maurits cornelis escher ( ) graphic artist

Download Maurits Cornelis Escher ( ) Graphic Artist

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Post on 18-Jan-2018




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Graphic Artist Escher went to school for architecture but switched to Graphic Art.


Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898-1972) Graphic Artist
M.C. Escher Maurits Cornelis Escher ( ) Graphic Artist Graphic Artist Escher went to school for architecture but switched to Graphic Art. Mind Blowing Work! He is known for 3 types of work
Impossible Constructions Transformation Tessellation Waterfall Realistic Work Castrovalva 1930 Lithograph 42cm x 53cm He made some really nice realistic work.Many times he incorporated parts of these into later work. Hand with Reflecting Sphere
He used many reflective surfaces in his art work and was an expert at drawing reflections. Relativity Which way is up? Other World Transformation One thing is changing into another
Often uses shapes that interlock or nearly interlock. Tessellations He created many art works that entirely fill the plane.
Some are tessellations Others are similar to tessellations.