media effects

Media Effects

Upload: simranpal-kandola

Post on 12-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Media effects

Media Effects

Page 2: Media effects

Hypodermic ModelThe Hypodermic model is a model of communications, suggesting that an intended message is directly received and wholly accepted by the receiver. For example, if we get an opinion from someone who is highly respected and established, we accept their opinion immediately of being correct and accept the opinion. Furthermore, if their opinion changes our opinion will therefore also change.

This relates to the Descent by fact that the bone breaking scene changes our opinion upon on it. This is shown in the Descent when Holy breaks her leg when carelessly running ion the cave. Also, we accept and take in the bone breaking scene, therefore this alters and changes our opinions and perceptions upon this. For example, if we see this in reality our opinions and perceptions would be different than before and would not react in the same way.

Page 3: Media effects

Two-Step Flow ModelThe Two-step model is a model which says that most people form their opinions under the influence of opinion leaders, who in turn are influenced by the mass media. For example, if someone we respect and know to generally to be right without question, we will take their opinion to be correct and truthful, even tough they got their opinion from someone else's opinion. We will get influenced by these key people to believe it to be right.

This relates to the Descent by the the director, Neil Marshall, this relates through him because we accept his representation of women in the movie without question. For example, we accept women to be empowering and self confident, as shown and presented in the Descent to be.

Page 4: Media effects

Uses and Gratifications ModelThe uses and gratifications model is an approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs. Furthermore, the Uses and Gratifications model is an audience centered approach to understanding mass communication. For example, if we are given an opinion or answer we will question the correctness of the answer and want a justification why that is so.

This relates to the Descent, as women are represented as an idea that they are backstabbing and violent. This representation is shown when Juno is perceived to be having an affair with Sarah’s husband and later on in the movie Sarah stabs her in the leg, putting their years of friendship behind them. The violent representation of women are shown when in the movie they fight of the crawlers to survive whilst killing them and each other. For example, we do not accept this to be a representation and image of all women in general, but a image of a certain individual group of women, being strong and individual women.