mckenna quotes

“The amazing thing is that each one of us, in our own living room, can be this Magellan, can penetrate into these dimensions. It really seems quite freaky to me, freaky to me that such a thing is possible, and yet that we are such monkeys, or so culturally constrained, or so blind, that this is not what we’re all talking about, all the time. And by ‘we all,’ I mean all five billion of us on this planet. Because we appear to be being pushed down a featureless corridor toward a furnace. And yet, if you would notice, there are all these doors along the side of the so-called ‘featureless corridor.’ And nobody seems to have cognized that you can just open these doors and walk through and short-circuit the inevitability of planetary disaster. Amazing. Amazing! Because we pride ourselves our commitment, that science allows us to look anywhere, inspect any possibility. Our models are not dictated to us by the church or by government or by industry—when in fact they are dictated to us by the church, government, industry, mammalian organization. And so we are no better off than all those benighted people in those previous ages where we look back upon them and say, ‘They must have been so limited by their world view because they didn’t know about quantum physics and ketamine and Michael Jackson and cable TV and all of these things.’ But the fact of the matter is that unless we push through culture to nature, we too are dupes. We too are somehow being sold a line. And yet nature is there. . . . Nature is the final arbiter of cultural forms.” Regarding Rationalism: “. . . Rationalism, scientific technology, which began and came out of the scholasticism of the middle ages, and the quite legitimate wish to glorify God through an appreciation of His natural world turned into a kind of demonic pact, a kind of descent into the underworld . . . leading to the present cultural and political impasse that involves massive stock piles of atomic weapons, huge propagandized populations cut off from any knowledge of their real histories, male dominated organizations plying their message

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Quotes by Terence McKenna


Page 1: McKenna Quotes

“The amazing thing is that each one of us, in our own living room, can be this Magellan, can penetrate into these dimensions. It really seems quite freaky to me, freaky to me that such a thing is possible, and yet that we are such monkeys, or so culturally constrained, or so blind, that this is not what we’re all talking about, all the time. And by ‘we all,’ I mean all five billion of us on this planet. Because we appear to be being pushed down a featureless corridor toward a furnace. And yet, if you would notice, there are all these doors along the side of the so-called ‘featureless corridor.’ And nobody seems to have cognized that you can just open these doors and walk through and short-circuit the inevitability of planetary disaster. Amazing. Amazing! Because we pride ourselves our commitment, that science allows us to look anywhere, inspect any possibility. Our models are not dictated to us by the church or by government or by industry—when in fact they are dictated to us by the church, government, industry, mammalian organization. And so we are no better off than all those benighted people in those previous ages where we look back upon them and say, ‘They must have been so limited by their world view because they didn’t know about quantum physics and ketamine and Michael Jackson and cable TV and all of these things.’ But the fact of the matter is that unless we push through culture to nature, we too are dupes. We too are somehow being sold a line. And yet nature is there. . . . Nature is the final arbiter of cultural forms.”

Regarding Rationalism:

“. . . Rationalism, scientific technology, which began and came out of the scholasticism of the middle ages, and the quite legitimate wish to glorify God through an appreciation of His natural world turned into a kind of demonic pact, a kind of descent into the underworld . . . leading to the present cultural and political impasse that involves massive stock piles of atomic weapons, huge propagandized populations cut off from any knowledge of their real histories, male dominated organizations plying their message of lethal destruction and inevitable historical advance. And into this situation comes the UFO . . . and I believe that is the purpose of the UFO: to inject uncertainty into the male dominated, paternalistic, rational, solar myth under which we are suffering.” (Paraphrase) And I believe this is what the Goddess is saying: ‘Your science is going to be shown up for what it is: nothing more than a pleasant metaphor usefully extrapolated into the production of toys for healthy children.’ That’s what science is good for. It is not some meta-theory at whose feet every point of view from astrology to acupressure to channeling need be laid to have the hand of science announce thumbs up or thumbs down.” (From Youtube video “Terrence McKenna – Angels, Aliens, and Archetypes Part 2/6”)

“Balkanization of epistemology” (Terence McKenna - Dream Awake) “The cure is that we live so long. That we figure out what a scam this is. We figure out that what you’re supposed to work for isn’t worth having. We figure out that our politicians are buffoons. We figure out that professional scientists are reputation-building, grab-tailing weasels. We discover that all organizations are corrupted by ambition, you know, you get the picture. So then intellectuals, defined as people who figure it out, are alienated; that’s what figuring it out means: it means you understand that the BMW, the Harvard degree, the whatever it is, that this is all baloney, manipulated and hyped, and

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mostly you have a bunch of clueless people figuring out which fork they should use. . . . [And what we’re alienated from is] preposterous: earth-murdering, sexist, consumerist, shallow, trivial, inane, insane, and dangerous.”

Terrence McKenna – Materialism-Science-Culture

“For approximately 500 years, the great era of the triumph of modern science, materialism has had the field all to itself. And its argument for its preeminence was the beautiful toys it could create: aircraft, railroads, global economies, television, space craft. But that is a fool’s argument for truth. I mean that’s, after all, how a medicine show operates: the juggler is so good, the medicine must be even better. This is not an entirely rational way to proceed. . . . . Reason, and science, and the practice of unbridled capitalism have not delivered us. Quite the contrary.