medspring: the nexus water-energy-food (w-e-f) to strengthen the eu-mediterranean cooperation on...


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MedSpring: MedSpring: the Nexus Water-Energy-Food the Nexus Water-Energy-Food (W-E-F) to strengthen the EU-(W-E-F) to strengthen the EU-Mediterranean Cooperation on Mediterranean Cooperation on

Research & InnovationResearch & InnovationDr. PhD Gaetano Ladisa

CIHEAM - Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di Bari (ITALY)

MedSpring in a nutshellMedSpring in a nutshell


• Type of Project: EU/FP 7 INCONET – Support Action • Main Objective: Contributing to the quality of the

Euro-Mediterranean research area, with a particular focus on the bi-regional Euro-Mediterranean S&T cooperation, research & innovation, policy dialogue

• Special focus on 3 societal challenges: Water, Energy, Food

• Partnership: 28 partners from 17 countries. Decision makers (research ministries, research councils, research institutions, others)

• Duration: Feb. 2013- Jan. 2017

EMEG is based on more than 45 experts, divided in 3 sub-thematic groups:•“Water” (water scarcity, water use efficiency, water saving, use of non-conventional water, water quality, water management, water governance.•“Food” (food security and safety, biodiversity, health, fisheries and aquaculture, food-chain in pre to post-harvesting)•“Energy” (energy efficiency, renewable energies, bio-energy, applications).

• Each EMEG sub-group of experts will address to the following 3 main tasks: • Task 1: Research results and their uptake• Task 2: Research policies, policy dialogue, policy needs• Task 3: Holistic/integrated approach to societal challenges

EMEG roles and tasksEMEG roles and tasks




The dialogue process in The dialogue process in MedSpringMedSpring

Resources efficiency – Water:“Managing water resources under scarcity, pollution and uncertain conditions while improving agricultural water use efficiency as well as treatment and re-use of non-conventional water” .

High quality affordable Food:“Integrated development and rehabilitation of rural arid and semi-arid areas capitalizing on sustainable agriculture including traditional and organic farming, empowering rural communities and valorizing agricultural resources” .

Energy:“Capitalizing on local large availability of solar energy, by developing adapted packages of solutions for sustainable remote communities, both in terms of supply and demand, in addition to promoting the well integrated penetration of renewable energy solutions in the inhabited areas, while taking into account local cultural heritage”.

11stst EMEG (Lisbon) – Research results EMEG (Lisbon) – Research results paradigmsparadigms

22ndnd EMEG (Sousse) - Policy cross-cutting EMEG (Sousse) - Policy cross-cutting paradigmsparadigms


Research in water, food and energy in the Mediterranean region has cross-border dimension and can be successfully tackled only in the frame of mutual EU-MPC co-operation with participation on equal footing. Addressing the nexus among water, food and energy to satisfy human needs within the limits of natural resources, implying the development of creative integrated policy and politics.

Euro-Mediterranean research and innovation policy should be given a clear orientation through a process of generating joint problem awareness, and by participation of stakeholders beyond business Euro-Mediterranean R&I policy will have to orient the prioritisation of research toward nexus problems, based on sustainability including trans-disciplinarity, integrating science in society, gender mainstreaming, stakeholders co-ownership.

22ndnd EMEG (Sousse) - Policy paradigms EMEG (Sousse) - Policy paradigms


Resources efficiency - Water: “Developing water research policies in line with the Action Plan of Euro-Mediterranean Strategy while orienting such policies to the minimization of water footprint in different uses by integrating social, economic and environmental sustainability. Supporting the participation of MPC research organizations in policy dialogue in EU water related platforms (EIP, JPIs, ETP).”

High quality affordable Food:“EU and MPCs food-related cooperation should be based on co-ownership, inclusiveness and shared benefits, aiming at improving research and innovation impact in support of sustainable food production systems that recognize the interdependence between agriculture, water, energy, health and environment, reflected in comprehensive policies for sustainable food and nutrition security, including food quality and safety.”

Energy:“The new “Energy paradigm” for both EU and MPCs involves the move from traditional fossil fuels to sustainable renewable sources and a reduction of demand by increasing the efficiency of resource use. Supply and demand must be analysed in an integrated way. The application of this paradigm must be well adapted to sustainable development, local uses and traditions, making users comfortable and active partners. EU and MPCs should work together towards a common co-owned vision for the whole region.”

What is Nexus (and why we What is Nexus (and why we need it)?need it)?“The Water-Energy-Food Nexus describes the complex and inter-related nature of our global resources systems.” (FAO, 2014)“In sum, the nexus perspective provides an informed and transparent framework for determining and resolving trade-offs to meet increasing demand without compromising sustainability.” (Bonn, 2011)

Nexus is an approach needed to pursue sustainable development through an integrated use of resources to

satisfy basic needs at global scale.

Irrigation processing

Water quality

Energy generationCooling


Bio-energy production


DesalinationWT management

Water distribution





Examples of W-E-F Examples of W-E-F NexusNexus

Refutrees (Plestinian) - to build a community rooftop garden in Gaza Refugees Camp

Technical Demonstration Centre (Tunisia) - Re-use of rainwater, gray water and black water domestic use and landscaping (constructed wetlands)

Bluepower (Egypt) - Optimum Utilisation of Hybrid Advanced Wave and Wind Energy for Innovative Sustainable Power Generation and Sea Water Desalination for Clean Environment

SupHort (Ethiopia) – Zero Energy fruit and vegetables storehouse

33rdrd EMEG (Malta) – Nexus policy EMEG (Malta) – Nexus policy paradigmsparadigms

Integrating the NEXUS concept in all relevant policies, legislation and regulations at all levels by:Promoting participatory policy design though a multilevel and participatory networks/fora;Mapping and assessing existing national sectorial WEF policies to develop an integrated Nexus strategy including an effective implementation and monitoring plan;Promoting the implementation of EURO-MED strategy on NEXUS

Increase NEXUS communication and awareness among relevant stakeholders by: multidisciplinary training and capacity building activities; dissemination of success stories, initiatives, good practices and innovative technologies; including Nexus related principles and concepts in educational system; creating a EU-MED platform (based on the MEDSPRING EMEG + additional players) for trans-boundary exchange and transfer of best practices

Increasing funding for multidisciplinary and integrated research projects and initiatives and promoting cooperation between public and private sectors through financing and incentive schemes

Nexus topics for R&I cooperation in EU-Nexus topics for R&I cooperation in EU-MED regionMED region• Precision agricultural technologies in all food value-chain.• Food-chain logistics reducing food lost and waste. • Long food shelf life techniques. • Tools and ICT devices for monitoring, water allocation control, remote

controlled irrigation, automation and information /dissemination to end-users. • Technologies for water de-pollution, irrigated water management and water

treatment units for decentralized systems and reuse. • Moving towards nearly-zero energy buildings and operations through design,

regulations, materials and special energy components with emphasis on cooling technologies. Local heritage and traditions, ensuring a harmonious integration and social acceptance by the local population.

• Appropriate renewable and hybrid energy solutions, including storage, smart micro-grids, power production. Penetration of decentralized grid-connected renewable energy sources, namely PV and CSP.

Conclusions & Conclusions & RecommendationsRecommendationsThe knowledge gap in the WEF nexus need to be bridged by concentrated active research to identify:•Inter-dependencies (Data and Analysis)•Current and future challenges (Scenario development)•Opportunities (Response options) •Appropriate and effective governance, institutional, and organizational frameworks (Stakeholders dialogue).

Thank youThank youGaetano Ladisa (CIHEAM-IAMB)

[email protected]