God smiles on your day

Jesus was crucified, so our lives will be ok....

By his blood

it saves us through the flood,

His flesh, represents us and keeps us out of mess

His body....walked in human form

showing us we can make it through any storm....

He'll bring you through even when the walls are closing in

He'll keep you even when it seems like it's the end......

His grace abounds

He'll put your life on solid ground

Turn to him and be faithful in anything

ask him for everything....

Love, life pursuits of contentment......

Turn to him in humility and sin resentment......

Leave your pride, ego's, proudness, issues at the door

and let Jesus guide may stumble he won't let your hit the floor.......

What does not kill you makes you stronger

pray long, if necessary pray longer......

Pain may endureth for night, but joy cometh in the morning

in any mourning God will provide a smile......


pain only lasts a little while......

K.E.E.P. the Faith

(Know Everything exists and is Possible)

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“For we walk by faith, not by sight" 2 Corinthians 5:7

In The Midst Of It All

God, the unseen but the ever knowing

The spirit, his love ever showing.

He knows what we stand in need of

in peace he sends his dove

Call on him, he'll show you his love.

He gave his only begotten Son

so for a everlasting life, We'd have One....

Put you trust in he

Struggling?,. Strife? I put thy worries to thee,

And I know Jesus watches over me.

He may seems that he's not there when you call him

but he's always there when you need.

When hungry, he will feed.

When thirsty, he will supply for your thirst.....

We have to learn in anything put God First.

WE all go through things

but we must realize

who's the king if kings

WE must accept, through Jesus

we can do all things.........

WE walk by faith, not by sight

For put on the whole armor of God in any fight

And watch......he'll lift you up

and pull you through

It may seem he's not there

But God will be there to rescue you......

We walk by faith, not by sight.....

Jesus lives and will ALWAYS be there

when we call on his might.......

For In The Midst Of It ALL

he knows our struggles

and will answer our call.

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Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8)


YESTERDAY is the past

Along with that was our worries, our struggles, OUR

thoughts of what does the future hold?

"our Memories"

Yesterday is gone like the sunset; the pain may have endureth...

But by God's grace we see......TODAY......

Today is the morning joy came

The day God gave us as a new beginning of hope.

Today either good or bad, God has given us today to change things and make a

love, to learn, to grow......

Today is the present and in the present we can only live as God wants us to live.


The door way into forever, for every tomorrow will live

we move another step closer to salvation

for we are on earth alittle while and when we "past into tomorrow"

we are blessed forever.

Yesterday memories carry us into Today's changes for the better....that result into

our "Tomorrow's" reward's

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Heaven Hath No Glory Yet A Man Be Reborn

Heaven Hath No Glory Yet A Man Be Reborn

Lets forget about the woman scorn

Let's forget about the closes tattered and torn

I got God on my side,

His clothes of grace are now worn....

It's time to change the way we walk

time to change the way we talk

The devil is a liar

Yet this liar stalks...

Being dipped in the water and seeing salvation

I know that I must give God my dedication...

Being able to reach masses by speaking in tongues

Souls are being saved off of the rungs.

Now is the time that we all must show how





Thru the sinning and the mistakes

WE must repent to the heavenly one

So that our live he won't forsake

And in the midst

while the devil tries to shift us like wheat, and pluck us like corn



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Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against

powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high


Mirror of Self

With this all being true

too many of us fight the me that looks like you,

for sister's, sister looks evil at brethren's mate......

brothers killing brethren at too high of a rate.....

They say we are in the last days

so turning your life around it's not too late.

We need to stop fighting and start focusing

and get our lives straight.

The children are suffering for the "example" the adults are setting

I'm not working for the "white man" with that attitude

Where in life are we getting?.....

Own businesses? investments? this should be our mentality

instead of griping, drinking, lottery playing and betting.

We need to let the leaders lead

and if it's God's will for us to follow

Wait until it's your turn to lead take that humility pill

and swallow.

Why kill brethren and ruin two lives, his and yours

Why is sister dissing sister when

when you both can open and close doors

children like "Cain"......

if you are "Able" to kill, before that thought, try God's will

Blood lines get divided..... love have you supplied it.

Don't say everything we tried it


Flesh gets torn when minds and hearts gets scorn

like baptism in the body and blood

some need to be reborn.

"We are wrestling like Monday/Friday Smack Down

We need to uplift each other instead of putting each other down

For six feet deep is a finality

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leave the war to the principality

leave the war to the powers that be

for if six meet and greet

the flesh and blood get along

like the Lord.....taste and see how sweet.

A friend is a brother is a sister is a friend

pray even for your enemies and the fighting to end.

Wrestle not against one another

Call all, your sister and Love thy brother........


Trust in the Lord at all times

for nothing is as hard as it seems

"Love thy neighbor as I have loved you"

Jesus said "this new commandment I give unto you to do"

Now we love but we dislike also

trust is a thing that some don't know.......

Things happen for a reason'

certain things we need to let go.....

but we don't

We let them build up, then they tear us apart,

in part in whole

distrust and showing no love

chokes us like a stranglers glove.

We allow our non-understanding of "it's suppose to happen that way"

instead we lean on I can't stand him/her and that's the last I have to say.

Jesus said "love one another, as I have loved you"...

Put thy trust in God for he knows what we stand in need of

and what we need to do.......

Love is hard to obtain

trust falls sometimes like rain

But put both in the Lord

and thy will sustain

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Thy whole self will begin to reign

Find love....find trust in thy fellow woman and man

and be whole AGAIN.....

Matthew 6:10

"Your kingdom come, your WILL be done, on earth as it is in Heaven"

God's will......Our Won't

Thy will be usually our won't

We hear God say do this ...our answer...we want to but don't

We rob ourselves of the blessings

His will we should not be messing

It's when we turn our back of the Will of God

has us the most stressing......

Life is hard enough

going does get tough

struggles might get rough....

realize though this is God's will

The storm He'll keep it still......

God Say's do this.....temptation Say's don't

God say's my will be done.....His will

oft times we don't

hmmmm. God's will......

It makes us stronger it does not kill

What would Jesus do?.....

better question......what would I do?

ask yourself how about you?

To thine own self be true

What makes us stronger ...does not kill

turn your don'ts and won'ts into God's will.

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John 3:3

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, Verily I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he

cannot see the kingdom of God

Heaven Has No Glory, Than A Man Reborn

Reconnected, redirected


He said it, He did it


Repent, where thy have went

For us, His Son He Sent

Rebirth, his worth

He's coming back for the earth

Realize, his prize


to be reborn, one must be baptized


Not retired, He Desired

Us to be Holy Spirit Fired,

Today is the day the Lord has made

He sent his son for our sins to be Repaid

Time to get off this rock

for sin has me trapped and locked,

heart hardly beating

the world has me in shock

All around me and in me is sin

I need to rid myself

of the iniquity within.

I hear the voice of God telling me how to win.

It's the 4th quarter, the 3rd period, the bottom of the 9th

and I literally have nothing left

I hear the voices of angels telling me not to hold my breath


they say keep walking

Reverence God, cause the devil keeps stalking

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The people need your inspiration…so keep writing and talking

These words hit hard...Lord hear me calling

"What do I need to do…since it seems like I'm falling?

His answer....

"One must endure all the pain and suffering

Through humility, my strength will be buffering

rain will come, and lightning will flash

however I will not leave you nor forsake you,

You don't even have to ask".

I see a vision before me

first I see loaves and fish on the shore

After I eat I start to see more...

I see a cup pouring blood HIS blood in the water

I ask myself should I get in

the voice in me tells me not to tarry or falter....

My body...dirty from sin

I start to get in...I feel cleanse

my eyes start to open their lens...

My clothes filthy, tattered and torn

cleanse by the Spirit

body feels no longer worn

As I begin to see the world different now,

my soul no longer does it mourn.

I leave this message in the sand


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Matthew 6:10

"Your kingdom come, your WILL be done, on earth as it is in Heaven"

Philippians 4:11

'Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be


I Want Not

Contentment, no time for resentment

Your sentiment should for on God's settlement...He'll see you through

whatever it is God is there for you.

He'll lift you up...He's all that we've got

Thy mayest stumble but He shall not.

Stand firm.....Stand tall...

be faithful in everything ...give God a call....

His son paid the cost

even though it seems like a loss we never lose

Use God as you construct and Jesus as your tools.....

Be content in good times and in bad

He'll see you to happiness when times make us sad.....

Don't give up for He's the option when all things look like it's coming to an end....



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Psalm 119:105 " Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path"


You order them, please guide my steps when walking,

Guide, be my light, hear me talking

Protect me when the enemy is stalking.

When in darkness look up for the hook up

keep your head up

God will supply and keep your bread up....

He watches so He sees

in darkness don't be ashamed to fall to thy knees

and ask him please

"let no harm fall down on me"

for Jesus I put all my yoke on thee"

For He's a yoke breaker, burden remover

weight lifter, truth prover...

turn on His word when all hope seems gone



For He that keeps you from falling

in the struggle in the midnight hour


Hear me Lord we are calling

He will provide light and sun to help you out

Travel on your path and He'll remove all doubt

But remember

Make sure your path is marked with His will


Why gain the whole world, is thy soul and spirit has been killed

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Phililpians 3:13-14

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this on thing I do, forgetting those things

which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark

for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

"I’m not looking behind me.....My Focus is Pressing and Moving Forward"

The past has happened move over cause its over

My intent is to take one small step toward the future.

God has brought us through it, like He said He would

You thought you couldn't, lean on him

Like you know you should...

I can't, shouldn't be defined....just the words I could.

Push "Pray until something happens"

"PUSH - Prosper Under Spiritual Holiness God keeps us whole

continue on a spiritual roll....up any mountain,

Jesus walks with us and provides thirst like a fountain

He'll carry you through...countless times over

No use counting....

Keep pressing onward and moving forward to that "NEW JERUSALEM”

God and Jesus

Keep using them

The evils of the world

even though some abusing them

God and Jesus

with them at your side, the battles

You'll never be losing them.....

Press on, Move on, Push on,


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Revelation 2:7

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that over cometh

will I give to eat the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

The Worst Off You Are, The Better You Become...

Walk that tightrope

With Jesus you can cope

Break that yoke

Become unchoked....

Learn to put thy burdens to the Lord

He will help you on HIS accord

He will cut through your troubles with a sword.

Overcoming means it didn't kill you

Walk by faith

And watch God will you

"thy kingdom come"

Listen as the Spirit says what needs to done

....on earth

Where we need the most worth

for the World is secondary

Put God First.

Listen and let his Spirit guide you

Listen for God He will stand beside you.

He that hath an ear

listen to his word




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Ephesians 3:19

"And to know love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the

fulness of God.

Psalms 46:1

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Fullness of God

No matter what,

Be complete with God,

The only power that’s gets the affirmative nod

He is God all by himself

Put your worries, fears and burdens on His shelf

Let no-one overtake his mighty power

Call on him any second, minute, or hour

He will come right on time

He will always be there when you call

Psalms 46:11 reads

"The Lord of Hosts is with us"

Jesus said my name is I AM


Become one with the fulness

His anointing, become one

with the power of it's pullness

His spirit is the strength in which we should believe

His love is the power by which we achieve

Become one with the FULNESS OF THE MOST HIGH

Lift him up

and he will

He will keep thee by and by.

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Galatians 5:1

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again

with the yoke of bondage.

Ephesians 4:30

And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

Philippians 1:28

And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but

to you of salvation, and that of God.

Philippians 3:13

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things

which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.


God predestined us to be free

rid the mentality of no not me..

Quit letting the he's and she's

have dominion over thee..

The Commandant says though shalt have no other god's before me

yet we submit often time to the demands of the enemy.

We prey on others weaknesses,

instead of praying for their strength,

We prey on their shortcomings

Instead of being prayful of their length.

Not withstanding we hinder each other’s progress

with selfish intent and harm

We should strive for God's freedom


Off in the distance we should grab hold of Salvation's arm

Once again we are slaves in our own minds


Let my people go

Moses said these words to Pharoah.

We need to let go of yesterdays chain

Grab hold of tomorrow reign

cause today’s unchained melodies

is the key when we want to sustain.

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Grab hold of freedom

We all need some

Let no one lock your spirit

Let no one lock your mind



"Whatever you may lose.........ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH

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Psalms 46:10

Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the


Colossians 2:20

Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world,why, as though living in the

world,are ye subject to ordinances.

The World is Not Enough

The weather started to get rough

Our hearts and souls seem tossed

Without the grace of God's goodness

The battle seems at a lost

But no battle supersedes the war

For with Jesus as my ally

I can always win and score

Let no man take over and gain victory

For anything in this world stays in this place

For we are here but a little while

But salvation lasts and can't be replaced.

As we may be lost on earth

Always seek answers to salvation



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1 Thessalonians 3:8

For now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord.


The battle is never over

Everyday a new challenge, a new fight

something is bound to happen

but in battle turn to the ultimate captain.


Like Jesus move, we should move just like that

cause we know one day he's coming back.


with God you can achieve

in God you should believe

In sin you should leave


hold you head up, even when it's time to grieve

Philippians 4:13 reads

I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me

Nothing beats a failure but a try

He strengthens us to actually do things

not to sit idly by






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1 Timothy 3:4

One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity.

(Even though this scripture references a man's yearning to be a deacon, I think it is appropriate

for any man who NEEDS a lesson in maturity and family.


Yes we were here first

But motto's, cars and money show

We need to obey a different type of thirst.

We are creating this type of struggle, this type of pain

God created us in his image, yet

We ignore our heir to his reign.

The burdens He put on us, we need to man up

and get up

He placed us at the "head" of the household

Men need to fall for this set up

Be FATHER'S to your children

no matter if they are yours by conception

or "adopted" under God's direction

hugging them instead hitting them

consoling them instead cursing them

should be your only interjection

when they get older

they are your reflection

And.....for the sacred sake of love, honor, and obedience

taking care of your woman, should be something done with expedience

If you can lay with her, trying loving her for better or for worse

Like the song writer says PUT THAT WOMAN FIRST....

God put her in your life

To support you as your "wife"

for you are the body, she's the backbone

So you never should walk away and leave her alone.

God gave man the ultimate position.

accept the job, accept the role

and pay that woman and your children more of your attention.

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(to many times men let pride be their guide, when men should learn to guide and keep family

close to their side.......for as God made man the head ....a "body" can't survive without that head.

1 Timothy 5:6,13

6 But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth

13 And withal they learn to be idle,wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but

tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things they ought not.


Stop, drop, and roll

Stop backbiting and fighting

Drop the talking behind each other's back

Cause the struggle for woman without God is hard enough

and roll over a new leaf

Start your morning off with belief

If your "sista" looks good tell her

Quit looking for something to talk about

Quit thinking negative and remove the doubt

If he's in your life stand and shout.

Married woman, take care of the home

too many are leaving husband to roam

Many single woman want to marry

but too many single woman tarry

God created woman as a help mate

too many woman can't accept that roll

"commission" without submission

is like retention without attention

It's like trying to find revelation

without salvation

It's like being caught and almost about to fall

and not looking for God to call.

You woman are the back bone in life

Righteousness is the true path to wife

Feeding off the wrongs of pleasure

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The burden will become to much to measure

Sista's you are too valuable of a treasure

Have pride in she

Have pride in woman who looks like thee

for God created woman for beauty

You are what makes the world go round'

place thy feet on solid ground

You are a child bearer

A love endearer

A comforter, A carer

It's not enough air for you all to exhale

someone has to inhale foul air

Don't worry he won't let you choke

With Jesus he will get you there.

Woman you are the center of this universe

Realize God intended man to be first

A Man should feed the children

It's up to you to nourish their thrist.

Nothing beats a strong Godly woman, than a weak ungodly woman.

Don't look unto each other as enemies

Love each other as family.

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Hebrews 2:15

...And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

In todays day and age, lets substitute death for failure,

lets substitute death for trying.

Break that yoke

Some are scared to break that yoke

all the while they are still being choked

by earthly smoke...

Still in bondage by the earthly burdens

Let God break that yoke, let him shoulder the load

In order to do this, you can't be worried about the issues, the stress

Put it all on God, he handles it at best

....or he'll give the tools to overcome

Quit asking how come

and ask the Lord How

Quit looking for the early answer

Cause God is coming for you right now.

Listening to the world, knowing the world is not enough

Let God get you going when the going gets rough

Cause anything you are facing

Against the Lord whatever it is, whomever it is

Against God....they ain't that tough.

Jesus was sent to take away our sins

He was sent to save us from earthly death

...are you battling, well it's not over

you struggling, get fighting

Give it all you've got, until you feel you have nothing left

breathless....Jesus was sent to give us breath.

Break that yoke

Let Jesus remove the rope that chokes

Jesus is the true fire

Submit to his smoke.

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Put thy burdens to the burden remover, place thy yoke on the yoke breaker

Put all thy troubles on he who is

the life maker.....

Psalms 7:10

My defence is of God, which saveth the upright in heart.

Defense wins Championships


Whom do I call

In the trails, tribulations, and fears

Who will ease my soul, and silence my tears...

When test and struggles come abound

I look to He to carry me to solid ground.

No opposition can overcome God's defense

He's more for us than the whole world against

The enemy can't comprehend A Christian and God's relationship

We just have to be saved, confess and have faith

too win the championship.

No trophy handed out, no awards, or rings given

But, the ultimate reward is eternal living

For the Lord is my everything, whom no-one can overcome

His kingdom come.... Lord.....


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Proverbs 6:2

Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.

Proverbs 10:11

The mouth of s righteous man is well of life: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked

Less Gossip, More God Talk.......Change Your Speech


Listen to the footprints of Jesus


Listen as Jesus speaks to you

Quit talking so much about those around you

Keep the words of thy neighbor true.

If you don't have anything good to say

Don't say anything at all

If you have something bad to say

Don't give your friends and family a call

Keep it to yourself

Then bury the secret, the news, the GOSSIP, the story

tearing someone down, does not get you glory.

Quit cursing at them kids, show them love from your lips

kind words are one of the building blocks in relationships

just like careful words help win championships.

You get better results from reasoning, than screaming

Jesus spoke of love

hate came from demons.

Embrace loving words....and their meanings

There is nothing like a pleasant "good morning" to start your day

Let’s speak always with goodness

Just not when you have something "good" to say.

May the Lord bless the words from my mouth that comes out

and let me not say things of which brings about doubt.

Change your speech

For from thy mouth, lessons have to be teached

From thy mouth the WORD has to be preached

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Proverbs 25:28

He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.

Proverbs 15:13

A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.

My spirit, My inner strong-hold on life

Lo, we may face many an uphill climb

The spirit to keep climbing

is what we ought to find.

Lo, we may struggle, battle, and sometimes it appears we may lose

but the fight isn't won by the swift

but by he who uses God's tools.

Our spirit places the call God answers...

But ye must want deliverance...

For our spirit should be our guide

and not our hindrance.

For within the holy three

God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit make the trinity

It's in thee

Seek the spirit, for it a strong-hold

Find the spirit and grab hold

The inner spirit.....makes the weak even bold



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Proverbs 28:14

Happy is the man that feareth alway: but he that hardeneth his shall fall into mischief.

Proverbs 31:30

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.

Don't be scared to fear the Lord

Fear not, for the Lord is around

Fear not man cause when the going gets tough

he will not be found

Turn to he who places thy feet on solid ground.

Let no man/woman hold rule over you

Do as God wills, to him stay true

Blessed is thee who fears the Lord.

Blessed is thee who does the will, of the higher accord.

The Lord is the only whom we should fear

The Lord is in whom is everywhere

The Lord is thy comfort, thy strength in the fight

Fear He who gave the world light.

For blessed is thee whom in the Lord they fear

Realize, Know, and Believe

Thy Lord is everywhere.

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Romans 14:19

Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.


Stop the violence, stop the finger pointing

Peace is waiting for you with an anointing

Love thy neighbor, pray for thy enemy

Pray that both stay a friend to thee.

God don't like ugly nor does He like evil works

hell is no kind of afterlife ....sorry the truth hurts.

Quick to harm

Quick to sound the alarm, even quicker to bite of the hand

and sever the embracing arm.

Make the effort, take the time to do good

Making peace with all, we all should

No sense fighting, and backbiting

that doesn't get your name written in the book....

When it's all said and done

Make sure and take a look....within

Lord examine us outside and in

Have I done my part in extending peace

If not, today my animosity towards others will cease.

May all strife between two cease

and may we all learn to


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Philippians 4:11-13

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the

circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have

learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry,

whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me.

Time to Play the Game, Just Bring It

Bring the struggle, bring the pain,

Bring the loss, the Lord is my gain,

Bring the drama, bring the tears

The Lord is my refuge he eases my fears,

Bring the hatred bring the enemies

The Lord, I surrender all to thee,

Bring the sorrow, bring the unknown,

I know in the morrow Success in the Lord will be shown.

Bring the trails, bring the tribulation

The Lord and his blessing is room for celebration

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

he brought you to it, the reward of overcoming last longer.

The struggle, like the overcoming

with us in it is the perfect fit,

The struggle, the pain


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Job 5:19

He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee.

The Struggle....Beat Me If You Can, Survive If God Let's You

Here we go again,

Troubles surround thee

But Jesus walks with me

Through it all

He puts us through it, yet he still answers the call.

Don't let the devil win, don't give him the victory

Jesus will carry you through,

Just Know he walks with thee.

The Struggle, is a burden

But Jesus breaks the yoke

Breathe His air, when the struggle tries to choke.

Let no man/woman of God let troubles overtake thee

Know that as many journey's you may walk

Jesus will walk with thee.

The struggle, the pain, the strife,

Beat me if you can, Survive if God's Let's you

He's the God we serve, and he will see you through.

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Ephesians 2:8

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God

Psalms 32:7

Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about

with songs of deliverance.


I come Lord, Humble

Please don't allow me to fumble

She's given me the ball to be the head


Please don't leave me for dead.

I am failing right now......Help me and lift us up

I reach for your cup.....

Lord please

I am on my knees.....

I need your guidance right now

Please Lord show me us how.

We are striving for a Holy union, and obstacles, after troubles, after trails, are in our way

Lord The devil is after us, help me in this day.

Forgive me of all past wrongs

Lord please change this sad song

WE are striving for happiness and your grace

Lord wipe the tears from my face.

I am weary, life right now is dreary, Lord

I confess all to you

Help us Lord, Help me to stay true.

I am failing God, Please don't allow me to fall

In you,

Forever I call.

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My Letter to Black Men

…Just the Beginning Part 1

This is to the brother, the uncle, the father, the husband, the thug, the incarcerated, the free, the

head of household, the basement dweller, the dead-beat, the rich man, the poor man, the

churchgoer, the laymen, the pastor, the non-believer, the son, the friend….the man.

We are at a state in our lives where a lot of things that are going wrong are reflective of our

actions. We first need to go to whatever God we individually believe in and ask for forgiveness.

We also need to ask for direction. A lot of us are driving with no direction. We are impregnating

our society with no erection. We are doing things that are crippling our nation at an alarming

rate; sometimes with no or little regard. We are raping our counterparts without a care, and

killing our children softly every time, one child goes to bed without his/her father in house,

because this “father” is putting someone else to bed at night. A phone call even, goes along way.

We are divided by our beliefs, when we all should be on one accord. We don’t practice things like

religion, love, commitment, because of fear it makes us weak and actually it shows our strength.

We equate sex and money to status and power, thus some need to be sentenced for grand theft

and rape, because we rob our children of intangibles and every time we sleep with a woman

without love in our hearts we take apart of her with us , a part she can never get back. We kill

each other with cold hearted malice for false status and ill regard to human life, yet we all are

descendants of slaves who suffered a fate most couldn’t stomach to watch on TV let alone have

the heart to be next in line.

We need to realize that there is no such thing as the “man” if you are a man yourself. Diddy and

Sean Carter and others are not the select few that can make it. We all need to realize we all have

gifts to make our own opportunities we just don’t see that, we only focus on the end result.

The “un-fathered”, do not use your upbringing as an excuse, use it as motivation. Do not pattern

your life after someone that can not better your life if you meet them or spent time with you.

There is a generational curse that your sons and daughters need you to break. If you were raised

by your mother and you know someone raised by both parents, they are not better than you

because of that. They just have a different story than you…THAT’S ALL. Motivation can/should

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come from any situation that appears bad. Good situations should only make you smile, not

relax you; bad situations should motivate and inspire you to become a better person.

We have a black president, So what, some still haven’t changed like he asked. We have a black

president….Good for America, that doesn’t mean we are all entitled. Nothing happens without


Husbands, plain and simple, quit going after what doesn’t complete you. If your name is

husband, God has already supplied ALL your needs. The home is where you find love, not the

hotel. Single brothers, get your business in order, before you lay down with her, every sexual

mate you choose is a potential mother to your child. Those who can’t comprehend this, pull out

before and after the 9 months journey. God made man to head the household, to share a life

with a wife; He did not create us to share a house with a woman, or another man!!!!!

To the deadbeat, the young minded thinker, The coward, The thing that makes you a man is

when you stand up to your responsibilities, if you use the EXCUSE you don’t have it, you will

never have it. Child support is just that, supporting the child. If that is not in your realm of

doable; piss and get off the pot. Let that other MAN take care of her and her children, remove

yourself from the equation. That alone may make you a man, more than your yearning to fight

this man, or hurt this woman. The, if you can’t have her, no-one will phenomenon places you

lower than any convicted abuser. Don’t stick around out of jealously because she moved on….The

child suffers!!!!!

To the criminal minded…You can work for your own, you don’t have to steal. Put the gun down

and fight if you have too, fight for everything you believe in…There are too many hood martyrs

only dying for the hood, No one seems to be dying for their hard work until they come across

you cowardly niggas, and decide to fight back. You emulate what you see on TV, and in the

movies; and your perception is as ignorant as your appearance. Any gangster movie or depiction

you watch, the gangsters/mobsters were all dressed to the tee, in suits and shoes and leather/fur

coats…where in the millennium hood handbook does it read put on clothes 8 sizes to big, hang

your pants of your ass, and look like you stepped off a hobo exhibit?

If you claim the “MAN” is holding you down, then he is, and that’s only because you let him. The

real fight, can be one with your mental prowess, your integrity, and your intellect.

One thought, look into your man mirror, ask yourself…”who am I”?

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A letter to Black Men

Part 2 (The Apology Letter)

We are the focal point of the world. We don’t act like it. We should apologize. We should

stand up and apologize for not being more responsible. We leave our children and our

mates on the side of the road called life with reckless abandonment. On our journeys, we

stop walking and we run in the opposite direction. We not only don’t see a “finish line”

Some ignore that one even exists. We blame others and close the door of change,

opportunity, and tomorrow, for what we deem as present glorification. The male ego is

too busy looking for worldly acceptance it can’t stop and look in the mirror and see the

problem staring back at us.

We go out into the world and obtain jobs, not careers, so our foundations are made of

wood at best and not solid concrete. So out sentences begin with phrases like “I would be

able to if”, or” I would be able to support you if”. Just like you can put a hole in a wooden

plank, there is a multitude of holes, in the many excuses of “what would you do”?

We abuse society, we blackened the eye of our mates with things like empty promises,

with events like crime, murder, mayhem. We dwell in the basements of life with our

hands stuck in our pants, are we looking for direction or our erection; either way some of

us don’t have a pot or a window. Yet invite the whole female population over to their

“crib” only for a female’s first step be “down” arguable symbolic of her future.

We should apologize to our fore-mothers, some of us have four mothers…Birth mother,

grandmother, Aunt, Sister. These entities reflect every woman you choose to be-friend,

and be “with” yet, every woman outside of these four have the proclivity to at one point or

another be nicknamed bitch, hoe, trick or tramp, instead of love, or wife. There is a

misnomer that there are no good men in the world…I wonder sometimes if a man started

that out of some guilty admission. In retrospect, We do not need one self help book to

be written, if we don’t stay in school long enough to learn not only how to read but to

comprehend and understand.

The Bible states in all the getting, get understanding. We need to stop right now, and

understand this world is ours to flourish in, not to fail in, not to fall in, and definitely not

to fall in love with the childish things that we encounter . ‘When I was a child I spake as a

child, acted like a child, walk as a child….But when I became a man I put away childish


We need to go back to shaking hands of one another, we need to visit the gravesites of the

fallen. Too many brothers falling at the hands of another for nothing. Two families never

are the same; one family gets buried alive, the other incarcerated either way the lineage is

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forcible separated either by glass or the ground. Our children can not dwell on either. A

public apology is In order for the many tattoed tear drops, graffiti walls, flower laid

corner post and streetlights that proved to be the untimely chalk outline of our brethren.

Our “white” blood cells should only be found on our insides not lining the pavement.

An apology is in order regarding whom we choose as mates, whether female or another

male especially the latter, there is nothing natural about two men laying with each other,

or a young “man” primping and posing like a female wearing skinny jeans and makeup.

Equally, there is nothing natural about hopping from bed to bed spreading seeds if you

aren’t going to be around to cultivate and nurture your creation. Every woman you

penetrate, you not only penetrate her women-hood, you penetrate her vessel of life, your

penetrate her heart, and when you leave/run…you tear all that you’ve penetrated and

laced with semen…and when the child is born…they often time don’t “see men”.

Lastly, we need to apologize to God; our creator, whom daily we persecute with our

unbelief. Daily we go against due to selfishness and greed. We rise up against His law and

His will, all the while wondering why things aren’t going like we want them too.

We war against The chosen Man of God, We war against the male boss, both of which

“possess” the attention of our mates. This should be your own personal wake-up call…She

gravitates towards a leader, THIS IS YOUR dance to step up and lead!!!!!

We need to learn how not to be our own worst enemy, all the while learn how not to be

the world’s best friend.

We just have to be, since He’s the Great I AM

© 2010 M.A.B.

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The Silent Kill(Her)… Domestic Violence

Every friend hears the screams, but no-one listens to the pain. Blood spills from hand to

hand combat…pours out like rain. The only reach from an umbrella is a woman finally

walking away; or in a lot of situations her body is being carried astray.

What’s the state of love, when the sting of hate creates mutiny?

There is a cowardice running wild in the realm of relationships. Once upon a time a

man’s touch would be the most comforting thing across a woman’s back, on her feet, or

tenderly rubbing her neck. Somewhere though lost in the annuals of L-O-V-E a

substitute came along called a-b-u-s-e!!!!!

How do I hate thee, let me count the ways; Mental, a man will reduce a woman to a self

conscious piece of flesh all for the sake of hunger. This feeds his ego a meal of superiority

all the while she feels inferior. Emotional, a man will make a woman fall in love, only for

him to like, lust, hate another. He will take her heart and use it as target practice for

random indiscretions and broken promises. Even the most timid of male lover knows a

woman seeks love, so the man-ipulator will say I love you only as a trap, in retrospect a

real man will say I love you and mean it. He will use this real love as a key to capture her

treasure; her heart.

Lastly and the way that leads mostly to the grave is physical. Now, it is hard for a woman

to leave, after all fear is a dangerous concept. However NO one should endure hated

hands being thrust upon one’s body with no regard or malice. In recent weeks we have

witnessed quite a few domestic violence instances where lives were taken. If a poll was

given or a study took place we would see that every few seconds or few minutes a woman

is being, abused, beaten, and it’s a shame that a species created carefully by God can be

harmed so much by man.(sounds familiar as this happens with a lot in life).

Sensitivity about the situation, as well as familiarity prevents me from listing cases, so I

continue to reference in “general” however, I am sure everyone knows someone who has

gone though domestic violence or is a product of it. No matter what color, or race you are,

black and blue is not a hue! With that being said…here is an open “letter” first to the

Assailant; God the Father did not create us as man to abuse and “manhandle” our woman.

Any man who takes even a second to put his hands on a woman is no better than the

serpent she is to have enmity with. You are in no way shape form or fashion a man; you

just happen to have your brain hanging down on the inside of your pants instead in your

head. Second to the victim; LEAVE!!!!! You do not deserve this treatment. Emotional,

mental abuse will cripple you; Physical abuse can kill you!!!!! To say God will make a

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way…know this fact; faith without works is dead, so is the potential for you to be if you do

not act on your faith and leave.

There are a lot of situations going on in the world today, however if we are attempting to

take back our communities we need to start in our homes. Speaking of which…Fathers of

sons, you can not raise your son to know it is ok to hit a woman, break that curse. If you

grew up watching that, you should go get help, just like you should not “engage” with a

woman if you are not ready to be a father, you should not be with a woman in any capacity

if you have any experience with domestic violence as a youth. Seek ye first the

counseling of a professional, before ye engage with a woman.

I am not going to mention any celebrity instances, because I don’t have too, we don’t have

to go to Hollywood to address this issue. The address of this issue is in our own

backyards…and it’s time we clean house!!!!

Keep your heads up, and YOUR HANDS DOWN!!!!!! Loving a woman is such a beautiful

thing, you need a role model….The loving brother IS NOT hard to find. He’s the guy whom

you won’t let her leave you for!!!!!!

We just have to Be…Because HE’S the GREAT I AM!!!!!!

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Martin A. Bryant- I am a writer/poet/author…Most of all Vessel twitter: bryanthology28


Black Prism Publishing -

Established in 2002. We specialized in personlized poetry, chapbooks, inspirational greetings and more. All work is copywritten and is originally written by author/writer, poet Martin A. Bryant delivered from the gift of God. We do encourage feedback, ideas and defiinately orders. Products are written for all occasions, birthdays, weddings, just because, obituaries, love, romance, inspiration, encourage. JUST ASK, IT CAN BE WRITTEN!!!

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-M.entally B.ound and D.etermined By the G.race of God…and the Glory of Christ

-Martin A. Bryant