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MEDIA KEY TERMS A:Camera Shoot B:Camera Movement C:Camera Angles D:Composition

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A:Camera Shoot

B:Camera Movement

C:Camera Angles


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Establishing shot Establishing is a setting of a scene, often

used giving viewer information about where the scene is set .

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CAMERA SHOOT Wide shot This shot is wide and shows a large

variety of information, often establishing are wide shot .This could be used to show everyone in a room or at a dinner table.

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CAMERA SHOOT Long shotFraming of character or subject of their

whole body It normally used by people who are running or can be to show what they doing.

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CAMERA SHOOT Mid/medium shotFraming of A character or subject of their

torso(mostly torso and head but could be torso and legs).It used to show what the person are doing .

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CAMERA SHOOT Close up shot Framing of a character or subject of some

particular of their body or object such as face, hand this Is used when you want to show something in detail .

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CAMERA SHOOT Extreme close up shot A shot is of a part of body or face to

show audience to give them more information or detail about a character or object.

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Point of viewShow a view from the character's

perspective used to show in a way which the audience are aware of whole the character is e.g they would a reverse shot of the character .

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CAMERA SHOOT Over the shoulder shotA shoot which is filmed as if it is from the

back of the character’s shoulder. This shot is used to show the character Facing the audience is very Inferior.

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CAMERA SHOOT Two shotTwo character communicating ,interacting

or conversing .Usually used to show a relationship between the two character (it dose not have to be humane) .

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Overhead shot A type of camera shot in which is placed

above the character ,action or object being filmed. Distances could vary.

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CAMERA MOVEMENT Pan When a camera pivots horizontally

either from left to right or right to left to reveal more information. It can be used to give view a panoramic view,somtimes used to establish a scene .

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CAMERA MOVEMENT TiltWhen a camera pivots vertically ether

from bottom to top or top to bottom to reveal more information .It can be used to give more information or view the setting ,object and character .

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CAMERA MOVEMENT Track Movement of the camera from side to

side without a pivot to follow an abject or character this can be used to make smooth movement from side to side or frontward and backwards.

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CAMERA MOVEMENT ZoomWhen the camera feature zoom goes in toward

an object or character to reveal more detail it can be used to show small detail.

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CAMERA MOVEMENT Reverse zoom Reverse often called ‘zoom out’ when

the camera feature zoom goes out away from an object or character which is used to reveal detail from far or setting around them. Speed of zoom can vary.

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CAMERA MOVEMENT DollyWhen a camera moves in and out on an

object called dolly which is like a tripod with wheels.

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CAMERA ANGLES Low angle An angel that take from a lower place

that look up at the character or subject are often used to make the character or subject to look more dominant and powerful .

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CAMERA ANGLES High angle An angle that taken from a higher place

that looks down at character or subject, often used for to make the character or subject appear vulnerable, weak and to make them smaller.

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CAMERA ANGLES Canted or oblique Camera angle that makes what is shot

to appear skewed or tilled, it can be used to disorientate the audience.

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COMPOSITION Balance is arrange element so that no

one part of work overpower. Balance is when both sides artwork, if split down the middle appear to be the same are used to equal the page arranging element of the same element e.g ying yang.

balance shape balance colour

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COMPOSITION Symmetry(balance) When the shot is equally symmetry or

balance on both sides. Both sides look nearly identical on both side. Often used to show order, normalness or organisation.

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COMPOSITION Asymmetry (unbalance ) When the shot is unbalance on both side

. therefore both side looks different often used in filming to show disorder objects characters.

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COMPOSITION Depth of field Depth of is distance of what is in focus. It

is the distance between the nearest and farthest object in the scene that appear acceptable sharp in an image this is used to show the differences to the audience.

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COMPOSITION Rule of thirdThe rule of third is a compostion that the

image should be divided into nine equal parts by two equal spaced horizontal lines this is used to create attention energy interest in the composition.

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COMPOSITION Shallow focus In shallow focus one plane of the image

in focus while the rest is out of focus. Shallow focus typically used for emphasize one part of the image over another.

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COMPOSITION Deep focus Deep focus in which is entire image is

in focus. In deep focus the foregrounds, mid-ground and background all in focus. This used for to pull the main character to be on focus.

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COMPOSITION Focus pulls Focus pulls is a creative camera

technique in which you change the focus during a shot; usually means adjusting focus one subject to another this can be used to to change the focus of an subject or character.