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grog gtaila gfrntg. FRIDAY AFTCRNOOJf, MAT 17,187*. CITKBEJrTING GENEJRAL NBWI. [From Yesterday** Second Edition.] Viae Democratic State Convention. ROCHSSTKE, May l«."-Soon after 10 o'clock the coayentioo waa called to order by President KtaaeUa, and Secretory Pen-in read the namesof delegates to the Baltimore Convention. The names of Jno. T. Hoffman and other weU known chiefa of the party were received with applause. The following are delegates, At targe: Jno. T. BoOkeaa of New York city, Deloa De Witt of Oswego, Beery C. Murphy of Kirj*s, JarviB Lord ei Monroe. Alternatea: August Scbell of New York city, Cbas. C. B. Walker of Steu- ben, Isaac McConUte of Rensselaer, Albert P. Laaing of Erie. DISTRICT DELEGATES. 1st, Robert Christie of Richmond, Jamea M. Oakley of Queens; 2d, Thomas Kinaella and Was. W. Moaeiey of Kings ; 3d, Wm. A. Fow- ler and Wm. C. De Witt of Kings; 4th, Calvin K. Pratt and Stephen A. Calhoun of Kings; 5th, John Fox and Nelson W. Young of New York city ; 6th, John Kelly and Ilenry Waltman of If ew York; 7th, Thos. J. Creamer and John Scott of New York; Mb, 8. 8. Cox and Jaa. S. Thayer of New York; 9th, Oliver Charlick and Jno. £. Matteraon of New York; 10th, Wm. C. Conner and Matthew T. Brennan of New York: 11th, Ckrkson N. Potter and Calvin Frost of Westchester; 12th, Chas. F. Brown of Oraui£, Jaa. L. Lameranx of Sullivan ; 18th, Robert E. Andrew* of Columbia, Homer A. Nelson ot Dutchess; 14th, Joseph W-Tattle of Lister Jacob H. Meechof G i ^ e j J5tt, Wm. Caj»idy Of Albany, A. A. Bunt of Schohane: lt»ttQeo. Northrop of Washington, John H. Colby of Bcacseiaer* 17th, John Keenan of Warren, Ar- temas B Waldo of Essex; ISth, Charles An- thony of St Lawrence, W. P. Cantwell of Franklin; 19th, Geo. W. Chapman of Saratoza, Mclntyre Frarer of Fulton; 20th, W. W. Gor- don of Delaware, W. A. Cook of Chenango; Slat, Allen C. Beach of Jefferson, Djwitl C. West of Lewis; 22d, Calvert Oomstock and J. Thomas Spriggs of Oneida; 23d, Willard John- son of Oswego, N. Wils-on Parker of Madison: 84th, Wm. C. Ruger and Milton BL Northrop of Onondaga; 26th, Elman P. Rosa of Cayuga, Henry Stowell of Seneca; 26th, Lester B. Faulk- ner of Livingston, 8. C. Ellsworth of Yates; STth, George J. Magee of Scbnjler, John 8. Wells of Broome; 38th, George B. Bradley of Steuben, Erasius P. Hart of Chemung; 29th, Jobs M. Graves of Orleans, Wm. H. Bowman of Monroe; 30th, Henry Richmond of Geoessee, Elton T. Ransom of Niagara: 31st, George W. Chatham and Wm. WDllams of Erie; 33d, Chas. H. Lee of Chautauqua, James Cotter of Catta- raugus. On motion of Mr. Thayer of New York the convention then with a resolution of thanks to the President and other officers adjourned an* dig. , __ Br Use Cable. A BJBMOHSTBANCB. ROMX, May 16.—The Italian government baa sent a communication to the government of Prince Charles, Roumania, protesting against tha persecution and oppression of the Jews in that country. •DREADFUL FIRE IS TEDDO. YOKOHAMA, April 23.—A greatfireoccurred ra Teddo during a severe gale, destroying habita- tions covering a space two by three miles. An Immense amount of property waa destroyed. Where the wounded and sick were unable to es- cape they were put to the sword to save them from the more awful fate of being burned. Thirty thousand persons are houseless. The government opened their rice stores and fed all who applied. A new plan of the burnt district will be made and foreigners will have a chance tobuihL THB SUPFLEMBXTAI. ARTICLE IN «I0LAHT>. LONDON, May 16.—The supplemental article to the Washington Treaty, providing for the set- tlement of indirect claims controversy, is the principal topic of discussion here. The morn- ing Journals in their articles on the subject ex- press the hope that the American Senate will ap- prove tbe suggestions embodied in Granville's draft of the article, and thereby remove differ- ences now existing between England and Amer- ica, but fear the exigencies of the Presidential election may cause its It Is also hinted in the papers that when politi- cians on both sides shall have finished with the treaty the people of tbe two nations will take it Into consideration and effect a satisfactory set- tlement of the points at is.-ue. LOO Or TUB SHE*ANDOAn. The London Globe to-day has an article show- ing that the claim of the American government for damages incurred by the destruction of ves- sels by the Shenandoah amounts to $6,5000,000, while prize money claimed by officers of the Shenandoah amounts to #1,000,000. The Globe also published a detailed log of the Shenandoah, { ^vint the name aed value of every prize cap- uted by that vessel. approaching disapproval F o r t y «•**«© ud (ooswu-To-Oay, SBHATB.—Th«- Senate resumed the considera- tion of the Baltimore and Potomac railroad de- pot bill. Several amendments were offered and rejected and the bill Gnalty passed, 39 to 18. It now goes to tbe President for his signature. Hocsx—A bill passed authorizing defendants In United States Courts to testify in their own -BtFT&oaeSA A *r The tariff bill was then taken up in committee Of the whole. On motion the duty on quinine waa reduced from 25 per cent, to 10 per cent. Mr. Starkweather moved to strike ontthc item taxing salt peU r three cents per pound and put it on the free list. Mr, Dawes warned the House that this motion was in the interest of the Hazard and Dupoot powder mills companies, two of the greatest monopolies in tbe country. The amendment was aereed to, 78 to 53. Tbe amendment striking out the item taxing sal soda and soda ash one-fourth cent per pound waa rejected. The duty on santarine is reduced to a dollar a pound, and strychnia to thirty cents an ounce. The duty on rum essence or oil and bay rum es- sence or oil, reduced to fiftv cents an ounce. Mr. Hoar moved to add to tbe item taxing books, etc., twelve and a half cents a pound an exemption of those imported for public libra- ries, colleges, schools, philosophical societies, etc. Mr. Kerr moved to reduce the rate to ten cents per pound. Mr. Holman moved to put books on the free Hit. Mr. Banks argued in favor of fixing the dutv on books at as low a rate as is consistent with the interests of American publishers and sug- gested a reduction of the advaloreu rate to ten or fifteen cents. Front New York. ARRIVED. NEW YORK, May 16.—The steamer Iowa, from Glasgow, has arrived. 2 STOCK EXCHANGE. The Stock Exchange on and after the 1st of June will close at 4 o'clock iu tha afternoon, un- til the 1st of October. . METHODIST GENERAL CONFERENCE. In tbe Methodist General Conference to-davit was decided thut the election of Bishops would take place next Tuesday, in view of which a re- solution was offered ana referred to exclude ad- vertisements of quack doctors from the publica- tions of the church. A reception of delegates from the Free Church of Italy, Dr. J. P. Thomp- son and Father Gavazzi, took place. '• ^ ; The Copper .tuners' Strike. DETROIT, Mich., May 16.—The total number • f copper miners engaged in the strike at Houghton is 2,000. Trooos are expected to reach Houghton to-morrow. Only a few miners are clamorous. It is thought that the moral ef- fect of the presence of the troops will be suf- ficient to restore order and obedience to the legal authorities. A number of miners are on the way hither, having been previously employed at mining work. The only danger now "appre- hended is that they m»y be interfered with by the discontented strikers. Mr. Agassis, President of the Calumet and Hecla mines, has left Detroit, and will reach the scene of the disturbances Friday. ... Frons Waebtaxton. •CTCIDE or COL. M'TXHTOAL. WASHINGTON, May 16.— CoL Geo. McDoagal ftf California took poison and died last sight. THB SUPPLEMENTAL ARTICLE. The Senate committee on foreign relations had another meeting this morning on the sub- Sect of the additional article to the treaty of Washington, bat esme to no conclusion, there being much discussion. There seems to be no doubt the committee wUl report favorably, and that the Senate will finally act on the matter this week. TMe Treaty In tbo Dominion Parlla- aueut. TonoHTo, Msy 16.— The Treatv bin was again itecuased last night in Parliament. Mr. Holton •f the opposition taid the most objectionable dBase was the eessiou of the St. Lawrence with- • ? i J£,f consent of Canada. The vote < JQ the hill will be taken to dav. to aid Qilnaore, BOSTON, Msy 16.—A cable dispatch received S Gilmore announces the definite engagement Strauss End his full Vienna orchestra of fifty- Slk pieces for the International Jubilee. WorEJaganeos* Festivities. HAJMILTOB, Msy 16.— Yesterday was cele- brated as a public holiday by the workingmea iu honor of the nine hoars concession. The Mew York Charter Vetoed. ALBANY, May 16.—Gov. Hoffman has vetoed the New York charter. The Matual-Troy Game. , , The World speaks of yesterday's game as fol- lows : The first game of tbe championship series between the Matuals of this city and the Troy clabtook place yesterday afternoon on the IJaiOB Grounds, Williamsburg. There was not the same amount of interest felt in this game as H?!*.^ . D tbe * T ° ^ twe « n tbe Bostonians and the Mutes, as the Troy club had inat r*» x& oMHr 1 bt ^^«M»"wS. • acort.ot eight Uj <me, and by the Atretics with we enortaous aeons of twenty-five tofive,and Wftfore the attendance was Just about half What ttwaam the Boston-Mutual game. When 22LB°J MB *. "* de tBeIr »PPe«w»ce on the ^ZJ* «7V VS™* ,hut Gedney was too ill to •2J*^rlm U, °^ *""* *•«» suffering so ae- 2£Z£?2££J*1 ^ eight men. Whether Saa^nSn^hS^Jfc? ^ t8 * a *• *M !222^f^r?b^^^ w S^ ST ^ch 1g3 < y...?£ l *«gJ >rW11 *• Banlasorsaas m Of the finest expositions of the naOonat ever seen JfttnUniooGrouBds. Bad the been at ail aeqaarnted with the roles of the game tae result might have been as several of the Mutual •« weuMJ bases ou sailed balls, but, though ialanwiag to bTperfectlyImpErttaLhhkaiaafj rats an an- duesdraatagetotoeTroy dub, whose pitcher was very Irrepnlar in his delivery. Thsgame opened well, and with every appearance of being one of the closest and most exciting of the sea- son. In the first Inning the Troy men made and earned one run, whitewashing the Mutuais in verv pretty style. Then followed some spleu- did'flcldiog on both sides, the Troy men receiv- ing four " Chlcagoes" hi succession, while the Mutuais only made one run, and that through an over pitch of Zettletn's in the fifth Inning. Up to this point nothing could have been mere Interesting than the fine exhibition of both teams, but in the sixth and seventh innings the Mutuais became a little shakv, and consequently allowing their opponents to get in two runs in each inning. Nothing of this kind, however, happened to the Troy nine, who certainly had given none of the evidences of weakness in tha infield "which were so disastrous to them at Baltimore and Philadelphia; indeed, the chang- ing Force to thud and Hodts to short may be said to have won the game lor iroy, finer fielding or throwing than that done by Force never having been excelled even by the renowned George W right Of the eUihth and ninth innings little need be said beyond the fact tbat they were faultlessly played, and the Trojans may congratulate themselves upon hav* iu" won a tfaudsome and well deserved victory. Of the Mutual nine Hatfield and Start played their bases beautifully, Joe never having been seen to better advantage. Hicks caught splen- didly, but dropped one foul-bonna ball, and Boyd, though he was so nervous that he made one or two errors, played very well and steadily indeed Force, Allison and Martin excelled eu the Trojan side, the latter certainly making one of the most brilliantflycatches it ever falls to the chance of a ball player to distinguish himself by taking. This victory has undoubtedly tended to raise the spirits of the friends of the Troy club, who were beginning to feel rather low. The following Is the score: TBOY. Foree.tb .... McAtee, 1 b.. Allison, c... King, If. Bellas,sf Martin, rf... Hoaea, ••. Zettlein, Wooda, l?ib:::: % IB P z a Totals J t « W MCTUAL. Hatfield, M b . Start, IS Pearce, ss .... Kegler, cf .... cuinmngti. p. Becbtel, 1 f... Boyd. 3 b Hicks, c McMullia. rf. IBP 1 4 Totals t t t T 1» Troy Mutual... Ron* earned- Umpire—Mr, A BCN3 SCOBSD. 1 0 0 0 ^^^F^^BB^baPI^BBrtP™ VI \j» versa N°wASrl^W 0 WBol^aaf^^eajW day besoms eo- of daaadan * 3 1 H I TJNBXliei F S?gci e *at rt tS.«tyof Tro^K.T^lMUd^or, U. m.. M?i. *. imtu ntvrn f. RRMUI^ DAVID C. BfUOOS. spe John N. Greenfield, oniClAW*.has coBStaaUyoa Id. Stiver and steel BACTICAI- hand a flae tesortmeat Spectacle., Oold, SUelL Steel and Rubber Ere Gluwi, Teletcopea, Mleroacopea, Field sad Opera Glasses, Ste- reecopes and Steraaeopie Views. 208 Broadway—Ho. IS Mansion House Block. N. B.—Repairing sad rent- of elasset at short notice. Grand Opening. T H E Mew store in Rand's Hall ig now open with a fall. fresA supply of Fancy Groceries. Teas and Coffees a soaclalty. Goods bouttht for CASH, and will be sold correspondinzly low. Call and »ee_^^„ BBOWNKUL A VXH AL3TTKE, China and Japan O verland Tea Co.'a Store, myio tf 68 Congrew streft. Hair! Hair! Hair! WHERf W H E R E V . W H E R E j r . A t BEWO 3 you Re will llud at all eal and Imitation _ -oond this side of New York. Also every- thug fancy pertaining to the bair line in jet and shell. Uaarsnteed goods, prompt attention, and close itria prices always given. Combings straightened,3sc per oz. 857 Broadway, Troy, where times the largest display both in Goods to befoun INSURANCE. Reliable Insurance Companies. T 3 B P K B L U N T E D by G. PARISH OGDKN * CO.- K Rtsastaken Si reasonable ratea In the Allowing UT™rp©ol*and London, and Globe, fire •«»*.-»„_„_ Ufe.a»«MB..... ,a0 'S2-2S2 HatioBal.Ffre,frM»on, assets. 800,000 staadsrd.FTre, New York. - «0.000 e-wmanla. Fire. NewYorx, " »Wup8 Haaover Fire. New York, " sn,uw TOtal sates* A'uwi-VL; ...^..VqjXflM <1. PA.HI8H OGDKN * Co.. II First »t., Troy. The Connecticut Mutual IFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Hartford, Coca,,—tbe safest aad best Company In America. ASSET*, «3a,000,0OO. dividends aad cheapest insurance. Call aad PKCK A H1LLMAN. Geaeral Agents, aet 4oa Mntoal, 0; Troy, 1. Allison. Eearord B. B. 0-^5 Time of game—2 boon and 10 minute*. C, LAWS OF NEW YORK-BT Aathartty. [Every law, anleas a different time 'ball be prescribed ttoerein, shall comn.ence and take effeet throughout the state, on and not before the twentieth day after the day of Its anal passage, as certified by the Secretary af gtste. Sec. U, title *, cbap. 7, part 1, Revised Statutes.] CHAP. *18. AN ACT to authorize the formation, establishing and main talcing of driving park and park associations. Passed April IS. 1S73. three-nfths being present. The Peopl* of the State of New York, repr«tm%tea (* Senate autt A«»emblj/, do enact as foiiowi : fcacrioH 1. Any six or more persons of full age, eiti- zenaof this state, who shall desire to form a driving paek, or park association la this state, ma; make, si,ra and acknowledge, before any officer authorized to lake the acknowledgment of deeds la this state, and file la the office of the Secretary of State, and also ia the Clark's office of the county in which the bu.laess of such aescclatioB Is to ha conducted, acertldcateio wrtUag wherein shall be stated tbe name and title whereby each association shall be knewuinlaw, the amount of its capital stock, tbe number of shares into which such capital stock is divided, the location, par- ticular business and objects of such associations, the number of trustees, directsr* or managers to manage tbe same, aad the names of sach trasters, directors or managers for the first >•< ar of its existence. Such arti- cles of association shall aot be tiled as aforesaid until one-tweaileta part ef the amount of stock dxed as aforesaid chall have beea actually paid la to the direct- ors in cash, nor until there shall be endorsed thereon, or ennexeo tbereto, an affidavit asade by at least three of the directors named in sach articles of association, that tne amount of stock required in the first section of this aet to be subscribed baa beeS subscribed, and teat one-twentieth part of tbe amount has been actual- ly paid la aa aforesaid. t i. Vpon filing a certificate aa aforesaid, the perions who shall have .inned end sekaowledged such certifi- cate, aad their associates and successors,shall there- upon, by virtue of this act, be a body politic and cor- porate oy the name stated in such certificate, aad by ihat name they and their successors shall and may have succession, and shall be persoas in law capable of su- ing aad be'ag saed, and they end their successors may have aad use a CODOOI seal, and may ceange and alter the same at pleasure : and tbey and their their corporate name, shall in law-bo capable of taking and receiving, purchasing and holding real estate for the purpose of their incorporation, aad for uo other purpose, to a sum not exceedingone hundaod thousand dollars in value, and* personal estate for tike purpose to an amount not exceeding one hunured thousand dol- lars, and make by-laws fur the manageuisnc of Its af- fairs not inconsistent with the laws et this state or the tnned States. 5 3. The capital stock of any such association shall be divided into t>baresof not fees than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dellrre each, as the by-laws of said association shall require, to be paid in cash by tbe stockholders at sach time, and in su b manner, aud in such instalments as the directors or maeagers of the association may require, and under sueh penalties for *neglectiUK tbe payment of Instalments as may be scribed by the bylaws of sucii association ; prov pre- ided, tbat at lesst thirty days' notice, printed er tuwritiag, sbhii be given by the treasurer of such association of tbe time when the shares are required to b« paid; sueh shares shall be deemed personal property, transferable only on the books of said association, in such manner as prescribed by Its by-la>va. Ail the stock- holders of every association, organiz .-d under this act, shall be severally and Individually liable to aa * o >nut equal to the capital stock held by them respectively, to tne eredlwrs of such association.i or all debts con- tracted by the directors er agents of such association for its ase, until tbe whole amount of capital stock, fixed and liiiiitcd by said association. Is paid in, and a certificate thereof tiled in tbe office aforesaid. i 1. Tbe officers of any such association shall consist of a president, and at least one vice -pre 'Idea', a secre- tary, a treasuier, and any nuraber of directors whlcuis divisible by three, bat not mere than urteon in all. The prtStdeat aad vice-president, secretary and treasur.r, shall be elected ennuallv. and the first year the whole number of directors shall be elected; tbey shall be di- vided by lot into three classes; the ttrst class to serve one year, tbe second class two years, and the third clasa three years ; and at thu expiration \tt each term a gumcisnt i.»mber of directors shai; be elected to All each class, and to serve three years; a»d all vacancies that may occur snail be filled only tor the term made vacant. Tae election of all officers shall be by ballot oi the stockholders or members, and no persoa who is not a stockholder shall be eligible to aav office. The board of u-acugers shall consist of tbe president, the first vice-presllent, secretary, treasurer and directors, a majority of when shall constitute a quorum tor the transaction of busiueas; and it shall be the duty of said officer* to so manage the property and concerns >f the said society as will best promote tue objects of such associatiens as set forth fa the articles of Incorpora- tion. S 5, Nothing in this aet contained shall be construed to allow toe racing, ranulng, trotting or pacing ot horses for any bet or wager, contrary to tne provisions ot article fifth, chapter twaatj, title eight aad part first of the Kevttcd Statutes. 4 6. Any such association may, in case the uses and convenience thereof so require, upon application to the Supreme Court of the district wherein said associ- ation, at the time of sach application shall be situated, er the COULIJ Court of the county wherein sach asso- ciation is organized, obtain tbe requisite order and power to seil, from time to lime, the whoie.or any part or parts of its t eat estate, the granting of sach order to be In tbe discretion of the court, aad such application to be made only when authorized by said association at any annual meeting thereof, bv a vote iu person or by proxy of mot less than two-thirds in amount of all tbe stockholder* voting, and printed or written notice of the intention to vote for such application having been served on every stockholder by the secretary of sueh aasodiation by depositing the same in the po*tof- fflce where such a»see ation Is located, properly folded ana directed to him at the postofflcc nearest his place of residence, as shall appear from the books of the as- sociation kept for this purpose, with the postage paid thereon, at least twenty days prior to the time of said meeting. |7. lie said association may increase its capital stock to any amount not exceeding tbe amount as pro- vided in section two of this act, a: any «,cual meeting thereof, by a vote in person or bvproxey, of not less than two-thirds ia amount of all the stock holders, no- tice of such intention to increase its capital stock hav- ing been given as prescribed in the preceding section oi this act; aid such notice mast state the time and place of the meeting, and tne amount to which It Is f iroposed to increase the capital stock. The proceed- ngs of such meeting must be entered on tbe minutes ol the proceedings ot tue assootatt->n,and thereupon tbe amount sanctioned, not exc-?eiing the limit herc- liihbfore provided, by a vote of two-thirds of all said stockholders, snail be deemed the amount of the capi- tal stock of said a*B<>oiaitoij. 9 8.* The officers of any association organized under the provisions oi ibis act shall be jointly and severally liable for all debts due from said association, contract- ed while they are orhcers thereof, provided a suit for the collection ot the same shall be Drou.-htiwunm one year after tbe debt ihall become due and liable. IS. During any exbibitton del Ion the ground of sneb ssaociatiou the sheriffs of counties tvltnm which tne same are eituated are bereby authorized, at the request of tbe officers of the association, to appoint so many special policemen as uav be deemed necessary to aid In preserving order and enforcing the rale* of the as- sociation, provided, that the compensation for the ser- vices of such Kveeial policemen shall in no event be a charge apoa any county, city, town or village. {IS. Tbe president, secretary and treasurer of every inch association ibalt annually prepare a full state- ment of the receipts ann expenditures of sach associa- tion, during tL* year preceding 'he day of the annual election, with a schedule Of Its property, debts and ob- ligation*, which statement and schedule shall be veri- fied by the affidavits of two of baid officers, and shall b» filed ia the county clerk's office of tbe county tn which such association shall be located, within one week alter sucn anuual election, and otnerwlse pub- MaheS aa the by-laws of the association shall or may p assails 111. Every association formed under thi* aet shall posiess the powers and be subject to tbe provisions and restriction* contained la the third title of the eighteenth chapter of the Bevlsed Statutes. 312. All sssoclat'.oaa for the purposes speelfiel tn this act, which have been formed under any special act, may reorganize uader this law at any time. i It. fats act shall take effect immedia;ely. ITSTI or Miw Y o u , >.. Office of tbe Secretary of State. 5 1 have compared the preceding with the original law oa> tile In this office, aad do hereby certify tbat tae same is a correct transcript lharef roni and of the whole of satd original law. G. HILTON SCBIBNEB, Secretary gf State. SPECIAL NOTICES. C. D. Packard A. Co., KCOFGUKbS .«T..are offering the greatest Indues men is of any dealers ia the citv. They have the great- est variety to be found, Including a fall assortment ot B.C.Bart's celebrated Shoas. These celebrated shoe* •re eqaal to custom work. Also a fall line at Jamas M. Bart's Gent"* Hand Sewed Shoes. *^™ FOR MOTH PATCHES, FRECKLES ABDTAJtOK THE FACE, use PEKRY'S MOT Hand FRECKLE LOTION. It Is reliable aad harmless. Sold by all draggisis. Depot, 48 Bond at.. New York. SKIN DISEASES. BfE!f&' 8 l Mpl l ( 2 VED COMEDONE AND PtMrLE REMEDY.-The Skin Medicine of the Age. Is war- S K J V l ™ " !',$• w » ,te » n( t matteratcd Plsaplea; ,£!? w orms and blotched disfigurations of the Face. Presared only by Er, B. C. Perry, Dermatologist. « Bond strati, Eew -York, gold Vy druggists every- Whare. mhiaeodfem F. H. FREEMAN & CO., 141 sliver St., er TrerMills, Hallow Road Kovs Ssotta Plaster, fine sad freeh. ground by the ten or car load. Also floor. Feed, Meal. Corn. Oats Screenings aad all son* of Mill staff. HARNESSES, TRUNKS & TRAVELING BAGS. A msgoMstat ttesk of aewest styles aad lowest prices. 200 RIVER STREET. COR. STATE H. ADIES, ALWAYS USE THE NATIONAL YEAST, TO MASK NICK, LIGHT, SWBST BBlAJk THE BEST IN USE. t*"For sole everywhere. oshM »t * wsia get docomeats. aslO 4 Mutual Bank Building. SAWIN8 AND PIANINO. Sawing and Turning. riOBTRACTOKfi, Builders and Wagon KJ yo« can get yoar sawing, turning and olanjng fa the Central part of the city. H. MOOT * CQ.,1 Maters, n the Mechanic streeVare pre- pared to receive "your r order*. Neatness aad prqrpptJ, tadaMoarBtoato. Can sad alva ws s trtst. dsTv Flooring, Mouldings, Planing and Sawing. 1 4 1 E L N D E K S U i N ED has constantly on hand a X large lot of Georgia Pine and Spruce Flooring, which he will sell oa reasonable terms'and in auantl- tle* to suit purchasers. Mouldings made to order. Sawing and PlaniBg done at short notice. Also, Dry Kindlings, etc. Apply at the Troy Planing Mill, oh the dock foat at Adams street S KEBSLAKK, Proprietor. MARBLE WORKS. Ml.I I I I l > l —• ••« •• • II • HI •'•—•• • in- Steam Marble Works. M ANTBI.f*, Monuments and Headstone*, of Italian aad American Marble; Grates for hard or soft Ttliu coal, plain and fancy Tiling. Cabinet and Plumber*' Mass, 3oap-Stoue, Calcined Plaster and Marble Dost; Slabs. Soap-Stoue, Calcined Plaster and Mar Die uo*t; also, the Blae Winer, White Silver and Scotch Granite tarnished to order. PETER GRANT, corner ot North Second and Federal sta. Trow Steam Marble Works. N OS. 8 1 . 8 3 cV 83 FEKKY ST.-Kstablt*hod IB 189*. Marble Mantels, Monuments, Headstones, •lain and fanoy Tiling, Cabinet and Plumbers* Slab*, ioae-Stoae, Anthracite aad Bituminous Coal Grates, Calcined Plaster and Marbl* Oast, Vases for Gardens aad Cemetery lot*, German Bronze Brackets, Graoita work of all desertpttoaa. MABX S. DICK KB MAN. BANKRUPTCY. In Bankruptcy—No. 2906. U KITED STATES DI8TBVICT C Northern District of New fork—in the OITR.T- ui.vter of Samuel K. Hawkins and Marcus E. Hawkins, bank- rupts. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of an order of Harvey J. King. Itaq.. Register iu Bankruptcy, a second general meeting of the creditors of the above named Bankrupts will be held at the office of Harvey J. King, Esq., Register In Bankruptcy, at his office in the city of Troy, m the county of Rensselser, 8fate of New York, on the ttrst day of June, 1872, at ten o'clock in the torevoon, for the purposes named in tbe 37th section of the bankrupt act.—Troy. May ID, 1872. myld lawtw GEORiiE DAY, Assignee of said Estate. BUILDERS. Carpentering and Building. , sOflAKl.E* P. H U T C H I N * . (successor to 8. B. \_/ Fobee.) Carpenter and Builder, 58 River street, corner Liberty. d5 ly Dissolution. T H B aTIattrl af Shanaahan & Son waa dissolved on the ISth of February by uiu;ual consent. The bust- •ess will be continued by the senior partner, who will •ay all the debts ot the arm, and to whom all outstand- ing claims must be paid.—Troy. March S, 1*70. JOHN SHANNAHAN. The bonding business i* still carried on la all its branches at No. is Ferry St., and all Jobbing la the car- penter line well and promptly done.—Troy, March I. fan. JOHN SHANNAHAN. MARKETS. Pulton Fish Market. T H B subscriber has arranged for more extended facilities for supplying the trade both wholesale and retail with oysters lor tbe coming season, in addi- tion to his regular Fish business. _ M.A.MORBISaBT. O. F. Donaldson & Co^ 1 A K I N G SrT., Wholesale Dealers la Fresh and IU Salt Pork, Sugar Cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Stooliiers, Pure Lard; and manufacturers of Donald- son's Celebrated Sausage. Hotels, Restaurants and Butchers supplied at the lowest market price. Give them a trial aad be convinced they are the best to be had la the city. all COAL. pttAL.. BARTON sfc TUPPER, OFFICES RIVER and IS STATS ST3, TROF, N. Y. " Coall Goal! Goal! VAN /.ILB, ANTllOMY * CO., DEALERS LN ALL KINDS OF COAL, Corner River aad Liberty sta. and 231 Bfrer it. CL0THIN8. ,Trof Glotfti Casaimere* \ aad Vsotlas*. P. aPettit, *T K K 1' HART TAILOR, And dealer la Gents' FWBnTSBXX* GOODS, No 2 Troy House Building. French Yoke Shirts. Osage* Faralsh- Goods. SEWER PIPE. Hydraulic Cement Pipe, F t R sewrae. cellar aad sink drains, water elosstt, hot and cold air Sues, chimnies, well sides, culvert* under rail, plank and public roads, from 3 Inches to 3 feet In diameter, both round and oral. Also bends from 3 laches to 15 Inches in diameter, of any desired length, to turn any angle * also dealer In cement, calcined plas- ter and marble dust. Send tor circular containing price list and other information. Address CALVIN LOCKRGW. 17 Smith SVS~ Troy. N. T. LIVERY STABLES. T National Livery Stable. WE BtJBSCIlIztBK baa ynst got la sew car- riages, horses, and engaged careful drivers. Ladles desiring calling or pleasure turu-ouu will find at my •table courteous ?nd attentive liverymen aad beautiful carriages. Single rigs, genteel aad suit able for all tastes. Six fine, easy, steady saddle horse*, trained expressly for ladies' aad gentlemen's use- M. HBBBICX, 12 State St.. aa»iv Between First and Second sta. ICE. Ice. " W B M B T T eV H A R P , wholesale and retail deal- IT ers in iee, having refilled their large house* with clear and solid ice, are now prepared to receive order* from all parties wishing a good, liberal supply. Hotels, breweries, batcher* aad saloon*can be supplied by the ton or hundred, and families by tire week, month, sea- son or year, we will contract for one year, with tbe privilege of three. All orders sent to the office, 846 River st.. will be promptly attended to. AUCTION. A UCTION and Co Bt.Troy.N.Y. every description of W. A. Clark & Cos, ;ommlssioa Merchant*, s* Bivsg Wholesale aad retail dealers la every description of English. French and Germaa fancy goods, and Yankee Notions, knit cloth, shirts, drawer*. Jacket*, hosiery, etc A rail regular line oi walnut and rail silvered snow cases constaatly on hand, at leas than New York prices. Cask advanced oa all consignment*. SECOND-HAND STORES. Second Hand Store. r A DIBS and Gents having cast-off clothing to dl* XJ poeejiof will do well by calling or •ending s aota J&V^o? > „£?o , ff de J ,, 8 lle<I ' M n e , r t n P»7 HIGHER PRICES IN CASH than any other similar store in the City. B. KONINSKYitM jayer StreotTflAs slothing store north of the railroad bridge. ^^ _ N-B.-tadies will be called upon By Mrs. KONLN bb.1 * MEDICINES. itkoeaoti Flack from the i Raze out the written trouble* of U A ad with some sweet oblivions i Cleanse the staffed bosom of that perilou staf Which weighs upon the heart? MEIIC1II FLUID EI. BBtHD THJEJ GREATEST D1TJRETIC EVER DISCOVERED. THERE IS NO TONIC LIKE IT! THE PUREST AND MOST RELIABLE BDCHU * PREPARED IS THB MEXICAN FLUID EXT, BUCflU. • A positive and »pecinc Remedy" for Non-Betentlon or incontinence of brine. Irritation, lutlaiainatiou or Ulceration of the Bladder and Kidneys, Disease* of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculous Gravel or Brick Dust Deposit and Mucuoos or Milky Dis- charges, and all diseases or affections of the Bladder and Kidneys and Dropsical Swelling* existing la men, women or children. * oo.*s FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHTJ. MEXICAN For weakness arising from Excesses, Habit* of Dis- sipation, Early Indiscretion or abases attended wlta tbe following symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Lea* of Power, toss ot Memory. Difficulty of Breath- lag, Weak Nerves, Trembling. Horror of Discs**. Dim- ness of Viatoa, Wakefulness, Pain la the Baes, Univer- sal Lassitude of the Muscular System. Hot Hand*, Flushing of tbe Body. Dryness of the Skin, MrauUona OB the Face aad Pallid Countenance. Ia many affections peculiar to Female*, the EX- TRACT BUCUU ia unequalled by aay other remedy- as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Paiufalnee* or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Utertu, Leacorrhoea, Sterili- ty, and for complaint* incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion. Habits of Dissipation, or in the Decline or Change of Life. Iti* pre»cribed exten- sively by the moat eminent physiolens and mid wives after eonflnomenU,and for enfeebled and delicate con- st'tut ions ol"both sexes and all age*, attended with any of the above diseases or symptoms. NO FAMILY SHOULD OUT IT. BE W1TH- These symptoms, if allowed to go. on, which this medicine invariably removes,soon follows Impoteacy, Fatuity, Epileptic Fit*, ia one of which the patient msy expire. Who can say that these are not frequent- ly followed by those "direful diseases,'* Insanity and Consumption. Many are aware of the cause of their suiierings, bat few will confess. The records of the Insane Asylum, and the melancholy death* by Con- sumption, bear ample witness to the troth of the asser- tion. The constitution one* affected with organic weakness requires the std of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the syrtem, which " Holmes A Co.'i Mexican Fluid Extract Bochu" invariably does. Retailed by all druggists at 75 cents per bottle, of S ounces, or 8 days medicine, at once placing this valua- ble compound within the reach of tbe patient, no mat- ter bow poor. BEWAJiE of counterfeit*. Ask for Mexican Fluid Extract Buchu. Holmes & Co., Proprietors, New Tor* oity. BEWARE of Spurious Buchu Mixtures, prepared by self-styled doctors, which are kept before tne public by notorious advertisement*. J. L. THOM PSOlf, SONftCO., Wholesale Agent, Troy. Dr. H. C. SHELDON, 8*8 River *t.. Troy, Retail Agent. T O ITS COLOR. For Restoring NATURAL Gray Hair YlTAlslTY AND -A. JL JEiv S HAIR VIGOR A dressing which la at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair fa soon restoredto iu original color with the gloat and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, ana baldness often, though not always, cored by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and de- cayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benent bat not harm it. IX wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long ou the hair, giving It a rich glossy lustre aad a grateful perfume.—Prepared by j BE. J. €. A Y E E & CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. Price 11.00. Sold by all Druggists. ROBINSON & CHURCH, TROY, WHOLESALE- AOBMTS. f»ly ROSADALIS. o s A D A . e I s THB ingredient* that compose ROSADALIS are published on every package, therefore it is not a secret preparation, consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCK.IBB IT. It is a certain core for Scrofula-Syphilli* in all its forms, Rheumatism,Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, and all diseases of the Blood. ONB BOTTLE OF ROSADALIS. will do more good than tea bottles of the Sy- rups of Sareaparilla. The undersigned physicians have used Rosa- dalis in their practice for the past three years, and freely endorse It aa a reliable Alterative and Blood Portlier: DR.T. C. PUGH of Baltimore. DK.T.J.BOYEIN, fi DR. R. W. CARR. » s DR. F. O. DANNKLLT. " DR. J. 8. SPARKS of NiehoUsvlllc, By. DK. J. L. McCARTH A, Columbia, S. C. DR. A. B. NOBLES, Kdgecourb, N. C. Used and endorsed by J. B. FRENCH ft SONS, Fall River, Mas*. F. w. SMITH, Jackson, Mich. A. F. WHEELER, Lima, Ohio. B. HALL. Lima, Ohio. CRAVEN & CO., Gordonvtlle.V*. SAMUEL (i. McFADDRN, Murfree*boro, Tend. Our space will not al'ow of any extended re- marks in relation to tbe virtues of Rosadalis. To the Mciliui: F:cf*»sion we guarantee a Hold extract superior to lay tbey have ever used In tbe treatment of Diseased Blood, and to the afflicted we aay, try Rosadalis, and you will be restored to health. Rosadalis is sold by all Druggists ; price |L50 per bottle. Address DR. CLEMENTS ft CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Baltimore, Mi. At wholesale by L. BURTON ft CO. Q.REATEST * TBS) MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE A G E I Mr. KENNEDY, of Baxbory, ha* discovered ia one of Oar common pasture weeds a remedy that cures L KTERY KIND OP HUMOR. bottles are warranted to curs s aoursiag sore mouth. One to throe will clear the system of bile*. Two bottle, are warranted to cure the worst canker In the stomach. Three to five bottle* are warranted to cure the worst kinds of Erysipelas. One to two bottle* are warranted to care all humor m the eye*. Two bottle* are warranted to core ranaing of the ears and blotches among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to ears corrupt aad running ulcers. One bottle will cure »ealy eruptions of the skin. Two or three bottles are warranted to care the worst kind of ringworm. Two or three bottle* are warranted to ears the most desperate cases of rheumatism. Three to four bottle* are warranted to ears salt- rheum. Five to eight bottle* are warranted to ear* the wont scrofula. One to three bottles are warranted to ears the worst ease of dyspepsia. I know from the experience of thou- sands that it has been caused by canker in the stomach. One to two bottles are warr sated Is ears atsk head- ache. One to two bottles are warranted to legulate a costive State of the bowels. One to two bottles will regulate all derangement of toe kidneys. Four to six bottles will cure the worst case of dropsy. By strictly following the direction* la the pamphlet around each bottle, and a Judicious applicatiea of the MALT RHEUM OINTMENT, SCROFULA OINTMENT, * HEALING OINTMENT, Every sore and ulaer. of whatever kind or nature, ex- cept one that ha* taken root. Is perfectly sad perma- nently cored. Sols BF all druggists everywhere. MUSICAL. Pianos and Organs P B O M the best manufacturers. General agent for HEAT CENTRAL PIAIOFORTI COMPART. V CS , , 9* t '?, ni, .* e SJ* 00- bargain, please give JOHN i.WoLBacel]. *V4 River at. Repairing done at short notice ^^ NATS AND CAPS. Everybody Knows It I VES, THE HATTER, 53 Congres* St..opposite Troy Court House, ia tbe cheapest place in Troy for HATS, CAPS, &C. F THE BLOOD. The Peruvian Syrup. An Iron Tonic, without Alcohol. Assimilates with the blood as easily m tbe simplest whole system. It a tbe broken- . epsla, Debility, Liver Complaint, Fe- male Weaknesses, Loss of Constitutional Vigor/and expels aisease from the system by increasing Nature's Own Vitalising Element-IRON. Pamphlet*free. J. P. DINSMORB. Proprietor. M . » Dey street. New York. fJT Bold by Druggists generally. . :• ,..,.', i eg •snttasvBBisBsasnaasiBsnssssBsaass^si FINANCIAL. Troy Dawinp B Post Office, and is eweneddaUy for the trasv of b^aesaV«r»m 10 o^cloek a. w. tot r. SL, _rs aad HoUdays saceptedJ and for ireeetvlaf de- ^fe W PErmfe-Th*? ar*? M W of draw mtoreet from the next Quarter day. ., . interest wiU be computed on theflnt Monday ef April and October DJBPOS1TB, $B,401,SS1.»». which ia securely invested according to the Laws of tag State of NewTork. n<Maa . CHARLES B. RUSSELL J*re*ideat. GEORGE VAIL u .First Vice President. HANFORD N. LOCK WOOD Second Vice President. CHARLES N. LOOKWOOD.. Secretary aad Accoantant WM.M. CORNING Assistant Accountant. •ivimta; George Vail, E. Thompson Gale, Silas K. Stow, Daniel Robinson, Joseph M.Warren. DeriekLane, Hanford N. LOCK wood, Thomas W. LockwosdJ Jared 8. Weed, John B. Plerson. George B. Warren, Chas. W. Tllllnghast. John A. Unswold, Samuel M. VaiL D. Thomas Vail. Charles B. Russell, John L. Thompsoa, Henry C. Lockwood. Joseph W. Fuller. The Mayor of the city of Troy, ex omcio. The Manulacturers' National Bank O P TROY—Corner ef River and King streets. This Bank is open daily (Sundays and holidays excepted) for tbe transaction of business at 10 o'clock in the morning. All Kinds mt Government Securities Bought and Sold. Interest Allowed aa Special Deposits Iron, tae Day Deposited. THOMAS SYMONDS, President. HENBYE. WEED,. Vice President. C.M.'VELLINGTbN^^^^.. Cashier. .Thomas Symonds. iHenry E. Weed. David Cowee, of J. L. Thompson, Son*ftCo. Tttus Eddy, of Titus EddyftSon. John N. Squires, of John N. SquiresftCo. Joseph Hluman, of Peek A HlUman. S. B. Saxton, of Saxtoas ft Thompson. F. A. Sheldon, of Sheldon ft Greene. Jacob Jacob*, of Jacobs ft Nichols. B. D. flardwell, of B. D. BardwellftC*. John H. Keaer. Henry M orrtson. . „. __. Wm. B. Gilbert, of QUbcrt. Bath ft Co. mylfl dftwly For Deposits of Savings. N ATIONAL STATE SAVINGS BANK OP TROT-Sooth-east corner of First and State sta. bartered 1851. Open every day for the transaction of business, except Sundays aad Holidays, at 18 o'clock a. at. Interest Sve per cent. Interest will commence on deposits made oa the first day of each month In tbe year, on that day. On all deposits made after the first day of each month interest will commence ontbeftrst dray of the succeed- ing month. HENRY INGRAM, President. Axraan B. Nasa, Vise President. fsTSBTBXS: t enry Ingram, Alfred B. Nash, alph J. Starks, James Wager, John Hltchlns, J.F.Simmons, Philip S. Dorlon, Lyman E. Avery, David Carr, Charles Warner, Geo. D. Woikyu*, Joseph Stackpole, Eleaxer Lockwood, L. G. Graves. myl WILLABBOAT, Secretary and Treasurer. G. Parish Ogden & Co., B A N K E R S A N D B R O K E R S , and General la. surance Agents, Partners' Bank Balldiug, Ne. 16 First street. STOCKS, SOLD, AC, BOUGHT OR SOLS On Commission only, at tbe N. T. Stock Exchange Board. LOANS NEGOTIATED AND BUSINESS PAPER* DISCOUNTED. DEPOSITS RECEIVED AND INTEREST, ALLOWED. n r Passage Tickets so and from the Old Country. leV" Drafts on EnglSl Ireland and the Continent. Safe and Desirable Ml'NKll'AL BONDS of .KANSAS, MISSOURI, COLORADO AND WISCONSIN, Having from S to » years to run. Principal and inter- est payable In New Tor*, city. For sale at prices that will pay OVER 1* P E R CENT, on the investment. Correeponotnce solicited with all wishing to buy or sell. THOB. P. ELLIS ft CO., Banker*, niylSeodlw U Pine street, New Tork. TOBACCONISTS. Cigar and Billiard pALAl'E. JOSEPH EGOLF, Dealer in Imported aad Domestic Cigars, Meerschaum and all kinds of f\vc», also a full assortment of Vlr- f nia and Detroit Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, No, First at., Troy, N. T. Cigars and Tobacco. T H E S U B S C R I B E R bas the finest brands of r> gars, Smoking sudCbewlng Tobacco to be foonc in thia market. Gentlemen desiring fine domestic c* tars in boxes for ase at borne will find at my store as excellent inducement in respect to prices, Quality, Ac Also Pipes, Cigar Holder* and other Fancy Articles ap- pertalnlnK to the trade always in stock at low price*. ^ HENRY STAUDE, 51 Congress St. Cigars, Tobacco and Pipes. T H E S U B S C R I B E R bas recently replenished nil itock, exercising extreme care to purchase tht choicest brands of cigars and tobacco, and tbe late* 1 and most popular styles of pipes, cigar holders, case*. Ac, so that now bis assortment is the most complete and freshest in the city. Also, he bas bomjnt under elr cumstauces enabling mm to sell at the lowest price* Call and examine fer yourselves. _ GEORGE I. PRATT, 350 River «t. A Card. rflHB UNDBRSIONED keep, constantly oa hand JL tte fineet brand* ef Havsna and Principe Cigar*: alio, the best Domestic Cigars, superior to anything of tbe kind ever ottered ia this city. Retailers and Smo> kers are invited te examine my good* before pure basing elsewhere. .Thankful for tbe liberal patronage bestowal on blm heretofore, be respectful); ance of tbe same. sta solicits a continu- es F. ST AUDE, • Conrrea* stress. D The "Bijou" Cigar Store. KLOCEi Jll.t has Just opened one of tbe Lr. neatest ard cosies* little Cigar Stores In tbe city t *S Third St., Times Building. Lovers of the weed In all Its forms can find all tha flrst class brands of im- ported and Domestic Cigars, best brands of Smoking ana Chewing Tobacco,smokers" articles,such as Pipes, Meerschaum and Brierwood, &c, Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases. &c„ in great variety. §3F" Choice brands of Imported cigarette* a specialty. WEST TROY. Great Bargains in Crockery. I N OKI)Kit to make room for a new and complete stock of goods for the Spring trade, the undersign- ed offers bis present fall line of Crockery and Glass- ware at twenty-five per cent, below the usual prices, or in other words for tbe next SU days, he will give toe purchaser f5 worth of Croekerv for $4. B. H. TB>' BBOECK, Agent, Cor. Canal street and Broadway, West Troy. Grocery Store. r^HARLES A. S T O L L E R , Wert Troy, H N„ \j has retltted and refurnished the store ot' tbe late David Anderson. GROCERIES. PROVISIONS, FLOUR, FEED, SCREENINGS, fte^ Of best quality, constantly oa nana, Broadway, ad- pining ro»tottce. frilly West Troy. I NITIAL, Note, Letter, Legs! Cap aad Fools Cap Papers; School, Bleak, Memorandum, Tally, Pass tad Pocket Books; Pencils, Pens and Pocket Cutlery: Base Balls and Bats, Law Blanxs, Paper Collars ana Cuds, Tobacco, Cigars, Ink dfid Inkstands, Picture*, Picture Cord sad Picture Framiag. Croquet aad Re* frjgeratora, at MOORE'S NEWS ROOM, OlessOB Hal), West Troy, BELL FOUNDRIES. The Meneely Bell Foundry. TErBST TROY (Nj r.)-Established 1KB. Church, Jv Factory, steamboat, Alarm and other Bells oa hand and made to order. Send for a circular to E. A. ft G. R. Mnwns.LT, West Troy, N. T. mbO. Meneely & Kimberly, Troy, N. Y, *CB¥ME' AKO'OTHBB; BELLS, jRCH. ACADlMY, FIRE ALARM, FACTORY, war- mounted In the most approv? 1 * gamier and fully wi ranted. ^ CLt^l^H/MENEBLY. JaiS ly QEORGK H. EIMBERLY. Troy Bell Foundry. J TOBBS Be CO., successors to Jones ft Hlteheesi } manufacture and seep constantly oa hand Bells for Churches. Bells for Factories. Bells for Steamboats. Bells for Scboolbouses. Bells for Plantations. Bells for Locomotives. Bells for Hose Carriages. Belli for Ships, Fog Belli. Hung with Patent Rotary Yoke Wheel Frame, Tongas Hammer*, ftc.. complete and warranted. EDUCATION. Blount Anthony u A V BENNINGTON CENTRE, VT.-OBO. A T i m A. M.,Prlncipal7iBummer Term wiU com- mence April 13. Circulars at H. B. Nims ft Co.'s. The Principal will eal 1 oa parties wishing to satroaias the School. If notified. Mechanicville Academy. EfECHAMCVlLLE,N.Y.-Spring term begins i l l . March lath. Boarding aad Day School for both sexes. All academic branches taught, both solid and ornamental, A full corps of able and experienced teacher*, Superior board and room*. Rate* moderate. lor circulars or for admission, address lultly . B e v T l l ^ l C E D.AMES. Principal. Fort Edward Collegiate Institute. PRING TERM seglas March ltth-Fall Tern S PRING August just ttib. SIRS per year for board, fuel, washing, with COMMON ENGLISH BRANCHES. Tbe best sustained boarding seminary la tbe tt*t*. A choice ef three course* ef study for ladies. A complete commercial course for gentlemen. A clam is always fitting for college. Superior facilities in Mosie, Lan- guages »nd Painting, at moderate charges. Address for Catalogues or for rooms, BEV. JOSEPH B. KINO. D. D., Fort Edward. AGRICULTURAL. Agricultural Warehouse ft ND SEED STORE-NDTTING ft M ALTBY, A successors to Nutting, Hall ft Co- agents for the Buckeye Mower and Reaper, Dayton Wheel-Bike Nlch- wit* Pulverising Harrow, Ac. Alio manufacturer* of Wire cloth, sieves. Screen*. Window Guard*, and 3W River su. T r o y ^ Y. £$r3%»5 STOVES, AC. t Also the French Opera Hat tor sale. Siim of Big Hat. LANSW88UR8H, - r STORB. Lanslngbi qRUpANDPUE^^PTl^N PrescriaCon department in charge of Robert Harri- son, who aa* had thirty years' experience in the busl- £2%«&SJfl.'^P 1 ^ *s**t*mirt of drugs teTbs found[this aide Of New York. aalSly JAB. H.ADAMS. 3» State it. i ARCHITECTS. Camjniaf* ft Birt, and res ance of fte satroai oa the senter mem! ^VdBBBnns.' Birt, and reapeeauUy . asuutmage so liberally bestowed heretofore ormeda v aader tbe she ftna asms of solicit a eontina. or member af tbe lias. - Uta, IBS B» River sL, McLeod A Reardon, QT 1 W l Y£% $?•* dealer* in Stove*, Tin Ware, • 3 A X Coal Hods, Pot*. Eettles, Spiders, aad Mann! factureraof Galvanized Iron Cornices, "Window Can* Door Cap* and Street Lamp*. Tin, €«*?• and Sheet Iron Worker. Pum JER, 414 River st M manufacturer of , Tanners' Heaters^ Dyers' and C ins-Copt and Heavy . :*nners' Beaters. Dyers' aad fectloners' Kettle*, Stew Paaa, Soda Foantai B and floe*, smoke Stacks, Cupola* Iron work of all kinds made to order. Con- per . Partienlar attention paid to repairing Boiler Flues, and Steam Ea- Ine work made to order. Also, will keep constantly band a complete stock of Stoves. Heaters, Range*, and Enameieo Ware. Tin, Japanned, Hollow Iron Sinks, Pump, Lead Pipe, ftc. Tin Boo ring, jrs. Leaders and Jobbing of »11 kinds promptly and faithfully attended to. Stoves stored at reasonable GEO. WHEELER. SILVER PLATHH. WBs, P. OaendfaPAB. Q.DJLD AJJD^SILJTEB. ^LATER^est good*. ParUcalar atUntlon "ald*to l Job PU [cultural Warehouse aad Seed by Henry Warren In the Sating rs have removed their entire Stock of good* at their old stand, SOS River street, to their new and spaeiou* store just completed at the foot Grand Division street, a few door* directly Wert of oy City Bank. This ertabllshnvent being thefirst,at t in point of time, i* now the oldest of tbe kind la country, and having connected with it at our new location our extenalveGrtndston* Department, we re> speatfuUy invite our customers and the public to call and tee for themaelre* our increased facilities for bu*l- Beat, WARREN ft TAYLOR, Poo: of Graad Division atreet. Troy N. VI SOttl BOOTS ANI SHOES. Jas. Robertson A Son, A N U P A C T i ; R E K S of Boots and Shoes, aad all mdsof Boot aad Shoe Upper*, No. Franklin are, Troy, N.Y. J A M»8 KOBSaTSOSr W. F. ! Witman A C a . BOOT AJJD SHOE EMPOEIUH; ' NO. 107 COBGRESS STREET. Cloth Button Boots, T3ALMORAL8 aad CON43-RBJBS GrAJTBTRSt Ladies', Misses' and Children's, good, stylish and cheep, at Boateeoub old stand, 11 Congres* st. GEO. MOBRISOB, Ja. COUNTY NOTICES, • - ii '• ,m_ L Proposals for Supplies. H OUSE OFJNI>p»TRY,Sn>* Cooaty- The undersigned a-iU receive proposals to far- the article* aeceamwy tor use mtib^oa^ot S. dustry for the sixmontb* ending the 1st of December next. For particular* in regard to the kind and qoallty of tbe article* to be f—•*•»•—» -—•—* - Acttng 8epertnteneeaiWtbeTbor. in the basement 1 of tbe Court House. Bid* will be received up to the first dsy of iaaenert. st i, n.^^Uy ^'fe mplftdftwtd Actisf Sup't of Poor, Bess. Co.,rf.Y i IBBABB II. mmsssssmm . ear Steed Bulla, Axles, Tyres, Sbaf lag, Plates aad Steel Pergings el all Descriptions. duly BURDEN IRON WORKS H. BURDEN & 80N8, PROPRIETORS, UAHVTACTTJUXE* OT I u BURDEN BEST * MERCIIAXT BAR IRON, ( H. B. A S.' MERCHANT BAR IRON, HsMnse Shoe » , KiUlrorvd SpUfiest, A N D B O I L E R RTVTETS. "BIIRDE!! BEST** BAB IKON. We beg to call your attention to the superior aad uni- form quality of the Bard en Beat' Iron. This iron Is particularly adapted to all purposes wberegreat security Is required, such as Railroad Bridges. Passenger Car*. Locomotives, Roofs of Buildings, Wagons,and in soar*. for all purposes where tb e breakage of a belt or part of a machine would result in loss of limb or life. The tensile strength of the' Burden Beet' iron is 78> 000 as., according to teste made at the Cold Spring Foundry with Major Wade's United State* testing Me- jajbaj] AGBNTS: HANNIBAL GREEN A S O N , Corner of Broadway aad Fourth •trees. J. M> WARREN «fc G O - Ml and MS River street, Troy, H. T. ENGINES AND BOILERS. aad manufactured to fobbing and repairing done at short notice. Steam Pumps and Hoisting Engines constantly on band. Narrow Gauge Locomotive Engine* built to order. »itly Steam Engines and Boilers. E W Portable Ste»m Engines and Bailer* from < N horse to 25 horse power, with hoistert and sawing machines ; Threshing Machine Engines, Stationary En- g nes, Locomotive and Tubular Boilers, Leather and ubber Belting. Engines and Boilers warranted in every respect. The highest cash price paid for scrap Iron, copper, brass, ftc. ' ™ ' JAsfES TORRANCE. 36 and 18 River st. Globe Iron Works, F OOT of Third street, Wsterford, N. Y. Steam Bcfilere, Bleachers, Tank* and all kinds of sheet Iron work made to order, and repaired on soon notice at reasonable terms. Also for sale one second-band stationary dredge boiler j a second-band steam tire en- gine boiler. Both In good condition, aud will be sold cneap. Reference: L. Batten ft Son, Waterford, and J. Fox, LansitiKburah. ROBERT PINKKRTOK, at L. Button ft Son*. Steam Boiler and Engine Works. F OR S A LEX! HEAP—A second-hand twelve horse horizontal engine and boiler, a new three horse op- right engine, and eight boilers (second-hand and new J of various capacities. Five puuctilng maohinea, inclu- ding punches and dies, In good order. Boilers, tanks, gaaometres, or any kind or iron work promptly and cheaply executed at the lowest prices. Proposals oa oontract work. EVERLVOHAM ft HOGG, apls-4taw-ly corner North and Mount sts. Boiler Manufactory. T HE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully aa- aonnee that be has greatly extended his facilities for manufacturing Boilers, Tanks, iron Door*, Corru- gated Blinds for Gas Houses, Cupolas, and everything else made of Boiler Iron, so as to enable him to com- pete with all other manufactories. Also, light and heavy Blaekamlthing will be promptly and faithfully executed. THOS. S. SUTHERLAND, Cor. River and Hntton sts., Troy. M. Y. Steam Engines and Boilers. W E call special attention td our compound Engine* formarlne and other purposes, both high and low pressure, on which we guarantee a saving of 2S per cent over ordinary ongines; our Portable aud Station- ary Kngiees which wcare makiug a specialty; Saw MiU Engines and Boilers, which we guarantee will drive any slse saw on the sawdust alone, and Lane's patent Lever Bet Saw Mill*. Bend for circular. CLUTE BROTHERS ft CO., mhSS ly Engineers, Schenectady, N. T. E Second Hand NGINBS AND BOILERS. L AT STARBUCK BROTHERS' IRON FOUNDRY & M i f IILYE SHOP. One Horosontal Steam Engine, nearly new, cylinder X) in. bore, 94 in. stroke, with IS feet balance wheel, weighing nearly tour tons. One Horliontal Steam Engine, cylinder 12 in. bore, 36 in. stroke, independent cot off, balance wheel 19 ft. diameter. One Horisontal Steam Engine, cylinder 16 in. bore,48 in. stroke, on heavy cast iron frame, heavy balance wheel, wrought iron crank, shaft and Judson Governor. One Horison- tal Steam Engine, cylinder 6 in. bore, 16 In. stroke, en cast iron bed. One Horizontal Engine, cylinder 1) In. bore, 30 In. stroke, on cast Iron bed, oar make. One C j Under Boiler, 43 in. dlam., 32 ft, long, with 3-15 In. lues. Three Cylinder Boiler, M in. dtain., 30 ft. long. One Cylinder Boiler, 40 in. dlam.,W ft. long, with 2-14 in. Inei. One Cylinder Boiler, « in. dlam., 16 ft. long, with 3-141n.-flues. Mud Douce, 2 ft. diam. 6 ft. long. One Locomotive Boiler, IS in. dism.,31 ft.«In. long, with 12i 1ft in. tabs, IS ft.6 in. long, fire box 5Sx40*5» ia high, ss good as new. g of tbe shore ^ C ^ ^ » ^ N. Y. GROCERIES. New Firm. rtWrlE undersigned having purchased the Ifs'slsess of A the late firm of Cleveland & Delano. Wirvcontinue the business as Wholesale and Retail Grocers at 500 and SOt Ful:on St., Troy, N. Y. al8 ly FRANK DELANOftCO. w Flack A Brother, H O L E B A L E F L O U R and Commission Mer- chants, Dealers in Groceries, Timothy and Clover Seed, Peas, Beans, Pork, Butter, Fish, Ac, .No. 315 River «., Troy, K. Y. WILLIAM A. FLACK. ISAAC Q. FLACK. Cohen Brothers' J J E W GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE,! CHEAP FOR CASH. 1M AND 1ST FOURTH STREET, jaMly ONE DOOR FROM COSOBBSS. Copartnership Notice. ? T H E U N D E R S I G N E D have tht* day formed a . copartnership under the firm name of J. J. AJdea Son, and will continue the family grocery bosinesc "SI iy si heretofore carried en by J. J. Alden, at 1 and Bulldlngs.-Troy, March 1st, 18», ! Harmony J. J. ALDKH, HARRY M. ALDEN. Dissolution of Copartnership. 4 D E F R E E S T cY C O . bave thi. day dissolved * copartnership by mutual consent. A. De Freest la eby authorized to settle all business of tbe firm. He will also continue tbe Pork, Sausage and Grocery busl- BftM at tbe old stand, No. 19 Congress St. A. DE FREEST, C. D. 8HRAUDBB. Groceries)—Removal. T H E *ob*oriber ha* moved from the corner of Fifth and Congress sts., to tbe new building in Church street, directly In the rear of Hail'slDry Goods Store and L. Burton A Co.'s well-known Drkg Store on Con- ares* st.. where be ha* a Sne stock of Groceries, Pro- visions, Seeds, Ae. He will also continue in tne com- mission gestoses, aps dftw D. E. BAK.VES. Dissolution of Copartnership. F AJRWEATHER Be W I L L I A M S bave this dav dissolved copartnership by mutual consent. M. H. Williams will continue the grocery boat ness at the old stand :80 River st., who 1* alone authorised to use tbe name of the firm in liquidation.—Troy. Jan. 39, 1873. A. FAIR-WEATHER, . M. H. WILLIAMS. Fine Groceries. T O IIN W A R R * 27« River street, bas on hand the *J largest and choicest assortment of Groceries in tbe city, including everything In the tine of imported and domestic canned lruits, vegetable*, meats, soaps aad pickles, and fancy groceries of all Kind*. Goods delivered to any part of the city or Wert Troy, and or- ders called for every morning. Cash Grocery Store. milE UNDERSIGNED at tbe southeast comer JL of Second and Division sts., keeps on hand at all time* a choice stock of first-el*** groceries, pork and poultry. Pork and floor by the barrel. Good* deliv- ered promptly and Cheap for cash. All are invited to call. Dexter's domestic bread fresh every day. silly P. M. MARSTON. N Great China Tea Store, O, 388 RIVER ST.. opposite tbe Railroad Bridge. GA luXEY & WALLACE, Dealer* in Tea*, Coffee*, Sugar, Soap aad Spices, and fine Groceries. at W New Grocery Store. HATE OPENED AT 131 RIVER STREET, • Cheap Cash Store, and will have for sale a stock of Fresh Meat*, Port. Sausage, Ponltrv, ftc. Wholesale and retail. Laid pat up for family use. P. M. MARSTON ft CO. LAUNDRIES. T> HODK8 * BRADLEY* OMsago. BL, Sole t n n tiV u i lusii nrutcn MANUFACTURERS OT LAKE SUPERIOR Plfi IRON. mylOlm Hannibei Greett eV Son, A GENTS FOR BURDEN'S IRON, BURDEN'S HORSE SHOES. AND MANUFACTURERS OF Steel, Carriage & Railroad Spriftgs, WROPCHT BOTB, €ROWBARB» eVe, John A. Griswold A do, PROPRIETOR* of the RENSSELAER IRON WORKS, Bessemer Steel Work*, Fort Edward Blast Fur- nace aad Columbi* Blast Faraace, Manafaetarers of ' * PIG IRON, RAILROAD, MSRCEAHT ABD SHIP LR0V, StY •§••*, M. • w« •»?.*• At •aa BTOl of Dry aad Faaey Goods la for cash, watches the market closely at lower price* than other dealer*. complete. he eity- Be . i*e*4. to t always M^^5r^^aL^rru, h 5o.-I«F,«hrt near Coagre**, wbereahe tor all ktod* of Ladle** Also Mu.lin Skirt, made I Cloth .old by the' pound. reebe 1* prepared to •die*' aad Gent's V uade to order m great >and. JT Mrs.LaseUe receive order* t*> Undergarment*. ajestTartoty. Iglt H A S J U S T R B T 0 R N B D from New Tork wltb entirely new style* in HEAD DRESSES, SAP! All FRENCH FLlWfll, that cannot be surpassed this side of New Tork city. B e . 18 Broadway, op staar*. A Great Bargain. T3LACK IRON 0RBNADINE4 AT 25 CENTS A YARD, Worth 50 cents, at SIMON MAT'S New Store, 1S1 River st. _^__ Kid Gloves! Kid Gloves! J UteT OPENED—5d dosen of the Celebrated Jose- phine One Dollar Kid Gloves, the best In tbe world for the price. Also another lot of the Josepbtne Seam- less, only fi .25 per pair. Also another lot of Double Button Kids at One Dollar. The cheapest place in Troy for Kid Gloves and Fancy Goods Is at STRAUSS' Kid Glove Depot, corner Kuiton aud Fourth sts. Paris Blillinery. J OHN B1ARKUS, (successor ^o M. Lilientanl 53 North Pearl St., Albany. SPRING GOODS, PARIS BONNETS LONDON BOUND HATS. JOHN M-A-RKTJS' SHOW ROOMS Contains the largest assortment of Elegaat BOXXLTS AXD JOCKIES IN THB UNITED STATES. An inspection will prove tbat this assertion i* aot merely advertising talk. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, GRAPES, LACES. JOHN MARKUS bas the finest stock of direct im- ported and most desirable 1 MILLINERY GOODS, Dinstables, Leghorns, Chips, Neapolitans, Rustics* School Hats, Infants' do., Crape Hats and Tells for MOTJRNTNG, always on hand or m*de at shortest notice. DKESS and \EGL1GE CAPS. JOHN MABK- US received a full Une of PARASOLS, FANS, SPANISH VEILS, ' KID GLOVES OSB DOLLAR PER PAIR. The best at this price in Albany. NEW FRENCH JEWELRY. Whitby Jets, Onyx, Cornelian and Coral Sets, Gilded Neck Laces, Sleeve Buttons, Hair Pins, Bracelets Sew Ruffling, New Keck Ties, Crochet Buttons. Infants' Cloaks, DrtbscB and Caps. JOHN MARKIJS. Importer. MACHINERY AND MECHANICAL, Hoisting Machines. T HE Celebrated Alei. Thompsoa Patent Friction Roller Hoist Wheels for Stores or Warehou a es, adapted to either steam or hand power. Agent* for Troy *nd vicinity, ""ES, GKAV1 PAGK A CO.. 231 and WS River st. E Troy Plane Factory and Tool Store. 8TABL.1SHED 1833.-BDWABD CARTBB, Manufacturer of Planes, Mechanics' Tools, fVood Mouldings, A c , No. 'U9 River street, opposite the Man- sion House, Troy, N. T. Circular and Scroll Sawiiig, Planing, Turning,. Boring, Mortising, Ac. done to or- der. W The National Scale Co., OAO KIVKR. ST., TltOY, N . Y „ *re increa*- ^m\J*y ing their number of men aid facilities in or- der to supply tbe growing demand for tbelr scales. Their COUNTER SCALES do not allow tbe weights to mar tbe counter*, and are always in their place when wanted for use. The box containing tbe beam and weights of tkrlr Platform Scale is locked up, always In tbetr place and not handled, but by simply touching a key the weights are pnt on or on* the beam. This part of tneir scales can, at a small expense, be attached to any of the scales now made and used. ' Clark Tompkins, JLCAKUFACTUKBK. O F T O E HUBBARD MOWING MACHINES, nr ROTARY KNITTING MACHINES, WINDERS FOR HOSIERY YARNS, NAPPERS FOR HOSIERY GOODS. Gear Cutting and Jobbing in a variety of machine work promptly done to order. We nave purchased the large assortment of Pnlleyi and Hangers owned by J. P. Collins, which, together with the patterns we already had on hand, maces aa larpe an assortment of Pulley and Hanger Pattern* a* is in this section of the state. Works foot of Cypress street. The Troy snd AIM* Horse Railroad car* pas* within tew reds of the works. jeijg Calvin L. Croddard's T J U R R 1 N O .MATH INK W O R K S , 8econd sve- X* nue, corner Twenty second st. Onlce, No. if Bow- ling Green, New York. Msnufaeture tbe PATENT MESTIZO BURRING PICKERS, PATENT WORSTED BURRING PICKERS, PATENT DOMESTIC BURRING PICKER8. Oilers, to attach to Pickers, Patent Steel Ring and Solid Packing Burring Machines, mode single and £~r>hie. for first breakers of Wool-Carding Machines : Fine Burring Mae^" 168 l o r ul the E S S P t ".'Wiser* »*"< finisher*: Improved htee. "!."" f e e ?. «oll«,plainaul Intersecting, with Patent AdjUBtio.e ->,mng Boxe*, Sbafee WiHows, with Blower*, Waste Dusters, Cotton Gins, Blow ers, &c. LX( KLSloR!—At the International Exhibition In London, 1862, and at tbe Pans Exposition. 1867, our Mestizo Burring Picker received a Prize Medal awarri ; S Gold Medal at American insurute fair, New York, 1SC5—aridiD 1W, 1969 and 1870 the highest award. At the American institute Fair, New Tork. 1855. our Burring Machine for Cards was awarded a Gold Medal, and at all subsequent exhibitions tbe highest sward; and in 181U our Double Burrer received first premium. At American Institute Fair, 1869 and 1870, our Steel Ring Feed Rolls received first premium. AfAn.erican Institute Fair, 1870, our Wonted Burr- ing Picker was awarded the first premium. Our steel Ring Burring Machines are the only Solid- Packing Burring Machines in the market. Workman- •hip and operation are guaranteed. Our Illustrated Catalogue can be had on application. Prompt attention given to all laquiriejPend orders by the Proprietor, C L. OODDABD. JEWELRY. E. Marks, •VVrO. 999 HITEK ST., Market Bank tmlldlai ll dealer In Gold and silver Watches, Dlamoat Rings. Pin* and othe Diamond Jewelry of the late* •tyles and pattern*. He has a large stock of 8ilve Spoons, Castors, Cups, ice Pitchers, Cake Basket* Water Pitcher*, Butter Dishes, Clocks, in all the styles, from the Connecticut manufactories, and also the beat approved pattern*. He keeps the best workmen for r*> pairing Watches and Jewelry, aad all hi* work to ~ sse W atches, Cloc ks and Jewelry. r, ha* oa hand I I Geneva Weteesi and silver T €• CHAMPNEY, 36 Broadway, J_J> fine assortment ot American aad G of the finest manufacture, in gold an which are warranted by the maker, trench Clock* Of Gilt, Block Marble and Alabaster Cases, splendid ttm* keeper*. Together with a good assortment of Ameri- can Clocks of all kind*. Jewelry, Silver aad Silver Plated Ware. Spectacle*. Brazilian Pebble*. Basil Bobber and Steel Eye Glassos. Magnifying Glass** Thermometer*, Ac, which will be sold af very low •nee*. Personal attention paid to repairing plain as* SompUeated Watch**. Clock*. Male Boxe*. Jewelry, aha Dissolution of Copartnership, T HE copartnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Ball, Black A Co., is this day dis- solved by mutual consent. Either partner will alga ia settlement of the bualae**.—March 1.1872. (Signed; IIEN'BY BALL, WM. BLACK, * EBBK'B MONRO! WM. D. BLACK. IU announcing tb* above dissolution, Ball, Black A Co. inform their friends and the puolie that they In tend to close out tbelr entire stock with aa little delay as possible, and at prices that will be an inducement for all to purchase from them. Triey have also a very large stock of unset stone*—diamonds, emerald*, ra- bies, cameos, *c—which they will set to order at aa* usually low rate*. Their manufactory for silverware will be continned to enable them to meet any i in that line. 5<S6 and 9*T Broadway, New Tork. PHYSICIANS. E. F. Rogers- Custom Laundry. nrilME is precious ; do n't wait till to-morrow, JL Nor trust in tbe future of fate, Or you'll certainly find to your sorrow You bave come Inst a little too late. Bat gather op your soiled clothe* and hasten To the sua of the big figure five— ROGERS^ laundry work cannot be beaten By anything dead or alive. Apl-ly. Troy Custom Laundry. S TATIHG purchased the fixtures and geod will of I Die Custom Laundry No. 49 Broadway, (new Bo. ) east of Union Depot, 1 am prepared to laandr/ •birt*, collar*, enffs aad gent'* aaderwear ia the neat- est and moat desirable manner. Good* left at Kelts A McGregor's, Mo. 2 Manaion House block, WUl Be laundxied with di.patch.-Tro^8ep£ & <f&8CHEE. WINES ANP UQU0R8. ioo|S Old Booth* Co.** Old TomGla, 180 bas- er Heldalek Champagne, plat* aad ts for the Pleasant faney Wine Co.1 1 Wines. E. BAEHAfiD * BRO-, tM BJ.TW ft, Mrs. M. Entwistla, f T I B E RENOWN ED CLAIRVOYANT DOCTBB8 Of JL Troy, sordlally invite* all tacks tare assertag from disease ia aay form, to give her* •*ll>ad eetlsff themselves of her superior and peculiar method of treating disease, as well aa the health restoring proper- ties of tier Vegetable Compound*, which are agreeable to the taste aad effectual in their operaStoa. Theas afflicted with CONSTJMPTTOir, CAHCBBS, i TUMORS. _ _ _ „ _ . - _ , DISEASES OF THB HBAET. _ DBOP8T, GRATatL. mvEiiM. THROUGH TICKETS L.ataoeawA.aadP.Tft, Eer aU aetata la the WeMera CLkRK* f. /. CLABK, Cor daeterT. C. SSriVwALLl S.SS. «JCJ.S0.6.C and MJS>.V g^t. hJTi Boston and Albany 'MVTfl BO!«TfH«, VIA BAST ALB AS V aad BPBINGFIELD.-On *nd after Moa^tii Dae. 9. train* win leave Union Depot forBo«tos^fe£ 1870 t low*: tM a. a. Way Train to BortOB. •.SO *.. a. Express Trait " 2.10 p. a. Express to 8e*toh. S.15 p. a. Sleeping Car to Bostoa. JBT Tickel* can be procured at the Tie*** _ T. Central and Hudson River BmnrosMi in Daloi DeeeS, New Tork Central and Ft n B j^g T RAIN!* leave Troy a* follow*: Wmtward—Be*} Ex., (Parlor Car from Schenectady,; "?o a.I*.; ciT cago Ex., (Panor Car fr^m bchecoctady,) ii«)r.M. Nipht Ex., iSleeplcgt'ar from Schenectady,> 4:4ip,a For New York, Day Ex., (Parlor Car,) 6:0) «..]•*.: Cla Ex., Parlor Car,) >:15A.M.: Special, i Par'or Car j M A.M.. arrive in New York at 2-*0P.M., Honda** •otp Special New York Express at 2-10 p. «.: Evening Bx (rarlor Car,) 4*0 P.M.! Special Ex., (Parlor Car.) a 4:S0 p. M., arrive In New York at fcSO; Ex. Ft. aad Paes (Sleeping Cars.j \rMr.u. Thefc*5A. M. train ran* a Sundays. C. B. KKNDRU'E. Gen'l PasaY Bgent. _ Groat Central Route Went, V IA NIAGARA FAJ.L8 AH0 »U8I»B1*>« SION BKIIKJE. MICHIGAN CENTRAL AND GREAT WESTBBB RAILWAYS, In dbrect connection at SuspeaMoB Bridge With al train* ol the New York Central and Hudson BSfSg Railroad for Toronto, Brantford Pans, London. De> troit. Chicago. St. Loos*, Omaha. San Franci*co,and aE points West Not thwest and Southw**t. Thi* aniiislar route aff irda adT.•atage* over competing Unet—oelaB the only Unr ruining Pullman'* celebrated B )tet, S.?epinr*od Drawing Room Car* Tie Ntataia tatlBj Bn & I celebrater Dote: I'rruna through from Rochester ts Chicago. N Tickets by this route may be obtained at all the pita cipal railroad depot offices and from airvnts repre*e*r» ing toe line throughout the East, and at the eonpaarw office. New York office: S49 Broadway, cor. Leonard « . ; CHAS. E.NOBLE, Gen*! East. Aft. W. K. MUBB RM. G. W. Railway. H. E. SAHUENT, Sayt. MacA Cea. Railway. ; Vermont Central Railroad. M A I l i T R A I N leavtna Albany at lao A.M.,Tree at 7:3« a. a. Connects at Kutiand with V crnson* Central trains, arriving la Boston, Montreal aad 0*> densburrb e*mejd*y. DAY EXPRESS; (Drawing Room Car,) leaving Trot at l:H'p. M. Arrive at Ticonderoga, Port Heiry. *•* liniitorj and St. Albans same day. MGHT EXPRESS, (Sleeping Car,) leaving Trey at 10:10 p. M. Make* direct conneeri a for Montreal. 0*> den*bureh and ilitermediate stations. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN le;tre* Rotlaaf. (Sear* day* excepted,) at 5:00 A. M. for Ticonderoga and Port Henry- G. MaJlRILL, Gentl Sapu St. Albans. Vt„ Feb. 8.1872. j, ^ Great Reduction of Fare and State Rooms rruj NEW YORK, BT tsTEA.HERs VANDERBIL1 AND CONNECTICUT. Fare oily 50 rents, Tickets for Passage and whole Room - $?.0# For Passage with Renh - l.Od Lesring Trov from their Stesmooat Landing, foot of Broadway, every evening (except r-aturda>s)Yor New Yorkat UP.a., biopplng at Albany for the ajrrnal of evening train from Saratoga and tbe North, arriving in New York early next morning and connecting wlta trains tor all points South and East. "* - Freight received and forwarded at loweat rale*. Std R.P.CLAPP, Agent. TroT, E. T. Troy and Boston Railroaa. yj INTER iRRA^GE^KNTOF TRAiEE. 8JHI A. M., MaU, for North Adams, cormeet»ut wl*A Mountain Line of Stage* for Greenfield, Fitch* Bo-too ; alsowlth tram for Pittsfleld, Sarins Boston,vis Worcester: connms at Eagle Bri local trait on Uutland and Washiaxton Rail: 1.S0 p. M., Express, runs to North Adamc: A W. road througo to St. Albans: connect* Adams with tram for PlttafieM. SpHnaOein aae. Bos- ton. Connect* at Peteraburgh with t rains for BennlaA> ton. Hss Wagner's Palace Car attached, rnaalag fe St. Aiba'na. I.C<i r. A., Accom. for North Adams; connect*at Eagle Bridge with trait, for Sal n m. Rim» over Troy land Boa nintrton Railroad, and couuects at state line with train forTJeaaington and slations North on Harlem Kxtenaiea Railroad. lo Ou p. a^ Night Kxpress, via Salem and Peeltagsy, for RnUand, Burlington. Montreal and Ogdensbarsh. TRAINS A14R1VE AT TROY. MO A. M. Night Exprea*. 1^5 A. M.Arconi. HOP. M. Mali. 4."y p. M. Kxpress. MD p. M. Freight and Accem. Dec.i5.i8Ti. c. W. MQ8KLEY. Superintendent. larg sad 1 eld aad «.e with via B. NortA . . chl of M *N ofj ** M seH - toe SBC pi wrl w* . tit to nil «E Wb a I traf ajrjaj « m e Wit w. Wt » 1 prej tsii BDlll yea| fed dCrBl tor iti Rensselaer and Saratoga R R DepL D EI.A WAKE AND Iilll-ON ( AVAL C*J, Um. WINTER ABRANGKMRNT. 1 llTl. Oil aud after Monaay, Dee. *•£>, lsTl, trams will ran SS follows: Leave Troy at 7:30 A.M., Albany 7:10 A. M., and Seas* nectady 7:91 A. M. Arrive HI Saratoga at 9*ft A. a , Fort Ednjard MS, Glen's Falls 10:10. eonneeting- with stapes for Lake ttcor^e; arrive at Wbi'cLail i:Ki Rutland 11:45 A. M., Bnrlintrlon S.15 P.M.. hV-ex .iun»'i*n 5AI P.M..St Albans 6:i\ Rous*"'- Point, St. J o h n * M M«,ntre»l RS i» «.. Ogdtnaburah 1.^5 A. M. Leave Troy at 4:45 P. St., Altianv 4:*) p. M., ScbeneS- tsdy E.-OO. Arrive at Saratoga at b.20 p. M.. Fort Edward -7.r». C-ten's FaBe Whitehall %M, KnMaod 9.1U p. M.. Burlinrtott 4J0 A. V., Ksces 5.15, St. Albaim 6.21), St. ^Johns H.35. Mont" Rouse'? Point 7.45 A M.. OgdetisburKb lt.«l p. 1 rains arrive at Troy—il:*f A. M.. Express ; Frelcht and Aceonin,odatioo \ f.X) v. M., Exr>re| Through Ticket* sold and baggage cheeke points. I. v. BAKEi;. ^upcrinL S. E. MATO, Cenerel Paaaenger Agent, Troy, Uec.25, l 1 ^. i Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., A I.IMN V AND SI - Q T H f A N N A RAILROAD Dept.—Con:m< neln^ Monday, Nov. 2uih, tdatna *y*l run UM foljows, Suudavs excepted: * Ifornlag Express— 7.40. Erentng Ft#re»*T-2.4S. AccomiiK option (Sieepmir <;*r attached for Hornet**, ville.) 5^0 p. M. The Diorninr and erenlnr exnre»s train* coecoct at COMo* kill for Sharon and Ctierry Valley. Trains arrive from BlnabamtoD— 8.48 A. V., SJOO aaA From Cherry Valley and Sharon—tJBO and iJXJr. a. • Express Tralnt connect with Magi-s t- intennjr Towag and Village* at a i principal points. At BingnamtoBa witn Through F.iprebs Train* on the Erie Railway fog Cleveland, Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Loo is. and all prta> cipal points in tne West, South and Southwftt: alas witl D. L. and W. R. R. fdr Sernnton. Pittston, Wilkes barre, Honeedale, Easton. tteadlaf;, Harrtsburg, tod at points In Eastern Pennsylvania. Through tickets to all point* reached by tie abort « pic} he was I •ceil • yt t i I mi tiuiJ Ltd I an trail 1U- mai sverl wor saml iollj '•Ml. beL tie I le •f In BtoiH mor qe procured at tL e COB*. mentioned connection* ma) . pany's Ticket offi( - No. a© Broadway, or' Bi _ Ofilte, No. 4^ Bro*dw*y, Aloany, N. Y., and baggage Cheeked todeatlnatloa gjr" Pastt^ugeri hold ng t*i'ntieh ttctete 'raosferrad vaaa between depots in Albany. _ • „ H. A. FCNDAi 8aad. 8. E. MATO. General Passenger Agrwt. STEAMSHIPS. Steam Liverpool T O AMD KKOIM Liverpool and Oneetu^wB CB land) twice a week. The IN1M AN LIKE, aaUlBE EVERY NATI'IIDA Y, EVERY' WEDNESDAY* Carrying V. 8. Mall*. Ticket* *old to sad from Ireland, England. BcOMBBa Geii,iany und Frapce. Apply at t". . t.viu^anj k ofibfi JOHN G. DALE.Agent. Broaclw^,BLEW Or to B. A. TiLLlKGHAST A SON 4 .17 First iu f| Reduction in Passage Rates. A KCIIOK I-1NE HTRA.IlKKpi 8A1L EVERY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. PaseeD<rer<! booked to and from any RAILW1*T STA- TION on SEAM)BTln Oreat Britain, Ireland, Norway, Hwedco, Denmark. Germany, France,Holland, Belgium and 'be Culted States, Cebn fare from NEW YORE to LO.VDOK, LIV- ERPOOL, GLASGOW and DERRT by Wednesday** Steamers, $€U. By Saturday's fttearoer*. »85 end #7S.- EXCURSION TICKETS, 1130. INTERMED1AIE *A». SlEEUAGE...,,.. S», all oovable in Currency. a 'Fkrfitt *c-bd!Dg for \Z£! fri^k in tbe Old Country can puicha*e tftketi at losett ra'.^. For.I'-flUer partieularsapplytotbe Age t«, HENDERSON BHOrH- EK«, 7 l-owlina Green, New York, or to >»»*ilU»ji CALDER, or P. J. DOOLEY. 182 River St., Trofy, N. T, Ja2d4-alj ^\ White Star Line. JII1TE STAR LINE. WHITE STAR LINE. NEW YORE, CORK AND LIVERPOOL. NEW AND 1 LLL-POWfcREl) STEAMSBXrE. THE SIX LARGEST IN THE WORLDT OCEANIC. CELTIC. REPUBLIC. ATLANTIC, BALTIC. ADRIATIC, 6.000 tons burden-3,000 H. P. each. Balling froin New Yor^on SATURDAYS, from lit- ert-ool on THURSDAYS, and Cork Harbor the dsf following. From the White Star Dock.Pavonia Ferry. JewAeyCltf. Pt.s«eiig«r accomniodatlnns dor til rlas***) sar> Tailed, combining •»ftty, 'pteJ and comfort. ! iraloens, state rooms, smoking room and bath room* In midship section, where least motion 1* felt. Sat* geons ana stewardesses areom"any taeae steataer*. RAiac—Saloon, tHi gold, ftr^erage, $30 crurrenaw Tbose wishing to send for friends from the Old Coea- try run now obtain ateerage prepaid certiflcStea, Ml currency. Passenger* booked to or from all part* of America, Pans, Han.berg, Norway, Sweden, India, Austra" China, etc. Excursion tickets granted at loweat i Drafts from £1 npwaids. For inspection of plans aad other information,apply to J. B. SPARKS, Agent, 19 Broadway, New York, oris P. J. DOOLEY. 1X3 River St.. Troy^ i - TRANSPORTATION. ULCERATED SOBBS, WHITE SWELLINGS, WORMS. ,_ DEBILITY, KEBVOtoBBESS sad SPINAL DEFORMITIES, would do well by calling to see the Doctrea* at once. Patient* residing ont of the city eaa consult Mr*. E, by letter, enclosing a lock of hair, 1X00 and stamo •fating whether the paUeat is ratlenal or aet. ' aad reaidence, Ho.fMBlTSr it. ' a. to 4 P.M. Oflce boor* from I NEWSROOMS, North Troy Nw. 5°V"fKl T ««S.s» tae leaettoaofEiv J jabUeaaoea, tacladiag Trey aad New letter carrier the newsroom •ar. *nbll Weekly, MoatalyT n -_-«er* and Periodical*, i ^Jia. Be wUl deliver •Bekssseerr- Troy aad Mew Tork Literary aad Htaetre- aay pahUoattoa te Transportation. "DAFGF.Har* now loading fot Troy at Plir 7 East t j river New York. Apply to SILI.IMAN Afro. No iTLoentie* Slip, New York, or S«l River *t, lrey.— TTO LLM *££^ L !"»• J Philadelphia, Albany and Troy Line. F OR Tr*i,*rortatloD of Frefgbt wStkotit Transhlp- n.ent. Boats leave Troy, ere'y Friday: Albany, every bsturday ; Philadelphia, every Vestee 906 River at., Troy, and 4S Qaay et. D.L.FLANA alt7Km 420 South Delaware avenae.PUU Notice to Shippers. 3 P B E Baltimore and New York Injar* Trtmsporta- L tlon Co- on the opening of navigation of the elaware and Chesapeake and Delaware and Karitaa Canal*, will be prepared to receive and forward coal and merchandise by fi rei-clas* barge* to and from Bel- timcre, New York. Troy and all other points oa toe Hudson River and Long Island Sound, aad are«>repared to make contract* for transportation to poiua. named. For freight and further particular*, apply to T. SsCMANCB, RCoeaU« Slip, New Yorker ™$JKtic5? r ' n Smith's Wharf. Baltimore. Md. To Shippers. n p S O T ^ T E A W E R B RECEIVING FREIGHT FOOT BROADWAY, TROY, FOB HEW YOBH. ATaear tWSteamer COHEECTICUT la sight of AHM bound for Troy. FRUIT, 0T8TER8. AC. ' " R ^ . I R * * * * * tfeia every day from Baltimore. 1 bold by tae quart or gallon. City deUrely. Leave roar order* at r BXXSTA MALLEB Y"S, Congress «t. BAArtin M*'n*E a ". :o«4rre**i \X7HOLR8AL.E and Retail Dealer sadJCoaimU- v" sioa Mercnaat la Foreign and Domestic Frmit*. Bottled and tiroea*' ineklea, Senees and JelB*s. Caanad •ad Early Vegeaahlea, Oyster* aad Clam*, t^duaea aad Mat* of ell kind*. EortA wing Fulton markos. Troy. _ J. A. Hilliker A 6 0 . OA Q miTER »T., 1 ^o^»ep^ er JL2^ } > * a 7 and Domestic dreen aad Dried rr*M*. Bardlne*, Pickle*, Ac. We keep coiataat.*' oa one of the Urg est aad meet complete J"* 1 ^ good* to be found la the city, all of which •— to the trade at tbe lowest awrketja«e*>_ CMUBM Of tS* £23*. 212 everj pett «**BB| h <• spai •ct* qusi qair roei R<* •wn « b is e heri' Th| Whiti •jral Me tLl snd suit Boerlj hat trodt *s»Uic inerii porst fled wVeT| Wliieli steed I •M* •< TsetH tbu, llJH- L I world Is Ei mhici Isect wort logic iiaui BOou, riau In iocii •ml ebun EDQt Witt Bfianj tfterl to at laeol •tteti^ Worn hroE4, It lei they Ev.ij I*lym| ABd tbe WBS' EK-ll'l kih •dlK: 40w;. Ball •rth- yarial •Wteei: Eire BBH Irer fall m h B*B> ^^^| - BBI BBE Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: MEIIC1II FLUID EI. 18/Troy NY Daily Times/Troy NY Daily T… · Chatham and Wm. WDllams of Erie; 33d, Chas. H. Lee of Chautauqua, James Cotter of

grog gtaila gfrntg. FRIDAY AFTCRNOOJf, MAT 17,187*.

C I T K B E J r T I N G G E N E J R A L N B W I .

[From Yesterday** Second Edition.] Viae Democratic State Convention.

ROCHSSTKE, May l«."-Soon after 10 o'clock the coayentioo waa called to order by President KtaaeUa, and Secretory Pen-in read the namesof delegates to the Baltimore Convention. The names of Jno. T. Hoffman and other weU known chiefa of the party were received with applause. The following are delegates, At targe: Jno. T. BoOkeaa of New York city, Deloa De Witt of Oswego, Beery C. Murphy of Kirj*s, JarviB Lord ei Monroe. Alternatea: August Scbell of New York city, Cbas. C. B. Walker of Steu­ben, Isaac McConUte of Rensselaer, Albert P. Laaing of Erie.

DISTRICT DELEGATES. 1st, Robert Christie of Richmond, Jamea M.

Oakley of Queens; 2d, Thomas Kinaella and Was. W. Moaeiey of Kings ; 3d, Wm. A. Fow­ler and Wm. C. De Witt of Kings; 4th, Calvin K. Pratt and Stephen A. Calhoun of Kings; 5th, John Fox and Nelson W. Young of New York city ; 6th, John Kelly and Ilenry Waltman of If ew York; 7th, Thos. J. Creamer and John Scott of New York; Mb, 8. 8. Cox and Jaa. S. Thayer of New York; 9th, Oliver Charlick and Jno. £. Matteraon of New York; 10th, Wm. C. Conner and Matthew T. Brennan of New York: 11th, Ckrkson N. Potter and Calvin Frost of Westchester; 12th, Chas. F. Brown of Oraui£, Jaa. L. Lameranx of Sullivan ; 18th, Robert E. Andrew* of Columbia, Homer A. Nelson ot Dutchess; 14th, Joseph W -Tattle of Lister Jacob H. Meechof G i ^ e j J5tt, Wm. Caj»idy Of Albany, A. A. Bunt of Schohane: lt»ttQeo. Northrop of Washington, John H. Colby of Bcacseiaer* 17th, John Keenan of Warren, Ar-temas B Waldo of Essex; ISth, Charles An­thony of St Lawrence, W. P. Cantwell of Franklin; 19th, Geo. W. Chapman of Saratoza, Mclntyre Frarer of Fulton; 20th, W. W. Gor­don of Delaware, W. A. Cook of Chenango; Slat, Allen C. Beach of Jefferson, Djwitl C. West of Lewis; 22d, Calvert Oomstock and J. Thomas Spriggs of Oneida; 23d, Willard John­son of Oswego, N. Wils-on Parker of Madison: 84th, Wm. C. Ruger and Milton BL Northrop of Onondaga; 26th, Elman P. Rosa of Cayuga, Henry Stowell of Seneca; 26th, Lester B. Faulk­ner of Livingston, 8. C. Ellsworth of Yates; STth, George J. Magee of Scbnjler, John 8. Wells of Broome; 38th, George B. Bradley of Steuben, Erasius P. Hart of Chemung; 29th, Jobs M. Graves of Orleans, Wm. H. Bowman of Monroe; 30th, Henry Richmond of Geoessee, Elton T. Ransom of Niagara: 31st, George W. Chatham and Wm. WDllams of Erie; 33d, Chas. H. Lee of Chautauqua, James Cotter of Catta­raugus. On motion of Mr. Thayer of New York the convention then with a resolution of thanks to the President and other officers adjourned an* dig. , __


ROMX, May 16.—The Italian government baa sent a communication to the government of Prince Charles, Roumania, protesting against tha persecution and oppression of the Jews in that country.

•DREADFUL FIRE IS TEDDO. YOKOHAMA, April 23.—A great fire occurred ra

Teddo during a severe gale, destroying habita­tions covering a space two by three miles. An Immense amount of property waa destroyed. Where the wounded and sick were unable to es­cape they were put to the sword to save them from the more awful fate of being burned. Thirty thousand persons are houseless. The government opened their rice stores and fed all who applied. A new plan of the burnt district will be made and foreigners will have a chance tobuihL

THB SUPFLEMBXTAI. ARTICLE IN «I0LAHT>. LONDON, May 16.—The supplemental article

to the Washington Treaty, providing for the set­tlement of indirect claims controversy, is the principal topic of discussion here. The morn­ing Journals in their articles on the subject ex­press the hope that the American Senate will ap­prove tbe suggestions embodied in Granville's draft of the article, and thereby remove differ­ences now existing between England and Amer­ica, but fear the exigencies of the Presidential election may cause its It Is also hinted in the papers that when politi­cians on both sides shall have finished with the treaty the people of tbe two nations will take it Into consideration and effect a satisfactory set­tlement of the points at is.-ue.

LOO Or TUB SHE*ANDOAn. The London Globe to-day has an article show­

ing that the claim of the American government for damages incurred by the destruction of ves­sels by the Shenandoah amounts to $6,5000,000, while prize money claimed by officers of the Shenandoah amounts to #1,000,000. The Globe also published a detailed log of the Shenandoah,

{^vint the name aed value of every prize cap-uted by that vessel.

approaching disapproval

Forty «•**«© ud ( o o s w u - T o - O a y , SBHATB.—Th«- Senate resumed the considera­

tion of the Baltimore and Potomac railroad de­pot bill. Several amendments were offered and rejected and the bill Gnalty passed, 39 to 18. It now goes to tbe President for his signature.

Hocsx—A bill passed authorizing defendants In United States Courts to testify in their own -BtFT&oaeSA A *r

The tariff bill was then taken up in committee Of the whole.

On motion the duty on quinine waa reduced from 25 per cent, to 10 per cent.

Mr. Starkweather moved to strike ontthc item taxing salt peU r three cents per pound and put it on the free list.

Mr, Dawes warned the House that this motion was in the interest of the Hazard and Dupoot powder mills companies, two of the greatest monopolies in tbe country.

The amendment was aereed to, 78 to 53. Tbe amendment striking out the item taxing

sal soda and soda ash one-fourth cent per pound waa rejected.

The duty on santarine is reduced to a dollar a pound, and strychnia to thirty cents an ounce. The duty on rum essence or oil and bay rum es­sence or oil, reduced to fiftv cents an ounce.

Mr. Hoar moved to add to tbe item taxing books, etc., twelve and a half cents a pound an exemption of those imported for public libra­ries, colleges, schools, philosophical societies, etc.

Mr. Kerr moved to reduce the rate to ten cents per pound.

Mr. Holman moved to put books on the free Hit.

Mr. Banks argued in favor of fixing the dutv on books at as low a rate as is consistent with the interests of American publishers and sug­gested a reduction of the advaloreu rate to ten or fifteen cents.

Front New York. ARRIVED.

NEW YORK, May 16.—The steamer Iowa, from Glasgow, has arrived. 2

STOCK EXCHANGE. The Stock Exchange on and after the 1st of

June will close at 4 o'clock iu tha afternoon, un­til the 1st of October. .

METHODIST GENERAL CONFERENCE. In tbe Methodist General Conference to-davit

was decided thut the election of Bishops would take place next Tuesday, in view of which a re­solution was offered ana referred to exclude ad­vertisements of quack doctors from the publica­tions of the church. A reception of delegates from the Free Church of Italy, Dr. J. P. Thomp­son and Father Gavazzi, took place.

'• — ^ — ;

The Copper .tuners' Strike. DETROIT, Mich., May 16.—The total number

• f copper miners engaged in the strike at Houghton is 2,000. Trooos are expected to reach Houghton to-morrow. Only a few miners are clamorous. It is thought that the moral ef­fect of the presence of the troops will be suf­ficient to restore order and obedience to the legal authorities. A number of miners are on the way hither, having been previously employed at mining work. The only danger now "appre­hended is that they m»y be interfered with by the discontented strikers. Mr. Agassis, President of the Calumet and Hecla mines, has left Detroit, and will reach the scene of the disturbances Friday.

... Frons Waebtaxton.


ftf California took poison and died last sight. THB SUPPLEMENTAL ARTICLE.

The Senate committee on foreign relations had another meeting this morning on the sub-Sect of the additional article to the treaty of Washington, bat esme to no conclusion, there being much discussion. There seems to be no doubt the committee wUl report favorably, and that the Senate will finally act on the matter this week.

TMe Treaty In tbo Dominion Parlla-aueut.

TonoHTo, Msy 16.— The Treatv bin was again itecuased last night in Parliament. Mr. Holton •f the opposition taid the most objectionable dBase was the eessiou of the St. Lawrence with-•? i J£,f consent of Canada. The vote <JQ the hill will be taken to dav.

to aid Qilnaore, BOSTON, Msy 16.—A cable dispatch received

S Gilmore announces the definite engagement Strauss End his full Vienna orchestra of fifty-

Slk pieces for the International Jubilee.

WorEJaganeos* Festivities. HAJMILTOB, Msy 16.— Yesterday was cele­

brated as a public holiday by the workingmea iu honor of the nine hoars concession.

The Mew York Charter Vetoed. ALBANY, May 16.—Gov. Hoffman has vetoed

the New York charter.

T h e Matual-Troy Game. , , The World speaks of yesterday's game as fol­

lows : The first game of tbe championship series between the Matuals of this city and the Troy clabtook place yesterday afternoon on the IJaiOB Grounds, Williamsburg. There was not the same amount of interest felt in this game as H ? ! * . ^ .D t b e * T ° ^ t w e « n tbe Bostonians and the Mutes, as the Troy club had inat r*» x& oMHr1 bt ^ ^ « M » " w S . • acort.ot eight Uj <me, and by the Atretics with we enortaous aeons of twenty-five to five, and Wftfore the attendance was Just about half What ttwaam the Boston-Mutual game. When 22LB°J MB*. "* d e t B e I r »PPe«w»ce on the

^ZJ* «7V VS™* , h u t Gedney was too ill to • 2 J * ^ r l m U , ° ^ *""* *•«» suffering so ae-

2£Z£?2££J*1 ^ eight men. Whether

S a a ^ n S n ^ h S ^ J f c ? ^ t 8* a *• *M

!222^f^r?b^^^wS^ST^ch 1 g 3 < y . . . ? £ l * « g J > r W 1 1 * • Banlasorsaas

m Of the finest expositions of the naOonat ever seen JfttnUniooGrouBds. Bad the

been at ail aeqaarnted with the roles of

the game tae result might have been as several of the Mutual • « weuMJ bases ou sailed balls, but, though ialanwiag to bTperfectlyImpErttaLhhkaiaafj rats an an-duesdraatagetotoeTroy dub, whose pitcher was very Irrepnlar in his delivery. Thsgame opened well, and with every appearance of being one of the closest and most exciting of the sea­son. In the first Inning the Troy men made and earned one run, whitewashing the Mutuais in verv pretty style. Then followed some spleu-did'flcldiog on both sides, the Troy men receiv­ing four " Chlcagoes" hi succession, while the Mutuais only made one run, and that through an over pitch of Zettletn's in the fifth Inning. Up to this point nothing could have been mere Interesting than the fine exhibition of both teams, but in the sixth and seventh innings the Mutuais became a little shakv, and consequently allowing their opponents to get in two runs in each inning. Nothing of this kind, however, happened to the Troy nine, who certainly had given none of the evidences of weakness in tha infield "which were so disastrous to them at Baltimore and Philadelphia; indeed, the chang­ing Force to thud and Hodts to short may be said to have won the game lor iroy, finer fielding or throwing than that done by Force never having been excelled even by the renowned George W right Of the eUihth and ninth innings little need be said beyond the fact tbat they were faultlessly played, and the Trojans may congratulate themselves upon hav* iu" won a tfaudsome and well deserved victory. Of the Mutual nine Hatfield and Start played their bases beautifully, Joe never having been seen to better advantage. Hicks caught splen­didly, but dropped one foul-bonna ball, and Boyd, though he was so nervous that he made one or two errors, played very well and steadily indeed Force, Allison and Martin excelled eu the Trojan side, the latter certainly making one of the most brilliant fly catches it ever falls to the chance of a ball player to distinguish himself by taking. This victory has undoubtedly tended to raise the spirits of the friends of the Troy club, who were beginning to feel rather low. The following Is the score:

TBOY. Foree . tb . . . . McAtee, 1 b. . Allison, c . . . King, If. Bellas,sf Martin, rf... Hoaea, • • . Zettlein, Wooda, l?ib::::

% IB P z a

Totals J t « W

MCTUAL. Hatfield, M b . Start, I S Pearce, s s . . . . Kegler, c f . . . . cuinmngti. p. Becbtel, 1 f... Boyd. 3 b Hicks, c McMullia. rf.

IBP 1 4

Totals t t t T 1»

Troy Mutual...

Ron* earned-Umpire—Mr, A

BCN3 SCOBSD. 1 0 0 0

^^^F^^BB^baPI^BBrtP™ V I

\j» versa

N ° w A S r l ^ W 0 W B o l ^ a a f ^ ^ e a j W

day besoms eo-of daaadan * 31 H I T J N B X l i e i

F S ? g c i e * a t r t t S . « t y o f T r o ^ K . T ^ l M U d ^ o r ,

U. m.. M?i. *. imtu n t v r n f. RRMUI^ DAVID C. BfUOOS.


J o h n N . G r e e n f i e l d , o n i C l A W * . h a s coBStaaUyoa

Id. Stiver and steel B A C T I C A I -hand a flae tesortmeat Spectacle., Oold, SUelL Steel and Rubber Ere Gluwi ,

Teletcopea, Mleroacopea, Field sad Opera Glasses, Ste-reecopes and Steraaeopie Views. 208 Broadway—Ho. IS Mansion House Block. N. B.—Repairing sad of elasset at short notice.

Grand Opening.

TH E Mew store in Rand's Hall ig now open with a fall. fresA supply of Fancy Groceries. Teas and

Coffees a soaclalty. Goods bouttht for CASH, and will be sold correspondinzly low. Call and »ee_^^„

BBOWNKUL A VXH AL3TTKE, China and Japan O verland Tea Co.'a Store,

myio tf 68 Congrew streft.

Hair! Hair! Hair! W H E R f • W H E R E V.WHEREjr .At BEWO 3

you Re

will llud at all eal and Imitation

_ -oond this side of New York. Also every-thug fancy pertaining to the bair line in jet and shell. Uaarsnteed goods, prompt attention, and close itria prices always given. Combings straightened,3sc per oz.

857 Broadway, Troy, where times the largest display both in Goods to befoun

INSURANCE. Reliable Insurance Companies.

T 3 B P K BLUNTED by G. PARISH OGDKN * CO.-K Rtsastaken Si reasonable ratea In the Allowing

UT™rp©ol*and London, and Globe, f ire •«»* . -»„_„_ Ufe.a»«MB..... ,a0'S2-2S2

HatioBal.Ffre,frM»on, assets. 800,000 staadsrd.FTre, New York. - «0.000 e-wmanla. Fire. NewYorx, " »Wup8 Haaover Fire. New York, " • sn,uw

TOtal sates* A'uwi-VL; ...^..VqjXflM <1. PA.HI8H OGDKN * Co.. II First »t., Troy.

The Connecticut Mutual I F E I N S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y of Hartford,

Coca,,—tbe safest aad best Company In America. A S S E T * , « 3 a , 0 0 0 , 0 O O .

dividends aad cheapest insurance. Call aad PKCK A H1LLMAN. Geaeral Agents, aet 4oa

Mntoal, 0; Troy, 1. Allison. Eearord B. B.

0- 5

Time of game—2 boon and 10 minute*. C,

L A W S O F N E W Y O R K - B T A a t h a r t t y . [Every law, anleas a different time 'ball be prescribed

ttoerein, shall comn.ence and take effeet throughout the state, on and not before the twentieth day after the day of Its anal passage, as certified by the Secretary af gtste. Sec. U, title *, cbap. 7, part 1, Revised Statutes.]

CHAP. *18. AN ACT to authorize the formation, establishing and

main talcing of driving park and park associations. Passed April IS. 1S73. three-nfths being present.

The Peopl* of the State of New York, repr«tm%tea (* Senate autt A«»emblj/, do enact as foiiowi : fcacrioH 1. Any six or more persons of full age, eiti-

zenaof this state, who shall desire to form a driving paek, or park association la this state, ma; make, si,ra and acknowledge, before any officer authorized to lake the acknowledgment of deeds la this state, and file la the office of the Secretary of State, and also ia the Clark's office of the county in which the bu.laess of such aescclatioB Is to ha conducted, acertldcateio wrtUag wherein shall be stated tbe name and title whereby each association shall be knewuinlaw, the amount of its capital stock, tbe number of shares into which such capital stock is divided, the location, par­ticular business and objects of such associations, the number of trustees, directsr* or managers to manage tbe same, aad the names of sach trasters, directors or managers for the first >•< ar of its existence. Such arti­cles of association shall aot be tiled as aforesaid until one-tweaileta part ef the amount of stock dxed as aforesaid chall have beea actually paid la to the direct­ors in cash, nor until there shall be endorsed thereon, or ennexeo tbereto, an affidavit asade by at least three of the directors named in sach articles of association, that tne amount of stock required in the first section of this aet to be subscribed baa beeS subscribed, and teat one-twentieth part of tbe amount has been actual­ly paid la aa aforesaid.

t i. Vpon filing a certificate aa aforesaid, the perions who shall have .inned end sekaowledged such certifi­cate, aad their associates and successors,shall there­upon, by virtue of this act, be a body politic and cor­porate oy the name stated in such certificate, aad by ihat name they and their successors shall and may have succession, and shall be persoas in law capable of su­ing aad be'ag saed, and they end their successors may have aad use a CODOOI seal, and may ceange and alter the same at pleasure : and tbey and their their corporate name, shall in law-bo capable of taking and receiving, purchasing and holding real estate for the purpose of their incorporation, aad for uo other purpose, to a sum not exceedingone hundaod thousand dollars in value, and* personal estate for tike purpose to an amount not exceeding one hunured thousand dol­lars, and make by-laws fur the manageuisnc of Its af­fairs not inconsistent with the laws et this state or the t n n e d States.

5 3. The capital stock of any such association shall be divided into t>baresof not fees than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dellrre each, as the by-laws of said association shall require, to be paid in cash by tbe stockholders at sach time, and in su b manner, aud in such instalments as the directors or maeagers of the association may require, and under sueh penalties for *neglectiUK tbe payment of Instalments as may be scribed by the bylaws of sucii association ; prov


tbat at lesst thirty days' notice, printed er tuwritiag, sbhii be given by the treasurer of such association of tbe time when the shares are required to b« paid; sueh shares shall be deemed personal property, transferable only on the books of said association, in such manner as prescribed by Its by-la>va. Ail the stock­holders of every association, organiz .-d under this act, shall be severally and Individually liable to aa * o >nut equal to the capital stock held by them respectively, to tne eredlwrs of such association.i or all debts con­tracted by the directors er agents of such association for its ase, until tbe whole amount of capital stock, fixed and liiiiitcd by said association. Is paid in, and a certificate thereof tiled in tbe office aforesaid.

i 1. Tbe officers of any such association shall consist of a president, and at least one vice -pre 'Idea', a secre­tary, a treasuier, and any nuraber of directors whlcuis divisible by three, bat not mere than urteon in all. The prtStdeat aad vice-president, secretary and treasur.r, shall be elected ennuallv. and the first year the whole number of directors shall be elected; tbey shall be di­vided by lot into three classes; the ttrst class to serve one year, tbe second class two years, and the third clasa three years ; and at thu expiration \tt each term a gumcisnt i.»mber of directors shai; be elected to All each class, and to serve three years; a»d all vacancies that may occur snail be filled only tor the term made vacant. Tae election of all officers shall be by ballot oi the stockholders or members, and no persoa who is not a stockholder shall be eligible to aav office. The board of u-acugers shall consist of tbe president, the first vice-presllent, secretary, treasurer and directors, a majority of when shall constitute a quorum tor the transaction of busiueas; and it shall be the duty of said officer* to so manage the property and concerns >f the said society as will best promote tue objects of such associatiens as set forth fa the articles of Incorpora­tion.

S 5, Nothing in this aet contained shall be construed to allow toe racing, ranulng, trotting or pacing ot horses for any bet or wager, contrary to tne provisions ot article fifth, chapter twaatj, title eight aad part first of the Kevttcd Statutes.

4 6. Any such association may, in case the uses and convenience thereof so require, upon application to the Supreme Court of the district wherein said associ­ation, at the time of sach application shall be situated, er the COULIJ Court of the county wherein sach asso­ciation is organized, obtain tbe requisite order and power to seil, from time to lime, the whoie.or any part or parts of its t eat estate, the granting of sach order to be In tbe discretion of the court, aad such application to be made only when authorized by said association at any annual meeting thereof, bv a vote iu person or by proxy of mot less than two-thirds in amount of all tbe stockholder* voting, and printed or written notice of the intention to vote for such application having been served on every stockholder by the secretary of sueh aasodiation by depositing the same in the po*tof-fflce where such a»see ation Is located, properly folded ana directed to him at the postofflcc nearest his place of residence, as shall appear from the books of the as­sociation kept for this purpose, with the postage paid thereon, at least twenty days prior to the time of said meeting.

| 7 . l i e said association may increase its capital stock to any amount not exceeding tbe amount as pro­vided in section two of this act, a: any «,cual meeting thereof, by a vote in person or bvproxey, of not less than two-thirds ia amount of all the stock holders, no­tice of such intention to increase its capital stock hav­ing been given as prescribed in the preceding section oi this act; aid such notice mast state the time and place of the meeting, and tne amount to which It Is

f iroposed to increase the capital stock. The proceed-ngs of such meeting must be entered on tbe minutes

ol the proceedings ot tue assootatt->n,and thereupon tbe amount sanctioned, not exc-?eiing the limit herc-liihbfore provided, by a vote of two-thirds of all said stockholders, snail be deemed the amount of the capi­tal stock of said a*B<>oiaitoij.

9 8.* The officers of any association organized under the provisions oi ibis act shall be jointly and severally liable for all debts due from said association, contract­ed while they are orhcers thereof, provided a suit for the collection ot the same shall be Drou.-htiwunm one year after tbe debt ihall become due and liable.

IS. During any exbibitton del Ion the ground of sneb ssaociatiou the sheriffs of counties tvltnm which tne same are eituated are bereby authorized, at the request of tbe officers of the association, to appoint so many special policemen as uav be deemed necessary to aid In preserving order and enforcing the rale* of the as­sociation, provided, that the compensation for the ser­vices of such Kveeial policemen shall in no event be a charge apoa any county, city, town or village.

{IS. Tbe president, secretary and treasurer of every inch association ibalt annually prepare a full state­ment of the receipts ann expenditures of sach associa­tion, during tL* year preceding 'he day of the annual election, with a schedule Of Its property, debts and ob­ligation*, which statement and schedule shall be veri­fied by the affidavits of two of baid officers, and shall b» filed ia the county clerk's office of tbe county tn which such association shall be located, within one week alter sucn anuual election, and otnerwlse pub-MaheS aa the by-laws of the association shall or may p assails

111. Every association formed under thi* aet shall posiess the powers and be subject to tbe provisions and restriction* contained la the third title of the eighteenth chapter of the Bevlsed Statutes.

312. All sssoclat'.oaa for the purposes speelfiel tn this act, which have been formed under any special act, may reorganize uader this law at any time.

i It. fats act shall take effect immedia;ely. I T S T I or Miw Y o u , >. .

Office of tbe Secretary of State. 5 1 have compared the preceding with the original law

oa> tile In this office, aad do hereby certify tbat tae same is a correct transcript lharef roni and of the whole of satd original law.

G. HILTON SCBIBNEB, Secretary gf State.

SPECIAL NOTICES. C. D. Packard A. Co.,

KCOFGUKbS .«T..are offering the greatest Indues men is of any dealers ia the citv. They have the great­est variety to be found, Including a fall assortment ot B.C.Bart's celebrated Shoas. These celebrated shoe* •re eqaal to custom work. Also a fall line at Jamas M. Bart's Gent"* Hand Sewed Shoes. * ^ ™


FRECKLE LOTION. It Is reliable aad harmless. Sold by all draggisis. Depot, 48 Bond at.. New York.

SKIN DISEASES. B f E ! f & ' 8 l M p l l ( 2 V E D COMEDONE AND PtMrLE REMEDY.-The Skin Medicine of the Age. Is war-S K J V l ™ " !',$• w » , t e »n(t matteratcd Plsaplea;

,£!? w orms and blotched disfigurations of the Face. Presared only by Er, B. C. Perry, Dermatologist. «

Bond strati, Eew -York, gold Vy druggists every-Whare. mhiaeodfem

F. H. FREEMAN & CO., 1 4 1 s l i v e r S t . , e r T r e r M i l l s , H a l l o w R o a d

Kovs Ssotta Plaster, fine sad freeh. ground by the ten or car load. Also floor. Feed, Meal. Corn. Oats Screenings aad all son* of Mill staff.



A msgoMstat ttesk of aewest styles aad lowest prices.




THE BEST IN USE. t*"For sole everywhere.

oshM »t * wsia

get docomeats. aslO 4 Mutual Bank Building.

SAWIN8 AND PIANINO. Sawing and Turning.

r i O B T R A C T O K f i , Builders and Wagon KJ yo« can get yoar sawing, turning and olanjng fa the Central part of the city. H. MOOT * CQ.,1


n the Mechanic streeVare pre-

pared to receive "yourr order*. Neatness aad prqrpptJ, tadaMoarBtoato. Can sad alva ws s trtst. dsTv Flooring, Mouldings, Planing and Sawing. 1 4 1 E L N D E K S U i N ED has constantly on hand a X large lot of Georgia Pine and Spruce Flooring,

which he will sell oa reasonable terms'and in auantl-tle* to suit purchasers. Mouldings made to order. Sawing and PlaniBg done at short notice. Also, Dry Kindlings, etc. Apply at the Troy Planing Mill, oh the dock foat at Adams street

S KEBSLAKK, Proprietor.

MARBLE WORKS. Ml.I I I I — — l > l — • • • « • • • II • HI • ' • — • • • i n - — — — — —

Steam Marble Works.

MANTBI.f*, Monuments and Headstone*, of Italian aad American Marble; Grates for hard or soft

Ttliu coal, plain and fancy Tiling. Cabinet and Plumber*' Mass, 3oap-Stoue, Calcined Plaster and Marble Dost; Slabs. Soap-Stoue, Calcined Plaster and Mar Die uo*t; also, the Blae Winer, White Silver and Scotch Granite tarnished to order. PETER GRANT,

corner ot North Second and Federal sta.

Trow Steam Marble Works.

NOS. 8 1 . 8 3 cV 8 3 F E K K Y ST.-Kstablt*hod IB 189*. Marble Mantels, Monuments, Headstones,

•lain and fanoy Tiling, Cabinet and Plumbers* Slab*, ioae-Stoae, Anthracite aad Bituminous Coal Grates, Calcined Plaster and Marbl* Oast, Vases for Gardens aad Cemetery lot*, German Bronze Brackets, Graoita work of all desertpttoaa. MABX S. DICK KB MAN.

BANKRUPTCY. In Bankruptcy—No. 2906.

UK I T E D S T A T E S DI8TBVICT C Northern District of New fork—in the

OITR.T-ui.vter of

Samuel K. Hawkins and Marcus E. Hawkins, bank­rupts.

Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of an order of Harvey J. King. Itaq.. Register iu Bankruptcy, a second general meeting of the creditors of the above named Bankrupts will be held at the office of Harvey J. King, Esq., Register In Bankruptcy, at his office in the city of Troy, m the county of Rensselser, 8fate of New York, on the ttrst day of June, 1872, at ten o'clock in the torevoon, for the purposes named in tbe 37th section of the bankrupt act.—Troy. May ID, 1872.

myld lawtw GEORiiE DAY, Assignee of said Estate.

BUILDERS. C a r p e n t e r i n g a n d B u i l d i n g . ,

s O f l A K l . E * P. H U T C H I N * . (successor to 8 . B. \_/ Fobee.) Carpenter and Builder, 58 River street, corner Liberty. d5 ly


TH B aTIattrl af Shanaahan & Son waa dissolved on the ISth of February by uiu;ual consent. The bust-

•ess will be continued by the senior partner, who will •ay all the debts ot the arm, and to whom all outstand­ing claims must be paid.—Troy. March S, 1*70.

JOHN SHANNAHAN. The bonding business i* still carried on la all its

branches at No. is Ferry St., and all Jobbing la the car­penter line well and promptly done.—Troy, March I. fan. JOHN SHANNAHAN.

MARKETS. Pulton Fish Market.

TH B subscriber has arranged for more extended facilities for supplying the trade both wholesale

and retail with oysters lor tbe coming season, in addi­tion to his regular Fish business. _


O. F . Donaldson & Co^ 1 A K I N G SrT., Wholesale Dealers la Fresh and I U Salt Pork, Sugar Cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Stooliiers, Pure Lard; and manufacturers of Donald­son's Celebrated Sausage. Hotels, Restaurants and Butchers supplied at the lowest market price. Give them a trial aad be convinced they are the best to be had la the city. a l l

COAL. pttAL..

B A R T O N sfc T U P P E R , OFFICES *» RIVER and IS STATS ST3, TROF, N. Y. " Coall Goal! Goal! V A N / . I L B , A N T l l O M Y * CO.,


Corner River aad Liberty sta. and 231 Bfrer it.


,T ro f

Glot f t i

Casa imere*

\ a a d

V s o t l a s * .

P. aPettit, * T K K 1' H A R T


And dealer la Gents'


No 2 Troy House


French Yoke Shirts.



G o o d s .

SEWER PIPE. Hydraulic Cement Pipe,

Ft R sewrae. cellar aad sink drains, water elosstt, hot and cold air Sues, chimnies, well sides, culvert*

under rail, plank and public roads, from 3 Inches to 3 feet In diameter, both round and oral. Also bends from 3 laches to 15 Inches in diameter, of any desired length, to turn any angle * also dealer In cement, calcined plas­ter and marble dust. Send tor circular containing price list and other information. Address

CALVIN LOCKRGW. 17 Smith SVS~ Troy. N. T.


TNational Livery Stable.

WE B tJBSCI l Iz tBK baa ynst got la sew car­riages, horses, and engaged careful drivers. Ladles

desiring calling or pleasure turu-ouu will find at my •table courteous ?nd attentive liverymen aad beautiful carriages. Single rigs, genteel aad suit able for all tastes. Six fine, easy, steady saddle horse*, trained expressly for ladies' aad gentlemen's use-

M. HBBBICX, 12 State St.. a a » i v Between First and Second sta.

ICE. Ice.

" W B M B T T eV H A R P , wholesale and retail deal-I T ers in iee, having refilled their large house* with

clear and solid ice, are now prepared to receive order* from all parties wishing a good, liberal supply. Hotels, breweries, batcher* aad saloon*can be supplied by the ton or hundred, and families by tire week, month, sea­son or year, w e will contract for one year, with tbe privilege of three. All orders sent to the office, 846 River st.. will be promptly attended to.


AUCTION and Co Bt.Troy.N.Y.

every description of

W. A. Clark & Cos, ;ommlssioa Merchant*, s * Bivsg

Wholesale aad retail dealers la every description of English. French and Germaa fancy goods, and Yankee Notions, knit cloth, shirts, drawer*. Jacket*, hosiery, e t c A rail regular line oi walnut and rail silvered snow cases constaatly on hand, at leas than New York prices. Cask advanced oa all consignment*.

SECOND-HAND STORES. Second Hand Store.

r A D I B S and Gents having cast-off clothing to dl* XJ poeejiof will do well by calling or •ending s aota J&V^o? > „£?o , f f d e J , , 8 l l e < I ' M n e , r t n P»7 HIGHER PRICES IN CASH than any other similar store in the City. B. KONINSKYitM jayer StreotTflAs slothing store north of the railroad bridge. ^ ^ _ N-B.- tadies will be called upon By Mrs. KONLN bb.1 *

MEDICINES. itkoeaoti

Flack from the i Raze out the written trouble* of U A ad with some sweet oblivions i Cleanse the staffed bosom of that perilou staf Which weighs upon the heart?




MEXICAN FLUID EXT, BUCflU. • A positive and »pecinc Remedy" for Non-Betentlon

or incontinence of brine. Irritation, lutlaiainatiou or Ulceration of the Bladder and Kidneys, Disease* of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculous Gravel or Brick Dust Deposit and Mucuoos or Milky Dis­charges, and all diseases or affections of the Bladder and Kidneys and Dropsical Swelling* existing la men, women or children.

* oo.*s F L U I D EXTRACT O F


For weakness arising from Excesses, Habit* of Dis­sipation, Early Indiscretion or abases attended wlta tbe following symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Lea* of Power, toss ot Memory. Difficulty of Breath-lag, Weak Nerves, Trembling. Horror of Discs**. Dim­ness of Viatoa, Wakefulness, Pain la the Baes, Univer­sal Lassitude of the Muscular System. Hot Hand*, Flushing of tbe Body. Dryness of the Skin, MrauUona OB the Face aad Pallid Countenance.

Ia many affections peculiar to Female*, the EX­TRACT BUCUU ia unequalled by aay other remedy-as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Paiufalnee* or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Utertu, Leacorrhoea, Sterili­ty, and for complaint* incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion. Habits of Dissipation, or in the Decline or Change of Life. Iti* pre»cribed exten­sively by the moat eminent physiolens and mid wives after eonflnomenU,and for enfeebled and delicate con-st'tut ions ol"both sexes and all age*, attended with any of the above diseases or symptoms.



These symptoms, if allowed to go. on, which this medicine invariably removes,soon follows Impoteacy, Fatuity, Epileptic Fit*, ia one of which the patient msy expire. Who can say that these are not frequent­ly followed by those "direful diseases,'* Insanity and Consumption. Many are aware of the cause of their suiierings, bat few will confess. The records of the Insane Asylum, and the melancholy death* by Con­sumption, bear ample witness to the troth of the asser­tion. The constitution one* affected with organic weakness requires the std of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the syrtem, which " Holmes A Co.'i Mexican Fluid Extract Bochu" invariably does.

Retailed by all druggists at 75 cents per bottle, of S ounces, or 8 days medicine, at once placing this valua­ble compound within the reach of tbe patient, no mat­ter bow poor.

BEWAJiE of counterfeit*. Ask for Mexican Fluid Extract Buchu. Holmes & Co., Proprietors, New Tor* oity.

BEWARE of Spurious Buchu Mixtures, prepared by self-styled doctors, which are kept before tne public by notorious advertisement*.

J. L. THOM PSOlf, SON ft CO., Wholesale Agent, Troy.

Dr. H. C. SHELDON, 8*8 River *t.. Troy, Retail Agent.


For Restoring NATURAL

Gray Hair YlTAlslTY AND

-A. JL J E i v S

H A I R V I G O R A dressing which la at once agreeable, healthy, and

effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair fa soon restoredto iu original color with the gloat and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, ana baldness often, though not always, cored by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and de­cayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benent bat not harm it. IX wanted merely for a

HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long ou the hair, giving It a rich glossy lustre aad a grateful perfume.—Prepared by

j BE. J. € . AYEE & CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass.

Price 11.00. Sold by all Druggists.



o s A D A

. e

I s

THB ingredient* that compose ROSADALIS are published on every package, therefore it is not a secret preparation, consequently

P H Y S I C I A N S P R E S C K . I B B I T . It is a certain core for Scrofula-Syphilli* in

all its forms, Rheumatism,Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, and all diseases of the Blood.


will do more good than tea bottles of the Sy­rups of Sareaparilla.

The undersigned physicians have used Rosa-dalis in their practice for the past three years, and freely endorse It aa a reliable Alterative and Blood Portlier: DR.T. C. PUGH of Baltimore. DK.T.J.BOYEIN, fi DR. R. W. CARR. » s DR. F. O. DANNKLLT. " DR. J. 8. SPARKS of NiehoUsvlllc, By. DK. J. L. McCARTH A, Columbia, S. C. DR. A. B. NOBLES, Kdgecourb, N. C.

Used and endorsed by J. B. FRENCH ft SONS, Fall River, Mas*. F. w. SMITH, Jackson, Mich. A. F. WHEELER, Lima, Ohio. B. HALL. Lima, Ohio. CRAVEN & CO., Gordonvtlle.V*. SAMUEL (i. McFADDRN, Murfree*boro,

Tend. Our space will not al'ow of any extended re­

marks in relation to tbe virtues of Rosadalis. To the Mciliui: F:cf*»sion we guarantee a Hold extract superior to lay tbey have ever used In tbe treatment of Diseased Blood, and to the afflicted we aay, try Rosadalis, and you will be restored to health.

Rosadalis is sold by all Druggists ; price |L50 per bottle. Address


Manufacturing Chemists, Baltimore, Mi.

At wholesale by L. BURTON ft CO.

Q . R E A T E S T * TBS)


Mr. KENNEDY, of Baxbory, ha* discovered ia one of Oar common pasture weeds a remedy that cures

L K T E R Y K I N D O P H U M O R . bottles are warranted to curs s aoursiag sore

mouth. One to throe will clear the system of bile*. Two bottle, are warranted to cure the worst canker

In the stomach. Three to five bottle* are warranted to cure the worst

kinds of Erysipelas. One to two bottle* are warranted to care all humor m

the eye*. Two bottle* are warranted to core ranaing of the ears

and blotches among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to ears corrupt aad

running ulcers. One bottle will cure »ealy eruptions of the skin. Two or three bottles are warranted to care the worst

kind of ringworm. Two or three bottle* are warranted to ears the most

desperate cases of rheumatism. Three to four bottle* are warranted to ears salt-

rheum. Five to eight bottle* are warranted to ear* the wont

scrofula. One to three bottles are warranted to ears the worst

ease of dyspepsia. I know from the experience of thou­sands that it has been caused by canker in the stomach.

One to two bottles are warr sated Is ears atsk head­ache.

One to two bottles are warranted to legulate a costive State of the bowels.

One to two bottles will regulate all derangement of toe kidneys.

Four to six bottles will cure the worst case of dropsy. By strictly following the direction* la the pamphlet

around each bottle, and a Judicious applicatiea of the MALT R H E U M O I N T M E N T , S C R O F U L A

O I N T M E N T , * H E A L I N G O I N T M E N T , Every sore and ulaer. of whatever kind or nature, ex­cept one that ha* taken root. Is perfectly sad perma­nently cored.

Sols BF all druggists everywhere.

MUSICAL. Pianos and Organs

P B O M the best manufacturers. General agent for

HEAT CENTRAL PIAIOFORTI COMPART. V C S , , 9 * t ' ? , n i , . * e SJ*0 0 - bargain, please give JOHN i . W o L B a c e l ] . *V4 River at. Repairing done at short notice ^ ^

NATS AND CAPS. Everybody Knows I t

IV E S , T H E H A T T E R , 53 Congres* St..opposite Troy Court House, ia tbe cheapest place in Troy for



The Peruvian Syrup. An Iron Tonic , w i thout Alcohol.

Assimilates with the blood as easily m tbe simplest whole system. It

a tbe broken-. epsla, Debility, Liver Complaint, Fe­

male Weaknesses, Loss of Constitutional Vigor/and expels aisease from the system by increasing Nature's Own Vitalising Element-IRON. Pamphlet*free.

J. P. DINSMORB. Proprietor. M . » Dey street. New York.

fJT Bold by Druggists generally. . :• , . . , . ' , i e g •

•snttasvBBisBsasnaasiBsnssssBsaass si

FINANCIAL. Troy Dawinp B

Post Office, and is eweneddaUy for the trasv of b^aesaV«r»m 10 o^cloek a. w. tot r. SL,

_ r s aad HoUdays saceptedJ and for ireeetvlaf de-

^ f e W P E r m f e - T h * ? ar*? M W of

draw mtoreet from the next Quarter day. . , . i n t e r e s t wiU be computed on theflnt Monday ef April and October

D J B P O S 1 T B , $ B , 4 0 1 , S S 1 . » » .

which ia securely invested according to the Laws of tag State of NewTork. —n<Maa. CHARLES B. RUSSELL J*re*ideat. GEORGE VAIL u .First Vice President. HANFORD N. LOCK WOOD Second Vice President. CHARLES N. LOOK WOOD.. Secretary aad Accoantant WM.M. CORNING Assistant Accountant.

• i v i m t a ; George Vail, E. Thompson Gale, Silas K. Stow, Daniel Robinson, Joseph M.Warren. DeriekLane, Hanford N. LOCK wood, Thomas W. LockwosdJ Jared 8. Weed, John B. Plerson. George B. Warren, Chas. W. Tllllnghast. John A. Unswold, Samuel M. VaiL D. Thomas Vail. Charles B. Russell, John L. Thompsoa, Henry C. Lockwood.

Joseph W. Fuller. The Mayor of the city of Troy, ex omcio.

The Manulacturers' National Bank

OP TROY—Corner ef River and King streets. This Bank is open daily (Sundays and holidays excepted)

for tbe transaction of business at 10 o'clock in the morning. A l l K i n d s mt G o v e r n m e n t S e c u r i t i e s Bought

and S o l d . I n t e r e s t A l l o w e d a a Spec ia l D e p o s i t s Iron, t a e

D a y Depos i t ed . THOMAS SYMONDS, President. HENBYE. WEED,. Vice President. C . M . ' V E L L I N G T b N ^ ^ ^ ^ . . Cashier.

.Thomas Symonds. iHenry E. Weed. David Cowee, of J. L. Thompson, Son* ft Co. Tttus Eddy, of Titus Eddy ft Son. John N. Squires, of John N. Squires ft Co. Joseph Hluman, of Peek A HlUman. S. B. Saxton, of Saxtoas ft Thompson. F. A. Sheldon, of Sheldon ft Greene. Jacob Jacob*, of Jacobs ft Nichols. B. D. flardwell, of B. D. Bardwell ft C*. John H. Keaer. Henry M orrtson. . „ . __. Wm. B. Gilbert, of QUbcrt. Bath ft Co. mylfl dftwly

For Deposits of Savings.

NA T I O N A L S T A T E S A V I N G S B A N K O P TROT-Sooth-east corner of First and State sta.

bartered 1851. Open every day for the transaction of business, except Sundays aad Holidays, at 18 o'clock a. at.

Interest Sve per cent. Interest will commence on deposits made oa the first

day of each month In tbe year, on that day. On all deposits made after the first day of each month

interest will commence ontbeftrst dray of the succeed­ing month. HENRY INGRAM, President.

Axraan B. Nasa, Vise President. fsTSBTBXS:

tenry Ingram, Alfred B. Nash, alph J. Starks, James Wager,

John Hltchlns, J.F.Simmons, Philip S. Dorlon, Lyman E. Avery, David Carr, Charles Warner, Geo. D. Woikyu*, Joseph Stackpole, Eleaxer Lockwood, L. G. Graves. myl WILLABBOAT, Secretary and Treasurer.

G . P a r i s h O g d e n & Co . ,

BA N K E R S A N D B R O K E R S , and General la . surance Agents,

P a r t n e r s ' B a n k B a l l d i u g , N e . 1 6 F i r s t s t r e e t .

STOCKS, SOLD, AC, BOUGHT OR SOLS On Commission only, at tbe N. T. Stock Exchange


L O A N S N E G O T I A T E D A N D B U S I N E S S P A P E R * D I S C O U N T E D .

DEPOSITS RECEIVED AND INTEREST, ALLOWED. n r Passage Tickets so and from the Old Country. leV" Drafts on E n g l S l Ireland and the Continent.

Safe and Desirable M l ' N K l l ' A L B O N D S of

.KANSAS, MISSOURI, COLORADO AND WISCONSIN, Having from S to » years to run. Principal and inter­est payable In New Tor*, city. For sale at prices that will pay O V E R 1 * P E R C E N T , on the investment. Correeponotnce solicited with all wishing to buy or sell. THOB. P. ELLIS ft CO., Banker*,

niylSeodlw U Pine street, New Tork.

TOBACCONISTS. Cigar and Billiard


Dealer in Imported aad Domestic Cigars, Meerschaum and all kinds of f\vc», also a full assortment of Vlr-

f nia and Detroit Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, No, First at., Troy, N. T.

Cigars and Tobacco.

TH E S U B S C R I B E R bas the finest brands of r> gars, Smoking sudCbewlng Tobacco to be foonc

in thia market. Gentlemen desiring fine domestic c* tars in boxes for ase at borne will find at my store as excellent inducement in respect to prices, Quality, Ac Also Pipes, Cigar Holder* and other Fancy Articles ap-pertalnlnK to the trade always in stock at low price*. ^ HENRY STAUDE, 51 Congress St.

Cigars, Tobacco and Pipes.

TH E S U B S C R I B E R bas recently replenished nil itock, exercising extreme care to purchase tht

choicest brands of cigars and tobacco, and tbe late*1

and most popular styles of pipes, cigar holders, case*. A c , so that now bis assortment is the most complete and freshest in the city. Also, he bas bomjnt under elr cumstauces enabling mm to sell at the lowest price* Call and examine fer yourselves. _

GEORGE I. PRATT, 350 River «t. A Card.

r f l H B U N D B R S I O N E D keep, constantly oa hand JL tte fineet brand* ef Havsna and Principe Cigar*:

alio, the best Domestic Cigars, superior to anything of tbe kind ever ottered ia this city. Retailers and Smo> kers are invited te examine my good* before pure basing elsewhere. .Thankful for tbe liberal patronage bestowal on blm heretofore, be respectful); ance of tbe same.


solicits a continu­es F. ST AUDE, • Conrrea* stress.

D The "Bijou" Cigar Store.

K L O C E i J l l . t has Just opened one of tbe Lr . neatest ard cosies* little Cigar Stores In tbe city t *S Third St., Times Building. Lovers of the weed In

all Its forms can find all tha flrst class brands of im­ported and Domestic Cigars, best brands of Smoking ana Chewing Tobacco,smokers" articles,such as Pipes, Meerschaum and Brierwood, &c, Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases. &c„ in great variety. §3F" Choice brands of Imported cigarette* a specialty.

WEST TROY. Great Bargains in Crockery.

IN OKI)Kit to make room for a new and complete stock of goods for the Spring trade, the undersign­

ed offers bis present fall line of Crockery and Glass­ware at twenty-five per cent, below the usual prices, or in other words for tbe next SU days, he will give toe purchaser f5 worth of Croekerv for $4.

B. H. TB>' BBOECK, Agent, Cor. Canal street and Broadway, West Troy.

G r o c e r y S t o r e . r ^ H A R L E S A . S T O L L E R , Wert Troy, H N„ \j has retltted and refurnished the store ot' tbe late David Anderson.


Of best quality, constantly oa nana, Broadway, ad-pining ro»tottce. frilly

West Troy.

IN I T I A L , Note, Letter, Legs! Cap aad Fools Cap Papers; School, Bleak, Memorandum, Tally, Pass

tad Pocket Books; Pencils, Pens and Pocket Cutlery: Base Balls and Bats, Law Blanxs, Paper Collars ana Cuds, Tobacco, Cigars, Ink dfid Inkstands, Picture*, Picture Cord sad Picture Framiag. Croquet aad Re* frjgeratora, at MOORE'S NEWS ROOM, OlessOB Hal), West Troy,

BELL FOUNDRIES. The Meneely Bell Foundry.

T E r B S T T R O Y (Nj r.)-Established 1KB. Church, Jv Factory, steamboat, Alarm and other Bells oa

hand and made to order. Send for a circular to E. A. ft G. R. Mnwns.LT, West Troy, N. T. mbO.

Meneely & Kimberly, Troy, N. Y ,


war-mounted In the most approv?1* gamier and fully wi ranted. ^ C L t ^ l ^ H / M E N E B L Y .

JaiS ly QEORGK H. EIMBERLY. T r o y B e l l F o u n d r y .

JTOBBS Be CO., successors to Jones ft Hlteheesi } manufacture and seep constantly oa hand Bells for Churches. Bells for Factories. Bells for Steamboats. Bells for Scboolbouses. Bells for Plantations. Bells for Locomotives. Bells for Hose Carriages. Belli for Ships, Fog Belli. Hung with Patent Rotary Yoke Wheel Frame, Tongas

Hammer*, ftc.. complete and warranted.

EDUCATION. B l o u n t A n t h o n y u

A V B E N N I N G T O N C E N T R E , VT.-OBO. A T i m A. M.,Prlncipal7iBummer Term wiU com-mence April 13. Circulars at H. B. Nims ft Co.'s. The Principal will eal 1 oa parties wishing to satroaias the School. If notified.

Mechanicville Academy. E f E C H A M C V l L L E , N . Y . - S p r i n g term begins i l l . March lath. Boarding aad Day School for both sexes. All academic branches taught, both solid and ornamental, A full corps of able and experienced teacher*, Superior board and room*. Rate* moderate. l o r circulars or for admission, address

lu l t ly . B e v T l l ^ l C E D.AMES. Principal.

Fort Edward Collegiate Institute. P R I N G T E R M seglas March ltth-Fall Tern SP R I N G

August just ttib. SIRS per year for board, fuel, washing, with COMMON ENGLISH BRANCHES. Tbe best sustained boarding seminary la tbe tt*t*. A choice ef three course* ef study for ladies. A complete commercial course for gentlemen. A clam is always fitting for college. Superior facilities in Mosie, Lan­guages »nd Painting, at moderate charges. Address for Catalogues or for rooms,

BEV. JOSEPH B. KINO. D. D., Fort Edward.

AGRICULTURAL. Agricultural Warehouse

ft N D S E E D STORE-NDTTING ft M ALTBY, A successors to Nutting, Hall ft Co- agents for the Buckeye Mower and Reaper, Dayton Wheel-Bike Nlch-wit* Pulverising Harrow, Ac. Alio manufacturer* of Wire cloth, sieves. Screen*. Window Guard*, and 3W River su. T r o y ^ Y.


STOVES, AC. t Also the French Opera Hat tor sale. Siim of Big Hat.

LANSW88UR8H, - r

S T O R B . Lanslngbi

q R U p A N D P U E ^ ^ P T l ^ N PrescriaCon department in charge of Robert Harri­

son, who aa* had thirty years' experience in the busl-£ 2 % « & S J f l . ' ^ P 1 ^ *s**t*mirt of drugs teTbs found[this aide Of New York.

aalSly JAB. H.ADAMS. 3» State it. i • •


Camjniaf* ft Birt, and res ance of fte satroai oa the senter mem!

^VdBBBnns. '

Birt, and reapeeauUy . asuutmage so liberally bestowed heretofore

ormeda v aader tbe she ftna asms of

solicit a eontina.

or member af tbe l ia s . - Uta, IBS

B» River sL,

McLeod A Reardon, Q T 1 WlY£% $ ? • * dealer* in Stove*, Tin Ware, • 3 A X Coal Hods, Pot*. Eettles, Spiders, aad Mann! factureraof Galvanized Iron Cornices, "Window Can* Door Cap* and Street Lamp*.


€«*?• and Sheet Iron Worker.


J E R , 414 River stM manufacturer of , Tanners' Heaters^ Dyers' and C

ins-Copt and Heavy

. :*nners' Beaters. Dyers' aad fectloners' Kettle*, Stew Paaa, Soda Foantai

B and floe*, smoke Stacks, Cupola* Iron work of all kinds made to order.


. Partienlar attention paid to repairing Boiler Flues, and Steam Ea-

Ine work made to order. Also, will keep constantly band a complete stock of Stoves. Heaters, Range*,

and Enameieo Ware. Tin, Japanned, Hollow Iron Sinks, Pump, Lead Pipe, ftc. Tin Boo ring,

jrs. Leaders and Jobbing of »11 kinds promptly and faithfully attended to. Stoves stored at reasonable


SILVER PLATHH. W B s , P . OaendfaPAB.


good*. ParUcalar atUntlon "ald*to lJob PU

[cultural Warehouse aad Seed by Henry Warren In the Sating

— rs have removed their entire Stock of good* at their old stand, SOS River street, to their new and spaeiou* store just completed at the foot

Grand Division street, a few door* directly Wert of oy City Bank. This ertabllshnvent being the first, at

t in point of time, i* now the oldest of tbe kind la country, and having connected with it at our new

location our extenalveGrtndston* Department, we re> speatfuUy invite our customers and the public to call and tee for themaelre* our increased facilities for bu*l-Beat, WARREN ft TAYLOR,

Poo: of Graad Division atreet. Troy N. VI


BOOTS ANI SHOES. Jas. Robertson A Son,

A N U P A C T i ; R E K S of Boots and Shoes, aad all mdsof Boot aad Shoe Upper*, No. Franklin

are, Troy, N.Y. J A M»8 KOBSaTSOSr W. F.

! Witman A Ca .


Cloth Button Boots, T 3 A L M O R A L 8 aad

CON43-RBJBS GrAJTBTRSt Ladies', Misses' and Children's, good, stylish and cheep, at Boateeoub old stand, 11 Congres* st.


COUNTY NOTICES, • - ii '• ,m_ L

Proposals for Supplies.

HO U S E O F J N I > p » T R Y , S n > * e l . e r Cooaty-The undersigned a-iU receive proposals to far-

the article* aeceamwy tor use mtib^oa^ot S . dustry for the sixmontb* ending the 1st of December next. For particular* in regard to the kind and qoallty of tbe article* to be f—•*•»•—» -—•—* -Acttng 8epertnteneeaiWtbeTbor. in the basement1 of tbe Court House. Bid* will be received up to the first dsy of iaaenert . st i , n . ^ ^ U y ^ ' f e

mplftdftwtd Actisf Sup't of Poor, Bess. Co., rf. Y


I B B A B B II. mmsssssmm

. ear Steed B u l l a , A x l e s , T y r e s , Sbaf l a g , P l a t e s a a d S t e e l P e r g i n g s e l

a l l D e s c r i p t i o n s .

d u l y




(H. B. A S.' MERCHANT BAR IRON, HsMnse S h o e » , KiUlrorvd SpUfiest,

A N D B O I L E R R T V T E T S .

" B I I R D E ! ! B E S T * * B A B I K O N . We beg to call your attention to the superior aad uni­

form quality of the • Bard en Beat' Iron. This iron Is particularly adapted to all purposes wberegreat security Is required, such as Railroad Bridges. Passenger Car*. Locomotives, Roofs of Buildings, Wagons,and in soar*. for all purposes where tb e breakage of a belt or part of a machine would result in loss of limb or life.

The tensile strength of the' Burden Beet' iron is 78> 000 as., according to teste made at the Cold Spring Foundry with Major Wade's United State* testing Me-jajbaj]

A G B N T S :

H A N N I B A L G R E E N A S O N , Corner of Broadway aad Fourth •trees.

J. M> W A R R E N «fc G O -Ml and MS River street, Troy, H. T.


aad manufactured to

fobbing and repairing done at short notice. Steam Pumps and Hoisting Engines constantly on band. Narrow Gauge Locomotive Engine* built to order. »it ly

Steam Engines and Boilers. E W Portable Ste»m Engines and Bailer* from < N horse to 25 horse power, with hoistert and sawing

machines ; Threshing Machine Engines, Stationary En-gnes, Locomotive and Tubular Boilers, Leather and ubber Belting. Engines and Boilers warranted in

every respect. The highest cash price paid for scrap Iron, copper, brass, ftc.

' ™ ' JAsfES TORRANCE. 36 and 18 River st. Globe Iron Works,

FOOT of Third street, Wsterford, N. Y. Steam Bcfilere, Bleachers, Tank* and all kinds of sheet

Iron work made to order, and repaired on soon notice at reasonable terms. Also for sale one second-band stationary dredge boiler j a second-band steam tire en­gine boiler. Both In good condition, aud will be sold cneap. Reference: L. Batten ft Son, Waterford, and J. Fox, LansitiKburah.

ROBERT PINKKRTOK, at L. Button ft Son*.

Steam Boiler and Engine Works.

FOR S A LEX! HEAP—A second-hand twelve horse horizontal engine and boiler, a new three horse op-

right engine, and eight boilers (second-hand and new J of various capacities. Five puuctilng maohinea, inclu­ding punches and dies, In good order. Boilers, tanks, gaaometres, or any kind or iron work promptly and cheaply executed at the lowest prices. Proposals oa oontract work. EVERLVOHAM ft HOGG,

apls-4taw-ly corner North and Mount sts. Boiler Manufactory.

TH E S U B S C R I B E R would respectfully aa-aonnee that be has greatly extended his facilities

for manufacturing Boilers, Tanks, iron Door*, Corru­gated Blinds for Gas Houses, Cupolas, and everything else made of Boiler Iron, so as to enable him to com­pete with all other manufactories. Also, light and heavy Blaekamlthing will be promptly and faithfully executed. THOS. S. SUTHERLAND,

Cor. River and Hntton sts., Troy. M. Y. Steam Engines and Boilers.

WE call special attention td our compound Engine* formarlne and other purposes, both high and low

pressure, on which we guarantee a saving of 2S per cent over ordinary ongines; our Portable aud Station­ary Kngiees which wcare makiug a specialty; Saw MiU Engines and Boilers, which we guarantee will drive any slse saw on the sawdust alone, and Lane's patent Lever Bet Saw Mill*. Bend for circular.

CLUTE BROTHERS ft CO., mhSS ly Engineers, Schenectady, N. T.

E Second Hand

N G I N B S A N D B O I L E R S . L


IRON FOUNDRY & M if IILYE SHOP. One Horosontal Steam Engine, nearly new, cylinder

X) in. bore, 94 in. stroke, with IS feet balance wheel, weighing nearly tour tons. One Horliontal Steam Engine, cylinder 12 in. bore, 36 in. stroke, independent cot off, balance wheel 19 ft. diameter. One Horisontal Steam Engine, cylinder 16 in. bore,48 in. stroke, on heavy cast iron frame, heavy balance wheel, wrought iron crank, shaft and Judson Governor. One Horison­tal Steam Engine, cylinder 6 in. bore, 16 In. stroke, en cast iron bed. One Horizontal Engine, cylinder 1) In. bore, 30 In. stroke, on cast Iron bed, oar make. One C j Under Boiler, 43 in. dlam., 32 ft, long, with 3-15 In. lues. Three Cylinder Boiler, M in. dtain., 30 ft. long. One Cylinder Boiler, 40 in. dlam.,W ft. long, with 2-14 in. Inei . One Cylinder Boiler, « in. dlam., 16 ft. long, with 3-141n.-flues. Mud Douce, 2 ft. diam. 6 ft. long. One Locomotive Boiler, IS in. dism.,31 ft.«In. long, with 12i 1ft in. tabs, IS ft.6 in. long, fire box 5Sx40*5» ia high, ss good as new.

g of tbe shore ^ C ^ ^ » ^ N. Y.

GROCERIES. N e w Firm.

rtWrlE undersigned having purchased the Ifs'slsess of A the late firm of Cleveland & Delano. Wirvcontinue

the business as Wholesale and Retail Grocers at 500 and SOt Ful:on St., Troy, N. Y.

al8 ly FRANK DELANO ft CO.

w Flack A Brother,

H O L E B A L E F L O U R and Commission Mer­chants, Dealers in Groceries, Timothy and Clover

Seed, Peas, Beans, Pork, Butter, Fish, A c , .No. 315 River « . , Troy, K. Y.




Copartnership Notice.

?THE U N D E R S I G N E D have tht* day formed a . copartnership under the firm name of J. J. AJdea Son, and will continue the family grocery bosinesc

"SI iy si

heretofore carried en by J. J. Alden, at 1 and Bulldlngs.-Troy, March 1st, 18»,

! Harmony J. J. ALDKH, HARRY M. ALDEN.

Dissolution of Copartnership.

4 D E F R E E S T cY CO. bave thi. day dissolved * copartnership by mutual consent. A. De Freest la eby authorized to settle all business of tbe firm. He

will also continue tbe Pork, Sausage and Grocery busl-BftM at tbe old stand, No. 19 Congress St.



TH E *ob*oriber ha* moved from the corner of Fifth and Congress sts., to tbe new building in Church

street, directly In the rear of Hail'slDry Goods Store and L. Burton A Co.'s well-known Drkg Store on Con-ares* st.. where be ha* a Sne stock of Groceries, Pro­visions, Seeds, Ae. He will also continue in tne com-mission gestoses, aps dftw D. E. B A K . V E S .

Dissolution of Copartnership.

FA J R W E A T H E R Be W I L L I A M S bave this dav dissolved copartnership by mutual consent.

M. H. Williams will continue the grocery boat ness at the old stand :80 River st., who 1* alone authorised to use tbe name of the firm in liquidation.—Troy. Jan. 39, 1873. A. FAIR-WEATHER,


F i n e G r o c e r i e s . T O IIN W A R R * 27« River street, bas on hand the

*J largest and choicest assortment of Groceries in tbe city, including everything In the tine of imported and domestic canned lruits, vegetable*, meats, soaps aad pickles, and fancy groceries of all Kind*. Goods delivered to any part of the city or Wert Troy, and or-ders called for every morning.

Cash Grocery Store. m i l E U N D E R S I G N E D at tbe southeast comer JL of Second and Division sts., keeps on hand at all

time* a choice stock of first-el*** groceries, pork and poultry. Pork and floor by the barrel. Good* deliv­ered promptly and Cheap for cash. All are invited to call. Dexter's domestic bread fresh every day.

s i l l y P. M. MARSTON.

N Great China Tea Store,

O, 3 8 8 R I V E R S T . . opposite tbe Railroad Bridge.

GA luXEY & W A L L A C E , Dealer* in Tea*, Coffee*, Sugar, Soap aad Spices, and fine Groceries. at

W New Grocery Store.


• Cheap Cash Store, and will have for sale a stock of Fresh Meat*, Port. Sausage, Ponltrv, ftc. Wholesale and retail. Laid pat up for family use.



T> H O D K 8 * B R A D L E Y * OMsago. BL, Sole

t nn tiV ui lusii nrutcn MANUFACTURERS OT


Hannibei Greett eV Son, A G E N T S F O R



Steel, Carriage & Railroad Spriftgs,

W R O P C H T B O T B , € R O W B A R B » eVe,

John A. Griswold A d o , PROPRIETOR* of the

RENSSELAER IRON WORKS, Bessemer Steel Work*, Fort Edward Blast Fur­

nace aad Columbi* Blast Faraace, Manaf aetarers of

• ' *

P I G I R O N , R A I L R O A D ,


StY • § • • * , M .

• w« •»?.* •

At • a a B T O l

of Dry aad Faaey Goods la for cash, watches the market closely at lower price* than other dealer*. complete.

he eity- Be . i *e*4. to

t always

M ^ ^ 5 r ^ ^ a L ^ r r u , h 5 o . - I « F , « h r t near Coagre**, wbereahe tor all ktod* of Ladle** Also Mu.lin Skirt, made I Cloth .old by the' pound.

reebe 1* prepared to •die*' aad Gent's V uade to order m great >and. JT Mrs.LaseUe

receive order* t*> Undergarment*. ajestTartoty. I g l t

HA S J U S T R B T 0 R N B D from New Tork wltb entirely new style* in

HEAD DRESSES, SAP! A l l FRENCH F L l W f l l , that cannot be surpassed this side of New Tork city. Be. 18 Broadway, op staar*.

A G r e a t B a r g a i n . T 3 L A C K I R O N 0 R B N A D I N E 4

AT 25 CENTS A YARD, Worth 50 cents, at SIMON MAT'S New Store, 1S1 River st. _ ^ _ _

Kid Gloves! Kid Gloves!

JUteT OPENED— 5d dosen of the Celebrated Jose­phine One Dollar Kid Gloves, the best In tbe world

for the price. Also another lot of the Josepbtne Seam­less, only fi .25 per pair. Also another lot of Double Button Kids at One Dollar. The cheapest place in Troy for Kid Gloves and Fancy Goods Is at STRAUSS' Kid Glove Depot, corner Kuiton aud Fourth sts.

Paris Blillinery.

JO H N B 1 A R K U S , (successor ^o M. Lilientanl 53 North Pearl St., Albany.




SHOW ROOMS Contains the largest assortment of Elegaat


An inspection will prove tbat this assertion i* aot merely advertising talk.


JOHN MARKUS bas the finest stock of direct im­ported and most desirable 1

MILLINERY GOODS, Dinstables, Leghorns,

Chips, Neapolitans, Rustics* School Hats, Infants' do.,

Crape Hats and Tells for MOTJRNTNG, always on hand or m*de at shortest notice. DKESS and \EGL1GE CAPS. JOHN MABK-US received a full Une of


KID GLOVES OSB DOLLAR PER PAIR. The best at this price in Albany. NEW FRENCH JEWELRY. Whitby Jets, Onyx, Cornelian and Coral Sets, Gilded Neck Laces, Sleeve Buttons, Hair Pins, Bracelets Sew Ruffling, New Keck Ties, Crochet Buttons. Infants' Cloaks, DrtbscB and Caps.



TH E Celebrated Alei. Thompsoa Patent Friction Roller Hoist Wheels for Stores or Warehouaes,

adapted to either steam or hand power. Agent* for Troy *nd vicinity,

""ES, GKAV1 PAGK A CO.. 231 and WS River st.

E Troy Plane Factory and Tool Store.

8 T A B L . 1 S H E D 1 8 3 3 . - B D W A B D CARTBB, Manufacturer of Planes, Mechanics' Tools, fVood

Mouldings, A c , No. 'U9 River street, opposite the Man­sion House, Troy, N. T. Circular and Scroll Sawiiig, Planing, Turning,. Boring, Mortising, A c . done to or­der. W

The National Scale Co., O A O KIVKR. S T . , T l t O Y , N. Y „ *re increa*-^m\J*y ing their number of men aid facilities in or­der to supply tbe growing demand for tbelr scales. Their

C O U N T E R S C A L E S do not allow tbe weights to mar tbe counter*, and are always in their place when wanted for use. The box containing tbe beam and weights of tkrlr Platform Scale is locked up, always In tbetr place and not handled, but by simply touching a key the weights are pnt on or on* the beam. This part of tneir scales can, at a small expense, be attached to any of the scales now made and used. '

C l a r k T o m p k i n s , JLCAKUFACTUKBK. O F T O E




Gear Cutting and Jobbing in a variety of machine work promptly done to order.

We nave purchased the large assortment of Pnlleyi and Hangers owned by J. P. Collins, which, together with the patterns we already had on hand, maces aa larpe an assortment of Pulley and Hanger Pattern* a* is in this section of the state. Works foot of Cypress street.

The Troy snd AIM* Horse Railroad car* pas* within tew reds of the works. jeijg

Calvin L. Croddard's T J U R R 1 N O .MATH INK W O R K S , 8econd sve-X * nue, corner Twenty second st. Onlce, No. if Bow­ling Green, New York. Msnufaeture tbe



PATENT DOMESTIC BURRING PICKER8. Oilers, to attach to Pickers, Patent Steel Ring and

Solid Packing Burring Machines, mode single and £~r>hie. for first breakers of Wool-Carding Machines : Fine Burring Mae^"168 l o r

u lt h e ESSPt ".'Wiser* »*"<

finisher*: Improved htee. "!."" f e e ? . «oll«,plainaul Intersecting, with Patent AdjUBtio.e ->,mng Boxe*, Sbafee WiHows, with Blower*, Waste Dusters, Cotton Gins, Blow ers, &c.

LX( KLSloR!—At the International Exhibition In London, 1862, and at tbe Pans Exposition. 1867, our Mestizo Burring Picker received a Prize Medal awarri ; S Gold Medal at American insurute fair, New York, 1SC5—aridiD 1W, 1969 and 1870 the highest award.

At the American institute Fair, New Tork. 1855. our Burring Machine for Cards was awarded a Gold Medal, and at all subsequent exhibitions tbe highest sward; and in 181U our Double Burrer received first premium.

At American Institute Fair, 1869 and 1870, our Steel Ring Feed Rolls received first premium.

AfAn.erican Institute Fair, 1870, our Wonted Burr-ing Picker was awarded the first premium.

Our steel Ring Burring Machines are the only Solid-Packing Burring Machines in the market. Workman-•hip and operation are guaranteed. Our Illustrated Catalogue can be had on application. Prompt attention given to all laquiriejPend orders by the Proprietor,


JEWELRY. E. Marks,

•VVrO. 9 9 9 H I T E K S T . , Market Bank tmlldlai l l dealer In Gold and silver Watches, Dlamoat Rings. Pin* and othe Diamond Jewelry of the late* •tyles and pattern*. He has a large stock of 8ilve Spoons, Castors, Cups, ice Pitchers, Cake Basket* Water Pitcher*, Butter Dishes, Clocks, in all the styles, from the Connecticut manufactories, and also the beat approved pattern*. He keeps the best workmen for r*> pairing Watches and Jewelry, aad all hi* work to ~ sse

W atches, Cloc ks and Jewelry. r, ha* oa hand I I Geneva Weteesi and silver

T € • C H A M P N E Y , 36 Broadway, J_J> fine assortment ot American aad G of the finest manufacture, in gold an which are warranted by the maker, trench Clock* Of Gilt, Block Marble and Alabaster Cases, splendid ttm* keeper*. Together with a good assortment of Ameri­can Clocks of all kind*. Jewelry, Silver aad Silver Plated Ware. Spectacle*. Brazilian Pebble*. Basil Bobber and Steel Eye Glassos. Magnifying Glass** Thermometer*, A c , which will be sold af very low •nee*. Personal attention paid to repairing plain as* SompUeated Watch**. Clock*. Male Boxe*. Jewelry, aha

D i s s o l u t i o n o f C o p a r t n e r s h i p ,

TH E copartnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Ball, Black A Co., is this day dis­

solved by mutual consent. Either partner will alga ia settlement of the bualae**.—March 1.1872.


IU announcing tb* above dissolution, Ball, Black A Co. inform their friends and the puolie that they In tend to close out tbelr entire stock with aa little delay as possible, and at prices that will be an inducement for all to purchase from them. Triey have also a very large stock of unset stone*—diamonds, emerald*, ra­bies, cameos, *c—which they will set to order at aa* usually low rate*. Their manufactory for silverware will be continned to enable them to meet any i in that line. 5<S6 and 9*T Broadway, New Tork.


E. F . Rogers- Custom Laundry. n r i l M E is precious ; do n't wait till to-morrow, JL Nor trust in tbe future of fate,

Or you'll certainly find to your sorrow You bave come Inst a little too late.

Bat gather op your soiled clothe* and hasten To the s u a of the big figure five—

ROGERS^ laundry work cannot be beaten By anything dead or alive. Apl-ly.

Troy Custom Laundry.

STATIHG purchased the fixtures and geod will of I Die Custom Laundry No. 49 Broadway, (new Bo. ) east of Union Depot, 1 am prepared to laandr/

•birt*, collar*, enffs aad gent'* aaderwear ia the neat­est and moat desirable manner. Good* left at Kelts A McGregor's, Mo. 2 Manaion House block, WUl Be laundxied with di.patch.-Tro^8ep£ & <f&8CHEE.


ioo|S Old Booth* Co.** Old TomGla, 180 bas­er Heldalek Champagne, plat* aad ts for the Pleasant faney Wine Co.1 1 Wines. E . BAEHAfiD * BRO-, tM BJ.TW ft,

Mrs. M. Entwistla, f T I B E RENOWN ED CLAIRVOYANT DOCTBB8 Of JL Troy, sordlally invite* all tacks tare assertag

from disease ia aay form, to give her* •*ll>ad eetlsff themselves of her superior and peculiar method of treating disease, as well aa the health restoring proper­ties of tier Vegetable Compound*, which are agreeable to the taste aad effectual in their operaStoa. Theas afflicted with CONSTJMPTTOir,

CAHCBBS, i TUMORS. _ _ _ „ _ . - _ ,





L.ataoeawA.aadP.Tft ,

Eer aU aetata la the WeMera CLkRK*

f . / . CLABK, Cor daeterT. C. SSriVwALLl

S.SS. «JCJ.S0.6.C and MJS>.V g^t. hJTi

Boston and Albany ' M V T f l BO!«TfH«, VIA BAST ALB AS V aad

BPBINGFIELD.-On *nd after Moa^tii Dae. 9. train* win leave Union Depot f o r B o « t o s ^ f e £ 1870t

low*: tM a. a. Way Train to BortOB. •.SO *.. a. Express Trait " 2.10 p. a. Express to 8e*toh. S.15 p. a. Sleeping Car to Bostoa.

JBT Tickel* can be procured at the Tie*** _ T. Central and Hudson River BmnrosMi in Daloi DeeeS,

N e w Tork Central and Ft n B j ^ g

TRAIN!* leave Troy a* follow*: Wmtward—Be*} Ex., (Parlor Car from Schenectady,; "?o a.I*.; c i T

cago Ex., (Panor Car fr^m bchecoctady,) i i«)r .M. Nipht Ex., iSleeplcgt'ar from Schenectady,> 4:4ip,a For New York, Day Ex., (Parlor Car,) 6:0) «..]•*.: Cla Ex., Parlor Car,) >:15A.M.: Special, i Par'or Car j M A.M.. arrive in New York at 2-*0P.M., Honda** •otp Special New York Express at 2-10 p. «.: Evening Bx (rarlor Car,) 4*0 P . M . ! Special Ex., (Parlor Car.) a 4:S0 p. M., arrive In New York at fcSO; Ex. Ft. aad Paes (Sleeping Cars.j \rMr.u. The fc*5 A. M. train ran* a Sundays. C. B. KKNDRU'E. Gen'l PasaY Bgent. _

Groat Central Route Went, •

V IA N I A G A R A F A J . L 8 A H 0 »U8I»B1*>« SION BKIIKJE.


In dbrect connection at SuspeaMoB Bridge With a l train* ol the New York Central and Hudson BSfSg Railroad for Toronto, Brantford Pans, London. De> troit. Chicago. St. Loos*, Omaha. San Franci*co,and aE points West Not thwest and Southw**t. Thi* aniiislar route aff irda adT.•atage* over competing Unet—oelaB the only Unr ruining Pullman'* celebrated B )tet, S.?epinr*od Drawing Room Car* Tie Ntataia tatlBj


& I

celebrater Dote: I'rruna through from Rochester t s Chicago. N

Tickets by this route may be obtained at all the pita cipal railroad depot offices and from airvnts repre*e*r» ing toe line throughout the East, and at the eonpaarw office. New York office: S49 Broadway, cor. Leonard « . ; CHAS. E.NOBLE, Gen*! East. Aft. W. K. MUBB R M . G. W. Railway. H. E. S A H U E N T , Sayt. MacA Cea. Railway. ;

Vermont Central Railroad.

MA I l i T R A I N leavtna Albany at lao A.M.,Tree at 7:3« a. a. Connects at Kutiand with V crnson*

Central trains, arriving la Boston, Montreal aad 0*> densburrb e*mejd*y.

DAY EXPRESS; (Drawing Room Car,) leaving Trot at l:H'p. M. Arrive at Ticonderoga, Port Heiry. * • * liniitorj and St. Albans same day.

MGHT EXPRESS, (Sleeping Car,) leaving Trey at 10:10 p. M. Make* direct conneeri a for Montreal. 0*> den*bureh and ilitermediate stations.

ACCOMMODATION TRAIN le;tre* Rotlaaf. (Sear* day* excepted,) at 5:00 A. M. for Ticonderoga and Port Henry- G. MaJlRILL, Gentl Sapu

St. Albans. Vt„ Feb. 8.1872. j , ^ Great Reduction of Fare and State Rooms r r u j N E W Y O R K , B T t s T E A . H E R s

VANDERBIL1 AND CONNECTICUT. Fare oily 50 rents, Tickets for Passage and whole

Room - $?.0# For Passage with Renh - l.Od

Lesring Trov from their Stesmooat Landing, foot of Broadway, every evening (except r-aturda>s)Yor New Yorkat U P . a . , biopplng at Albany for the ajrrnal of evening train from Saratoga and tbe North, arriving in New York early next morning and connecting wlta trains tor all points South and East. "* -

Freight received and forwarded at loweat rale*. Std R.P.CLAPP, Agent. TroT, E. T.

T r o y a n d B o s t o n R a i l r o a a . y j I N T E R i R R A ^ G E ^ K N T O F T R A i E E .

8JHI A. M., MaU, for North Adams, cormeet»ut wl*A Mountain Line of Stage* for Greenfield, Fitch* Bo-too ; alsowlth tram for Pittsfleld, Sarins Boston,vis Worcester: connms at Eagle Bri local trait on Uutland and Washiaxton Rail:

1.S0 p. M., Express, runs to North Adamc: A W. road througo to St. Albans: connect* Adams with tram for PlttafieM. SpHnaOein aae. Bos­ton. Connect* at Peteraburgh with t rains for BennlaA> ton. Hss Wagner's Palace Car attached, rnaalag fe St. Aiba'na.

I.C<i r. A., Accom. for North Adams; connect*at Eagle Bridge with trait, for Salnm. Rim» over Troy land Boa nintrton Railroad, and couuects at state line with train forTJeaaington and slations North on Harlem Kxtenaiea Railroad.

lo Ou p. a^ Night Kxpress, via Salem and Peeltagsy, for RnUand, Burlington. Montreal and Ogdensbarsh.

TRAINS A14R1VE AT TROY. MO A. M. Night Exprea*. 1^5 A. M.Arconi. H O P . M. Mali. 4."y p. M. Kxpress. MD p. M. Freight and Accem. Dec.i5.i8Ti. c . W. MQ8KLEY. Superintendent.

larg sad 1 eld aad

«.e with

via B. NortA

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w* . tit to nil «E

Wb a I traf ajrjaj

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Wt » 1 prej tsii BDlll

yea| f ed dCrBl


i t i

Rensselaer and Saratoga R R DepL

DEI.A W A K E A N D I i l l l - O N ( A V A L C*J, Um. WINTER ABRANGKMRNT. 1 llTl.

Oil aud after Monaay, Dee. *•£>, lsTl, trams will ran SS follows:

Leave Troy at 7:30 A.M., Albany 7:10 A. M., and Seas* nectady 7:91 A. M.

Arrive HI Saratoga at 9*ft A. a , Fort Ednjard MS, Glen's Falls 10:10. eonneeting- with stapes for Lake ttcor^e; arrive at Wbi'cLail i:Ki Rutland 11:45 A. M., Bnrlintrlon S.15 P.M.. hV-ex .iun»'i*n 5AI P.M..St Albans 6:i\ Rous*"'- Point, St. J o h n * M M«,ntre»l RS i» «.. Ogdtnaburah 1. 5 A. M.

Leave Troy at 4:45 P. St., Altianv 4:*) p. M., ScbeneS-tsdy E.-OO. Arrive at Saratoga at b.20 p. M.. Fort Edward

-7.r». C-ten's FaBe Whitehall %M, KnMaod 9.1U p. M.. Burlinrtott 4J0 A. V., Ksces 5.15, St. Albaim 6.21), St. ^Johns H.35. Mont" Rouse'? Point 7.45 A M.. OgdetisburKb lt.«l p.

1 rains arrive at Troy—il:*f A. M.. Express ; Frelcht and Aceonin,odatioo \ f.X) v. M., Exr>re|

Through Ticket* sold and baggage cheeke points. I. v . BAKEi;. ^upcrinL

S. E. MATO, Cenerel Paaaenger Agent, Troy, Uec.25, l1^. i

Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.,

A I . IMN V A N D SI - Q T H f ANNA RAILROAD Dept.—Con:m< neln^ Monday, Nov. 2uih, tdatna *y*l

run UM foljows, Suudavs excepted: * Ifornlag Express— 7.40. Erentng Ft#re»*T-2.4S. AccomiiK option (Sieepmir <;*r attached for Hornet**,

ville.) 5^0 p. M. The Diorninr and erenlnr exnre»s train* coecoct at

CO Mo* kill for Sharon and Ctierry Valley. Trains arrive from BlnabamtoD— 8.48 A. V., SJOO aaA From Cherry Valley and Sharon—tJBO and iJXJr. a. • Express Tralnt connect with Magi-s t- intennjr To wag

and Village* at a i principal points. At BingnamtoBa witn Through F.iprebs Train* on the Erie Railway fog Cleveland, Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Loo is. and all prta> cipal points in tne West, South and Southwftt: alas witl D. L. and W. R. R. fdr Sernnton. Pittston, Wilkes barre, Honeedale, Easton. tteadlaf;, Harrtsburg, tod at points In Eastern Pennsylvania.

Through tickets to all point* reached by t i e abort


pic} he was I •ceil • yt t i I mi tiuiJ Ltd I an





wor saml ioll j

'•Ml. beL

tie I le • f In BtoiH mor

qe procured at tL e COB*. mentioned connection* ma) . pany's Ticket offi( - No. a© Broadway, or' Bi _ Ofilte, No. 4^ Bro*dw*y, Aloany, N. Y., and baggage Cheeked todeatlnatloa

gjr" Pastt^ugeri hold ng t*i'ntieh ttctete 'raosferrad vaaa between depots in Albany. _ • „

H. A. FCNDAi 8aad. 8. E. MATO. General Passenger Agrwt.


Liverpool TO AMD KKOIM Liverpool and Oneetu^wB C B land) twice a week. The IN1M AN LIKE, aaUlBE


Carrying V. 8. Mall*. Ticket* *old to sad from Ireland, England. BcOMBBa

Geii,iany und Frapce. Apply at t". . t.viu^anj k ofibfi JOHN G. DALE.Agent. Broaclw^,BLEW

Or to B. A. TiLLlKGHAST A SON4.17 First i u f |

Reduction in Passage Rates. AKCIIOK I-1NE HTRA.IlKKpi

8A1L EVERY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. PaseeD<rer<! booked to and from any RAILW1*T STA­TION on SEAM)BTln Oreat Britain, Ireland, Norway, Hwedco, Denmark. Germany, France,Holland, Belgium and 'be Culted States,

Cebn fare from NEW YORE to LO.VDOK, LIV­ERPOOL, GLASGOW and DERRT by Wednesday** Steamers, $€U. By Saturday's fttearoer*. »85 end #7S.-

EXCURSION TICKETS, 1130. INTERMED1AIE *A». SlEEUAGE.. . , , . . S» , all oovable in Currency. a

'Fkrfitt *c-bd!Dg for \Z£! f r i ^ k in tbe Old Country can puicha*e tftketi at loset t ra'.^. For.I'-flUer partieularsapplytotbe Age t«, HENDERSON BHOrH-EK«, 7 l-owlina Green, New York, or to >»»*ilU»ji CALDER, or P. J. DOOLEY. 182 River St., Trofy, N. T,


^ \

W h i t e S tar L i n e . J I I 1 T E S T A R L I N E .




6.000 tons burden-3,000 H. P. each. Balling froin New Yor^on SATURDAYS, from l i t -

ert-ool on THURSDAYS, and Cork Harbor the dsf following. From the White Star Dock.Pavonia Ferry. JewAeyCltf.

Pt.s«eiig«r accomniodatlnns dor til rlas***) sar> Tailed, combining •»ftty, 'pteJ and comfort. !

iraloens, state rooms, smoking room and bath room* In midship section, where least motion 1* felt. Sat* geons ana stewardesses areom"any taeae steataer*.

RAiac—Saloon, tHi gold, ftr^erage, $30 crurrenaw Tbose wishing to send for friends from the Old Coea-try run now obtain ateerage prepaid certiflcStea, Ml currency.

Passenger* booked to or from all part* of America, Pans, Han.berg, Norway, Sweden, India, Austra" China, etc. Excursion tickets granted at loweat i Drafts from £1 npwaids.

For inspection of plans aad other information,apply to J. B. SPARKS, Agent, 19 Broadway, New York, o r i s P. J. DOOLEY. 1X3 River St.. Troy^ i






would do well by calling to see the Doctrea* at once. Patient* residing ont of the city eaa consult Mr*. E, by letter, enclosing a lock of hair, 1X00 and stamo •fating whether the paUeat is ratlenal or aet. ' aad reaidence, Ho.fMBlTSr i t . ' a. • to 4 P .M. Oflce boor* from I

NEWSROOMS, North Troy Nw.

5 ° V " f K l T « « S . s » tae leaettoaofEiv J

jabUeaaoea, tacladiag Trey aad New

letter carrier the newsroom •ar.

*nbll Weekly, MoatalyT n

-_-«er* and Periodical*, i ^Jia. Be wUl deliver


Troy aad Mew Tork Literary aad Htaetre-

aay pahUoattoa te

Transportation. "DAFGF.Har* now loading fot Troy at Plir 7 East t j river New York. Apply to SILI.IMAN A f r o . No iTLoentie* Slip, New York, or S«l River *t , lrey.— TTOLLM *££^ L !"»• J

Philadelphia, Albany and Troy Line. FOR Tr*i,*rortatloD of Frefgbt wStkotit Transhlp-

n.ent. Boats leave Troy, ere'y Friday: Albany, every bsturday ; Philadelphia, every Vestee

906 River at., Troy, and 4S Qaay et. D.L.FLANA

alt7Km 420 South Delaware avenae.PUU Notice to Shippers.

3P B E Baltimore and New York Injar* Trtmsporta-L tlon Co- on the opening of navigation of the elaware and Chesapeake and Delaware and Karitaa

Canal*, will be prepared to receive and forward coal and merchandise by fi rei-clas* barge* to and from Bel-timcre, New York. Troy and all other points oa toe Hudson River and Long Island Sound, aad are«>repared to make contract* for transportation to poiua. named. For freight and further particular*, apply to

T. SsCMANCB, R C o e a U « Slip, New Yorker ™$JKtic5?r'

n Smith's Wharf. Baltimore. Md. T o S h i p p e r s .



F O B H E W Y O B H .

ATaear tWSteamer COHEECTICUT la sight of AHM bound for Troy.

FRUIT, 0T8TER8. AC. ' " R ^ . I R * * * * * t fe ia every day from Baltimore.

1 bold by tae quart or gallon. City deUrely. Leave roar order* at r

BXXSTA MALLEB Y"S, • Congress «t.

BAArtin M*'n*Ea". :o«4rre**i

\ X 7 H O L R 8 A L . E and Retail Dealer sadJCoaimU-v" sioa Mercnaat la Foreign and Domestic Frmit*.

Bottled and tiroea*' ineklea, Senees and JelB*s. Caanad •ad Early Vegeaahlea, Oyster* aad Clam*, t^duaea aad Mat* of ell kind*. EortA wing Fulton markos. Troy. _

J . A. H i l l i k e r A 6 0 . O A Q m i T E R » T . , 1 ^ o ^ » e p ^ e r J L 2 ^ } > * a 7 and Domestic dreen aad Dried rr*M*. Bardlne*, Pickle*, Ac. We keep coiataat.*' oa one of the Urg est aad meet complete J " * 1 ^ good* to be found la the city, all of which •— to the trade at tbe lowest awrketja«e*>_

CMUBM Of • tS* £23*. 212

everj pett «**BB| h <• s p a i

•ct* qusi qair roei R<* •wn « b

is e heri'

Th| Whiti •jral Me tLl snd suit Boerlj

hat trodt *s»Uic inerii porst fled wVeT| Wliieli

steed I •M* •< TsetH tbu,


L I world Is Ei mhici Isect wort logic i iaui BOou, riau In ioc i i •ml ebun EDQt Witt Bfianj tfterl to at laeol


Worn hroE4, It lei they Ev.ij I*lym| ABd tbe WBS' EK-ll'l k i h •dlK: 40w;.

Bal l •r th-yarial •Wteei:



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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069