melrose b'nai israel emanu-el eblast for thursday, august...

Melrose B'nai Israel Emanu-El eBlast for Thursday, August 22, 2013 Friday night services at 8:00 p.m. this evening. Shabbat Morning services 9:15. Like us on Facebook. Visit our new MBIEE web site, you'll be impressed! MBIEE Calendar Friday, August 23rd 7:00 a.m. Minyan 8:00 p.m. Evening Services Shabbat, August 24th 9:15 a.m. Morning Services Haftorah chanter: Cantor Josh Gordon D'var Torah: Cantor Josh Gordon Celebrating birthdays & anniversaries from August 24th to August 30th. Sunday, August 25th 8:45 a.m. Minyan Monday, August 26th 6:45 a.m. Minyan 7:00 p.m. Mah Jongg Tuesday, August 27th 7:00 a.m. Minyan Wednesday, August 28th 7:00 a.m. Minyan 7:00 p.m. Men's Club Meeting Candle lighting This Shabbat Ki Tavoh (8/23) 7:27 p.m. Next Shabbat Nitzavim-Vayelech 25 Elul 5773 (8/30) 7:17 p.m. CELEBRATE AT MBIEE Birthday, Anniversy, Baby Naming, Special Event, etc. Sponsor an Oneg Shabbat or Shabbat Kiddush Contact Joan - 215- 635-1505 Save the Date

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Page 1: Melrose B'nai Israel Emanu-El eBlast for Thursday, August · eBlast for Thursday, August 22, 2013 Friday night

Melrose B'nai Israel Emanu-El

eBlast for

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Friday night services at 8:00 p.m. this evening.

Shabbat Morning services 9:15.

Like us on Facebook.

Visit our new MBIEE web site, you'll be impressed!

MBIEE CalendarFriday, August 23rd

7:00 a.m. Minyan8:00 p.m. Evening Services

Shabbat, August 24th

9:15 a.m. Morning Services

Haftorah chanter: Cantor Josh GordonD'var Torah: Cantor Josh GordonCelebrating birthdays & anniversaries fromAugust 24th to August 30th. Sunday, August 25th

8:45 a.m. Minyan

Monday, August 26th

6:45 a.m. Minyan

7:00 p.m. Mah Jongg

Tuesday, August 27th

7:00 a.m. Minyan

Wednesday, August 28th

7:00 a.m. Minyan7:00 p.m. Men's Club Meeting

Candle lighting

This ShabbatKi Tavoh

(8/23) 7:27 p.m.

Next ShabbatNitzavim-Vayelech

25 Elul 5773(8/30) 7:17 p.m.


Birthday, Anniversy,Baby Naming, Special

Event, etc.Sponsor an Oneg

Shabbat or Shabbat Kiddush Contact Joan - 215-


Save the Date

Page 2: Melrose B'nai Israel Emanu-El eBlast for Thursday, August · eBlast for Thursday, August 22, 2013 Friday night

Thursday, August 29th

6:45 a.m. Minyan

Friday, August 30th

7:00 a.m. Minyan8:00 p.m. Evening Services Shabbat, August 31st9:15 a.m. Morning Services

Rabbi Addison sponsoring Kiddush/luncheon in honor

of the 50th anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah

7:30 p.m. Selichot program at Adath Jeshuran

Sunday, September 1st

8:45 a.m. Minyan

Monday, September 2nd - Labor Day

9:00 a.m.MinyanMBIEE Offices Closed

Selichot at Adath Jeshuran

Saturday, August 31

Selichot Services @ AJ

Friday, October 11

Men's Club Paid upmembership and Shabbat


Thursday September 26

Simhat Torah Luncheon

Monday, October 14

Rabbi Addison's class

7 weeks


Jack M. Goldstone

Louis SchafferRona S. Rand

Mary ZayonHerman Robinovitz

Sylvia BlumJoseph Tabak

Herman WeisnerPaula Ette Levine

Fannie DvorkinPaul Rosenberg

Benjamin KaplanHerman BlumJacob L. Roth

Harry FaggenMeyer Brown

Esther FrankBenjamin Levin

Emmanuel M. AbelBenjamin Lipkin

Beatrice KasoffEva Kletman

Manfried MauskopfAlexander W. Parness

Betty Boorstein

Page 3: Melrose B'nai Israel Emanu-El eBlast for Thursday, August · eBlast for Thursday, August 22, 2013 Friday night

MBIEE's Annual

Rosh Hashanah Dinner

Enjoy a delicious, catered, low-cost holiday

dinner with your synagogue family.Sponsored in part by a generous gift from

Burt & Janet EisenbergThursday, September 5, 2013, 5:45 p.m.

Ma'ariv services begin at 7:45 p.m.

RSVP by August 23rd a must!Adults $21 and children under 12, $10


Mondays: Oct. 14 thru Nov. 117:30-9:30 p.m.

Ida Kilberg

Morris LevinIrving Glickman

Samuel LevinDavid Fareld

Louis FoxmanLillian Sherman

Fannie SchwartzFay Butler

Max Freedman

Volunteer @ MBIEEHave a few extra hours to

volunteer in our office?Call Joan @ 216-635-1505

Celebrate your specialevent at MBIEE

Sponsor an Oneg Shabbat,a Shabbat Kiddush,

or Shabbat LuncheonCall Joan @ 215-635-1505

Rent our newly renovatedSocial Hall for your

special Event

Call Joan for availabledates

@ 215-635-1505

Get Well

Marilyn Brown

Jon Goldberg Bob Klein

Ora Peres

Harold RubinSylvia Soble

Barry Stucker

Estrog & Lulav Sets

Sets will be available next

Page 4: Melrose B'nai Israel Emanu-El eBlast for Thursday, August · eBlast for Thursday, August 22, 2013 Friday night

The prophet Joel foresaw a time when God'sspirit would be manifest among us, whenmen and women, young and old woulddream dreams and see visions. Yet, despitehaving a rich tradition of dream interpretation,modern Judaism has given little credence tothe role dreams can play in our spiritual lives.Drawing upon Jewish tradition and theinsights of modern psychology we willinvestigate how dreams can help reveal themovement of the divine within us. In bothpersonal and group settings we will exploreto how illogical or even frightening dreamimages can lead us to wholeness

Congregants and Friends PrepareWeekly Shabbat D'rashot

week for purchase for theholidays at a cost of $45per set. Please call Joanat 215-635-1505 to place

your order as soon aspossible.

Heart to Heart

Are you having difficultymaking ends meet? Have yourecently list your job? Have youbeen experiencing hardship orrecent life changes? Are youstruggling to put food on thetable? Are you looking forassistance in deciding what todo next in order to improveyour situation?

If you've said yes to any ofthese questions and you areunder the age of 65, contact usnow for help!

Heart to Heart can help youplan for success; learn how tomanage stress andrelationships; accessaffordable, nutritious food;connect to additionalcommunity resources; anddiscover accessible health andwellness opportunities.

For additional information andeligibility, contact MalloryHanfling, Program Director,at215.698.7300, x135,or [email protected]. Heart to Heart is a program ofKlein JCC. Download a flyer.

Torah - Feed your Soul at Noontime Lunch &

Page 5: Melrose B'nai Israel Emanu-El eBlast for Thursday, August · eBlast for Thursday, August 22, 2013 Friday night

Date Parsha D'var Torah Haftara

Aug 24 Ki Tavo Cantor Gordon CantorGordon

Aug 31 Nitzavim -Vayeleh

RabbiAddison (50th

Bar Mitzvah



Sep 7 Haazini Ben Burrows

Sep 14 Yom Kippur Rabbi Addison

Sep 21 Succot

Sep 28 Bereshit Michael Eisman Phil Barrish

Oct 5 Noah Larry Shipper Reserved

Oct 12 Lech-Lecha

Len Cohen WarrenNachmann

Oct 19 Vayera RachelYehezkel

Oct 24 ChaiyeiSara

Nov 2 Toldot

Nov 9 Vayetzei

Nov 16 Vayishlach MichaelEisman

Nov 23 Vayeshev

Nov 30 Mikatz

Dec 7 Vayigash

The concluding section of Deuteronomy, Parshat V'ZotHaB'racha, states that the Torah is indeed the heritage of us all,"the congregation of Jacob." Therefore all of us, notmerely the rabbi, cantor or

baal koreh , are called to study and transmit thatheritage. Share our journey forward by claiming our Torahheritage. We encourage our congregants to prepareand offer a D'rasha, a short, 5 minute, introduction to

the Torah or Haftara reading, one each week Rabbi

Addison will help our darshanim find source andprepare. It will be an even greater privilege to listen tothe shared words of Torah that will be offered eachweek. A schedule of Shabbatot and their Torah readings canbe found in the MBIEE office and in the weeklyeblasts. To volunteer please submit your name andthe Shabbat you're interested in speaking to [email protected] or call the synagogue office.

D'var Torah and Haftarah


The Rabbinical Assembly-Mid-Atlantic Region invitesyou to join us weeklyat noon for the study of TorahonTuesdays at AJ from noon

to 1:00 p.m. A Rabbi and

other like-minded individualsawait you to engage inexciting discussion andthoughtful analysis of theweekly Torah portion or otherstimulating topic. Each classis self-contained so you canplug in at any given week, inany given location. Join Us and Grow!Bring your lunch and a Bible,drinks will be provided. All arewelcome. Classes are notheld on major Jewishholidays. For moreinformation, call at any of thelocations for details or themain coordinating office ofRabbi GaryCharlestein (610.239.6003).

You can also attend NoontimeTorah in Center City at theOffices of Cozen & O'Conneron Tuesdays from noon to1:00 p.m, or in PlymouthMeeting/Norristown at theOffices of Premier DentalProducts on Wednesdaysfrom 12:30 p.m. to 1:30p.m. Download a flyer formore info.

Holidays are just aroundthe corner!

Page 6: Melrose B'nai Israel Emanu-El eBlast for Thursday, August · eBlast for Thursday, August 22, 2013 Friday night

Dec 14 Vayechi

Dec 21 Shemmot Don Wittenberg

Dec 28 Vaera

Jan 4 Bo

Jan 11 Beshalach Sharon Byer

Jan 18 Yitro

Jan 25 Mispatim

Feb 1 Teruma (RoshHodesh Adar)

Aviv Reif


Our Men's Club is again a member of the Mid AtlanticRegion of the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs. We

will be entering two riders, Geoffrey Moulton andThomas Cross, in the FJMC tour de shuls that takes

place on September 22, 2013. If you also wish toparticipate, there is still time to sign up.

All the proceeds from the race go to the children ofCamp Ramah. There are two methods people can use

to donate to the Tour de Shuls ride. On line using acredit card; Go to the TdS web site fordonations https://www.tourdeshulspanj.


Fill in your personal information and under the listing"Name of the Rider or Team You Are Supporting"

select "Moulton, Geoffrey. Complete the rest with yourcredit card information.

Off Line using a check, Make check payable to MAR FJMC Place the rider name (Geoffrey Moulton or

Tom Cross) you are sponsoring in the For line at thebottom of your check and mail it to:

MAR FJMC c/o Arthur Lashin, 1551 Shoemaker Road,Abington, PA 19001

Thank youin advance for your participation in thisworthwhile cause.

I'm coming to get you, Sukkah!

Volunteers Needed To Help With The Sukkot


This Sunday, August 25th, at 9:30 a.m., we are goingto need the young, the strong, the brave and the rest ofus to help haul the parts of the Sukkah from thebasement to the side of the kitchen in anticipation of

Don't be caught short!

Foodmarket gift cards/scrip forAcme, Shoprite, Pathmark and

Giant will be available at allmeetings and activities or by

telephone. Call: Edythe (215-548-9165),

Shirley (215-635-1521) orMary (215-877-3737). Place

your order now.


Food Project

Interested in volunteering with afood pantry? The

MItzvah Food Project is inneed of volunteers at our pantryat Beth Sholom Congregationin Elkins Park. We are lookingfor volunteer delivery drivers todeliver food packages in theElkins Park/Greater NortheastPhiladelphia area on the firstand third Thursday of themonth. Routes generally takebetween 30 minutes to 1 hour.We are also looking for backupdelivery drivers, whom we cancontact in advance whenregular drivers are unavailable.If you are interested or wouldlike more information, pleasecall (215) 832-0831 oremail [email protected]

The Klein JCC come toAJ!

Seniors, looking forsomething fun to do?

Page 7: Melrose B'nai Israel Emanu-El eBlast for Thursday, August · eBlast for Thursday, August 22, 2013 Friday night

building the Sukkah on Sunday, September 8th. Decorating the Sukkah will be scheduled for Sunday,September 15th. With Labor Day and the holidaysintervening, these are the only dates possible. Yourhelp is appreciated.

Thank you

Ira & Atara Weinstein for sponsoring the Shabbat

Kiddush in honor of your 30th Wedding Anniversary.

Mazel Tov

Al & Bea Butler on the Bat Mitzvah of yourgranddaughter, Michalla Butler in Harrisburg, PA.Michalla is also the great neice of Libby & RonGoldman.

Eblast and Shabbat Bulletin submission

deadline is Wednesday at noon of each week.

Email [email protected] to send yoursubmissions to Joan.

Be counted at morning minyan.

Shabbat Shalom, Joan Pelta Theil, Secretary Melrose B'nai Israel Emanu-El

The Klein JCC is excited toannounce the openingof Klein Active Adult Center atAJ. On Tuesdays,Wednesdays and Thursdays,from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.,the JCC will conduct activitiesfor seniors in the BraemerAuditorium. Anyone 60 andolder is invited to join us.

FREE daily hot kosherlunch by Betty theCaterer (reservations forlunch required;donations accepted)Transportation availableLifelong LearningclassesIntergenerational eventsCurrent eventdiscussionsChess, knitting, Wii andother gamesDaily fitness includingZumba Gold®And more!

This program is free of chargebut space is limited. Pleasecall to sign up! For moreinformation, contact SueWeiner, Program Coordinatoror Joanne Beck, AssistantProgram & LLL Coordinator,at 215.635.5244.

Quick Links

Online Calendar

MBIEE website

Contribution Forms

Page 8: Melrose B'nai Israel Emanu-El eBlast for Thursday, August · eBlast for Thursday, August 22, 2013 Friday night

JNF Store

Kehillah of Old York Road

Jewish Federation ofPhiladelphia

Keneseth Israel

MBIEE Office

Office Hours:Monday: 9 to 3 Tuesday: 9 to 3

Wednesday: 9 to 3 Thursday: 9 to 3

Friday: 9 to 1

Office Phone:



[email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

Program errors and


We attempt to be asaccurate as possible

concerning the information inthis eBlast. Due to tight

deadlines, errors sometimesoccur.

We apologize in advance forany errors.

Join our mailing listhttp://visitor.
