memoirs a z


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Page 2: Memoirs a z

ActressWhen I’m older, I want to be an

actress. I have been taking acting classes since I was 4 years old. In my nine years of acting, I have been in eleven plays. Usually they aren’t plays that are well known, because my acting teacher makes our class write, direct, and star in our own. This has all been a big part of my life because without acting I would most likely be a very shy person, and I’m not. Acting has formed who I am today especially since it taught me to just go out and try new things and to take chances, which is now something I always do. I have two favorite actresses and that’s Jennifer Aniston and Helena Bonham Carter.

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Ever since 2010, my step mom, step sister, dad, and I and some of my step mom’s family, go to the beach every summer at least twice. We always go to Hampton Beach and spend the whole day there. We started doing this because we thought it would be good to have a few family days since we don’t see each other a lot.

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Cape Cod Every year my dad’s

side of the family and I go to our beach house in Cape Cod. We spend two weeks there. It’s a great time because we spend the whole day at the beach and go to fun family parties. I have so many great memories there. My 11 year old cousin Alexa and I always take so many pictures which makes more memories and then we look back on the pictures the next year.

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DadMy dad and I are very close to each

other. When I was younger, he wasn’t around that much. He was always working and I never spent time with him either. Then when I was 9 years old my mom divorced him and he was going to move to North Carolina. I thought I was going to loose my dad forever. Then he didn’t end up moving because he knew he would never see me. Ever since that happened my dad and I have become very close and spent a lot of our time together. Now he lives about 45 minutes away from me and we are still close but I’m usually never around because I’m always out with friends. Sundays are my days when I spend all day with him.

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Now that I’m older I don’t really do anything for Easter anymore, but now I always help set up games for the younger kids. I look forward to this just because I get to spend time with my older cousins and I get to watch my little ones have a good time. I also get to spend time with my younger ones because I usually help them out with everything. Family time is always important to me so I make sure to spend every possible minute with them.

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FriendsI always surround

myself with friends. Without my friends I don’t even know where I would be. Sometimes my parents don’t always support everything I do or want to do and I know I always have my closest friends to fall back on. I’m very close to all of them and we all have an equal trust which I love. They are all like a second family to me and I love them all so much.

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GrandpaMy grandpa

died when I was 4 years old. I don’t really remember anything about him, but I know he was a very nice man. My dad always talks about him. He died in a coma from his diabetes. He was a big fan of playing music and always played guitar.

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Haley is my 12 year old step sister that I met in 2009. We use to fight a lot but over the years we’ve become best friends. She’s always been there for me when no one else was and I do the same for her. She’s been a big part of my life. I think I’m lucky to have her as a sister.

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Ice CreamEvery single year, I have

a dance performance. After it’s over my friends and I always go out for ice cream. It’s been our tradition for the past 3 years. We always go to Meola’s in Sterling. We go there because our dance school is right next to it..

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I have a sister named Jackie that is 23 years old. She is in college now to become a teacher. Even though she lives in Florida I talk to her all the time. She’s a very good big sister especially since she’s always there for me to talk to. She’s also very smart and a great role model. I want to be like her when I grow up. The picture to the right is a recent picture of her.

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I have an uncle that I favor and that’s my Uncle Kevin. He’s my favorite uncle because he gives the best advice and is a lot of fun. He’s the only one of my uncles that actually helps me with life problems. I always love to talk to him and I can talk to him about everything. Also we have great times in the Cape with the rest of our family because he always lets me drive the boat.

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LilyMy Titi Lily is married to

my Uncle Kevin that I talked about in my last slide. She’s my favorite aunt. Every year when my dad’s side of the family go to our beach house in the Cape, we share a room with my younger cousin, Alexa. My Titi Lily always paints my nails and gives me fashion advice and she’s so funny and I love talking to her. Some of our talks have been the best conversations I’ve had with anyone. I always call her flower because there’s a flower called lily.

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My mom is my rock. Without her I would’ve sunk years ago. She’s been there for me through every hard time I’ve gone through and has been able to get me through it. She tries so hard to take care of me and I find it amazing that she can considering our conditions at home. Yet she always manages for me to have food and clothes and to keep our apartment. My mom is also very understanding. In my opinion, she’s the best mom anyone could have.

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New York

I have a lot of family that lives in New York. Almost all of my family lives there.

I usually go to see my Titi Terri and Uncle Bob in Brewster. I usually go for the 4th of July and Halloween and sometimes we go in the summer for no reason. It takes about 2- 2 ½ hours to get there. The ride is worth it though because I love seeing my family since I don’t see them very often.

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OctoberEvery October I go to

New York for my family’s Halloween party. This has been a tradition for my dad and I ever since I was 8 years old. This is my absolute favorite time of the year because everyone in our family goes. It’s a great way for us to all spend time together because we set up the decorations and do everything together. Also my Titi Terri makes the best food for the party. I also love seeing everyone’s costumes. Each year it’s something new and exciting and it’s always something to look forward to.

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Pizza is always fun for me because every Friday night we either order pizza or make it. It’s the most fun when my step mom, step sister, and I make it. It’s a great way to spend quality time with each other and we always make a huge mess and then clean it yup together. Haley and I like to through flour on each other and see who can roll the dough out the fastest. No matter who wins its always so much fun and when we’re too lazy to cook we just order it and in the summer my sister and I eat it outside.

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The quilt that I have now is the only thing I have left of my Great Grandmother. She made it for me when my mom found out she was pregnant with me. She died when I was a year old and this was the only thing I have of her and I always slept with it next to me. I did until I was 6 years old.

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RebeccaI have an almost 24 year

old sister, Rebecca. Everyone calls her Becky. She’s the best big sister. She helps me with my problems and whenever she visits from Florida we always go on big shopping sprees. A lot of people say she and I look a lot alike and I love it when they say that because I think my sister is beautiful. She’s a very good mother too and at such a young age for having two kids, I think she does great. She’s a good role model and I look up to her.

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St. Leo’s

The first school I ever went to was St. Leo’s which is a Catholic school. I went there up until 6th grade then I came to Sky View. I went back in 7th

but I did very bad at that school so I came back. Honestly it’s not a good school at all and the uniforms are really uncomfortable. I would never go to any Catholic school again. Also the teachers aren’t nice at all and are very rude.

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Titi Terri

I have an aunt named Terri and whenever I go to New York I always stay at her house. She has two kids, my cousin Alexa and my cousin Matthew. My Titi Terri is 43 years old and was born in the Bronx. She’s a good mother and aunt and I’m grateful for all the times she’s let my dad and I stay with her. Without her for a while we would’ve had no place to live.

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UncleI have four uncles. One of them is on my mom’s side of the family and the other three are on my dads. The one on my moms sides name is Jeff. I almost never see him because him and my mom don’t talk a lot. The other three, Jack, Kevin, and Bob, I don’t see very often either. They all live in New York so I usually see them a few times a year. Out of the four my Uncle Kevin is my favorite.

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VisionI have had glasses since

I was in fourth grade. I have always had really bad vision. I don’t wear my glasses anymore because they aren’t strong enough for my eyes. Also because I lost them. I refuse to wear contacts though because I don’t like touching my eyes and I think they would bother me all the time.

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WishMy wish is to become an

actress when I grow up. I have wanted to be an actress since I was three years old and I’ve been acting since I was four. People always ask me why I like it and I honestly don’t know why. Over the years it’s just become a passion for me and something I love to do. I would love to continue and become professional. Even if it’s just plays on Broadway, I love the feeling of acting.

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X-rayI have always been careful

when I’m dancing or playing sports. I have never gotten an x-ray before because I usually don’t get hurt. The only time I get hurt is when I’m dancing and I do a stunt wrong, which usually doesn’t happen. I dance at Paula Meola’s in sterling and I would say since I’ve never gotten hurt that they have good, professional teachers.

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YogurtEvery Thursday after my

sister and I have dance, we always go to the store afterwards and get yogurt. We started doing this a few years ago because we wanted to eat healthier. After dance instead of eating junk, we now always have yogurt. We both always get the same thing and that’s either strawberry cheesecake yogurt or chocolate mousse yogurt.

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My brother Zeke is 28 years old and I didn’t grow up with him. The last time I saw him was in 2007 and I don’t talk to him very often. The reason why is because he joined the Marines in 2009. I never get to see him anyways because when he goes home he goes to Florida with his mom. He hasn’t been a big part of my life but he’s still my brother and I still love him.