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MoodBender…Touch Screen Therapy Dr. Mark Filippi App Overview

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Post on 25-Jul-2015




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MoodBender…Touch Screen Therapy

Dr. Mark Filippi App Overview

First some background…2



From the research we've been able to access, there's a clear benefit in engaging the visual-motor system; creativity. Up until now the focus has been on inner visual methods like Tesla's…

Where we stand now3


Education at large struggles to understand how to help students overcome their various early developmental anomalies and have been experimenting for decades to find ways to address it.

What the research says…4


That said, some of the research expands the issue beyond the obvious coordination problems and instead indicates there's a 'packet loss' of relevant data that's altering perceptual acuity. 

A speed-accuracy tradeoff account could not explain the differences between open-loop and delayed reaching. Those findings suggest that the motor system does not have access to highly accurate information about the aiming environment for any appreciable period of time following visual occlusion, consistent with the view that the visuomotor system operates in real time.

What is Visual Motor Integration ?



Visual motor integration or (VMI) is commonly called eye-body or eye-hand coordination, is a critical

component of vision. Like a visual "follow the leader," the eyes go first and tell the muscles where to follow,

leading to balance, coordination, and movement.

VMI and apps6


Increasing a user’s (VMI) in an app is new territory in the field of optokinetics. Most popular apps are primarily designed for 3rd party clinical use…

How does MoodBender work?


The MoodBender app works like a progressive 'circuit-training' experience that enhances the user's VMI (visual-motor integration) by creating tasks that bring everyday actions into focus. These tasks form an algorithm that allows us to move within and between different types of challenges.

1.Encoding Eye & Hand Movements

(i.e. matching inner/outer social rhythms)

2.Dynamic visual discrimination

(i.e. maintaining your composure in a big spot)

3.Visual Motor Coupling

(i.e. acknowledging intersubjective viewpoints differ) 

4.Psychosocial Defragmentation

(i.e. seeing the forest for the trees)

How is MoodBender designed? How is MoodBender designed?


Users establish baselines in each section. There are 4 levels in each one, so a total of 20 game environments. Level 1 is a direct visual challenge with no pacing or disruptive component Level 2 is a direct visual challenge with a pacing component Level 3 is a direct visual challenge with a disruptive component Level 4 is a direct visual challenge with a pacing and a disruptive component

How is MoodBender played?



The user traps moving targets that travel in patterns and directions within each of 4 distinct types of VMI challenges (vectors, waveforms, geometric patterns & trajectories). There’s a 5th sector that features combinations of all of those. The patterns and directions get more difficult as user advances. The user can replay levels associated with signatures of the 4 somatic domains as described in Dr. Filippi’s proprietary techniques.

Sample Game Animation10

Please go to Slide Show View Slide Show in order to see animation

Quick Recap of Level and Image Formation

As the user establishes baselines in each sector, then each level, one of 20 possible meta-images

emerges.They’ll lead the user to more information on-line.

What is MoodBender’s goal?


The aim is to use these VMI challenges to raise a user’s general coherence and allow them to better regulate their physiological state (i.e., feel more relaxed & alert). The gaming environments take the user down to a biological level of attention. Each trial ‘bends’ their mood and the user is informed at the conclusion what area of the brain they’ve just worked in and how to use that awareness offline.

Once they’ve established a baseline in each gaming environments, they can go freely through the app rather than the default sequence as depicted on slide 6. They’ll intuitively learn how each VMI experience impacts them and then return to the challenge format and level that elicits the shift they are seeking at that particular time. That not only personalizes the app, it makes it a real-time ‘touch-screen’ therapy the user can turn to as a portable form of wireless 24/7 biofeedback/life hacker.

What is MoodBender doing?12



MoodBender is using geometry as the stimulus and the user's ideomotor responses as the context. It converts the mental attention into a physical act for the user to see and feel. But that alone doesn't make them see any better or feel any deeper long term. The app’s game environment functions as a 'wind shield wiper fluid' for the user's current mood. The tacit or implicit learning that happens as a result is just that; tacit and implicit to the user. They'll experience that benefit directly.


What is MoodBender’s payoff?


This visual language and its text explanations are the key benefit users will become aware of as they engage the MoodBender gaming environment. Over time it will serve as both a personal, educational and mobile clinical app that can both entertain and entrain a deeper and more self-regulated VMI into the user. The interdisciplinary interest in this app will be extensive. Students, parents, educators, athletes, and help professionals will quickly learn how the app impacts their energy and focus as their VMI capacity improves.

MoodBender’s value… 14



The value of the MoodBender app is that it makes the intrinsic, embedded and raw information of the visual-motor system available to the user as coherent, renewable energy. Once the user is also made aware that 99% of learning is nonconscious2 or that 90% of the cortical activity of the brain has visual input or that 93% of communication is nonverbal, the implicit value of MoodBender will be self-evident. Over time, the concept of ‘touch-screen therapy’ will become as ordinary as any other physical fitness activity.

But that's a distant second to making an app that engages

them where they are right now; which is distracted, anxious,

bored, etc…and that’s where we need your help…

Get involved!15

We are seeking investors who can offer us both financial and social support to get the app in front of as many people as possible. It’ll take approximately 57,143 downloads for investors to break even. While that number looks daunting, in the app world that's actually pedestrian. The best part is that the investor group earns the most per dollar, even more than the 30% iTunes gets. A range of contributions from $500 to $5000 per investor is what we’re seeking. A complete revenue share package will be sent to all our investing partners as soon as we reach our developmental cost. The small picture is the app. The big picture is how the app can create opportunities for all our partners to profit and help bring these ideas to life. Touch screen therapy has a bright future ahead.

We hope to raise the funds for development by July 1st and launch in September when school starts. If you can help us in either pursuit, please contact us directly via e-mail at [email protected]