media center action plan


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Post on 02-Jul-2015




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Media Center Action Plan

Westmont Elementary School

Specific Purpose Statement: To provide additional evening instructional activities sponsored by the media center that targets family involvement.

Focus Area Current Situation Goal Actions Required Timing RewardFacilities, Access, and Resources

The media center is now open only from 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. (Thirty minutes before and after school) with one or no evening programs.

To schedule three evening activities sponsored by the media center during the course of one school year to improve meeting student instructional needs.

The media center team, along with the media committee team, will plan three evening activities sponsored by the media center. These additional activities will be reading promotional events that incorporate students and their families.

Advertisements of these extra activities will be created in several different formats.

Begin implementation during the 2010-2011 school year

The media center will provide greater instructional time for students that incorporates their families.