maximo park - apply some pressure | music video analysis

Music Video Analysis Maximo Park - Apply Some Pressure v=-Ue193sAcrE

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Post on 22-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Maximo Park - Apply Some Pressure | Music Video Analysis

Music Video AnalysisMaximo Park - Apply Some Pressure


Page 2: Maximo Park - Apply Some Pressure | Music Video Analysis

Shot type and movement: long shot, very slow zoom.


Drawers opening and closing matches beat, guitar played matching riff in music.Contrast between dark background and bright focus brings attention to the central object. Also shows the dark, musty surroundings.Lip syncing when lyrics start.Abstract and impossible scenario gives the impression of a concept based video.

Music/lyricsYou know that I would love to see you next year

Edit: Swipes across to a different set of drawers and a similar concept – fast, continues momentum of video.

Page 3: Maximo Park - Apply Some Pressure | Music Video Analysis

Shot type and movement: steadycam forward tracking shot,


Movement of artist mirrors the fast, upbeat song. Artist stands out from surroundings as he is central to the shot, and wears the only colour on-screen.Only other thing in shot that draws attention is the model skeleton, as not only does it stand out from the background due to its colour, the artist also looks at it which makes the viewer also pay attention to it.Video doesn’t match lyrics whatsoever.

Music/lyricsYou know that I would love to see you next yearI hope that I am still alive next year

Edit: long take, with fast edits straight after.

Page 4: Maximo Park - Apply Some Pressure | Music Video Analysis

Shot type and movement: still camera, wide shot showing three band members


The black and red colour scheme fits the Indie/Rock genre of the song. The video may be trying to reflect the lyric “Well how am I supposed to know?” through it being nonsensical, having a man walk out of a cupboard and the drummer being inside a drawer. The lead singer is very energetic which mirrors the fast pace of the song.

Music/lyricsWell how am I supposed to know?

Edit: many short cuts

Page 5: Maximo Park - Apply Some Pressure | Music Video Analysis

Shot type and movement: still camera, wide shot


Colour scheme is consistent. Lip syncing/performance continues.Theme of magic and nonsensical things continues.Lyrics don’t match visuals.

Music/lyricsI like to wait to see how things turn outIf you apply some pressure

Edit: cut as if the magician “appears” suddenly

Page 6: Maximo Park - Apply Some Pressure | Music Video Analysis

Shot type and movement: still camera, then quick zoom out. Wide shot.


Colour scheme is consistent. Form of performance – drawers open/close to beat, then doors slam to the bass pedal hit at the end of the bar. Fast pace consistent through cut

Music/lyrics Edit: cut in quick, fade out after into slower chorus.

Page 7: Maximo Park - Apply Some Pressure | Music Video Analysis

Shot type and movement: close up on faces, slow pan movement


Colour scheme turns dark and contrasting. Slower paced section corresponds with stripped down chorus – fewer instruments, less going on.

Music/lyricsI like to wait to see how things turn outIf you apply some pressure

Edit: slow cuts

Page 8: Maximo Park - Apply Some Pressure | Music Video Analysis

Shot type and movement: wide shot with all band members, still camera


Back to red and black colour scheme. Lead singer is extremely energetic, very exaggerated movements and expressions match the fast pace of the song. All band members shown for the fist time, in the part of the song that is the most layered and full.Abstract theme continues with blindfolds and lead singer’s nosebleed.

Music/lyricsWhat happens when you lose everythingyou just start again

Edit: somewhat long cuts, always with lead singer in shot.