media survey feedback

SURVEY FEEDBACK Overall I had 25 responses from my online survey, on Google Forms. I will use this information to help me create a magazine that will satisfy my audiences.

Upload: steph2000

Post on 08-Feb-2017



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Page 1: Media survey feedback


Overall I had 25 responses from my online survey, on Google Forms. I will use this information to help me create a magazine that will satisfy my audiences.

Page 2: Media survey feedback

My first question was asking what the main attraction to a cover page of a magazine. The majority of 72% of people said that the main image was the feature that most attracted them, and no-one out of my 25 participants said the tag lines. From this I can learn that the main image is the most important feature, and this question allows me to create an attractive cover page. My second question asked participants if they were interested in the indie/indie pop music genre. As 60% of my participants said yes, this means the research will be effective and fit to my magazine as the majority are interested in the genre. Even though some participants are not interested in my genre, their responses will still be helpful for general magazine questions such as question one, as I can apply this to magazine. This can also help my magazine not exclude wider audience's.

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My third question was asking my participants age; as the majority of my participants (64%) are within the age range of 16-24 this research will be useful and helpful. I plan to aim my magazine at the age bracket of 16-24 and this research will help me do this. For those that answered differently the information will still be useful as although my magazine will be centred on my target audience, this research will help me to not completely exclude other audiences.

My forth question was about colour schemes, as this will help me to plan and create a design that will appeal to my target audience. “Black and white with a staple colour such as red” was the most popular choice. Neon and pastel colours received the equal amount of votes, which is helpful as this tells me that my staple colour can be selected from a range of colours, giving me more freedom and choice in the design.

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My next question was about the possible price of my magazine, which is vital information to plan and included within my magazine. £2.00-£2.99 and £3.00-£3.99 were the joint most popular choices, which tells me I can price my magazine from £2.00-£3.99 to satisfy my target audiences.

My sixth question was about the preferred choice of shot of the artist for the cover page. A medium shot was the most popular choice and this response will help me to create a cover page that appeals to my target audience. This question is also particularly helpful; as the main image was the most popular choice for what attracts audiences to a cover page and now I have information specific to this feature.

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My next question was about how to sell my magazine to my target audience; a massive majority of 80% of participants would prefer to buy the magazine within shops. This will help me to design a cover that will attract audiences within a shop and not to include online features within the magazine. My eighth question is related back to cover page as this is a area I particularly want to focus on; as the cover page attracts audiences. 72% of participants preferred a simplistic cover page, and this research will aid me within creating my cover page.

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My next question was focussed on the name/title of my magazine; this is another area I feel is important because this is also a major influence on attracting audiences. As I was unsure on the title of “Blare” I decided to test this and as the majority of 84% of participants finding the title suitable, I am reassured in my choice.

My last question was also about my cover page, where the participants were given free choice of their answers. Many had no preferences and those that did wanted eye catching colours, good quality photos of the artist and interesting tag lines.