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Post on 16-Mar-2016




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  • MDD Standard 1: Contextual Factors

    Guido Ignacio Riquelme Ponce.

    PP VII.

    Miss Astrid Guerra.

    Institution and classroom description.

    Montaner School is a private subsidized schools located in Hualpen, 8th

    region, Chile. The socio-economic context in which the school is placed is medium

    status. The existence of delinquency and other risk factors do not seem to impact on

    the school.

    The school has 900 students approximately, and they are distributed into 24

    grades from pre-school to 4th Medio. There are 26 teachers in the staff. Being two of

    them English teachers. One of them works with students from 1st to 6th grade, and

    the other works with students from 7th grade to 4th Medio. The school building is

    considerably new and modern.

    The institution also has plenty of activities that involve not only students but

    also their parents, for instance, sport clubs such as basketball, handball and

    cheerleaders; also cultural development clubs (chorus, folklore for parents) and

    intellectual clubs (ICTs, advanced English club), among others.

    The classrooms, in terms of structure and size, are very similar with each

    other. The school was built in a squared O shape so all classrooms receive natural

    light. On each classroom there are approximately 40 tables and 40 chairs, they

    arranged in 3 rows, so every student has a classmate next to them. Also, the

    teachers chair and desk is usually placed on the opposite corner of the classroom

    door. The arrangement of the classroom changes if it is needed, for instance when

    students work in groups. Exist some elements in the classroom that should be taken

    into consideration since they could affect the normal development of the class, for

    example, every classroom has windows to the playground and other windows to the

    corridor, people walking in the corridor could distract students.

    Students descriptions.

    On each grade the amount of male and female students is very similar. On

    the 9th grade the average age is 14 years, and on the 10th grade the average age is

    15. Most of the students belong to a medium socio-economic status. Also the school

    vulnerability indicator is 60%. Most of the students belonging to these grades have

    been studying in the institution for an extended period of time, so they very close

    with each other and very respectful with every teacher.

  • Most of the students are Chilean, just in one of the grades (9th) previously

    mentioned a student is foreigner, she is from Colombia. One student from the 10th

    grade presents special educational needs, this student works near the teacher so

    the teacher can assess the student constantly.

    Even though this school is not related with any specific religion, the students

    have a religion subject. In terms of English language teaching, the students from 1st

    to 8th grade have 3 hours of English per week. 9th and 10th grades have 4 hours per

    week. Finally 3rd and 4th Medio students have 3 hours per week, preparation

    subjects, also in 3rd Medio they have to choose a study plan.

    Being this week my second week working with the students, I have not seen

    the tests taking process yet, I witnessed the oral presentation of one the grades

    (10th). But asking the teacher how the students are evaluated I got to know that the

    students are evaluated with written tests, also with oral presentations

    Teaching and learning relevant factors analysis.

    First, during these two weeks I have not witnessed a formal lecture. So the

    teacher role while giving the lecture cannot be analyzed. What can be analyzed is

    the teacher role while the students work in groups. The students are in charge of

    constructing their own presentation while the teacher monitors their work.

    Second, the students seem to know how to work on their own, and work

    properly, talking during the class about what they are doing and what are they going

    to do, also they use the class time to solve doubts. They work autonomously.

    Third, on both grades (9th and 10th) a written test was already applied, and the

    result on both grades were acceptable, having minimal problems with some

    structures that are easily confusing for a non-native speaker.

    Fourth, the teacher uses a rewarding system in which he give points to

    students if they work in class, and the students may use these points when the have

    a written test in order to improve their mark. No matter how many point do you have

    the maximum amount of point that each student can use is five points per test.


    Even though during the observation process no formal lecture was given, the

    role of the teacher, during the students preparation for their oral presentation, was

    assessor, observer and organizer. Yet, it is important to identify which role the

    teacher take when giving a lecture.

    Also, the result of the written test previously mentioned was acceptable, it is

    essential to know how those minimal mistakes are going to be fixed. Is there going

    to be a special lesson to cover those mistakes?