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Offers the largeet nmmm TO A3VX&TISXB81 VOL. xvm. DOVER, MOBRIS COUNTY; NBWpSRSEY, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1889. NO. 43. J Q H VBOAT XX PUBLISHERSus PEOP&IEIOM oi»MoiSkotw«ll BMat rat door Mtha Hatloul Hum Bank. O»,SCB»C»IPTIOK I I I I 01 iDViHCK. LsMown - 100 TunMonn... M TKM US cum un. IHAVIH6 AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON. SUSSEX STREET, l»alwa«»taaaUHK01JHOVBIa»»I*j»v, OOTKB.N, J. , luplaoaaaabaaw. A (.BEAT D18C0YERY 1 SARATOGA AT HOME I .4 wafer unequaUd/or briUiancy and purity The famous tmten of Saratoga and ttr dpoUiwrrUmUdotefar bar, tobk or tarhovating purposes. iVo- notuKxdby physician* toimtain great medical propertiu/or kidney troulk and general debility. fFcthaU atUlo owr many brands <f(ht mat celebrated Lagers in the market the Rochester Bohemia* Ben ^tor, a car lead Icing on OK rmdnowfer Dover teWcAaSttoon fe ready 'for eamftmg. We dm'l dance " sexmAfidtU" to any one, £11/ on* bound tht qvalily of our good* •kJtl make Hum lahttheUad. JJUQENE J. COOPER ' ' AtTOaMKMTLAW, AM «i«TEE tip 80UC1T0B IN CHAJH!«B* OSoa la UaImaa BlUdl.f, On> J. A. H«a'« »»*•. DOVES K i r±to 0. <nnouna,a. P.. un> ••MOIALBT u Or aUUBUI; DUUBH., MTM,». J. ,- . TOSIPB J. M4HSH, ** A\MHr«CI, r rnu)»,_ Chipman's LIVER; PILLS PUI.ELY VEGETABLE. r r" DOVER, N. J. ' ,. I. B. JOLUEYrf ropri«tor ; altoU raw nun ISOHmsno 00. 1 mw," T OUOITOI'AID luira a OB*»CMJ, inlaruimuti 1 i nuHon,«.>. SBS K7tOOaSi issaoauipanmw[Mat IM bit at luaraaold .oppU-. J0»£PH.,C.J8HM80N, THOS. JOHNSON, f JOHK J. ECKHART, fevOSOOSE k IQLLEB, &WHUI BOTTLING WORKS c j - •--• > , , . » *' "»l».l«al.'aa»j»lall talari aai totttaa. "* u. if. l^.'Si.Rmfl.'. A Of. rkUwolaJ Byirt ml t*gr Bur, KVpBid h oqr «/ Mto« oar Ua* onus, POETKH, Aim iiix wsns maaaHnrATisa TIFFANY & ALLEN IN THE STATE. Headquarters at Paterson. AKNESA.T DOVEBi ANNEX AT WABWIOK FIRST. I wlnh to niaio tin apology to iny cnslomers nod purchasers at the tltearr«BS«fliBUl of my stock and he ciiiidiUon wl'the store, nowbeing occupied by the carpenter and IIUINOII dwrlrg my immense alterations, but low prices will repuy any ouo for the incon- enience »f showing gnodi anddigarranggmont of UM'V. Out oi' 10O Antique dak Bedroom Nnlts I have eft in stuck about 12 Suite, regular price 837.50. Will close them oat at <537.'6O 10 Parlor Suits In Plush, regiilhT pvlce «50, reduced to 937.50. MY STOCKOf Carpets, 'Sideboards, Lounges, Refrigerators, ; Children's Carriages, , Matting, &c, &c, All itt low prices duriug th<) present alterations. ,\ , \VASH OK CREDIT.). tOOBS DS11VXHMD f&MM Of &UB0* TO ASTPAKT CT TBt RTATS. Kmt aU dWaaa' arlaiit fraai a UraU "J- VVatBoo of to. Llm. t"" , PRICE 25 CENTS. Sold by-all Druggist*. S.RBENNETT, (ncoauoa to 4 wtairof,) lUXUrAt/CDBJUt aNB DXALBB I* STOVES, " RANGES, , FURNACES, , Oovm un Bauv law. floovm, Zinc, " t Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe,, '.' •.' . . Pumps, Ac. THE GORTON I' A BFioiiiTnr. ^ - W. L. DOUGLAS t3 SHOE <»•££&»». |3 & 92 SHOES FOB LADIES. •tuibnM EIIBIII Ui j*M NUOI AMD rAUKKtt MtQB. 110 nxTRa VALIFH c*xr *H<na, as woiwKOBunf UJOB, PnndalantwhaaBljni IOB SALS BI BEAQAXT tfcOo., LURCH. PIANOS KB SALI U D IV BSHT OX BEA»S- :UU»TIBI« i!a> on uowrmT PIAHOS TtJNKD AND BEFAIBED. tS7 |Ua A»a, Car. Xla St, HEW TOES. < DtL BDWABD8' Blackberry Brandy and Glngor - HUD AT IHB BTOMa M »k iJD «h,»OTOJH. INBiSPUTABLE FftCTS FOR PXTBCHASBRS IT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAH —FOB- CARPETS -AND- FURNITURE. Before entering on our regular Fall aad Winter oa^ipaign, in whioh we will display the largest and most complete stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers that have ever been Bhown in Northern New Jersey, we will make a speoial offering of about 3,000 pairs of all kinds of shjoes at prioes that will eclipse all our former speoial sales, notwithstanding the fact that in the past the shoes offered have been so lqxjn price, and high in quality, that no matter; how largo the auantity, it oaused inquiry for; thein, long after every pair had been olosed out We offer 500 pairs Child's Kid, Dongola, float anddrain, heel and spring, sizes 5 to 8, from 60c. to 75c; worth from eighty-live cents to $1.50. -- • 300 jmiry of the game high elass of goods, only sizes 8 1-3 to 10 1-2, at 75c. tmil $1.10; each pair lully north flora $1.00 to 83.00. 150 pairs Hisses' extra quality Kid and Dongoia But- ton, sizes'll to %, from 05 eta. to $1.50; redaced from $1.35 up to $3.00. 120 pairs YontUs' Calf Tip Button, sizes 11 to 2, at $1.10; reduced from $1.50. 120 pairs Men's solid warranted Congress Gaiter at $1.35; worth $1.75. 3Oc. and 35c. wlllbny an Infant's genuine Kid and Dongola hand turned, sizes from 1 to 0 ; and also a large quantity of Ladles' Shoes made of best material In the latest styles at from $1.50 to $3.00, and we positively state the material alone is worth more money, 00- Kindly calt at once while your eizes remain, -©ft ' " HEAGAN & CO, - Opp..D., L...& W. Depot, Dover.N. J. . NEWARK, N. J. NEAR .COURT,-HQTJSE.) DR. A. a FREEMAN, DENTIST, bu pamsaanur located Us oftoe la BOW, X. t oppMlwlbs foalOatea,to tvoauovn'oliaA. toafiTlof, and tnvtwii a share of tbe public oefoUowii Dr. freeman bu beea mj own ana family anUtUaaalio foe the laoolty aud teuaUr* ((ha fiMtltute for tke past twelve yean. It s pleasure to raooMMnd wm u • /twapsteijud nllable«f«Ust. BOOKA.ilAT, S. I.' My aconaintaaoe with Di tended or*r a period of < „ ,, "• "-tSBSJftar. Dr Vreeataa baa tbe patronage of all euc family of Bml tha at Waterloo, ud wo with him treat aaoMM ia hit new field ttAMUaUi T. B a m . Duplex Automatic Steam Heaters, T"o»r»T«"HiftketUkiVnire art JSIn«B «HDMrMl)»m Slawrolj youw, S. W, Btuunuit, D D. DM. TMBMAJT*—Dear Sin If th« uve »f in'nti, ol wraoiU bollor iron, bin <»P- oilofpilnu. Great eoooomitaflull Wan- noli? or Donitmollanl No unuowlbM lI H l » u « i or towing •»«««• dim- mollanl No unuow u«i or towing •»«««• di s'Stsssi oloMI Ho l Pftft All kinds of Plnmblng, Hoofing aod Bbeel lion Wort»Ua(»cUJt/ vuoatod. iBrtecktu Utimes 0tovea and tfot Air VurDMMU or even description; Hardware, Gutlerv, Tin trait, Uil . .. - — _ et0^ Leblglt tuul tterenton &nu, O1U. fairuanM BcebM. BuketUluinPninpe. ESTABLISHED I8S0. «E0B6E E. VOOBEEES, mm in wtwm 80ILDXBB'. OABBUQX HtiKlRB'.BIiiOI BHITIIfl 1 OOHTWOTORS', K S I N Q in PAINTS. OILS, dec. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Mali ud Vortlltaera, SATES AND SCALES. THE OLIVER CHILLED PLOW *lao l n Harrow, Wheel riltlnton. WaT- l«r A. Wool aoiran, UcaMn ud Blndtral UorMlulua, Anuiaa HIT ^WMBSEtti? l«v DftttH of i>o*i.r people fur whom1 e tlono vork la iha put Urtifj to l(« A RN D , Cor. Sussex and BUckwoll St*. GROCERIES PROVISIONS Plllsbury's Best,Viola and Most Beautiful Brands of Flour, an*. aiuicH. imu, aHEEU, ZOtU, Bta. Bold br DrtggUt. Alf« isissWi 4 -" OLIVER S. FREEMAN, CirpeMer and Builder, GAN & COS SPECIAL FALL S H E OF OES H Watthmabr, Jewnlir ani Optician, BULBS II DIAMONB8, Oold and Silver Wtvtohei, SItTEE anS 8ILVEE-PLATED WABE. Bpadal Indacmeat. an pSeraO la a foil atoor of Ua b.at atakea of American Watches,. French Clocks, Gold Jewelry, Optical 6oods. Joprt' S p u , Forkt ui Lint, anil artiolM far U . I . .aa .t lb. loajafl narkad prlaaa. ONE POTTERY, ART NOVELTIES <ulhbla far Wadding PraaaMa. • WITCHES BOLD OKIN8TALKENTO. a»-E«pairing of Fine Watohos a speoioltj. Blihk looks. Jas. S. Melick, Stitlonsry, Newspsperi ind Cigars, BLUE FRONT STORE, Ntixt to Bowden'g Heat Market, Sussex St., Dover. Has* Boob, dte B ka, etatieoary In all BMM ud prlooi, Law Blank, of all ilnOa, racket '«' Laaada,ate. Banjo, Banjo StriDf., tridpa, rfajaaod all npaln for tha bMJoj/Oolttra, 171 dtiilai Slrixa, Briltaa, and >U parla tor Iba filial. Ylolla Blrlng., Do*., Kija, Tdl ^Mea, Jtfl. writing Paper. ID oodlea. TariMT. Peoa, Fendla, Fountain Pena of all Idoda. Baion, Baur Bttopa. LalBer Bnabaa, Pookat Xnln. at aU nrioea of the etle- hnial Ton nacnfaetUTa. Babb«r BUnTWan* kind 700 want at tha lovaat nrleea. A hall Ha*of Lndl'alibrary. .Ibaraobram Ap«irf*oWty. 1 keep lif obolnal brand, of ., SEGA'RS AND TOBACCOS. All' th* Oailjr, Ennlng, Weekly, Monthly tad Sunday Pavers Mltaa»d fna to anr part el laa Iowa. PI^JTOS! PIANOS! PIANOS! 8; D. LATJTEB CO. STEIN WAT, TUB BTAHDAnD PIAKO OF TUB WOBLD. Bmerion, S. Q, Chlokedna, 8tefHnKl HQStil •Uod&rtt njitei of Hint* ud Itrlnr OTKIDI. BUIBagent fpr Now lennr f"f HID Okblar Pi ten I VoUl Aotlon rrwne Upright PiMo, tfao m»l l t d UJJ Ilka il, i df Ike like ft, tha penplt* Ilka It, everjbodj Iikei It A large aisuf'ment ot aeoonfl lisnd pUnoa tbe 1o*cst prioes otor glfen in Kowirk. A fLrtWuB Bprighl — * TS^PBOUTST" 1 * 1 R. It. LAUTER CO., 057-059 BROAD St., NEITABE. CURB BIOHB TALS. UKBofonrDidDorer KMidanU Wli BB of inciauit or the d..ji wbi>n tb« old Merideo foij* iu na b j » Ksll-knom ud piirai ll who wy Monrtonad bomrd Ufa •mplojeu, who were U th* opinion tbtvt dampHuKi »P]>»BT«d too often In tbi bill of fare. A new baott o»ma to work for the fg min, who faritod the atruicar to *tt«nd h with him one Band*/ iton *fter bli . Bottho itranger deo'Ioed tbe io» tatlon on ton* pretext, »Dd wh(l» bit am. plojer * H 20D« to Eock»inr tc »tt«nd Mr- Tloo ipent the lnWrr.1 l a »bicrl)lif Hber»l q l f apple jnioe. Wben Iho iood manntuiDtduidufenbledhliBieii at din. ner, be w u inrprliod to bear the new «m> l nquut to be pannitMd to u k tbe "fiumpllniahotanddanpllnuoold. Dunipliugs nbw and dumplinji old, lJuID^II]a o0 sole anil uutupJiiiKe totiif b. Lord knowi we've bad dumplloga enough." It ta lUpetLluotu to add that dnmv. ereoniliud from the dally fare lor aomo time tb«natt*r. tbefertnar dajs of thaHorria At Eaaex oad, when Hr. Bejaioftr wtva Bapetio. Vendeit, s retident oi llookawaj bad a oow killed on Ibetraok and BrM«nt«d a olalm for damage*. Filling u obtain It be brought •lilt lar dimegu agalaat the oonpiuiy before a Jujtioe of the Peaoe who lived up in tbs monntaina ot the Oreen Pond neighborhood, ind labpranaftd a oonaldDrable number of tbe ulroftd men there as witnesses. What, they >rrived attheptaoe theshrewd eotnpUiuuit managed to gat an adjournment for aecapte if weeka, tnd the rompany. Hading thla rerj- out]; aa wttll as enBojtng, von«IaA«dtoeev- Ue with him. Borne time later a&othtr Eo«k- away teaident bad a sow killed under siroam- tttn«et tUat tKi4« Uverj uonbtful II he could aaKtaj, hat be thought bo could get tb.ni bj adopting tbe taotioa of tbe other "Aba, 11 uld BapU J?3Mius.r when be mads tbe application, " joa ara Jast tbe men we looking for. Tba accident causedbj jaat mw aam^ed one of our engines to ths ttent *>f sovernl thotuund dollsrs, agd we propose toaakeyouvay forit." Tbeowaer if the oow oonoluded not to proosad wltk tbs aait," Ths railroid boya are telling a good 0.017 ibontmall agent J, Beward Dauapaon,, Ao* oording'totbeuialadrandgeatleunas entered the null ou to see him oatok a mall bag at tb« tndo. flew by,. When tbe oraaa oangbi tie hac aud IIM« it iu tbe door with a train \ ixoiaimedi "Yfbr, thli mujt tw very dan|eromI" "Ob, jes," reapebded *'J«CT«T" la allMrtoumeei, "Ibeilove.nlrtJ* tiroe seople bave beea killed la tbU way In tbe laot flie jean." Tbe ladj WM tilled wltk ajinpathy for Iboae who follow tbe jwrilotu oalltniorrailwajQiall tint*, and thaboyt an adrlslog " Jena;" to keep kia life he*vilj i a t o n H , . .-• < - • . ' ' - •••• -• ipnpea of my remarks laat week upon bet- ting on tbe hone raoM, afriend iulorma me tbat he kuowa of a young man ia Horristown who a abort time agowas possessed of the sum ot #5,000. Suddenly ho waa sleaed with the daullng proapeot of moJUpljlng it many times by plajlug tbe horses. Ha la aotr awnUg a preoariiua labslateaoebv drlv logabiolc. Itisanralv enough to atafce a Loreelangb to read tha protestation of tba Devweratlo SUte platform fn iavor of a^arantMlng "to •vary voter toe greatest poaalble seereoy la tbeoaatlngof bU ballot^ Every man of ta telllgenee knows tkat every D«BUIQM4O a-eM bar of tbe Loglalatur* of laat winter Toted agalnat aad delected tha Australian voting . " ih (ava "the gteatMt peaalbU eeereiv" U tke voter, while erery Bep*blloaa p W o » do vet la re the slightest loteollon ol pssslag anj law that wttl preveat the pan- s/Mtare of heavj Dnaieoratlo majoritfea In th« alnau ol Hudson oouotv. m ,\ babnthfull; ataUd tbat tkla eaa* palgsi will tat be ao tan ok a eoaaiot ef party dlfforenee* aa a oootest batweea falrneae aaldeMaoj In eutepolltiosand government. XtK4alrea na propbet to predict IbU If Ab- beitia elected tbe ballot aod all ulhernforms that honeat people wou'd llko to see In Hew Jersey will be relegttcd to tbarear for tbo neit three yeara and all the maoMoerj of tbe SUtogovernmentwUl be operated upaa spoil* sjratem for the benefit of tbe wont element ot tbe Deaoorallo partj The repu- table leaden ot tt« pwtj IIIMH. lliU aa uuab aeothoreaad there are aslf reapeotlng Deiw oorata all over the Stale wbo will vote for tbo nominee la the tope o! purging tbelr partj of Abbott sad his following. Tbeapproacaloioantennlal of the fl-nilen H. E. Cbnrob renlmli me tbat It la aaaag the oldest Uetboilat cburoboo of Ua State. The Ural Hattodlit houa of worship la Hew iney was oreated In Qlooooater oeonty ta 1770. and fn 1753 there were bat (we olnalts aadfonrpnwben, Five more dronlta were organised between that timeradMW, on* of whlab w u called tha F l u d e n cfntalb Bo 1 argue that the oddi are eoatldenlly against BetwUtr WerU Let the B«pablie»n» make a good nomination—soeb as tuat of kfeivlnfi,Coodlt wnuld ba, for lnaUne«-«iid aDemooratin iht ooaoty can oona within several knndred of ilmtbli fall. I mantlon ttt, Condlt beoauu lie 1* to widely Dpots oouestloD wltb the Domination, bnt there are otbor BepulilloaDB whawill alao filltbo ill. If the DemoorftU an wit* tley' will nominate aonebody they a n aoxioaa to ibelve —0«oarL!ndi!aycrEHisObrittoplier Dnke -and leave Seoator Werlt In bit place of antage for futon lionora. Tbe BejitibllotD will sleot tbaSenator ID Uori-lt county tbli I a n not a professional looooolaat, bnt it IV.ways glvea mo ptnaanre to knock down tbe Mela of mperitltloBB boliuf. Prom my eai-li- eat daya 1 have heard that then will always be froat Is Just all wnoks from tbe time ' .tjilids begin toory ID the treni. 1 marked tbe time wken the katydid* tuned pp this year, bat at th»ttme ol writing t i l l more than eight weekd buvo gone by without tbe appCavranaeoffroit. _ I find that beyond tho peradvonturo of-a oobt tbe anbitautU) aautlment of tbo p«oj>le ol Caver Is wltb Truatcea lleutielt antl i*ooijl- aa In their effort to rellnve the ovemrowdnd indltlODOf ourpublloauboal and topromot* ID ednaitlon of our children without tndsu triog tbelr h«»UU by lorclng tbcu into coomi made pest to lei bj LusaHlol-ttiy of pure air for 'ike uumbet of pnpiU oouli..ii»d. Tberalsalaoa uiiiTeraal i«»llr.5 t'i»t Harris liubeeaiaulnVk*dap««f bad tuliiMie and baa acorobedfalafloaoreIn asfiug their *he«t- ita from tha lire. He liM apparently taksn Uie ODUDie. ot meB *ho ba*e uaver lieea ani>> oassfal themsolveai iuil wbo, eoured bj tbelr isappointments, b»vn mado lilia mliaralle for the grattftoBtlou of tbolr aploen A Cuun BTOJta U m i r i f c •enator Verts aad Local Optics. Paring tto "04 ion of thti rep-oHontathoa «f tao oburcti aooleilM at tbe Young Ur n'a Chr n tlen AesocIatlOL Hall InNew* k theotLcr day, Lho IMT A. E HilUrd told a i t^ that nay throw a little llgbt upon tbe obaraoter of Senator Qeorne T Werte Ur Dalianl'e varaelliy andaoenratr are auppoaed to be on qaoatlDnablo t " I was la Trenton last winter," aad tbe lerkvnan, "trjlngto prevsot tltarcpdal by w LegWlBture of tbeFjooalOptlanUw One lorulng I met Banator WertaU (be oorrldor, V/Come over,'BKfU bo, <aaaSi>eiL tbafltij UWit&pngei.wttiA jual' ".' Well, jon lave been sooourteous tbat I '111 do almost anything you sab..' t raplled, yft walkJMl aonis Ue Btatekoaae ana lin*- 1 a long, talk wttB tlia Senator I told him I thoagkt Is aihaae to repeal the Xwoal OjJtlon l»w. , •"If unit be dona.' ha replied 'ToeUs 1st tame of these oen wen eleotfd Set, As tnatter ot feet 1 w«nld like toaeeaa strong teatperuoe lav i>uaed aa Ton would. 'MWeil.tbeB.wb-dou'tvondoUt' •" It can't be ilont with those people, 1 loall- oaUng tbe membara of the llonaa atd Senate. •Ulaaieleu to try 1 b»vo toandedtheo and I know joat how far tber will go 'And to you Me," *Ud Hr Dallard. in oon dutleii, " tUfct we hid frlendi even anongat tha UamooiaU m the Inst Leglalature, oalf there were not taough of them tohave Ihelr own way." •Unbope ioeltty Miss Lraia Hnvls, bf Hewart, .atbegneat ofMiHOraw Knight. itu Eva Othoro. ol Newark lathe guest ASMSHT Allen, I learn, kai Zoned 430 dog* In B*odo!ph towmhlp. It U vtebmbl* tbab nottnare than fifty, of thew doji are worti tbaoottof JtMpIcjt, and vet tbelr ezlatanoe ptswuw » praQUUs Indttrtry, tha* 61 ahtMa lBinf, from being ««n1ad on In tbe tows- •hip. TbaTa]tteeftH»w'oo!aa*mtktt6ntbit Ma.db»ra.»edonwBwteaUdii la ttli.lewn- tblp, were It not for theaa wortUMa oiny wo&ld bring p: handeoB* MTABB* to tha fanaftn ot tha townibip, and relieve the gtn- ara! pablfo of an uanltlgkted m for Infante and Children. | WuESuJofocnallcaiu. Ia> Qarun Oom'UT, in IUU HnaV *. T. CHA8.H. BENNETT Sussex St., Dover, and Btationor, oairlaa rail add rapletn klmUU of eTar/tUag '. Weekly A.Sunday Papers S. GOLDBERGER. JtF.KCIUKT TAttOIt, Opp- Ihe Dover Posl-Odlco, la BOWilavtaylof all Ilia latwt FALL STJITtNGS, aadlapreparedt* doatwr Wild «f e , tallortnlr laiha latert itt i t flrtdi In bl* apeeoh to Newark on labor 0 a j Mr. l*owderly oried all w»klog<nta to Toto agaJpat thoseuppoaed to ballut itfottn. .The llemoontlo party b«vlag, defaktoi ballot rafom in th« Now Jeney Legislature last Winter ths reroarki of Mr. Fowdetly k a n wonJerfal elfolUotnoe ud direot perUa«n» in.tbaoonlng campaign In tbla Btate, wfeert tbo BepnUlew pwty'pnt lUelf oa record la wror of ballot reform latt Winter. V Ur. Fred. A. (JuafiuU Mijt tb»V Hr, DM* lap, the well-known Now York batter and tJnnimer rcaldaot of Lake Ilapatoonf, hat a tuptlb «xhlb.Uoa ol haU at the Pam Kiao- altloo. OneofthabaU dltpUyei is a white igh batf-mada f n n the lor or the Albrlno eader, wbioh eo*U.f5O k pound ud rsprt* tents a oonslderable oaUay tot the raw mi- terlal.' . •••• : } ' - - > . : - " - The atatkelUtown Os»tta •peaks regret- folly of tba;' dUInollnatlon" ef Senator Werta •'toagain wnebia party in thaDonate," I baVe board before, from Tarlena SDuroes, that it la doubtful If Senator Worts will accept a renomlnatlon, and'I iball not be surprisedIf soot. Is.tbo DBoe. Look at the aituatfbn'i Senator -Weris "bat reached! a wmng pokltlon In bin party—aa enlnenoe from whloti ths QoTernonlilp or V. S, Benatonbip ti quite eacily aooeiilblo. Adefeat Just now would rain tha prettlge be b u ebtalaad an! deitroy' tit political fntare,, With an even ofaaou of winning Uie'nak-wQald. be. WJ gnat, and a prudent wan, wlth'so noohat aukfl, wodld not attempt It. ." . '' - * " . .QDtBenator Warts would not bare an «T<» chance tbu fall} tha odd* weald be agalut tolmi^tspttetbeIaetof Kit ptwmalpopular' ity. Toe Bepnbliouti uirea Dataral major- lty of seTeral hnndrad In the oonsty, and tney are mfflclenrty nailed to bring It oat t*ila fall ta'aupport.of tbelr noniou. Sot U pnty In a mood' to make mfatskes, .The victory ot last tail bugtveu them oonfldenoe, and ttaa deviltry routed by tba Dataoorati majoritj In tba L»ii»Utare Ustwintsr has ma4etbeo Bad ancngh to fight bjud. W&to tble It tbe ease In HerrUponatj pononil pop- olarity will not.arail Qemoenllo oandl* date. Taka the ooantj eleoUon IutfaU for proofof this autrtioo. ThePemooraMo ean- dldt fct OooBty Chtk iuyapolar PTO»OB« »:iy, tMwell buktd with llie nnolUeu of war, and was itroagly aiaed : by Senator Wrta 8atrcRiv(ft QHtrtiidtlootttTltirtit* Wer, R tt* ofthft party. Bat th»-BapupBeJO. Bosflnee, vlthntnBaniand'altilut caalflri, beathia iw&dHimly bew«*t »»» Repttbllott iumMk ludllJ '' JOaT A XHUOBT OTFT OF THS VAT. Our aattaUj aeenrate contemporary, tha - awLMltstowu Gwetta, aajs tbe Uxable valn> •.loit of Bminolpn Townablp, U retan»d 1>J t.o assdamr this ysar, !• only •990.1178, while raekatutown returnftUxaWe valuation ot *9M,880. from thin itanflpoint Bro. Bitten- bonsa proosf da to aeore the people of Dover roundly for "the oonf mptibla and dlahoneat praeUee by wblcl tl»y avoid paving tbelr Just proportion of tax, wbfon must bo made npbvmdnboDeitaud oonsolenttonsmnnlel- palltlea like HMketUtown," eto. We do not know where Bro, RitMibotue obtsmsa nek fluurei. but we do know that If h* bad ooa- alted the Bai.—elrrava rellaDie as aa aatbor- tv—be would liave fottnd tke oomet uoennt if tusble property Mtnioed bj Bandalph tbwniblp to be »l,5'J0,275. He Ujnat one milllonerdollanontoftbe way. Of oourM thtsaumlano>:n«Qti (rom ta editorialetaad. point, bat even in snob trifling matters It la ai well to le oerreet But even after making tbi* eemcUos we re willing to adbU that property U rained muh higher iu UaoketUtown tbaa In Dover r HDJ ftthe-jiUwwltljln ourknowlwlge. We nave been told ttat tome years age. when tho debt in ilacksttiitown was something enormous nnr1 tba tana twrrespondlsily beav/, tbo propertv raluatlon was railed varj ]eti ID order to create tbaaPpearaDoe of a iw tax rate IVa have heard people owning property tn that place aaj tbat It WM taxed at a greater valuation than It woald bring If nold loecrdlog to tbli tbe psop'e liert ate largely to blame of theexoetalvo valuatioft they created for tbe sake of apptaraaeea. Ttie QuesUon of property vniuaboiu la an* dsubtedly one ol the most terlaus In onr political economy, and then ta a pttaalng usud ulleglslrtion to remedy tt. Iftbatrem* oAf «vnr onmfM we arasatisfied that Dover not auffer by M, f n we ballsva that OQT ralnatian will be found to beabove) ill* Hveraga Hut we do ob|aat to being alnglad iDt as a eonepiBOona example of low valua- tor* when tb«. iinrt.fl eca/yithsn), vltk tha osslble MZMptlon or Marknttatawn Indeed, ir tifflolsri. wonid ba niijn t to »iie peapla j«y repreaekt If Oiev flTfld tho Tainatloaa Igher than Ihoae which oblaln Inotbareoea- innltlw OuroLheroliJentloni tobeing t*tM. it amillion do 1 krs iMithan we retBrnedia he township, « B bavs no doubt the QaaatU 1 ooneol as soon as It oomH to it* notlse, etlisr with tbe aseumptloir, baaed en thu itak<i that we are "eeatenipUbUaaddbv Malt He* With His On ataiietM. ar. George Davit, of ,1'eapaok. wrote aq artlole reetnUr attaoklog tbe Rep*bIJ«UL party u "raapoialble for the failure to en- foieo local DptlfiK In thlt Bte-e," arraigalng "Bepablloan tninlators and lajtnw for,art dolo« ttelr duty," awertlAg tb\t tke R*P«Ut- oto Uw of 1838."changed the lieesaed aMM, fot'thejuij tbop." and other inlsreBifMiitftr blou of that eorb Th» BomtrvillB Ciloala*. Oaiettc net tha oharge* in an emphatic bat Doartooia and tUgolfled mannar, aad It aa kllttd tbe nverend gentlenas tb»t «• wroU l b t U d l t i l i " t U t HIM 8. V. Milne, » alocntfoDlat of tfew fork, lavlalllnp: Miu Helen O. Kof|ht. Mra.Bobfltt Kelden h«a been TliltHf her father at Newton for several weeka. Hits frank Ilerrlek, of vToodi.de lsipendr iag a law week* wltb Mrs. tha*. Htrrlok Un. Jt. Ji*rtw«b^att inatXhlldrM n n n > ealto ttufrbnaalo Brooklnm VTedtt««dBy, £ar. J*M» Jcraleuioi, femer rector of Ckrlat Oburtb, li enjovlag Antaan davo a» Budl'l Lake. Hies Lime, aliter of Judge Woodruff, of Tcnlon.apaBtMraraldaya with Mrs George ; Knight oattar. way hose trim. <At Whl« Lonntalna. Was Grade Kslghl, apos bar l«tan. from tbe White M«mfct».iif, g » » a " \v»n parVr" at her home Ifriday evealng la tioau or Hfaa Leport, of Wuhloftton It wai a vary ehlo aSalr. The dwcutloLi were t«ybeantiTnl, tbe oolor being lamnb Ibe game of Istt* Waa followed tj dancing A fine repMt waa urvail after tbe gwDd marcli. at the ooDtla* slon of which ptliea were awarded. Aaonc those pnseut,were Ulas Uaborna and Mian Lavr* Marvin, of Kewark, aad Jobn Borbub and Amos Btll, of Sow York —World. "As In » Lacklag Olasa' M played br nelane AJrJl and her exorl oomDanj, lahac awn version of I'bUlpV DW Hoajtfly Franohy oovel of that name flrafe dravatlsed for Mm Ungtrj. The French j ctet of tUa widelj rt.d oorel, th« .act that Mrs. Langtrv Htueeded In attracUng MwWerableattebtioBM L«na Daspard and t&i aaDH.e4ia tbat He-iroeAdeM Ik u aotma of great ability asusl be thtt oatua ol tha large a M1B» Adall li drawing. Ai Lena trd ibe ta aupaib Noone can tialp bot aABlM the oharmloK aaaaolty of tbe daJaiy, Inzariotu, expAnslva lover of forbidden fra.Lt, who makea-the alorj ol the novel, and whts one aeeta at tbo play, meet* thla tnagnlfloaat futttlotu being, ao fait of good and evil, per* aoaUael by a woman wbo can ao truly and fae)Ucglyrandatoailoglj,b«d6«blyaudJu-!oiia u ta Mlai Adall In tbls play, one aet ealy laagba, bnt, follewinz ber aoods, wtep* in tan, then attains, thsn-ieiploeo, and at ltat breaks half tba eommudmaaU. la the deta- logae, eoveti tad bowi down and worth-pa. - H e w York Mirror to itlr Gp strife and bad blood betweennan lotto UkriiUaa ministry» aad dmeuaejDg tha adibr 1 ! firitlelamaa "a dastardly afbrt A to Injure" him. Ber Geo. Davli Ia a fair nbinplaof tha attra pranlblttan oraaka 1 . , , le meat anehrLatlaa spirit tb«T alt lo ja4a> irrt on tba eondaat of other* who a n aa ala- enn uj henaat aa thaaualvM, aadla the , nrnat dlieonrtoeua ant) aafalr auaaar they Itxpnta wrongmeUvea to the** who doaM ia»panto i f « a with them. WUa taey M . ^ «l«e a frank aad » • • > tejaisaiev fraaa tkaae -,,, J hoai they have » U « p m « * W i a s i i t W ieeirf to the meaaeat baUaatloaa, lhef *«ld ap tbelr hands ta hornir aid cry a«fa*ewUoi!, Xfae. UnlpaUVQaaeVto «lda t give lUaaanvw minded Indivldnal kaljwaai be daaasrfd, aU , ha oalr aaeffs by als ivfly laaUUty U rfwslU>wtaeBawiamBtis.ai iaaa M'«** hla t. Xlaetiiti Utters. Thla remedy la becoming sowell koova and » popular aa to need no special mm ' All vhb bave mind Elwtrlo Bittern alag the Bfeng of praise. Aparer medi He dbes not u U t and It»guaranteed to do all that U claimed. Eleotrio Bitten -will cure all dla oftheLlrerud Kidney*, will remove ' Bait Dheum and other affoo- oaaaed bjr lie pare Lleod. Will drive Malaria front the ajateni and ptovetit M well aaotioallUialarlaUovcra. ForonreofHead. ache, OoQstlpatlaD and ludlgoatlon try Elso- f'money refuadoil. I'rloe CO oenta and «100 i*r battle at Babeit Elllgare s Drag Store, DOTH, ivail V. S Jepklpt 1 Creg &k»», Ohestn, a i t t y a pnbilo aad estbulattlb neetlng was held In the PeaDiok sobNl hout to feel the pobllo poise aa to hear tbe natives would contldor lbs idea bf baring a railroad. Of oonm a railroad wonia be » blaailng and benefit to the quiet village; uA the people want It. J. W. Tidooek, Pratl- dantoftfaoBooktiwiy Valley B»llroa4 CoU- 1 pany, taia tba eoapany would pnt'nf' ontv t i l f the"oapital require* If tbareapack pV,* lft irsnld advtaoe the otter half, irl.leb.fi 415,000. Agoodhuitimtoomioltwe. wa» »p. pointed! and la a abort time It la trtlSered tb» fiookaway V*11ar Ballnad Company's traoki « ertend to I YutJ TUt Totuktd an Xdimr. ,Tbe, ungodly of McrtU and UnDMrdon MnntlBs biro ec&tldttal waratsg tc flea iton their ilnful wave painted on atones along tnelr hlghwaji Bame ingeDloui evangeiiit baa painted aaeh expreulonB along the road ai "Jeans tavei front Hall, Wonblp him," and nasy Beribturtl texts reftMT.ni to fowre warmth. It gives one apeculiar aennattonlo road each an ininriptloa pufated a'ongiide ot in advertisement of euinaeh falttera.bat It ilii>wa to wbat deptha lorae would be reform- era will dragrallcloB -IlacketUtava Gaietta, The. bt*tt»lT* lathe world for Call) Sons. BralMi, tncon, fialt Bheam, Firer Bora, ftttor, Ohippta Hindi, Ohllbwlna, Oortu, audtJl flidli SrapUon*, ana positively onrti Eflet, or s o pay required It laffaaranteedto give perfect aaUiiaetlon, or tauiey refnmled. PrlMifioentiporbox, Tor n i t by Bolter. Kllhrore. '" Q Q r j Haf wiacttnak. Begar41ag ito lasHeated loaa ef a great ,i d«*J •( the aweage of JftwrM oeeaty, Vr. aaa O. Dada,'Ck«Jmaa et Ua Beard, oi -"^ •aeeatxs writer te;tlrtJewrauBi i wiak .- ^ oornaltlwermof UMCUrk**laa*ia«i«a '«>, ietotalacraag* nr tke eouay. (I TU eihe* (r figure* wen eMapared tke aeond d*y, aa4 ^y, ae tbo Ctackdld. net a>fff«aci bj tow* aaetie V-J tbaMrees^ooluanwaaoTerle«4ad(ta|akiag , ,, tbey were oernot) aad net lavertaati^aWfllt L ->"' 'Ora Talaea* X &&d tbe total Mhtaajaja Sakaaial 9M 018, laat year 1S3,W5, * change U fl|- - / urea of a gala, of 1,073. Tkla arleea torn ear. vejbn' wmpuj-Usi. at laadt, »J caalmiag ^^ more Mcnrate. ABarMaUTagaaltelsm. On Wedaoaaaj avaniaA* ol laat wevk Okas. iliTsr hired a-hona and bnggy from Oaarlaa 1 UoCollan't. lirery aUsles. Menistow** le gi lo tee James Byaa. m bnthac Odd iallsw HFi.g a o u the UocrU riaUta AaylotB. Ar- rlviBf »t Hyaa a mldsnoa, be tied taa aerie t outaide. When he returned, nfteaa mlaaaM later, bone aodbngirj ware gaaw. The rig was iraoed to Flatulleld aad raeovend. It WM lappoaad t* save Deea atatan by Joan ' r.who «eoape4 tnm tha KanU Ptelu lam on Wodaesday atomlng. Tha atom hadtt»effeot of swlayiag a wed. < dlDg In Moniabwa wtlofa waa to have take* place at tha mldenoe ol * lobalas BiiHt. oa t , Horrli atreet, aa Wedneaday arenlaf of laat weak, when bU datghtar Carrie waa to have wed Mr. Ball ofJHook Island, but the Urn- , pestnoas aeu which prevailed lart week eat r the bridegtooBWaa inablato J u t beyond the P UHSIOriver (• nat Bnoa; are several fame wbloh mar laltlT b« Ma> •idared the moat biaotltal Ina day's rids of the elty. They ate almost eatlrelj ieroted to tbe growth or flowatt far eoed. Aena ot, flowering planu, arnogad ia ajtametrltwl rows, ara to b«W«o Iron the highway, aad it thus the air U laden wilt sWMl ptvrfim*. To nrt EDITOI of Tni WOKLDt •> Will joa pleas* Inform mo If It U prefer, wbeiv la-vited to a>wediUng aaa jo« do mat tM- lead, to etsd ••resenVwIliiyotirngratot. Dover, N. J., Bast. 13. ThaiWttaatyoatdoaotkrtMdhasBOthiBg ' to do with tbe qtiMOon of sending ia wadding tWld aiggatt Agala a Wla»«r. n B.(got*V : el Booaawajv'ana'.Vraalc' Clans, or fine Broot, met at tue latier 1 * flaee Ur. week and ahot aftleDdly'iitatohalt waive plKooas. Klggott hilled aleveKaad Claw'taa. T,1»OJ. they shot at twenty-fl**: DlBa-reok tar- geU saeh ami.BiggoU broke twaatythreewhile Claaabrakatwentr-ons.' SlggsttBsade aaoon of twenty one rti Salaw Aieir» i acting LB easy, flraoefulu"d dnlthed ud, en- ables bertaJump** ,o&e«Into' populftii \vrni. It tha emotional aoenes aha dUpleyi .ability' Tar vaiaoHdisg that' to waiob Olnolnnart^ U h been Menatemed. .Bar I*na Despard In "As la a Looking Qlua" i» a. grtodpIeeA of acting.—CtnolrrtaU Enquire*. t* Leave Btmta, wen fonad to, leave their y y to tall ftr a free trial pack- age *r Lane's Family If edldne If year blood la bad, your liver and k1diay«oatef«nlar, If yon ara eonittpatedand hare botdaobe and an nntlgbily complexion, don't ull to call oa any dnggUt to-day lor frrt •wnpU o( tab crasd tamedy Ths ladies pnUta it. Brery likti Urgc^lie paoluge M eanti. DlMtlng of lnt'inaanRenedylorDanoaB Baable to ileap la tM lnv aowtti get btaUWnlplottM aar4«. Seal us wrapperm.to the manafMtmnn of Tttllp nip. Ton- grot»r will give yoit their e4- drtM and lell jon the •«•&. inlVWtasuU LrtattrtytaaUtAolK* au«fltm

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Page 1: nmmmtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1889/... · medical propertiu/or kidney troulk and general debility. fFcthaU atUlo owr many brands

Offers the largeet





oi»MoiSkotw«ll BMat rat door MthaHatloul Hum Bank.


LsMown - 100TunMonn... M

TKM US cum *» un.


SUSSEX STREET,l»alwa«»taaaUHK01JHOVBIa»»I*j»v,

OOTKB.N, J. ,luplaoaaaabaaw.



.4 wafer unequaUd/or briUiancyand purity

The famous tmten of Saratogaand ttr dpoUiwrrUmUdotefar bar,tobk or tarhovating purposes. iVo-notuKxdby physician* toimtain greatmedical propertiu/or kidney troulkand general debility.

fFcthaU atUlo owr many brands<f(ht mat celebrated Lagers in themarket the Rochester Bohemia* Ben

^tor, a car lead Icing on OKrmdnowfer Dover teWcAaSttoonfe ready 'for eamftmg. We dm'ldance " sexmAfidtU" to any one, £11/on* bound tht qvalily of our good*•kJtl make Hum lahttheUad.


«i«TEE tip 80UC1T0B IN CHAJH!«B*

OSoa la UaImaa BlUdl.f,

On> J. A. H«a'« »»*•. DOVES K i

r±to 0. <nnouna,a. P..


MTM,». J. ,-


** A\MHr«CI, r




r r" DOVER, N. J. ',. I. B. JOLUEYrf ropri«tor;

a l t o U

raw n u n ISOH msno 00.

1 mw,"

T OUOITOI'AID l u i r a a OB*»CMJ,inlaruimuti

1 i nuHon,«.>.


K7 tOOaSi issaoauipanmw •[Mat IM b i t at luaraaold .oppU-.




fevOSOOSE k IQLLEB,& W H U I BOTTLING WORKSc j - • - - • • „ > , , . »

*' "»l».l«al.'aa»j»lall talari aai totttaa.

" * u . if. l^.'Si.Rmfl.'. A Of. rkUwolaJ

Byirt ml t*gr Bur, KVpBid h oqr« / M to « oar Ua*

onus, POETKH, Aim iiix wsnsmaaaHnrATisa



Headquarters at Paterson.



FIRST. I wlnh to niaio tin apology to iny cnslomersnod purchasers at the tltearr«BS«fliBUl of my stock andhe ciiiidiUon wl'the store, now being occupied by the

carpenter and IIUINOII dwrlrg my immense alterations,but low prices will repuy any ouo for the incon-

enience »f showing gnodi and digarranggmont ofUM'V. Out oi' 10O Antique dak Bedroom Nnlts I haveeft in stuck about 12 Suite, regular price 837.50.Will close them oat at <537.'6O 10 Parlor Suits InPlush, regiilhT pvlce «50, reduced to 937.50.


Carpets, 'Sideboards,Lounges, Refrigerators,; Children's Carriages,

, Matting, &c, &c,All itt low prices duriug th<) present alterations.

, \ , \VASH OK C R E D I T . ) .


Kmt aU dWaaa' arlaiit fraai a UraU"J- VVatBoo of to. Llm. t " "

, PRICE 25 CENTS.Sold by-all Druggist*.

S.RBENNETT,(ncoauoa to 4 wtairof,)


STOVES, "RANGES,, FURNACES,, Oovm un Bauv law. floovm,

Zinc, " t

Sheet Lead,Lead Pipe,,

'.' •.' . . Pumps, Ac.


A BFioiiiTnr. • -

W. L. DOUGLASt3 SHOE <»•££&»».|3 & 92 SHOES FOB LADIES.

• tu ibnM EIIBIII Ui

j*M NUOI AMD rAUKKtt MtQB.110 nxTRa VALIFH c*xr *H<na,• as woiwKOBunf UJOB,






:UU»TIBI« i!a> on uowrmT


tS7 |Ua A»a, Car. Xla St,



Blackberry Brandy and Glngor








Before entering on our regular Fall aadWinter oa^ipaign, in whioh we will displaythe largest and most complete stock of Boots,Shoes and Rubbers that have ever beenBhown in Northern New Jersey, we will makea speoial offering of about 3,000 pairs of allkinds of shjoes at prioes that will eclipse allour former speoial sales, notwithstanding thefact that in the past the shoes offered havebeen so lqxjn price, and high in quality, thatno matter; how largo the auantity, it oausedinquiry for; thein, long after every pair hadbeen olosed out We offer500 pairs Child's Kid, Dongola, float and drain, heel

and spring, sizes 5 to 8, from 60c. to 75c; worthfrom eighty-live cents to $1.50. -- •

300 jmiry of the game high elass of goods, only sizes8 1-3 to 10 1-2, at 75c. tmil $1.10; each pair lullynorth flora $1.00 to 83.00.

150 pairs Hisses' extra quality Kid and Dongoia But-ton, sizes'll to %, from 05 eta. to $1.50; redacedfrom $1.35 up to $3.00.

120 pairs YontUs' Calf Tip Button, sizes 11 to 2, at$1.10; reduced from $1.50.

120 pairs Men's solid warranted Congress Gaiter at$1.35; worth $1.75.

3Oc. and 35c.wlllbny an Infant's genuine Kid and Dongola handturned, sizes from 1 to 0 ; and also a large quantityof Ladles' Shoes made of best material In the lateststyles at from $1.50 to $3.00, and we positively statethe material alone is worth more money,

0 0 - Kindly calt at once while your eizes remain, -©ft '

" HEAGAN & CO,- Opp..D., L...& W. Depot, Dover.N. J. .




bu pamsaanur located Us oftoe la BOW, X.t oppMlwlbs foalOatea,to tvoauovn'oliaA.toafiTlof, and tnvtwii a share of tbe public

oefoUowiiDr. freeman b u beea mj own ana familyanUtUaaalio foe the laoolty aud teuaUr*((ha fiMtltute for tke past twelve yean. It

s pleasure to raooMMnd wm u •/ twaps te i jud nllable«f«Ust.

BOOKA.ilAT, S. I . '

My aconaintaaoe with Ditended or*r a period of < „ ,, —

"• • "-tSBSJftar.Dr Vreeataa baa tbe patronage of all euc

family of B ml tha at Waterloo, u d wo withhim treat aaoMM ia hit new field

ttAMUaUi T. B a m .

Duplex AutomaticSteam Heaters,

T"o»r»T«"HiftketUkiVnire art JSIn«B«HDMrMl)»m Slawrolj youw,

S. W, Btuunuit, D D.DM. TMBMAJT*—Dear Sin If th« uve »f

i n ' n t i , ol wraoiU bollor iron, b i n <»P-

o i l o f p i l n u . Great eoooomitaflull Wan-noli? or Donitmollanl No unuowlbMl I H l » u « i or towing •»«««• dim-

mollanl No u n u o wu«i or towing •»«««• di

s'StsssioloMI Ho l

P f t f tAll kinds of Plnmblng, Hoofing aod Bbeel

lion Wort»Ua(»cUJt/ vuoatod. iBrtecktuU times 0tovea and tfot Air VurDMMU or even

description; Hardware, Gutlerv, Tin trait, Uil. .. - — _ et0^ Leblglt tuul tterenton

& n u , O1U. fairuanM BcebM.BuketUluinPninpe.



mm in wtwm80ILDXBB'. OABBUQX HtiKlRB'.BIiiOI




Mali u d Vortlltaera,



l n Harrow, Wheel riltlnton. WaT-l«r A. Wool aoiran, UcaMn u dBlndtral UorMlulua, Anuiaa HIT

^WMBSEtt i?l«v DftttH of i>o*i.r people fur whom 1

e tlono vork la iha put Urtifj to l(«

ARND,Cor. Sussex and BUckwoll St*.



Plllsbury's Best,Viola andMost Beautiful Brands

of Flour,an*. aiuicH. i m u ,aHEEU, ZOtU, Bta.

Bold br DrtggUt. Alf«

isissWi4 -" •


CirpeMer and Builder,



Watthmabr, Jewnlir ani Optician,BULBS II

D I A M O N B 8 ,Oold and Silver Wtvtohei,

SItTEE anS 8ILVEE-PLATED WABE.Bpadal Indacmeat. a n pSeraO la a foil

atoor of Ua b.at atakea of

American Watches,.French Clocks,

Gold Jewelry,Optical 6oods.

Joprt' Spu, Forkt u i Lint,anil artiolM far U . I . .aa . t lb . loajafl narkad



a»-E«pairing of Fine Watohosa speoioltj.


looks.Jas. S. Melick, Stitlonsry,

Newspsperiind Cigars,

BLUE FRONT STORE,Ntixt to Bowden'g Heat Market, Sussex St., Dover.

Has* Boob,dte Bka, etatieoary In all BMM u d prlooi, Law Blank, of all ilnOa, racket '«'

Laaada,ate. Banjo, Banjo StriDf., tridpa, rfajaaod all npaln for tha bMJoj/Oolttra, 171dtiilai Slrixa, Briltaa, and >U parla tor Iba filial. Ylolla Blrlng., Do*., Kija, Tdl^Mea, Jtfl. writing Paper. ID oodlea. TariMT. Peoa, Fendla, Fountain Pena of all

Idoda. Baion, Baur Bttopa. LalBer Bnabaa, Pookat Xnln. at aU nrioea of the etle-hnial Ton nacnfaetUTa. Babb«r BUnTW an* kind 700 want at tha lovaat nrleea. A hallHa*of Lndl'alibrary. .Ibaraobram Ap«irf*oWty. 1 keep l i f obolnal brand, of


All' th* Oailjr, Ennlng, Weekly, Monthly tad Sunday Pavers

Mltaa»d fna to anr part el laa Iowa.



Bmerion, S. Q, Chlokedna, 8tefHnKl HQS til•Uod&rtt njitei of Hint* u d Itrlnr OTKIDI.BUIB agent fpr Now lennr f"f HID Okblar Pi ten IVoUl Aotlon rrwne Upright PiMo, tfao m»l

l t d UJJ Ilka il, idf Ikelike ft, tha penplt* Ilka It, everjbodj Iikei It

A large aisuf'ment ot aeoonfl lisnd pUnoatbe 1o*cst prioes otor glfen in Kowirk.

A fLrtWuB Bprighl — *


R. It. LAUTER CO., 057-059 BROAD St., NEITABE.


UKBofonrDidDorer KMidanU Wli BB ofinciauit or the d..ji wbi>n tb« old Merideo

foij* i u n a b j » Ksll-knom u d piirail l who w y Monrtonad u» bomrd Ufa

•mplojeu, who were U th* opinion tbtvtdampHuKi »P]>»BT«d too often In tbi bill offare. A new baott o»ma to work for the f gmin, who faritod the atruicar to *tt«nd

h with him one Band*/ iton *fter bli. Bottho itranger deo'Ioed tbe io»

tatlon on ton* pretext, »Dd wh(l» bit am.plojer * H 20D« to Eock»inr tc »tt«nd Mr-Tloo ipent the lnWrr.1 l a »bicrl)lif Hber»lq l f apple jnioe. Wben Iho ioodmanntuiDtduidufenbledhliBieii at din.ner, be w u inrprliod to bear the new «m>

l nquut to be pannitMd to u k tbe

"fiumpllniahotanddanpllnuoold.Dunipliugs nbw and dumplinji old,lJuID II]a o0 sole anil uutupJiiiKe totiif b.Lord knowi we've bad dumplloga enough."It ta lUpetLluotu to add that dnmv.ereoniliud from the dally fare lor aomo

time tb«natt*r.

tbefertnar dajs of tha Horria At Eaaexoad, when Hr. Bejaioftr wtva Bapetio.

Vendeit, s retident oi llookawaj bad a oowkilled on Ibetraok and BrM«nt«d a olalm fordamage*. Filling u obtain It be brought•lilt lar dimegu agalaat the oonpiuiy beforea Jujtioe of the Peaoe who lived up in tbsmonntaina ot the Oreen Pond neighborhood,ind labpranaftd a oonaldDrable number of tbeulroftd men there as witnesses. What, they>rrived attheptaoe the shrewd eotnpUiuuit

managed to gat an adjournment for a ecapteif weeka, tnd the rompany. Hading thla rerj-out]; aa wttll as enBojtng, von«IaA«d to eev-

Ue with him. Borne time later a&othtr Eo«k-away teaident bad a sow killed under siroam-tttn«et tUat tKi4« Uverj uonbtful II he could

aaKtaj, hat be thought bo couldget tb.ni bj adopting tbe taotioa of tbe other

"Aba,11 u ld BapU J?3Mius.r when bemads tbe application, " joa ara Jast tbe menwe a » looking for. Tba accident caused bjjaat mw aam^ed one of our engines to ths

ttent *>f sovernl thotuund dollsrs, agd wepropose toaakeyouvay forit." Tbeowaerif the oow oonoluded not to proosad wltk tbs


Ths railroid boya are telling a good 0.017ibontmall agent J, Beward Dauapaon,, Ao*

oording'totbeuialadrandgeatleunas enteredthe null o u to see him oatok a mall bag attb« tndo. flew by,. When tbe oraaa oangbitie hac aud I I M « it iu tbe door with a train

\ ixoiaimedi "Yfbr, thli mujt twvery dan|eromI" "Ob, jes," reapebded*'J«CT«T" la allMrtoumeei, "Ibeilove.nlrtJ*tiroe seople bave beea killed la tbU way Intbe laot flie jean." Tbe ladj WM tilled wltkajinpathy for Iboae who follow tbe jwrilotuoalltniorrailwajQiall tint*, and tha boytan adrlslog " Jena;" to keep kia life he*vilji a t o n H , . . - • • • • < • - • • . ' ' - •••• • -•

ipnpea of my remarks laat week upon bet-ting on tbe hone raoM, a friend iulorma metbat he kuowa of a young man ia Horristownwho a abort time ago was possessed of the

sum ot #5,000. Suddenly ho waa sleaedwith the daullng proapeot of moJUpljlng itmany times by plajlug tbe horses. Ha laaotr awnUg a preoariiua labslateaoebv drlvlogabiolc.

Itisanralv enough to atafce a Loreelangbto read tha protestation of tba DevweratloSUte platform fn iavor of a^arantMlng " to•vary voter toe greatest poaalble seereoy latbeoaatlngof bU ballot^ Every man of tatelllgenee knows tkat every D«BUIQM4O a-eMbar of tbe Loglalatur* of laat winter Totedagalnat aad delected tha Australian voting

. " ih (ava "the gteatMt peaalbUeeereiv" U tke voter, while erery Bep*blloaa

p W o » do vet l a re the slightest loteollonol pssslag anj law that wttl preveat the pan-s/Mtare of heavj Dnaieoratlo majoritfea Inth« alnau ol Hudson oouotv. m

, \babnthfull; ataUd tbat tkla eaa*

palgsi will tat be ao tan ok a eoaaiot ef partydlfforenee* aa a oootest batweea falrneaeaaldeMaoj In eutepolltiosand government.XtK4alrea na propbet to predict IbU If Ab-beitia elected tbe ballot aod all ulhernformsthat honeat people wou'd llko to see In HewJersey will be relegttcd to tba rear for tboneit three yeara and all the maoMoerj of tbeSUtogovernmentwUl be operated upaaspoil* sjratem for the benefit of tbe wontelement ot tbe Deaoorallo partj The repu-table leaden ot tt« pwtj IIIMH. lliU aa uuabaeothoreaad there are aslf reapeotlng Deiwoorata all over the Stale wbo will vote for tbo

nominee la the tope o! purgingtbelr partj of Abbott sad his following.

Tbeapproacaloioantennlal of the fl-nilenH. E. Cbnrob renlmli me tbat It la aaaagthe oldest Uetboilat cburoboo of Ua State.The Ural Hattodlit houa of worship la Hew

iney was oreated In Qlooooater oeonty ta1770. and fn 1753 there were bat (we olnaltsaadfonrpnwben, Five more dronlta wereorganised between that time rad MW, on* ofwhlab w u called tha F luden cfntalb

Bo 1 argue that the oddi are eoatldenllyagainst BetwUtr WerU Let the B«pablie»n»make a good nomination—soeb as tuat ofkfeivln fi, Coodlt wnuld ba, for lnaUne«-«iid

aDemooratin iht ooaoty can oona withinseveral knndred of ilm tbli fall. I mantlonttt, Condlt beoauu lie 1* to widely Dpots

oouestloD wltb the Domination, bnt thereare otbor BepulilloaDB wha will alao filltbo

ill. If the DemoorftU a n wit* tley' willnominate aonebody they a n aoxioaa to ibelve—0«oarL!ndi!aycrEHisObrittoplier Dnke-and leave Seoator Werlt In bit place of

antage for futon lionora. Tbe BejitibllotDwill sleot tba Senator ID Uori-lt county tbli

I an not a professional looooolaat, bnt itIV.ways glvea mo ptnaanre to knock down tbeMela of mperitltloBB boliuf. Prom my eai-li-eat daya 1 have heard that then will alwaysbe froat Is Just all wnoks from tbe time' .tjilids begin to ory ID the treni. 1 markedtbe time wken the katydid* tuned pp thisyear, bat at th» ttme ol writing t i l l morethan eight weekd buvo gone by without tbeappCavranaeoffroit. _

I find that beyond tho peradvonturo of-aoobt tbe anbitautU) aautlment of tbo p«oj>le

ol Caver Is wltb Truatcea lleutielt antl i*ooijl-aa In their effort to rellnve the ovemrowdndindltlODOf ourpublloauboal and to promot*ID ednaitlon of our children without tndsutriog tbelr h«»UU by lorclng tbcu into

coomi made pest to lei bj LusaHlol-ttiy ofpure air for 'ike uumbet of pnpiU oouli..ii»d.Tberalsalaoa uiiiTeraal i«»llr.5 t'i»t HarrisliubeeaiaulnVk*dap««f bad tuliiMie andbaa acorobed fa la floaore In asfiug their *he«t-

ita from tha lire. He liM apparently taksnUie ODUDie. ot meB *ho ba*e uaver lieea ani>>oassfal themsolveai iuil wbo, eoured bj tbelrisappointments, b»vn mado lilia mliaralle

for the grattftoBtlou of tbolr aploenA Cuun BTOJta U m i r i f c

•enator Verts aad Local Optics.Paring tto "04 ion of thti rep-oHontathoa «f

tao oburcti aooleilM at tbe Young Ur n'a Chr ntlen AesocIatlOL Hall In New* k theotLcrday, Lho IMT A. E HilUrd told a i t ^ thatnay throw a little llgbt upon tbe obaraoterof Senator Qeorne T Werte Ur Dalianl'evaraelliy andaoenratr are auppoaed to be onqaoatlDnablo t

" I was la Trenton last winter," aad tbelerkvnan, "trjlngto prevsot tltarcpdal byw LegWlBture of tbeFjooalOptlanUw Onelorulng I met Banator WertaU (be oorrldor,V/Come over,'BKfU bo, <aaaSi>eiL tbafltij

UWit&pngei.wttiA jual '".' Well, jon lave been sooourteous tbat I

'111 do almost anything you sab..' t raplled,yft walkJMl aonis Ue Btatekoaae ana lin*-1 along, talk wttB tlia Senator I told him Ithoagkt Is a ihaae to repeal the Xwoal OjJtlonl»w. ,

•"If unit be dona.' ha replied 'ToeUs1st tame of these oen wen eleotfd Set, Astnatter ot feet 1 w«nld like toaeeaa strongteatperuoe lav i>uaed aa Ton would.'MWeil.tbeB.wb-dou'tvondoUt'•" It can't be ilont with those people,1 loall-

oaUng tbe membara of the llonaa atd Senate.•Ulaaieleu to try 1 b»vo toandedtheoand I know joat how far tber will go •

'And to you Me," *Ud Hr Dallard. in oondutleii, " tUfct we hid frlendi even anongattha UamooiaU m the Inst Leglalature, oalfthere were not taough of them to have Ihelrown way."

•Unbope ioelttyMiss Lraia Hnvls , bf Hewart, .atbegneat

ofMiHOraw Knight.itu Eva Othoro. ol Newark la the guest

ASMSHT Allen, I learn, kai Zoned 430 dog*In B*odo!ph towmhlp. It U vtebmbl* tbabnottnare than fifty, of thew doji are wortitbaoottof JtMpIcjt, and vet tbelr ezlatanoeptswuw » praQUUs Indttrtry, tha* 61 ahtMa

lBinf, from being ««n1ad on In tbe tows-•hip. TbaTa]tteeftH»w'oo!aa*mtktt6ntbitMa.db»ra.»edonwBwteaUdii la ttli.lewn-tblp, were It not for theaa wortUMa oinywo&ld bring p: handeoB* MTABB* to thafanaftn ot tha townibip, and relieve the gtn-ara! pablfo of an uanltlgkted m

for Infante and Children.

| WuESuJofocnallcaiu.Ia> Qarun Oom'UT, i n I U U HnaV *. T.


Sussex St., Dover,

and Btationor,oairlaa rail add rapletn klmUU of eTar/tUag

'. Weekly A.Sunday Papers


Opp- Ihe Dover Posl-Odlco,la BOW ilavtaylof all Ilia latwt

FALL STJITtNGS,aadlapreparedt* doatwr Wild «f e, tallortnlr laiha latert i t t i t


In bl* apeeoh to Newark on labor 0 a j Mr.l*owderly oried all w»klog<nta to TotoagaJpat thoseuppoaed to ballut itfottn. .Thellemoontlo party b«vlag, defaktoi ballotrafom in th« Now Jeney Legislature lastWinter ths reroarki of Mr. Fowdetly k a nwonJerfal elfolUotnoe u d direot perUa«n»in.tbaoonlng campaign In tbla Btate, wfeerttbo BepnUlew pwty'pnt lUelf oa record lawror of ballot reform latt Winter.

VUr. Fred. A. (JuafiuU Mijt tb»V Hr, D M *

lap, the well-known Now York batter andtJnnimer rcaldaot of Lake Ilapatoonf, hat atuptlb «xhlb.Uoa ol haU at the Pam Kiao-altloo. OneofthabaU dltpUyei is a white

igh batf-mada f n n the lor or the Albrlnoeader, wbioh eo*U.f5O k pound u d rsprt*

tents a oonslderable oaUay tot the raw mi-terlal.' • .

• • • • • • : } ' • • - • - > . • : - " -

The atatkelUtown Os»tta •peaks regret-folly of tba;' dUInollnatlon" ef Senator Werta•' to again wnebia party in tha Donate," IbaVe board before, from Tarlena SDuroes, thatit la doubtful If Senator Worts will accept arenomlnatlon, and'I iball not be surprised Ifsoot. Is.tbo DBoe. Look at the aituatfbn'iSenator -Weris "bat reached! a w m n gpokltlon In bin party—aa enlnenoe from whlotiths QoTernonlilp or V. S, Benatonbip tiquite eacily aooeiilblo. A defeat Just nowwould rain tha prettlge be b u ebtalaad an!deitroy' tit political fntare,, With an evenofaaou of winning Uie'nak-wQald. be. WJgnat, and a prudent wan, wlth'so noohataukfl, wodld not attempt It.

. " • . ' ' • • - * • " • .

.QDtBenator Warts would not bare an «T<»chance tbu fall} tha odd* weald be agaluttolmi^tspttetbeIaetof Kit ptwmalpopular'ity. Toe Bepnbliouti u irea Dataral major-lty of seTeral hnndrad In the oonsty, andtney are mfflclenrty nailed to bring It oatt*ila fall ta'aupport.of tbelr noniou. Sot U

pnty In a mood' to make mfatskes, .Thevictory ot last tail b u gtveu them oonfldenoe,and ttaa deviltry routed by tba Dataooratimajoritj In tba L»ii»Utare Ustwintsr hasma4etbeo Bad ancngh to fight bjud. W&totble It tbe ease In HerrUponatj pononil pop-olarity will not.arail • Qemoenllo oandl*date. Taka the ooantj eleoUon IutfaU forproofof this autrtioo. ThePemooraMo ean-d ldt fct OooBty Chtk i u yapolar PTO»OB«»:iy, t M well buktd with llie nnolUeu ofwar, and was itroagly aiaed: by SenatorWrta 8atrcRiv(ft QHtrtiidtlootttTltirtit*W e r , R t t *ofthft party. Bat th»-BapupBeJO. Bosflnee,vlthntnBaniand'altilut caalflri, beathiaiw&dHimly bew«*t »»» Repttbllott iumMk

l u d l l J ' '

JOaT A X H U O B T OTFT OF THS VAT.Our aattaUj aeenrate contemporary, tha

- awLMltstowu Gwetta, aajs tbe Uxable valn>•.loit of Bminolpn Townablp, U retan»d 1>Jt.o assdamr this ysar, !• only •990.1178, while

raekatutown return ft UxaWe valuation ot*9M,880. from thin itanflpoint Bro. Bitten-bonsa proosf da to aeore the people of Doverroundly for "the oonf mptibla and dlahoneatpraeUee by wblcl tl»y avoid paving tbelrJust proportion of tax, wbfon must bo madenpbvmdnboDeitaud oonsolenttonsmnnlel-palltlea like HMketUtown," eto. We do notknow where Bro, RitMibotue obtsmsa nekfluurei. but we do know that If h* bad ooa-alted the Bai.—elrrava rellaDie as aa aatbor-tv—be would liave fottnd tke oomet uoenntif tusble property Mtnioed b j Bandalph

tbwniblp to be »l,5'J0,275. He U jnat onemilllonerdollanontoftbe way. Of oourMthtsaumlano>:n«Qti (rom ta editorialetaad.point, bat even in snob trifling matters It laai well to le oerreet

But even after making tbi* eemcUos were willing to adbU that property U rainedmuh higher iu UaoketUtown tbaa In Doverr HDJ ftthe-jiUwwltljln ourknowlwlge. We

nave been told ttat tome years age. whentho debt in ilacksttiitown was somethingenormous nnr1 tba tana twrrespondlsilybeav/, tbo propertv raluatlon was railed varj]eti ID order to create tba aPpearaDoe of aiw tax rate IVa have heard people owning

property tn that place aaj tbat It WM taxedat a greater valuation than It woald bring Ifnold loecrdlog to tbli tbe psop'e liert atelargely to blame of the exoetalvo valuatioftthey created for tbe sake of apptaraaeea.

Ttie QuesUon of property vniuaboiu la an*dsubtedly one ol the most terlaus In onrpolitical economy, and then ta a pttaalngusud ulleglslrtion to remedy tt. Iftbatrem*oAf «vnr onmfM we ara satisfied that Dover

not auffer by M, f n we ballsva that OQTralnatian will be found to be above) ill*Hveraga Hut we do ob|aat to being alngladiDt as a eonepiBOona example of low valua-tor* when tb«. iinrt.fl eca/yithsn), vltk thaosslble MZMptlon or Marknttatawn Indeed,ir tifflolsri. wonid ba niijn t to »iie peaplaj«y repreaekt If Oiev flTfld tho TainatloaaIgher than Ihoae which oblaln Inotbareoea-innltlw OuroLheroliJentloni tobeing t*tM.

it a million do1krs iMithan we retBrnediahe township, « B bavs no doubt the QaaatU

1 ooneol as soon as It oomH to it* notlse,etlisr with tbe aseumptloir, baaed en thuitak<i that we are "eeatenipUbUaaddbv

Malt He* With His O n ataiietM.ar. George Davit, of ,1'eapaok. wrote aq

artlole reetnUr attaoklog tbe Rep*bIJ«ULparty u "raapoialble for the failure to en-foieo local DptlfiK In thlt Bte-e," arraigalng"Bepablloan tninlators and lajtnw for,artdolo« ttelr duty," awertlAg tb\t tke R*P«Ut-oto Uw of 1838."changed the lieesaed aMM,fot'thejuij tbop." and other inlsreBifMiitftrblou of that eorb Th» BomtrvillB Ciloala*.Oaiettc net tha oharge* in an emphatic batDoartooia and tUgolfled mannar, aad It aa

kllttd tbe nverend gentlenas tb»t «• wroUl b t U d l t i l i " t U t

HIM 8. V. Milne, » alocntfoDlat of tfewfork, la vlalllnp: Miu Helen O. Kof|ht.Mra.Bobfltt Kelden h«a been TliltHf her

father at Newton for several weeka.Hits frank Ilerrlek, of vToodi.de lsipendr

iag a law week* wltb Mrs. tha*. HtrrlokU n . Jt. Ji*rtw«b^att inatXhlldrM n n n >

ealto ttufrbnaalo Brooklnm VTedtt««dBy,£ar. J*M» Jcraleuioi, femer rector of

Ckrlat Oburtb, li enjovlag Antaan davo a»Budl'l Lake.

Hies Lime, aliter of Judge Woodruff, ofTcnlon.apaBtMraraldaya with Mrs George; Knight oattar. way hose trim. <At Whl«Lonntalna.Was Grade Kslghl, apos bar l«tan. from

tbe White M«mfct».iif, g » » a " \v»n parVr "at her home Ifriday evealng la tioau or HfaaLeport, of Wuhloftton It wai a vary ehloaSalr. The dwcutloLi were t « y beantiTnl,tbe oolor being lamnb Ibe game of Istt* Waafollowed t j dancing A fine repMt waaurvail after tbe gwDd marcli. at the ooDtla*slon of which ptliea were awarded. Aaoncthose pnseut,were Ulas Uaborna and MianLavr* Marvin, of Kewark, aad Jobn Borbuband Amos Btll, of Sow York —World.

"As In » Lacklag Olasa'M played br nelane AJrJl and her exorloomDanj, la hac awn version of I'bUlpV D WHoajtfly Franohy oovel of that name flrafedravatlsed for Mm Ungtrj. The French j

ctet of tUa widelj rt.d oorel, th« .actthat Mrs. Langtrv Htueeded In attracUngMwWerableattebtioBM L«na Daspard andt&i aaDH.e4ia tbat He-i roe AdeM Ik u aotmaof great ability asusl be thtt oatua ol tha large

a M1B» Adall li drawing. Ai Lenatrd ibe ta aupaib No one can tialp bot

aABlM the oharmloK aaaaolty of tbe daJaiy,Inzariotu, expAnslva lover of forbidden fra.Lt,who makea-the alorj ol the novel, and whtsone aeeta at tbo play, meet* thla tnagnlfloaatfutttlotu being, ao fait of good and evil, per*aoaUael by a woman wbo can ao truly andfae)Ucglyrandatoailoglj,b«d6«blyaudJu-!oiiau ta Mlai Adall In tbls play, one aet ealylaagba, bnt, follewinz ber aoods, wtep* intan , then attains, thsn-ieiploeo, and at ltatbreaks half tba eommudmaaU. la the deta-logae, eoveti tad bowi down and worth-pa.-Hew York Mirror

to itlr Gp strife and bad blood between nanlotto UkriiUaa ministry» aad dmeuaejDgtha adibr1! firitlelam aa "a dastardly afbrt Ato Injure" him. Ber Geo. Davli Ia a fairnbinplaof tha attra pranlblttan oraaka 1 . , ,

le meat anehrLatlaa spirit tb«T alt lo ja4a>irrt on tba eondaat of other* who a n aa ala-

enn u j henaat aa thaaualvM, aad la the ,nrnat dlieonrtoeua ant) aafalr auaaar theyItxpnta wrongmeUvea to the** who doaMia»panto i f « a with them. WUa taey M . ^«l«e a frank aad » • • > tejaisaiev fraaa tkaae -,,, J

hoai they have »U«pm«*Wi a s i i t Wieeirf to the meaaeat baUaatloaa, lhef *«ld „ap tbelr hands ta hornir aid cry a«fa*ewUoi!,Xfae. UnlpaUVQaaeVto «lda t give lUaaanvwminded Indivldnal kaljwaai be daaasrfd, a U ,ha oalr aaeffs by als ivfly >» laaUUty UrfwslU>wtaeBawiamBtis.ai iaaa M'«** hla t.

Xlaetiiti Utters.Thla remedy la becoming so well koova

and » popular aa to need no special mm 'All vhb bave mind Elwtrlo Bittern alag the

Bfeng of praise. Aparer medi He dbesnot u U t and I t» guaranteed to do all thatU claimed. Eleotrio Bitten -will cure all dla

oftheLlrerud Kidney*, will remove' Bait Dheum and other affoo-oaaaed bjr lie pare Lleod. Will drive

Malaria front the ajateni and ptovetit M wellaaotioallUialarlaUovcra. ForonreofHead.ache, OoQstlpatlaD and ludlgoatlon try Elso-

f'money refuadoil. I'rloe CO oenta and «100i*r battle at Babeit Elllgare s Drag Store,DOTH, ivail V. S Jepklpt1 Creg &k»», Ohestn,

a i t t y a pnbilo aad estbulattlbneetlng was held In the PeaDiok sobNlhout to feel the pobllo poise aa to hear tbenatives would contldor lbs idea bf baring arailroad. Of oonm a railroad wonia be »blaailng and benefit to the quiet village; uA

the people want It. J. W. Tidooek, Pratl-dantoftfaoBooktiwiy Valley B»llroa4 CoU-1

pany, taia tba eoapany would pnt'nf' ontvt i l f the"oapital require* If tba reapack pV,*lft irsnld advtaoe the otter half, irl.leb.fi

415,000. Agoodhuitimtoomioltwe. wa» »p.pointed! and la a abort time It la trtlSered tb»fiookaway V*11ar Ballnad Company's traoki

« ertend to I

YutJ TUt Totuktd an Xdimr.,Tbe, ungodly of McrtU and UnDMrdon

MnntlBs biro ec&tldttal waratsg tc flea itontheir ilnful wave painted on atones alongtnelr hlghwaji Bame ingeDloui evangeiiitbaa painted aaeh expreulonB along the roadai "Jeans tavei front Hall, Wonblp him,"and nasy Beribturtl texts reftMT.ni to fowrewarmth. It gives one a peculiar aennatton loroad each an ininriptloa pufated a'ongiide otin advertisement of euinaeh falttera.bat Itilii>wa to wbat deptha lorae would be reform-era will dragrallcloB -IlacketUtava Gaietta,

The. bt*tt»lT* la the world for Call) Sons.BralMi, tncon, fialt Bheam, Firer Bora,ftttor, Ohippta Hindi, Ohllbwlna, Oortu,audtJl flidli SrapUon*, ana positively onrtiEflet, or so pay required It la ffaaranteed togive perfect aaUiiaetlon, or tauiey refnmled.PrlMifioentiporbox, Tor n i t by Bolter.Kllhrore. •'"

Q Q r jHaf wiacttnak.

Begar41ag i to lasHeated loaa ef a great ,id«*J • ( the aweage of JftwrM oeeaty, Vr.

aaa O. Dada,'Ck«Jmaa et Ua Beard, oi -"^•aeeatxs writer te;tlrtJewrauBi i wiak .- ^oornalt lwermof UMCUrk**laa*ia«i«a '«>,

ietotalacraag* n r tke eouay. ( ITU eihe* (rfigure* wen eMapared tke aeond d*y, aa4 ^y,ae tbo Ctackdld. net a>fff«aci b j tow* aaetie V -JtbaMrees^ooluanwaaoTerle«4ad(ta|akiag , ,,tbey were oernot) aad net lavertaati^aWfllt L->"'

'Ora Talaea* X &&d tbe total Mhtaajaja Sakaaial9M 018, laat year 1S3,W5, * change U fl|- - /

urea of a gala, of 1,073. Tkla arleea torn ear. " £vejbn' wmpuj-Usi. at laadt, »J caalmiag ^^more Mcnrate.

ABarMaUTagaaltelsm.On Wedaoaaaj avaniaA* ol laat wevk Okas.

iliTsr hired a-hona and bnggy from Oaarlaa 1UoCollan't. lirery aUsles. Menistow** le g ilo tee James Byaa. m bnthac Odd iallswHFi.g aou the UocrU riaUta AaylotB. Ar-rlviBf »t Hyaa a mldsnoa, be tied taa aerie toutaide. When he returned, nfteaa mlaaaMlater, bone aod bngirj ware gaaw. The rigwas iraoed to Flatulleld aad raeovend. ItWM lappoaad t* save Deea atatan by Joan' r.who «eoape4 tnm tha KanU Ptelu

lam on Wodaesday atomlng.

Tha atom had tt» effeot of swlayiag a wed. <dlDg In Moniabwa wtlofa waa to have take*place at tha mldenoe ol * lobalas BiiHt. oa t ,Horrli atreet, aa Wedneaday arenlaf of laatweak, when bU datghtar Carrie waa to havewed Mr. Ball ofJHook Island, but the Urn- ,pestnoas aeu which prevailed lart week eat r

the bridegtooBWaa inablato

J u t beyond the P UHSIO river (• n a t Bnoa;are several fame wbloh mar laltlT b« Ma>•idared the moat biaotltal In a day's rids ofthe elty. They ate almost eatlrelj ierotedto tbe growth or flowatt far eoed. Aena ot,flowering planu, arnogad ia ajtametrltwlrows, ara to b«W«o Iron the highway, aadi t thus the air U laden wilt sWMl ptvrfim*.

To nrt EDITOI o f T n i WOKLD t •>Will joa pleas* Inform mo If It U prefer,

wbeiv la-vited to a> wediUng aaa jo« do mat tM-lead, to etsd ••resenVwIliiyotirngratot.

Dover, N. J., Bast. 13.ThaiWttaatyoatdoaotkrtMdhasBOthiBg '

to do with tbe qtiMOon of sending ia waddingt W l d

aiggatt Agala a Wla»«r.n B.(got*V: el Booaawajv'ana'.Vraalc'

Clans, or fine Broot, met at tue latier1* flaeeUr. week and ahot a ftleDdly'iitatoh alt waiveplKooas. Klggott hilled aleveK aad Claw'taa.T,1»OJ. they shot at twenty-fl**: DlBa-reok tar-geU saeh ami.BiggoU broke twaatythree•while Claaabrakatwentr-ons.' SlggsttBsadeaaoon of twenty one rti

Salaw Aieir» iacting LB easy, flraoeful u"d dnlthed ud, en-ables ber ta Jump** ,o&e« Into' populftii \vrni.It tha emotional aoenes aha dUpleyi .ability'Tar vaiaoHdisg that' to waiob Olnolnnart

U h been Menatemed. .Bar I*naDespard In "As la a Looking Qlua" i» a.grtodpIeeA of acting.—CtnolrrtaU Enquire*.

t* Leave Btmta,wen fonad to, leave their

y y to tall ftr a free trial pack-age *r Lane's Family If edldne If year bloodla bad, your liver and k1diay«oatef«nlar,If yon ara eonittpatedand hare botdaobe andan nntlgbily complexion, don't ull to call oaany dnggUt to-day lor • frrt •wnpU o( tabcrasd tamedy Ths ladies pnUta it. Brery

l i k t i Urgc^lie paoluge M eanti.

DlMtlng oflnt'inaanRenedylorDanoaB

Baable to ileap la tM lnv

aowtti get btaUWnlplottM aar4«. Sealus wrapperm.to the manafMtmnn of Tttllpnip . Ton- grot»r will give yoit their e4-drtM and lell jon the •«•&.

inlVWtasuULrtatt rtytaa UtAolK* au«fltm

Page 2: nmmmtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1889/... · medical propertiu/or kidney troulk and general debility. fFcthaU atUlo owr many brands

TEESThe Dover Printing Company

Friday, Sept, 20, lSSO.



Tbe New Jersey ttt-puol ttin

tbueinBtic ever liutd in this Bute, Mid tbef*ct tbultowe ol tlia BtniuguBt Jlnpablitbe Mat* wore canilnUi.es lor tbe nomiutlionws the Beoer»l U<j>ublicsn ieeling tUntAbtiiUt will bo defeated io the race

JudgnJ. Kmok Fort, ol Newark, WMporiuaneot diairman, and wLon iLe coonWim Ddllud i»r i.»mini»I.O e (ollowiug <l

Iturd Urutib. af liurlloglou, lieu. Job n K**iJr., ol Unioa, Hun. Ow. A. llultej, ol Etta:andei-Wayor Frank HoUowwn, «! Treat* a

Tlie couvtflium clicerame,

jnd it v u rathor etuw

•work totting dowi [o ttie roll-call. Tne won-ties were called iioally. Suum Jersey DSLDBui> Bolilly for Uiubti, Middle J*rsoj forM BROW an, ttud Kortb Jsrtey for Kern aodHalany, *ill» »oui<" UrubU votes aa well. Tlieremit of ibe tlrat Imllut was as (olio-Brabii, 201: Kann, llW; lluleey, 67; M»|(i>-•wan, 7 ' i J. U « t Htuwer, 3 : ueOMsary M achoice, aim. Thii ballot ubarly indlcaled tbernault, »a tbe vote fur Mr. Ualanj WM am-phawDUry, utid Vttex, wbicli sup von «a himuii4Bimuuily, bud raanj UekgalBs for Oruub.

Another iiaUot was ordered amid cb<tho candidates. Harwell RUVH Af* ami E M B Iforty fur Grnbb, and Instautly the tl«leg»traliPBin cbuutinj; to Qmltb all over tlie ball.Mercer oiuuty antwuiiucd tho withdrawal ofMr. llusowanandibe ansti(leoem!Urtibb, wblle Mr. Viwithdrew Mr. Kesn, i,nd uic

sncral Urubb by

i% of its vow Torirheoe. of Uoloo,red the D am ion-ic lam at to D. Tlie

coaveution broke Into otieen again, tbe dele-catoa arms la their feet, BDII BOLUS ope startedop " MarchingThrouabUeorgU." CbairoianFort atumptad to tarn tbe conveDtlon tolni*in*s*, bnl gave np, and bltniislf beat timewith the navel until the aong w u flclnhedand tua«at>iniiiium had tired & little. Tboithe nomluallonoi General Qrubb was madionmihnou* witbout diluent.

Tb* platform as reported to the Coaventloiby tbB CotnmlttBO on It««o1atlon» traa In l ib•Uuce ai followB: It reaMrtut tbe daotara-tlont of tbe Nmionsl Coit»«ntJnn oi 1888, andcniiKratulat^a thn onuntry o= tjjo admlBlatra-lion brnugbt fntu power anJar It; it deolareiIbat tbe party a( th& Bute baa Toll oonfldeumin tbe NatJonal Admlnl.tmtleu; tbUt tb<;Itnpnblloan parly u N>mmltt«d to loK*rcmnje»tlo towDihlpa, cltie* and c

b k i

il Belftitles,

and !• io bataioay witb Iks comtttuttenalprnvialon whloli dMlarpe lb»t Its XwilsUtm•hall aot enact BJ>MM laws-; It MtoN*lent beglslati.ro of violating tkaA prorlstaudit aoouasB tlie tw« Il^mtas *t hat Win«t tiling pHrLlaan, arrogant and profligate i olnnkiag Ulcluira witb IU uvmbora t» aeeonthair votes by pro analog them aAcas; tbatIlie last Legislature UrampMd upan ballot re-form and tbe good, wbeleaoine alaettos lawif hteed upon the atirtata books by ihu Ksptrtll-can party. Tba platform dutUrei for IkeAustralian system of voting; for tfcenofgH-liation of tbe courts; lor tbe enfersaaiant oftba laws relating to eompBliery odaeatlMiand for lovrsaaed school facllltlaa wharaseeded; ft upholds tbo Cbtld lawa ar law; ttarraigns tbe Bsmosratlo Party for b*1 *Bade a Democratic maoblne ent »t tbe StateLabor Bureau; £e«1arei thai tbft BepubllouiTarty la oomltted to tbe law of M » far tfaetaiatlon of ooraerata propsrty and franohlau,ami to tlie straogtbealpg sad npboldlai oftbat law, and for grtatar esonomy In mnnhl-pal

Tbe plank on tba llqior question u re*ported by tbe Comnlttee on BtiotaUoi"Witb tlie Vational KapabUoai COBTIof 1888, we dM>]are,thettbefieptibllo*n Party•f lbs Nation stand* lor varity, lot temper-anao and for tbe pnaarratlon of the boms.T i e BeimbliMn Party of Ifcw J s m j ataDda

* eonaolttad by Ita p'laUoima a idenactments to tba moat tboroif* nsasarss ef

. UmaaranM reform thai wlfl be aarialaed by[be people, and plsflfe* ItaaM io aaabtloa aa will Boat speedily u t Iharofllblyeradloate thaevltof iate«p«raa«s. Wer*s«itbe Intnuloit oftba llqaot * w a * a * an WgsiIWHI force In the •olltloa of tb* State. Tbaattitude of tbe two -.irtloa on t b i w s i s l l o n IsMolearly mii-kad that n« iotelHient rolareaa bs deceived by BBJ Bmfsilon af sltksr tomaltB a declaration OB tha'sabjael. ' Waheartily and nniiBaHllsdly Indarse the aetton•f tbe Efcpo.blfc.VD minority In tbe Leglalatnre•f 1889 upon all qaoatlona of Morality and olState and party polity. ' i : ' " ''' '"

Gensral B. Bard Orabb, tbe Repnbileatifor Gararuo* (;la tfaa aoa' ef Kdward

WET MOBBIs.ThoBrai^muu. Un-tLirLood b»,i a union

IIOPUCK In i}or»n«m lastHmxlftf. New York,•eudnylraniu, titw Jersey »nd Hop* Lodge.io. liUl, at KUinbope, were repreMntfid. En-;iBP«r Tafan Nklllmsn raa tbe speotiti or<

n line. The bnjs r*i>ort baling a goodTbey, •>e lionto iobei j y

tku to «ee tbelr DSUIOIerelkadon'L. Tbe Wor

bputiL I wonili-r hiis UKwe iu tbs paper

r be would like to bave

jjeof hitvlug licked bis celgltttor1* wifeJuilicn bouuil UiuioTor tott|ipua.r *t Courtlorrintont., io tbo |>eu*l sum of flOO. 01•.5 lie waa drunk, or be voold not baveF>rtukt-a t>> Unlit a woman. Him do you

were ID tbelirbia na ere n tbeD I joU will ke«p tiiia thioi-ce ae&nea to be a virtue and

tbiuk lie wuulipaper I Oouilup until furliBitbeu—lume will coma.

iw, or ratb*r vrbero, do t ie boys gel tbelrlaj wbisksj I 1 (loo't know of a pluoe InMorris wliere It la sold Sunday ur any

r iluy. Aod jot—O, wull, ojoyta theyo a quart Saturday night so tbey mar ue

nl o:ntlombelt, ul it wbileynu utsy, g<

' i comiug rlgbt apvudDy wben tbore wiU OOLu a drunken railroad man ieltin the ouuutry,'be Hrnkeiueo's Urotliorbood ta doing muobi tbia tlireoiiou, atid rftllruad utliulaiauiuolier.liey are bei;luuinglo eee tbal drunken of-uials oauniit bu ttuitod—I but ODO eaiier nian

mkoa fellows, bolt iu

lina and ita fritnidn cum« down Irom So ran tonlutt Monday to admire tlie boa titles of Lake

oitds of tbem. Tie day waa juat aUouta one SB tbe JI. 6i K MUIUBI Uoneflt bad

—und ihey bruuitfai Si c»t loitds U tbe Luke I

trulu here and went witb them to CboaterHioii, wbere they .whobed otTon the CHO-

tral sod tbenoa to the Luke.IB New Vurk newspapers are all in favor

ol having tbe World's Fair of 189a iu NewYork City but oitn't agree on a looaUon. Homoof them are alrafd that tbe real eitaU S[HJOQ-lutore, orTumiuunj Hull, or eome otber fellow,willnbare It at Ilopatoong, gibuild •boBotu—pro

ilea IODRided you oaB uikk

b W t b 6

t of i t I propoee 701You may

witb tbe Clerk ol tbBW»»tber&rsl—and mak«it •« wide as iu shonti will permU and coverit over with buildings. The B . L. 4 W. It.K. will bave a coaple of more tracks laid bythai Utae and a bridge thrown aoroaa the aanaland cau land your passeugera at tbe entranceto ibe fair grounds at reaaoBSble ratea. Or,maybe, you would better wail until tbe ionfiwina o w anJ you ORB get •' fu«l formed oflo'i." I <taD'(suppose BDjbodj wonld ebarge

.•tblng for tLo loo At loo. Wbo owns tbe<n any how 1bay bad better Mra a otork or two la tbe

Cfai:nty Clerk's c til oil At Howton. 1 dou'i*).|.,k Morris couuti woolJ tolerate tbb kindol ciroumlonBtlon oQUo they are said to have' fiussex.

llev. 1. II, Condint, of Still water, preaouedtbe BUnbope Preabyterlaa Cburoh last

Sabbath n irnlog und ewiab tbat I was rich.w y o w n a n d p i y bis aaUry aver/ Saturdaynight or Snnday olfiht Mr. Condlt is an ex.- " * -)reMhar/M)d I kave no doubt. Will

i toaotua'putorleMehurob whlahoanatTerd to pay more salary than tbe ose atmanborw. And yat, if I miaUke not, HenryVftn-d lleecber praaened for leas tbaa flltydyilara a month and a ault of old oast offolotbeaofaomeJuilgowbDwai twloo aa bigaa tbe preacher; captured bla fltewoed fromthe river, oart«d It home and out It up aa if bebad been a wood ohoppor all his life aod M M .llaseher did aot nfalnk any the lesa ol him forIt. I think there are not many Beecher* left.

ROOKAWAT.Un. Kal« LIBI, au nnfortniate and tattrnr

SUIIIUUHJ wl'towt of tbia plauf<, wlip had auCollins. owinKtopn-ialtPiO*cnpl*dby

Oageen 8»t-Kate, wss takes belom Eiqniiariiar last, obarged witb u iaa l land h _.sod In default of bail committed to Hoitown Jail, where obe waa t*kf>n on Pxt'irnigbi by ouloar Tuttle. Llnle, ber 17 .1

bse been .t*7lDg wltb Wm. Uosteatl anil «ril«Tb« Ooitearla ia lomo way. profiDtnablytbraogb the girl, learned that Kate bad mooayIn tho house and on Monday nlgbt, u«om.uauled by tbe girl, vent to tbe bouse of Kiteand after diligentaearob succeeded in findingKate's hiding place, wbeie tboy found ae'-eral pankagea of money and • pockat bookFbloa they traniterrod to the Onslcad bouio.la some manner those prooeeillDga osmo to

of tbare Ajcet

tubers ol tbettoek-and on Tcoodiy

ipatiled by J. P. B«»ms,Kat«'s brother, w«st to tfae Onstesd homeaad demanded tbe money, which waa tur^dQvor to them and counted and found to•mount to «01G5, all In silver except tM Inbills and one nlokle Tbe rniiuny vaaplaead

A Dover paprr of !aet week oomplalsa tbattha prevloua isms ef tbat paper did not «r-riv« at tl» Hock aw ay paat-ollloe on tine andof course obarpea it ta tbe ttepubllouu jiarty.First be »ya " Onr package did not get totba Huckawsy poaHiffloe until Monday, al-tboogb it waa pat In the Dover efiloe on Fri-day morning." Mow tula la falae, M eald

k i e d at tbe Uockawaj offl'-e onl d Monday. Thau

t b itL th

ing."arrivp k a g

Satutdaj murulng and aotbas>trB "Tlin troubl0 O IVr t t b0. O. IVt new roate agent* ; tbey dou't knowreotly.*

1 their bmlneiB prumptly and eorLet UB see: We faaTO It from cum-

patent Bathority tbat this package{iollvured to the G. l>. P.'a DBW route ngflotuntil 8:111 on Friday aft*rnoon and the quick-titpDBslble way to gat It to i u deatliia,Uonby wall *na "l» Uigh Bridge & Hew Yurk toifookaway, w!tB,-*itarrlredptoiiiptlj- by lintnail on (feturdaj uoroiug. 80 we tall to aeehow any blame «an ultuob to tbe Q 0. I1'anew route agenta. Now is It uotjnat (iiwalblitb»t tbe trouble originated In the office 0tbe paper and tbat tbov were so eogaged linanufaoinrlng for tbeir nest laaue abuse 0tbe adwtuiatratinn and of the tariff wblabproteou the Industries of tne oouutry Inwbloli tbey oi l l t , tbat tbey neglected t« mallh kage In tltuo to reach lla doall


Ur.Tlnrnsbad anurrnw ricape l u t *.-^krUllodriTluK nrar PorMl RIM in the storm

wnek.Mrs. l

Nicta,i!<d .....bocae and lettuo toNnw York City

met on Moprtaj nliibt Bud orgtilor prvBPcaiiou wail iudruiulftf

d a sooietyn BRaloatolrotton'

glieu nxjiooted.Air, B. K atioklo'a__ _ Bl. Barnard dog " Br

Us," fsllavlotlm to tba ttog.po lion ing liondon Moudsy. Uiutus was a splendid apeolmeaof hia spectM and waa highly priiud by Ur.Stlokle and bis faulty lor bia duollJtj andfriendly tralta of obsraoler.

Tba City Knitting Mills lave diaoontlnu«dtbo Saturday half bo Id ay lur the Fall andWinter.

Mr. Hilton J. Biaok, U U witb JOB. *". Tat-tle, bBS sooeptod a poll lion witb tilickle it-Co, at Hlueruia, whose tt.ode bas «o loorBiutdM to mate It neoeasary to secure addltlonilhelp. Another promotion viotory.

Ur. Allied MuKitinon baa tbe oontraotpsIntlnR tbe interior and exterior ol Ur, N.KbaUug'a double bituae to Blaplo A V A

Mr. S A, Strait haa ruturned from a triptbrongb the Ksatecu Hta^es.

Mr. Calvin Vandniboof baa a pe*r tmo inhi* yard which WM set out two years ago andtbisyoar bora its Urst and only pear, whinbmeasures twelve tnoLes iu clruumierepce.

The Trustees of ths 41, Ei Cburoh ueaak-ing for blda Tor tbe palatine of tbe outsidea( the ohuroh, ^

Ing to tbe repairs wblca are goingttie U. £. Cburo Ibe aerflces ( BuDday

fiaerce Bnrtt suggests tbat Mrs. John A.Logan be aapolntad Co mm lit I oner ef Pen*riots Jo Corporal Tanner'a plaoe. Not a batidea Tfae soldier boys will never go baok onth» widow of "Ulaok Jack," and It 1B prettyhard to make them see what waa tbe matterwith Corporal Tanner. Tbough ttiey haveiabiding faltb that President Usrriion, wboa Grand Army man himself, must bave hadothar rftMBne for his action* than the clamor

(the Demooratlo preas,II all tbe storlea I hair be true I would net

Bnrb Qrnhb; a noted liWiner. Tbe BOB was bom Ni

ifaotprer andtabarlS.ieil,

at Darlington, where hie family bad lived Vmanyyeare, and reotlved a gratnmar schooleducation and llnlshtd in the local college.On Slay 6. 1G01, be enlisted in reapoiPresident Lincoln's call fnr troop, and waaappointed seoond lfentenant l ie participatedla the flr.t Itnll Itua, and when GeaeralXearay Umk 'command of the First Hew Jer-aey Brigade, Hi. OrnLb waa mU* first Usitenant, Cotn^stiy D, Hi Regiment, Ha wai•pnomwd to duty 01 Colossi Taylor'a bri-gade aUJT, Alter the battle of Qdata's Mills%n<] WblW Oaka Crwk, Lieutenant Qrabb be-cime attavbeil hi GLnarai A. T. A. Torvett'saUffanddistingaUhed btmaelf at tba battl*

; of Oramptoo'a Fau. In November, 166a, bewaa promoted to ba major of the 23d NewJsraey and aobn after f u promoted to b«

'. UeaFenant-ooioieL AtFradsrloksburj, Chan-. celtorarlllB and in other battles, Coloiel

Qrabb won distinction. Early In 1BQ3 the' UfmoiaerviH of blsreglmeBt expired aed

for a. abort tlma Colon** Grabb waameom-wand ol the nwralODg camp al Beverly, K.J. UeUiearaUed tbe 3itb and 37th Be«l-

• aiaata, New fernay' Volnnteera, and In 16U;, wa* at tbo front again with General Grant..' In March, 1865. t e was made brevet bri-

d l l f r meritorious aarrlo* before

honab macb for the gallantry of aotno olByram township Bepublfoaoa withWe will wait aod sse, however.

Engineer Frank Haeo waa visiting somefriends ouUtde ol Horrlstown last week in-Undlngto come hoBseoD Monday and' ft" towork. On Monday morning he loll on theboaid walk rn bia friend's yard and broke h'arm, aa eaay M tolling off a log, be aays

T U flremoo's festival came off on tbelSiand J0ta. They bad a goad time, bnt I amnet Informed of me arooesda a; this writing.

Again, on Wadnssdav evening, as I write,I haar how araoarians Is tbe life of a railtoaa'ar. Cole William oaavger, Who left bareto take charge of tbe P*tenon Idrill eagane,aa flondntar, fell off tbe top of a box ear andbad both lesa and one arm taken off and tfa*beck ot bio bead caved In. I naed to kaowwhy they tailed him Colonel, bat I bave forgotten. He was too young to bave earnedtbe title In the army. Be laft here a. sober,ateady,' everjda* railroader, And now—wboshall Bay I We bow onr baMi and submittbattbeLord whoiavebBS a tight to takeaway and pray tbat the " God wbo aeas theaparrowi when that fall" will provide* w i *for tho strlokao widow to bring up her familyi i the nnrtore aad admonltian ol t i e Lord,•Lot not ambition mook their uaeful toll,Thnlr bomsly Joyaand destiny obionre,

Nor nandour bear with a diadainlul amlleTbe abort BudaimplesuDBia of iha poor.*'Onco npon a time a certain minister pnacbedsermon ia a ohumb In Bunbope In wbi oh he

said I B did cot know wbo would beln haaven,bai he knew there would be no Vsnderbiluor—I leave the other folks out—there. Howbow did he know t Who ta'd him wbat Go*had la the womb of the futurei Tell too arailroad magnate to-day who bai done morefcr railroad humanity than the pn ient Ur.Yandcrbltt, Yfbcn It w u siked once btiore,Jim know" Oan anything good come out ofNBtaretbt" tbo answer waa "Come and see."So, judging Mr TaBderbllt by hla works, bewill stand aa good a thow at tha Isit da j asIbe gsutlsmao who ao glibly consigned him toe7erlutiD)tpDnlahment.

This hai been a b . i day lor railroad aool>denta, we bad all three of them In one day.

l a v . U. w. Condlt will preaob In the Htan-bbj>fl Presbyteriaa Church «axt Sabbatb, andBe -. I, a Condlt the Sunday after, the 39tfa

Traokboaa Tbomaa UoUinti ia laid np wit_ sora leg and Charles Hull, of Stanhope, haaa pretty severe, attack af Intermlttant fever

next will be held ID tbe lecture room iu tbBbasement oi tbe obnroh, where BII will find

D aod comfortable teal*. ,r. J. E. JUaasBtt, our paper, carrier, had

the mlafartuna to lose his parse wblle on bisroQUi oa Friday laat OOUUIBIUK a sam olmonej, tbe amount of which be cannot state.Tts finder most Indeod i s witboit prlnolptsnet to return It.

II waa reporuil on Wednesday that thaCarbarn darn, situated a few miles abovaSplit Hock pond, was expeoled to gi»

t i t e aid sr»va feara" li

leain tbat Her F. A. Jobnaon bai receivedumnliuuns call to a Connecticut oburcb, butwe hope we absll cot learn of ulftanorplingU

Theoosnof J. V. P. Uartlei Rgslnst CroUlyoame off betora 'Eaqolre fltney at the CrossItuada laat Saturday. Salt wss brought o n *promlsiury uo» wlilah bad been jclren ftarllc*Jaraboreujiurvbaaedby Crateisyi wborafoscdto pay tha Bam«, ol»imlnj( be hwl not badvalne received lor note. Failing to makeit io appear the jury g s m verdlot BgalnstCrotaley fur full amuunt of claim.

"Tbe melancholy (taya bave come, (be sad'eat of tbe yaar " w bun tba pfidngogue rrsomeabis wutk uf--Uautilng the joung Ides* howto sbouti" tbe scbual boy wbo lias enjoyedthefroodom of thesumtuer, obafen under theciremn»oriu*d limits and reitramis oi theruoni, and witb DO iwaa regret do we cote tlthe departure from among us of one nfter aolberof our young M y and. g*BL)*n.Rn •(_denta wbo bavu added mnob to tbo life and

tbe season by their presence,bave learned tbey are booked

aa follows; Miss Miuule Stasu, State Mor.maltiobool; U.ntat Ju.lo Do gawp and Cur-

id yoar atBttme plBOe)B. L Toj>piiit[,Ut.ttolyuks, Alua., BemikUiaa Euilii (Juulkiua, P-okor iLitilnu ; alls*Atrta Soward. at Uarleui j Mr Kuux 1'sytor,HUM Uodel School; Ur. Uealty, Lifsystt«College; Ut. J. C. l l iuwsfr , second je»r«l" inoetuu; tttutu. h. O. Oauuu aua Una.

Ali»s AUDIU Kdwards, ol flowark, ism visitorat •E.quiro l'tuit^'s.

Mm. Liana Warner and Mlu KiDgtiey, olNewark, who have been In U v n lur the p u iten days lelm uud on Taesilay. i'XOLlHT

Uuibreliu* baro titwu in g n a t thiuand durlug [be jtust two wtjeks.

Uwiug w 10u eouUuuatioi) of rainy weathern growers uave expenouocd quito a

u aro ex|>uionoicg uoieno otuj).

Qaeryi Wbuoau mil who ta the third eoba

Tlw JBTgoKatsy organ wbioli P. K. tibetn-herliu tinUon tmlilbiimn at tbe Stnltb picuiuwaa sum to «. li. dutitu, ol Vallny, X. J.

Tho rcpieiouuiivcs Iroin this plaooU tbeWewJarsuy Bute Jfttir at Waverly will birainur a Im.

Mr. Keuueii Uowe wUl ware to Uovor thiswerk.

Ur. Ooot^ .tdwarda will move to U

B V R UMr. li. Fantamu, of Brw>k';n, ba* bern

T 1.1 tine Ulsa EmnntMerriti.Ht. B Danlap and family bave returned t«

tbrlr olty home. 'MUL Jacob Baker If (JulU! 111 at Ihis writing

but we hope tor b*r aneedy rfcnvery.Mr. and Mrs. VrMlsod, ef Warwlek, N 7.,

sprntiaat Monday with Un. Herri it.Tbe Hotel Btealla will elm* Oot lat.A Urge party ol (neat* from tbe HoUl

Brpfllla took anpper at the Voruaan EOUIBIHII Thursday.

Mr.. Usry OrftDb, of Newark, la visitingUrv John Lowe of tbli place.

A number of peepleof this place are attend*ing (he Waverly fair. ' BuaiifliiB.

iROHU.iSeoii Hidaorand W. K. Diinn bar* pigi

eouuttU to aupply tbeeouoty «f Morrla.While Ur. Williams aid aouie ut his oaf

pipters were at wort too j lound nuder thaBIIIB of tbe o'd boose t b m bkok eaakea andaorae. of cither kinds. .

Wm Huourf, wblle digitiDg patatoea forjKldner, found a penny ovor one hundredyear* old.

Uisa Uattio WIIBOD and ber Kraodmatberhave ntnrnrd to their home in Orange Valley.

K. D, Uanderstn baa been (pendiog a few

Bob tbat willThe shape ol

dava at Waablngton, H. J,P. h. Dryant e»ya he bis » r

not go in a four quart meatursthe miiaaiire la not etatrd.

tbe Hats, Jnit pobllabed, of n*n wh<hare pusaad the olvil aervlcfl exaailnHtlous foinJniUiion to tbe department* in WmbinKUio,at two from Morris Cbunij— ElmerK. Una miil Pittk«r, aioonff ihaao eligible lor depart

metiUl clerk*, mid Ira Muw«ry, ofole

ri by $600 .alary.a'tiou

x Ittul£«v. Ur. Juimaon wiU retu

catiou viait tula wuek.AuuMiur itauontrr »'ore U Ulked ol, to

Ittrt In WWii,Ur. Juuit» Htepakr I«U Wedneaday mum-

ing lur Triuueuiu Uoi:8t«.miss JumeDd Uaup is utoneof tbe Trenton

ool IB tea.ilow would it do to bave • ttuttlng MBUOIB-

tlon iu CtiauLerf (Jmto a hiiuiuar ol our>wtii>uieu p'oleis iu a*9t< i\utt bA horse • thlul duteo^lre MMorguui*nd Lure on Monday eveniug. Alaj

suuctiBa crodD them, aad all horse IOIOTUS hocaptured.

Dora it'still enjoying bu VBUUUOH.Mr. Joiepti J>. lluud HJI*1 lasnily aud Mrs. J.

U. Evans have returned Irom.Lake Hopat-

talned tbst it might carry Split Nook danwith It. ilotb properties are owned by tbsA. tl. Cobb estate.

The festival ol the Ladlea', Aid Society,rhich waa postponed from ThnWay ereninitn aooonnl of tbe aevere siorra, WM held on

Saturday srenlog In tbe basement of tbs M.E Cbsrauanddeaplt* the storm, whiobatlllooBtluaed, tbe ladle* did fairly well, olearlng— r twenty dollars.

loBara Bra en Ai Uunnell have beeed the oontraot for plulng the bestlnxapparatus In the new axUnaicn of tbe countyhglldlBga at Horriatown. for heating thefreeholder's room, warden's room, slok room,toilet rooms, halls and tba new sMsl oolli.

Hern's to Qen. E U. Orabb, next Qoverncrat Hew Jersej. Aik tb* old veterans of theUraudArnrl f l t lan' tao . ' '

A part cl Mr. J. J. Eokbart's eoffor damwas carried away on Toetday nlgbt for theeeoond tlmt, which wilt greatly delay him Inbla work ol building the dam proper, bwideoauslng him a oanalderabta pecuniary bs*.It Is new quite probable that be will be nn--bla to have tbe dan wmpieted In the time

ilOed in tbe contrail, Oot. lat. Tba other1 ol putting the n>Ui property In ordtr Is

r pushed aa faat aa Jba weather willMirmit.

TBBIV IH A »0W.Tbare'a a new baby oome to town;

They tell me he's a i toner;l > e not beard hla name jmt yet;

i l ls pt'a namn'a laaao Longer.

Anil Qsrvey Bianobard'a No. 2 (A boy just like the other.

Well wa oonxratuUta yon, IHrreyi8o kiss htm far bis mother.

Will Crawford, too, la wearing smile*,' As bspny as oan be ]Hla first bom Is a baby gbrl;

Whfoh ntakfls tbe number 9. X

FLUrOKBI.Miss Anna Howell, who haa been vliillng

witb her aliter, Mrs. Tounit.at Vinolanil, N,J., ratuined to her boms l u t week.

The BWrn still ooaUcuaa, with little baraUof sanahlue and showers, esoh vying with the

awolOework ol

h&a HOPATCOHO,At tbla wrliiui. it looks aa il it were abont

to o'ear off aad rain.leitlvi), wblob was to take place at

Eurdtowu oo tfitnrdar last, was poatponedoa Booouat of teio.

Mrs James Hutmes snd fsmily, of Uajonne,are the gu«sta of Jdrs. Wrlebter at Nolan'*Point

David Lflller baa Bold bis IIOOSH oa MartinView to Ur. Chrla. [Uaage, and expects t*move to Sparta in a low w«ka. •

Wn andeiataud tbat the boating season willoloao next week.

Tbe oltj boardera will soon be countedamong tbo missing. -

Mr. Loff fau reluraed from hia visit to ttioily.

The Ice lions* Mine, In thlt plaoe, waaatarUd up onadsy laat week We have heardft Maid tbat the company Intends buildingnumber ef dwelling bousea near tbe mini.

We heard an eld fisherman aaj a short timeago tfcat a good many ol tba expert flsbormtDoatcb tneir flib '• with a allver book."

Mill Alice Cooley, wbo baa b#cn vitltiBgfriends hare (sr some t ine, baa returned'Tewark.

We underaUnei Ibat there la a good d«al of>ork on Rseoooa Island snd that laborers

get 9100 per day.Tbe Central Itallrosd Company h u plaoed

a algaal on eaoh aide ol tho Vanover cruisingto warn the employee* of the dsuger of tbolow bridge.

The post-oHon of this ptaoe ia now in good•bape. Thn boxes h-te arrived ind tbey are

ready for root.iw would It be to 1 are a Sunday s eh ool

aurted In this place I Tfc»re are a goodmany ohnroh going jieupln li«r« wbo oonldvery ably conduct m claa*. und whstreason why we oan not bave BuaJaj,schooliveryPnnJay morning t We tnlak tbla la a

goad Idea andlfaotne one would only atartit wo oonld oarrj it tbrungb very ess 11

la Oan Bumf don Inanrsbleilluad tbo follocIuKi Mr. U. II. Morris,

Newark, Ark. Bays: "Waa duwn witb Ab-1 uf LubftH, und frlendc and phvaiolani

pronounced .na BU lnoumlHn Con tump lira,n taldO(i Ur. KIDJI'S NOW Dieunrvry forumptiuu, «m QUIT t,u uiy third bottle,

and able to oversea tho woik oil my larm. Itla tbe iimmi uiedlolne nvcrmude."

Jeaae Mlddlewurt, Doctor , Ohio, SBTS;' Ha') It Dot IKMI for Dr Klcc'a ^ ) r Dlaooviry for Cor>aum|iili>n 1 wuuld buvo diud ol

Lung Tr.ubice. WM glvun up by doolA m u o r l n best of bi-alrt.," Try it. SamptrImtttcs free at Kabvrt K.I IEOIE'B Drag Store,Doror, aud F, H. Jeuklua 1»IUK Stort, Glu-alcri

Hamburg Figselsu rrwidy in all B where

, aedeu-or preg-U r / hablU, s'e'iHQusnea*, Irarclmir

nanoy produce a t" dt-ncv Iu

tbst bane of the A mudcan people. Ata remedy tbla egodltion any retultSt

llamhurg Figs are a fruit laxativecomposed tit ltuib) and v r i e U u N 'mini, ihr -• --Uouvd u

ktorol co.iditioo,DIUOUSNKIB

ia ttie renalt ul HU luiiutlro Liver, aud itaupturns urn nianllo-ieil tij b«i(Jaoae, furff digue, IOM ol mipuliie «nii a yelluw akin.

—tuburg i'lgs BTH tbe ocly imrgmivs tliatwill eJIYutUklly relieve thlB uuuditiou and re-

tlie iiupuritlea tiint clog tLe sytteui.uburii eint are baruleas if their use lajjued Indtllnliely, and u box abunld ol-

wai* be kept In tbe Lunu They are delight-ful to the Late. Duae, one Fig. 1'rlce, hoa box. Fur sp.te at Hubert Kiluore's V™""Drug 6UJte, DOTOI.



AND BEDDING,AND (mien nousaiiou) OOODS.


(Next to Pardxe A Clark's.)

CierH ruuiiKiniug unclaimedin the l>oBt UlOcent Dover,IS. J.

DoTcr, N. J . , Bcpt BO,h, 1B80,Krntlaoa Anderaoo,' Ellnlirth Hocking,Anna Amlenon. *nnl«M, llnrluob,urs.J«-aite0MRterllDn, Hra. I. I Irvy,

H. Gijinon, . B. Salomon son', -h Onttr K A Ml in

other for tbe sapreuacy.MlaaEntna Dice, who bas bee

t th J fHl.l .alowljtna Dice, who bas beei. ...„

•onvaleaeing, to the Joy of her family andfrleida. - . .

Work on ths new church Is to hegta thleek, as It nw been ssid. Coatraatora fron.

Dover have tbe charge of both carpenUrlngand maioa wort.

MlM Killer, Of Mow York City, le speeding;part of tfaU aeaaoi with bar slater, lira. Wm

oraoms other Und of fever.. D. J.

Petsrtbnr^. .Alter' baring tb*s» mnatered ont In 1805,

d tl h l d'• ' Ceneral Ornbb entered, aatlve bcalnau aad. «pon ihe death ef liia father i s 1RS7 took

eAarge of his Urge Iron Interest In JfewJer-seyaadTeiiDsjlvanla, living at Bnrltngton.l i e was a number of the Biriingtcn Conpien

. Conocil In 1873 a id faeldotbaralatwaeftnaL.He waa with M. do Leiiepa whan tbe lattermade Me first Rip through tbe Bans Canal.He waatbeaithorof an UtereatlDg aeoottntof that event In "Llpplsoatt'iHagatlna."General Qrabb basbeen aaaotiroyacbtamsn,n»vlDg carried off two ortheBeanett Cnpa,

: . and haa been identified witb many aoaial in-tetesU. He b u bean for yean commandant

. of tbe famous Philadelphia City Troop, andcommanded tha How Jersey battalion In theTorktown Ceatennlal, tb* batUllon winningthe National prise. He cow llvna at tlnverly,"" " '" * "igewsUr P*rk. fc*lne eneof the handsomest t the river. Be waamartind la 1863 t« BKnbeUi Wad a worth,diD.3u.ter of the Kev. Coartlandt Van Hens-•elaer, son of '• tka laat Fatroon," In 18S8 be•waa eboaen State Comssandsrof ths New Jer-*»J Grand Army of the Republic, bnt de-rilnrf rfreleatloo laat cpriag. .

CTAVROPS.Prof. KlohardBon, prinolpal ol tbs Soatb

Stanhope public aobool, say* tbat every seatia tbe acbool-rootOB la filled, Hiooe tbenecessity for anew aebool building of a larger

i While the toys have greatly Imp roved 11their eonduot la this piaee aioce tbe arr«tt ofaevArtl of them M dlHrderly persone, somesftbeolderoDes.and mea Uo, deserve the

V FABEKB.•-•-••• Ur.AlbertDnnnbBasoldabosll,iOO basketaU»f peacbea so far, and Mr. Wesley Beavers,LURB::•' Over ibOfounds oleela were eaotnrtd at• Hillttwn on Thursday evening, 13ih insU' : Mr. A. Buna baa erected a eubstanttal erib-

bt>naa to llore bis corn in this Fall.* -Ourpnblioaoboolhaara-openedwlthaKnod'te ' 'eanoe. . . .; . Jno, Crotnley and Joteuh V. DarUea

:. ' had a " honw tital" at Chester on Saturday,'"' l i t h m a t

' .Two new neobera were adnittad inthLV, Cerman Valley 1. O. 0. F. enoampmenl on~. tbe 7tb inat. •' 1'nla eneaapment U growing

verj rapidly. 1 ! ' .Ur. and Mrs. Wataon Illff «re Uns

•t Parknr. Sir. Itl(T baa llred at Ulnidald,V ;• Illinois, for many yxars..h • Bad coldB are all the rag*. '-' ' Mr. Ditvld Uarkman, ef Chicago, and bridt:• •--• (DM Wotxt.'Cl PnocKtOD,' Ills..) u s nuUea-•r'VtlDg -*t M M ilellnda Bark man's, David's

V'mother. Il afforded na crest pleuura to ex-,."..' tend to friend David o u band or ooagntnla-', ->. ticn, and alao th* same to Mrs. Dayirt Bark.-' nan. David always was a flue, sober young

1 -'mail j ludustrlooj aud fnigal, and we kaow-hthat Hlsa Wood' ehose wisely and well, u dJV«w aay that Dav,d Aid tht, same. Mav kap-;.";n|iiea»atuud tb#» Iu tbMr t.rjiam here an•'leaHh. and nt^laat. may both be gatherrdia-'ftfc» Ilfaven of Invr, at«jto.l!- atia ^o»•ll INS aimrl«d for Ncbraaka onATueadar.lOiblnat-I. ur •ndUra.LsnMBoabaran.ofBtuibope,:A Jiade iu » Ujlflf TUit • few d«yi •*"».

same uaaga, M (bars OM been m great daal ofdrunkansu u d rcwdylam of lats.

Rev. I . H. Oondll's aermona, preached Inbe rreabytarlan Church, were tnnob apprtwi-tfld by Mo oongregaUoiu than of laat Bon-a y . •" . •• •

Tbe EJuetox Vmli will end In horse racing InOctober. ' .• • > •

Jaeob Bandall, engineer on tbe Erie rail-road, baa been en a vlalt among bis Irlaadaand MqaalatMeea around bars and at PortHorria. Be U afDleUd witb ft lame hand,hating ont It with glaas wblle on bis »ngtne.

Col, Hbacger, an employu on tbe D ; L. itW. n . B. who formerly ruldiog hare but atratarson for ths past two jean.bad both legsone arm and K hand ont off at Boon to a onWednesday of tbls week aad no donbt la deadby tbls time. He leaves a wife and aevaralsmall children ta mourn hla loss and manyfriends. He w u an active member of the ME Cburoh some jeara wblle residing hero '

Thomas J. Allan and family arc visiting attbla place and are stopping with Ua brotheiBngh Allen, at south fiunnope.

Tbomaa J. Knight, who baa b«ea eanflaedto bis honse several days with bronchial at.feotion, IB BOW able to ba out sraund agais.

Sotn* ef our Bportamen a n trf Ing their h.»n*sit dnoksboatlng oow-a-days. Average aboutone apiece. • .

Mrm. J. B. Van A n dale h u tent In u t ap-rlloaUai to Washington, nameronaly signed,to saooed hor late but baud at Staaiope aapoateaaaUr. She ought to bavt It,

J. Cooper.Mr.B.E,Bharp'aao<

plet«d.house la nearly o

The school, nnder the oanable teaderablp ofUr. Dne, la doing well. Tfae sobolara in themain, express themselrea aa beine wellpleiued wltfa their Uaoher.

Mrs. John Martin, wbo h u been ill for theKi*aier part of the year, Is again on the sickHal, but it Is boped she will aoon be able tobe out onco more.

TbB business of Messrs. Doriaud &. LarfsonlB-graatl* Inoreaaing. Thla week they have re-ceived two car loadaof grain and tbey areglad of tbttMln, aa It fnrnlahed them with uabundanoe uf water power which la retjnseeuary to Iben/ eipvlalty at present

Mr. Thomas Bovenign aptnt ilundav withblH family at Woodland Oot(aKe.

Cnqnef, for tbe l u t ttw weeka. baa aom*.wbattakso the place of lennts, bat tbe latterIs being revived witb some of the old-timefervor. A now player Is collated and couiider-

soJoymsDt la In anticipation by tbat'lDUO

Mr. Wra. H. Fore*, of Newark, baa v « ,kindly consented to allow the Methodist ota-pie to put np the large tent on hla lot neartheehurob Jor tbe /sir which la to oontlnuefor two dsyr

rQOBTUB.Tba nail factory is about to 1

LUflBDItlNK-YOOS-Iti Dorer, Sept. l i ' lby U-t. Kr^d. II loom. Fred. Laiebribk «nAnna Y. o> hoih ol Uorkawar.

LYO«-At CoBtro O n r * fi.pt. Btnr M»rT 4.,le nf Robert A. Lvqn, ngad 46 yeara.

Miller Wanted

1 App l j to. y'tvjSjV"'':'"''.?!:;-;';''.


" ' VM. J.

tianu oprra-

II la not ruunlog all ol ita (le.partmbutsonfull time. Compllcttloaa aris-ing from tbs trsnslar of tbe propartr te thopresent owners. Is said to ba the esust,

br-r plaos aa teacher IB onr pnbllo aeboolu ' - i Umlttkioi will apeod a few weeks at

"i OrovB, under tbe care ofn Oro». nnder tba u n o l k i r ^MlaaQrabHm, sndRilUlao a skea . Tialt toUe«ntifiil Orftogo county, N. Y. . •:

Boontoa aeeiai to be full of atannrs. butie tuon tbe merrier.tbTbew wsidiottnBtitofo


e ono-rUln t*tk «f m pUomtnoa Coonoll. if m t f fto the disposal of the contract forfl»gglBK,

bat it Is probable that no action will be takenThe bridle worka laid off aoms of their handan Tbnraday lait (Utb iosi) Tae blast pipei

la under tbe furnaoea bad given ont, and uother improTementa were to be latrodooed,* was though beat to oease prodiotlon for

Oao.E llardGmbb, tbe nepublloan non_Eoee for Oorernor, should have the supportof every eonsalentioua man, refardl»M ofparty, aa it would be a .disgrace t e t b a StaUto see Leon Abbott again elected Governor."

How we want a good atrooa: ticket forSenator and itsemhljmen, and we thinkBoonton will not be fonnd vanUog, M to kerpartln theoomlngcotiMst. . : u-.'r&.x •-;••>

The raat bound aipreea duUBoOBsokftSoA. BL mat with an aooldeat oa.Wa^

' wbleb delayed tnffle'ite:

1 1 AMTED iMyi;UIATELr-l

A Binml ly.

rork in a'amall

-MorriatoM, N..J.

r. OooddrlvloB horse, ; • ' . . ' •

let alngle barnesa whh Dutch collar,j, .-<•-•'•i\:BMgh1'-i:'<'

t)V.y.'•• •*

• Enillsh ootlar,-'palr of faauaea, '•' " ' ^ i l s l l o>-mplate,fBr tlM.)

TteSommergueaU aronnd bare bave aboutall returned to tbelr hones.

We a n glad to say that Mr. Wm. Corvlnvaa improvlng^t last aoootnU. :Mr. Oeo. Buimea, ol Sunoaaunna, b u get

o work for Ibe Konrtl Lumber Uompaaj.Grant B«i«r baa left tbe store of Jardiae

in osxt time 7011 m*ke a aale, Ed, be snllnotbeaentbaoktoyoa. I t w a a a m d

yon know. ••;<•_ •• • •I tnink Soooasnnsa b u more than Ita shire

if I'atroaagt—a fair and fettira! and a ahowalllnonentgbt. .Large crowd* attended both.

ip at tbe festival. CoiiaXAK

Btsa* ana Hot WaUr Eaatrng,iaan prepared to eontraoiforBteamaaC kot

'atrr heaUng. having tba agensy for theUD'im Sllsby and otber npntablo beaters.

Call aud Manila? them at ray store and•luuiblng establishment.

J>. & A i u x . Paver, H. J .

Tba lateat slang b " Dae TaUp aoap,"

Mr.J. n.FJanders' two alatera from NewHampshire are rlsltlng him.

The eentennlal committee on retlca bavetbe promise of a lame collection of verypretty and coitly artiolea for their exblbltietiOat. 9[h and lOtb.

Bar, Mi. Measbman will preuh lorRar.B. BIOD in the Pleuant Hill uhool faonss ODRnnday evening and also la the Flanders•fetbodlstCburoboii Sunday nornlDgatl(h30.

Let nabavea flnt-olats singing aobool lflour town. Why not bngin atonoat

honra. i The trail Jumped tniFsnny Brjafio aboal pna-balf alUe above Ikedepot. We nnderaland tbat* looMer iroh*aIron waatheeattHof tbe aooldsat. Tfce ftMhsd passed over U all rij' 'liefore. Bnpt. Aodrnr ,prominent offldali w e n on..hwi. te; a** %

Ur.E. >gerbashsd a very largo orop ofpaaobes this year.whlob brought

blm fiood prices.It la said tbat the centennial tnuain eon.

mlttea nay employ two excellent banda fortbe big fair, Oat. 8 and 10.

Ear. Henry Biee will preaeb at Bodd'a!i»]te OB SaniUy naming at 10(30. ,•-.' '

Praf. D, Roobaieller, sf. Lebanon, baa KBizeellent claai of moilc»l stndflnt* here.: ,' ,

Tbe sentral mnd almost everlasting ttplo lathewuther. GHDtl«men,lntiutiav«aehang«.Talk politic*, if yon don't swear nor Ret mad.

Tbe Ladies Aid Society of tbe MatbodUtCbnrob hare made a ve.-y. bandsotaa ailkqnllt tor too centennial (air aod also o lbn'alaabla anlolea.

Mr.C P Randolph baa retamedrrom Paris.Mrs Q M . WerU baa re tamed from Atlantic

Mr. andUn.Johneaanddaogtltarana<alaattbeUanilonBonsB. •'/'•\:-i?\ :.-^?\ (

The kUssea Gamble have retained Iiome. -'V.r%. Hepkws haa retaned frawi' ITarragan-

BeltPisr.' • ' • . .;; .:••;**.•'-•;-.•.•:Mr. Inrlog 0. Bait, ol fllook Uland,' and

alUaCanisP. Driant, of tbUr pla**,'-w#njoined toicetfaer In tbe bcods ol holy matri-mony oa Sunrday alternBon lu ta t t t ebemaof tba brida'a parenu en «orrla street, by tbaSer. Mr. Adam*, or ths It. B. Ohnrob. ,W«

hope tbat their f atare may always be Wgkt .

t Saa l la Orfmu sad naiMt. >

Tbla U a pleasant Tillage 'ftaeag'tbe'*1 j[er-'aey bills," filled to owrfloarlna; tariif theSummer w eke witb elty ineata, wbo hsv- attbla date.aald "good bye" a s l rataned tbttelrdltTarentbc • ' - • -

We trost.tbeended Balo, n

Tb lril tK batraln, for slib

B i t Ob h lnd , K b t a , fo slibtda.MTbe lirile* at tbe Baptist ObnroB held tb»ir

unnal ialr ana raatlral at.Ua.etaitreti Isatweek. oomnabelBr thelOtb uri oonUnoftC npto tbe 14ih. Notwithatandinf the kn^aro^alls weather, weanglMd tortaort it a aa,roeu. AmoDBt taken IbtnUeouiBOwlW tobanaedforthabMafltoftkeekuekr -->:<

Tbert.were no aerrleeaMa th«-BaptistUbaroh laat. SftthMb."•:• lUr. L N , Hill, • tbt,'pwtor, WM eall*d 4-»way; to - Lesig talaad to

sld the Atfaatio GHanfc Powdw Wotka .ik U d i t h k i t k : / ; ; - ^b r r k U d o r i a g t h k i B i t w o a k : / ; ; ; ^ ; ; .

. Bev, J.Ii . PotWT, wife and Litti. F U U ,ai* expected homo tbe Mit by ber'raothsr,Mrs- Bi(gB, alter an abaenoe of Mveral dajaTWIUDK bis »»r«aU In' Olnolnastl, Oblo, andother plaose. Tb* S(n»; Is drawlm near fartfc»m to >id adleD.to. tkdr J e m y faame r.)i-Urea u d many frinoda'and retarn to .theirwork Io Penia. May. aosoeaafo with them.' •: Tbe ateanera have begnn leaving Lake H6-ptloong and retarnlcg to (be city. "Olpaej,"also "rilakoey^psaaed tnrongb, tke loektbe 16th snd yestardsy thn b«^attfnl iteamur" Armenia," owned by JL U. Maoey, of NewYork, glided aver tbo watera of the oanal.

As we enter T. F King's store we tnls* thel t f l bi I l t k Alb El

OnfrbarM w.,aa with hmij.llriiii H 1 . |Bat Inn fcinm with brmblik f» . -

: Oe.TT Mt .lD|F fa «1S /:OOOD

H 1 . | | 3 5 .». -ftlta 933.


Our stock of Boots, bhoes and Overslioes for thisseason's trade is now complete, and consists ofnew, fashionable and serviceable goods, madefor us for the Fall and Winter trade, and markedat the lowest prices at which reliable goodscan be sold.

SCHOOL SHOES.Our assortment of these goods isthe largest we have ever placed on .sale, and includes Mundell's Cel-ebrated Solar Tips, Grain and Peb-ble Goat, Calf Skin and Cordoran,with heels and spring heels, forMisses, Children, Boys and Youths.

' Shoes,in Grain, Oil Grain, Pebble and Straight Goat, Dongola andFrench Kid, a complete assortment of new goods. Our Ladies$•2.00 line Dongola Kid Shoes are the best shoes in the marketat this price. They have perfectly smooth insoles, are stylish,and fit find wear well. We have them in Box Toe and CommonSense styles, all widths, sizes and half size?:

MEN'S FINE SHOES.Hand-sewed,, Goodyear Welt, Machine-sewed and Standardscrew fastened, from $1.50 per pair up. We invite particular 'attention to (»ur $3.00 fine Calf Shoes, made by Stacy, Adams& Co. They are of fine material,'handsomely finished, and are ]first-class shoes to wear. We have a complete line of J<E$-TEK'S hand made Boots in Kip and Calf Skin from $2.50 perpair up. Also LESTER'S Boys' and Youths' Boots. -,* '

i l l : GEO. RICHARDS CO .


Fall Jackets,


< * , - '

.'ThiinE d

ldnilil.tr.irli'olTbomMl .II .tpbll u U

.Thiinh.irlbir.ldnilil.tr.irliolTbomMEnn, \d»'..wlll ..II .tpobllo uoUoo >itb. ItU TMldeDM or isld dwuMd neu Do-

Bltth«~p«rBOMl l>rot>ertj bl a*id

[timber W|ion:aad body, s l s lg iv aled, t i urffriDg, art, of >logl»~lisroBaa,H straps ofjMllarconi' kbeller.lron -view, plow, laddrr,Iot.NtVl.t1t7.'..lo| rj«i a eook a t w * . nni-loram** (ilonBle-beatsrf, L 0 T - O F F A B I . U KFr/BUITURB.iDRnln « a ra* osrp^t. harkV B t l I T t i R l i tit otnt^t, honk

^IoBi>il^oIoe£wlodowth^A%bfMU[Md..ituoUM, BUndi.' ublei; buchM. ob.lra,

Icot.lvt ton, tin; eartben:u>d wood., hnllow WM«; lot at ubl . aallqij. orooketr .nil

l i i m n , u l ioore. ot otbtt artlblei.B»!« l»»l«j'it Jb'olook,J.T«luur-Allo.er



Maupii Chunk,Glen

pliuant faes ol bis Et&Ial stork; Albtrt El gga.who returned to UUton Satordayt'udeipeetsUikUfuttaebWlatTreiitoatliuralL C u b

Mia H d u t AAttl; ; ; -i. pMisuBd of ft U1I eammindl.c pK.snooi •tMAatlfnl i .w tod fljora u d • plwlog IBB..l(al *olo«. tlb. lau«4Dau • wudroUaionrapieodBnt tb.n onj b.r.h>ron Worn 6& tfeoU l t h l b B l ? i i ; V

, Switchback,under tbo mniplMi of \hi

Rosevllls Athletic Association,

THURSDAY,'| 7 * BsABrsiOB will run Mln « BblnW*TtQ route 11M through th* riohu(>«Brt of

rtttiflfnff Blong the ohBrratii(t'>MjCi of tfi<Iinblxb QlTrr, »td pisilDE tbroagli'tha (randold tnrnotBiDB at PwinsjUftoia, •ffortlloi OBBof thn f r»ndrst Panoraulo rlBiraof-Animer *~

Via U . &/ fc W,~BUiii l>hii|i\V»lIej"B»il.

binikll!l8. MipleOsiok« tb«i rid« ov«r tbe


barlc andvB Glsn Onri»lni at H

t l

JioMon i - H , Mpoen UbnohiisitHewark 9T>, k •.TleketooBii

„ II the itttlona or p ( « i j member.UiA Oommlttoo. PftrtiM d_rtirinf tpeolia



HELENE ADELL,knd hot own fare folly eeleorcd ooaopsay, In a-, ._ , bri liaot repertoire.

As in a Looking Glass!0II4HB8 or BILb KACM RTGNISu.


20c, 30c, 50c,A good M s e m d « • « far 30o

r Rsaartad aamtJ n o * «n aa)a> at KillaDroaHlcra.

.... , . . iLisK moonso• I I (irUBbtd nam tke Hell v u m

tb* oaeliqauUtjor «kr lo»d. .Ddl.ld,vumelbfdl.ld,Ifd.



' • .-•


FftAZEE, CONNET & Co._ Cantril Dry Goads Stare,

No. 6B3 BROAD St.



Fall Dress Fabrics

Dress Trimmings.



loa aobe; fintb. jW B Cb Fiinela. Tetr U.insbessDfl jTsnay T n Qfl* • i*Uo Jn kuaaooiMt sawrtman o( Slsek Ureas

683 BROAD St.BITVOIH Wxsr PASS £ Czout Sm





Page 3: nmmmtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1889/... · medical propertiu/or kidney troulk and general debility. fFcthaU atUlo owr many brands

THEFriday, Sept. 20.1889.

Entered ntth*.Poat*pfl«o at DOTM, H. J,


Boleoa Adell, *Baker Opera-Hoaaf,Every algbt next wwk.Bowie* fever la **]» to Ve y&ta pnvalant

atBantbBlaabofte.Boffl»parta>f lioekftWk) Taller wareSuoded

8 M Helan* Adella opening parfdimauee,Mtt Honda* evening

Two noWee n n botn in tha Horrla Cmatjtan U M H wltbln a month.

Ten foxea have been captured on Bali BLBUT BAUD Glen tbla Samraar.

Will bo bold from Oat, Sd to 10thAn outride alaotrlo light boa bean put*

front of the amerj of Company O.TJ.O J3ut»i Conncoon, tMnooley'* HO«B

Uia, has been « 1 * N « for the 0*0*00,Itla eatlmatoil tbftt tba vacation of prop

*rty at * t . Tabor Tin reaeh 1600,000The aforrli Ootntv OooveaUoB of W O T

TJ will meal *t Hoantoo, ou Oot lOtbThe Kaw Jener PlnBM&'s *uootr.tio& will

vootattanglfnnoh next Wadrudny* Helen* Adell, with a oliugn of bill ea«h

evening next week at Baker Opera DOOM" Conductor BUck vent ont with bis newtrain «n Monday morning It ia a beauty

•Jojlah Martla ha* a contract lo daooratethalBtarioroltbaXoakawayM B Cbnreb^ Tneberaofl) B HoAlpln, of iforrfitawn,

' *twk one of the oattle priaai af tha ficinei

Di.B.r.TIII*«lia* bought of J Q Hook•Allar a lot OB Morris atreoi, 100 feat front,J*T(1,W0.

Aid. O. & Freemaa b*a tbe ooutrtst toLDIU « »»w BOOBS ror "f bomu 8w**ner OB

JoboL SpAoeorhufpllv Blocked blaitore- al Liwer Berkablre Volley for tha fall an

BanMl J. Searing won tba vatnabie boraa*f B u i j Xnwhlik in Undrawing last Balur.

Sou Co** b*e aold to Mr*. Tho*, Bvers • lotonBesex atraet. fadag BUbftrda Ave., H81IOOfeet, for *l,*U.

The n»v men er tba Epwtttt Lugnt,the AvonM*. « , K <jr nnh, will ba dodioaUd

EUi. B«!d«l», tb* 11*A .on ] M d«lBr, butooght ogt the bulatM of ble oonpoUtbr, VII

i ( f . . , t,*3i U aupli e good utng bow Ia it•at ao mnob Engllab oaplta] la soeklnjc In-Mtuient In this oomtry wbere, aooordlDg to

tbe iMnoeraUo papers, pnUeUon ia killingonr Industrial prosperlt?!

Bev J. D Hewartf, who anlll ta*IftflAen H £ Obn-eb, will b* pr*>twohona ol U* Mrmone ot U* O-

Lnnivenkry. Eav Pr Lnrew and other em*nent prueben will at** deliver tennosa.

UoHnf Oonnol1, Ko fl, Order of Cbosftnrlends, bavo leased rooma and are Uviai

thorn fnnlBked fortbelraxcluatvetiie Thelilut mtvtlvfi at MaD.-H'. Hall will be ODJspt S3J wtileballtbeaembenaneaneatly

The Old Maided PurtOrain will bo'd a>k and wblta tea and oyater sapper for tonnrtt ol ifcoM E Cbnrofa.lnK ofP Hell,Saturday evening SSth AlUelfoaeleaacd

»freean»nta will be provided and a goode*u be wanted 00.

JUv and Mr* J L. Pother wtnra t» tbs!;IIMIO* field. TebBraji, Ponla. c . Uept-BCibBrew«U aervloat will ba hald io (he Bute*IBDB TraBb/tiarian Chun* fl*pL Kid. anil ft«ptlon will bBbeld Sept.'SSd, Item 7 to flH, (0 tne Memorial Chapel

The Episcopal DUMOU of Newark baa |aitaned lbt> npoTtof Ua nftoantb annual Conintlon There are 10* oVrgjm.B ID tba vlo

• ie, of wfaoBi one (• a tflehop nlflnty-eiglii\n prleaia and •»* deaoonB Tke number af

IrnULona la*tyear *• • 1,103.Tbeyoaag « u wbo wnmntert anlotJe at

tbe HMietuWwo laitHata on Wed "w u from Hqn.crdon lie hod beenlag for two dovs wltk Lew. Eankle'a Job*11 the Tut number of the Ucmoerat andmlda t longer endure the torture.

Botns, 61 tbe b0J« «f Conpaoj' Q » j thewlniitr of tbe Ciliwru' badie wUI h . « to

: Kore iortf pointe.Vau will be oel.br.ud ]B St Cbsrlei'

Oharoh, Dnrdtawn, en Buaity, SaplInetetdof tUWiJ^ TiiOBM V, Hmltb, of Brick Cboroh, bu fold

bb property in Mrflitn, on OrMiwood «a>•Be.toEdwIbBfflUh.

Don't M\ tc M* Helen* 14*11 Intrj'a gtui pl»y «f "A* 1

H ' d i iLeienrj Btpnblfeao'* coat be'pnUedfor

tlM woik ol meklBK ft'Bepablioaa; Q'Thvtioiefirinetorlt.

OB wok Df iba rt&a m>Mt. Bop* * . X Ctnnb fair w« fe.Ur.1 wufoapftted till to-»ono

bUM BW». of MD«»> Hill, feaa a ilfbt-1 l M

flovarlaat Httndaj Mailing;BlorotaHofDMw (feubwy will h*

Ul A l I U f o d

Jo>a »"•«. of Hadboa, baa MOf ad to itor., ttetewit vraera be baa n»ua tht gNcnbwaevt Hi. MUaktlt, «n Httnla jUMt.

UBttetnt baltfttla Ua^JUpnbllaM

er« t» oloen srareetotea' th*t hare beollaoolorfd with dirt or nfldew. Uo doe* tberork e«*il7 vlib diluted •old, lut tbe Moult

be pollib'ftd anrfeoe of tho tparble ja rnlned.oairorbini

Tbe following grand offloara' wen' praeentHonda; a.iiciDg at the maetlng of biorrii

!o«o«ll. Ko. Ml, Uojfcl Areman, of UotwIrand K*([6»t W L. Doailu | CM* Grud

eotP II CbarloehJ Or«DdHH>'/ltob't DetMf O n t i O«1d* Baaivel Ornuaiond milnt Ofaeplelo Hab'tlLPeUJr,

I T t U S U T l O I Bl . 1U0BT -Tho BIMJ frl«Q[la aod acqaaloUooM In tbUIdnltj or Dr Lwnanl Bilgbt, of BerhibUoilloj, weM graatlj abooked jaeiorda; to

tbat ba bad net bla death in a rerjD and nneipepitd :men&ar.. U«: left

lone 7«terdftr mojuinji in eompanj with MrV. NRMB, of N»w Bruaawlok. wb6 la 000,MIM wl.h (ha Slate Qealoitoa) Bnrrw, /or

parpoteoltlewlng'a granite qaarrrnear>OD. Rn»**x caanty, In whlob Df llrliht

M lni«re«twl Ria MUknin (IMT* tbaaa topoint beyond Bparta, when they * • » tok* • railroad tralB for Yeraao. Tbej foun*

U b d U d

n fftakta, *C B«MW OUa, tltnV i • w » w •( >bl •bJrteai balai t«o

i l t m i fci Ut ttnlaU Bad «>>4flnd fcita.•',', OiMollba faiaaalflf alwB BlDmwtfflWB^ M a a 4 MtlM af tbo <M«st, Jw*^ H«

fcfe»^aMlrita | 7It !• aMimted tta* tU IM*M a«taJa*4 by

. HMAMMX Fa*. wUab *** laUifend *Hkh fck>WtU I

-Tbt tMtk aasnaJ nanloa of Ufa Vatera*riJUt Haw Jane; Val.

«at T m t w , m TMaa~«j,BiaJir, *•" *"fia1«at T m t w , m TMaa«j,niTtk.9 l f j j ' , < , « ^Bu*r Wi'kee wt« tk* |RO0O ipeflU Int.

JUK pinf a* Barton on Taeadajr, baatUgOUnr K. aM^Oata Smith. Bto baaitlmwaaftj? uc: ; - *

LMTW M* MUi>g fw». traas aiiah awllarthwnBWBl. M * **• tittMrtlj v*l wMLa«r

tMaaaaM HI laMght to ba a»oeant*

I i Ca»*.'O. B. ObuipM. «f «*watfc, « »f . , w n » « ( tto aiara IMni t fWf O«TW Urtr r i M V iif uTvai b* a * » > aigtt Nd'ihi)

l , j TtaDIWIHIIHUgtatofJalfemla«aaepl«i«L o u t T , |M Mara U»M«WMtha Warta !»wI .Ai«tb«r ltaaa»mil« UitalaMw, —* mm.£ « M f l " J

«ov tai ffUf a l g , atoppf worE TMa will to « b r H to DM tariff bj D a w

..** Philip 0 N W 1I •pntag • • ! • • , •» tber»Uaa «f iaba H U V H W V*«OT, whig l l | i far UeaiskiBf

aa traJa, eoalig vcettellflMAt

waa^alihtff *><h» track IkMfb tbak

j t t arfialad la'tferrh*towa f«Ttrt«m»to aaptwrt bla wih, tat loV « » j ^ b d '

fa«»t«»lTiri tbbk ,„ .v ,Sraat VIM. * Hot aatlaMle ttat 1,200 baa

^ b k f t % - t b1 tfealr bi«draei4e» orobard, M Madltan,ytb« atom of laat week. t

g p «t sUrw 4«ll«r« on D*nd MM, ofbas baa* AaU t»r Mai V V. a-r WblMbe L \ -

i OWrirt Otork Barrla oaa writ, till

pl a actanlattkaT b*el»eae adtafprlee thara ta

/ graaa •aknt, »st tba JDeaeaomtie f t are wUl^ l t t t t r l t b l l " 'f 7 - l l i* wavih kMWisg Oat vaaaJlw baa

.wtMteM aaTae* aa I t * tether, and 11U bat

1 omaha 1* tewa, wbo bavey b«laaa4 boxaa o[ **g*va wftgered, are

A ap 10 A>v*r fcoai over tho oloa* raoaBmVawYo&BBdBoBtOD.

E U 'it lawporUd taet Mr.Bnlherf.rd will buildf "•« grMd Bbwdaad«tUbfti*a btJIdlog on tha


k h h lM Poasptas awl t i t inn wtll be known' H J l l a i B m l t t & C U l t d ^

' HitBtn Iba •ew'JbBiiMntla Stata OsanltUrn. Banoonfa of tanpwwee pfMlBMbetBgaaattptha'nBrfnibIa waipa

Jobs Utondjvoa aluswTlUlsgiMBrUtojvoa, a u s w U l s g B r P a s iUn, vMMMokBd Vrf4ajvlfhtb7ta»ab1g-wajrawSt batwaaa Uaaiotalr aad foapiam,tod robbed al IQl, • sold. ohiOn and. fall bat

Oat hobdnd aid ilnetean noraee wara «tn«d_fOT tba Morrirtown ncaa, wb)cb « « NVntfftnud bjih* fisno tut VMIC, aad 79,elnainc*e»e futou*Upp««, wenaabu

Tb»fatOB>ltaBi7 la rmllroaJ tnn) Mtteudmaatlaaval tatbaa^o/iaoh Uin a alwpvv «o vnuflad that aU W d i l I b <

Tbe D«»oeratl« Ooqstf CoflTaoUoalledtoWMFieMerriitoira Oot.Sd.Htary WUku »od Q«»o Smith will trot far*3,0QQ ap«elil piiraa «t Floatwood

tow.Mlu noolw'a nml« olua, of Morri.towo,

will inkfc* * pie-tie axenffifsa la Lake I

JnV. WBB. B.Qoodala^u IlInafDetud hiedragatpra bandeanely wlUiW-c*adl« powerlBotrisiwBPe u d ii wiring bU rwldenoeThe Htm York World of lut Bdudaj Mnisbdra lnl«THUvg p'otvro dearoofttorj of

beOTeiwpwdtBg of pnblio eolwol* IMitrictClork Hani* abonld put* It ID bla bat.

If jou attend Belene Adell'i opening por-inoanea next pfosdajr nlgfat, jDOaaa jndg

t d l d l hile valoa of the anraeoding perfuruiasaeB.A noaway team wocld bava dftthod tut*

?a,ta ftt the Harrla,street orosalujr. lasi Frioibnt fur tbo^oBrnge ol Pi«n» Evarett whose)*«d tbe frfghtecea anlnala anfi ajjppedtbam

ID spite nftha Milarenee of DIsiHet Clerkrrla M d niacff«-U tebi>ed trontl*. tbb

. M aotiaz of the pablla aabool wo* opaned taTnlaA Hall on lloiidaj Mil U in SBeeeasfiil

Vt. TASQZ'f TBEM.i:te«u*l)lgtiiL6(nexUnn»l* oltraea at

Ut T»ljor+beio(u«B*U»D of whlob vaa fliia tbo Ejtif wfaaa a oaninittaa of tba

l of Itaaleoe Bold to ilr. John B. Dlokar-aoo 180 fine treaa aad tho prlrMegato ontaeien acrn baaldoa. Tbeblaiingof tbatnuwHab u t m»rk«n( far euttiog * u broughtut a abirm of IndlftteHoD from prvpert;*a»ti, whodBoUro that their remorat willeitroj- tlia baatttj or tbe gronods. It I* eetl-nUtd tb»t about one-halt or tba large trera

are tuiii niirkod. kUab of th* blame la wrlaid to llr.Aadrew VreilM^Of Petanon,altbongb tba aela wu dMldetl npon onanl-

lbythaanUnD^trl. Ttteia hwebeeaaton&j intarrlawa, aono hare cflored to aelltheirpropertlBBataaBoHDoe li the treea a neat, u d tWog* »n«allj b » t stows wi

Mr. Allen, of Hobokaa, who. Ilka Mr. Briumrof Jeruj City.De, tlUeUe.ef Kew»rt,dntBerpTODiluaBtniaBibetfof tbe

tloe, ara oppoa&d to the cut bog down of tbetre«e, DM prepared » nap of •> portion of tbe

aodi ebowlog Uia IWM to lo re noVlTliare are," r.»ld Mr Allen, •'two

lar-ahaged pleoea of ground near tbe aotranoa,Up one an about IU larga tree*. It la pro-poaed lo cat dawn *lity ehaitnnt treea andthey ant avlaot-d with no ngard Whatever totbslr pMltion but ilmpi; u t« t k ^ T s | s ; *,,the ailDaa whrra lbejara'toba nwd f n -

tlj enokad tcaea are let atouatnight treee an marked. ' It li the a«m

aj an tbe opponta trUagla. Jdonot'baeve It wu the iBtenUos, at ib* puti«* tt> 4

anjtfaiag'to 1-Jnre ibe gritand* I twu Bdoubt BBorenight., A meeting will probat-Ijbo c»lte4 to aettle tbv »»U*r,"

Mr, Troelftsd wu /ooud al lila eotteio ons gnianili U« H>d tbet Dr. lowrie, Mr.

Los, tbe aopertitMaAeat and Mr. Dlokaraan,to whom tbe ireoa wera aold, wrira wiUi tliu

hen tb* tnaa wan navksd,- Off of Aftce&enly aona, ISO triea of the eiaedeilradobtained. Tboi were tobaa-ild \

pleoa. Mr. TaU and himself than muk«d016 of the mailer treea' wbloh It waa thought

ihould aonift oot TbitA were aotd to Law-noa Dlekeru'a far rallroadilu'and olber

mrpoaea,•All thU/' MM Ur. Vraelatid, ' wu

iri'wl faj tba UuatMa., WtaaaLMllado1 who oonplaioed 1 *ald It *M In myor > i»o*il>. w j uilfteko, *Bd If b

vunld »,ppo1ni (lltlatenitAd u n , »ad if jfnnd tbati nafl inade io> QiUtakei I woaldHO (bat Mr. UKkerton gotethortreM aqn»llj

lb. Tbej tbieatoced a* with an mJnnotlon. rjootora have told ua •.ttsrs is tes

noh abBtle 00 tbe groadd.i,Tba board da<tree to iet tbe ground parti; cleared ao that

will t»aparfeuotafitteat"

iking they wen tat* iho /nu for nbont twoinndred jnrde aad ep a bank ia order to

It W b « ttaj naobki tb* top ot ibabaakUr Brightatoppod|aada*Ml"llai oato t b f t i t V l b M aaakto iba^voaM •** •»-elaatlv uplrad. Dr tABdrawa, of Bpsrta,Wko w u aaltaal, wae of Ua oplaloa tbat bUdeatb had baaa eanaad by th* banting of abland veaaal wall* ba w u osertlag hiaaaalf toM*eb tb* trala Hla ranaJaa w«r* al one*krMfkt to bis b*M, ib# Barkahlr* T»thvOetol.^ ' * » ' , '

Dr Bright wae a *en ef tk* lale TBAMWlflgb^ or Weodaort, aad k* livod In tbl.Jolaitjallbli111*. BewaaagndaotoafUiaew w«rk Oellepol PbjaletaBa Bad Bargwn*,i. bla lift wae * btev «ae. far bealdea at-idlog f bla praoUoe. wbtrh we* larg*, be

ooBdae.tad th* Berieblm Vall«y Uotai

K Lamaa luiy al lUaJkaft.•flu Qraeo O. Xuiiht gave a •'!•

p w i j " in honor ol bar Jrlitnrt, Hit* NxlIUImport, u( Wnabington,I) O.who has Laan

mg la Bift?bi»p9 tub tfutnnief el bet ruie on ktalffl Btreet. Tho gutsla eajo/ed aplMatnt evwuog ldde«d Amoag ibo

ilneat giiMbi pfe*o»t were lU*a Lilu, wltv wa* taatalBlly ftrrajeil in • nlua

•da allk and I1I*U»KIII* , Altai Leiwrt wore ahlte auiaie wi;H oraam twdloe bud illaniODda,LIsaBva (l*tiprn«(sl Kow»ik, wore a li(Uilue aurali J Mna Aellle Uuckhoow, ol Hiau»pe, wurewblie nnu's veiling j >ltu Will

» gtnj dlwivolte autt, wUn blutk. vtlietniinga aod diamond! t Uiis Lime Wodd-

iff ifsiar ul Judo) Woodruff, oi Tre^un,eta tlgnred a»\>a>a») ibe vlvwAott* and

itifnl hoeteie wat arrayoatn Jlgatela*•etorer llgbtb'n* eubnere, in ornaau

; tbegUMla «er» HJsOno.ioudUr Int*.[ht and Wifa \ AUJJ* B. Hoi I aod Jo ho

orvacb, ul Xtm Vuikjiir. W. 6. Wbll*.lUldiug nlfuk, Mr. iiftriy Haitian, «l

Sianbope, and nUiera wo unnenasM nuu-liie guaata plejod lww lor priaea | Mr

lurbaoh wlaniflg Ue kiog pnaa and btlhEva Osborne tho booby ptiae. Tb* leaionunulntok the Itfgwt uuinperof aeeda wa*

Lgbt bj tne gueat at ih* evening. Wuurt, whu cuuitiiueutlj won lbs flratprlse

naudaoua eni giu* t«aianul« eap. Mr.won the lu t prim by brlaglog ft loaain

ontMBlug DP seed* i l e w u aDeslnonsI/

Md, *s » wiJwn, wa* ftwardad a Maiolalljaamuiail lawua iquimor Mr. U fdlsil,

popular oluutler. la » gaeiaeraod weaUrat pnaa bv gaaeaiag neareiE w ta* total

jeer 01 Itaton **oil4,f Mm Laaua Mmtiluwaa Ibe pooteal fteaear u | l got u * banby

Ltemuy daJoarnnui tb*"Wa* BMB' Basrak/ont th* tmt'i." " QOBWT.'

I gralal aa«J -atarWalag nnmbarod p large•paav el frleaae who were daeaty p*in*n

to boar al bW aedaan daatb b*tor* n* faaAimeb*d U* Brinla ot I If*, for be"w*e bat 8T

~e«f «g* IlawutfoafeaetadjWlib • nnmif order*, laaladlar tha ll«j»l A roan a ntha Kalgbta aad India* of tn* Oold*a

_ . having hla Hfe laatiied la tba rawer forlOOOandinibalatUrrortSOOO Beltava*

a wife and two children, bat bis wise proviBio* far their eonnon will Bat eompeBaat*tarai for tbalr hMvy lee*'Tbe nuttraleervleN will bebeldoaSuufeyAemontata Vetoektat tb* lau raatdetot


: T i t * .Tha tarf arttle of tha Mall aad Espnaa

eajar Bln'Brotban; who have wos fa»aatbof tntWag bwnae, aaTa, afUrnteatha

aogotiattoB with aartnl peraoao, 4a#MadtaBBokont aa taiMUdged tarf eataoa the

rfdtale tka bane B.tW*a'*ad Ua UaUaT,

1111 Brtaa, if tb* t«o www ralBotfttaw, aaJlow It Is nndarawod tbat tbajaaVopraetl*

oallj wnelnsoel an arrugaaMol by wbjebtbey wlU obtain anaai of tb* votagatora tkavbavo nwn runlag la th* oolor* of Hr •*•jbb*m. Tbe Blra Bratkm Wi]l Ww^Naaaa tb* rnnnlag traaka, Dot tiev aiutb* oare-

fnl ta find a waiter wbo will m* Bold tbo b*lief tbat be eaajaggl* with bla bar*** An o nnee traaka after tba aaanaarla wblen trot-

ar* dadnedjn tboee d*ve.

4r*UTi*tttH*taatiacWllb tb*lr obarMterUtlo eaargj tb* Bin

Iron, bava poekawd tb* lo** and dlasappolat-«•«»>* by tb* rain of lart week aau

• M I r » ' fait traulag nwetingat tbeMorrlatova Driving Park oa Utt. 33. 33 anaai.'whb |3.tOO oBered la apaelal premloniB, aefa Iowa t

j0 9;3SOJUB| por** ^

Baoond daf-Perae UM. l>*a for ill |-olnp,Saulp, J r , barnd | pnrea ppO fcMd

no«9(MlAar-iaaroldolaaaThird daj—Parao #380, 3i38elu*| parae

•300, 3 IS olM* ( r«ra* «J0O, fna for all trot-ting, Bftir/ Wllkw barniL Aleo fl.OOO « -aarved for grand asMt!*

naWkalt TnUTba Bnaaex B^giaUr draw* tb( /allowing

>aryfa»bf«l|»rteait ot XHatrirtdlerk Hw-•At taia Ifatanoa It woald taaw tbatk u t i offlolal wboaa It woald ba wlaa

la mnnia. C u u w t da net alwav* wiakaebolea of WIN n«s, and la tbl* Inauaoe the;

M w lltltarnM w*icd, or ke b beiag need aa a aool b7 oUen.

air. Barrla doeaaot appear to advantage inaewepapw artlclae,aad bla lut cff»rt b i tridlralow tUt l i en b roaaoQ to doabt tile•Mllj. BialriwlaHboaldobMkhlBirtbejbav* any regu* tit fala ivpatatlaa, cr tbagood naart-J tbe town."

; |Work for the UepnbUoaB* at N«w Jt

arlog tbo ounpalga wlll.be laid ont by tbalrtaveral iMMlNnanltteeif and the BepnblloanClnbR organleed Into tba SUte League willbaertbdrebanoftfaabardeo, ABtawCon-veatim of the League, to beheld In Ellitbfltb,OotobtriOth, will osneldar wayaandto prometa tba Intanala of tba party." Thenan SCS of tbeaa organjiattau ia tba flute.•ouant'a refleotlon will anggeit an ideatheir potalbUltiM for uaefoliw?. .T'beu altneed sot wall for. tbatr annnal oonventionthaj aan go to woib at "bee* j bat tha wlioa jnV. twp«t naw fervor to it* K*p«bUcas

•poekl VotiM.A aporbJ vetttag af fcUrrf. Con coll, Bojt)

Ankaaa, will be held oa Batntdftj aranliB«pOlai,*Wo'clock abarp, to lakaaatlnmoariag the death of Pr. Brlgbt

_ A* Jmwv Oon, B*er,

Tlawtt JFlabjiPlain and ( M W at BOTJ dt Oo'i Hardwtn

Or MOatXI ABD OBAHOtTbe JPresbjtarlan Cnurofa ol Obatbaoi, tb!*

oosnty, dellgbtfullj entortalped tba PnabjtarrofMorriaajad Oranio during their VaJintetiagMnTaeaaay.tkipt 17tb

Kev Ohu T AndBnoa nl Bonkawar waaWjbH MnAwHor, «od far Stanley WLlta

aid Elder E.P Starr leopor^y olerk*Tbe MMloa w*t largaly oeeopkd b j the

appointment a»4 roporU of oantniiitMt.QDMUOPB wen iliaoiuaod and plaus laid fo(bo *pirlturJ ontl t"uiporal wall being andBafetvof Eiaa. &ev kteurs. Hkllowa>y, Jf,aid Whltlakor let in notion huge d**lgmfar ronalng th* patriotlim and arming theaMnunental noeta oi Hoi* aleet to do battle

a hundred fletda from Ibe river to the end*oftbO'»rUi for tbe dfttraoUoD of 3 _and nplifting tha nnllon* af idoUtrr Into tha

of the Son of Van Henna on NovBA next and we«k following then will baalnnllftpeone sisalonnrj uMtlngii, of whiob

BB notiee will be given la tba ESA.Or WHl*, of Bmnmlt, Cbaltuaa of thejnodleal Home VUBIOUB, did a like aarvioi

tn Btloalatlng Presbjtery to aee to it tnat noooUylng ntalog tamp or artlaaoa' village erUolaUd raral farm bandi, should bingsr Invain faitae bread of life. Hanoa the wealthUr ehorohca of Preabjtary itgnUer tbe hv~

uf ina weaker and ao fulfil tha law a'Ofariat

The Fait muting IB atari ofr.at.il "eUUlogdaj"—adtjof eaeiealutleftl heuaeflleanIng and Jnventorytah ng Ad«y of rumnHg

here la psaea 1* all oar faocden, Mil withftlaneed booke tha cry ring* oaa • ! klooga* boondarlea and ttom the Interior, 9o~

ffo dotlnlte report was reoeSved *rom theJommittM on tba Revl<lea of Hi« Coufesiloo

frith. 1* bo reported at the Winter or. riugmwtlng. Tneeovrelgntyof Oodanil

tbe alewantahip of man-lbe fatherhood ofQod and the aonabloof man—the brotherhoodof Cbrlit aad the giorlfloatloa of the believer-and the word of Ood the rale of life anda«l appeal will naver be atneken from that

Ilev J Rutherford propounded * eohanaif tbe letting In of a few anble y«rd* ofa(&A Into Ute dtearj Ufa of that* wbo art

Wfttled la. who*a bread 1* not glvaii ftnd TrboaetvnVarj* not aun Hare ot tint intijwl willba revealed bereafVr, aa der Ttaoa Carter,

Booiwn, wLn ean i H u T t r H the most ofu*. la deputed to look tk* world over andinwardly dlge*. wbat k* aeea The naagio-c -dol t t .«6ti irr biuU,DUIUMMD,

A ran treat woo *et down for the evening—Dr Erdaao on bio trip to Canaan. Thinkof III Hotclatowa Jernislom, C*ljwr, Oil*rot, and Iba JernirJein wklob la above, wbloh

ibe tBdtber of na aU PaBoirrTMU

rrehlMnea uonvantlsBfh» Prohlbltlonlata of Uorria eoanty held

i cinvenUdu in £t«l*houea Halt, tbU plaoe,•nWBducidftj OulyftbuutaSwvroDraHnt,

id tbaae unlntj the one* win Imro met joarTter jaar D, II fiullb, of Jloonton, Wu

md P. JB Thorp, Q( IKiibaty, waaBtv. J B. Bradbrook, of Dover,

aa noulnau>d (or State otualor, and tbe fol_ i*r Aaaemttly t * lut DlaUlnt, Jfn.11

.Is iiluar, ol Mendhao) Btoond Distrlot,Epbralm S Jllller, of Uoonton I Tblrd Die-Lnet, it. E Ttaorp With the exception ot

Me. Uradurook n o u of tbe eaadida^a arentueu known, and have no uteanwl* ot

BtooV w u anbMrtbed for Bouruitj pritbibiUoo paper to be edited bj JUv.

ilradbrook. In tbaavsniaga aiaaa meat*_ w u bald, in tbe tant, but a*t,wltfaat«odli>g

;tie laattbftS (Jielr oaftdidate for Qovernur w u.uftonnaed to ** preMiit, U* attandanoa otutare waavarj alinr iBpeeakM wet* pud*

D>j"Joe" Uagll*^ J U T . U . D Opdyke endtter.J d, Bradbnok. AllthaludloaUoiiaKretbat the aotlon of tbo frolilbltionisu lu t falln giving tba LegUlftture to the Detnoerata,,h*i thai migb.trei)«al tbelaul option Uw,liaadUgutedlaeraatirieidBof lamparaauvarjrwbere and tbUttalr vote this lall will

ttttLraoM. ' ' ~ '

Taa Tbaaaan, Inm*0*Haanjr*Attb«*nnaftlne«Uati ol the Tfaomta Ina•tpaay siiwklioldera, 1B UokoBdaneju, Ta.•he lOih IDBL, tb* propoeitloa of aa Bug*B kjrndloato to *ett tb* oompaaT'a plait,ltatat^ wi/lBcwaaliTe*, fvaaoaa, rail-

roada, niaaaaad!***«• waa pfiaaalaa,'ateotar.Ol WrS*a,«o w*tUvbrlig Uk ateok'a

l U b i a « T k a * i U t t d

Al *>80 o'clock TQ*MBJ nwnlng, OkarlwOarr. af Mln« Hill. aaW ongaged M Maw*

rk, wa* aaiiadjn ib* boaea of a*l| emit*iony to MUa A*Die Smith, *tfea*;btar ot Mr

Wlliuai Bait* at UU viaooT ia «t- M*rj'.Ubhnb, bj the lUv. V*th«r Viuk*. Tae> *>uadaue* ww i«rga, «olwlUMb«adiag ibe

ilng w u bar A Mettle! Ulg* Maw« u oalabiaMd,. Tn* nawly waaMad waple

IbelrpratUaatttbebridahoiaiatltredm a haaoaonie wfalu allk >ad tba groom la adark ttroaa askt. Tliabrlflfc waa aoooapaaM.

bar brathar WllllaK, aadibagioom by blattuAlleo, Astbe bridal p t n j prooa*d*d

town ibsalale to^lraaauibaeaotrakaarBdtbalr airaadj llgba bc«rla wltb B> woddikgaaarab Afur tue oervieae (»tbe ebTareb • re-

itioa w u a*ld at tb* brlit*'a raaldeno* ennat Bop* ftvenne, wbJok naatlntiad antilt*rlj uoar la tb* BMralng < Tka l»ige

nnniberei aanManual praaaau raealv**! a>taeted tae aoarty ooograMUllpaa ot teefrlenda of the ooapla. Aawsg Ua f««eb wet*afiMbt tnauj fma £jwoWn MidfiLliar piftoes.

h* arid* fpragnaiberof taraaawaaaHanKbato « paWitj aebeol ol 'wblen ak* WM 4 gnd*

while Mr CarrU wellkaowauattaady,parato ftnd iedutrieBs maohmio f AfurleiboBojaieon the newly w*4ded<eontle

rill Ufc* np boaaakaeptBg ia aTewavk.Oa Wtdoeaday kwtalftg, U ftV Mawi'e

>u. Mar. Vfttnac faak* t*tt*lB»a4 abaBl MKBioay which ul'*d Mr. Joka

'Ijnn, of CbloBga, and Mlaa aWi*, daagklvr1 Mr. Jaaaoa O H<"'lv, of Berab Oak*.

- rtahuiOaaka. »Frank Olaaa, or Plaa Biwk, as« High

Leddy, of Moatolalr, abnt alght Xagllabsalpe, tb* Irat of tha laaaaa. *•* 1m* Pisa

irook vaadow* Moadav of laal waak.CarparanortMuaaiie aM!rrg.uatt

tk. tha Haekaw*y ri<«> near Pjaa Broak, batlh«j will not Uke tb* beak.

B.J. Thoria, of M*wark/ea<ght amSttth bu* welgbtkg 61 posniaia twavta-w«od I*k» lu t woek. v t

TbeMurrie Uaaalaow oaToidageod blaafchaeanabing my wbere lal'a leBgib.aaB a*paolallv bur and la th* Poaiplra taooar »tMtmatalB VlBW.oatb*OMoawoodLaJuraa4.

Itrtn baa abaotbed tboaaanda ot tbabaa* wbloh went ovir tta daa> at QnaaweodLake daring th* AogB«l*tcn*. " '

O H . eiaamemiaa, of Newark, eaagkt atOreenwood Lake Ue other daj aa Uawagohua welihlflg als penndn.• lBtattdayafI*hlngatOr«enwnodLaLkaJ*bnH. Kiog end J M . B. Wilaj, of M**r Toik,otMght 9H lug* month baaa from tb* brook

the railroad elation. The l*b h*4 vwnont from tha lake o w tbo d*a«, or ihtoagbtka watar gata*

Wkjne BrowP. Cb**. Ells, OM. Xlla. Jr.,andOeo Eltf.Br, ol Bead lag, Pa, a » andlied with having o » | b t i w fits fmta Bnfla'Lake In twodaja.

Tha l*ewvlila AlklHu Izainam_ Ifanob Ohaok aad Olan Oaoko OB 8*pt-

Xih, will afford aa opportnnttr to ae* ttaflrud Old MouBU<nB of PflnBavlvinli whentbe foliage ia thanglag All who hava *B*

j*d these cxeureloaa u ran b j the Boae-ltl« AwoelatloB pronosneo tbim u thalaulng o**r taken. Th* KBMU ot the y**rtone Uiftt »tl «an OHJOT tbe ride through tb*

weatero pftrt or Kaw Jener, mil along tbnbanka of tee Jrfblgh river »Bordlng no* ofthe (rafldeat pannramto vlewa of the Bwltaar-laod of Amend*. Anang tbe attraotloua latbe ride over the fiwltehbsek gravity road,the bimtef eoal nine, (birning eiaoa 1*32),tb^trip to Olan Oooko Fklla, Catoade* andpnlptt rooka The view from Paekafs Polallalnlly wonfa tho climb aaA An\A not b«mtaied Thn tnlnwlll bawnpoaed ol flrot-elasB ooaebea, and parlor t*t aeaW * u baptwrnred bj- t»p)y-ag to Aaalitut Haperio-tendentF J. Or ffllb, HoVakea.

Ha Jerfaited Hla luaraacaE, O Hjo»ii a Bjerehtnt >rlioie aiook «i

P»O4B«M deatroikl bj toe b«nlnr nf th*daan abtre bPlldlsg at PletMnt OrovconAng a3nd, had ta Inannuoq fortl.OOO lu theHaakBttatown Uatnal Xntaiaue Co., whtohtbeUtUr rofliiea tn pay Tb* wmpuij*1

ellnea paraaiit o* the ground tkftt tn Jnlut M*. H j « . P ,anodon bU gooda* Ia tbo Mwar Oonatr «tail Company, wltbnt Dotlfriag the n*-iaUitewn CompMj ai -•• wa* ttqainA to doby bla pollay, nder ponaltj oflorfaltiui

l l e

If** do not nik 7 « U «M Tnllpaoap DIkaa eaaa. Alter that jm will do at 1

A OTTDWTB fVlOIDSPhilip J JIoHnborrj, a joutf maa aboi

twentj rean of ftgf anil ft atudrot of tb«

bit roim at thftt loatltFtfaa «n WedaeadijBjornleg, ftt 10 60 o*elrfolb Be **• a aon of

oountj-, and wa» lt> irta *MXtad /nai at tbaJoatlMt* He bad kept a dltrjr fur tbo l u

j * o< bU ltfe, wbien akowi that beprentsdltttw! self-daitraoilon ton

imatancM ihowed that ha b«a first lockedhla OCH-T and lhanbftd removed b i ooat, veat,oollar, enffe and ablrt A fellow atndest,named Wlloox, hoard twaaboU to lila room,»od between them the exclamation,' Ob, p yQod!'' Whea tho*. alarmed nuked blaroom and tiwikftd thronih the Lrsn*nm h*bklf nollBlug on th* floor, wltb bta lioftd beatover Ttey IBW biot nod two or inr«* tlmeiu d than foil to tb« flwr, i**i, beforatbAro«nld reaoh I lu . BfbUeldewM a revolver,with two okftuboi* «np(/t u d be WMwouailod In two pt*«e*. Oua «hat had antend near bll heart, atnek a rib *nd glannedaround the badj*. tbo oihw tad entered tfai

'ad neat the tight tempi*.On Wedne*d*j morning be wi>nt to a book

atore In tha town, anA altar izknlntsg a work>!os7f ctst^Iai^g uuarl* ul tot nn*

nan body, ha panhaaed It- OB Tiieadaj bewent lo Washington and triad to purobsM amolvar, ftnd being refuted by dealer* west

1 to Pbllllpabnrg u d bought one, returningHankattatown ou W*do**il»j ouinlogla bis »ona were fonni a*v«r*l ]«ttan. In

elndlsa: OB* to bis fftthur nod ftcotbarta Dr.Hfaltnej.Preaidantof the lo ill into. Oa*oJ

explftlned hi* pnrpoa* In fall, Bod *,o•tbertu the publlo ftnnauuood tbat ha woe

IB to mnka blB lu t prajer and pnpnnblmaelf far tan deed* Be bad beea naian-okoly for several d*ja oior flntoolal an<1family nSaln, and thui doubUeu alTaflted bismind.

Coroner flbarp, of Oxford, WM auwnunedand aa lniueat waa held, tba Jurr nudvringa vardlot u the effeot tbat ba tad ean* to hi*death b j hie own handa, la a premedltfttad

_ •, w d nndef a. g » u mwu'Wbleli had nnbalanetd bis aiiud lha Bofot-tnnatejoaag a m w«e atiuifiog ior the rain

n o PMHif raii«r iti»uag*.The work of die dt*l»*4« uf (be Pftaooia

rftll*j, wMoh h u b*M to iwg ftuouwd, litnftkiog good progm**. U I* •xt*vU4 10u * torrtuisT • ! lOr600 •"••*» * u « * '• ^w water at evarj fretbet. Tne-arelaBge

plans embmea th* ndutlus of tho' Baattl*__ at Uttio Valla, tweBl/ loouas below l uLOlfibt mid tba exsavatton of » cbaanel on th*ortb bank of tbe atream, through a aeeUon

theuap roekoa whleutb* da* ia built, olKteeu feet in depth aad tweotjfive faei

dam up the lower nek reef to deep water ocagrftdeofonefoollntonfaet l o facilitate• tree flow of water, a obannal of 'MD feat IBwidth I* to be ett through tba upper t*»t, andto a depth of five feat The bar In th* bad of.\Mriver atTwaBrldiM Ute be letuved th*lepta of 300 feat «U« t«» the nioahi of tbe'eituannook river, and tbea fullo*iog tbefuaala to a *li»b. of 1 » lw> ** tba and of

. bar A eut-off la to b* oiOftvatod at PintBrook to paaa through the plauk bridge ontbe Hcrrii Osanty aide t>\ tbe river, wbleb U

be seventy feet wldo and five feet dees

IBirlMDbtriotOlerk Barrla haa written another

itterlfab weak, doming a aninberof Btaaa>entt In oar 1M^ wbloh would be uaaleu toItarau, be«aiu*th*fMU«r*toa wallkauwn»U ooDoerued low*ka W»nt'o«iV neoaa

*y, wbll* bll otapld Idea of reurauglng ourpublloeohool wJtbont wgard to the qualltloft;Lloaa of tiie pnpile, only UluamUe again thaigoaraaoa and Isnompetaixij vl tba niwi. Ola

loultUona and alatemanu ntpeoUDg Uie

wrlo* waa «70 Taer* ar*,«,«M ak&voa ofaiook of par valae ct$B0.r Th»*oaiB*aT; 'i baaud ewna boaida aad aoanittlai sot taa)nd*dIn aala, awelllng tk* Tail* or akar** to ab*aiU00."" Th* aak* la, «f oa*o*V*natlagaa|.>iiatitb* anaeaaa of tha Bxnelie6aa ip ti slaoiinst* Ih*•BtarpriH in Loadai. fteau «f th* etaak.-boldm adroaeu* as aeneadamit that tb*•aajpaaj BBII at H«K>,0*f Thb>aa wtod

" U a ofM *t ft*

•' Laat Eaatar Bavkath *Mb 01 tM paplla oftb*"Pr**t>ytarlM Ha^bala Bohool tooalvcd. apaakaga ot aatar aMda, with lailra<ttou bowto plant aad eara jor than, u d the proatiae

sriiea far Utot* whs aeUovod tha greatestanooaaa. Oa Monday evealu ta* nehael aa*aeaibtad in tbe lootaM raoa whar* the *xaUbluof thaeantantftLM anda B baadaoaM die.play af uura, ftlthoagb it woald hava oe*nIUII larger ana_ bMtar, bat for tb* M**nt

M. B*v Kr, Hallowatr U I M I « « 41 prla* tut pott*: ftlBBte thadla-

•l*j* «t Claran** d t u t ft*d Baulk C**; wen•ear.'«*.<ul thai II •*•* dlfflcsU ta dooUad bstE VPUW N» fiven nrlaaa. For fintiwara tha prite w u awarded to Albert Pal*

BMC Taoa tfat thtldna tad gatw* andn-fraakaMBtt aad *aj»y*4 a very pUuaat at en*

"Aa 1» a Kaokuf aiam"•The aowarfnl atory of 'Ae ta a looking

(Hut" laM aorta very pretVr aaarary, talft Ina »«rr pntty manner, by a vary pretty ladyand a atrwg aapportlng eonpany, ia thelUosg eoablaatloo wbteh Buda It eoattrae-Ivato th* MdlMOf t h u witawaod the oator.

utlaatnvealag given br Helena Adell*ftd**»puj . Mtaa Ad*lla*lMaaXlupardl«ok*w betwUfa) a*^d axo**diagly well andbald the an4Uuh« iroai tha begtMlng to theend. Oaeverjpl»>«lagr*atur*of|ll*aAda1laaotiBg b that In be/ most aw**te*ata aeon**

never vaanta or crawl anpleaaaaUj beta*JOB, bit maiBtftUra dtgHtv.aed1 AIM

biek uakaa bW werferamaaioe Jart u aTeo-

oipneamg bar **atlod* thaa BMB*- M .aw** naa tbolr *o(Jr* badba.—Providcsee


tlftlbMtuIrtt ""'Ta* Baakardoa i>*nwer*t, noting by tiw

Aewuon' ntnrna tbo apparent loaa or 56 8MaorWof lead In Morris wuaty, attribntaa Ittatlraly tatha tanaT tcaeblage or tbe £•* ,Bnt It la now discovered, tbrt thla w u but anerror In footlnge nadabya elerk, aid thatthe retires raallj akow aa laereue of aeveral

iid*, whisk tbe DeaiMrat will of oooraato andlt to «•? tariff iDatrneUoo. Aad

la another object laaiofl t In HonHa,nlMM Ih* KBA tauhe* tarlfT, th* popnlatlenlameaitd «*ar 18 000 (n twentj jaw*. InB«T*rty-*trlekaa HaaUrdon, wber* a * Danfront pnmhu free trade, the Inon*** ia

Nation. dtulBg thm twae tlo« WM leak8,000, It would bo intenaUng to w»tob

tbofaeo of Bro, Itnnkla while heehiwa onitaefigim*. ^ ,(

' A Statliac Man atianig.Oa Hoadftj nonlug of Jut week feeder-

lok Ploktor, a Oeraai laaoranea agent livingnearUfairliog, hltohed ap bis here* pib ir to to to the Tillaca toprooAMaoaiopro-vletona for falB wife and fanl^y Habunot

IB nor beard of ApartybeadiBaaej lUrwd ont to look for

htm on FrU«r, and ( bu aoonred all the mr-rottnatag tgiiDtrj •rtthont Hading ftny elne.Ola wife and twaohlldnaareftlauMtdietiMt-«L Ha w u in ootnfortablo atronnataaoeowaUi; fata own hauae u d lo^and hadlftrga aua of mooay i s ala poaaeoalan. HUwife faaia tbat be b u mat with foal plaj.Be la about foity*ftv« yeara ot age, ol media*beigbtud wears dark whiskers.

Be T u from H*nitBgtom.A Ull,lank-sided lodivio-nal, with hi* paoi

tbruat inU bd boota, atoo* along Biackwelatnvt lb« other daj-* cjelag the &BW drinkingformula- At lut, u if ba littd made np hi*nfod regarding lie tun, be walked ovar to Itaad aipaetorated a month ful of tobaeeo jaieeloto tbe water bulot ••Mowtbetalrla what

aay of tbam air shluga down In Tlemla'ton,an' the bora aun' aronn' al* i(titrt UrbaekerIvisu eU o v « the walk, an* when th* wlan'oona »1ong It Btoabfta all over their gown*.

X ott back I'd batter toll UsofcKUlger* th»t It -wo**t Aa teti^ka Inn at 1town what pnU up apitfoona ferthe'eonniidftttOBOftbepaoyle."

Otxtj As Cut Jkiftr


It>nben Bowe bu reooved with fab UmUyfrom L'hMtar to Dover.

U N . John Herrb, of B««U-*r.y, hu beenieittnfflUlt.inora, Hd.(Itxi. K.a«n*e hu ent*r*d ti« 8Lala Nnr

i*>l Bohool atTraatonJudge MftilahunMbed home from Earnp«

and looka atroni and well.lira Brramaaa' HUaM F How nave re-

turned from their Woatern trip.Mr*. CbM kforgu fau ntuned home fromir Hammer ootini In Vtvmont.Jldllor UnrUa of th*U*ek*U*U>wa Uflpnb-

IB4W, apent tfabbalh ]Mt In town.CnnnolBM J W. rarrall and famil/ an

B B S » M*m »t Miftgara t»1ta.I*ftlah Aasyoa, ot Qanuftu V»Uaj, ia temb-

ig the fludd'a Lake eoLuol tbli yearUna Amelia T(pp«it, of Itoau,***, bM to!>r«d IlMketUtown Collegiate inBtitate.MiM n»ttl« Oleieraon, or Denvllla willUend UUm DftBft'a Seminary, KorriatownKohartA Go*dala,of Itook**«v, eeatem

Ifttu maktag m W*Mtarn trip next month,Polbaman Edward Burmlngbftin, of Nework eltj. tiaa been vliiUng bU old home atHue Oi Iliar, and Mr*. Km. Dnrantfaav* been

ing tbelt fnenda and lonner pubblouera InHerrUtown.

Mr Jobn Urie, th* photographer and inantor, U again, tooaud in to wo, *t Uonald

HO'* etndlo.Mfu Mabel B. Bscd, of Ruckaway, bu ennd Drew Ladiu' SemJowy ml C*mol, Put-

nam Co, M YJeMmlab Baker and Cftrnot It Meeker

•**enl«dChktbaintownthlplntliflBApnbUcr.n)Ute CopvDBt.00Jndie John MrOnger, of Vewark, wulain urioiulv tli lut week *t hli Summer

i U l b

iny who tnav Itrt Interested In inathioiatleaJinblena, BU aUtoment, fnr tnituoe. tbat' the aeaM&S owMitv and aaahur of teaettaca

emplojed la 650," U U otaar u mad and onlyna«la » diagram U aoakelt petftotlj intalUgtbl*. M h» will hold his eai t>\oa* W tbt

, ho will aoon h**r soaiathlng that will. r _ j a B O H trouble to *xpt*U than u j>

tblag h* b u j*t uoonnitnd. BU atapl&layiwpetancy a n akariwi • c»»e«.

WoathatBarean. isaaed Monday, < give* oa»|leUraoorda of th* daaaage b j tb* rocwit ttomm,aapafllalljtoeropa. Thoraiai*llforUew**kwaa greatly ia exoaaa of the awange. rangingtow »M Uehao at Morriato w», to 8.H lasboaal Egg Harbor City. Tb*arpf#a| pea/a u dpaaahaa bav* b**B alawet totally dertfojed 1that ofappia* bclag al»o*t rnlnad, the traeahdig Baarlr bat* of frait, aad oara baa b**agre*Uy dwn*t«d, aad will b* tnjund avoaB O N by tho rot wblab 1* now feand Fftllplowing aad a*o41ag bava beaa watlntipandtd, pad owing to tk* very' Wai oeadlUaaJ the gr#»d It will b* saarly * wo*k f ro**v

bljr boiwra work u n b* reeaJMd. A loagsprit ot warn aansbla* k« tn* u*\y thlvg that•an keep most ot th* oropa treaa nttor rain.

Tb* following euoe wQBrtw Saaalau at MorrHtowa *• M»adayOoorg* Plggoix of Handaaawtemahl*, a

aalorod nun, tried lor uaailtlBg Annb T.Cel*,!wa* acquitted, iba endeaoa ittawlnglearly that It w u a. eaae ofalataken lilan

Woo Gny. ef Booatoa iowBanla, trl»d OB aehirgeof itaailnit haraou from Waa.D* Pear,

wUiit&d, bo bftvlnS t**t *.l*»n ihft bar-n*M bj.Cbfta, Oordoo, b > U d 4 llandwaaaaatonoodtooaomonlb iathaooBatj

Jabs L*t, Of Beestoa,, AbatnaA witb aUalIng, plaftda4g«lltT,batMBUid*4UiMh»dldtba act for Baroifan.;wh[[e;too drank toreklfaa tba MUtquaeoa. Bectaaoewuau-

ATnULa*.v*a Ik* TcMha.Th*futthr*agh tnlalaarbg Dower at 8.05

waa behind timaoa ffadneadtj awrniog, aadwaa Tes«..ng vary; faat V* a»k» »p. At tb*Funr awitobM, BOOT Boeuton, a broken frogeaaaad tha train U laaro the ralb and It ran•avaral bnadnd yard* orar tb* tte* befontba mglnur eonld *aop ft Tfc* paM*ngnrawengrooUf frighunad and jnltad, hat BO

•awubart. Wbm tbatoatwwupnlbdapWMfnthapMltloai af a part *f a olnle,

blookbg both tiaoka, The Boontoa Bnoob•all train dna hon at SJ» A. M , did notarrtv* till 1L« la eonaeqneneew

•at • *«i|*ry.tome tin* ago the eatola of tbelate Sjephen

Baeker.olMondkfem townahtp, jefa*ad par•an l oa a abta jMtporUng to bar* btaa giraab]> th* d*o»aaad to a van In Huaterdou eou>17 Tba nfua l to pay waa baaed «»on theaaiuoaptbrn that tbe name of Btophan Backer

forged b / h b Hn.Xiehard W.fiMkaroaaa en*M to trial la th* Hmtardon

Cantr Coane l u t week, a>ad th* jary nidared a verdict tar 0*58.93 agifBBt th* Backeroalaie, btdod«poata* ftei thatthnj Imndtbaelgnatar* of SUphen Baekar tobe geauine.

Aaa*ftwgth*f4k*«lWfrnndantaadlbat Datriet Cork Barriamaking Mnatawl wftllf trip* t* UM pnbll*

aobool, iBtoimptUg too woik of" nairneUoBand annoying Ua taaoben with qoeai,i

boot attaadanee. taking txeaainmonla ofrooma, ate. Aa dallj teeorda a n kept banlgbtgetall partleulara be needa wbll* tbeoehool work U swt In progreta. Tha natUrattraeUUo attention1 *f all the pipl!* BU!anorda thata awet amuoment. bat Uia hardlybonBfletal to tba anooeufnl working of the

WntUf limwiif late lidlnla.S o y oneaaaid '• Oh, that BIDB etra^

w-mld yn\t* • b**k I" >ad If: Dbtrtat Rlerka*rrb,willl only knap oa' writing' h* wl|lbfy tit* ttMlru.of hta wantlenemtM, ll.anytbeio be who hav*. aaora of emnlty than pttjfor him, .wbhh we doabt The. Booaton B llatin MJB tbl* week with qulefc i i i ln 1 \ '.'TbanDprwedantod Iptorret taken,In tfao Doveracboolt by ta* Dltutat Clark tlanttloii&d \axpnulon ia an artloo lut week Theargument waa bvarw&einlog.!1

1 Fmunnt Wlsnar at Wtv*r]y;Mr T D Dnlleak exMblted at 1>t BUtoaJrftlWftVerlrtbUireek five varieUu

grape* grown on hlabftn^aotoeeaantry )il>o*,••Arbor ,Vilm lAJge," near Buoounnoa, andwuftwanlBd 3voflrat prcmlnma Tba exhibitoosalitad.of two bnnonea afcuhvariety, crU banokea In alii and they weighed fourteenpeuuoVv Mr.Bnllaak maywall feel proud

An ArdiUB 'Work;rallari'nabyterlBB Ohureh

n u been tfconugtriy ranovmtelt both Inal•odenL Ml A O Onok,of tbb plaos, ith* painting, fmcolng and gninbg, whlb a plfte* or workmaaahlp woiob b1 aeoradBoetherJoboftkaldadlBtbaoraotr BIBteat* I> fbb Una b apofcen of b j *T*IT oaaH i l M \

tlrs Alexander Campbell and MISB MarvUmpbell.ol Newark, are ipeadlag 'bar*rt liitrtuonB.

Ur Bupbenl'lBrB0BWMODeortheep«Bk*irat tbe 1 Llrteentn ikglmuit nnolon in Montlair on Wedneedav.Ur Qeo Jfoateri of Boekaway« h u ao*

>lil**fl * poaltloB u neuioal examiner of ft

HU* Lonlaa lUrtlcj, of Ocrmti Vftltey, b u' , sMept-Ml • poilUoa u tcaohar In tb*

_ Jirldga publto MhMl.A minor tbftt tt*v Wm P SfthbftddeolUud

lie VJo»r Qoa«ralBblp of tbla U»Utoho Pla«M ia dcnind bj Bntbontj

Cb*a Kupftngti, ot Hunhrtp*, h u Uken Rposition u aaJuman IB tbaoothlng atoniorW*llBee*4jere,Mawuin

Ur GbsrluUjMeldeabaaqiulUlkdMiMit-nuuiwr pro wm at Staaliopa H->)» ene ol l i tUte poaunuter'a bvn&Amta,

Tho U u John B. Vcaanda!* bad held tbeKMJUon of poatauter aad aaslatant postmuer ntSUDbepa iai SJ i#*rnArnolu Oattorloo, ui Morrutowo, b u been

;nn»d two patonie-oaa lor a roller etod andAutborforo univaiaal Jolui.i lti JON fllRth!i*w> ftitil BJO, w i Mm Ellli,"~ irb Uiftu, IBI. tlil* week, lor ft <ruiit l»

loruer baoio ia KO»I*JIU.Jfnnk Vrajno, o/Cbdtbani, the (wwi,U oat

with. » i n drtuna, " Dlogt&w Tt*ujp," luWbJofa ft t*w 1* ruilkcd OB tba stage.

kliw Mliobell, daugbtex K*T ArtborIIItuiiBll, lennarl; of Mu-rialown, b u aaU»>dlor Bf ria, to engage In Wulon Work

H. R, Mot., ul Mttkawaj, oelebrated b ablrtbdajoutbelOthinit and a dlanir

|*«tjr w u given in Iwuor of tlia eveat.Pnl A B Cope, principal of the Btuboye

cuool, h*s hud tne degree uf A. II eonlernd|*un blm uv MarjeviUe College, lenu,thsvaller Ira Paine, tbe oradc pistol alloti me world, who VM In Uover with » alreoi

hlMbopm\M UonJd, lurmerlj of tblseonfor.anon k u U*d tha lutuorarj till* at Lh 1)tMUterrad upon, blot by UuslU UalttaiBilt.

tt H Lwhoi, JV. J, U w n u u d U Mluh will represent the atadiaoa Sreman «ta* Utftta PjruHBa'a CoOTeniion BOX! wwk.Dr Hwphen Plersas, or alorHatowo, n

apoodfid lo ooa or tbe Wuta at tbe J3.U N JiisglraentniiBlonatHuntalaJrou WedneidBj

Uit* s l V CliknlHn, of German Vttlio/,ru IB Uttver Ibla neek fla is • son of He?Lalbot UbatnlMra, one of the revuera of theAibln.

J. L- Sutphao, Col W.H lloor, A. A.Y*ncoDd J K. t»o* were eleoled delegrtea lrom

cn» hiwutalp is tbe Uepablloaa Biat* eon*

ttev Q M & Blaarelt, of Huton, formerlyof Un**Mr, baa been ealtea w tbe puurate olUw rranklln Park Jb>foraied Cbnnb, ttamer

At tna nualun af tPo Firat Jereej Brigade•at Hatiudaj Bd*lu A Ue'y, of MorrUtown,

wu«l»«itMli>Vioe Pieaideiit ofxbe fiilg»daA**HlMioo

Dr.M. M. llftge, who gradaatod from thaeohool of euaTarlng la AndereoBville priwa.ftttOBilkd lh*Manlon olX*«raoy'sola BrigadelutBktajidfty

Juha U Adaaia, W lnabrl»ta, who eo*mltlad Baiebta Baftr Deekartowa tb* other

t, wna naaaUi Ba.aitao.4aBt at U* atoxrla.Jin* AijlapuPali** Jmoiioo Oaairj Mnrray and wlfr aad

*1a«gBHn,*fN*w Turk, were la town tutSaturday, thegaeaUtff ibelrroUtlvve, Judgeaad Mrs. Haason

Cdltor A. A. Taawt, of Marriatowa, waailniaa of tta Mania delegation at Uo ataie

jvsauon, and Mr Itaae, also of Merriai*a,wu(te*ntkr».Coudaotor i. Howard, Btaalaj buohlklaodthn* aaoftrt'a leave *fftbaaaee from daty

will go to Uwvnr, toL, ia th* h*p* orimproving bU health,,

QM. A Meoe. a Mawton blukaailtk, wa*tokon to tha Morrle Plftlu A*jrlu»» oa foosdaj. H* BewBfcq violently lorn*** IA «M.**-Laenao ol a kick froaa a hone.

Mb* Laole* Maj Oilbart, deaghter of BarJ N N B . ailbwt, w u Burriftd Tfaareday ftth u fathar1* boaaa in Wortandjk*, to MrHarry Qnnthar. of Mend ha*.

MUaOraetaDldkaMon of OenvUla, la at-lending tha Merriauwn pubUo aohool, -vadMlsa LeablaBlnehntaa, whogradnatod, thanlaatjear, U taking a an«l*l ootroa

Mn WsijE Ootaaka,lauofMorriatowarbaa areoted at Kuox, Conn,, n retldMoe which» uld to be ftn* of tte praltteet ae<f meet pie-

>r**quo h o u u to W toead ia JTaw Baglaad,HOB. Mathaalal Nil**, of Madtaan,bu been,

bald for trial for leaalag P'Ojperty la Newfork for lamoral pprpoeaa. Th* eharge laentirely •* VMlkuei with hU life and aharao-

r.Bar. F.;A,'.JoBMo«, t b e i n l n i t a l l y . c

teaaied pwtor *f tb* Oheator CengregatlonalCbnreb, haa noelvad aUftsimou* 0*11 from

C i f e l C h t C « • « K l l t d

ADdUIT AHB TBS BOatMCS OT lRSS.Tint reteren weiOhsr mporUr of tbe New

ark I>» ly Advertiser »y» t1 be Iraiixti-stors ol th* montb

w u »u(Holontly high for all th*nature fa tbla Tioieily, bat HWM, noverthtlau, two sod ft-tliird dogreea lower than tbimnn icmpnrfttare of corrMpoadlng mostba

ire, 70 70 deg., r u evea oonafden.blylowrr than that ol i u forty-elJC pmdeoessors,which was 7181 deg. ID faot, unr neord•bow* but two eooior lugnstaaiBCe 1SW, that

IBOU with a re«M totPperataic oi 07.90E ftod that of 1883. wltb a tneui ef 60.21

mth 87 deg.. w u tar from bBinglntupport-•bl« Utve«ly hft«a wa pa*wd thnagh BA An-gnit wgpia majtlmatn did. not ezoeed tbl*.Ifldeedthemeroury hu naohed W deg. u d

illy PMMA beyoad U»t paint evny Aigust oUoe 1875. In August, 1691, tha mareuryroao lo Me sbado even to the height of 08 dag.and during tbo u m t montb felt u low u5050 dtg., asking tbt remarkable range ofalGOdfg.

IB view of tha excoaalve ralofslls of July1 comparatively dry A tig alt WAS sntialpatad,icd for infflolent i«Nsana eameatly deiired.loch however, w u not the eaie, fer tbi

:ie* Afued eat ta pour ant their flonda, andmil* the flru thne da'a of ADgmt th*ii-teen ftad alx-lenthfi fnvbea wftterfolt ofIIT WU loereMfrd to advautefla *u>d one-alfa iachea. Seven of tboBneaeedtag twelveij§ ooiitlaued to augment tbe already «*.uudlnjt TOIBWH, ao tbat, wltli the lnalgolfl-

»utapTDkIervattbfl 23d *nd Mtk, tto vaUtfall of July and Anguit waa awollen to nine-teen and seventeen tmndnxith iuobei. Tbe

•U of Aagaat,lE>70ldo&urwu wme-h*t lew than the averag* for that monlb,

nd oauie npon twelve daji, ooeupying In l uieatent, u newly u could be eatinated,Llr*yaix boura. On tbne oooaalona It w u

•caotnpanled by tbandar and lightning. Thegrealeat amonnt of water that fell withintwenty fbm eueMUlve boor* w u 1.160 Jnohei

tke 3d.TioBBinmer.wblob, wltb tho l u t mouth,na to an end, gave ua ft mean ttimpuvtun71 67 deg. Th!*, though a trifle above

the D H O temperature ol th* l u t forty-sixsummers, la considerably baiow tbat of tbeour Immediately preoedlsg It The water-fall of theaeuoajniteloaodwu32.100Inohpa,while tbeaversgeaurnaierfall li UD30 Inohes.On only two occulons wltttn ih« period af;nr record have wa had Buoh an axoessive

imer watarfr.il, bnt neither of than r u,lttlbBt»ble to tberftina of July, u w u t b e

In the present inatsooe.

B» Only Co&vlaia Hlmt*ll.Tba more Diatrlet Olerk Buttlt write* tbi

: io bo entftoglce bimielf. To dliprovv tbi»'" r*aWmt)ot lest -nsek, t i « Itw* w«r« li•oliool riwmi only 89 onblo feat of air peroUr. be meiauToe tbe whole buildlag,

.l)a and every tniogabe, and aajatben bI la onbio feot, only proving tha oorreotnaai ol;he Ku'a atatenant u to tbe roama alone,

t oven giving him 143 feet a* ba olafma, theot Btlll remain* tbat medical autharitleaUd that lota than 300 feet per efaild li dalrt-IBUUI to healtb. 80 bf* proposition, to aver-owd alt ifae roomo by ohanglDg aebolara

1 tons d would not onlj be iojurtcut to theoper temliingof the children, who wonld

eqBBimed fur the rooma In vhieb theypluotd, but woald nake thbuboolbou*

very peot hole, jastaa the Em. olalmnd.'he Igaoranuv U only eootioUog hlnuelf byits wntlugr, vai b oSigai^ng tUo whole oom-

mlty. ;

That PJtUlU Aodga, -Under tbe head of "Dodgod the UjtUttto"

ie ludepeadont nawapeper, tfaa KewarkUiaft oamnwate oa the Hew Jemy

lemoontlt) platform recently pronnlgatadtThe old-time noaibaok: Demoorat maj findaw In tbt deblanUon ol principle* wbloh

he fiuu ooaveation formulated at Trenton,t the alert part; follower who appnoutoa

arleia eDonohUoa of party doctrlao andreoogaiaaa tbe neoeuitj for a stand npon the

lane* tbat an before tbe people will notigard the flatform aa an axanple of henlo

lltina. Tbe plank* era of abestout Umberrgalyf tb* one qneatlbn npon wfaloh tbe

'oten ol Hew Jeraey are iatereatcd 1*dodged*lth ft Indlsfoui blink the Denoontlo State

irentloa" tnraa It*" f*ioe' oompletely ftadIgldly on tboIlqnor Uoenaoqueatlon," . . ."•

Itoatb af a TeaeraUa Lady.AppbU Lelgblba, one of tho oldtat

iMtdenUof M.endbBBB, and a moet eattmablalady, died oa Batnrdaj laat at tbe gnat age

fsavetre, TmoBtkiaaii twentj daja: Bbawaa a wa voatt lady aad jalaad th* PnabvtaMrtatfC>htrahetKendh«4u63[ye«Maso,whteh wta

boat the Use the American Mbaionary Bo-\tf WM fottadad, with 'wbloh ab* haa alwayaa* ideailned.1. Kwlj la UE* aha married thea Bphraim Leigh ton/ ft enrvejor by pro.

fnwian, who t>nea held th«1 reapoMlbl* »«i-1 M

V»tew*rtN*n*, A**i*t*at,Cttj Baglneer ofMontgonwrr. Ala., baa b«n vbltlng hb borneb Darar, «ad btvnghl with bla aone lagaru s * , pomog*aaaue,'«*tuw and other' gonth-era prodnst*.

The report that tb* 8iro Bro*. InUnA to be*oomapatronioftharahnlngtnrrb atnnglb-aied by tbe faot tbat they boaght a high

rie*a colt at the eel* ot lh* SpoadUnl t y*ar>lagaoa MondayMayor vTerU. of Momrtowa, haae.101 QtBDl,«f Hew Xotk, Uaihe g

e*-opar*U with tba Uttar'a oomBlltee tnway he oan to adrsnoe tbo aaooeaa of theDoa*d Intaraatlonal E l t J f U(ia

7, M-a A-TUiUUea.Next Babbatb repruaataUvu from the

State Young Men'* CbritHsn Aaaoointlou willoaonpy tha palplu of oar ghnrobea tn thenomlniM (allow*- AlFlwtK K. Chuteu,Biateftee'j Vora and Uallwar B«o'y Done*.AtSeeonlM.JE.Obnrob Mr. W. B. Taylor,ef Htwaik aad Mr. G. D Qr*mt ol 8ann.ll 1aoonld Mr. Grant ba naabl* ta ba PKUDIaaetter npreaaatotin will take hU pl««t>AttfaoPreanylarianCbnnbliaMra.JL.BBaphen and P D Stanloy.ofMonbtown.

The T o u g Poople'e eootrtlu oi thoChnrcbN wl.l bola their aiMtlnga In thalr 1**epoellra ohurabaa u o*u*l, al whlob the vis(Ung bntbrea will paitiBlpate*

At 730 o'oloek In tha evening then will hoa union naeUng of all Uo Cbnrebea la th*FrMbjteriav ehnreh in whioh aervtoe ahortaddnaaca will be made Ij tbenpreaeaUUvMol tbe T H. O. A and the loeal putora. Ten

twelve of these reproeanutivM ain eipatt*1 to bo praient and take aomo part In torsetriona aervlflM. Tbay will eat forth the aha

u d glvaarineaMonnUaf the work being weomplUbad by lha ueoolatlona

A veryrioiitrutUofbradthepeopUofoitown la hftvlmg thu* widfrftwu« nr.% withu fer even eo abort a time, »ad thaj willapuknpon ftwattor of vlut Ifltanot lo tbl*oommnnUy, u tfao moral welftuo of oaryonng ptopl* It a aubjtot wbleb ennnot loohighly Domnand lUelf to alL

DrewD m fleminary ml MadUon reopened yea

terdaj wltb tta largeat arbintlanea In tbeBlrtorj of tha laitltDtloo. It b u boon aeoee-aarjto aeenn adtHtional room b order to so-

imodite tha ineraaaed nnnbar of stadenta.Tba SalOer property 01- the eornerdele *VBnne*"icd Conront road hand fnniahsd and tho neetina; room overtbe dialog hall h u beea divided np Intorooms. All me«Unt* will be hald In M«dBall.

The Paaali Oraf DamLgad.Tba noant wet wc*tb** fau dane Inealcnl

able danege to tb* peft«h e-upin Kew<Tbe lAtopirietu, from whioh tha hlgkaeipnos* era reallskd, hftve buneo much * ~by oomlng •- oostut vlth saob other, owingto Ua blga winds, «aat (hej h m retted m 4fallen from tbo trees. In Honterdon eouatyftloootbuloia Is eat maud at tlOODOO Borneenbftrda hnv* *ut a t h e u u d bukaU e»ch.

wadTirUaeoieaStB thla b u t Ota.JO1

F you wish to dress in the latest styleat the lowest cash prices call and ex-



CLOTHING!ow being daily received direct from the

manufacturer* We have taken especialains this season to have every garmente sell to give entire satisfaction by pjac-

ng our orders early with uaiuute instruc-ons as to make up, &c, and thorough

nspection before placing them on ourounters. We are prepared to fit all reg-

ular size men as well as extra large menand fat stout men. Also Boya and ChiUren, Full line FALL OVERCOATSust received. (Remember that first se-lections are-.the best.)'!*' .-: .-.:.•. ^r;^&'£

r eon, Mr. Jo*. P. Lelghtoo, U tbepatrianhMorris oonnty twohera, h»rlng foUowedit calling for 59 yean, asd. 1* *UU eitgagodtbo work, at Ceator (trove. • •• ,

BnaghMSUFartj . 'of tba'work of th* rtoest DiiiocraUo'

eonvantloa did not.•nl> toi l •tttliflf D*«o*Ma|*r Yard, of tha Vonaoatb O*ai*<"wso wrathttalty oxelalauii "At tbt

ilosaof tbe atato eonvealln en, Taaaday aakameleH detegato from tha foarth eoagree-lioBkldUUfotgot up In all plaoa aadaokad

shairman to appoint a aettaia *x<Desaa.t »f that dlstriet to a u*t on thoSMUeom-

BlttM, ItlaBkfeto any thatbhalrwiaa Worts

3*ato(iratio party of Hew Jeney h u to go tothe Jail and fio flute prison for It* oaadldatuand represeLUtl ve men it will be tin* for thedeoentmen of thepartj to pwk their grip-

LaUOfflertbolMaaai.TBe tan-eolored sboa and the apootaanlar

blasar a n gradually dU»PP»artng u thewarmth of SlBJBef departa-nnwllng, *a Itwens Into the eool ahadea oi lnnoeuou dee*uatnde, along with tb* flannel ablrt and theaeubora batbiag-auib . They bavo folfliledtheir destiny for tha season, and their, depar*tare la tbe putting away tatU anothar Baaa.n«p of all tbat la pleturuqu* and artlatie Intbe rttin of nt*n. Bnt la anotb*r BaaaiertfaebleBirabkllblaie again ft«d tb*.t*n-«>l-»»d ahoe akal) kiehiU h*ola la vlgerou «]**.3oribje,butnotfaraweUtotbaMl -

Oivltleaardnar.ftn old-Une frtaa-tghter,mown u ''Awfula»rduar,*onoaw*llknawnn tbla part bf tho State,- vr** lodged la Jail at

Mew OrnnavUk jeaterdaj W.awaUiInto bU a'snfty... He ia now about ae<yeais aid. * Many yean ago he w u 00a1

and became a miuto&My Ift 2T*w> Yoti1st* be end bla wife have been Inwiatee o£Ui*Old People's Homo at Me'iBchen. 'For oaaaetime Orrille' h u ahowi lodiwtlODi••! liahn-Ityof ft daDgnrona ebiraeter. ,' '.-.. . <

AE«p*t»ULam*U*. .'-. . \Dkntel Heaghar, a InnftUe wbo «*oa**l

from the Morrli Pl*lni AJTJUB • »rtnlgbi•lnoe, alter eWlngolIUeim, ai*3e hla eppear-

loeattherealdencaofOluirlM Bluer, now'ublngton, OD WedBesd*ri and wueap-

tnntl after be had mftdo m decperaU reaUt-Dt* Mtlons>ere ao alarmljig to Mn.

Illaur tfaM abe ran to the barn, aenanlng; forhelp lier hnatahd and bla bind man dap*pened lobe there, aid the.oJiatlowM mated.

• —• ' • • ' •»—~-r"Hla Ifljorlaa War* Xartal.

Willikm Sbaager, the oonduator, whoallp<p*d «nd«r tba wbmU o( the dnU tr*iu fin tha

X»ukftwannft *od WMUTB B*1I.road ftt Ffttanon on W«da*adfty aveaiog dl»dh m nialnlarlek.aU hran aftorwfttdaJoaapb'a HaapltoL';Bhftnger waa ag«d 43yea • u d W H in old euiployoe ol the Lack»-wannftroftd, bsving'oaUl noently DMU eta-tioned at Part UorrU. HB.lived In F«tve6aand leave* a wldow_an4alx ehlldnn. ; .

- m a a t 8ebooirChlldraa. ' / .'The atata board of .edabaUan baa lasted

orderathat'apaetal atientlon ihail in tha'fu-beglvan ta truant pnblloMhaolaobelnrs,

and tbat they be amated and pnniahed u thelaw allowr. -The edict WM.followed oot In

Seld IMt weelc, whan' OfBrier Ooaney »*•—wi two tMiB.ntmad ? U h « ««d Frlat*

After * ntfbt apent in jail both boys were eon•Idarftbly anbdned anA wU»Bg> promUe

A Parioa Eafluad 8». Ooic.Tba Pennaylvania Board of Par&oni net

Rnrrlab&rg on Wadneada^ and refnaed iappUoaUoa for pardon ol Pr.II. lCCor, tb*well inown DemoeraUo pombdu ol Warraneoonty, wbo wuneentiyoonvloted atEaabnef nalprMtloe that reinlteel la tha death of .yoaag womfto.

XaAbo* bfravetTiatttBg Ca*ia.Lataal rtyla* M ah* Iaojt Ki* •*•*. . . .

* Uok Ort tat tba i t * V**t WoUt,• a »tU be r iw reading- r-\:c • " "••• '

Cream Oatmeal Soap!3 CAKES IN A BOX






• &



: -XT--



. 25c. SATINES: redjuced to 18c. j•&$ -i;

Prenqk Satinet reduceidltd: 25c..''.-,•;••Q;

25c. CEiLLIES reduced to J17c. r ^

White Swiss Flouncing at cost I :;Si

Page 4: nmmmtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1889/... · medical propertiu/or kidney troulk and general debility. fFcthaU atUlo owr many brands

BESX SETT.A eubietlber ta Tui IBO* £ ju aad t> to* of

• UBIOB veUna, who U «t>v ivMidiiiR In thiSouth, »eoda tu tb« Wlowiafj tut mot iron,iba QoiLman {Oa) Freta a* a tpeolnen of tbfkoetilUj that ttlU etlita toward, toe coloredn o * U that B+rtion of tbe Sontht


II la kt well-known fatliial tbrae-fourtbior tnvra of tho s-WTtoU to the Slat* pantoo-tiarjtvn negro*.. Moetaf tbeM ora JOBB*negroe* wbo bar* KTOWB op ah.M " freedom."The orime* for whichtbejareteinitpiinlaUedare inntder. larotnx rape, lac«diajie.n, etc.,the wont la the caulojcUe.

Tba nejroee who were brought up io alaf erj•re lor tbe moil pan tlie propertr-ewnen altheir raw. And tb«j art* loo, the law-abid-ing poMi&B of tbtlr **M.

Will ths bowling negrophobbtiof the NorthpteaaeotacklbUiiuiaUbtlt leluve I

Tfaa antbor ol that editorial bai writtenbtmaBtfaprtJadltftdabatup ia wftn.1 wIn the tint pkoe ho -bow. tbe boelililj tbateilata to Ibe Bomb ega.tt.tt lh» colored r*a boitililr thu h u denied tbeas people theri»bta accorded lien, u tbe re»nU ol the olrUwar, thai haa prereoud ibetn from eierci"the ballot and bai robbed (hem ii( the priri-leiei ol education. When it ii oomfdervdthat about ouobalf of the population ofGeorgia la ooloied it mnit be e x i t e dnatural (Tooad. that balf the oeavlot* ofState will he ncgroea to begin wilb, u d vIt U taken Into oow.dan.Uoa tbe bwUlityahewn them aod tbe contempt In which theyare b«U the tmrplaiage ia e u l l j aeeanlUdfor.

But thii negro-hater—tbi* effete remnant of

Happy School Day Hours





groei who were brought up In aliferj are forthe moat p u t tbe property onaftrtof theirrace, are tbe law-abiding' portloa. And yet aquarter ol a century ago tbrae a.a*e-dr.Tertwere telling natliat If tbe elavcawere liberhie tliftj »(tu1il oTerrnn tbe country with theirMptne and k i t , and that In tbe South par-tjonlirly the Uvea of white people would bela otatant danger. And now we And bj theirown eonleialoD that tbftj are law-abiding oltltent Bodowoeriof propertj. J'erbapa thii

u vail qualified for ojtfieniblp, tbe; werejwt liberated ana gireo tbe right* ot buibalnse before the b a mane aentlaient of theKorth forced It

'Briber, doee he Bftt think It a bad ehow-i s * for bU own oa*o that tbe ohildraa born to

ationld (nra oat to ]tp erlmlnal* f Do*i It notahow Mca tbat th«» it eomttbtag "wron 'tfte war .w.ety U flftO.miitedlii Georgia! It& net » ID the Sot It . B e n tba ofatldna olgaaA altiEsai, wbfthnr they b« white ot blank,are TWJ apt to become inob «ltiieni theiaolvBa. If tbia ehnmD and otter* or hit kindwUiitiBe their hatred ot the nejtwraoe andwill aooardtbem the pririlesei of edao.and • /re* ballet, tbere will be leei oomplaint

fiat while tbe? hoot at and duplae th«m, u dM oitrtciu them that tan Cuagrtumoa canbe elected with leu Totea In Georgia thantiro CongrmuiBn are elected In New Jattej,J u t no lone will thi ornahed worm t u n and

wlr lawa. Thii U tb« not ' U tt toonuk In Georgia and jc

got to qrack it ere thla BtpoMlt U vjeara older.

**•• Brty V M risk, we | « r e her Otatata,Wbal ebi wa* » CIM, ak4 W * ] fat CaelarK( n b l U i

Ol ell ttl <*•?• la the weak, 8*t«rd*T Utbe«wtoel»a««9*it4 prepare f « 8aad»y,•nd to make clumant and tooewafol woVlc atIt, lDX|riate. In * bath tub

FOR SALE.Tbo owuw loon to be absent ftoit horn*

tor •ctdfl Ume will MU1 swr twp-Mtt ouriBge.1 good BBttag wagon.1 nloe hudr Hfebt sprtnp; wmjon.lrae-honealed.1 tet good rtroog dogl« biraetm.1 ne* let A. J. 'lijIWi fcudtnftds iliigle

The abon Rooda a n all ID good order.AJto i Hood Urge Bound joorg hone.

2 onttlnff box.The owner belterfag it to be cbetp«r to

birt nrting dbns while abwnt thsn la kinmore help, will aell Iha abow roodt at reev•owbleprioe*.

B. r jJ lTTH,QBWZBT ARD Pibnaiox SNBB,



Blackwell St., Dover, N. J.


f f B B Kid CLEANEB.

Stritrt itttntlpn. Kjit n to ouitom worldRip eolo^4 *m f»t «uitomen. R « C«r-

pMl work done «tttn ihortMtpoiilblenotlc.u d u\Mw^^ii) Jtw^ntHiii Centlimen'lelothlnc dyad, DlMnsd and pratwd. AIMUdl«i'i(r«i. lood.. Acilllnolloltwl.

At tih


County Savings Bank.ftl m^tlnjr of The Mania Cont><\l>eld * » , eth. J880, Anl.l.

^ ^ ^ i • « . uaendel K> rud u

AancLB X~Int*rMt ihktl BimmeiioeoB tfaeflrtt • • ! • oi J«pn»ij, April, July >nd Outo-MT,vBiBBtiariUmll u»t •m«e«dthdduol'spgjilt. Md »pi(«j*, dBMMlud oa or WoUi TIllttB d . j . ol u l j inoUhxIulldiulitin.1 Inn tliaflntU laid montba miwe-

t Adswii* uada on or before Ooto-9, wfll i i a . lateral from Oekber

H*»ir \(. HIU.SR, Pnt'LT 113

Head»«art»t» h r lerieymen.


Opp. anbokw Perry, NEW TOEK.

Una Imported tad DomeatiaA l e * . W i n e * . U q u o r . a n d CJgar-

Iiotlging Single 8Sfl. per night; lUW pet week.OPEN Xi\Y AMP NIQCT,

LOUIS H. VIEMEISTEfr > - - Proprittar,

FITS CURED ,^ItolUa of msdiolDo me. We wtrnut oar

i*nadf to aon the wont «ue>, tod the onlypkyaicUna who da lhl> to.pniwoi your IMIDK.ImtXwadnpoo.bytnoiOiiffDf (W«jj«nle«rii4wbotn)ootdoo(on. BOWQIA oihen hiledliso f t vtiag thii medldnB, Olre

J. G.•uxtmonnn or TKI

DOVER, If. J.OflM o m / . 1. Ion'a . i

Tunnel Men Wanted.

REMOVED.mlttnaatitXgiaahuxmoirtaHo the boOd*lag toroort* oeenptel by Samlel Holler, Otor.Ciinai aa£ Saatn Bli.. Dorar, where I will

BCE cm:



A tamping array of lerrioeable wear wb.U•hould oodtaRDd pBmnte1 ktteDtion. owingtl l r H f p i o e o m U l e n e M of M M I

At ta 4S Ilnys' Blyllib Cauluinre Bchofl! SnlU.AtMtS Itoy.' All.voo) Soot oh nb«».ot*.it«41)8 UOJI' Blue Tricot BPIU, strictly all' wnol «ud eauriutced fusV color.

At Mi 08 UojV a po. Bboh IVnt Trloot Suit*AtpDS <• " «• L'.nit " '• "At 95.49,6 'J8 »Dd W48 Uoji' KineBiU Mil*

cuatcisre Batf.At »3 B8 t* <4 88 lioje1 Md Youth*' Fine Loflc

i t 4i" tOJoU , 'W to | l « Bojt 'UanduEiiMHbfinr»ntj.

At 91 48 to (3.4S ohoieo Madrtraect of Boy*'MndYon'tai'LoDcPante,

A (UVLRO or rxau 25o. TO 75a. OH s o n ' r u m .' " Mto.^n.W om.

At H.23 lioyu' A CiK exoelleti. wa*rBbMta.

At*f1-03 Soys' btstOalf S k i s B a

At 11.23 Miwe*' Kid and Pebblt Goat Bcbwl

At 91.07 UiMea1 Kia . F«bb)e Qoat M d CalHkio BhoM, heol and tpriog heel.

At SSo. H i t t e i ' ead Cbtldren'iTtuMwra.At 48c, U O J I * e i t r a good GoMunar Bobber

alrlpei avpd Mild oolora.A . »«.iw and op Ufaaea1 Fall and Winter

Newnarketi.At 103. • p»ir M!»»e»' B l w t Bibbed

At 10% • pilr iJ»j?' H H T T OrdWH MixedBtooklogi.

AtEc porjatd and upoholwtlbe of 811kNailn Hair Itlbbnni.

At 19o. aod up aWttalto, Leatherette and Leath-er CoTered Lnnoh B*ga.

A l i o »otiuf flftj atyleaof new asaeol bau.AH7o, and upUiooh good wear eonool Um-

briltaa.At 4fic. Uoj*' Fait Weight Denwt Vfalit*.At lS lc Koyi and Glrli all raikWlndeorTlat.At 5o. f a i t Color BatMu TIea.At38o. and ap Bo}*'WbtteDreaa bblrt*A t life, and up l)or>' SaUa-lioed Heck BoaAt 10a. e»Qb fioj*' i-ply Lines QoDua.At He. a pair Bojt' 4 ply Llnan Cafla.At iBo. and up Boja' Ail-wool Flannel Wal._At 10u. and tp Uojo' White aod Faooy Bui-

At l^l'i^aMi' Lines Collars and CnBa.Vail l lou of llurioo and Hoalin UndenrMt

and of Uubbrt Oaroieata. ' ' - ~IJT A f l . l t u> the J.EWAHK UEE-BIVJl

•tlwaja paja.

Oo.715, 717, b 719:Broad.St,,

TVEWABK.N. J.17" Hell ordora promptljr attended! to.



A o n t » » THI



Improved Florida Steam Heater


rtuoi, Bvruut 4 n u n itra «tmirr,STHAOPIK, K. T.

T h e b e i t and moat oompleta Bonae HeaterIn tbe world. M m y (hontandi la actual O M ,all giTlDR tbe belt aataalagtlou.

Bend for ea.ta!offnii, £itliukt»a fa rubbedCormpo&Aenoe toiiO'ted,


Stoyes, Tinwate, BnmMs;, 4 c ,OIBKJH T1L1EI, S. J.

Trareilag Baleemaa.

J. Weslev Sammis'MEAT MARKET

' — A » D -

GROOERY STORE,Ho. 4, Briok Blook, Doier,1


GHOCERIEBol n e n kind, at tbt lotteat Barket prioe. 1

w&atto naaa ap«ilal Hieotloa of tbe


wbleaUwarruudteba better tbuBabkltt't.




Fancy Goods and Stationary,

D»u T i m s l n n a s * JLlnlnn,

BibMna, L»«. .


Tattle Uaeai,

Wuite Oooilk Embroiden,

Stt i le l and CndMeaed Kid.

- 01oTe»6?i:.p«rpalr,

Beaks-tor S1I0 and te Rent.

Hotlce of Sottlerasnt.

. j b K S r i t o , A d a l h l e t n t o T of HathiJiakaetan, det/d. Will be ind i ted and e lated

ava*eQ jBMgn.lt a!ew»M JtMPifa l . nv^ntr

TWO TO OlfB!That'a juatwh^t ths average mas finds Uiut lie

reqaixes. two pairs 01 psnts to every trait. We knowtlii* to ho so from Uie quantity of separato panta wesell To meet tliifl demand we olwavs keep it utockof independent pants of every shade of color, ofevery variety of material and of every size. At tbebeginning ol the season the fitook it) fullest, of course,and i l is a good time in wlucU to match ap & portionof a Bait No matter whether yon are long or short,thick or thin, nor what kind of a suit you wast tomatch, yon will find what yoa want right hore. Ifyou don't, yoa certainly will not find it anywhere elBe.

Fanbs to work ia ; pants to wear to business;pants for Sunday 01 dress j and pants fit to be mar-ried in. What more need we say? Stop in andmatch up the old suit and thus save the ooet of anew cuo for a mouth oi* Iwo. Pour u*1nue for as togive, yoa think ? That's so, perhaps, but we'll secureyour gratitude and good will now, and yoar manevfor a new suit will follow later.

MCGREGORS Co.850 & 852 BKOA.t St.,



Children's Shoes,

that were $2 and upwards.A good shoe for Fall wear.A full and complete stockof all other grades of shoes.


Smooth White HandsFAIR COMPLEXION,

BRIGHT CLOTHES,Bathing with. It is a. Luxury

;;' PRICE ONLY1 : ' ' ; .g C t s . f o r a L a r g e





; STATIONBBY, ;Pictures and PiMure Frames,

• " : . : - - i r i . t * ' i * ' ' - > ; • • • ' ! • - ' Nw H»m«

. D»ro»,,S. J .

Do yen want a flretelaM Bewln1

Taea^ireliuaUelt '

., ;'. ;"-Elclredge;-B


• ruabnablepri«h Callaildaaefoiv_Ordeta B? Bail .111 r««l , . ^JproBpfi





i nniirnn

OIL E M ,Smyrna Rugs,

Window ShadesAND FIXTURES',

i d a general line ot FU11NITUKEat prioea which trill please yen,







COBN18B PD.HP8, elraklt aralnile.

d Llihl Uaotuil la Iron, Bra;... , jorBronie, Vwajoei of ererj da

BBriation i BOlXElie, aonaoalaJ, teb&lax andw n a a t .

The Equipment of IronMines a specialty.

THE PLACE TO BUYrants HQtjoifeiroB

Family and itoHcitai Purpom.


la now oSerinK Bye, aba oUar l?utakua trom(OeleTVnMserqItan.

SPECIAL XBMTIOII-lCnrr srtlele aold-on my plane ia gnirajiieed a* abeolutely

lowar tbaa e o j wbeleta!


Thla >• in opporlinutj whtob, i*fered. Tb»ltwiUoiitit&


D , w > to K«» Yorl lool ul Danlar Bl . anaftril (ffPnniiluplierKt


ftl ( pJiDalalEll ABit&NOEUENTS.

im«iolii< HUBUIlI. 1CNK "»>• "«»•

DOVER TIME T A S L t .AMiraaxituarAaT fuuH T U B tmrtv

lioJal i ni»»" 2 ""

,.wh|'m BJS6NolnMi'lownRn " iIt k ttatt u HIM* bifiuU.J i c p m ^ fit"

VU.i^t V u n « > ?«Soiuihi £»•• 1)7D A o v s 113'

Ju.t wl at roil waul tiiS l U 1

itr .larr H Fo l H " , ( » Orwoool>I r a I q II I il°al

ll r it • I a-fd m

II U&li 9 44

tffltll. n^pe- ft COiJofur Aooom A 65

C . j i r l , l l . n . r a I qm i and • !liii.t » >"all i»r it • I a-fIn' no.lil a in u i l a l i l j unimr • a minibla. c^ol »K *"' . • f i •'> "" ' La(1 >ucl w 'r«l . u . m a t MuUtwra ca« ell Oalarrb

ln l « e t l« m i l uubbora cau. or CUwrrhi u u . n W1 j p»y ^ft auJ rtiil lil«Lir pricriforot l i er ta anli CU a at f t c n l waht wb nr >u c . o ptiret > u r eoent O.t.t-th Biini f >r[5 o-ntK I IK innnaicuta yUnl> p n n u u tnK>tl,t> UL< 1 M^Ui b j

Crescent Drug Company,


•Oli BALIS 1)Y D H 0 0 0 I 8 ' "3 ETIBVWH2UB,35c TEH BOTHiB


A M !• Jf F at7 35 1MKI 4 10

. . . _ 7 3 3 U U S 4 W10 U 3SJ 693 inula 7J7 1J IS . W[0 iXl J «7 C 47 Buvcaeuuiie 7 13 12 WHO« 13 3 11 C « MoCaluiville 7 45 12 M 4 ~»iO 33S u » fortOram TJSiaSOS»^5 3 iW C 30 DUTW 9 00 13 36 6 IB

llie UacketliloflO Eipreu aiopa at- Port

7JflF It

WORM LOZENGES!Fifteen Gents a Box.

feanje BICO ae *tl Ihs 35o h xe i of worm losonitea put up by .lranifHH

CroiofDt vonu toeenRtiJiut.rdicuta

ini nitii.0 or ParenfiiDandoLlor tTtiulniom«l

a i n d tLe furChllhlldrtM

Crescent Drue Company,


Central fiailroad of Xlov Jersey.

all l l , »0 takbOOMI


law Eora ,.



a *






A15 Cent Bottle of CrcuentGxtraot of Boots will nuke 5Gallons of Delicious Boot BeerNo Boiling or Straining. For8»le by Druggist* u i OrooersErcrywhere.





. BeosQM we tit* Tin 100 dona for Bflfl,Became v c triol on the label ol tbe bot-

tle the inRredientt cf Crescent B*n»pinll*,and you avow Juat i*bat jon are taking K«

B e c m e e R i rasi BKHsej .1 jou 6bl»lni)Omfi»iil8»ti*ri!14th. BManao thf C n m n t DniE Owi whorepaie Oreaaest BmtpMtlbi, are the larRMtetall Dms clata in the 'flute ot New Jeraey,

_ad ire niLahle w& auto tt-e repnt»tloa andlntaCrlt7 of their retail bnaineii o i the t»ttUot Qmoml earatparilla.

&ut fiecaoapw^o^D acd will mail yoo toatl.- lalaframqnrornelljnfabiolntejinru.nf

rraaoeat aarauaiilla- Bond ; inr u m e vAaddre» on a poatal card, to niaad »eaiUnailtoo Iralintonial*

item Hedlclnea, ot ahlcbTon mow notblng. wbeo yon oan pnreuaaeOnanDlDanapinllaliirMo abcMeandlneir

Crescent Drug ('onipan.y.



Rob't Klllgore; Druggist, Dover.

, R, Snyder.Grooer, Chester.

^ 2 0 ™ . Hance A Co., Poii'Dnn. WABKEH at,

on• 6-96katt«towuif

nfiAlc) £ i pHon

aVt«. Poomoa Brancb



STKAW HATSan,Bfljs ami Obildmn kt utonilhiliff Jo*

prlo*». AUi> a. ftiil (toft ft»

Light Color Derby andSoil Hats,




1:15 P,81&(1.250:1ft

. poror.

eaaivlf" "10 18

1163i M r x

9 40 - 10 10


V.; 12:00 M., 1:W, T-.00*. t):W *iVi». Jktuutou J

, 4:00,






uaii fttUeghrlghtflv •


8 88 10 07888 1LI18ia 11 05e.8 n osS 63 11 11

" 11 15 ?«lenvtt » 9 OL U IB 410 T«

Jupftfiooff JUDO. 9 08 1135 Uff 7 1Port Oram 018 U 88 ID 7.18itOTar 9 1 8 1189 4 36 7 , «Bookawar. Anlve 9 30 11 40 t 88 7.80


New Tork 6 00 7 00a i l A O t t

Trcut in 1 1 9E.JM.bulti IS U " (S~ d B k S » 8 WokS » 8 W

810 ISU

Mid VaQ V

Valle fl 97 0 DtValley fl SS fl U

J W »ua(J»rjB 9 0L 81WPnloarUle 6 00100.Xotitil 9DU1U0&Hopat Juno 0.1910.10

Oeiman Tallej. . . .Ii. 7 83610 BB • 80 I __OhcitorPnrann 7428.171108*46 960atVarAirlTS 7 « 8 M 1 U 8 U W 7 00

Uvroin OKtr-Oennan V»llej S-40 F *.,Chester Furnace 6:00 P. K. . OhetUr 5:BS w.

DoVftIPorlOrataUopavtoooB JKCDVD •DnkBivlit^Oirj1*rundwBwtlejNatmhr



DOWn THUMB.r.*i * • . / . a .

a ao Sia

a." I " MI

•• n :sHUdlAtila?VernOf

, 7 W7 871 4 1


i!"969• SO


Drtk avllle 817 i t l17 i ol1 1 ! TO45 DOandBra 0 4

_ rttey 6Nanskrigbl < Ider Teller 7 0

hi. »,MM Taller 7 07 6Vetuo 1111aaJlfiu 7 Iff 7Bi«bIlriJae7« 7~- ndBok IS

10 00XT10B1

iftiatirij*Vat • . U U H 410 I D

.Tsraae. »10 8.181H0 U I ( . »laovallei l r 7M • M W.W IM 8.H

-.jiblTa On.¥—Ofawler e l» *, abrObMterVnnieea fl 16 p K Oerm.n valla} §M t M


Tralna l u r e Uorer (orKmnlalnk



i ruaa,u>eeill]allooa(orbuiliii(a>eevatalatea .»d i.uHaJ. CnnlaHJ, ,,• %( .

Jobblai taHkjiaWltMM** <

and pol onon,,

ew Jer»er HeaAjiHirlert I

Sobafer1! BlarkBt Btobiuige,

Wines, qn'on •nd.Clgars

unwiljo"' :

Mapio takja and e n o t u all oaa.

lariaJi.laity. .uidex«at«4


Tlicrte ** the place wliere1 can let yonr

M D. HICKS.,viacej tmere >ailet ronr

UtDr50c,.inn UP,I ofXlu.nse

SHEBIFF'S BA1E.In Ohaneear of Meir »er*.f—Belwern Jtuiert

V Unra.ef>aaptainaiit M(1 Ciaffel t t a d r c faim Ju.e Tasdraat, tefmOatti. V| -U. iotaala at mb fsaaetl nremlwe He^nrsabla laOelebcr l e n t A ii *!!*»

1 B Mrunaona BolrO V TOlo. <.Mbe abore .laleH .III «f teri

5 ( . o i . » l o m j b u , J a , I ba I eipoa. br aala; pablle-bradae at Ibe Conrl UPDL. ill Mar

KOMKII, in. mi Mr dtxeniBalesl.A D 18W ktteen lie beta «l 19 Hfid.oeloekF U , Uiatlev> lev 4 9tfa]jeka th. ellerpovii of e*ld AH, flf.1. all iljcee

Merchant Tailoring


BIO and ntdrdtd in. OlM'i Offlee ot lha

A. B. SIMON,Opp. Baker Opera House,

D0VEB, N. i.


8P1UNG WEAU!AHue flock of tbe ueirc.s UWoa i


AUo tor the gentlemsi hi* b«D lntrodaDtiput line olroadj made

CLOTHINGtba nsvut •tfles for tbe 8pii&r

•oajoD. Padlealu niMnttna U ftl*called to a aeleoted ilook of

BOOTS and SHOES.In the beat gndta and nltable for all line*

of wear


elwaya on fcanij at tho loweit qaotei) prioe, andtbe neaal fall lloea In erery Uad oi

PROVISIONSAll lobaeoM al Ibo losealariee.



WOOD' ft'SMITH.enrj.oo.iiiftw.wa

- ' i. & "

Insurance and



I all flieaafai, Pfarldna u J tU>ti



POTEB, V, J. ,• oerrjlnjt ronjex alecke or LBUOH 1 S D80i lKf i )N OOII, In Iba dUtrelll >feea,

Vond eavtd In au~e imJKtha end too 'beat branda or 11MB. OmiBlIT ^

and F K B T l U Z E B s T ^OT All order, rrompl]/ Ailed aod dellr.red

>, >. TBEEIJU.D'S OAnmnsB BHOP,"

on Blankwell etrMt. KVIa



New Jersey Buiiness Ctileg .

r 9lbeboilba

Kas!...._Largw local v»trabO o m t h r o i M h ifMed teaehen

Tt"0 FrU.V'.piri.iBVT*^ Stffean of tip lifelo teiohlnff In Newark

4JH0 punila aioee the arctnlstUoQ ol thei[leseinlS7i" ' "if i lonno anil noilntna Eduoal


Hard) and-Pla

r im l i a n a atoo« aha aald Blnel llnei ( l |aootb a l l l M i « l t Snd . Bair degree. Mil Srb.l i e leel 10 oorner u lot nnniMr UMIMIi onuapofekMUodaj Ibeuoe U) atrtgbf antleaauith t .aoly4U. .nd a bal( oWreM wen fillia n leel Id Iba norlb bank o i l s . Bookuarrlvpr, Uieaoe along Ibauoil (8) wwttotblibli?AocLfmrCiB iflAnllutI HutttTjfl aJotTATthe

tKSlnBlus EioppUDg bowenr til « lmn.i aod mlott-Ja from fbo «Dbc. of tlila ooa>.SBtelji opoaornnilcruJd ttcdi with ih»

S&^BSfSSSLr n a r / J L U70.belo*llioaametwo tola of

and oonveyed to tue Balfl Oerrat Tanomof farl e d horn Botart F..Oraai u d itl» dtlra

- ' ' tBA V OOBi!s.«rl»Haled Angml l t lb , I M HIM


cUiam to bo "eciuil ba. tm ianda aod nal utate rtdicvi nuiaii- n,Steiibeui, UU of th« Towqiblp ot Hanttt d n i i

acf, dlcJ sebed. will. / Imw S . a epbe«.Obai-lea T?hJtOolfl fltepbena, Uward H. BO*

' in, Hai(f« 4 FrndMtl ot, <Mto v' Q&x »

-«j e Wi"y, ffliam T S U p h i n * E o m i HSlnshtDa and Louie I), atuphen* who eau<ihold Mrt a n entitle*) to *a e4twl imdlndea

• • t lu ihe « ld Und.,

gawr—A. vnei-ooQftjni to in* aan Wlfluta8. Ulcubeiia bj Fb lip U Stei btna awl wifeby riced ditrf jUri\ n i b , Ifltt hitd iooorO«dIn tbo Horrla <kvalf W o r d or Deeda In BookUt, on M g u BHt 4 t » and waUtalufj tightaarra aud lereulj a«*t,niiu«ilKutha of an aon

tecoH of deedaln'fiook'rje, o^pMeaBM, Aa,MaiAiniUR ninety thrw u m iaS Hfo-l\&llbaDdndtha ol an.«ore of land ,

Tsiai*—A lt*o>tonT#jrM to tba Mid WilliamB flfepfaeoa bj fftlHan Delleier WlUiaaBCar? and John N, Sharp Otnnmlael • e n . brdeed dated Uaiab Hit , ISpo, aud recorded ui•aid record of aoeda In Deok tV on pesea 801.*fce roata[nln(t on* liaodiad ami iort/^ixU H i aiid twciwhaQtlredibaor >& note of ltsd

" FBXS-A m o t courKj^a to tus aald wtu

daj e(O(nOBifill r

between the *o»rt of As X• n » n . M — ^ - o ^ M U d i y , ai^thitif-cl'flr „ IBATDW of laad u d pntniau benta^lter par* i , ^lieilHlr QeMntxd, fhnalfl Innfr and being (ir >the toa-nettlp ot BoehawaV, Tn the Oonnty of " MnrrtkaHOUtaiaollte* JBney. boQOAn aod^vdracrlbtdaafailowai Bdng v-rt or the trart 'ortabd that n»f co!i»o™u u> Qeor^ DIIOU. bydeed rroan'Ahpiltini W, Ubawfier BNII vITe.^Tl<aailn date Febrnar* 9th, 1881, ind. nwnletlm theVDiMaOoaDU Btcord of »«da>ltoo1[X6,paK«tW eod lo tbe •inid lot I t i t aaid"--toeDixen oonvefMl to »»W UolKtt WhW-

ed endtbt* nortgaife help; ilrcn io mynre amrtofthtipitKhue mnnny triers*.*, and be>dnt»ta»hitao.h tnanutked ittduamedM

' ina Iboooe •louf the Orat•'• • * (1J r

__. •r<injf™**">f-n V4D G-iUU 1* J-aadixir[i4Ttiuikttata«M6o(iaooTr«tnfUie. r

M D W | tbvnot along tho aeeonl line of tHs •••• u u BOW belQgalorg landa of John Osuiiloa:*t a n (S) eoolh \mtax\l Uiree dagraeaeeit wtv,* nine and one link. !•> A tUxo and etonea In * /Id ICtia twtuls-ow Iwl aoBlll-wai ot-ib* •<

.Jnert aprirfr on tbl« lot U d one chain and .*ploety luarliuki from lha third comorof the r

*hole lot | then at right ugtra with u ld Itit * tf^oam^llna.Sjiisrthaixij^feadMnHea.. ^

a?srtn«rrtAfciiS8 ptOia «boo tut-, lltooco AUIDJT l i e • a n e f i l Tnorth tixtr alx tnd a. faklT d*«mi t u t Ua,;obalna andflfijflDkf tothepl oaorbeitlBBliiir

iBlBR ibtM aad tTt7-t*a Imntire .hi

D a M Aug. 80 b I


H.L. DUNHAM,-npree«nUnj[lbe.leadinsBDxop4uiaJiilAaMr1 >*

Loises promptly tdjwtef ;«W"


>" v > *A flaa Maideno. min ril aaod'em" aprot. "

aKBtaonHt.Dlif.AT«'< ^ rCnole«>eJIHa»lot..odra« lggeurlanK-




831BROAI>St.NEWARK, H: J;" : f?

&a.WlB«T U S BUT -ITOfll, a>lhe tut* \' '

A.Q.B'DCK, T;5;^rurmou - lV' r =

Painter, Decorator, GralaoV'",/

and Paper Eabger, ,

,p.n.s^ai,, ;