media evaltuation question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups. By Lissie Archer

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Post on 04-Aug-2015



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How does your media product represent particular social


By Lissie Archer

In our title sequence of ‘The Childs Eye’ we hoped to represent particular subjects directed at teenagers and young adults. As our target audience was 15-25 year olds we aimed to have relatable topic towards that demographic.

Our sequence represented typical norms:

• Distressed teenagers

• Broken families

• Young adults suffering from traumatic experience’s

What we needed to capture was the audiences emotions, so through the characters we chose and the setting realism was created in a domestic environment.

We represented:

• Age

• Gender

• Families

• Psychological disorder

Representation of AgeThe actors we chose to play each role would

marginalise the age group we were trying to target. Having young actors represented a teenage status and showed a stereotype of young adults being distressed and over exaggerated.

We chose the age of the little boy to be 12-13, this represented his innocent and caring personality as in the title sequence he is the character being traumatised. For the targeted demographic he could represent a younger brother making the fear even more realistic. Focusing on this age could represent young children as being proem to unfortunate family situations. It also shows the age to be vulnerable.

For the girl character we aged her 16-17, this would target the older demographic. Having the human monster be older then the protagonist represented a authority and control over the little boy. It showed young adults to be distressed and dramatic, and gave the representation of that particular age to be violent and hysterical.

Representation of GenderHaving the 17 year old girl as the human

monster gives off the representation of the young female society to suffer from psychological problems and distressing times more than males. It represents a teenage to have more of an unhinged mind then children as the little boy is being traumatised by the older girl.

The characters are both male and female given an even balance to social groups and represents the relationship of these siblings to be disjointed. The young boy is obviously very worried and scared for his sister, this represents him as being kind hearted and human whereas this girl represents her gender to be quite selfish.

The fact that the girl uses a knife as a weapon to herself shows her as violent and her self harming shows her to be mentally disabled. The fact that they clearly live without parents help shows them to be mature as well.

Representation of FamilyIt is clear that the boy and the girl live together

and are of some relation, this represents siblings of this age to usually repel each other. It shows that they clearly struggle as a family and are living in fear or stress.

The fact that you never see parents or older adults around represents a broken family, it shows 2 children suffering from different problems without parents. This represents children as becoming psychologically challenged without an adult guidance.

At their age living alone could show teenagers as being stripped from the world, tossed away from adults. In this title sequence the representation of family is been made to look tragic and overrated. It shows that young adults don’t appreciate adult guidance and tend to be lead astray by their own thoughts and emotions.