maximizing the synergy of paid search & social - smx sydney


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A C T I V A T I N G S E A R C H & S O C I A L S Y N E R G Y


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• Cross-Channel Marketing

• Push and Pull

• Why Start with Search and Social?

• Similarities and Differences

• Getting Started

• Search and Social Activation

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syn • er • gy


The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to

produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.

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1 + 1 =3

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The Importance of Cross-Channel Marketing

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Source: Alterian "Engaging Times Summit"

August 2013

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Source: A Forrester Consulting Thought Leadership Paper Commissioned By ExactTarget

The Key To Successful Cross-Channel Marketing

Sophisticated Cross-Channel Marketers Show Us That Technology Matters Most

October 2012

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Source: Zeta Interactive, June 2013

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Which of these challenges to cross-channel operationalization worries you most?











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The Potent Relationship of Push and Pull Marketing

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Push Marketing

Shown to people as they

passivelyconsume web content and

engage with other digital assets.

Pull Marketing

Coupled to content that people

activelyrequest, such as search engine

results, location listings, etc.

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Strike the Right Balance (at Scale)

• It’s not Push or Pull, but rather Push and Pull

• Must be done at scale, but with individual consumers in mind

• Cross-channel marketing can deliver powerful Push and Pull when used


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A Real Consumer Path: Search and Social

Source: Kenshoo retail client, June 2013

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2 Reasons Why Search and Social Should be the Next Channels you Integrate

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Because they are huge

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More than Half of Digital Ad Budgets

Source: eMarketer, December 2013

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What percentage of your digital marketing spend is Search and Social?

Less than 10% 11% – 35% 36% – 66% Over 66%



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Source: Kenshoo Search and Social Snapshott, Q1 2014

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Search and Social Work Better Together

“Consumers exposed to a brand’s influenced

social media and paid search programs are

2.8 times more likely to search for that

brand’s products compared to users who saw

only paid search.”

The study also showed a 50 percent click-

through-rate (CTR) increase in paid search

when consumers were exposed to influenced

social media and paid search.

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Kenshoo Study Proved Added Value

Source: Kenshoo, November 2013

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Search and Social Complement Each Other

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The Similarities

• Self-service, auction-based, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) models

• Granular approach

• Targeting options

• Real-time optimization

• Scale in mobile

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The Differences

• Push vs. Pull

• Ad formats

• Targeting options

• Post-view tracking

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Better Together

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It’s All About Signals

• Harness data signals to inform and optimize each other




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Examples of Search Signals for Social

• Search queries

• Brand term traffic

• Mobile search data

• SEM ad copy

• Search metrics/KPIs

• Retargeting

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Examples of Social Signals for Search

• Likes & interests

• Social activity

• Social analytics

• Testing audience response

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Getting Started

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Rally Internal Stakeholders

• Commit

• Find the cross-channel champions and start seeding the idea

• Set short term objectives

• Clearly demonstrate the upside of doing it as well as downsides of not

doing it – others will

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Seek Tech Solutions

• Put cross-channel needs at the top of every current technology partner


What’s already in place that you can leverage?

What’s on the roadmap?

• Place more value on cross-channel functionality with new technology


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Search and Social ActivationHow?

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Activation: Demand-Driven Campaigns

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Activation: Search Retargeting

Ads partner tells

social media site

that user can be

added to that



The same user sees a

promotion in their social

media feed.

A user reaches

a website

through a

search term.

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Using Dynamic Creative on Facebook Exchange

Source: Kenshoo

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With search, find more accurate value of the customer...

$2.50 CPMVisit Facebook

Visit Shopping Cart

PLA Click

Conv Rate: 3.7%

Bid: $2.76

Avg Order Value: $55 Exit site

View several product pages

Search ad click for “tennis racket”

Conv Rate: 1.3%

Bid: $1.34

Avg Order Value: $23

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Alex and Ani Results from Demand-Driven Campaigns (6 months pre and post Kenshoo comparison):

Results from Demand-Driven Campaigns (DDC) for Leading Retailer vs. non-DDC benchmarks

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