members share spirit of aloha at regional...

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Honoring Key Women Educators Volume 20, No. 1, Fall 2017 Front row: Maybelle Circle (Alpha Delta), Kathryn Hatfield (Alpha Delta), Kathy Chamberland (Alpha Tau), Glenna Hackerott (Beta Delta), Georgia Klein (Alpha Upsilon); Back row: Sue Messerly (Omicron), Marian Kaplan (Alpha Upsilon), Susan Perkins (Beta Rho), Janice Ostrom (Gamma Epsilon), Shirley McGhee (State), Alicia Rues (Gamma Kappa), Tonia Hunter (Alpha Xi), Judy Schwanz (Alpha Xi) International President Carolyn Pittman, Southwest Regional Director Patricia Park, and members of the Hawaii State Organization welcomed thirteen Kansas members to the Southwest Regional Conference, July 4-7, 2017, at the Waikiki Sheraton Hotel. Members enjoyed the perks of being in one of the most beautiful environments in the world and sharing the event with over 500 Delta Kappa Gamma members and guests. President Carolyn Pittmans biennial theme, Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide, served as the theme for the conference. Southwest state organizations present: Arizona, Baja, California, Colorado, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hawaii, Jalisco, Japan, Kansas, Mexico D.F., Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Oklahoma, Panama, Puebla, San Luis Potosi, Texas and Utah. Several Phi State leaders received pre-conference training for their positions. SEE SW REGIONAL, PAGE 2 Members share spirit of Aloha at regional conference

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Page 1: Members share spirit of Aloha at regional State (Kansas) Sunflower 3 Fall 2017 Aloha, Phi State Sisters!

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Honoring Key Women Educators

Volume 20, No. 1, Fall 2017

Front row: Maybelle Circle (Alpha Delta), Kathryn Hatfield (Alpha Delta), Kathy Chamberland (Alpha Tau), Glenna

Hackerott (Beta Delta), Georgia Klein (Alpha Upsilon); Back row: Sue Messerly (Omicron), Marian Kaplan (Alpha

Upsilon), Susan Perkins (Beta Rho), Janice Ostrom (Gamma Epsilon), Shirley McGhee (State), Alicia Rues (Gamma

Kappa), Tonia Hunter (Alpha Xi), Judy Schwanz (Alpha Xi)

International President Carolyn Pittman, Southwest Regional Director Patricia Park, and members of the Hawaii State Organization welcomed thirteen Kansas members to the Southwest Regional Conference, July 4-7, 2017, at the Waikiki Sheraton Hotel. Members enjoyed the perks of being in one of the most beautiful environments in the world and sharing the event with over 500 Delta Kappa Gamma members and guests. President Carolyn Pittman’s biennial theme, Leading Women Educators Impacting Education

Worldwide, served as the theme for the conference. Southwest state organizations present: Arizona, Baja, California, Colorado, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hawaii, Jalisco, Japan, Kansas, Mexico D.F., Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Oklahoma, Panama, Puebla, San Luis Potosi, Texas and Utah. Several Phi State leaders received pre-conference training for their positions.


Members share spirit of Aloha at regional conference

Page 2: Members share spirit of Aloha at regional State (Kansas) Sunflower 3 Fall 2017 Aloha, Phi State Sisters!

2 Phi State (Kansas) Sunflower Fall 2017

All-member Revitalization of Membership Planning Meeting

October 7, 2017 9:30 a.m.—?

Goddard High School (2500 S. 199th St. West, Goddard)

International President Carolyn Pittman will guide Phi State members to address

concerns in our continuous drop in membership. What do we feel are membership issues? What’s working? What isn’t? How can we revitalize our chapters and meet the needs of our members? Chapters will be reimbursed fifteen cents a mile (one car per

chapter). More details will be shared with chapter presidents.



❖ July 2-4: Leadership Development Seminar for state organization presidents and new executive secretaries (Phi State President Kathy Chamberland) ❖ July 4: Educational Excellence Committee training (Alicia Rues, Phi State EEC chairman); training for state organization treasurers (Janice Ostrom, Phi State treasurer) On the evening of July 4, the first general meeting commenced the multitude of activities for the week: ❖ Hawaii State Night “Experience a Lifestyle of Aloha” included entertainment by the Royal Hawaiian Band and hula dancing and chants by the award-winning group Halau I Ka Wekiu ❖ Four general meetings ❖ U. S. Forum: “Keeping Safe in Cyberspace” ❖ Seven breakout sessions (60 choices) ❖ Four Takeaway sessions (13 options) ❖ Marketplace vendors ❖ Keynote speakers: —International President Carolyn Pittman —Pono Shim, “Aloha Response” —Dr. Shawn MaliaKana’iaupuni, “Polynesian Voyaging Society” —Barbara Kawakami, noted historian and author of Picture Bride Stories —Dr. Maenette K. P. Ah Nee-Benham, Chancellor, University of Hawaii —Miki Nishizawa and Kei Hirohata,“Empathize, Engage and Empower” —Marvlyn Kitashina, president of American

Mothers Incorporated (Hawaii Association) and motivational speaker

Phi State members represented Kansas in a variety of ways:

❖ Kathy Chamberland was acknowledged during the recognition of state presidents.

❖ Maybelle Circle, executive secretary, photo-graphed Kansas members in action.

❖ Georgia Klein, vice-chair of the International Educational Foundation Board of Trustees, co-presented a workshop, “The DKG Educational Foundation: Impacting Education World Wide.”

❖ Susan Perkins, member of the International Golden Gift Fund Committee, presented a breakout session, “Put on Your Own Oxygen Mask First!” and co-presented a workshop, “Here, There and Everywhere.” She also co-presented a Ten-Minute Takeaway, “Leadership Management Application.”

❖Tonia Hunter sang in the SW Chorus at the Spirit of Aloha banquet.

Some members enjoyed the beauty and sites of Hilo and Kona on an extended post-conference trip organized by Georgia Klein and Burma Cenovich of Roads Less Traveled. The conference events meant more to the attendees than what a list shows. Members gained and renewed friendships and increased their knowledge and awareness of issues/topics. Their photographs show happy smiles and breathtaking scenery. Their hearts and actions reflect the Aloha spirit not only in Hawaii but also in their lives back home.

Page 3: Members share spirit of Aloha at regional State (Kansas) Sunflower 3 Fall 2017 Aloha, Phi State Sisters!

3 Phi State (Kansas) Sunflower

Fall 2017

Aloha, Phi State Sisters!

A number of us just returned from two weeks

in Hawaii. The first week was Delta Kappa

Gamma Society business: leadership training for

state presidents, Educational Excellence Commit-

tee chairmen, state executive secretaries and state

treasurers, and then the 2017 Southwest Regional

Conference. July 4th was Hawaii Night at the

conference, and it was an honor to spend our

country's 241st birthday in the capital of our

50th state.

The conference was full of inspirational

speakers, motivational breakout sessions,

remarkable entertainment, and, above all, fellow-

ship with Key Women Educators from Japan,

Latin America, and all over the southwest United

States. We found that teachers are teachers,

wherever we are. We face the same challenges.

We embody the best in what education has to

offer for our students and for ourselves.

This was my fourth regional conference,

but this one was extra special for me. Hawaii is

my birthplace. My father was stationed there

while he was in the Army. My mother joined him

over there, and I was born in Tripler Army

Hospital. I had not had the opportunity to return to

the islands since I was a year old. This was a

dream come true.

Thirteen Phi State members attended the

training and workshops at Southwest Regional,

but ten of us (plus one husband and a travel agent)

enjoyed a second week on the big island, half in

Hilo on the east side and half in Kailua-Kona on

the west. We saw the volcano lava fields, a

macadamia nut farm, an orchid farm, a coffee

farm, some beautiful beaches and the magnificent

flora of the island. The camaraderie we felt as a

group of sight-seeing mainlanders, some of whom

had never met before, was a blessing. We truly

embraced the spirit of Aloha!

I want to share with you the moment that

held the most meaning for me as a member of

DKG. It happened at the end of the banquet on the

last night of the conference. We were asked to

stand in a circle around the room and sing a

Hawaiian song (in Hawaiian!) while holding

hands. My walker had been parked in a corner

somewhere, but I intended to stand with everyone

else. As I started to rise, International President

Carolyn Pittman grabbed both my hands and told

me to stay seated. I began to protest, but she in-

sisted I stay there and that she would stay with

me. As we started to sing, the director of the SW

Regional Chorus came over and took one of my

hands. Someone else took one of Carolyn's hands,

and, one by one, others (many of whom had taken

leadership training with me as state presidents)

joined us in what became a very misshapen, but

all-inclusive circle. For me, this epitomizes what it

means to be a member of The Delta Kappa

Gamma Society International. We extend hands

and hearts to lift each other up, because we are

much stronger together than we are alone.

Mahalo (Thank You) for the opportunity to

serve you this biennium. Together let's "Sing a

New Song!"


Notes from Kathy

Kathy Chamberland Phi State President

Pat Park, southwest regional director; Kathy Chamberland; Carolyn Pittman,

international president

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4 Phi State (Kansas) Sunflower Fall 2017

Sharing smiles from Southwest Regional Photographs by Maybelle Circle

Janice Ostrom, Kathy Chamberland,

Susan Perkins

Tonia Hunter, Judy Schwanz, Shirley

McGhee, Marian Kaplan

Susan Perkins Shirley McGhee,

Kathryn Hatfield

Georgia Klein

Phi State President Kathy Chamberland

Alicia Rues, vice president,

Janice Ostrom, treasurer

Page 5: Members share spirit of Aloha at regional State (Kansas) Sunflower 3 Fall 2017 Aloha, Phi State Sisters!

5 Phi State (Kansas) Sunflower

Fall 2017

Educational Excellence: Join Us in Singing

to Empower, Engage, Create

Have You Heard the Membership Melody?

ALICIA RUES (Gamma Kappa) V.P./Educational Excellence (EEC) chairman Committee members: Lori Branine, Kate Perkins, Jennifer Stanfield, Kathy Chamberland, president—ex officio To: Phi State Members From: Your new EEC Dateline: July 4, 2017 What a way to spend the 4th of July! Honolulu turned out to be an incredible and very helpful learning experience, especially for this EEC chairman! It didn’t hurt, or maybe it did, that a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean was right outside our meeting room. It almost, and then I thought better of it, made me want to try paddle boarding! As EEC chairman, I came away with a great deal of well-presented and timely information that I would like to share with Phi State mem-bers throughout this biennium. Patti Belknap and Patti Jenks, Southwest members who serve on the International Educational Excellence Committee, were a key component of my train-ing and challenged us to address and put in place three goals:

Empowering women through leadership positions Engaging educators in purposeful programs and projects Creating global involvement

What can I do to impact my state

organization through EEC? During this training we were asked to focus on this key question. Now I’m asking all of my Phi State sisters to begin that discussion as we move forward in this biennium. I urge you to access DKG’s home page and explore the Educational Excellence page under Committees. On the bottom of that page, the Helpful Links and Documents provide a way for us to start answer-ing that key question.

Yearbook deadline Chapters: With a deadline of December 1, 2017, please submit a copy of your chapter yearbook (print or digital) to me as soon as possible. I thank you in advance and hope we are able to meet the December 1 deadline with 100% participation!

SUSAN GRAHAM (Alpha Theta) Membership chairman Committee members: Kendee Heck, Junnae Landry, Diana Redger, Kathy Chamberland, state president—ex officio, Maybelle Circle, executive secretary—without vote, Janice Ostrom, treasurer—consultant without vote Since July 1, 2017, there has been a new song in the air. Have you heard it yet? It is the song that President Kathy Chamberland is “singing” in her theme for Phi State for the next

biennium . . . “Sing a New Song!” All Phi State members are members of the “choir.” So . . . as I write my initial membership news article, I am “preaching to the choir!” Let me share some “new verses” of the DKG “membership song” so you can sing along. This biennium, Phi State will be involved in a Revitalization of Membership Plan. On October 7, 2017 at the Goddard High School, DKG International President Carolyn Pittman will meet with all who can attend to discuss with us how to revitalize the membership of Phi State. SEE MEMBERSHIP, PAGE 6

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6 Phi State (Kansas) Sunflower Fall 2017


MEMBERSHIP Please make plans for your chapter membership chairman, your chapter president and anyone else who wants/needs to be involved in revitalizing your chapter to attend this important planning meeting. The membership training I attended at the NW Regional Conference emphasized that chapters within each state are the vital part of the “Big Picture” of the DKG connection. As the chairman of the Membership Committee, I believe that the membership committee (both Phi State and your chapter) must play an integral role in promoting the Membership Revitalization Plan. In order to do that, we must communicate frequently with chapters/members to build the connections, make chapters/members more aware of the mem-bership resources available, and assist with report-ing of membership information. I will be sharing more of the specific information in future articles, as well as in communications with chapter membership chairmen. In preparing for the rehearsal of the “membership song,” chapters need to learn how to be a vital chapter. They need to provide meaning-

ful membership. Have retired members build a connection with in-service teachers by mentoring them. Plan meaningful meetings. Be concise and to the point with your business meetings but also

take time to have fun and to have informational

meetings as well. Be aware of the climate and

structure of your meetings. Have you considered

having different meeting locations and times to

accommodate those members who have conflicts

with the traditional locations and times? Involve your members in meaningful projects. Ask those

new members what they would consider an

important and relevant project and then get every-

one involved who can participate.

Another aspect of being a vital chapter is to know what resources are available and use them. It is easy to find them on the DKG website

›Resources› Chapter Resources. An initial step

might be to use the “Sustaining Pride in the Big Picture” resource to remind your members of who we are and what we stand for. In order for mem-bership of Phi State to grow, chapters need to “re-member” themselves by initiating new mem-bers. Use the orientation resources, especially the “Pride in the Big Picture” information and the “A Journey for Life” brochure. Another way to grow your chapter is to reach out to members who have dropped their membership; there is no fee for rein-stating members. It never hurts to ask. You might also consider working with the treasurer to find a way to make payment of dues less of a burden. As this new biennium begins, keep “singing” the DKG membership song, but let’s learn some “new verses” as we work together to revitalize the DKG membership in Phi State.

JUDY BRANDEN Achievement Award chairman Committee members: Kim Oatney, Pat Lisowski, Corina Ouellette, Kathy Chamberland, president—ex officio The hills and plains and fields of Kansas are alive with the sound of music. It's the music of Phi State singing the praises of members who have given of themselves to our society. Now is the time to be thinking about

nominating someone from your chapter who has contributed to DKG at all levels of the society. The Phi State Achievement Award will be presented at the 2018 state convention in April. The nomination form can be found on the Phi State website ( and must be postmarked no later than February. 1, 2018. You may contact any of the committee members if you have any questions about the nomination process.

Sing praises of members: nominate them

for the Phi State Achievement Award

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7 Phi State (Kansas) Sunflower

Fall 2017

Money for a Song: Scholarship and

Award Opportunities

Tuning Up Chapter Rules, Phi State

Bylaws and Standing Rules

BONNIE RAFF (Beta Eta) Scholarship Committee chairman Committee members: Dr. Anna Beth Hind, Sandy Daugherty, Esther Cromwell, Kathy Chamberland, president—ex officio Our new Phi State president, Kathy Chamber-land, begins her biennium with the theme of “Sing a New Song!” Why not start singing, “I need money for learning” by applying for scholarships and awards which are available to all members? Spread the song! Encourage your fellow DKG sisters to create their own song for life-long learning. The opportunities await you!

Postmark by January 1, 2018:

Post-Doctoral Study ($3,000)

Doctoral degree ($3,750)

Specialist degree ($2,250)

Master’s Degree ($1,500)

Reviewed on first-come, first-served basis:

Professional Enrichment Award (Five for


Continuing Education Award (Five for $300)

National Board Certification (Two for

$1,000); NBC renewal (Two for $500)

For Phi State Officers: Continuing Education Award ($300) Leadership Management Seminar Award: Registration fee assistance to members accepted for participation at International’s Lead-ership Management Seminar (Two for $500)

Due February 1, 2018: First Time Convention/Conference Award (Three for $200; must be a member for at least one year before applying) Innovation in the Classroom Award (Three for $300)

Due February 15, May 15, August 15 or November 15 Helen D. Bobbitt Hostelship Award/Road Scholar (Eight for $300) State applications can be found at

International scholarships due February 1, 2018: Total of thirty scholarships for master’s degree work ($6,000) and doctorate work ($10,000); forms available online at: (Links: Committees, Scholarship)

TINA BREWER (Alpha Sigma) Rules Committee chairman Committee members: Julie Dauber, parliamen-tarian, Kathy Chamberland president—ex officio

How long has it been since your chapter fine-tuned its Chapter Rules? Chapter Rules should be updated every four years and a copy filed with the Phi State Rules Committee chair-man. Please check your rules to see when yours were updated/revised. If it has been over four

years, please do so and send a copy to me. Tip: At the bottom of your revised rules, add the date of each approval. It’s important for chapter rules to be in harmony with other DKG documents. The chapter president should have the following resources in her file or have online access: ❖International Constitution and Standing Rules ❖Go-To Guide for Chapter Members: Handbook of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International ❖Phi State Bylaws and Standing Rules ❖Chapter Rules SEE RULES PAGE 8

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8 Phi State (Kansas) Sunflower Fall 2017

MARIE HIEGER Nominations Chairman

Committee members: Julie Dauber, Susan Graham, Lela Heacock, Coralee Thornburg

This is the year (2017-2018) for chapters to elect new officers and nominations committee members. One of the members of the elected nominations committee is selected by the incoming president as chair. Another reminder is the chapter treasurer and parliamentarian are not elected. The heart of a chapter’s vitality depends upon the health of chapter officers, health referring to professional and personal fitness of the officers. Consider the following qualities in prospective nominees: Demonstrates commitment to the program and purposes of DKG by regular attendance at chapter meetings and beyond (state convention, regional conferences, international conventions) Participates in chapter leadership by presenting programs, chairing committees, etc. Possesses qualifications for the specific position

Is acquainted with basic parliamentary procedure Listens well, shown by willingness to accept alternative ways in a poised and professional manner

Solicit suggestions from members, and be sure each nominee agrees to serve. Prepare a slate of one nominee for each office and the appropriate number of members on the nominating commit-tee. Present the slate, and prepare a ballot if needed. Installation may occur immediately after election or at a later meeting. It is important, however, that the election occur early enough so the newly-elected officers may take advantage of workshops and other opportunities at the Phi State Convention, which meets April 13-15, 2018, Marriott Hotel, Wichita. The incoming chapter president, vice president/Educational Excellence Committee (EEC chair), secretary, treasurer and membership chair should plan to attend the Leadership Training for chapters to be held in August 2018, Holiday Inn, Salina. Watch for additional information. May you have a fruitful biennium as you exercise your responsibility to ensure the health and longevity of your chapter’s life through excellent leadership of your chapter.

Nominations Committee offers guidelines

for chapter nominations


RULES Did you know any member, committee or chapter may submit proposed amendments to the state Rules Committee for Bylaws or Standing Rules? What is the process for submitting pro-posed amendments? 1. Complete the Proposed Amendment form from the Phi State website (

Send to Tina Brewer, Rules Committee chairman, by November 1. The Bylaws and Standing Rules may be found on the state website at 2. The Rules Committee will evaluate proposals and submit them for publication in the Winter issue of the Sunflower. A forty-five (45) day notice of the proposed changes must be given

to the state Executive Board members . 3. The amendments must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Board before being presented for a vote by members attending the convention. Have questions or need help? We’re just a note away.

Amendments to the International

Constitution and International Standing

Rules may be proposed using Form 44

( Deadline for submission is

October 1, 2017. Voting takes place during

the International Convention in Austin,

July 16-20, 2018, at the JW Marriott.

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9 Phi State (Kansas) Sunflower

Fall 2017

International shares process for contributing to hurricane relief International headquarters answered many calls and emails about responding to relief efforts in hurricane-affected communities. “We want to remind all members that contributions to the DKG Emergency Fund will help members impacted by Hurricane Harvey . . . as well as those with damage from other natural disasters.” Credit card contributions can be made at: https://www. DKGDONATE/Donate to DKG.aspx. Click on link to “Emergency Fund.” Chapter or personal checks may be mailed, along with Form 43, to the address listed on the form. “As additional informa- tion becomes available about how best to help chapters and members as they recover from the hurricane, Head-quarters personnel will spread the word and help make the connections that so well illus-trate the spirit of DKG.” ❖ Phi State began the second year of the term for State Repre-

sentative assignments. During the two-year commitment, repre-sentatives meet with their assigned chapters as a liaison between the state and chapters. Please make plans to schedule a meeting for your SR if a visit was not made last year. The SR will listen to concerns, share celebrations, and update members of important items. Chapters and SRs are reminded to complete their report forms and submit them to the state. (See p. 35-36 in Standing Rules for more information.) ❖ Phi State has a new password to access the online directory. The password may be obtained from chapter presidents or state officers. ❖ Treasurers are reminded to complete the online IRS Form 990-N by November 15. ❖ Chapters are reminded to complete a financial review (former-ly referred to as an audit) and report findings to the members. ❖ Has your chapter budgeted funds for your president to attend state convention?

New “composers” announced for Communications and

Publicity Committee

Phi State President Kathy Chamberland announces a new structure to the Communications Committee. Members of the committee will focus on areas of communication pertinent to our members, chapters, and Phi State. Ruth Cox, Coordinator Ruth encourages chapters to develop a website. Only two chapters currently maintain one. Susan Perkins, Social Media Phi State’s link appears first, followed by Interna- tional’s: Facebook (DKG Kansas; The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International); Instagram (dkgkansas; dkgsi); Twitter (International: DKG_SI); Pinterest (Search for DKG Kansas; users can create personal and public boards to bookmark items); Linked In (create your profile; search for Key Women Educators in your area and state) Cynda Carr, Publications (Phi State and chapter newsletters, Rose of Honor awards) Maybelle Circle, State notifications Kathy Chamberland, president (ex officio)

Chapter presidents and editors are encouraged to send their chapter newsletters to President Kathy Chamberland; Cynda Carr, editor; and their State Representative.

Sunflower Seeds

Share your talent!

Share a project!

Submit your proposal

for a convention

workshop to Kathy


president, by

November 1, 2017. (

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Phi State (Kansas) Sunflower Fall 2017

Lori Branine (Alpha Psi—Mulvane), librari-

an at Belle Plaine Elementary, “rocked” her

students to read this summer. Alpha Psi’s editor

Nancy Ayers wrote that Lori “painted the word

‘READ’ on rocks and placed them around Belle

Plaine . . . She then challenged students to find the

rocks and bring them back to her for a prize!”

Susan Perkins (Beta Rho—Wichita) served

on the leadership planning team for Relay for Life

of Sedgwick County.

Fran Smith (Beta Xi—Ulysses) completed a

term as Council Chair for the Kansas Lions Club.

She presided at all state council meetings and


Our beloved sister honors us with her

legacy of memories, love,

friendship and leadership.

Aletha Moon Beta Sigma, Hugoton

June 9, 2017

Susan Graham attends

membership training in

South Dakota

Susan Graham, state membership chairman, received training for her posi-tion at the Northwest Regional Confer-ence in Spearfish, South Dakota on June 28 at the Spearfish Holiday Inn Conven-tion Center. Karen Shelton, member of the International Membership Commit-tee and DKGNext!, facilitated the train-ing for state membership chairmen. A Phi State Continuing Education Award made the training possible.

Chapters celebrate,

share and care

Nu During second semester of last year, 28 new teachers in the Hutchinson area received gift bags from the chapter.

Beta Gamma Six new teachers in Ness County received treats and InkJoy pens in their mailboxes to welcome them to their new positions. The bag also includ-ed a small note of encouragement and infor-mation about the chapter’s School Grant Project.

Gamma Kappa ♥Each month, a project will raise funds for two scholarships for 4th-8th grade students in Kansas Youth Chorale. In September, members will have a food booth at the Aaron Douglas Art Fair.

♥The chapter awarded a $500 Nora Esther Parr

scholarship to a student majoring in education at Washburn University.

Omicron and Gamma Kappa Gamma Kappa hosted a joint summer social in Topeka with Omicron members. Snacks were enjoyed, along with lively conversation and a craft project. Omicron will host the Fall social.

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Phi State (Kansas) Sunflower Fall 2017


and Go Ahead Tours 11 DAYS | AUGUST 29, 2018

Starting from $2,899

Cruise out of Seattle to discover classic gold rush towns and spectacular seascapes. Alaska will thrill you with its winding waterways, towering glaciers and rushing waterfalls, all within camera-shot of the ship’s deck. Keep your eyes peeled and you’re likely to spot an array of whale species breeching in the waves. After a week on the water, return to civilization in Victoria, beloved for its blooming gardens and mild weather. Your tour includes guided sightseeing, handpicked hotels, local cuisine and more.

Group Coordinator Contact: Carolyn Rants

Group Number: 67954919 712.274.0183

[email protected]

Enroll before December 1, 2017. Pricing is subject to

change after this date.

Join a unique group who

sings praises for Golden Gift Leadership Management Seminar

Alumna of the Interna-tional Leadership Manage-ment Seminar (LMS) often use one word to sing praise for their participation in the seminar: “Intense!” “Life-changing” expresses another sentiment of participants. Beginning in 1980, thirteen Phi State members graduated from the seminar: Marie Hieger, Julie Dauber, Dorris Brant, Georgia Klein, Elouise Miller, Lila Thayer, Cynda Carr, Karen Levin, Joan Corwin, Kim Oatney, Sandy Daugherty, Kathryn Hatfield and Bonnie Raff. Will you be the 14th Phi State member selected as one of 30 worldwide participants for this biennium’s seminar? Dr. Jo W. Murphy, former committee chairman, wrote, “The Leadership Management Seminar is training that prepares our members to be leaders in any capacity. It is personal, comprehensive, and applica-ble to all areas of their lives. Participants leave with tools that enable and empower them to be successful leaders.” Travel, lodging, program assessments,

materials, and most group meals (an approximate $8,500 value per participant) are paid by the Golden Gift Fund. The seminar will be held July 1-13, 2018, at The University of Texas (UT), whose Austin’s Platinum Executive Education program will present the seminar. The application process requires a completed six-page form, a Chapter President Recommendation Form and a Professional Referent Recommendation Form. Follow the Forms link on the International website ( to find information and forms. All forms are due by December 1, 2017. If selected as one of the 30 awardees, a $600 registration fee is required. Phi State offers $500 toward registration if a member is accepted and applies for the Phi State Leadership Management Seminar Award. The Phi State award form is on the state website ( Susan Perkins, past Phi State president, serves on the International Golden Gift Fund Committee.

Don’t miss out on applying for DKG Educational Foundation grants for individual or seminar

professional development and projects.

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Phi State (Kansas) Sunflower Fall 2017

October 7, 2017 All-member Revitalization meeting

at Goddard High School, Goddard

October 17, 2017 Phi State’s 81st birthday

October 31, 2017 Dues due to chapter treasurer

November 1, 2017 Bylaws & Standing Rules proposed

amendments due to Tina Brewer State convention workshop pro-

posals due to Kathy Chamberland

November 10, 2017 Dues due to Janice Ostrom, treasurer

November 15, 2017 Hostelship applications due to

Bonnie Raff (Jan.-March Elderhostels) IRS electronic Form 990-N due

December 1, 2017 Copy of chapter yearbook (print or

digital) due to Alicia Rues

Int’l Golden Gift Leadership Manage-

ment Seminar applications due

January 1, 2018 Postmark deadline for scholarship applications to Bonnie Raff

April 13-15, 2018 State convention, Wichita Marriott

Phi State


ed Printing, Salina, Kansas

DKG promotes

professional and

personal growth of

members and excellence

in education.

Phi State Organization, Kansas, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Circulation Chairman Marie Hieger 600 East Elm, #106 Salina, Kansas 67401