media eval

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Jordan Mcgrath

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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation


Jordan Mcgrath

Page 2: Media eval

Abode Photoshop

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Last year when creating my AS magazine project; front cover, contents page and double page spread, I also used the Abode Photoshop programme. When creating my products this year I feel as though I was more at ease and had more control over the programme, overall gaining a more positive experience. I feel as if I am now able to use the programme along with its different aspect and tools without any trouble. This resulted in me being able to create a better and more professional looking product,

Last year, I needed a lot of help in getting to learn the basics of each of the tools. However, this year I was able to go into it with a clear idea of how I would start. This made the creating of my product a lot faster, creating more opportunities to make amendments to the final product before handing it in.

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Online Technologies‘Blogger’

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Last year, I also used the website ‘Blogger’ in the evaluation process of my product. Due to the site being fairly basic and self explanatory, I didn’t come across any complications both this year and last year. I feel as though I have been successful in using this website and would definitely consider using it again for future projects etc. This year I not only used ‘Blogger’ in the evaluation stages, but also in the research and planning stages of my product.

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Prezi is another online programme which I used last year in the evaluation process. Although it proved to be slightly difficult at first, I quickly learnt the ropes and then used it in one of the evaluation questions. I first started off using a blank template which proved to be difficult. I realised that I would have to edit my own path which seemed to be a bit of a task. Therefore I resulted in copying and pasting my work over to an existing template, Doing this was every easy and far less time consuming. The path was already set and boxes were already drawn. I would definitely consider using this website again for future projects etc.

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This online site is another piece of technology which I used, in answering this evaluation question. Originally created using Microsoft PowerPoint, this site is a great way to make these simple PowerPoints look more professional. This process was quick and simple and would definitely recommend the website.

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This is the final piece of online technology which I used in my evaluation. Like a video, Animoto also combines aspects of PowerPoint. It is out together like a PowerPoint, however presented like a video. This is another easy way to create an effortless presentation which is made to look professional. I would definitely consider using this piece of technology again in future projects, as it is both quick and easy to use and create great looking pieces of work.

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In the research and planning process, I used the website ‘SurveyMonkey’ to create a questionnaire for my audience research. I found this site very easy and basic to use, which also produced great clear results in the form of tables and graphs. These results enabled me to clearly analyse my finding to help me create a product to the best standard.

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Other Technologies

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Digital Camera When taking the pictures for my final tasks, I

used a digital camera. The camera that I used enabled me to achieve good, clear images which then impacted my final tasks, making them look more professional. Transferring the images from my camera to the computer was also a quick and easy process.