menstrual cycle, spermatogenesis and fertilzation

Menstrual Cycle, Spermatogenesis and Fertilzation By: Jonathan and Armin

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Menstrual Cycle, Spermatogenesis and Fertilzation. By: Jonathan and Armin. Anatomy. Menstrual Cycle. The cycle of changes in the female reproductive organs that prepares the body for pregnancy Lasts 28 days Controlled by hormones from the ovary - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Menstrual Cycle, Spermatogenesis and  Fertilzation

Menstrual Cycle, Spermatogenesis and Fertilzation

By: Jonathan and Armin

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Page 3: Menstrual Cycle, Spermatogenesis and  Fertilzation

Menstrual Cycle The cycle of changes in the female

reproductive organs that prepares the body for pregnancy

Lasts 28 days Controlled by hormones from the ovary Ovary has 100 000’s of follicles with an

immature egg Ovum has the female genetic information

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Page 5: Menstrual Cycle, Spermatogenesis and  Fertilzation

Menstrual cycle Day 1-14 Day 1-7: several follicles start to grow and

release estrogen Day 7: all follicles degrade except one Day 12: follicle releases estrogen to the

blood. The pituitary in the brain releases Luteinizing hormone

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Menstrual Cycle Ovulation Ovulation: the release of a ripe ovum Day 14: LH makes the follicle grow and the

ovum is squeezed out Fallopian tube surrounds ovum and moves it

to the uterus Lives for 12-14 hours If not fertilized, it dissolves and is shed with

the uterus lining

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Menstrual Cycle Day 15-28 Day 15-22:The ovum travels down the

Fallopian tubes to the uterus Day 23-28: If the egg is not fertilized, no

estrogen of progesterone is produced The thick lining in the uterus is not needed

and is shed The menstrual cycle starts again

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Anatomy: Spermatogenesis

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Spermatogenesis Sperm contains the male genetic information Is called a male gamete After 13 years of age, millions made daily Testosterone made by testicles Sperm form in the testicles Spends 4-6 weeks developing in the

epididymis Moves to the vas deferens

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Spermatogenesis Seminal fluid is produced by the seminal

vesicles and the prostate gland Sperm are carried in the seminal fluid and

move through the urethra during ejaculation Each time up to 500 million sperm are

released Takes 70 days to mature

Page 11: Menstrual Cycle, Spermatogenesis and  Fertilzation

Fertilization The joining together of the female ovum and

the male sperm Conception is when the sperm enters the

ovum in the Fallopian tubes Only one sperm can penetrate the ovum The male and female gametes join to form a


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Page 13: Menstrual Cycle, Spermatogenesis and  Fertilzation

Fertilization The 2 cells divide to make 4 Keep dividing until the embryo is full grown After 7 days, embryo implanted in the uterus The menstrual cycle stops until a few weeks

after birth

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Bibliography Hyde/DeLamater Understanding Human

Sexuality 1997 McGraw-Hill Compamies
