meditation for recovering addicts

Stepping Sober in Palm Beach County Florida is an Alcohol Detox , Heroin Detox , Couples Detox Cocaine Detox and substance abuse recovery center. Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center Serving all of Palm Beach County 800-518-5205 West Palm Beach Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center

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Page 1: Meditation for Recovering Addicts

Stepping Sober in Palm Beach County Florida is an Alcohol Detox, Heroin Detox, Couples Detox Cocaine Detox and substance abuse recovery center.

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center Serving all of Palm Beach County800-518-5205

West Palm Beach Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center

Page 2: Meditation for Recovering Addicts

Stepping Sober in Palm Beach County Florida is an Alcohol Detox, Heroin Detox, Couples Detox Cocaine Detox and substance abuse recovery center.

Meditation for Recovering Ninjas

Page 3: Meditation for Recovering Addicts

Stepping Sober in Palm Beach County Florida is an Alcohol Detox, Heroin Detox, Couples Detox Cocaine Detox and substance abuse recovery center.

Page 4: Meditation for Recovering Addicts

Stepping Sober in Palm Beach County Florida is an Alcohol Detox, Heroin Detox, Couples Detox Cocaine Detox and substance abuse recovery center.

While you’re in the process of going through recovery there are many things that you can do to improve your health and situation. Things like exercise and meditation are excellent outlets for you to attach to that don’t involve a lot of time or money. Meditation is one method of being able to clear your mind, sleep better and sort through your thoughts. Here are some other things about meditation that you may not know that can help get you back on the right track.

Page 5: Meditation for Recovering Addicts

Stepping Sober in Palm Beach County Florida is an Alcohol Detox, Heroin Detox, Couples Detox Cocaine Detox and substance abuse recovery center.

Meditation can be done anywhere. Because meditation is done with just your mind and no other tools or equipment are necessary, this practice is very easy to achieve in even the smallest of places. Find a quiet place, whether it's indoors or out, use a cushion, blanket or matt and make that your personal meditation area. You’re setting yourself up to be more disciplined and by giving yourself the frame of mind that you meditate daily using this blanket, or other place to sit on will enable you to make it more of a routine.

Page 6: Meditation for Recovering Addicts

Stepping Sober in Palm Beach County Florida is an Alcohol Detox, Heroin Detox, Couples Detox Cocaine Detox and substance abuse recovery center.

Meditation for recovering addicts. Quietly sit, with eyes closed, neck out, sitting up straight, focus all your thoughts on your breath. Breath gently in and out. Each time your mind tends to wander, grab your thinking and pull it back to focusing on your breath. By making your breathing the focus point, you are learning to train your brain to function when you want it. You are learning to control it. This is a vital process that will help you in other areas as well, but for now just focus on breathing and learning to close off all other thoughts until you’re ready to add more.

Page 7: Meditation for Recovering Addicts

Stepping Sober in Palm Beach County Florida is an Alcohol Detox, Heroin Detox, Couples Detox Cocaine Detox and substance abuse recovery center.

Meditation enables seeing, hearing, emotions and speech improvements. Blood flow increases during times of meditation. Your mind gets rewired and the gray matter responsible for muscle control becomes more productive. The key is to keep trying even when you seem like it’s impossible.

Don’t worry if you aren’t able to meditate for more than 10 minutes at a time. Know that even with these shorter intervals, you will be physiologically changing the way your brain is functioning for the better. Most people when they first start, find it difficult to control for more than 5-10 minutes. As long as you do it every day, you’ll be noticing a difference.

Page 8: Meditation for Recovering Addicts

Stepping Sober in Palm Beach County Florida is an Alcohol Detox, Heroin Detox, Couples Detox Cocaine Detox and substance abuse recovery center.

Help and Detox from Substances - Call Stepping Sober in Palm Beach County Florida

Your thoughts and your sense of focus will become clearer. Because you’re will be disengaged with the thoughts that are detrimental to you, you will find that your focus is so much more clear. Another exercise of mindfulness is to sit on a busy park bench or perhaps a bus stop. When a stranger is seen walking, allow your mind to be fixated on mantra of some sort. As the person keeps walking don’t focus on them, focus on the thought allowing the person to walk on without your becoming enthralled in the walker, but rather your thoughts.These are just a few of the benefits of making meditation become one of your daily routines. Routines are good when going through recovery. They give you a sense of control and stability, even when you’re used to chaos.By making meditation a part of your everyday ritual you’ll be taking more control of your life and will find that other things are easier to deal with.For information on starting a recovery program or if you’re in need of assistance contact our staff for answers.

Page 9: Meditation for Recovering Addicts

Stepping Sober in Palm Beach County Florida is an Alcohol Detox, Heroin Detox, Couples Detox Cocaine Detox and substance abuse recovery center.

Page 10: Meditation for Recovering Addicts

Stepping Sober in Palm Beach County Florida is an Alcohol Detox, Heroin Detox, Couples Detox Cocaine Detox and substance abuse recovery center.

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center Serving all of Palm Beach County800-518-5205