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VITAMIN COCKTAIL Vitamincocktail


LIGHTNESS AND CHARMLeichtigkeit und Charme

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PUBLISHER in Europe,

under the license of “Contrast Media”

FORMAT 222x273 mm

SynDIcATIOn by subscriptions (all world), training centers,

beauty salons, professional exhibitions


The Russian nail industry has been developing dynamically, and many of the nail art designs of the Russian masters are considered as highly prestigious by audiences around the world.The international version of the NAILURE journal has been issued in Europe, translated into English and German since the autumn of 2011.Magazine Nailure – we provide the most recent and advanced information for nail professionals and nail products suppliers, who have recognised Russian, amongst other nail-stylists and educators.This is why it is popular among nail-stylists, salon managers, producers and distributors from all over Europe.NAILURE is an excellent advertising source which can deliver information to each nail-techs and salons. In our marketing package, we offer original advertising solutions which will make your advertisements more effective. Working advertising – this is one of the principles of NAILURE.

PERIODIcITy 6 times a year

VOLUME 96 -144 bands

EDITIOn for 2012 year – 4 000 - 5 000 copies

gEOgRAPHy Europe, all world


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VITAMIN COCKTAIL Vitamincocktail


LIGHTNESS AND CHARMLeichtigkeit und Charme

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The colour of calligraphy

Die Farbe der Kalligraphie

goThic french

fire brighTFeuerschein

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Advertising campaigns in NAILURE magazine are notable for their integrity and orien-tation on customers of the professional services or products. NAILURE is keeping anadvertising policy which allows all participants of the nail market organize their own advertising campaign and achieve maximum success.

cOVERS AnD ADVERTISIng PAgESAdvertisements on covers are the most effective way to get noticed. NAILURE offers several options for posting these advertising materials: covers, (2nd, 3rd, 4th) pages and spreads.In addition, you can place your advertising material on a spread,which consists of a 2nd cover and a first page of the magazine.

MODULAR ADVERTISEMEnTThe size of modules range from 1/8 to 1/2 of a page.

SPEcIAL cOnDITIOnS OF PLAcIng ADVERTISEMEnT In nAILURE JOURnALIf you make 100% prepayment for placed advertising material:- in three consecutive issues, the discount will be 5%;- in six consecutive issues, the discount will be 10%.

BOnUS FOR ADVERTISIng cOMPAnIES:- placement of two new products in the Nail Market(for companies placing less than 1 page of advertisement - 1 novelty);- placing information about workshops and training companies’ programs(for companies placing an advertisement of less than 1 page – less than 1120 signs without spaces);- review company events (one news) under the heading “News” (only for companies not placing anadvertisement of less than 1 page


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Modular advertisement* price, euro price, euro price, eurovolume, 1 issue 3 issues 6 issues2-d cover 2600 2200 1800

3-d cover 2500 2100 1700

4-th cover 2800 2400 1900

2-d cover + 1-st page 3500 2900 2400

1 page 1700 1500 1300

2х1 (spread) 2700 2300 2000

2/3 of page 1100 1000 900

1/2 of page 900 800 700

1/3 of page 700 600 500

1/4 of page 600 500 400

Modular advertisement price, euro

2-d cover 1100

3-d cover 1100

4-th cover 1200

2-d cover + 1-st cover 1500

1 page 750

2х1 ( spread ) 1150

2/3 of page 500

1/2 of page 400

1/3 of page 300

1/4 of page 250




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It allows you to present a master class in the Nailure magazine.Master class includes stepping with full description of products and tools used in it.

Price:4 pages - 1400 euros6 pages - 1800 euros

For 2012 issues :4 pages - 900 euros !6 pages - 1100 euros !


Page 7: Media kit Nailure




You are offered to participate in the design of one of the most popular columns of the magazine – “The Nail Fashion”. This column greatly attracts the attention of the readers. Photos of the latest clothes collections of Rus-sian fashion designers are represented by the costume sets of nail designs, which are interesting to not only to the professionals, but also to clients at their beauty salons.The usage of your material is a prestigious gift. Thousands of people are considering collections of new clothes and brilliant looking nail designs. We offer you to advertise your company as a successful one by demonstrating an excellent collection of nail design in the “Nail Fashion” column.Don’t spend a lot of money for basic image advertising! Use the “Nail Fash-ion” column and advertise yourself as a successful company becoming part of modern fashion! our readers are waiting for you!

Price: 8 pages - 1400 euros

For 2012 issues : 8 pages - 900 euros !

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You are offered to participate in the new section of the Nailure magazine designed for full-scale advertising of your study centre. The name of the column speaks for itself – “Choose your study centre”. In this column you can post information about your study centre, teachers and author‘s courses, materials, equipment and other qualities.This is a great possibility to attract new students! The column is structured in such way that readers can get maximum complete information about your study centre. Don’t spend a lot of money advertising your school! Use our column “Choose study centre” and show the most detailed information about your school!our readers are waiting for their introduction to your study centre!

Price:4 pages - 1400 euros

For 2012 issues :4 pages - 750 euros !


Видимо, тот самый, первый, Учебный центр OPI в Москве не канул в лету в лихие девяностые, а, напротив, расцвел, пото-му что, однажды попав в его доброжела-тельную атмосферу и оставшись крайне довольными полученными знаниями, вы-пускники настоятельно рекомендовали его своим знакомым. Интересный факт: согласно нашей статистике, 80 % учени-ков приходят в Учебный центр по реко-мендации друзей, уже окончивших курсы OPI! Согласитесь, серьезный элемент до-верия, сам по себе говорящий о качестве обучения, раз в наш стремительный век рекламы в Интернете и глянцевой прессе самым надежным остается старое до-брое «сарафанное радио».

НАШИ ОСНОВНЫЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ ОБУЧЕНИЯ:- Маникюр и педикюр (европейский, клас-

сический, комбинированный, СПА).

- Моделирование ногтей (акрил без за-паха, конкурсный акрил с запахом, гель 3-фазный).

- Художественный дизайн ногтей.- Художественная роспись ногтей.

В Учебном центре гармонично пере-плетаются новейшие технологии, про-думанные учебные программы и крайне уютная душевная атмосфера. Последнее немаловажно, ведь личный фактор никто не отменял! Стоит отметить, что так как курс наращивания по любой из техноло-гий длится 6 дней (теория + практика), в каждой группе ученики успевают пройти обучение у трех преподавателей. Все мы с вами очень разные, с разным восприя-тием мира и информации извне, так что при такой системе обучения у вас есть возможность посмотреть на технологию «разными глазами», и втрое увеличива-ются шансы найти «своего» преподавате-

NAILURE/5/2009 97

ВЫБИРАЕМ УЧЕБНЫЙ ЦЕНТРSelect the training centre

Первая в России лицензированная ногтевая школа – Учебный центр OPI – открылась в Москве на заре девяностых, когда профессия нейл-мастера еще считалась экзотической, а нынешнее поколение специалистов ма-никюра и моделирования ногтей еще и в школу, возможно, не ходило. В далеком 1994 мало кто мог представить, что профессиональные сред-ства легендарной американской марки OPI приживутся в России настоль-ко, что к 2009 будет открыто более 20 региональных школ OPI, а получить международный диплом специалиста OPI в далеком Владивостоке или На-бережных Челнах, не выезжая в США, будет считаться нормой.


Статья размещается на правах рекламы

_ 2.indd 97 07.10.2009 14:44:26

98 NAILURE/5/2009

ВЫБИРАЕМ УЧЕБНЫЙ ЦЕНТРSelect the training centre

ля, чья подача информации для вас наибо-лее доходчива и комфортна. Более того, в Учебном центре OPI всем выпускникам предоставляется по-настоящему уникаль-ная возможность неограниченной и бес-платной практики после завершения курсов. Причем на практику можно запи-саться именно к «своему» преподавателю!

Для тех, кто только решается приоб-рести актуальную и востребованную про-фессию нейл-мастера, но хочет сделать это не в ущерб основным занятиям в те-чение недели, Учебный центр OPI пред-лагает курсы выходного дня, где можно освоить специальность мастера по мани-кюру и педикюру.

Для нейл-мастеров, которые уже полу-чили образование в другом учебном цен-тре, работают по специальности, но при этом не привыкли останавливаться на до-

_ 2.indd 98 07.10.2009 14:44:40

стигнутом, Учебный Центр OPI предлага-ет однодневные семинары, где можно отточить свое мастерство нейл-мастера по направлениям: гель, акрил, маникюр, педикюр. По окончании таких курсов спе-циалисты получают диплом международ-ного образца «Один день с OPI» и смогут пользоваться всеми благами 10 % скидки на продукцию OPI наравне с выпускниками, завершившими полный курс обучения.

Выпускники, закончившие базовые курсы или курсы повышения квалифи-кации в Учебном центре OPI, имеют за-мечательную возможность бесплатно посетить мастер-классы ведущего преподавателя-технолога компании OPI в России, судьи российских и междуна-родных конкурсов по моделированию и дизайну ногтей Тамары Катькаловой.

Другие бесплатные мастер-классы

для выпускников, закончивших базовые курсы или курсы повышения квалифика-ции в Учебном центре OPI, представляет директор Учебного центра OPI, космето-лог международного класса и многократ-ный призер международных конкурсов по декоративной косметике Яна Костерина. Тематика ее лекций: парафинотерапия ли-ца и рук, депиляция горячим воском, окра-шивание бровей и ресниц. Это особенно заинтересует нейл-мастеров, имеющих домашнюю практику, – их клиентов при-ятно удивит разнообразие услуг, которые смогут им предоставить в рамках одного выезда такие универсальные мастера!

А еще мы обязательно поможем Вам в вопросе трудоустройства. Не забывай-те, что наши выпускники – ведущие спе-циалисты лучших салонов красоты и СПА-центров.

NAILURE/5/2009 99

ВЫБИРАЕМ УЧЕБНЫЙ ЦЕНТРSelect the training centre

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ИЛИ ПОЗВОНИВ ПО ТЕЛЕФОНАМ (495) 623−35−75, (495) 740−97−28

_ 2.indd 99 07.10.2009 14:44:58

96 NAILURE/4/2009

ВЫБИРАЕМ УЧЕБНЫЙ ЦЕНТРSelect the training centre



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Bonuses to the companies-advertisers:- placement of two new products in the Nail Market (for companies placing less than 1 page of advertisement - 1 novelty);- placing information about workshops and training companies programs (for companies placing less than 1 page of advertisement – not more than 1120 signs without spaces);- coverage company events ( one news ) under the heading “News” ( only for compa-nies placing not less than 1 page of advertisement )

27th November was the date of Indigo Nails Lab’s training in Australia conducted by Patrycja Kubiczek. The attendance list lled up very quickly - basically because of the excellent skills of Patrycja, but also a very interesting and original pro-gramme.

The programme included sophisticated acrylic 3D designs that absolutely took the breath away of all participants. All pat-terns looked very advanced, with a level of dif culty straight from the championship. But, once Patrycja explained how to create them, everything became much easier!

At the end all participants were performing amazing pat-terns without the blink of an eye.

It turns out that nail art is not so dif cult! What's essential is an experienced teacher who will explain to you what the magic is all about and great materials - a multicolour collec-tion of acrylic colours with an excellent plasticity.

Training was organised superbly thanks to invaluable Cheryl Atkins, who specially took a plane with Patrycja from Adelaide to join the training and help make everything per-fect.

Am 27. November fand ein Trainingstag im Indigo Nails Lab in Aus-tralien statt, geleitet von Patrycja Kubiczek. Die Teilnehmerliste wurde sehr schnell voll – in erster Linie wegen der hervorragenden Fähigkeiten von Pa-trycja, aber auch wegen des sehr interessanten und originellen Programms.

Die im Programm enthaltenen anspruchsvollen Acryl-3D-Konstruktio-nen begeisterten alle Besucher in höchstem Maße. Alle Muster waren sehr anspruchsvoll, mit einem Schwierigkeitsgrad angemessen für Meisterschaf-ten. Sobald Patrycja jedoch erklärte, wie man sie kreiert, wurde alles viel einfacher!

Am Ende waren alle Teilnehmer in der Lage, erstaunliche Muster zu erschaffen, ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken.

Es stellte sich heraus, dass Nail-Art nicht so schwer ist! Eine wesentliche Rolle spielt hierbei ein erfahrener Lehrer, der erklären kann, was magisch wirkt und wie man großartige Materialien einsetzt – eine mehrfarbige Sammlung von Acrylfarben mit ausgezeichneter Flexibilität, zum Beispiel solche, wie Indigo sie anbietet.

Die Übungen waren sehr gut organisiert, dank der unbezahlbaren Cheryl Atkins. Sie kam zusammen mit Patrycja per Flugzeug aus Ad-elaide, um an den Übungen teilzunehmen und dazu beizutragen, dass alles perfekt wird.

„Indigo Nails Lab“ lädt alle Nail-Art-Spezialisten aus der Tschechischen Republik zu den Indigo Shows! ein, geleitet

von Marketa Valciuova im Winter 2011/2012. Orte der Shows: Brno, Prag, Ostrava und Pilsen.Das Showprogramm enthält:1) Wie man die Arbeit dank der Indigo Technologie ein-facher und schneller erledigt2) Präsentationen aller neuen Produkte von Indigo. Die Firma wird einige wenige interessante, von vielen er-wartete Produkte vorführen!3) Wie man Indigo VIP Salon werden kann.

Jeder Teilnehmer erhält ein Geschenk von Indigo, speziell für die Wintershows!Wenn Indigo in Ihre Stadt kommt – sichern Sie sich Ihre Teilnahme.Geplante Shows:Brno – 28. Januar;Prag – 18. Februar;Ostrava – 3. März;Pilsen – 10. März.Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an Marketa Valciuova: 00420777873864

Indigo Nails Lab is inviting all nail technicians from the Czech Republic to their Indigo Shows! which will be performed by Marketa Valciuova during winter 2012. Places: in Brno, Praga, Ostrava and Plzeń.The show programme includes:1) how to make work easier and faster thanks to Indigo technology,2) presentations on all brand new products - Indigo is going to introduce a few, widely expectated, interesting products!3) how to become an Indigo VIP salon and what are the bene ts.Every participant will receive an Indigo gift, prepared specially for winter shows.If Indigo is arriving to your town - make sure that you take part in the show!Schedule:Brno - 28th of January;Praga - 18th of February;Ostrava - 3th of March;Plzeń - 10th of March.For further information please contact Marketa Valciuova: 00420777873864




4 NAILURE/3/2011

3_2011 Eng 6.indd 4 19.12.2011 19:41:53

Am 13. November dieses Jahres fand im wissenschaftlich-kulturellen Zen-trum „Millennium“ in der Altstadt von Bu-dapest ein großes Fest statt, der Tag der Nägel von Elite Cosmetix Ltd., Inhaberin der Marke Crystal Nails. Zu dem Treffen kamen über 2.300 Teilnehmer aus Un-garn sowie Nageldesignspezialisten aus verschiedenen Ländern Europas.

An diesem Tag wurden auf der Hauptbühne des großen Saals durch-gehend von 10 bis 16 Uhr Nageldesi-gnkurse von namhaften Spezialisten durchgeführt. Unter anderem folgende: „Salon 2011 – Nägel in Wettbewerben: neue Möglichkeiten“, „Weihnachten, Silvester, Valentinstag – themenbezo-genes Aquarellmalen“, „Die Saison-trends – neue Formen und Techno-logien: heiße Stilettos und Spitzen“, „Mode- und Farbtrends“, „Vor der Pre-miere von ‚S.O.S. Love!“. Der letztere Titel ist daher interessant, weil Crystal Nails als ein Sponsor der kooperati-ven Filmproduktion (Russland/Ungarn/Großbritannien/USA) „S.O.S. Love!“

aufgetreten ist, an dem berühmte un-garische sowie international bekannte Schauspieler aus anderen Ländern beteiligt waren wie Daryl Hannah, Billy Zane, Evgenij Stychkin.

Spezialisten, Titelträger und Gewin-ner der bedeutendsten Meisterschaf-ten in Düsseldorf, London und anderen Städten tauschten Geheimnisse über internationale Spitzenmeisterleistungen unter sich aus: Mária Vigh-Malek, Zsuz-

sanna Kun, Lilija Micháliková, Zsuzsan-na Fekete, Gabó Kovács, Nikolett Stájer Vétek, Szabina „Twixi“ Váradi, Judit Kó-bori, Henrietta Almási und Virág Halász.

Am Stand von „Crystal Nails“ gab es auch einen Shop, in dem die Spezi-alisten das gesamte Sortiment der auf dem Markt erhältlichen Artikel erwer-ben konnten.

Das Fest von „Crystal Nails“ wurde von einem Wettbewerb gekrönt, bei dem fertige Arbeiten in zwei Kategorien bewertet wurden – „Mix Media in Dis-play“ und „3D-Design in Acryltechnik“. Die Wahlthemen in der Kategorie „Mix Media“ waren „Die Zukunft im Jahr 2050“ und bei „3D-Design“ „Adam und Eva im Paradies“.

In der Jury saßen die ungarischen Experten Henrietta Almási, Nikolett Stájer Vétek, Szabina „Twixi“ Váradi, Lilija Micháliková und Denis Grachev, Designdirektor der russisch-europäi-schen Zeitschrift „Nailure“....und hier sind die Gewinner!

Mix Media:1 Platz — Judit Philipp2 Platz — Zita Bodó3 Platz — Mónika Kupi-Kiss

3D-Design:1 Platz — Judit Philipp2 Platz — Éva Tóth3 Platz — Judit Somogyi

On 13 November this year there was a gathering in the scienti c and cultural Millennium Centre, which is located in the heart of Budapest, for the ‘Nail Day’ of Elite Ltd. Cosmetix, representatives of the trademark Crystal Nails. Over 2,300 participants from Hungary and nail design special-ists from different European countries joined the meeting.

On the day nail design courses were continuously held from 10am to 16pm on the main stage of the great hall by nominated specialists. Among other courses were the following: "Sa-lon 2011 - nails for competitions: new opportunities", "Christmas, New Year, Valentine's Day – topic-related wa-tercolour painting", "Seasonal trends - new forms and technologies: hot stilettos, lace", "Fashion and colour trends", "Before the premiere of ‘SOS Love!'". The latter title is very interest-ing, because Crystal Nails is a spon-sor of a joint lm production (Russia/ Hungary/UK/USA) "SOS Love!", in

which famous Hungarian actors act together with internationally known actors from other countries, such as Daryl Hannah , Billy Zane and Ev-genij Stychkin.

Secrets about international nail design masterpieces were exchanged among specialists, title holders and winners of the most important cham-pionships in Düsseldorf, London and other places. Mária Vigh-Malek, Zsu-

zsanna Kun, Liliya Micháliková, Zsuz-sanna Fekete, Gabo Kovács, Nikolett Stájer Vétek, Szabina "Twixi" Váradi, Judit Kobori, Henrietta Almási and Virág Halász.

At the Crystal Nails booth the spe-cialists could also purchase the entire product range from the series of prod-ucts currently available on the market.

The highlight of the event or-ganised by Crystal Nails was an award contest for nished works in two cat-egories "Mix Media Display" and "3D design with acrylic technology". In the category "Media Mix" the contestants could choose from "The Future 2050", "3D Design" and "Adam and Eve in paradise".

Members of the jury included Hungarian experts Henrietta Almási, Nikolett Stájer Vétek, Szabina "Twixi" Váradi, Liliya Micháliková and Denis Grachev, design director of the Rus-sian-European magazine Nailure.

…and here are the winners!.

Mix Media1st place – Judit Philipp2nd place – Zita Bodó3rd place – Mónika Kupi-Kiss

3D Design1st place – Judit Philipp2nd place – Éva Tóth3rd place – Judit Somogyi


NAILURE/3/2011 5

3_2011 Eng 6.indd 5 19.12.2011 19:51:57

INDIGO NAILS LABIndigo Nails Lab recommend the excellent training centres running by Indigo Educators in Poland, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, France, Holland, Australia and Dubai. All of them represent the highest level of each nail technique, according to current trends of knowlegde with one particular specialization. In this issue we will represent you 4 amazing Indigo Educators.

Everytime when Patrycja Kubiczek is publishing her new design, all Australia is keep watching! Ideas of Patrycja are absolutely unpredictable: once she performs a forest-green fairytale ideas, the other time an extra subtle, bubbles- air alike multicolor pattern. Technique? definately combo! Paints, acrylic 3D, gel designs, both: gel and acrylic method - various techniques are all available on nail trainings. It's worth to add, that Patrycja is collecting awards from pink and white championships, where she is attending in the meantine. Are you looking for creative and passionate nail designs or improve your salon work? are you that lucky that you were born in the most cool country in the world, which is Australia? you should call Patrycja and let her arrange amazing and a very workable time for you!

What's the most important in beautifully looking french manicure? Perfect shape is essential. If Nail Tech doesn't know how to correctly apply a smile line and what's the most important while modelling - nails will never look good. If you want to improve your abilities - you must have a training with Kasia Kumaszewska, Indigo Educator from Warsaw, who has made numerous of her students to quit bad habits of french manicure. She is teaching her students how to achieve perfect nail shapes: from simple salon square to extra long stiletto. What is more, Kasia is a master in one stroke painting technique - style, which has a lot in common with beautiful polish folk culture.

Aquarelle - that is favourite design of Ewelina Fedorowicz in Bielawa (Poland). The secret of aquarelles is to create adequate proportion of water and paint, correctly handle of brush, and realising imagination. Is that all? Well, also a gifted Teacher would be welcome - who will explain how to take control over a tiny aquarelle brush and paints. If you are looking for a really good one - then Ewelina is your best choice.

Are you looking for a technique, which let you enter a little bit of nailArt to your salon work, even if your Clients are rather traditionalists? Then you should definitely have a training with Vlada Bulle in Paris (France) who perform both acrylic and gel french manicure with designed, nailArt free edge. The secret of that stylization is a perfect shape of artificial nails and a very sophisticated, but subtle design. And don't forget - Vlada lives in one of the most beautiful city in the world - Paris! So, training with her can be joined with visiting that beautiful city.

Acrylic 3D design - that's what Marta Lupka likes the best. She is running many courses seminars in United Kindgom, where she is living. After a good trainings even the Students who had never work with acrylic before! know how to perform quite advanced patterns. «It's not that difficult as it look - it's just the matter to know, how to make it» - It's it difficult! you can think, while watching all

those tiny, little 3d elements at the artificial nails. It can be easier only if you have a great teacher, as Marta.

There is a group of Nail Technicians who is actually a painters. Designs which they perform on nails is not much different from works made on a real canvas. If you are fancy for a training with acrylic paints - that's equal that you want to meet Ania Iracka from Oborniki, Poland. Works which she performs are the feats even for the most demanding artistic souls. All of them could be successfully exposed in pop art gallery, and people would remember it for a long time!

Are you a big fan of gel method? Or maybe not yet? Once you will take a part in training with Marketa Vlaciuova from Kvasiny, Czech Republic, you will love that method more then everything else. And when you will be there, and watch Marketa's amazing designs by yourself - you will not leave her training centre without nailArt course. Designs, which Marketa performs it's a wide range of propositions: delicate aquarelle marks or subtle acrylic patterns on classic french manicure, for more courage clients: colourful nailArt created by combo method, or - if you are fancy for - extra long stilleto with over 750 pieces of swarovski stones! The best thing is that you don't need to choose - Marketa will teach you all of that designs.

Kasia Śpiewak from Opole, Poland is teaching all techniques, gel is the most popular through her Students. Kasia doesn't mind at all - she loves transfer her knowlegde to the other nail technicians and help them achieve a higher level. As she is laughing, she «takes out» excess of salon gel nails by creating extra-ordinary, sophisticated stiletto nails with a lot of acrylic 3D and paints. She enjoys to take a part in championships and competitions. Correct! that's the best way to present her unique talent and various ideas.

An amazing designs, a lot of ideas, many projects, and only 24hours a day! That how you can describe Monique Frans from Holland. NailArt of Monique is well recognized in Internet, her training centre is always full. Favourite technique of Monique? All technique in one! She creates a great designs combo, full of fairytale atmosphere and multicolor ideas.

Monika Jędrzejewska was attending to artistic academy which increased her imagination and teached how to mixing colors and painting. Thanks to that she knows how to bring to life ideas in exactly form as she see it in her mind. Her hobby is to perform photo sessions where she is an author of nail design, make-up and hair dressing. If you are looking for inspirations and a touch of real artistic soul - you should definately take a course of nailArt with Monika!

Bossy character and heart of an angel - is that possible? Oh, yes! That's unique and unusual Kasia Zbroińska from Gubin, Poland.

Kasia is repository of knowlegde for many beginners and her old students, If you can imagine an entire book that answers your questions - that would be Kasia, If you need Educator, who will help you perform your first steps in nail worldl - Kasia should be your choice.

CONTACTS:Patrycja Kubiczek Adelaide +614 66805323 AustraliaKasia Kumaszewska - «Nailz» Warsaw tel. +48 502 020 530 PolandEwelina Fedorowicz «Le Salon de Beaute» Bielawa +48 783664574 PolandVlada Bulle «NailArtStudio» 90 rue de Picpus 75012 Paris +33 619365658 FranceMarta Lupka Nails Academy Washington +44 7527918842 United KingdomAnia Iracka «Atelier» Oborniki +48 504094299 PolandValciuová Markéta Kvasiny +42 0777873864 Czech RepublicKasia Śpiewak «Annails» Opole +48 508306324 PolandMonique Frans «Bloomingnails & More» Roosendaal +31 624402572 HollandMonika Jędrzejewska «Perfect Nails» Łódź +48 505704500 PolandKasia Zbroinska Gubin +48 609 087 882 Poland

Ewelina Fedorowicz

Kasia Kumaszewska

Marketa Valciuova

Monique Frans

Patrycja KubiczekVlada Bulle

Kasia Spiewak


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