media project freedom writers

Media Project- Freedom Writers ERIN RIOTUTAR 4/27/16

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Media Project- Freedom Writers

Media Project- Freedom Writers Erin Riotutar 4/27/16

Shortly after the Rodney King riots in L.A. Erin Gruwell takes on a difficult freshman class of Wilson High School. This school was made up of: Criminals and Underprivileged kids that the system gave up on.

Erins main goal was to get the students to learn about themselves and the life around them. Freedom Writers

Erin Gruewells first day as a teacher in Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach, California. Erin was not a very welcome teacher.

Ms. Gruwell received a class full of racial groups and ethnic matters. The class was filled with Latinos, African Americans, Eastern immigrants and a very little white people.

Mrs.Gruewell quickly realized..

Her class was full of racial tension and conflict Her class had more to worry about then homework Her students went home every day to gunfire, gangs, drugs, and many other situations.

The Note The Note Mrs. Gruwell intercepted is full of nothing but hate. It starts with a drawing like this, and then some guy gets shot in a drive by never knowing he got hit. Erin quickly learns that her class doesnt respect herThey dont respect whites Many have seen a white cop kill friends, family, or other black citizensThese people were killed simply because they were black

In order to be respected you need to give respect. Erin Gruewell The students believe that whites especially white authority figures demand respect with out giving it and the students dont trust white people.

Racial Profiling and police brutality against blacks is nothing new, though its not a very talked about topic

Between the years 1980 and 2012 out of 41 teens ages 14 and younger that were victims of police brutality and killed by police, 27 of them were African Americans

Just clear one thing up POLICE ARENT BAD.

Police go through a lot of training Police are here to protect usThe training police go through is becoming way to militarized police are not required to do an internshipThis means no hands on community experience. Police are more often put into cities that they are not familiar with the culture

Even though neighborhood and environmental factors play a huge part in community violence towards African American boys and men, especially in low income neighborhoods. Police brutality is quickly becoming recognized as a risk factor for these people

Ending Racial conflict between African American and African American Youth between police authorities. Police are humans just like any other person. Police do deserve respect, but they need to give respect to others as well. There are many steps that can be taken to make sure this is accomplished. Culture sensitive training should be required. America is extremely open to all kinds of different people into American, making America one of the most diverse places in the world with many different cultural backgrounds. There are steps that can be taken to improve police violence.

Enhanced law enforcement curriculaProactive intervention strategiesPolice civility

The students in Mrs. Gruwells class was deemed unteachable The students didnt care about school or care about being their because of how they were treated in society.

Despite Erins students being deemed Unteachable. Erin Believed in her students no matter what. Mrs. Gruwell told me today that shes proud of me no one has ever told me they are proud of me, especially a teacher. Diary #23

Even though Erins students lived a life where they were hated because of their skin color. Even though these students turned to gangs and other not so pleasant situations just to find where they belong, Erin knew they had potential and Erin never gave up on them. Erin also gave her students what others wouldnt. Motivated her students Broke down comfort zonesPromoted Diversity Built Bridges Most of all established a safe environment Expected accountability