memory disorders in psychiatric practice. jerman e. berios and john r. hodges (eds). cambridge...

This book reaches the reader on two levels. One is to provide a speech and language therapist with addi- tional techniques; and the other is to increase the awareness of all health professionals about the mean- ing of communication. For the health care profes- sional seeking material which gives good examples of `how to do it', this book is highly recommended. Any professional could gain something from this book which could contribute to their general skills in communicating effectively with a wide range of clients. Shelagh Brum®tt University of Shef®eld, UK DOI: 10.1002/gps.486 Memory Disorders in Psychiatric Practice.Jerman E. Berios and John R. Hodges eds). Cambridge University Press, 2000. 520 pp. This is an up-to-date textbook, purely focusing on memory disorders. It is written by a Cambridge group of neuropsychiatric researchers, who run a memory clinic. The book is attributed to the loss of their Psy- chologist, Kristin Breen, who died at an early age. The historical context of how memory disorders have been viewed is given starting at the age of the early philoso- phers, through to more recent centuries and on to the current day. The editors give a detailed description of the clinical service they provide and give full refer- ences and descriptions of the neuropsychiatric proce- dures they use in their memory clinic. The book is not primarily written to cover psychiatric diagnostic cate- gories and focuses with an evidence-based approach on how the brain and mind work with respect to mem- ory. The chapters give concise up-to-date evidence- based explanations of the basis of primary, secondary, long-term memory and meta-memory. There are chapters on confabulation, deja vu, para-amnesias, dissociative states, Ganser's syndrome, and the effects of functional psychosis and depression upon cognitive performance. At times the discussion can be purely scienti®c and clinical practitioners might struggle to extract the clinical message that is trying to be por- trayed. Most of the text is concerned with evidence- based theories for the workings of memories and there is only one chapter on the practical management and therapies that can help patients. The most interested reader of this book might be someone who is thinking of developing their own memory clinic or wishing to gain an up-to-date under- standing of the current thinking on memory functions. However, readers wishing to get an up-to-date under- standing of the therapies available post-diagnosis should look elsewhere. Steve Simpson Old Age Psychiatry Consultant Forston Clinic, Dorchester, UK DOI: 10.1002/gps.488 Hormones, Gender and the Aging BrainÐThe Endocrine Basis of Geriatric Psychiatry .Mary F. Morrison ed). Cambridge University Press, 2000. 360 pp. This book sets out to discuss the `role of hormones in mental function in ageing' and presents this in four sections, namely: basic science overview, endocrine aspects of mental disorders in ageing, psychoneur- oimmunology, and pharmacology. It mentions that although `the interplay between endocrinology and psychiatry has a long and fascinating history only recently has the research into this area included the elderly', and for this reason the book is welcomed. This may sound like it would be dif®cult to read unless the reader had a special interest in the ®eld but I thought the book was clear, well presented and gives plenty of recent references at the end of each chapter. Coming from the ®eld of `old age psychiatry' I was particularly interested in the ®rst two-thirds of the book as it deals with ageing and endocrine aspects speci®cally. I felt the last third of the book was less speci®c and dealt with the younger adult and older adult populations and gave descriptions of a number of studies that have been undertaken in the newer areas of research. This book would be particularly useful for Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Geriatricians, Endocrinologists and Neuropharmacologists, particu- larly those interested in research in this ®eld. It offers plenty of ideas for future research in the area of endo- crinology and psychiatry and would certainly be a useful addition to any medical library. Bebe Fahy Specialist Registrar in Old Age Psychiatry St. Francis Unit, City Hospital Nottingham, UK DOI: 10.1002/gps.489 1182 book reviews Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2001; 16: 1181±1183.

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Page 1: Memory disorders in psychiatric practice. Jerman E. Berios and John R. Hodges (eds). Cambridge University Press, 2000. 520 pp

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