media 2

PRELIM TASK The first task in which we did in terms of filming and editing was our preliminary task where we had to be in groups and create a short scene .The scene and task had to consist of a character having to open a door, crossing a room and sitting down on a chair whilst he or she had to exchange a couple lines of dialogue. The scenario for my prelim was me being the actor was late for school so I walked into the classroom and sat down explaining to my teacher why I was late, this then made the teacher tell me to leave due to me getting rude. In our prelim we had to show many continuity editing types such as 180 degree rule shot reverse shot, eye line match and match on action shot. By being given a prelim task the whole point of it was to give us some practise in filming and editing in order for us to create our main task which was the thriller opening. It was also given to us so that we could get familiar and have experience in using the cameras to take the footage and uploading it onto final cut pro in order to edit it, as we will have to do the same with our main thriller opening task. From having a prelim task to complete I learnt many things from it which helped my progression in creating the main product which was the thriller opening.

Upload: adam-zaffar

Post on 09-Aug-2015




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The first task in which we did in terms of filming and editing was our preliminary task where we had to be in groups and create a short scene .The scene and task had to consist of a character having to open a door, crossing a room and sitting down on a chair whilst he or she had to exchange a couple lines of dialogue. The scenario for my prelim was me being the actor was late for school so I walked into the classroom and sat down explaining to my teacher why I was late, this then made the teacher tell me to leave due to me getting rude. In our prelim we had to show many continuity editing types such as 180 degree rule shot reverse shot, eye line match and match on action shot. By being given a prelim task the whole point of it was to give us some practise in filming and editing in order for us to create our main task which was the thriller opening. It was also given to us so that we could get familiar and have experience in using the cameras to take the footage and uploading it onto final cut pro in order to edit it, as we will have to do the same with our main thriller opening task. From having a prelim task to complete I learnt many things from it which helped my progression in creating the main product which was the thriller opening.


One thing that I leant was that planning was very vital and important to do before I start creating

my thriller opening, I leant that by doing planning it makes it easier to complete something due to

me already knowing what to do and how to do it whereas if I didn’t do planning I would have had to

do everything of the top of my head which is very hard, by doing planning it made my thriller

opening more effective and look very smoothly because if you watch my thriller opening you can

tell that I planned thoroughly to complete the opening due to it looking very smooth and only minor

mistakes were made. For the prelim I got a little bit of experience and practise in planning for it due

to me and my group coming together allowing us to share ideas and discuss thing such as a

variety of shots, what our storyline would be and what each characters role is, if I didn’t do any of

this it would have been extremely difficult. By doing this little planning for the prelim it helped a lot

for my actual thriller opening because when it comes down to my thriller opening I knew exactly

what I had to do and how everything was going to fit in place due to us having many planning

resources beforehand such as a proposal sheet, outline of thriller opening, legal and ethical issues,

health and safety, shot by shot list and a script. From what I have listed you know that I have

planned in a lot of depth for my thriller opening whereas with my prelim I didn’t have any of these

planning resources I just discussed it with my group members to briefly what we will be doing and

done a bit of improvisation, this shows how my planning has improved from the prelim to the actual

thriller opening due to me being more organised.

LEANT HOW TO EDIT Another thing that I learnt was when I did my prelim I had to edit the footage on the

editing software final cut pro and when I did edit some of the prelim work I found it

extremely hard to edit as I had no experience and skills in using it therefore I had to

ask people that were experienced at using it to teach me and show me the ropes of

the simple and main things that I needed to know. By me learning a little bit about

final cut pro and how to use it a bit I kind of got the hang of using it by me fiddling

around with the software, this then helped me with the actual thriller opening as I

knew how to do the simple things like cut and delete certain scenes and make certain

scenes longer, I also knew how to put certain shots together to create tension. If you

look at my prelim and my actual thriller opening you can tell the difference in editing

due to the prelim not having that many special effects and transitions were as my

thriller opening has a variety and range of different effects and transitions such as a

black out.


Another thing I learnt by doing the prelim was a range and variety of

shots such as close up, mid shot, over the shoulder shot and high angle

shot, before I did the prelim I didn’t know the different types of shots and

didn’t know that many and know I am more familiar with the shots. By me

being more familiar with the shots I now know how to use the shots in

certain circumstances and I know when to putt those shots in a film to

make it look effective. I then used the knowledge in which I leant from the

prelim and carried it out it the actual thriller opening, if you compare my

thriller opening with the prelim you will be able to see how much different

kinds of shots I have used in which I didn’t use in the prelim which shows

you how much I have learnt.



Finally my skills developed to the final product as my knowledge and

understanding were improved in the main areas filing and editing and knowing

how to use the equipment given to me efficiently and appropriately. Also my

research was improved as it helped me to understand many thriller opening

which then lead to helping me know many things about thrillers such as typical

conventions, production details, exhibition, budget, marketing and distribution.

By the use of carrying out research through the internet It then gave me many

ideas in which could make my thriller opening similar to many successful

thrillers, I was then able to look on YouTube to see many thriller opening to see

the kind of shots and editing used to create tension in which it made the

audience interested. By looking on YouTube I then got ideas from the shots and

editing use and carried it out in my thriller opening.