mems-based micro gas chromatography: design, fabrication ... · performance mems-based micro gas...

MEMS-Based Micro Gas Chromatography: Design, Fabrication and Characterization Mohammad Amin Zareian-Jahromi Thesis submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science In Electrical and Computer Engineering Masoud Agah (chair) Guo Quan Lu Kathleen Meehan Sanjay Raman May 22, 2009 Blacksburg, VA Keywords: MEMS, μGC, Multicapillary Separation Column, Stationary Phase, Monolayer Protected Gold Copyright 2009, VT MEMS Lab.,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

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Page 1: MEMS-Based Micro Gas Chromatography: Design, Fabrication ... · performance MEMS-based micro gas chromatography columns having wide range of applications in the pharmaceutical industry,

MEMS-Based Micro Gas Chromatography:

Design, Fabrication and Characterization

Mohammad Amin Zareian-Jahromi

Thesis submitted to the faculty of the

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Masoud Agah (chair)

Guo Quan Lu

Kathleen Meehan

Sanjay Raman

May 22, 2009

Blacksburg, VA

Keywords: MEMS, µGC, Multicapillary Separation Column, Stationary Phase,

Monolayer Protected Gold

Copyright 2009, VT MEMS Lab.,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Page 2: MEMS-Based Micro Gas Chromatography: Design, Fabrication ... · performance MEMS-based micro gas chromatography columns having wide range of applications in the pharmaceutical industry,

MEMS-Based Micro Gas Chromatography:

Design, Fabrication and Characterization

Mohammad Amin Zareian-Jahromi


This work is focused on the design, fabrication and characterization of high

performance MEMS-based micro gas chromatography columns having wide range of

applications in the pharmaceutical industry, environmental monitoring, petroleum

distillation, clinical chemistry, and food processing. The first part of this work describes

different approaches to achieve high-performance microfabricated silicon-glass

separation columns for micro gas chromatographic (µGC) systems. The capillary width

effect on the separation performance has been studied by characterization of 250 µm-,

125 µm-, 50 µm-, and 25 µm-wide single-capillary columns (SCCs) fabricated on a 10×8

mm2 die. The plate number of 12500/m has been achieved by 25 µm-wide columns

coated by a thin layer of polydimethylsiloxane stationary phase using static coating

technique. To address the low sample capacity of these narrow columns, this work

presents the first generation of MEMS-based “multicapillary” columns (MCCs)

consisting of a bundle of narrow-width rectangular capillaries working in parallel. The

second contribution of this work is the first MEMS-based stationary phase coating

technique called monolayer protected gold (MPG) for ultra-narrow single capillary (SCC)

and multicapillary (MCC) microfabricated gas chromatography (μGC) columns yielding

the highest separation performance reported to date. This new μGC stationary phase has

been achieved by electrodepositing a uniform functionalized gold layer with an

adjustable thickness (250nm-2µm) in 25μm-wide single columns as well as in four-

capillary MCCs. The separation performance, stability, reproducibility and bleeding of

the stationary phase have been evaluated over time by separating n-alkanes as non-polar

and alcohols as polar gas mixtures.

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In the name of god

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List of Figures ................................................................................................................... VI

List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... X

Grant Information ............................................................................................................. XI

Dedication ........................................................................................................................ XII

Acknowledgments.......................................................................................................... XIII

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Gas Chromatography .................................................................................... 1

1.2 On-Chip GC .................................................................................................. 1

2 High-Speed µGC ......................................................................................................... 8

2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 8

2.2 Theory ........................................................................................................... 8

2.2.1 Single Capillary Column (SCC) ............................................................ 8

2.2.2 Multicapillary Column (MCC) ............................................................ 11

2.3 Design, Fabrication and Stationary Coating ............................................... 15

2.3.1 Column Design and Fabrication .......................................................... 15

2.3.2 Stationary Coating ............................................................................... 17

2.4 Results and Discussion ............................................................................... 20

2.4.1 Single Capillary Column (SCC) .......................................................... 20

2.4.2 Multicapillary Column (MCC) ............................................................ 25

2.5 Conclusion .................................................................................................. 28

3 Novel Stationary Phase Technology for µGCs ......................................................... 29

3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 29

3.2 Fabrication .................................................................................................. 31

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3.2.1 Column Fabrication ............................................................................. 31

3.2.2 Coating Method ................................................................................... 33 Deposition ........................................................................................ 33 Patterning ......................................................................................... 37 Stabilization ...................................................................................... 39 Functionalizing ................................................................................. 40

3.3 Experiments and Results ............................................................................. 42

3.4 Conclusion .................................................................................................. 48

4 Future Work .............................................................................................................. 50

4.1 Self-Patterned Electrodeposition ................................................................ 50

4.2 Gold: The First Conductive Stationary Phase ............................................. 51

4.3 Gold and Its Inherent Properties ................................................................. 51

References ......................................................................................................................... 52

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List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Schematic view of micro gas chromatography system. .............................. 2

Figure 1.2 Schematic view of conventional separation column[1]. .............................. 2

Figure 1.3 Conventional GC system and seaparation column ...................................... 3

Figure 1.4 Photo of the integrated micro gas chromatography system by Terry and

coworker at Stanford, 1979[2]. ........................................................................................... 3

Figure 1.5 SEM image of the CuPc-coated µGC colum. (a) Column before the CuPc

coating was removed from the flat surface regions (intra-column) (b) Column after the

CuPc coating was removed from the flat surfaces required to accomplish the electrostatic

bonding process with the Pyrex cover plate[5]. .................................................................. 4

Figure 1.6 Hybrid integration µGC.. (a) Top and (b) bottom of the circuit board are

shown. Two analysis channels are evident. The GC chip is 12 by 12 mm[6]. ................... 5

Figure 1.7 The 150µm wide, 250µm deep, 3-m long microchannels formed by DRIE

in silicon (top). silicon substrate containing integrated heaters and temperature

sensors(bottom)[4]. ............................................................................................................. 6

Figure 1.8 (a) Released 25-cm-long PECVD oxynitride column fabricated on a 6-

mm-square die. (b) Optical image of the column with an SEM close-up image[3]. ......... 7

Figure 2.1 Fabrication process flow for MEMS-based multicapillary columns. The

column formed from silicon wafer etched using deep reactive ion etching (DRIE)

technique (a-b) and bonded to a Pyrex wafer(c) ............................................................... 14

Figure 2.2 SEM images, (a-d): broken columns before anodic bonding, (e) broken

column after anodic boning shows the bonding quality. .................................................. 16

Figure 2.3 Optical images. 8-channel MCC column fabricated on an 8*10 mm square

die after anodic bonding shows the serpentine design of the column and flow splitter. .. 17

Figure 2.4 Contour plot of injected sample concentration (µMolar), (a) and (b): plug

is passing the input gate; (c) plug is traveling in the capillaries. The output plug in the

column with flow-splitter (b and c right) is 20% narrower than that without flow-splitt (a

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and c left) due to the uniform distribution of the sample molecules. The parabolic profile

of the sample concentration contour becomes flat by using flow splitter (blue circles). .. 18

Figure 2.5 Golay plot for SCCs, measured using isothermal (30 oC) injection of

nonane and helium as a carrier gas, showing the improvement trend in the separation

efficiency and optimum carrier gas velocity by decreasing the channel width. ............... 22

Figure 2.6 (a) 250µm-wide SCC, leading peak effect, caused 19.2% difference in the

retention time for 10ng (blue) and 100ng (red) injection of dodecane at 60oC and helium

as the carrier gas at 10psi column inlet pressure. (b) Four-capillary MCC, the retention

time difference was 2.6% under experimental conditions. ............................................... 23

Figure 2.7 Chromatogram of a hydrocarbon mixture, obtained using a 25-µm-wide

channel SCC (top) and four-channel MCC (bottom), 35 oC isothermal for the first one

minute and then a temperature rate of 30 oC/min, helium as the carrier gas (Heptane

eluted with the so solvent in MCC). ................................................................................. 24

Figure 2.8 Long-term coating performance evaluation, chromatogram of nonane

obtained using a 25-µm-wide channel SCC, 35oC isothermal helium as the carrier gas. 25

Figure 3.1 Conventional coating method and common problems, (a-b) optical images

of µGC columns coated by static method show the plugged channels occurred during

solvent evaporation, (c-d) SEM images from the inlet/outlet gate where the capillary tube

is connected to the square-cross-section µGC column in order to transmit the coating

solution into the column, the dead volumes created by the geometric change causes

bubble generation during static coating, (e) thinning and thickening of coating layer

causes low separation performance and large band broadening. ...................................... 30

Figure 3.2 Fabrication process flow of the MEMS µGC column, (a) photolithography

and anisotropic etching using DRIE, (b) phosphorous diffusion (c) seedless gold

electroplating, (d) gold patterning by pulling the plated layer off from the top flat surface

, (e-g) Ti/Au deposition and lift-off patterning on Pyrex wafer (h) anodic bonding of

silicon and Pyrex wafer. .................................................................................................... 32

Figure 3.3 SEM images show the effect of current density, J, and correction factor, α,

on deposition quality (a) poor coverage for J=3mA/cm2 and α=0.7, (b) reticulated

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coverage for J=3mA/cm2 and α=0.4, (c) good overage with small grain for J=3mA/cm2

and α=0.1, (d) good overage with large grain for J=8mA/cm2

and α=0.1. ....................... 36

Figure 3.4 SEM images show the deposition quality, (a) 4-channel MCC after

removing gold from the top flat surface, (b) gold layer folded by mechanical force

demonstrating its low adhesion, (c) cross-section of 150nm-thick gold layer showing the

uniformity of plated layer, (d-f) broken column after polishing the top flat surface

showing the gold coverage on the walls and corners with a uniform thickness . ............. 38

Figure 3.5 Optical image shows the fabrication step for removing gold from top flat

surface using adhesive tape. .............................................................................................. 39

Figure 3.6 optical images show deposition and patterning steps, (a) 25µm-wide,

25cm-long, 250µm-deep SCC coated by 150nm gold layer; the reflective surface shows

the quality of the deposition (b) 4-channel MCC after gold patterning (c) 25µm- and

100µm wide SCCs after gold plating (d) a µGC column die. .......................................... 40

Figure 3.7 Surface Analysis, (a) AFM image shows the topology of the 200nm-thick

pulse electroplated gold (b) SIMS image of MPG coated silicon surface shows the

existence and uniformity of the sulfur (white dots) .......................................................... 41

Figure 3.8 SEM images shows the surface topology of the 250nm-thick gold layer

deposited by 4mA/cm2 current density (case1, Table 1), (a-b) top view with different

magnifications, (c) side view ............................................................................................ 42

Figure 3.9 Chromatogram of five alkanes (in order from left to right C9, C10, C12,

C14, C16), obtained by 25µm-wide SCC (top) and 4-capillary MCC (bottom) at

temperature rate of 30oC/min. .......................................................................................... 44

Figure 3.10 Commercial column performance, GC chromatogram of n-alkanes ( in

order from left to right C9, C10, C12, C14, C16) obtained at a temperature rate of

30oC/min and 1psi inlet pressure showing the separation performance of125cm-long

250µm-ID commercially coated column (RXI-1ms, Restek Co.) having the same plate

number(5000) as the 25µm-wide 25cm-long MPG coated µGC column. ........................ 45

Figure 3.11 Time stability and reproducibility of MPG stationary phase, (a) GC

chromatograms of n-alkanes ( in order from left to right C8, C9, C10, C12, C14, C16)

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obtained at a temperature rate of 50oC/min and 30psi inlet pressure showing the MPG

coating stability over a time period of seven days, (b) GC chromatograms ofpolar

alcohols (Pentanol, Hexanol, Heptanol and Octanol) obtained at a temperature rate of

50oC/min and 30psi inlet pressure showing the excellent coating robustness .................. 46

Figure 3.12 Column bleed comparison between (1) 125cm-long 250µm-ID

commercially coated column (RXI-1ms, Restek Co.), (2) 250µm-wide 25cm-long µGC

column (3) the same column in (2) coated by 300nm-thick electrodeposited gold, (4) the

same column in (3) after functionalizing with octadecylthiol, experiment conditions:

constant flow of 2.2 sccm of nitrogen, oven program: 35oC for 10min to 100

oC @ 50

oC/min for 10min to 150

oC @ 50

oC/min for 10min to 200

oC @ 50

oC/min for

10min.The values presented here are after three times conditioning under the mentioned

oven program. ................................................................................................................... 47

Figure 4.1 SEM images of 250µm-deep channels show the deposition quality, (a-d)

self-patterned electroplated gold only on the vertical surfaces. (e-f) conformal plated gold

covers vertical, horizontal and edges. ............................................................................... 50

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List of Tables

Table 2-1 Sample capacity, measured using dodecane injection at 60 oC, helium as

the carrier gas. ................................................................................................................... 26

Table 2-2 Statistical data, obtained by SEM images to characterize the homogeneity

of channels in different microfabricated MCCs at different cross sections. ..................... 27

Table 3-1 Deposited gold layer thickness v.s. different electroplating condition. ..... 37

Table 3-2 Experimental results, shows the column performance evaluated by

measuring plate number (N), using dodecane (retention factor, k>10) at 65oC isothermal

chromatogram. .................................................................................................................. 48

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Grant Information

This work has been supported primarily by the National Science Foundation under

Award Number ECCS-0601456.

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This thesis is dedicated to my wonderful parents, Hajagha and Saadat, who have

raised me to be the person I am today. You have been with me every step of the way,

through good times and bad. Thank you for all the unconditional love, guidance, and

support that you have always given me, helping me to succeed and instilling in me the

confidence that I am capable of doing anything I put my mind to.

Thank you for everything.

I am proud of you.

I love you.

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I would like to formally thank:

Dr. Masoud Agah, my advisor, for his hard work and guidance throughout this

entire thesis process and for believing in my abilities. I have learned so much, and

without you, this would not have been possible. Thank you so much for a great

experience and wonderful opportunities. I dedicate all of my future achievements

to you because you taught me how to think, how to find a way and how to present

my work.

Dr. Kathleen Meehan, for serving on my thesis committee. Thank you for your

great ideas and guidance throughout this project.

Dr. Guo Quan Lu, for serving on my thesis committee.

Dr. Sanjay Raman, for serving on my thesis committee.

Dr. Mehdi Ashraf-Khorasani, for friendship and technical support.

My parents, for their never-ending love and support in all my efforts. Thank you,

Mom and Dad.

My brother, Hamid, for his love and support throughout the years.

My friends and coworkers, Mehdi and Bassam, for friendship and support

throughout last three years in our tiny Blacksburg. Thank you for all the memorial

moments in VT MEMS Lab.

My roommates, Ali and Amin, for the laughing and the fighting, and everything

in between.

My friend, Diane, for friendship and support.

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1 Introduction

1.1 Gas Chromatography

Gas Chromatography (GC) is one of the most widely applied methods of

identification in analytical chemistry. This physical method of in-time separation of

volatile and semi-volatile gaseous mixtures was introduced in 1950s. As an analytical

tool, GC has a wide range of applications in the pharmaceutical industry, environmental

monitoring, chemical war agent (CWA) detection, petroleum distillation, clinical

chemistry, and food processing. In any of these cases, rapid and reliable response, low

power consumption, and small size are critical system requirements.

In a GC system, Figure 1.1 , the mixture to be separated and analyzed is vaporized

and injected into a separation column whose walls are coated by a polymer called

stationary phase (Figure 1.2). The mixture components traverse the length of the column

in a mobile phase (i.e. carrier gas) at rates determined by their retention in the stationary

phase. If the column length and difference in the retention times are sufficient, a complete

separation of components is possible. The separated components pass over a detector

such as a flame ionization detector (FID), which generates a signal called chromatogram.

The position of peak maximum on the chromatogram qualitatively identifies the

component and the peak area is corresponding to the mass of the component present in

the sample [4, 8].

1.2 On-Chip GC

Conventional GCs provide accurate analysis of complex mixtures but at the cost of

using large, power-hungry, and relatively expensive table-top instruments (Figure 1.3).

Furthermore, for some applications such as environmental monitoring and

toxic/explosive compounds detection, this laboratory analysis is not proper due to

demand of on-site fast response to the analytical results and the possibility of

decomposition, loss and contamination of sample during its transportation. Therefore, a

portable GC system is becoming increasingly important. MEMS technology has already

demonstrated the possibility of realizing micro gas chromatography systems (µGC)

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which exhibit faster analysis times, lower power consumption, and higher portability

compared to bulky conventional GCs [5, 6, 9-22]. A μGC system is a hybrid integration

of several micromachined modules such as a preconcentrator (PC), separation column,

gas detector, micro valves and

pumps. The design and

optimization of each individual

module is the current trend in

μGC development [7, 23-28].

The first µGC was reported on

1979 by Stephen Terry and co-

workers at the Stanford Electronic

Laboratory[3, 14]. This report

illustrated the design, fabrication

and characterization of a gas

Figure ‎1.2 Schematic view of conventional separation


Figure ‎1.1 Schematic view of micro gas chromatography system.

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chromatography system integrated on a silicon wafer. As shown in Figure 1.4, this

device, which included a sample injection system, a 1.5m column and a thermal

conductivity detector, was fabricated using standard photolithography and wet etching

techniques. A Pyrex wafer was

anodically bonded to the structured

silicon wafer to create an enclosed

separation column. Then the

internal surface of the separation

column was coated by standard

OV-101 liquid stationary phase

dissolved in a volatile solvent.

Using the Helium as the carrier

gas, the completed device was

characterized by separating and

detecting gaseous hydrocarbon

mixtures in several seconds.

Although it was a well-designed

Figure ‎1.3 Conventional GC system and seaparation column[2].

Figure ‎1.4 Photo of the integrated micro gas

chromatography system by Terry and coworker at Stanford,


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device, the system operation was not comparable to the conventional systems due to the

poor separation performance of the column. The authors tried to improve the separation

performance by decreasing the column depth at the expense of higher pressure drops.

Unfortunately, the poor performance was originated from stationary phase deposition

technique. In this technique, the pre-fabricated column was filled with the stationary

phase solution, and then solvent evaporation caused the deposition of a layer of stationary

phase. The condensation at the

corners and curvatures resulted in a

non-uniform and non-conformal

coverage and thus poor column

performance. Consequently,

subsequent efforts to create µGC

systems have mainly focused on

the development of coating

techniques capable of depositing a

conformal layer of stationary phase

inside the separation columns.

Edward Kolesar and Rocky

Reston reported the first functional

µGC systems on 1994[10, 15].

Their device incorporated a

miniature sample injector, a 90cm

long column with rectangular

cross-section (depth: 10µm, width:

300µm), chemiresistor detector and

a thermal conductivity detector

(TCD). As the main contribution of

this work, the stationary phase

material was deposited onto the

column walls prior to the bonding

process. The 200nm-thick layer of

Figure ‎1.5 SEM image of the CuPc-coated µGC colum. (a)

Column before the CuPc coating was removed from the flat

surface regions (intra-column) (b) Column after the CuPc

coating was removed from the flat surfaces required to

accomplish the electrostatic bonding process with the Pyrex

cover plate[6].

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copper phthalocyanine layer was deposited all over the etched silicon wafer and then the

top flat surface was polished using conventional IC patterning technique (Figure 1.5).

Then this polished surface was anodically bonded to Pyrex wafer in order to create the

enclosed separation column. This fabrication process ensured the creation of conformal

stationary phase within the micro channels. However, the proposed stationary phase

material was not able to afford the performance of the conventional polymer-based

stationary phases and authors showed a poor separation of ammonia and nitrogen dioxide

obtained using this device.

These promising achievements toward creating a portable instrument for on-site

chemical measurements with national security applications such as the detection of

biological and chemical war agents and pollution controls, motivated Sandia National

Laboratories to initiate funding of a „Microanalytical Systems” program in 1996. A

significant part of this program had focused on the creation of µGC technology. The

resulted device from this effort included a number of distinct micromachined components

such as a microfabricated sample injector, pre-concentrator, a chromatographic polymer-

coated column, and surface acoustic wave (SAW) detectors (Figure 1.6)[7]. The sample

pre-concentrator included a sol–gel coated membrane and resistive heater to afford rapid

sample heating. Since, the membrane had a small thermal mass it could be heated to 200

°C within 10 ms, resulting in concentration enhancements of over 2 orders of magnitude.

Figure ‎1.6 Hybrid integration µGC.. (a) Top and (b) bottom of the circuit board are shown. Two analysis channels are

evident. The GC chip is 12 by 12 mm[7].

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The chromatographic column was

etched in silicon and coated with a

thin-film of stationary phase

material. Finally, the detection of

separated species was performed

using an array of chemically

modified SAW sensors. This

integrated system has been shown

to successfully separate and detect

a wide range of chemical species

at parts per billion concentrations.

In 2005, Agah and coworker

from University of Michigan

reported a silicon-glass µGC

column having integrated heaters

and temperature sensors for flow

control[5]. These 3m-long,

150µm-wide and 250µm-deep

columns, integrated on a 3.3cm

square die, were fabricated in

silicon by anisotropic deep

reactive ion etching (DRIE) and then were sealed by a Pyrex wafer (Figure 1.7). High-

aspect-ratio rectangular cross-sectional channels with precisely controlled dimensions

could be obtained by these processes. The integrated heaters afforded 40oC/min

temperature programming while consuming 650mW power. The authors continued their

work by utilizing the buried-channel technique to fabricate rounded cross-section (25cm-

long and 65µm-ID, Figure 1.8) columns on a 6mm-square chip[4]. The proposed

fabrication method, which was CMOS compatible, significantly reduced the column mass

and heater power consumption by more than one order of magnitude. However, the

mechanical stability of the released column especially under the vacuum conditions

Figure ‎1.7 The 150µm wide, 250µm deep, 3-m long

microchannels formed by DRIE in silicon (top). silicon

substrate containing integrated heaters and temperature


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required to coat the column was a

limitation of this method. Therefore, the

separation performance of the coated

column was not evaluated.

Finally, μGC columns as the heart of

the system are still a technical challenge in

order to realize a functional µGC system.

This challenge is the major motivation of

the work presented here. In Chapter 2, we

introduce the concept of multi capillary

columns and showed theoretically and

experimentally that these columns, as well

as ultra-narrow single capillary columns,

can achieve fast separation of gas mixtures

with high resolution suitable for on-site

applications [29, 30]. In Chapter 3, we

overcome the stationary phase coating

problem by introducing a novel method

named monolayer protected gold “MPG”.

The performance of this method is

evaluated by coating different columns and

separating polar and non-polar gas mixtures[16]. The last chapter introduces the future

possible trends to develop the µGC system based on the fabrication technique presented

in this work.

Figure ‎1.8 (a) Released 25-cm-long PECVD

oxynitride column fabricated on a 6-mm-square die.

(b) Optical image of the column with an SEM close-

up image[4].

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2 High-Speed µGC

2.1 Introduction

The development of high-speed and high-performance separation columns as the

heart of the system is of paramount importance in the world of µGC for on-field

applications such as environmental monitoring, breath analysis, and public safety. The

reported MEMS-based columns for high-speed GC (HSGC) have achieved separation of

a few analytes in seconds, but they have not been able to demonstrate highly efficient

separations (complex mixture analysis) due to their significantly reduced column length

(<50 cm) and their large channel width (>100 µm) [31-46]. This chapter addresses this

situation by first demonstrating the successful design, fabrication, and stationary phase

coating of very narrow-width columns (<30 µm), which yield the highest separation

efficiency reported to date on MEMS-based GCs. A new class of microfabricated

columns called multicapillary, consisting of a bundle of very narrow-width rectangular

capillaries working in parallel, is also reported. The presented multicapillary columns

enhance sample capacity and alleviate the stringent requirements on the amount of

analyte that can be analyzed when using only a single narrow-width capillary column.

2.2 Theory

2.2.1 Single Capillary Column (SCC)

Analysis time, separation efficiency, and sample capacity are the main factors that

need to be considered in the design and development of µGC columns for real-time trace

analysis. Analysis time for a mixture is defined by the retention time, tR, of the last target

component peak to elute from the column [47, 48]:

1 ku


Rt (2.1)

where u is the average linear carrier gas velocity, L is the column length, and k is the

retention factor for the component, which depends on column temperature and stationary

phase properties. For a given column cross section, the retention time can be decreased

by operating at (1) a higher carrier gas velocity, (2) a higher temperature, or (3) using a

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shorter column. MEMS technology affords very high temperature programming rates

(~600 oC/min) using on-chip heaters for ultra-low mass short separation columns [31,

33]. The major difficulty of using short columns for HSGC is the significant loss in

column separation power. This amplifies the importance of using conditions that provide

the maximum possible column efficiency.

The efficiency of GC columns is expressed by the height-equivalent-to-a-theoretical-

plate (HETP). For rectangular channels, HETP is given by [49]:






























5.25912 (2.2)

where Dg and Ds are the binary diffusion coefficients in the mobile and stationary phases,

respectively, df is the stationary phase thickness, w and h are the channel width and

height, respectively, and f1 (varies between 1 and 1.125) and f2 (varies between 0 and 1)

are the Gidding-Golay and Martin-James gas compression coefficients, respectively.

Consequently, the number of theoretical plates (N) can be calculated using HETP value:

HETPLN (2.3)

Considering the second term in equation (2.2), it becomes clear that narrower

columns (smaller w) provide a smaller HETP or better separation efficiency. For columns

coated with a thin layer of stationary phase, the Ds term in equation (2.2) becomes

negligible. Under this criterion, which applies to the columns presented in this report as

well, the differentiation of the HETP equation leads to equations (2.4) and (2.5) showing

the optimal average carrier gas velocity needed to achieve the maximum efficiency. From

this equation, it is concluded that uopt increases as the column becomes narrower:








kkfwHETP (2.4)

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According to the above equations, reducing the column length to implement HSGC

columns should be accompanied with a reduction in the channel width in order to achieve

high-performance columns for complex mixture separation [31]. Moreover, as evident

from equation (2.2), the slop of the HETP curve for u > uopt becomes proportional to w2.

This is important because in GC, the average linear carrier gas velocity is usually set

above uopt [50]. Therefore, a narrower column has a flatter HETP curve and provides

higher flexibility during operation since its separation efficiency degrades less at higher

velocities. As seen in equations (2.4) and (2.5), HETPmin and uopt, the optimum conditions

for rectangular µGC columns, are independent of the channel depth. However, the

channel depth can be increased to increase the column cross sectional area. This will

enhance the sample capacity (see below) and volumetric flow rate without affecting the

column performance and the separation time.

The downside of using HSGC columns with small widths is that for a given stationary

phase thickness, the sample amount that can be injected without overloading the column

is limited to several nano grams. This maximum sample amount, called sample capacity,

is proportional to the effective volume of one theoretical plate, Veff. This effective volume

can be estimated by the following equation [51]:




eff 1 (2.6)

where VG is the gas-phase volume which can be calculated from the column dimensions.

According to this equation, sample capacity drastically drops for narrow-width columns

having a small cross-section area and small HETP (large N) [52]. Increasing the

stationary phase thickness will increase the retention factor and sample capacity [51] with

the expense of reducing separation efficiency according to equation (2). Furthermore,

thick stationary phase coating will not improve the sample capacity for early eluting

peaks with small retention factors (k<1) [51]. Another limitation of narrow-width

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columns is that the volumetric flow rate can be very low [48], which in turn puts

limitations on the detector sensitivity. The following section addresses these problems by

introducing the first generation of MEMS-based multicapillary columns.

2.2.2 Multicapillary Column (MCC)

The idea of multicapillary columns was introduced by Golay in 1975 to increase the

column separation efficiency without sacrificing sample capacity [47]. The main concept

is that the reduced sample load, caused by using narrow-bore fused silica capillary

columns, is compensated by increasing the number of capillaries, n, which work in

parallel. Therefore, the sample capacity and flow rate can be theoretically increased by a

factor of n. The HETP for a GC column is defined by the following equations [48]:






where σ2 is the peak variance. As shown in Appendix A, HETP for MCCs can be defined

in terms of the performance of its single capillaries, the stationary phase properties, and

the structure features. In order to model the performance of MEMS-based MCCs, total

peak variance (σ2), and average retention time (tR) should be calculated to find the value

of HETP and plate number from equations (2.4), (2.5) and (2.7), respectively. Most of the

detectors used for GC generate an electric signal, which is proportional to the amount of

sample arrives at the detector through the carrier gas. This sample amount is related to the

sample concentration in the carrier gas, Cs, and volumetric gas flow, a×u(a). Also, in the

case of MCC, the total amount of sample arrives at the detector is a summation of the

sample amount obtained from each single capillary in the bundle. According to these

concepts, the average retention time is defined as[53]:





)()()( (2.8)

where t(a) and u(a) are the retention time and the average carrier gas in a single capillary

with cross-section area of a. P(r) is the Gaussian function of the area distribution.

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Substituting Eq. (2.9) into Eq. (2.8), expanding t(a) into the Taylor series near ao, and

considering the first term of the expansion, it can be obtained that:

)1()( o




Latt (2.10)

The minimum value for the MCC peak variance is equal to the peak variance of the

single capillary. However, the inhomogeneity of capillaries causes different volumetric

flow and consequently increases the peak variance. According to this concept, we have:


)( to


where σo2

is the peak variance of a single capillary, which can be calculated by the

Golay equation [48]. The second term, which is the average of the peak time differences,

models the band broadening caused by the distribution of retention times resulting from

each capillary in the bundle [23]:







2 (2.12)

To evaluate Eq. (2.12), tR should be replaced with Eq. (2.10) and k(a) and u(a) should

be extended in terms of dimensions of the capillaries and coating method properties. For

laminar flow resulting from a constant pressure drop, we have


aauau /)( (2.13)

The retention factor is proportional to the ratio of the volumes of the stationary and

gas phases and for a rectangular capillary:

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2/)( (2.14)

where K is the distribution coefficient and df is the stationary phase thickness, which can

be estimated as a function of coating solution concentration and capillary dimensions:

)(2 hw




f (2.15)

Often the method and environmental conditions of coating process determine the

experimental value of α. Substituting Eq. (2.10), (2.13), (2.14), (2.15) into Eq. (2.12) and

using Taylor series yield:








































Finally, the following expression for the HETP of a rectangular cross-section

multicapillary column can be achieved by using (2.4), (2.5), (2.10), (2.11)and (2.15):








































In static coating method, used in this paper, coating thickness can be calculated by

dividing the polymer volume dissolved in the solvent by the total inner surface of

capillaries (see below). Assuming this value for coating thickness and using Eq. (2.14),

coating constant (α) have the value of one. It simplifies the HETP equation in (2.17):

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In this equation, the first term, which is called HETPo, refers to the HETP of a

capillary whose dimensions are the average of the dimensions of all capillaries in the

bundle and can be calculated from equation (2.2). The second term is related to the band

broadening caused by inhomogeneity of the channels. If all the capillaries in the bundle

have exactly the same dimensions (σh= σw=0), the second and third terms of the MCC

performance equation would be zero, which means that MCC has an HETP equal to that

of the single capillary while its sample capacity is multiplied by the number of capillaries

in the bundle. Conventional MCCs comprising a bundle of round capillaries show a

dispersion of 3-4% [53]. As shown later, highly homogenous rectangular capillaries can

be fabricated by MEMS technology in order to minimize the second and third term in

equation (2.18) and to increase the separation performance.

Figure ‎2.1 Fabrication process flow for MEMS-based multicapillary columns.

The column formed from silicon wafer etched using deep reactive ion etching

(DRIE) technique (a-b) and bonded to a Pyrex wafer(c)







( a )

( b )

( c )





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2.3 Design, Fabrication and Stationary Coating

2.3.1 Column Design and Fabrication

In order to study the width effect on HETP, SCC columns with four different

capillary widths (25, 50, 125, and 250 µm) were designed. Moreover, two-, four- and

eight- capillary MCCs were fabricated to characterize the MCC performance. All the

columns had a length of 25 cm and all the MCCs had a constant total width of 250 µm.

The fabrication of both silicon-glass SCCs and MCCs started with cleaning a silicon

wafer in a Piranha solution. Then, a 10 µm-thick layer of AZ9260 photoresist was spun

on the wafer at 3k rpm for 60 seconds. After patterning the photoresist ( Figure 2.1.a), the

wafer was etched to a depth of 250 µm using deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) technique

to form channels with aspect ratios varying between 1 (for 250 µm-wide columns) and 10

(for 25 µm-wide columns) (Figure 2.1.b). After stripping the resist, the silicon wafer was

anodically bonded to a Pyrex 7740 substrate (Figure 2.1.c) at the temperature and

pressure of 350 oC and 2k Pa, respectively, using a DC voltage of 1250 V. The wafers

were kept under these conditions until the leakage current was less than 1 mA. The final

step is dicing the wafer to form 10 × 8 mm2 chips, a picture of which is shown in Figure

2.3. In order to connect the chips to the GC system, fused silica capillary tubing with

167-µm-O.D. and 100-µm-I.D. was used.

Figure 2.2 shows SEM images of SCCs and MCCs before the channels were sealed

and also a broken sealed column. As can be seen, we have used the serpentine

architecture for the design of both SCCs and MCCs. As recent studies confirm [54], the

serpentine configuration is preferred over the spiral one in the design of µGC columns as

it minimizes the number of corners per channel length and its even number of corners in

clockwise and counterclockwise directions compensates the peak broadening caused by

turn effect. Moreover, the serpentine design equalizes the length of all the capillaries in

the MEMS-based MCC[55]. This is a crucial characteristic for ensuring high-efficient

separation which cannot be achieved by the spiral design.

It is also important to divide the carrier gas equally between the capillaries in MCCs

such that the same analytes in all capillaries travel the column length with the same

velocity before merging again at the column outlet. For this reason, as shown in Figure

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2.2, flow splitters have been implemented at the inlet and outlet of MCCs. The

effectiveness of the flow splitter was studied by simulating the injection of a 1 mm-wide

sample plug of methane at a carrier gas velocity of 20 cm/s and then measuring the plug

width after passing through the 1 cm-long channel with and without a splitter. This

Figure ‎2.2 SEM images, (a-d): broken columns before anodic bonding, (e) broken column after anodic

boning shows the bonding quality.

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simulation showed the plug width is almost 20% less in the case of flow splitter. As

Figure 2.4 demonstrates, this improvement is related to the equal distribution of the

sample molecules between the capillaries as a result of the multi-step flow splitter

configuration. It is worth to mention that the Reynolds number is less than in all the

experiments, consequently the flow is laminar.

2.3.2 Stationary Coating

The major challenge in stationary phase coating of the MEMS columns is to obtain a

uniform film throughout the column length. The static method has been applied in this

work to achieve the highest possible separation efficiency and resolution. For these

rectangular MEMS columns, similar to round fused silica capillary columns, the

Figure ‎2.3 Optical images. 8-channel MCC column fabricated on an 8*10 mm

square die after anodic bonding shows the serpentine design of the column and

flow splitter.

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thickness of the stationary phase achieved by static coating can be easily calculated by

dividing the total coating mass dissolved in the solution by the total column internal

surface. This thickness, df, can be calculated by:

Figure ‎2.4 Contour plot of injected sample concentration (µMolar), (a) and (b):

plug is passing the input gate; (c) plug is traveling in the capillaries. The output

plug in the column with flow-splitter (b and c right) is 20% narrower than that

without flow-splitt (a and c left) due to the uniform distribution of the sample

molecules. The parabolic profile of the sample concentration contour becomes

flat by using flow splitter (blue circles).

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where Ccs and ρstationary are the coating solution concentration and stationary phase

density, respectively. The following details of coating method have been used to deposit

a uniform stationary phase with identical thickness for all the columns. However, a range

of 0.1-0.4 µm thickness has been estimated due to the variation of environmental

conditions and experimental inaccuracy.

The tubing was first deactivated at 400 °C with octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) as

the deactivation agent using a previously published procedure [56]. After deactivation,

the tubing was washed with 0.5 mL of methylene chloride and then purged with helium at

220 °C for 60 minutes. The tubing was then attached to the microfluidic ports of the chip

using two-part adhesive (Epoxy 907, Miller-Stephenson). The deactivation procedure

was repeated a second time to ensure deactivation of the chip. Due to temperature

limitations of the epoxy, the deactivation procedure was performed at 250 °C, instead of

400 °C, for 90 minutes. The washing and purging procedures were also repeated. Then, a

solution of polydimethylsiloxane (OV-1) dissolved in n-pentane was used to fill the

column while one end of the column was blocked by pushing a small amount of wax into

the capillary tubing. The concentration of the coating solution was calculated in the range

of 4 mg/ml and 8 mg/ml for different designs in order to achieve an optimum coating

thickness. A vacuum was then applied to the other end while the column was kept in a

water bath at 35 °C. This resulted in slow evaporation of the solvent leaving behind a thin

layer of stationary phase on the column walls. In order to obtain a stable film, the OV-1

stationary phase was cross-linked by passing a vapor of azo-tetrabutane (AZT) through

the column for 60 minutes. Finally, the column was sealed at both ends and heated at 220

°C for 60 minutes. It should be noted that no leakage was observed during column

coating indicating the anodic bond integrity. The effect of the surface imperfection on the

bonding quality was determined by Anthony[57]. However, anodic bonding is the most

commonly used method for joining silicon to Pyrex[58]. The bonding conditions were

optimized to prevent any effective leakage which might affect the column performance.

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2.4 Results and Discussion

In order to evaluate the capabilities of the microfabricated columns, several

experiments were conducted using conventional GC system (5890 Series II GC, Hewlett

Packard) having a split inlet (200:1) and flame ionization detector (FID). The capillary

column inside the GC was replaced by the MEMS column. The autosampler (7673B,

Hewlett Packard) was used to inject the samples. Air was used as a carrier gas. All gases

were purified with filters for water vapor and hydrocarbons. The injector and FID

temperature were both maintained at 280 oC. In these experiments, methane was used to

measure the average linear carrier gas velocity for its negligible interaction with the

column and being known as an unretained compound on OV-1 stationary phase. Nonane

was used to determine HETP because of having a retention factor more than 10, thus

making HETP less dependent on the compound selected (k) and experimental conditions

(mainly temperature). We used dodecane (k>10) to study the effect of analyte

concentration on HETP and to measure sample capacity of different microfabrication

columns. Due to having a higher diffusion coefficient (~16%) in the mobile phase (Dg)

[50], uopt of nonane is slightly more than that of dodecane according to equation (4). As

mentioned earlier, the carrier gas velocity should be set slightly above uopt during GC

operation. Therefore, using dodecane at the optimum carrier gas velocity (uopt) of nonane

(determined from HETP characterization) satisfies this requirement.

2.4.1 Single Capillary Column (SCC)

Two important features of these microfabricated columns were investigated. First, to

determine the separation efficiency, the HETP was measured by injecting a 1 µl mixture

of nonane (C9H20) and methane (CH4). The hold-up time of methane, tM, was used to

measure the average linear carrier gas velocity, uave_column, and the nonane peak was used

to determine the HETP experimentally based on:







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where At and LTL are the cross sectional area and the length of the transfer lines (fused

silica tube used to connect the µGC column to the FID) and wh is the width of the peak at

the half height. Only symmetric peaks (symmetry of 0.9-1.1) were used to measure

HETP. All experiments were performed at least three times. The retention factor, k (=

tR/tM -1), measured for nonane peaks had a value more than 10 in all the MEMS columns.

According to equation (4), HETPmin and uopt are strongly dependent on retention factor

for k<10 but they vary within 10% and 5%, respectively, when k>10. Therefore, the

variation in the retention factor had negligible influence on HETP, making it an

acceptable figure of merit for comparing the performance of different columns [48].

Figure 2.5 shows HETP as a function of the average linear carrier gas flow velocity for

four different channel widths decreasing from 250 µm to 25 µm. The narrowest channel

showed a 7. 9-fold improvement in the separation efficiency and 3.5-fold increase in the

optimum flow velocity compared to the corresponding values for the widest column. The

25 µm-wide column yielded a minimum HETP of 0.008 cm (12,500 plates/m) at a linear

gas velocity of 36 cm/s making it the highest efficient MEMS-based column reported to

date [37]. As we expected according to the theoretical discussion in section 2.2.1, the

HETP curve is flatter for the 25 µm-wide SCC. The 25 µm-wide SCC presented herein

affords an HETP less than 0.02 cm over a wide range of flow velocities from 35 cm/s to

80 cm/s making it a suitable candidate for HSGCs. We need to add that the differences in

the cross sectional areas between the µGC column and the transfer lines forces the carrier

gas to be compressed at the µGC column inlet and expanded at the outlet. While this

sudden expansion and compression causes negligible pressure drops for the laminar flow

inside these micro-scale channels [59] they can increase band broadening and reduce the

separation efficiency. We envision that 25 µm-wide columns can produce higher

separation efficiencies when transfer lines are removed through the integration of the

injector and detector with the µGC column. [60]. In spite of this issue and all the

experimental errors, the improvement trend in HETP agrees with the mathematical

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model. For instance, according to equation (2.4), we expected the 125 µm-, 50 µm-, and

25 µm-wide columns to have 2, 5, and 10 times smaller HETPmin compared to the 250

µm-wide column. The empirical results show a factor of 3, 4.9, and 7.9, respectively

(Figure 2.5).

To determine the sample capacity, solutions of dodecane (C12H26) in methylene

chloride were prepared in increasing concentrations from 250 ng/µL to 10 µg/µL and the

HETP was calculated for each sample by an injection of 1 µl of the solution at 60 oC with

a split ratio of 200:1. The maximum sample amount without significant change in the

HETP (less than 10%) was used to determine the column sample capacity. Table 2-1 lists

the measured sample capacities of the columns. The wider channels provided a larger

Figure ‎2.5 Golay plot for SCCs, measured using isothermal (30 oC) injection of nonane

and helium as a carrier gas, showing the improvement trend in the separation efficiency

and optimum carrier gas velocity by decreasing the channel width.

0 20 40 60 80 1000

















Carrier Gas Average Velocity (cm/s)





Theoretical Fit for 250-um-wide column

Measured Values

Theoretical Fit for 125-um-wide column

Measured Values

Theoretical Fit for 50-um-wide column

Measured Values

Theoretical Fit for 25-um-wide column

Measured Values

Page 36: MEMS-Based Micro Gas Chromatography: Design, Fabrication ... · performance MEMS-based micro gas chromatography columns having wide range of applications in the pharmaceutical industry,


surface in contact with mobile phase, increased the total stationary phase, and

consequently the maximum sample capacity before overloading the column. The 25 µm-

wide column has high performance but it is limited to very low amount of samples (5.5



Figure ‎2.6 (a) 250µm-wide SCC, leading peak effect, caused 19.2% difference in the

retention time for 10ng (blue) and 100ng (red) injection of dodecane at 60oC and

helium as the carrier gas at 10psi column inlet pressure. (b) Four-capillary MCC,

the retention time difference was 2.6% under experimental conditions.

0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.60





10x 10


Time (min)




.8267min.8267 min

0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6


1.5 2 2.5 3 3.50






3x 10







1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5


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ng for dodecane). As evident in Figure 2.6a, if too much sample is introduced onto the

column, “leading peak” will appear. These leading peaks are distorted, giving a slow rise

to the peak and a fast drop. In this case, retention time increases and consequently the

sample peak time increases. It means that quantitative analysis, which is based on the

Figure ‎2.7 Chromatogram of a hydrocarbon mixture, obtained using a

25-µm-wide channel SCC (top) and four-channel MCC (bottom), 35 oC

isothermal for the first one minute and then a temperature rate of 30

oC/min, helium as the carrier gas (Heptane eluted with the so solvent in


Page 38: MEMS-Based Micro Gas Chromatography: Design, Fabrication ... · performance MEMS-based micro gas chromatography columns having wide range of applications in the pharmaceutical industry,


comparison between peak time of the sample in a known mixture and unknown mixture,

cannot be performed. This low sample capacity is a limitation of these high-efficient

columns especially for in-field applications and the analysis of samples with unknown


2.4.2 Multicapillary Column (MCC)

MCC columns are promising in that they can provide high efficiency of narrow

columns while providing larger sample capacities. However, we need to acknowledge the

fact that their stationary phase coating is more challenging especially for large number of

narrow capillaries since all the capillaries in the bundle need to have the same coating

thickness. We proposed a novel coating technology to overcome this challenge which is

described in the future chapter. While the MEMS SCCs and 2-channel and 4-channel

MCCs were successfully coated with OV-1 stationary phase using the static technique

described earlier, this conventional method failed to produce robust coating on 8-channel

Figure ‎2.8 Long-term coating performance evaluation, chromatogram of nonane

obtained using a 25-µm-wide channel SCC, 35oC isothermal helium as the

carrier gas.

0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8Time(min)








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MCCs consisting 30 µm-wide capillaries. Table 2-1 lists the sample capacity for columns

successfully coated with OV-1. The columns having more capillaries demonstrate higher

sample capacity. The MCC with four 65 µm-wide capillaries presented a much larger

sample capacity (20 fold) compared to the 50 µm-wide SCC. Considering the same

coating thickness and using experimental HETP for these two columns, the sample

capacity improvement should be around 26 fold (see equation (2.6)). This small deviation

between experimental results and theoretical expectations was mainly due to differences

in the coating thickness and inaccuracy of the experimental measurements. As shown in

Fig. 6b, an increase of the sample amount from 10 ng to 100 ng resulted in a 2.6%

increase in the retention time of dodecane for the MCC. The change of dodecane

retention time for the 50 µm-wide SCC under the same conditions was about 19%.

The separation performance of the SCCs and MCCs have been explored by separating

a gas mixture containing n-alkanes (C7-C8-C9-C10-C12-C14-C16) (Sigma-Aldrich Inc.,

MO, US), in the conventional GC oven. Figure 2.7 shows the chromatogram obtained

using a 25 µm-wide SCC and four-channel MCC at a 30 o

C/min temperature

programming rate. The high-performance SCC chromatogram obtained by an injection

Table ‎2-1 Sample capacity, measured using

dodecane injection at 60 oC, helium as the carrier


Column Design-

Channel width





SCC-25 6

SCC-50 10

SCC-125 12

SCC-250 19


(2-capillary) 50


(4-capillary) 200

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volume of 0.5 µl and a split ratio of 1:200 shows 7 sharp peaks separated in less than 2

minutes. In MCC chromatogram, the injection volume was 2 µl with a split ratio of 1:20

which can easily overload all the fabricated SCCs. The separation time of 6 components

was less than 5 min but it can be significantly reduced by using higher temperature

programming rates via integrating on-chip heaters [32, 37, 45]. According to this

comparison, 8-channel MCCs consisting of 30 µm-wide capillaries are capable of

providing high performance separation similar to that of 25 µm-wide SCCs but at much

higher sample concentration.

The coating stability was evaluated by monitoring the retention time and band

broadening of the nonane peak over a time period of 8 months. As Figure 2.8 shows, the

variation of tR and wh were less than 15% and 12%, respectively. These small variations

considering the measurement errors show the high stability and reproducibility of the

coating procedure.

Table 2-2 summarizes the channel dimensions and statistical dispersion factors for

different microfabricated MCCs. The cross-sectional dispersion of these MEMS MCCs is

about 0.5% and is significantly lower than that of conventional MCCs (3-4%) consisting

of 500-1200 glass capillaries [53]. Considering equation ((2.18)) and according to Table

2-2, the peak broadening resulting from inhomogeneities in the capillaries‟ dimensions

(second term of equation (2.18)) is one order of magnitude less than that from the peak

broadening resulting from a single capillary (first term). These important results indicate

Table ‎2-2 Statistical data, obtained by SEM images to characterize the homogeneity of channels in different

microfabricated MCCs at different cross sections.


Statistical Data to qualify fabrication process












width(W) m

Average width






depth(D) m

Average depth







2)( m

Average area





capillary 126.5 0.27 256.7 0.43 32466 0.53 0.014 0.006


capillary 65.3 0.47 244.7 0.26 15983 0.51 0.009 0.007


capillary 36.2 0.52 231.4 0.19 8388 0.55 0.007 0.008

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that the MEMS MCCs are highly homogenous and, hence, can achieve lower HETPs

compared to their conventional counterparts in which the second term is the dominant

contributor to band broadening, and hence, cannot yield efficiencies comparable to that of

a single-capillary column.

The primary experimental measurements of minimum HETP, under the same

conditions mentioned above, showed a value of 0.05 cm and 0.12 cm for two- and four-

capillary MCCs, respectively. This deviation comparing to theoretical expectation (see

Table 2-2) is mainly attributed to the nonunformity of the stationary phase coating. The

novel coating technique, recently reported in [61, 62] based on self-assembly of nano-

structured materials is promising to achieve a uniform thin layer of stationary phase in all

the rectangular capillaries in the presented microfabricated MCCs.

2.5 Conclusion

This paper has presented the development of DRIE-Si/glass high-efficient µGC

columns. The tradeoff between separation efficiency and sample capacity has been

addressed by presenting the MCCs. The separation efficiency and sample capacity have

been studied both theoretically and experimentally. General correlations for the

efficiency of rectangular cross-section MCCs have been developed. The narrow SCCs

provide high performance while MCCs present high sample capacity at the same time.

The separation ability of SCCs and MCCs has been evaluated by an alkane mixture (C7-

C8-C9-C10-C12-C14-C16) and the coating stability has been evaluated over a period of 8

months. The efficiency of such MCCs depends on the dispersion of the capillary

dimensions in the bundle as well as the coating technique. The compatibility with

unpredictable amount of environmental samples states MCCs‟ potential applications in

environmental monitoring and homeland security. Developing novel coating methods to

optimize the correlation between MCC efficiency and coating constant (α) can be the

next step to achieve even higher efficiency.

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3 Novel Stationary Phase Technology for µGCs

3.1 Introduction

μGC columns as the heart of the system are generally fabricated in silicon by

anisotropic deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) and then are sealed by a Pyrex wafer. High-

aspect-ratio rectangular cross-sectional channels with precisely controlled dimensions can

be obtained by these processes. The columns are then coated by a thin layer of a

polymeric stationary phase such as methyl silicones or poly(ethylene glycol) using

conventional static or dynamic techniques. Recently, we introduced the concept of multi

capillary columns and showed theoretically that these columns as well as ultra-narrow

single capillary columns can achieve fast separation of gas mixtures with high resolution

suitable for on-site applications [29, 30].

However, since the early μGC work, stationary phase coating of MEMS columns has

been a challenging step in order to obtain reproducible and high resolution

separations[63]. It is mainly because the conventional techniques relying on solvent

evaporation can be utilized after separation channels are sealed [25-27]. These methods,

which are developed for fused silica capillary tubing, cannot afford conformal coating in

the rectangular-shaped μGC columns. They suffer from pooling effects and can easily

plug the column during solvent evaporation especially as the column width is reduced to

enhance the separation efficiency [29], examples of which are shown in Figure 3.1.

Additionally, even for wide μGC columns, the thickness and surface properties of MEMS

columns coated with conventional techniques are not easily adjustable. Thermal

decomposition of these polymers due to heating and cooling cycles in temperature

programmed µGC causes separation performance deterioration over time [8].

Furthermore, in order to achieve complete portability; µGCs have to operate with

ambient air as carrier gas. Therefore, chemical composition of stationary phases should

be stable in contact with air and humidity. Most common stationary phases such as

polydimethiylsiloxane (PDMS) rapidly decompose in air and moisture, therefore are not

suitable for µGCs [64, 65].

Recently, there has been a focus on developing new stationary phases for high speed

gas separation applications [61, 62, 66-72]. Bare gold nanoparticles was used to improve

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the efficiency of chip-based capillary electrophoresis [69]. Synovec‟s group reported

dodecanethiol gold nanoparticles deposited on the inner surface of bare fused silica

100µm-ID capillary column [67]. In a more recent report, octadecylamine-capped gold

Figure ‎3.1 Conventional coating method and common problems, (a-b) optical images of µGC columns

coated by static method show the plugged channels occurred during solvent evaporation, (c-d) SEM

images from the inlet/outlet gate where the capillary tube is connected to the square-cross-section µGC

column in order to transmit the coating solution into the column, the dead volumes created by the

geometric change causes bubble generation during static coating, (e) thinning and thickening of coating

layer causes low separation performance and large band broadening.

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nanoparticles were used to coat the capillary column [61]. These techniques still have not

been widely used due to tedious coating process to get stable coating, non-conformal and

poor surface coverage of the column by nanoparticles and finally irreproducible retention

time related to washing-off of nanoparticles over injections [68, 73]. Furthermore, carbon

nanotubes (CNTs) have been reported as a new class of GC stationary phases [70, 71].

Their performance has been evaluated by depositing only on the bottom surface of the

square cross-section of microfabricated channels due to the fabrication difficulties of

depositing CNTs on all four sides of the channel [71].

The presented technique in this chapter shifts the coating procedure to the step before

channel sealing and produces stationary phases with high uniformity, reproducibility, and

robustness by merging microfabrication and nanotechnology. The columns are first

coated by a thin layer of gold using seedless electroplating and then functionalized to

tailor the surface properties for the separation of target compounds. The following

sections describe the proposed fabrication steps and separation performance of the DRIE

silicon-glass columns coated with monolayer-protected-gold (MPG).

3.2 Fabrication

The proposed fabrication method for µGC columns includes two major steps. First,

the column configuration is fabricated by anisotropic etching of silicon to create

serpentine channels. The second step is a novel surface treatment method to adjust the

chemical properties of the channel surface and to enhance the separation capability of the

column. The technical details of these two steps are explained in the following


3.2.1 Column Fabrication

In order to evaluate the proposed coating method, SCC columns with capillary widths

ranging from 25µm to 100µm as well as MCCs comprising four 63µm-wide capillaries

were designed and fabricated. All the columns had a length of 25cm. The fabrication of

both silicon-glass SCCs and MCCs started with cleaning a silicon wafer in a Piranha

solution. Then, an 8µm-thick layer of AZ9260 photoresist was spun on the wafer at 3k

rpm for 60 seconds. After patterning the photoresist, the wafer was etched to a depth of

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250µm using DRIE to form channels with aspect ratios varying between 1 (for 250µm-

wide columns) and 10 (for 25µm-wide columns) (Figure 3.2a) [29]. In order to pattern

the Pyrex wafer, a 1.5µm-thick layer of S-1813 photoresist was spun on the Pyrex at 2k

rpm for 35 seconds. After developing the photoresist in MF-319, the desired thickness of

Ti/Gold was deposited using Physical Vapor Deposition, PVD. Finally, the coated Pyrex

Figure ‎3.2 Fabrication process flow of the MEMS µGC column, (a) photolithography

and anisotropic etching using DRIE, (b) phosphorous diffusion (c) seedless gold

electroplating, (d) gold patterning by pulling the plated layer off from the top flat

surface , (e-g) Ti/Au deposition and lift-off patterning on Pyrex wafer (h) anodic

bonding of silicon and Pyrex wafer.

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wafer was submerged in the acetone ultrasonic bath for 1hr to lift off the extra gold and

release the pattern (Figure 3.2e-g).

3.2.2 Coating Method

The goal of this step is to deposit a uniform stationary phase layer on the column

walls. An ideal stationary phase for µGC should exhibit selectivity and differential

solubility of components to be separated and a wide operating temperature range. A

phase should be chemically stable and have low vapor pressure at evaluated column

temperatures. In order to achieve a stationary phase with these features while having a

low cost and high yield process, we have developed a novel surface treatment which

includes four steps: deposition, patterning, stabilization, and functionalizing. Deposition

The uniform deposition thickness of the stationary phase has been a perpetual

struggle. The film should have a constant thickness undisturbed by the corner of the

rectangular channels or alternating thicker and thinner parts resembling waves. This task

is much more challenging for ultra narrow µGC columns with high aspect ratios and

sharp corners.

In order to overcome these challenges, for the first time in µGC development history,

we used pulse electroplating technique to deposit a thin and conformal layer of gold

directly on a heavily phosphorous doped (n+) silicon wafer. This seedless electroplating

provides a gold layer, which is chemically and thermally stable due to intrinsic gold

properties and is easily patterned after deposition due to the weak adhesion between gold

and silicon. Furthermore, the layer thickness is adjustable by varying the electroplating

time to achieve the optimum separation performance of different column dimensions.

Also, this gold layer covers all the active bonds of the silicon surface and eliminates the

necessity of the deactivation process in conventional coating methods [29, 46, 74].

In order to begin the deposition process, the silicon wafer with etched channels is

doped by solid source diffusion of phosphorous at 950oC for 6 hours. The 2µm-deep

doped region created on the silicon surface is used as the cathode. Furthermore, the

residual of passivation polymer deposited on channel surface during the etch process

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would be decomposed in the doping furnace ensuring the cleanliness of the silicon

surface. Before dipping the channels in electroplating bath, the native oxide is etched by

buffered hydrofluoric acid (BHF) for one minute. The electroplating bath is maintained at

55oC with a stirring rate of 200rpm to provide a uniform distribution of gold ions in the

bath. We used an acidic gold electroplating solution (TG-25 RTU, Technic Inc., USA)

and a platinized Ti grid as the anode. The anode is placed at a distance of 2cm from the

cathode and has a size at least two times larger than that of the cathode to afford a

uniform electric field on the silicon wafer. The current between the platinized Ti grid

anode and doped silicon cathode is controlled by a current square-pulse generator with

the duration of 𝜏 and the period of T.

This current is supposed to be carried by gold ions which have a molar concentration

of Cb inside the plating bath. The reduction of gold ions during electroplating reduces the

ion concentration inside the etched channels to:

𝐶𝑐ℎ = 1 − 𝛼(𝜏, 𝐽, ℎ,𝑤) 𝐶𝑏 (3.1)

where c, J, h and w are correction factor, electroplating current density, depth and width

of the channels, respectively. It has been shown that the smaller value of α results in a

more uniform deposition [75]. Therefore, we need to determine 𝛼 based on the

experimental parameters to optimize plating conditions and enhance the deposition


It is worth mentioning that α is also a function of the location inside the channels

[75]. It gradually changes from the value of one at the plating zone near the channel

surfaces to the value of zero far away from silicon wafer inside the plating bath. The

theoretical model to describe this change is based on the Fick‟s second law for ion

diffusion and is presented for one-dimension (flat surface) in [76]. However, to simplify

the model applicable to our experiments without missing the concept we assume an

average concentration inside the channel.

The reduction reaction (Auz+ + ze− Au) consumes z (=1 for gold) electrons

provided by the plating current. Therefore, the number of reduced gold ions, n, and

plating current, I, are related according to the following equation:

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𝑞 = 𝐼 ∙ 𝜏 = 𝑧 ∙ 𝑒 ∙ 𝑛 (3.2)

where e is the electron charge and q is the total charge transferred from the cathode to the

electroplating solution. The number of reduced ions in a channel with depth of h, width

of w, and length of l is determined by the ion concentration decrease:

𝑛 = 𝑁𝐴 ℎ𝑤𝑙 𝐶𝑏 − 𝐶𝑐ℎ (3.3)

where NA is Avogadro constant (6.022 × 1023 𝑚𝑜𝑙−1). From Eq. (3.1) to (3.3) and using

current density, J, to calculate the plating current, the following equation is derived:

𝛼 =𝐽


2ℎ + 𝑤

ℎ𝑤𝜏 (3.4)

where F is Faraday constant and is equal to eNA=96,487 C mol-1

. Figure 3.3 shows the

effect of J and 𝛼 on the uniformity and quality of the deposited gold layer. A smaller J

results in a smaller grain size and a smaller 𝛼 yields more uniform coverage. Therefore,

considering this fact and using equation (3.4), the values of τ and J have been adjusted to

afford a value of about .01 for 𝛼 and to achieve uniform coverage all over the channel

surfaces. For example, for J=3 mA/cm2, Cb =120 oz/gal of sodium gold sulfite,

h=250µm, w=25µm and τ = 1sec, 𝛼 would be .012.

The above mentioned model assumes that the ion concentration is built up to Cb

during relaxation time (T-τ , while plating current is zero). Therefore, relaxation time

should be greater than the required time for gold ions to diffuse from the electroplating

bath to the channels and build up the concentration from Cch to Cb. We hypothesize that

diffusion is the dominant ion transport due to the negligible stirring effect inside these

narrow deep channels. The current due to this charge transport is[76]:

𝑖 = 𝑧𝐹𝐷𝜕𝐶

𝜕𝑥 (3.5)

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where D is the diffusion coefficient and x is the normal direction to the flat silicon

surface. The minimum required relaxation time, tmin, is the time required to increase the

ion concentration, C, from Cch to Cb. Assuming C as a linear function with the value of

zero near the silicon surface, the average diffusion current during build up time is:

𝑖 = 𝑧𝐹𝐷𝐶𝑏ℎ


The total charge transferred by the buildup average current is equal to the total charge

transferred by the plating current, thus by using equation (3.2):

Figure ‎3.3 SEM images show the effect of current density, J, and correction factor, α, on deposition quality (a) poor

coverage for J=3mA/cm2 and α=0.7, (b) reticulated coverage for J=3mA/cm2 and α=0.4, (c) good overage with

small grain for J=3mA/cm2 and α=0.1, (d) good overage with large grain for J=8mA/cm2 and α=0.1.

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𝑞 = 𝑖 𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 𝐽𝜏 (3.7)

Finally by plugging equation (3.4) into equation (3.7):

𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛 = α1



2 + 𝑤ℎ ≤ T − τ (3.8)

As the above equation shows, the pulse period should increase by increasing the

cross-section area (hw) or aspect ratio (h/w). We adjust the time period for all the

experiments to satisfy the above condition.

As mentioned earlier, the stationary phase thickness should be adjusted based on the

column dimensions to achieve maximum separation performance. Therefore, the

deposited thickness of gold layer has been characterized for different electroplating

conditions (current density and pulse shape). Table 3-1 shows electroplating parameters

to deposit a thickness varied from 180nm to 540nm suitable for all the column

dimensions designed in this work. Patterning

In order to seal the etched channels in silicon by a Pyrex substrate using anodic

bonding, the gold layer on the top flat surface should be removed. As Figure 3.4 shows,

the seedless electroplated gold has very low but adequate adhesion to silicon. This is a

Table ‎3-1 Deposited gold layer thickness v.s. different electroplating condition.

Case No.

J (mA/cm2)

T (s)

τ (ms)

α Plating

time (min)

Transferred Charge


Average Thickness


Standard Deviation (%)

1 4 60 1000 .016 60 240 247 5.5

2 6 60 1000 .024 60 360 350 2.2

3 6 6 100 .002 60 360 361 3.4

4 6 6 100 .002 30 180 180 2.4

5 6 6 100 .002 90 540 540 3.7

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critical characteristic making it easily removable from the top flat surface by an adhesive

tape without affecting the coverage on the column sidewalls (Figure 3.5). Furthermore,

Figure ‎3.4 SEM images show the deposition quality, (a) 4-channel MCC after removing gold from the top flat

surface, (b) gold layer folded by mechanical force demonstrating its low adhesion, (c) cross-section of 150nm-thick

gold layer showing the uniformity of plated layer, (d-f) broken column after polishing the top flat surface showing

the gold coverage on the walls and corners with a uniform thickness .

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the high value of silicon Young‟s modulus causes its perseverance to high vertical stress.

This clearly demonstrates that it is possible to pattern the gold layer even for very tiny

structures without applying any shear stress. After this patterning step, the silicon wafer

was anodically bonded to the Pyrex 7740 substrate patterned with evaporated Ti/Au. The

bonding temperature and pressure were 350oC and 2KPa, respectively. Applying a DC

voltage of 1250V for 20 minutes established a permanent bond. Figure 3.6 shows optical

images of the µGC column before and after polishing the gold from top-flat surface and

also the released column after bonding. Stabilization

Thermal annealing during the bonding process at temperatures less than the Si-Au

eutectic temperature (365oC) stabilizes the electroplated gold by significantly improving

Figure ‎3.5 Optical image shows the fabrication step for removing gold from top flat

surface using adhesive tape.

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its adhesion to the doped silicon surface [77]. The gold coating was proved to be stable

under GC operating temperature (350oC) and flow conditions (1ml/min). After bonding,

the wafer was diced and fused silica capillary tubing with 167-µm-O.D. and 100-µm-I.D.

was attached to fluidic ports using epoxy (epoxy907, Miller-Stephenson Co., US). Functionalizing

The last step is performed by filling the column with a solution of octadecylthiol

(C18H35SH) in hexane for six hours. This functionalizing process attached the alkane

group to the electroplated gold surface by self assembly (SAM) and resulted in a

monolayer-protected gold (MPG) layer that could be used as a stationary phase [78]:

Figure ‎3.6 optical images show deposition and patterning steps, (a) 25µm-wide, 25cm-long, 250µm-

deep SCC coated by 150nm gold layer; the reflective surface shows the quality of the deposition (b) 4-

channel MCC after gold patterning (c) 25µm- and 100µm wide SCCs after gold plating (d) a µGC

column die.

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𝐶18𝐻35𝑆𝐻 + 𝐴𝑢0 𝑆𝐴𝑀 𝐶18𝐻35𝑆

− + 𝐴𝑢+ + 1 2 𝐻2 (3.9)

The formation of gold SAMs permits a variety of functional groups to be

incorporated into the monolayer, providing a versatile route to the formation of different

surface properties for different µGC applications [67, 79].

Figure 3.7a and Figure 3.8 show an AFM image and SEM images of the gold surface

topology and its nanometer-scale grain size. The secondary ion mass spectrometry

(SIMS) analysis, Figure 3.7b, proves the existence and the high uniformity of sulfur (thiol

monolayer) on a 100µm square area of the gold surface.

Figure ‎3.7 Surface Analysis, (a) AFM image shows the topology of the 200nm-thick pulse electroplated gold

(b) SIMS image of MPG coated silicon surface shows the existence and uniformity of the sulfur (white dots)

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3.3 Experiments and Results

In order to evaluate the capabilities of the microfabricated columns, several

experiments were conducted using conventional GC system (5890 Series II GC, Hewlett

Packard) having a split inlet (200:1) and flame ionization detector (FID). The capillary

column inside the GC was replaced by the MEMS column. The autosampler (7673B,

Hewlett Packard) was used to inject the samples. Air was used as a carrier gas. All gases

were purified with filters for water vapor and hydrocarbons. The injector and FID

temperatures were both maintained at 280oC.

The efficiency of GC columns is expressed by the height-equivalent-to-a-theoretical-

plate (HETP). Dodecane was used to determine HETP because of having a retention

Figure ‎3.8 SEM images shows the surface topology of the 250nm-thick gold layer deposited by 4mA/cm2

current density (case1, Table 1), (a-b) top view with different magnifications, (c) side view

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factor greater than 10, thus making HETP less dependent on the compound selected (k)

and experimental conditions (mainly temperature) [30].

HETP was measured by injecting a 1µL mixture of dodecane (C12H20) and methylene

chloride (CH2Cl2). The dodecane retention time tR was used to determine the HETP

experimentally based on:


5.54 𝑡𝑅𝑤ℎ

2 =


𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟


where L and wh are the length and width of the peak at the half height. Only

symmetric peaks (symmetry of 0.9-1.1) were used to measure HETP.

Table 3-2 shows the experimental measurements of plate number for single-capillary

(SCC) and multi-capillary (MCC) columns with different channel widths. 25µm-wide

columns with the MPG stationary phase have yielded 20,000 plates/m. In addition, this is

the first time that we have been able to successfully coat MEMS-based MCCs to achieve

high-performance separations of concentrated samples. Furthermore, the separation

performance of the SCCs and MCCs have been explored by separating a gas mixture

containing n-alkanes (C9-C10-C12-C14-C16) (Sigma-Aldrich Inc., MO, US), in the

conventional GC oven. Figure 3.9 shows the gas separations obtained by the high

performance ultra-narrow columns (25µm-wide SCCs) and high sample capacity

columns (4-channel MCCs with 65µm-wide capillaries) at a 30oC/min temperature

programming rate in less than three minutes. It is worth mentioning that the sample

concentration in MCC case is almost ten times more than the sample used for SCC to

show the higher sample capacity of MCC design. The SCC column was saturated at this

sample concentration and could not produce any separation. In order to compare the

performance of MPG and conventional phases, a 250µm-ID commercially coated column

(RXI-1ms, Restek Co.) by PDMS phase has been selected and evaluated at the same

chromatographic conditions. To have a fair comparison, a length of 125cm of this column

separated from the original 15m-long column affording the same plate number (5000) as

the 25cm-long 25µm-wide SCCs in Figure 3.9. Figure 3.10 shows the separation

chromatogram obtained from this column at a 30oC/min programming rate and 1psi inlet

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pressure. The small length of the column causes fast elution of nonane and decane in less

than 30sec even when the minimum possible inlet pressure was used. The comparison

between Figure 3.10 and Figure 3.9a for the rest of the alkanes (C12-C14-C16) shows

approximately similar performance in terms of band broadening and retention time.

Figure ‎3.9 Chromatogram of five alkanes (in order from left to right

C9, C10, C12, C14, C16), obtained by 25µm-wide SCC (top) and 4-

capillary MCC (bottom) at temperature rate of 30oC/min.

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Figure 3.11a illustrates the analysis time stability of MPG stationary phase. The

retention time variation is less than 10% which could also be related to the experiment

conditions. The stationary phase reproducibility is shown in Fig. 11b which is a

separation chromatogram of four polar alcohol (Pentanol, Hexanol, Heptanol and

Octanol) obtained at a temperature rate of 50oC/min and 30 psi inlet pressure.

Figure ‎3.10 Commercial column performance, GC chromatogram of n-alkanes ( in order from left to right

C9, C10, C12, C14, C16) obtained at a temperature rate of 30oC/min and 1psi inlet pressure showing the

separation performance of125cm-long 250µm-ID commercially coated column (RXI-1ms, Restek Co.) having

the same plate number(5000) as the 25µm-wide 25cm-long MPG coated µGC column.

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The column bleed, as the last characterization factor evaluated in this report, is the

loss of stationary phase pieces which are either the result of impurities in the stationary

Figure ‎3.11 Time stability and reproducibility of MPG stationary phase, (a) GC chromatograms of n-alkanes (

in order from left to right C8, C9, C10, C12, C14, C16) obtained at a temperature rate of 50oC/min and 30psi

inlet pressure showing the MPG coating stability over a time period of seven days, (b) GC chromatograms

ofpolar alcohols (Pentanol, Hexanol, Heptanol and Octanol) obtained at a temperature rate of 50oC/min and

30psi inlet pressure showing the excellent coating robustness

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phase or the decomposition of the phase at elevated temperatures. Column bleed can also

be an indicator of the stability and lifetime. When using sensitive detectors such as a

mass spectrometer, bleed can impact the detection limits and cause difficulties at the low

calibration range [8]. In order to estimate the MPG coated column bleed, the 250µm-wide

250µm-deep 25cm-long µGC columns were evaluated under a constant nitrogen flow of

2.2sccm at four different temperatures of 35oC, 100

oC, 150

oC and 200

oC. The

temperatures were kept constant for 10min for each experiment. The temperature ramp

of 50oC/min used to increase the oven temperature between each two set points. This

Figure ‎3.12 Column bleed comparison between (1) 125cm-long 250µm-ID commercially coated column (RXI-

1ms, Restek Co.), (2) 250µm-wide 25cm-long µGC column (3) the same column in (2) coated by 300nm-thick

electrodeposited gold, (4) the same column in (3) after functionalizing with octadecylthiol, experiment

conditions: constant flow of 2.2 sccm of nitrogen, oven program: 35oC for 10min to 100 oC @ 50 oC/min for

10min to 150 oC @ 50 oC/min for 10min to 200 oC @ 50 oC/min for 10min.The values presented here are after

three times conditioning under the mentioned oven program.

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experiment was done at least three times for µGC columns with three different surface

properties: 1) without any coating 2) coated with a 300nm-thick electrodeposited gold

layer, and 3) coated with 300nm-thick electrodeposited gold and functionalized by the

octadecylthiol monolayer. Furthermore, 250µm-ID 125cm-long commercially coated

capillary column was tested under the same experimental conditions. Figure 3.12 shows

the FID signal obtained from the column bleed test. The difference between the signal

obtained from bare silicon column and the one obtained from MPG coated column stems

from stationary phase bleed. As Figure 3.12 shows, the MPG bleed is almost negligible

(at least one order of magnitude smaller) compared to the commercially coated column.

The bare silicon column bleed is mostly related to the decomposition of polymer-based

epoxy used to connect the capillary tube to the µGC column. This statement has been

proved by bleed testing of two exact similar columns in stage (1) with two different

adhesive glues (epoxy907, Miller-Stephenson Co., US and epoxy118-15A/B,

Creativematerials, US). The resulted FID signals had significantly different values

showing the effect of the adhesive glue on the column bleed. It is worth mentioning that

in an integrated µGC system, column, detector and heaters are on a single chip and there

is no need to use capillary connectors.

3.4 Conclusion

One critical advantage of the MEMS-based silicon-glass µGC column fabrication

exploited in this research is the accessibility of the inner surfaces of the column prior to

anodic bonding. This paper reports for the first time a high-yield MEMS-based surface

Table ‎3-2 Experimental results, shows the column performance evaluated by measuring plate number (N),

using dodecane (retention factor, k>10) at 65oC isothermal chromatogram.



Plate number


100µm-SCC 3000

25µm-SCC 20000

4-MCC 7700

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treatment method for high-aspect ratio µGC separation channels. This new stationary

phase coating technique is based on seedless gold electroplating on the etched silicon and

PVD gold deposition on the flat Pyrex prior to anodically bonding and then

functionalizing the gold layer with thiol groups using self assembly subsequent to

anodically bonding. The conformal deposition of gold with varying thickness, ability to

be patterned on 3D structures and eliminating the formation of thicker regions at the

corners are the main advantage of this method. Furthermore, the inherent properties of

gold such as biocompatibility, conductivity and chemical stability are another important

feature of the technique presented in this paper. It is notable that a wide variety of thiol-

based organic molecules can be self-assembled to tune the polarity of this new class of

µGC stationary phases.

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4 Future Work

According to the author‟s experience and knowledge the future of the µGC column

development, especially the one presented in this work, is organized into three main


4.1 Self-Patterned Electrodeposition

The first suggested research

direction is the experimental

and theoretical evaluation of an

unknown phenomenon

discovered in this work and

named self-patterned seedless

gold electroplating [to be

presented in Transducer09]. For

a specific channel design and

electroplating pulse shape,

electrodeposition occurs only on

the vertical surfaces and not on

the horizontal surfaces. Figure

4.1 shows the SEM images

from conformal and self-

patterned electrodeposited gold.

The ability to cover only

vertical surfaces of three dimensional (3D) structures is a significant achievement in

microsystems technology serving a wide range of applications including gas

chromatography (GC). Furthermore, the fabrication process proposed in Chapter 3 would

be simplified by removing the patterning step. Therefore the presented surface treatment

could be applied for ultra-tiny structures which are not stable under mechanical stress

during the patterning step.

In order to scientifically study this phenomenon, it is suggested that the plating

current and voltage wave be monitored during electrodeposition using a high-sampling-

Figure ‎4.1 SEM images of 250µm-deep channels show the

deposition quality, (a-d) self-patterned electroplated gold only

on the vertical surfaces. (e-f) conformal plated gold covers

vertical, horizontal and edges.

Page 64: MEMS-Based Micro Gas Chromatography: Design, Fabrication ... · performance MEMS-based micro gas chromatography columns having wide range of applications in the pharmaceutical industry,


rate oscilloscope. These waves should be analyzed using a frequency spectrometer to

determine the effect of the high frequency harmonics. Furthermore, the effect of the pulse

shape and channel design should be evaluated. The required mask has been designed with

different channel width (30µm and 150µm) and channel spacing (25µm and 100µm).

4.2 Gold: The First Conductive Stationary Phase

The second proposed research approach is based on the conductive nature of gold.

This feature would have two applications: 1) The deposited stationary phase can be used

as the heater to decrease the power consumption of the temperature programming, afford

higher temperature ramp, and simplify the fabrication process. This self-heating feature

could also be used in pre-concentration devices due to the ultra-fast heating and ultra-

sharp released-peaks [submitted to IEEE Sensor09]. 2) This conductive stationary phase

could be used as an electrode to create an electric field inside the µGC column. The

resultant electric field would trap the polar molecules to enhance the concentration factor

of the pre-concentration devices. Furthermore, it can be used to affect the retention time

of molecules in a GC column. A microwave/RF electric field may show heating effects as


4.3 Gold and Its Inherent Properties

Pure gold and treated gold have not been widely used as stationary phase in gas

sensors. Therefore most of their separation/adsorption properties are not discovered. For

example, our experiments showed for the first time that gold can be a selective adsorbent

for polar components in pre-concentration devices [submitted to EMBC 09].

Furthermore, there is a wide range of self-assembled layers which can be used to treat the

gold surface properties and enhance its separation/adsorption properties. This research

direction mostly focused on the chemical side of the separation devices.

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