mechanism for mechanical destruction of ammonium bromide single crystals

BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS MECHANISM FOR MECHANICAL DESTRUCTION OF AMMONIUM BROMIDE SINGLE CRYSTALS F. Kh. Urakaev, Yu, Pc Savintsev, O. F. Pozdnyakov, V. V. Boldyrev, and V. R. Begel' UDC 541.124:542.92:546.39'141-162 A study of the mechanism of mechanochemiea[ processes is receiving constantly increasing attention, partly due to their practical importance [1]. Either nonequilibrium vibrationally excited particles or unstable free radicals are formed in the first stage of chemical destruction, initiated mechanically inionic inorganic crystals [2, 3]. In order to obtain data for unequivocally choosing between these decomposition mechanisms we studied ~hose objects where the chemical consequences of the mechanical action make it possible to judge the elementary mechanolysis act. This condition is satisfied by the NH4X compounds, where X=CI, Br, C104, etc., which are capable of decomposing in the following directions: ~ HBr + NH3 (1) NHaBr--' ~ Br + NH4(NH3+ H) (2) " ' Br + NH4 + ( in the lattice) ~2e- (3) Reaction (1) is explained by the excitation of the vibrationally rotating levels of the ground state of the NH4 + cation, which is completed by the transfer of H + [4, 51. Reactions (2) and (3) are realized only via electronic processes [6] and require much greater energy expenditures than does (1). EXPERIMENTAL The time-of-flight mass spectrometry method [3] was used, which makes it possible to judge the degree to which reactions (1)-(3) progress from the ratio of the intensities of the volatile products that are liberated during the cleavage of NH4Br single crystals, and consequently the mechanism for the mechanical destruction of crystals of the Ntt4X type, which is essential when studying transport mechanochemical reactions [7] where ammonium salts are used as the transport agents. The N[I4Br single crystals were grown from aqueous solutions at 30-35~ by the method of lowering the temperature (cooling rate 0.05-0.1 deg/day). The apparatus used to grow the crystals was hydrophobized in advance. The hermetic sealing of the solution and reverse turning of the seed crystal were done as described in [8]. Urea was added in order to prevent dendritic growth in the solution. However, in this case the crystals had a brownish tinge, apparently due to the formation of small amounts of NH4Br 3 [9], since, based on the mass-spectrometric data, free Br 2 is absent in these crystals. Only the addition of aqueous NH 3 solu- tion to the crystallizer made it possible to grow colorless crystals with a size of ~ 10 x 10 • 10 mm. The employed NHaBr single crystals were obtained from a solution with the composition: NH~Br-900 g/liter, urea =300 g/liter, and 10% NH 3 solution=440 ml/liter. The NH4Br single crystals are quite plastic at ~ 20 ~ and fail to undergo brittle destruction. The removal of occluded moisture by heating the crystal in the chamber of the mass analyzer proved impossible due to the volatility- of the sample. Consequently, the method given in [3] was modified. Before and during the measure- ments the crystal was constantly cooled with the vapors of liquid N2 (on the average down to -70~ The experiments with the cooled crystals made it possible, first, to achieve brittle destruction of the NH4Br single crystals, second, to freeze out the moisture, which interferes with the correct running of the experiment, and third, to exclude the sublimation of NH4Br. The vacuum prior to measurement was 5 10 -7 torr, while the sensitivity of the method toward the gas stream was ~ 10 ll molecules/sec per mm of scale subdivision. Institute of Physicochemical Principles of Processing Mineral Ores, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Novosibirsk. A. F. Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, No. 4, pp. 924-926, April, 1978. Original article submitted March 2, 1977. 0568-5230/78/2704-0799507.50 1978 Plenum Publishing Corporation 799

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Page 1: Mechanism for mechanical destruction of ammonium bromide single crystals




F . K h . U r a k a e v , Y u , Pc S a v i n t s e v , O. F . P o z d n y a k o v , V . V . B o l d y r e v , a n d V . R . B e g e l '

UDC 541.124:542.92:546.39'141-162

A study of the m e c h a n i s m of mechanochemiea[ p r o c e s s e s is receiving constantly increas ing attention, par t ly due to the i r p rac t i ca l impor tance [1]. E i ther nonequil ibr ium vibra t ional ly excited pa r t i c les or unstable f ree rad ica l s a r e fo rmed in the f i r s t s tage of chemical des t ruct ion, init iated mechanica l ly i n i o n i c inorganic c ry s t a l s [2, 3].

In o rde r to obtain data for unequivocally choosing between these decomposi t ion m e c h a n i s m s we studied ~hose objec ts where the chemical consequences of the mechanica l action make it poss ib le to judge the e l e m e n t a r y mechano lys i s act . Th is condition i s sat isf ied by the NH4X compounds, where X = C I , Br , C104, etc. , which a re capable of decomposing in the following di rec t ions:

~ HBr + NH3 (1) NHaBr-- ' ~ Br + NH4 (NH3 + H) (2)

" ' Br + NH4 + ( in the lattice) ~2 e- (3)

React ion (1) is explained by the excitat ion of the v ibra t ional ly rotat ing levels of the ground state of the NH4 + cation, which i s completed by the t r a n s f e r of H + [4, 51. Reac t ions (2) and (3) a r e r ea l i zed only v ia e lec t ron ic p r o c e s s e s [6] and r equ i re much g r e a t e r ene rgy expendi tures than does (1).


The t ime-o f - f l i gh t m a s s s p e c t r o m e t r y method [3] was used, which makes i t poss ib le to judge the degree to which reac t ions (1)-(3) p r o g r e s s f rom the ra t io of the in tensi t ies of the volat i le p roducts that a r e l ibera ted during the c leavage of NH4Br single c ry s t a l s , and consequently the mechan i sm for the mechanica l des t ruct ion of c r y s t a l s of the Ntt4X type, which is essen t ia l when studying t r anspo r t mechanochemica l reac t ions [7] where a m m o n i u m sa l t s a r e used as the t r a n s p o r t agents .

The N[I4Br single c ry s t a l s were grown f rom aqueous solutions a t 30-35~ by the method of lowering the t e m p e r a t u r e (cooling ra t e 0.05-0.1 deg/day) . The appara tus used to grow the c rys t a l s was hydrophobized in advance. The h e r m e t i c seal ing of the solution and r e v e r s e turning of the seed c rys t a l were done as descr ibed in [8]. Urea was added in o rde r to p reven t dendr i t ic growth in the solution. However , in this case the c rys t a l s had a brownish t inge, apparen t ly due to the format ion of smal l amounts of NH4Br 3 [9], s ince, based on the m a s s - s p e c t r o m e t r i c data, f ree Br 2 is absent in these c rys t a l s . Only the addition of aqueous NH 3 solu- tion to the c ry s t a l l i z e r made i t poss ib le to g row co lo r l e s s c ry s t a l s with a size of ~ 10 x 10 • 10 mm. The employed NHaBr single c rys ta l s were obtained f rom a solution with the composition: NH~Br-900 g / l i t e r , urea =300 g / l i t e r , and 10% NH 3 solut ion=440 m l / l i t e r .

The NH4Br single c rys t a l s a r e quite p las t ic at ~ 20 ~ and fail to undergo bri t t le dest ruct ion. The r emova l of occluded moi s tu re by heating the c rys t a l in the chamber of the m a s s ana lyze r proved imposs ib le due to the volatility- of the sample . Consequently, the method given in [3] was modified. Before and during the m e a s u r e - ments the c rys ta l was constantly cooled with the vapors of liquid N 2 (on the ave r age down to -70~ The expe r imen t s with the cooled c rys ta l s made i t poss ible , f i rs t , to achieve bri t t le des t ruct ion of the NH4Br single c rys ta l s , second, to f reeze out the mois tu re , which i n t e r f e r e s with the c o r r e c t running of the exper iment , and third, to exclude the sublimation of NH4Br. The vacuum p r io r to m e a s u r e m e n t was 5 �9 10 -7 to r r , while the sensi t iv i ty of the method toward the gas s t r e a m was ~ 10 ll m o l e c u l e s / s e c pe r m m of scale subdivision.

Inst i tute of Phys icochemica l P r inc ip le s of P r o c e s s i n g Mineral Ores , Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Novosibirsk . A. F. Ioffe Physicotechnical Inst i tute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. T rans la t ed f rom Izves t iya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya , No. 4, pp. 924-926, Apri l , 1978. Original a r t i c l e submit ted March 2, 1977.

0568-5230/78/2704-0799507.50 �9 1978 Plenum Publishing Corporat ion 799

Page 2: Mechanism for mechanical destruction of ammonium bromide single crystals


r 18


28 323# #r 7,.0-82 ~/'E"

h8 # rn/e 80

i T i i

�9 # ~g f z,5 z 2,5 s

Fig. 1. Exper imenta l data on mechanical destruct ion of NH4Br c rys ta l s : a) m a s s spec t rum of volat i le products fo rmed in cleavage of single c rys ta l ; b) kinetic curve for in tensi ty of HBr l iberat ion (m/e 80), r eco rded on ribbon of beam osci l lograph during cleavage of single crys ta l .

A compar i son of the obtained m a s s spec t rum (Fig. la) with.the m a s s spec t r a of pure NH s and HBr [10] r evea l s that the volat i le products of the mechanical destruct ion of NH~Br a re NH s and HBr, which a r e l ibe r - ated in approx imate ly equal amounts (1014-10 is molecules /cm2) . I f water preva i led in the volat i le products obtained in the exper imen t s descr ibed in [3] on the destruct ion of the c rys ta l s at ~ 20 ~ then, as can be seen, the amount that is l ibera ted during the cleavage of the cooled c rys t a l s is slight. T r a c e s of a i r inclusions (m/e 28 and 32) and CI- , which cor responds to the l iberat ion of HC1, a r e also observed in some of the ex p e r i - ments in the NH4Br c rys ta l s .

The curve for the change in the intensi ty of HBr l iberat ion (m/e 80), r ecorded on the ribbon of a beam osci l lograph (the t ime constant of the scheme for record ing the kinetic curve is 0.01 sec), is not smooth (see Fig. lb) and apparent ly re f lec t s the complex sequence of the p roce s s for des t roying the sample and the subsequent re laxat ion of the mechanica l ly ac t ivated f resh ly formed sur faces .

The m a s s - s p e c t r o m e t r i c m e a s u r e m e n t s lack any indications that reac t ions of type (2) and (3) can be rea l ized during the cleavage of NH4Br single c rys ta l s . This gives reason to a s sume that the mechan i sm for the mechanical des t ruct ion of NH4Br c rys t a l s consis ts in the t r a n s f e r of H + f rom NH~ + to B r - , for example , due to excitat ion of the optical v ibra t ions of the lat t ice during the mechanical action [6]. Elec t ronic p r o c e s s e s , typical for the c h e m i s t r y of the cleavage of alkali halide c rys ta l s [6, 11], a r e not real ized, since a sufficiently efficient mechan i sm for absorpt ion of the mechanical energy ( t ransfer of H +) exis ts on a lower step of the energy scale .


It was shown by the time-of-flight mass spectrometry method that a proton is transferred from the cation to the anion during the mechanical destruction of ammonium bromide single crystals.


1. V . V . Boldyrev, A. S. Kolosov, M. V. Chaikina, and E. G. Avvakumov, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 233, 892 (1977).

2. V.V. Boldyrev, Kinet. Katal., i__33, 1411 (1972). 3. F. Kh. Urakaev, V. V. Boldyrev, O. F. Pozdnyakov, and V. R. Rege1', Kinet., Katal., ~ 350 (1977). 4. E~ F. Khairetdinov and V. V. Boldyrev, J. Solid State Chem., 1_~i, 67 (1974). 5. E.F. Khairetdinov, V. V. Boldyrev, and A. I. Burstein, J. Solid State Chem., 10, 288 (1974). 6. L.M. Belyaev, Yu. N. Martyshev, and Yu. Ya. Yushin, Acta Phys. Acad. Set. Hung., 3_.33,307 (1973).


Page 3: Mechanism for mechanical destruction of ammonium bromide single crystals

7. E . G . A w a k u m o v , V. V. Boldyrev, and I. D. Kosobudskii , Izv. Sibirsk. Otd. Akad. Naak SSSR, Set . Khim. Nauk, 1972, No. 9, I s sue 4, 45.

8. V. N~ Voitsekhovski i , Zap~ Vseso Mineralog. Obshch., 92, No. 5, 587 (1963). 9. W. Gabes and H. Gerding, J. MoI. Struct . , 14, 267 (1972).

10. A. Gornu and R. Massot , Compilat ion of Mass Spectral Data, Heyden and Son, London (1966). 11. T . E . Gallon, J. G. Higginbotham, M. Prutton, and H. Tokutaka, Surf: Sei., 2_~1, 224 (1970).



E. N. Aredova, P. A. Krasutskii, M. M. Krayushkin, S. S. Novikov, V. V. Sevost'yanova, and A. G. Yurchenko

UDC 66.095.253:547.594.3

The behavior of 4-subs t i tu ted cyclohexanone enamines when condensed with ac ry loy l chloride was descr ibed in a prev ious communicat ion [1]o The behavior of cyclohexanones that have a substi tuent in the 3 position was studied in the p resen t paper . In cont ras t to 4-benzoylcyelohexanone, 3-benzoylcyclohexanone (iiI) does not fo rm the enamine when reac ted with morphol ine. Ins tead the morpholine sal t of benzoic acid (IV) is fo rmed under a wide range of conditions.

o . o ( I ! II "N /

H (iv) OH 0COC6H5 OCOC~H~ C~HsC()OH


In cont ras t to 1,4-cyclohexadione, 1 ,3-cyclohexadione (V) r eac t s with morphol ine to give only the monoenamine (VI).

H a " ~ t ' ~ Ha, l'I,,

o s~( 2 < . "~" "6.n ~ ~v) ti, ~,, L../6




" ~ ~ ( V l I ) 0


~162 ~ e OHalA)


In cont ras t to monoketone enamines , 1 -morphol inocyc lohexen-3-one (VI) is stable, which can be explained by the conjugation of the carbonyl group with the in t racyc l i c double bond. This apparent ly explains the fact that the a lkylat ion of enamine {VI) with ac ry loy l chloride leads to the monoalkylat ion product (VIII) and not the b icyel ic product (VII). Probably , due to conjugation with the carbonyl group, in (VI) the i somer iza t ion of the double bond in the 6 posit ion is made difficult and alkylat ion at this center fails to occur . Since in the l i t e r a - ture only the melt ing point i s given for (VIII), additional data was needed in o rde r to identify the compound obtained by us. The H A and H B protons have acid p roper t i e s , and acid (VIII) when t i t ra ted with 0.1 N alkali solution behaves like a dibasic acid (g-eq =92, which is half of the molecu la r weight). The NMR spec t ru m of (VIII) was taken in pyridine and is eas i ly in te rp re ted as being the spec t rum of the pyr id in ium salt: 12.97 = 2H a (region of acid protons that f o rm an H bond), 2.95 =2Hb, 2.86 =2He, 2.44=2He, 1.84=2Hd .

N. D. Zel inski i Inst i tute of Organic Chemis t ry , Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Kiev Poly- technic Inst i tute. T rans la t ed f rom Izves t iya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, No. 4, pp. 926-928, Apri l , 1978. Original a r t i c l e submit ted March 22, 1977.

0568-5230/78/2704- 0801 $07.50 �9 1978 Plenum Publishing Corpora t ion 801