meet the founding fathers

Meet the Founding Fathers

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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Meet the Founding Fathers. Wait!. P. 4: Jordan, I need your test back P. 6: Alex H and Carter, I need your tests back… Nick and Lily, I need to give you your tests for corrections ALL: Turn in A of C packets if you still want credit for them! And you DO STILL WANT CREDIT! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Meet the Founding Fathers

Meet the Founding Fathers

Page 2: Meet the Founding Fathers


• P. 4: Jordan, I need your test back• P. 6: Alex H and Carter, I need your tests back… Nick

and Lily, I need to give you your tests for corrections• ALL: Turn in A of C packets if you still want credit for

them! And you DO STILL WANT CREDIT!• ALL: Turn in British Point of View Papers…include 3

facts about the lead-up to the American Revolution• ALL: Ask me about the color of George

Washington’s shoes and why we’re skipping

Page 3: Meet the Founding Fathers

George Washington• “Every post is honorable in which a man can serve his country. “• Age in 1776: 44• Role before the war:

– Fought in the French and Indian War– Member of the government of Virginia

• Role during the war:– Commander in Chief of the Continental Army

• Role after the war:– 1st President of the United States

• Main Beliefs:– The US should be neutral until it is stronger and should

avoid long alliances– Political parties and divisions should be avoided

• Main Legacy:– Set an example for future presidents to think of the best interest of the

country rather than their political party– Stepped down after two terms, proving a president isn’t

the same as a king• Fun Facts:

– Only president to be elected unanimously– Only founding father to free his slaves– Grew marijuana on his farm to use in the soil and for hemp– Is now on the $1 bill and quarter

Page 4: Meet the Founding Fathers

Benjamin Franklin• “A Spoonful of Honey will catch more Flies than a Gallon of Vinegar.”• Age in 1776: 70• Role before the war:

– Published a newspaper and Poor Richard’s Almanack

– Member of the Pennsylvania government• Role during the war:

– Member of the Second Continental Congress– Helped with the Declaration of Independence– Ambassador to France– Negotiate peace with Great Britain

• Role after the war:– Member of the Constitutional Convention

• Main Beliefs:– Helped promote the Constitution and unity among the states– The Constitution should be unanimously approved by the states

to show unity even if states didn’t approve of everything it said• Main Legacy:

– Helped the US with its relationships in Europe– Scientist that invented the lightning rod and bifocals

• Fun Facts:– Is now on the $100 bill– Wanted the turkey to be the national bird

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John Adams• "I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy."• Age in 1776: 41• Role before the war:

– Served on the Massachusetts Assembly– Delegate to the First and Second Continental Congresses

• Role during the war:– Diplomat to France (replaced Silas Deane)

• Role after the war:– First Vice President– Second President of the US

• Main Beliefs:– Federal government should have more power than states

• Main Legacy: – Passed the Alien and Sedition Acts (more later)

• Fun Facts:– Defended the British soldiers at the Boston Massacre Trial to

ensure that they got a fair trial– His VP, Jefferson, was of a different political party. – Adams and Jefferson died on the same day: July 4th

Page 6: Meet the Founding Fathers

Samuel Adams• Quote: "The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought."• Age in 1776: 54• Role before the war:

– Tax collector– Served on the Massachusetts Assembly– Delegate to the First Continental Congress– Son of Liberty

• Role during the war:– Delegate to the Second Continental Congress

• Role after the war:– Massachusetts State Constitutional Convention member– Lieutenant Governor and the Governor of Massachusetts

• Main Beliefs:– Advocate for a republic

• Main Legacy: – Led the fight against the British taxes in the early stages– Remembered as a leading Son of Liberty

• Fun Facts:– John Adams’ cousin– His father was a brewer– Organized first Committee of Correspondence– Helped write Articles of Confederation

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Thomas Jefferson• “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. “• Age in 1776: 33• Role before the war:

– Member of the government of Virginia• Role during the war:

– Governor of Virginia• Role after the war:

– Member of the Continental Congress and Minister to France– Secretary of State, then Vice President, and then

3rd President of the United States• Main Beliefs:

– Farming society is best– The national government should remain weak

• Legacy:– Main writer of the Declaration of Independence

• Fun Facts:– Had a pet bird he let eat from his mouth– Could speak French, Latin, Greek, Spanish, and German– Is now on the nickel

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Alexander Hamilton• “Even to observe neutrality you must have a strong government. “• Age in 1776: 21• Role before the war:

– College student• Role during the war:

– Fought with the colonists in New York– Became an officer in the American army

• Role after the war: – Lawyer– Member of the Continental Congress– First Secretary of the Treasury – Money man

• Main Beliefs: – Strong national government– Base of economy should be commerce, not farming– Disagreed with Thomas Jefferson on both of these

• Legacy: – Supported and convinced others of the need for a strong national government– Wrote “The Federalist Papers” with John Jay and James Madison in support of the new Constitution

• Fun Facts:– Wrote anti-British pamphlets before he was 20– Was killed in a duel with the Vice President, Aaron Burr, in 1804– Is now on the $10 bill

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John Jay• ”No power on earth has a right to take our property from us without our

consent. “• Age in 1776: 31• Role before the war:

– Member of the First and Second Continental Congresses• Role during the war:

– Ambassador to Spain– Negotiate peace with Great Britain

• Role after the war:– Secretary of Foreign Affairs– First Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court

• Main Beliefs:– Strong national government

• Main Legacy:– Negotiated Jay’s Treaty with Great Britain in 1794– Helped write “The Federalist Papers” with Hamilton and Madison

• Fun Facts:– There were only two people in Jay’s graduating class– When he was 28, Jay married a 17-year old named Sarah

Page 10: Meet the Founding Fathers

James Madison• “All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree. “• Age in 1776: 25• Role before the war:

– Worked in Virginia’s state government• Role during the war:

– Member of the Continental Congress• Role after the war:

– Helped to write the Constitution– Became 4th president

• Main Beliefs:– Strong national government– Religious freedom– Rights of individuals should be protected

• Legacy:– Wrote “The Federalist Papers” with John Jay

and Alexander Hamilton in support of the new Constitution– Worked to get the Bill of Rights passed

• Fun Facts:– Declared war with Britain in 1812– Was very sickly and believed he would not live very long– Was a quiet but influential man; is on the $5,000 bill

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Time to Vote!

• Which Founding Father…– Would you vote for today for President?

_________________________– Would you want to play Guitar Hero with?

_____________________________– Is the hottest? _____________________– Is the ugliest? ______________________– Seems the smartest?_________________– Had the coolest quote? _______________