may 22, 2016 - the most holy trinity st. francis of assisi ... 22, 2016 - the most holy trinity st....

May 22, 2016 - The Most Holy Trinity St. Francis of Assisi Parish Teutopolis, Illinois

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May 22, 2016 - The Most Holy Trinity

St. Francis of Assisi Parish Teutopolis, Illinois

St. Francis of Assisi Parish – Teutopolis, Illinois page 2

From Fr. Joe

Mass Intentions

Parish Office

203 E. Main St., P.O. Box 730, Teutopolis, IL 62467-0730

Office Hours: Mon. -Fri. – 9:00 am -4:30 pm

Phone .................................................... (217) 857-6404

Fax ........................................................ (217) 857-1031

Parish E-mail ................... [email protected]

Parish website:

Submit written bulletin notices by noon Monday.

Diocesan website:

Diocesan Child Abuse Reporting and Investigation Number…..

(217) 321-1155

Year of Mercy and Care

of Our Common Home

(Laudato Si)

Let there be no poor among you. – Deuteronomy 15:4

With goods shared and debt re-

lieved, “…there will be no one in need” among them.

(Deut. 15:4). Millions of people living in dire circumstances

today deserve the relief and release called for in Deuterono-

my 15. May the Spirit of Jesus give us the wisdom to ask

the hard questions about the ways our lifestyles and our

country’s policies hold them bound in poverty. And may

that same Holy Spirit give us the courage to act with others

to demand the cancellation of odious and illegitimate debts

that burden countries to such a degree that they cannot pro-

vide for the basic needs of their citizens.

As we conclude another school year, we ask God to

bless all of the teachers and catechists, the walkers and peo-

ple, who are responsible for our Religious Education pro-

gram. The cast consists of hundreds, and maybe thousands

because I am certain there are some parishioners, who are

unable to physically help any more because of age or limi-

tation, but they join our efforts in their prayers and sacrific-

es. We don’t see them in the classroom or walking the chil-

dren, but they are present with us – the “silent force.”

Thank you to all.

Next Sunday is the feast of Corpus Christi, the

Body of Christ. Our solemn celebration with procession and

benedictions takes place at the 10:30 Mass. Come and wor-

ship the Lord!

Fr. John Eaton, O.F.M. moved to his assignment in

St. Louis back in October. So we have been waiting for sev-

eral months to find out who is his replacement. In the past

week, I received a letter from Bishop Paprocki appointing

me your new pastor, effective 1 July. Fr. William Rooney,

O.F.M. is coming from Cleveland, Ohio to replace me at St.

Isidore’s. I came to St. Isidore’s directly from the Navy in

January of 2006, so it has been 10+ years, which is the

longest I have lived in one place since I left home very

many years ago. I look forward to joining Fr. Ken and Fr.

Thinh in serving you and the community. It will take me a

while to “catch on” or become familiar with how things

work. I ask for your patience.

Monday, May 23, 6:30: AID

Monday, May 23, 12:10: Helen Thoele

Tuesday, May 24, 6:30: Joe Buscher

Tuesday, May 24, 8:00: William Hardiek death anniv.

Wednesday, May 25, 6:30: Bernard Niemeyer

Wednesday, May 25, 8:00: Joe Deters

Thursday, May 26, 12:10: Betty Koeberlein-Schottman

Friday, May 27, 6:30: AID

Saturday, May 28, 8:00: Fr. Jim Perluzzi

Saturday, May 28, 4:30: Pro Populo

Sunday, May 29, 6:30: Virginia Probst

Sunday, May 29, 8:30: Bill Esker

Sunday, May 29, 10:30: Joe Deters

Day of Prayer for Life Please mark your calendars

for the upcoming 42nd annual Day of

Prayer for Life to be held Wednesday,

June 29th, at St. Francis Church in Teu-

topolis, beginning with 8:00 am Mass,

followed by Eucharistic Exposition and

prayer throughout the day. Father John

Titus, Pastor of St. Charles Borromeo,

Chaplain of EIU Newman Center, and

Parochial Administrator of Immaculate Conception, Mat-

toon, will be the guest celebrant and homilist at the 7:30 pm

closing Mass. Please note the Parish Council Meeting

Minutes in last weekend’s bulletin reported in error that

June 22 is the Day of Prayer for Life; it is on June 29th.

Teutopolis American Legion

Post 924 welcomes all veterans and

community members to their annual

Memorial Day Service to be held at St.

Francis Cemetery on May 29th at 1:00

pm. Let us remember and honor the

true celebration of Memorial Day.

Please Note: The 8:05 am weekday Mass will start at 8:00

am beginning this Tuesday, May 24, and remain at this time

throughout the summer.

Liturgy Schedule 8th Week in Ordinary Time

May 23—29

Monday, Mass at 6:30 am & 12:10 pm

Tuesday, Mass at 6:30 & 8:00 am

Wednesday, St. Bede the Venerable St. Gregory VII St. Mary Magdalene de’Pazzi Mass at 6:30 & 8:00 am

Thursday, St. Philip Neri Mass at 6:30 am & 12:10 pm

Friday, St. Augustine of Canterbury Mass at 6:30 & 8:00 am

Saturday, Mass at 8:00 am & 4:30 pm

Sunday, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Mass at 6:30, 8:30, 10:30 am

Confession Schedule

Saturday, May 28 - 3:00-4:00 pm

Liturgy of the Hours with Friars

Monday-Friday -- 11:45 am & 4:45 pm

Stewardship of Treasure

Sunday Total Fiscal

5/15/2016 Year

290 Adult envelopes $8,219.00 $403,178.25

Other $984.00 $37,500.06

TOTAL $9,203.00 $440,678.31

Assisi for Africa $130.00 $38,470.70

Retired Diocesan Priests $2,590.00

May 22, 2016 ♦ The Most Holy Trinity page 3

Pray for the Sick

Monday, May 23

DeColores mtg., 7:00 pm, Museum Mtg. Rm.

Tuesday, May 24

CHWC mtg., 6:15 pm for chaperones; 7:00 pm for

kids, Museum Dining Rm.

Wednesday, May 25

H.S. Youth to St. John’s Breadline

Rosary, 8:00 pm, Chapel

Saturday, May 28

Confessions, 3:00-4:00 pm

Sunday, May 29

Corpus Christi procession after 10:30 Mass

Parish Calendar

Please remember in your prayers: Cheryl Ann Huber, Jack

Hardiek, Lucille Worman, Agnes Kremer, Devin Mette,

Harold Hardiek, Margaret Pruemer, Will Niccum, Joe

Ruholl, Bill and Rosie Myers, Anne Nelson, Emily

(Heuerman) McCabe, Lorraine Deters, Dolores Kingery,

Claude and Geraldine Brumleve, Craig Lindvahl, Scott

Repking, Andrea Wernsing, Elizabeth Weidner, Paula

Spencer, Sr. Jane Marie Hotze, SSND, Martha Wente, Ray

Willenborg, Joyce Probst

Homebound Ministry Extraordinary

Ministers of Holy Communion to the Home-

bound for Sunday, May 29th, are Chuck

Deters 857-6084 and Lori Mette 857-3523.

ASSISI FOR AFRICA – Father Damien writes to

us: “Father Damien does not have a parish but the pastor

invited him to help with baptisms during the Easter Vigil

Mass … Old people, adults, babies, three of our boys, and

hundreds of children were all baptized. We began at 7 PM

and finished at 11 PM, joyfully tired.” Please pray for our

parish mission project -- for Father Damien, his helpers,

and the children of Maison Kwetu. Thanks to all for donat-

ing generously each month to our mission project!

Sing Along St. Francis Singers and Friends will be

singing at Lakeland Nursing Center on Thursday, May 26th

at 10:00 am.

Sympathy We extend our sympathy to the family and

friends of Marilyn Jansen and James Thoele who recently

died and were buried in our cemetery. May they rest in


St. Francis of Assisi Parish – Teutopolis, Illinois page 4

Religious Education News

God Bless Those Serving our Country. Anthony Vahling, Jeremy Deters, Caleb

Hoene, Kevin Wernsing, Cody Bushue,

Leighton Blankenship



St. Francis Religious Education Program has staffed 20

classrooms every week this past year requiring…


Textbook Catechists (2-3 days a week)---------------------- 20

Friday Catechists for Sunday Gospel Prep------------------ 14

Substitutes for Textbook & Friday classes--------------------7

Video presenters (Gr. 1, 2)--------------------------------------7

Mass supervisors for Mass & Prayer Services--------------37

Substitutes for Mass Supervisors, Prayer Services

& Video Presenters-------------------------------------9

Prayer Service presenters (2 days week)---------------------5

Office helpers (Friday)-------------------------------------------6

Total each week-----------------------------------------------105

Other helpers include Mass readers, Communion ministers,

sacristans, Protecting God’s Children adult facilitators, and

Sister Ann Pierre—Director of PGC’s program; catechist

adult educator; personal safety catechist and RCIA for the

children to be baptized. Special mention to the priests who

provide the Mass and Sacraments, and visit the classrooms.

Congratulations to all catechists and helpers…you are doing

a fantastic job! Congratulations to Carlene Rauch, solitary

secretary, who sees to all the contact, secretarial, and

maintenance work required to run this volunteer program.

Congratulations to Barb Runde, contact person regarding

grades 5, 6; prayer service leader; 5 day catechist and Mass

supervisor and care of Mass servers.

Youth Notes: CHWC Meeting: Tuesday, May 24 at 7

pm in the Museum Dining Room for all participants! We’ll

have all the final details of the mission trip to Denver! All

participants are encouraged to attend!

CHWC Chaperone meeting Tuesday, May 24 at

6:15 pm in the Museum Dining Room

CHWC MEET and GREET at Lisa and Allen

Rexroat’s on June 5, from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm – come hang

out with all those you’ll be serving with! We’ll provide

burgers and hot dogs – you provide a side dish or dessert!

A massive game of Cat Tails may be in order!

St. John’s Breadline Springfield trip for high school and

older is set for this Wednesday, May 25. We’ll leave the

church parking lot at 7:30 am and will return at 4:30 pm.

We still have 4 seats available for this service trip! If you

are interested, please call Lisa at 857-1500 asap to sign up!

A Note from Sr. Ann-- The motto of Mother Theresa

of Germany who sent Sisters in 1861 to Teutopolis to begin

a school in response to the Franciscan Pastor’s request for

the children of the early parishioners was this: “For us, edu-

cation means enabling others to reach the fullness of their

potential as individuals created in God’s image.” By

“fullness” Mother Theresa meant mental, physical, emo-

tional, social, and SPIRITURAL development. Today, the

same motto persists in the St. Francis Religious Educational

Program. (side note: Mother Theresa’s statue has been

erected in the Bavaria Government’s Hall of Fame for her

accomplishments in the field of education.) Pope John Paul

II beatified her in November, 1985, for starting an order of

educators who presently teach on 5 continents throughout

the world, bringing knowledge and faith to all those they

reach. The people of Teutopolis have been called to accept

the legacy of excellence and of religious fidelity to pass on

to the next generations!

Teutopolis Catholic Daughters of America Court 1711 will host the monthly meeting on Tuesday,

May 31st, at 7:00 pm, at the Teutopolis K of C. We would

like to extend once again our thank-you to the teachers who

encouraged students to enter our Education Contest with the

theme, “We are Stewards of God’s Creation. How do we

care for the Environment,” and to Dr. Peter Bonutti who

supported this event. The students presented many amazing

entries and their extra efforts are an example of the fine

character of our area youth. All Catholic ladies, please con-

sider joining this organization in our journey to support or-

ganizations and individuals who are “helping hands where

there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness”.

Prayer Vigils Continue - A child unwanted by one

person is treasured by another. Please join us in peaceful

prayer Tuesdays at the Effingham Planned Parenthood

Referral Center, 415 W Virginia, anytime between 10AM

& 4PM (weather permitting). In America, more than 7,000

late-term unborn babies are aborted every year according to

the Centers for Disease Control.

" He will glorify me, because he will take from what is mine

and declare it to you. Everything that the Father has is

mine; for this reason I told you that he will take from what

is mine and declare it to you." - Jn 16:14-15 Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.

Holy Humor...The minister had a filing drawer for his

bills. It was labeled: “Due unto others.”

May 22, 2016 ♦ The Most Holy Trinity page 5

Grade School Catechists

Rita Habing

Connie Ritz

Betty Wente

Cindy Hardiek

Kathy Willenborg

Debbie Niebrugge

Mary Lou Gier

Sister Christina

Sue Palmer

Sue Esker

Cindy Konkel

Jean Willenborg

Cindy Buenker

Lisa Uthell

Cathy Brummer

Prayer Service Leaders

Barb Runde

Lisa Siemer

Microphone Helper

Carlene Rauch

Junior High Catechists

Lisa Starwalt

Maria Kingery

Brandy Niccum

Shannon Nosbisch

Carrie Copple

Ted Rhodes

High School Catechists

Sr. Pierre Wilken

Sarah Hewing

Monica Feldhake

Molly Higgs

Rich Niebrugge

Kdgn & Pre-School Catechists

Ann Witges

Kim Runde

Protecting God’s Children

Sr. Pierre Wilken

Barb Runde

Mary Lee

Laura Deters

Anita Deters

Karen Pruemer

Louise Sheehan

Jean Habing

Stephanie Niemerg

Dolores Kroeger

Laura Hemmen

Linda Hemmen

Donna Spannagel

Cindy Vahling

Tina Schwinke

Barb Runde

Angie Esker

Sr. Ann Siemer

Kim Deters


Kim Deters

Monica Kremer

Donna Spannagel

Denise Weichman

Lori Mette

Paul Rhodes

Scott Copple (sub)

Cari Buenerkemper

Karen Pruemer

Jason Breer

Theresa Bushur

Kate Pruemer

Jennifer Weidner

Teri Jansen

Ginny Cooper

Diane Siemer

Zita Niebrugge

Fr. Ken Rosswog

Fr. Thinh Tran

Fr. Ed Shea

Joe Zerrusen (sub)

Mary Fuesting (sub)

Penny Beckman (sub)

Monica Kremer (sub)

Marge Wiessing (sub)

Maureen Habing (sub)

Bernice Matteson (sub)

Cindy Esker (sub)

Joan Cahill (sub)

Sr. Ann Siemer (sub)

Anita Deters

Baptismal Catechists

Jeff & Cindy Hardiek

Debbie Niebrugge (sub)

Jill Schumacher (sub)

Kathy Willenborg (helper

Carlene Rauch (helper)

Dan Blankenship (helper)

Jacob Pruemer

Heather Pruemer

Amy Hewing

Lisa Siemer

Vince Heuerman

Sr. Ann Vincent

Tracey Dennis

The following have served the parish during the 2015-2016 school year.

Thank you for answering the call.

Fr. Kenneth Rosswog, Fr. Thinh Tran, Fr. Ed Shea

Grade School DRE: St. Ann Vincent Siemer

High School CRE: Mrs. Lisa Siemer

RCIA: Sr. Ann Pierre Wilken

Children’s Liturgical Music: Mrs. Kim Deters

Junior High DRE: Sr. Ann Vincent Siemer

Youth Coordinator: Mrs. Lisa Siemer

SEARCH: Mrs. JoAnn Ellet

Religious Ed Secretary: Mrs. Carlene Rauch

St. Francis of Assisi Parish – Teutopolis, Illinois page 6

RCIA Catechists

Sr. Ann Pierre

Paul Rhodes

Jerry Goeckner

SEARCH Catechists

JoAnn Ellett

Stacey Meyer

Elaine Vonderheide

Bev Hemmen

Wednesday Children Lectors

& Eucharistic Ministers

Lenora Drees

Kate Schmidt

Mass Supervisors

JoEllen Zerrusen

Meg Beckman

Tonya Mersman

Mary Ellen Kremer

Sister Christina

Christy Repking

Lenora Drees

Deb Magee

Janet Zerrusen

Pauline Hoedebecke

Mary Mette

JoAnn Deters

Video Programs

Lenora Drees

Connie Ritz

Kathy Wellbaum

Connie Nosbisch

Children’s Liturgy

Kathy Bloemer

Rachel Chamberlain

Maureen Habing

Cheryl Heuerman

Lynn Huber

Kay McMahon

Jody Smith

Campbell Soup Label Coordinator

Connie Wessel

Office Helpers

Connie Wessel

Ann Weis

Carlene Rauch

Lenora Drees

Jean Habing

Phil Fearday

Deb Einhorn

Nancy Pals

Betty Buscher

Carol Heuerman

Norma Hawickhorst

Myrna Haskenherm

Norma Deters

Ken Will

Alice Niebrugge

Alberta Willenborg

Ruth Drees

Tess Probst

Rosie Kremer

Regina Figueroa

Clare Swingler

Jeannette Westendorf

Bernice Broom

Christina Probst

Elaine Dust

Sharon Schumacher

Lisa Starwalt

Jacki Tabbert

Loretta Zane

Jill Buhnerkempe

Darlene Buehnerkemper

Elaine Buehnerkemper

Virginia Cooper

Ann Weis

Mabel Harris

Leola Zerrusen

Dolores Kroeger

Linda Willenborg

Lori Mette

Lee Althoff

Judy Martin

Janet Buenker

Louise Sheehan

Bernice Broom

Barb Runde

Regina Walker

Mary Ann Zerrusen

Doris Deters

Sherri Sandschafer

Laura Koester

Ann Weis

Rhonda Meyer (sub)

Kelly Meyer (sub)

Linda Harrington (sub)

Brenda Kreke (sub)

Jim Esker (sub)

Mabel Harris

Marlene Hoene (sub)

Patty Ruholl (sub)

Monica Feldhake

Debbie Niebrugge

Paula Spencer

Jennifer Weidner

Judy Wermert

Janet Goldstein (sub)