media type

Media type 区区区区owned media,paid media, earned media ,social media

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Page 1: Media type

Media type区分辨析:owned media,paid media, earned media ,social media

Page 2: Media type

Media type Definition 定义 Examples The role Benefits Challenges

Owned media

Channel a brand controls

•Web site•Mobile site 移动网站•Blog

Build for longer-term relationships with existing potential customers and earn media建立与现有潜在客户和可争取媒体的长期关系

•Control 可控性强•Cost efficiency 成本效率•Longevity 更长久•Versatility 多才多艺•Niche audiences 消费者适当地方

•No guarantees 不保证•Company communication not trusted 公司沟通信任度•Take time to scale 花时间的规模

Paid mediaBrand pays to leverage (利用) a channel

•Display (出现) ads•Paid search•Sponsorships 赞助

Shift from foundation to catalyst that feeds owned and creates earned media从基础上转移催化自有的 feeds 和创造可争取的媒体

•In demand 需求•Immediacy 直接•Scale 规模•Control 控制

•Clutter 杂音•Declining response rates 响应率下降•Poor credibility 可怜的信誉

Earned media

When customers become the channel

•WOM 口碑•Buzz•“Viral” 病毒

Listen and respond-earned media is often the result of well-executed and well-coordinated owned and paid media倾听和回应可争取的媒体的结果往往是良好的执行和对于自有媒体和付费媒体的良好协调

•Most credible 最可信•Key role in most sales•Transparent and lives on 透明的 活生生的

•No control 不受控制•Can be negative 可能消极•Scale 规模•Hard to measure 难以衡量

Social media

Brand interacts on third-party through its own profiles品牌用自己的形象在第三方平台上进行交互

•Twitter account 账户•Facebook page•YouTube channel•Flickr account

Two-way information flow between company , consumers and between the various media types介于企业、消费者和多种多样的媒体类型之间的双向信息流

•Cost efficiency 成本效率•Versatility 多才多艺•Organizational learnings 组织学习•Personalizes organizations 个性化组织

•No control •No guarantees 不保证•Take time to scale•Shows companies for what they are 显示了它们是什么公司

Adapted from fram ework developed by Forrester research , inc.http : //

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