mcnp class series (1. linux and basic commands)


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Page 1: MCNP Class series (1. Linux and basic commands)


Page 2: MCNP Class series (1. Linux and basic commands)

Operating system

● A program that manages computer hardware and software– File management– Program management

● Runs programs and manage hardware device– User interface

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What is Linux?

A program that manages computer hardware and software

File managementProgram managementRuns programs and manage hardware deviceUser interface

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Primary Advantage of Linux

Free of chargeMore reliable than most desktop-oriented operating systemMore safer from malware and virusesFree to change any part of the Linux systemAlways available on the Internet

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Linux distributions

UbuntuA complete desktop Linux operating system“ Humanity to others” in African word

FedoraAn openly-developed project designed by Red Hat

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Remote Access Using Windows - Remote Logins (I)

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Remote Logins (II)

After clicking on “Open”, you should be presented with a window with a command lineInterface and will be asked to supply your login name and password:

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Remote Logins (III)

Congratulations! You should now have an interactive shell session on the remote machine

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Basic Linux (Unix) Commands

Linux is case-sensitiveLinux distinguishes between upper and lower case letters in the names of files and programs.Login names and passwords are also case-sensitiveFilename in Linux can consists of any combination of characters except for the space and all of the following: * ? ! \ ‘ “ > ( ) $ ~

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File and directory handling commands

lsLists your files

ls -l Lists your files in ‘long format’

ls -a Lists all files

more filename Shows the first part of a file

cp filename1 filename2Copy a file

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File and directory handling commands

mkdir dirnameMake a new directory

cd dirnameChange directory

mv filename1 filename2Move a file into a different directory, or rename the file

rm filenameRemoves a file. Preferably use rm –I which will ask you for confirmation before deleting the file

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About yourself

whoamiReturns your username

passwdLets you change your password

kill PIDKills (ends) the processes with the ID you gave

quota -vShow what your disk quota is

du filenameShows the disk usage of the files

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Miscellaneous Commands

dateShows the current date and time

calShows a calendar of the current month

man commandnameShows the manual page for the command

Ctrl + c or zStops running program or the command

logoutEnds your login session

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Text Editors (vi)

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Text Editors (pico)

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File TransfersDouble-click the WinSCP icon to start WinSCP. The following window show should appear.

Type in Host name, User name, and Password.

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File transfers (continued.)Click “Login” to proceed. You will then see the following window:

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File transfers (continued.)Let’s say you wanted to copy the file “ch4e3” from the local compute (left window)to the remote computer (right window). Click on the file “ch4e3” and press F5 key at the bottom of the window. You will beprompted for a confirmation.

Click “Copy”, and a transfer progress window will appear.

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File transfers (continued.)

Depending on the size of the files and the speed of your network, this could take from a few seconds to several minutes.When you are ready to disconnect from the remote system, press F10 or just exit from the program.