mena transition fund€¦ · web viewthe funding requested from the mena transition fund, alongside...

Language: English Original: English AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK Grant Proposal for Financing under the MENA TRANSITIONAL FUND: Leading the Way Program: Pilot project for developing leadership capacity to support Tunisia’s transition (Phase I.1) COUNTRY: Tunisia Questions on this document are to be addressed to V. Castel, Team Leader, Principal Economist ORNA Y. Ahmad, Country Portfolio Officer, ORNA J. Kolster, Director ORNA 0

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Page 1: Mena Transition Fund€¦ · Web viewThe funding requested from the MENA Transition fund, alongside the Tunisian Government investment, will allow initiation of a Leading the Way

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Original: English


Grant Proposal for Financing under the MENA TRANSITIONAL FUND: Leading the Way Program: Pilot project for developing leadership capacity to support Tunisia’s transition (Phase I.1)

COUNTRY: Tunisia

Questions on this document are to be addressed to

V. Castel, Team Leader, Principal Economist ORNAY. Ahmad, Country Portfolio Officer, ORNAJ. Kolster, Director ORNA

Date: January 2013


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Leading the Way Program: Pilot project for developing leadership capacity to support Tunisia’s transition (Phase I.1)

1. Introduction 1.1 Background InformationThe wave of revolutions in the MENA region has highlighted the importance of supporting the emergence of new leadership in steering these countries toward a development model based on (i) a strong governance structure for transparent, accountable government; and (ii) an economic framework for sustainable and inclusive growth. In Tunisia, in particular, mostly those with close ties to the former regime were given opportunities to thrive and evolve as leaders not only in the public and private sectors but also in civil society. As a result, only those acquainted to those in power have had the opportunity to develop leadership experience, while leadership capacities in the rest of the society faded away. Ultimately, trust and networking across the different communities became weak with little synergies which could have led to alternative development models.

After the revolution in Tunisia, it became clear that a successful democratic transition would also need renewed leadership to create a collaborative environment across all divides of the society (private, public and civil society) for a growth agenda based on good governance and inclusiveness. In this new free and democratic environment, new and future politicians, executives and leaders of civil society need to learn how to work together, network with each other and gain new skills and competencies. These leaders would then be instrumental in helping the country to overcome its challenges through: i) the promotion of rules of law, security and dialogue needed to encourage investment; ii) the formulation of reforms - identified in a consultative manner - to facilitate the transition of the economy and the establishment of a new social contract; iii) the development of strong institutions; and iv) the identification of new opportunities for regional and international integration. The new authorities in Tunisia have recognized the development of leadership skills in the private and public sectors as well as in civil society as a critical condition for a successful transition process. In May 2012, the Ministry of Administrative Reforms of the Republic of Tunisia signed a memorandum of understanding with the University of Victoria seeking cooperation and exchange for the development and delivery of training programs in leadership and governance and technical cooperation in the areas of governance and administrative reforms (annex 2). In June 2012, the University of Victoria’s Peter B. Gustavson School of Business collaborated with New York University’s Stern School of Business to deliver a coaching program for senior officials in Tunisia over three days, where renowned internationally transformative states-people and influential scholars exchanged ideas with and advised


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Tunisian officials. These meetings and coaching sessions informed Tunisian leadership decisions and provided insights into reforms and transition challenges.

The Head of the Government and most ministers attended the program which was considered successful by all participants. A set of private and group coaching and mentoring sessions were organized and included the Head of the Government providing the Tunisian leaders with insights and lessons learned from other similar democratic transitions (e.g., Georgia, El Salvador, South Africa, and Rwanda). Those meetings had an important impact on Government policies and convinced its leaders about the need to introduce governance reforms and a transformative leadership training program.

Based on this positive experience, the Tunisian Government is hereby proposing a project to train new leadership at the decision making level of Tunisian society to lead the way. The funding requested from the MENA Transition fund, alongside the Tunisian Government investment, will allow initiation of a Leading the Way pilot project and i) consolidate a delivery consortium, ii) develop program content, and iii) deliver training.

1.2 Project ObjectivesThe aim of the proposed program is to develop a critical mass of leadership capacity at decision-making levels of Tunisian society in order to lead the way to long-term institutional effectiveness, efficiency and success. To that end, it has been suggested to start with a pilot project.

The objectives of this pilot project are to:i) Consolidate a consortium of international academic institutions, design

program structure & content and develop a training platform for the successful delivery of transformative leadership program for Tunisia,

ii) Build transformative leadership capacity in Tunisia to engage in political, economic and social reforms

iii) Enhance Tunisia’s ability to manage its democratic transition and create new synergies between different stakeholders (public service, private sector and civil society) for a new momentum in the country,

iv) Connect Tunisia’s leaders with international mentors and experts to support managing the complexities of democratic transition,

v) Enhance Tunisia’s international competiveness and integration in global economy, and

vi) Lay down the foundations for a long term transformative leadership building capacity in Tunisian and potentially in the MENA region.

1.3 Regional Department responsible for preparing the RequestThe department responsible for the preparation of this project is the Regional Department for North Africa I (ORNA) of the AfDB.


Page 4: Mena Transition Fund€¦ · Web viewThe funding requested from the MENA Transition fund, alongside the Tunisian Government investment, will allow initiation of a Leading the Way

1.4 Justification for the use of resources:Despite the relatively peaceful revolution in Tunisia and initiation of the process of democratic transition, a number of political and socio-economic challenges threaten Tunisia’s future. The main risk in Tunisia lies in the uneasy coexistence of the old system with the emerging new one without transformative leadership to lead the way and inspire Tunisians to believe in a better and bright future. The fate of Tunisia’s democratic transition rests on whether or not the new leadership of the country will be able to dismantle the previous power structure and replace it with new transparent, engaging and modern governance of public, private and civil society institutions and organizations. Tunisia’s leadership has to undertake major reforms in key strategic sectors in order to successfully achieve democratic transition and move towards a sustainable socio-economic development model. The trajectory of Tunisia’s transition will depend on renewed leadership of the political, economic and social forces and, particularly, on the extent to which they will be able to work together and collaborate across all divides of society (private, public and civil society) for a growth agenda based on good governance and inclusiveness.

The development of leadership capacity and synergies between key stakeholders will lay the foundation for a new momentum in Tunisia. The Leading the Way pilot project is transformative in nature and will strengthen governance through the development of new leadership capacity in Tunisia. Transformative Leadership is the foundation to introducing modern governance principles such as transparency, anti-corruption and accountability, financial management and oversight, audit and evaluation, integrity, procurement transparency, social responsibility and sustainability. The program will select regional and local government leaders (e.g., governors, delegates) to increase partnership, encourage collaboration and build leadership capacity in each community and across communities. By doing so, the program will foster decentralization and enhance governance of regional socio-economic development. Exposing participants to other states-people, from other countries who faced similar challenges and have successful experience in democratic transition, will provide tangible and practical ideas for regulatory and administrative reform.

2. Project Description

2.1Description of activities for which resources are requestedThe proposed pilot project is phase I.1 of a larger leadership development program, targeting three levels:

Tier 1 - Coaching and mentoring program for government officials and politicians

Tier 2 - Executive training and mentoring for senior executive staff : Develop more effective executive level managers in the public and private sectors and in civil society (nonprofit organizations and unions).


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Tier 3 - Management training and mentoring for middle managers: Train middle-level managers in the public and private sectors around the country.

The training and coaching activities for all three Tiers will be based on a cohort approach. A balanced representation in each cohort (across gender, regional, and sectorial dimensions) will ensure participants are selected based on their leadership skills and to represent the diversity inherent in Tunisian society. Representation in this program across all ideological stripes is very important and the selection process will take this criterion into account. Tier 2 participants will be selected in roughly equal groups from government, private sector and civil society.

The implementation of this program will be executed according to the following phases :

Phase I: Pilot project, limited to Tier 1 and Tier 2.o Phase I.1 : Content development and tier 1 pilot project.o Phase I.2 : Tier 2 cohorts’ pilot project.

Phase II: Rolling-out the Tier 1 and Tier 2 programs in Tunisia, and designing, developing and delivering the Tier 3 program, and

Phase III: Rolling out the program to other MENA countries.

The pilot project will focus on tier 1 and tier 2 only and will allow implementation of the following components:

1. Consolidation of the program delivery consortium2. Design of program architecture and development of content for tier 1 and

partial development for Tier 23. Pilot delivery of the program to two cohorts at Tier 14. Evaluation of the pilot project

Component 1: Consolidation of the program delivery consortium

The Transition Fund will provide necessary support to establish the formal technical arrangements and governance structure necessary for managing the Leading the Way program. This effort will include:

1. Negotiation of the partnership agreement : Upon approval of the funding, the Tunisian Government with the support of the African Development Bank and the University of Victoria will lead the negotiation of partnership agreements with the different institutions for implementation of the pilot project;

2. Establishment of the governance structure of the program:


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o Steering committee: For good and transparent governance of the program, a formal steering committee will be established and will be chaired by a Tunisian Government Official. The steering committee will be responsible for the overall execution of the project and will approve the program architecture, content and delivery platform. The committee will be responsible for implementing quality assurance procedures and assessing overall performance and impact of the program.

o Project management office: The project management office will be responsible for planning and execution of all activities of the program and monitoring all aspects of the execution.

o Program secretariat: The Tunisian Government will provide office space and human resources to establish an official secretariat for the program. The secretariat will be responsible for registration of participants.

3. Determination of delivery arrangements: The way the curriculum will be delivered and the format, location and timing of the different activities will be defined.

Component 2: Design of program architecture and development of content

Component 2 of the pilot project will focus on the development of the program architecture and program content for each of the two Tiers selected for this pilot project. The architecture design and content development include the following activities, and will be completed for Tier 1 and partially completed for Tier 2 in Phase I.1:

1. Requirement gathering and analysis : The context and realities of Tunisia need to be reflected fully in the design of the program and its curriculum. A systematic process of gathering relevant information through on-site visits to Tunisia, meetings and discussions with current leaders, focus groups with potential participants, a thorough survey of secondary sources of data, and references to prior experiences will be used to draw a detailed and accurate understanding of the requirements.

2. Curriculum (Program Architecture) Design : Curriculum design will be guided by design principles and based on modern and engaging learning processes. The following design principles will be considered: Emphasis on applying learning to on-going work/leadership issues (skill-

development) Help build an overarching framework for leadership effectiveness Understand cognitive-complexity (multiple lenses & frame-breaking) Understand and apply fundamental managerial issues and best practices Foster strategic thinking and change management skills Expose participants to role models/mentors Incorporate international “best practices”


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The learning process will be structured around reflection, learning, analysis, application and reflection activities.

3. Content Development : Building on the advantages of having a consortium of world-class universities to design and deliver the training, this project will draw on the breadth and depth of expertise and experience of senior faculty members from these institutions. In essence, the modules and sub-modules in the curriculum will collectively constitute an overall portfolio of leadership competencies necessary for leading large organizations, dealing with a complex and changing environment, and effectively implement large-scale change. Each partner institution in the consortium will play to its strengths in developing content for different sub-modules.

4. Delivery Platform : The delivery platform is a combination of formal lectures, guest speakers, coaches and mentors, information management and learning technology and facilities. The project will consider the development of an e-platform and connect it with e-Government solutions. The Government of Tunisia, through its Unit for Government Programs Coordination and Assessment, will take responsibility for the development of the IT platform.

5. Consolidation : The consolidation of sub-modules and modules will be done with an eye to creating a truly integrated, seamless program. The emphasis is on avoiding content “silos” or isolated pockets of knowledge and content but rather ensuring that participants understand the “big picture” and how the overall program/curriculum framework applies to their own leadership challenges. Concurrently, the consolidation has to be done such that the inclusion and relevance of each module and sub-module is clear.

6. Participant Assessment : As per the Learning Process outlined above, a critical part of the program focuses on Reflection, which suggests a very personalized approach to learning. As such, individual assessment of participants is an important feature of this program. A systematic assessment will be conducted at each stage of the program as well as during the program on specific skills and competencies. A final assessment at the end of the program will also serve as valuable feedback for the participants for continued self-learning and personal growth.

Component 3: Pilot delivery of the program to tier 1

Component 3 of the pilot project will focus on delivery of two pilot programs for Tier 1. This component will be designed to help Tunisian leaders (actual and future ministers, advisors and politicians) develop fundamental state governance skills, and access knowledge and expertise of states-people from around the world with experience in democratic transition and institutional reforms. The program will target about 60-70 participants from various political parties to facilitate networking among the participants, foster collaboration and promote ideas and knowledge sharing and challenging.


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There are over 100 official parties that are now operating in Tunisia, fewer than 30 of which are represented in the National Constitutive Assembly, including many independents. Many of these parties and groups have already begun to organise themselves into coalitions. The challenge will be to devise a selection process and procedure for inclusion of participants with high leadership potential and ability to play a transformative role. As a starting point, we will focus on leaders already in government and on the parties and participants represented in the National Constitution Assembly, with openness to include other participants from other political parties and civil society. The main reason for this focus is to see transformative action taken while these participants are still in decision-making positions.

Component 4: Evaluation of the pilot project

The pilot project outputs and outcomes will be evaluated as follows:

Evaluation : During the requirement gathering and analysis, a comprehensive survey of the participants and organizations to assess Leadership Capacity in the country. Then, another set of surveys will be administered 3 months after graduation of the first cohorts to measure short-term impact of the pilot project. If budget and time permits, additional surveys will be administered to measure medium-term (6 months) and long-term (12 months) effects.

Impact Assessments : A research team will develop a proper impact assessment methodology and deploy researchers to collect data and produce a project assessment report. The report will document lessons learned, participants and institutional feedback and effects assessment.

The capstone celebration: A capstone celebration event will be organized for celebrating excellence and success. Senior leaders of the country and international guests will be invited to attend a ceremonial event to hand out certificates of participation and awards of excellence. Awards to participants will focus on exceptional leadership skills and behaviors during the course of the program. Instructors, guest speakers and coachers will be recognized for the excellence of their teaching and inspiration.

2.2Description of the expected outputs and their linkages to the targeted project At the end of the complete project, it is expected that the Leading the Way program will contribute to institutionalizing capacity building in Tunisia through the education, training and coaching of transformative national leaders. It will help bridge the divides in the society and across sectors (private, public and civil society) and it will contribute to the foundations for good governance and inclusiveness. (See Component 4)


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3. Cost Estimates for the Preparatory Activities

3.1 Detailed cost estimates Cost by Component Foreign

Exchange (USD)

Local Currency


Other Local Currency



Component 1: Consolidation of the program delivery consortium

125,000 25,000 150,000

Component 2: Design of the program architecture (tiers 1 and 2), partial development of content and delivery platform for tier 2

800,000 100,000 900,000

Component 3: Pilot delivery of the program to two tier 1 cohorts

500,000 100,000 150,000 750,000

Component 4: Evaluation of the pilot project for tier 1

50,000 50,000 100,000

Preparation and Implementation Support (ISA) 125,000 125,000Total Project Cost 1600,000 275,000 150,000 2,025,000

3.2Financing plan

Components Transition Fund (USD)

Country Co-Financing


Other Co-Financing



Component 1: Consolidation of the program delivery consortium

125,000 25,000 150,000

Component 2: Design of the program architecture (tiers 1 and 2), partial development of content and delivery platform for tier 2

800,000 100,000 900,000

Component 3: Pilot delivery of the program to two tier 1 cohorts

500,000 100,000 150,000 750,000

Component 4: Evaluation of the pilot project for Tier 1

50,000 50,000 100,000

Preparation and Implementation Support (ISA)

125,000 125,000

Total 1600,000 275,000 150,000 2,025,000

1 Tunisian Government Contributions 2 Private sector participants Contributions3 Tunisian Government Contributions will include salaries of the implementation and management unit, facilities, technical assistance and extra registration fees for each participant from the public sector (will be charged directly to each ministry or public institution existing training budget).4 Private sector participants will be asked to pay an extra registration fees and for extra curriculum business development opportunities.


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4. Mode of Procurement of services

For the purpose of continuing the successful experience which started with the Gustavson School at the University of Victoria, it is proposed that the first phase of the program be undertaken by a consortium of academic institutions, including the Gustavson School at the University of Victoria, which will be established to design the training modules and deliver them. Pre-consultations have already been done to assess interest.

The successful delivery of this program will depend on a technical consortium of excellence. Building upon the MOU signed with the Gustavson School at the University of Victoria, the following institutions have agreed to join the core membership of the consortium:

Blavatnik School of Government of the Oxford University (UK), Gordon Institute of Business Science of the University of Pretoria (South

Africa), School of Business and Economics of the Maastricht University (Netherlands),

and « Ecole Nationale d’Administration de Tunis » (Tunisia). Other partners including EDHEC School of Business (France) and the Stern

School of New York University (USA) have been contacted and are willing to participate in the program as needed. All tunisians are well trained in Arabic and French. Offering the program in English serves an additional purpose of extending tunisian leadership skills in order to engage the world more broadly than has historically been the case.

The consortium will potentially call upon other academic and professional institutions, guest speakers and mentors. Each one will be formally invited to join the project and help develop or deliver a specific component of the curriculum.

5. Implementation

5.1 Implementation arrangementsThe implementation of the project will be based on a consortium of institutions led by a project implementation unit hosted by the Presidency of the Government of Tunisia with the support of the African Development Bank and involve a consortium of World-class education and training institutions.

On July 2nd, 2012, the Tunisian Government created the Directorate General (“Unit”) responsible for government programs monitoring, performance measurement and public policies assessment (Decree n° 2012-648 dated 2nd of July 2012). This unit will be in charge of the overall implementation and coordination of this pilot project. It is worth noting that the Government has submitted in August 2012 a legislative act to the National Constitution Assembly to transform this Unit into an independent council in order to encourage its transparency and neutrality.


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This Unit will oversee the selection process of candidates and the execution of the training activities in close collaboration with the selected academic institutions and the African Development Bank.

Steering Committee

The steering committee will be tasked with overall oversight of the project and ensuring that the goals are achieved. It will meet 2 to 3 times per year, and be composed of the following members:

Representative of the Government of Tunisia (chair) Country Director for Tunisia (or her designate), African Development Bank

(ISA) Dean, Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria (deputy chair) Director (or his designate), “École Nationale d’Administration de Tunis” Dean (or her designate), Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University Dean (or his designate), Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of

Pretoria Dean (or his designate), School of Business and Economics, Maastricht


Project Manager

The project manager, supported by staff members, will be responsible for the execution of the activities defined in the components. He will manage these activities and those who will intervene in the different components and he will report to the Steering Committee.

Program Secretariat

A program secretariat will be established in Tunisia and hosted by the Unit for Government Programs Coordination and Assessment at the Presidency of the Government. The secretariat will coordinate program activities, registrations, logistics and operations. It will provide working spaces and administrative support to visiting scholars, guest speakers and researchers involved with the pilot project. It will coordinate memberships with participating academic institutions. It will keep archives and provide the necessary assistance for project assessment.

5.2 Implementation Schedule

Pre-development (2 months) – Consortium Initiation & Needs identification The academic partners in the consortium – University of Victoria (Canada), Oxford University (UK), Maastricht University (Netherlands), University of Pretoria (South Africa) and “Ecole Nationale d’Administration de Tunis” (Tunisia) - will come together to discuss terms of operations, agree on roles and responsibilities, develop


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overarching pedagogical frameworks and management procedures, and initiate the program. Following launch of the consortium, senior officials and potential participants in Tunisia will be consulted to identify training needs and requirements and validate the training and coaching objectives. This is a key activity that ensures that the consortium members have the right background information to start building the curriculum that is tailored to the Tunisian context, in sync with the long-term objectives, and reflective of the challenges that the participants face on a daily basis in their leadership roles.

Development (6 months) – Formulation of the curriculum for the three componentsExperts from participating institutions will build the curriculum, design the training modules, and develop detailed content for the sessions and the corresponding training materials. The development of training modules will involve world class senior professors and practitioners from the different partner institutions. In line with the Learning Process, the design and the materials will be oriented towards Reflection, Learning, Analysis and Application as the central pieces of the pedagogical approach. In other words, the curriculum will not focus only on the content/activities to be done during the actual sessions but include work to be done before and after – making it personalized and making it applied is key to effective learning.

Several iterations of revisions and refinements of the content are anticipated as the different modules are woven into a fully-integrated program. It is important to note that the emphasis is on a program rather than a collection of modules or content. In other words, there needs to be a clear connectivity among the different modules such that the overall package carries meaning, relevance and scholarly integrity. Special attention will be paid to ensuring a seamless integration of the modules and ensuring that the design is such that the participants fully understand “the map of the forest along with the trees”.

Deployment (3 months) – Implementation of capacity building activities

The implementation unit will manage participant enrolment and capacity building delivery (logistics and content) in close collaboration with the head of the academic consortium. The two pilot programs aim at training about 60-70 senior officials (Tier 1).

Graduates from the first pilot program will be encouraged to mentor and interact with participants in later programs, so that strong networks will be established.

Redeployment (1 months) – Evaluation of tier 1 pilotThe implementation unit will work in close collaboration with the partner institutions to document evaluation of the pilot project and collection of relevant metrics. It will run


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pilot project evaluations as described in component 4. Proposals for Phase I.2 will be prepared for implementation in 2014.

6. Financing Arrangements

6.1Terms of FinancingThe resources from the MENA FT are provided in grant.

6.2Suspension of disbursementSuspension of disbursement of MENA Transition Fund can take place in accordance with the Bank’s disbursement regulations.

Annexes:1. Result-based Logical Framework2. Memorandum of Understanding Between The Government and the University

of Victoria 3. The Prime Minister Request for Financing


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Annex 1


Leading the Way Program: Pilot project for developing leadership capacity to support Tunisia’s transition (Phase I.1)

Results-based Logical Framework

Country and project name:

TunisiaLeading the Way Program: Pilot project for developing leadership capacity to support Tunisia’s transition (Phase I.1)

Purpose of the project :

project to train new leadership at the decision making level of Tunisian society to lead the way




MEASURESIndicator (including






Impact Improve leadership capacity at decision-making levels of Tunisian society




Outcome 1 Number of participants successfully completing their training

0 70 Reports of the project implementation unit

Surveys and independent evaluation

Outcome 2 impact of national leadership

0 1


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TSComponent 1Output 1.1

Output 1.2

Component 2Output 2.1

Output 2.2

Component 3Output 3.1

Output 3.2

Component 4

Output 5.1

Output 5.2

Number of partnership agreement negotiated

The governance structure of the program is established

Curriculum modules developed

Training needs are identified

Number of senior officials and politicians trained

% of women participating

independent impact assessment methodology developed

Independent project evaluation

















Reports of the project implementation unit

Reports of the project implementation unit

Reports of the project implementation unit

Reports of the project implementation unit

Reports of the project implementation unit

Independent research team

Independent research team



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Component 1Consolidation of the program delivery consortium

Component 2

Design of the program architecture (tiers 1 and 2), partial development of content and delivery platform for tier 2

Component 1Negotiation of the partnership contracts

20 international travels to attend negotiation meetings and terms of reference development

20 man days of administrative supportProject manager

300 man days for program management 5 international travels for coordination meetings

Program directors 100 man days for tier 1 program director to

oversee all academic activities 100 man days for tier 1 program director to

oversee all academic activities 20 international travels to partners institutions

and to TunisiaSteering committee Meetings

10 international travels to Tunisia to attend the program kick-off meeting

20 international travels to attend coordination, program validation and graduation ceremony meetings

Equipments and materials IT equipments for programs management (budget

of $50,000) IPad for each participant to receive all content

and reduce printing and paper ($100,000) Video-conferencing facility

Logistics support (for the projects, all components) Conference rooms and facilities Logistics support and transportation Working offices for visiting experts Food and Lodging Communication services Telecommunication

Component 2Requirement gathering and analysis

15 man days of international experts to develop Tier 1 content

15 man days of international experts to develop Tier 2 content

15 man days of local experts to support requirement gathering and analysis

5 international travels to Tunis to meet with stakeholders and gather requirements

Program architecture development 15 man days of international experts to develop

Tier 1 program structure 30 man days of international experts to develop

Tier 2 program structure 15 man days of local experts to participate in

program structures development 5 international travels

Content development 90 man days of international experts to develop

Tier 1 content 180 man days of international experts to develop

Tier 2 content 100 man days of international and local support

to develop learning management platform 40 man days of local experts to participate in the

content development process


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Component 3

Pilot delivery of the program to two Tier 1 cohorts

Component 4

Evaluation of the pilot project for tier 1

Content consolidation 15 man days of international experts to

consolidate Tier 1 content 15 man days of international experts to

consolidate Tier 2 content 15 man days of local experts to participate in the

content development process 5 international travels

Validation of the content 15 man days of international experts to validate

Tier 1 content 15 man days of international experts to validate

Tier 2 content 15 man days of local experts to support validation

process 5 international travels to Tunis to meet with

stakeholders to validate program architecture, content and learning management platform

Creation of selection process 5 man days of international experts to develop

Tier 1 to design, validate and implement selection process

5 man days of international experts to develop Tier 2 to design, validate and implement selection process

5 man days of local experts to support the design, validation and implementation of the selection process

5 international travels to Tunis to meet with stakeholders and gather requirements

IT services to develop application management and content dissemination platform(s)

Component 3 Tablets (IPad or alike) for each participant to

receive all content and reduce printing and paper 40-60 person days of program delivery and travel

time 25-30 international trips to Tunisia, Teaching facility, including meals and

accommodation 60 international trips for participants 30-40 person days for coaches, mentors and

guest speakers 10-20 man days for management Potential of funding for master of public policy

component 4 10-15 international trips 50-60 person-days for international and local

experts foro Evaluation methodology designo Survey and interviews for data

collectiono Analysiso Reportingo Dissemination of the information

15-20 person-days of administrative support IT support


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Annex 2


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Annex 3