memory memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information....

Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time… via the storage and retrieva l of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences.

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Page 1: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

MemoryMemory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information.

Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences.

Page 2: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

What would it be like to live without memory?

Clive Wearing

Page 3: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

Three Stage Processing Model of Memory

Stage One: The initial recording of sensory information in the memory system is referred to as sensory memory.

Stage Two: sensory memories are processed into short term memory which can only hold a minimal amount of information.

Stage Three: short term memories are encoded into long-term memory, the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse from which we retrieve.

Page 4: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

Process of Encoding: 2 Types


Effortful Automatic

Page 5: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

Types of EncodingAutomatic Processing

unconscious encoding of incidental information space time frequency

well-learned information word meanings

we can learn automatic processing reading backwards

Page 6: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

Automatic Processing: Reading Backwards

Reading backwards requires effort at first but after practice becomes automatic.

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Automatic processing allows us to do multiple things at once and re-illustrates the concept of parallel processing.

Page 7: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

Effortful Processing

Effortful Processing: type of encoding that requires attention and conscious effort.

Ex: Learning new vocabulary terms, memorizing historical events/chronology, etc.

Encoding can be helped by maintenance rehearsal: simple rote repetition of information in consciousness or even more successfully by elaborate rehearsal: processing of information for meaning which can more easily help produce long term memories.

Page 8: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

Hermann Ebbinghaus – Memory Experiments

Wanted to research capacity of verbal memory.

Looked to study to see capacity of peoples’ memories to study strings of non-sense syllables.


Page 9: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

Findings of Ebbinghaus1. Practice makes perfect. The more

rehearsal he did on day 1, the less rehearsal it took to learn the syllables again on day 2. Over learning increased retention.

2. The Spacing Effect: the tendency for studying over a long period of time produces better long term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice. SPACED STUDYING BEATS CRAMMING!!!

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If I asked you to list all the U.S. Presidents in order, how would you do?

If I made a line graph that charted how many students in the room knew each President, what would the graph look like?

Page 11: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

Findings of Ebbinghaus3. Serial Position Effect: our tendency to

recall best the last and first items in a list. Ex: Presidents

Page 12: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

Explaining the Serial Position EffectPrimacy Effect: we remember concepts at the beginning of a list - these are often the terms we have seen the most when reviewing.

Recency Effect: explains how we remember concepts at the end of the list a since these are the terms we have seen most RECENTLY.


Page 13: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

Types of Encoding

Semantic Encoding: encoding of meaning, including the meaning of words….yields best memory.

Acoustic Encoding: the encoding of sound, especially the sound of words….usually the least effective.

Visual Encoding: the encoding of picture images.

Page 14: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

“I studied for FOREVER and I still


Page 15: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

ROY G BIV Every Good Boy Does FineHOMESPlease Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally


Page 16: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

practice saying and writing the words over and over ---

but, of course, the most effective rehearsal is distributed


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Short-Term Memory Activity


Page 18: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

The magic number is 7+or –2

But what if you have to remember more than that?

In other words, the most we can hold in our short term stores is just 5-9 items!


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Try to remember these numbers:


Page 20: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

How confident are you that you correctly memorized

all 31 numbers?

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Now, try to remember these numbers:1492177618611914


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Which was easier?


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group like things together


CHUNKINGHow do you remember a phone #?

You CHUNK it!

952- 829- 5379

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HUMANISM –a psychological approach that focuses on

free will

I want you to remember: So when you see the word “humanism” I tell you to think about:

Free Willy!

make it VISUAL

Page 25: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

Imagine the route from your room to the front door of your house

Place people / events along the wayGeorge Washington is in my bedroom

John Adams is right outside my bedroom doorThomas Jefferson is in the bathroom

James Madison is at the top of the stairs


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Whose phone numbers do you remember? Why?

Make all kinds of material meaningful.

Experiment - making meaning

make it


Page 27: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

“In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue”

“The THALAMUS is a grand station, it sends and receives information.”

make it


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The Memoriad!

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Are you a reliable eyewitness?

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Types of Sensory MemorySensory Memory: refers to the initial recording of sensory information in the memory system. All information is held here briefly (1/2 to 4 seconds)

Sensory Memories include both:1.Iconic Memory: a momentary sensory memory of a visual stimuli. Memory only lasts for a few tenths of a second. 2.Echoic Memory: a momentary sensory memory for auditory stimuli. Sound memories can usually last up to 3 or 4 seconds.

Sensory memory is very hard to measure since it fades as we try to measure it.

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George Sperling’s Experiment to Measure Iconic Memory

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Is Long Term Memory Like an Attic?Sherlock Holmes: “I consider that a man’s brain

is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose…It is a mistake to think that that little room has elastic walls and can distend to any extent. Depend upon it, there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something you knew before.”

Is this true?

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Neural Basis and Emotional Impact For Memory

Long Term Potentiation (LTP): refers to the long-lasting strengthening of the connection between 2 neurons. Is believed to be the neural basis for learning and memory.

Process occurs naturally when we learn through association…after learning has occurred, neurons involved in process become more efficient at transmitting the signals.

Drugs that block LTP affect learning drastically.

Strong emotions make for stronger memories Stress hormones boost impact on learning.

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Storage Loss: AmnesiaAmnesia refers to the loss of memory.

Amnesiac patients typically have losses in explicit memory.

Explicit Memory (declarative memory): memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and declare.

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Types of Amnesia Anterograde Amnesia: type of memory loss

where patients are UNABLE TO FORM ANY NEW MEMORIES. Can’t remember anything that has occurred AFTER a traumatic head injury.

Retrograde Amnesia: type of memory loss where patients are UNABLE TO REMEMBER PAST EVENTS. May forget everything that happened BEFORE a traumatic head injury.

Page 36: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

Hippocampus’s Role in Explicit MemoryHippocampus:

neural center located in limbic system that helps process explicit memories for storage….left and right hippocampus have different functions.

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Implicit MemoryOther type of memory

storage is known as Implicit Memory (Procedural or Skill Memory): retention of things without conscious recollection.

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Cerebellum’s Role in Implicit Memory

Cerebellum: helps facilitate associate learning responses ie classical conditioning.

Cutting pathway to the cerebellum makes rabbits unable to learn conditioned responses.

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A Diagram For Your Viewing PleasureTypes oflong-termmemories


With consciousrecall


Without conscious recall


Personally experienced

events(“episodic memory”)

Skills-motorand cognitive

Dispositions-classical and

operant conditioning


Page 40: Memory Memory: persistence of learning over time…via the storage and retrieval of information. Gives us our sense of self and connects us to past experiences

Retrieval: Getting Information OutRecall: a measure of

memory in which the person must retrieve information learned earlier.

Ex: Fill in the Blank.

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Retrieval: Getting Information OutRecognition: a

measure of memory in which the person need only identify items previously learned.

Ex: Multiple Choice

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Retrieval Cues

Priming: activation, often unconsciously, of particular associations of memory.

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Retrieval CuesContext Affects Memory Retrieval: able

to retrieve information better when you are in the same context you learned it in.

Emotional/Mood Impact of Memory: State-Dependent Memory: information is

most easily recalled when in same “state” of consciousness it was learned in.

Mood Congruent Memory: tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with one’s current mood.