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Page 2: Matthew Lesko


A One-Stop, Easy Way To Obtain Free andLow Cost Money For Your Business

Matthew Lesko

Research Director:Dixie St. John

Researchers:Harmony BrownRoxanna BryantJo Ann Burton

Christyna CopelandNancy Gibson

Joshua GlickmanSusan Harris

Sandra HendricksAmy HollingsworthJeff HollingsworthFrances Kingery

Alex KlapatCorlyn KrinskyElizabeth Leik

Elizabeth LukesLinda MasseyConnie Pryor

Rebecca RosserJason RustenSheila Simms

Amanda St. JohnKaren StrongLiz Sweeney

Glenda TaylorMichelle Thomas

Angelique TrammelClaire Winik

Cindy Walthour

Production:PageFree Publishing, Inc.

Page 3: Matthew Lesko

Welcome to the country’s largest and only collection of original applications for obtaining grants,loans, loan guarantees, tax credits, government contracts and services for your business.Businesses and entrepreneurs now have a single source that identifies every eligible business moneyprogram along with copies of official applications that can be completed and submitted for funding.

A “One-Stop”, Easy Way, To Obtain Free and Low Cost Money For Your Business

The country’s most famous, award-winning researcher, Matthew Lesko, has identified all the possiblefederal funding available for businesses and entrepreneurs including:

Grants: money that you do not have to pay back

Loans: at interest rates below market or at market value, and from organizations seeking to helpboth established businesses and the first time entrepreneur

Loan Guarantees: to ensure that a bank will provide you with the funds you need, a governmentagency or non-profit organization will guarantee that if you are unable to repay your loan they willpay it for you

Government Contracts: better than a loan or even a grant, this is the government’s largestsource of business money for any kind of business

Tax Credits: real dollars back on your federal taxes for performing certain entrepreneurialendeavors

Free Services To Help You Get The Money: these government or non-profit organizationsspecialize in assisting new or growing businesses get the financing and help they need.

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Matthew Lesko is the founder of three successful information companies including one of thecountry’s first information brokerage businesses. Lesko served as an information and government moneyconsultant to thousands of private clients including many of the country’s Fortune 500 companies. He haswritten over 100 books on the money and information available from government and other non-traditionalsources. Two of his books were New York Times Best Sellers and two received awards for the BestReference Book of the Year from the American Library Association. He also has written columns forGood Housekeeping Magazine, The Chicago Sun Times, and the New York Times Syndicate. Youmay have seen him with his fancy glasses, bow tie, question mark suit, acting goofy on shows like Oprah,Larry King, Letterman, Jay Leno, Home Shopping, C-Span, and The Today Show.

He is undoubtedly the most qualified person the United States to present all these little-known sources ofbusiness money.

Who Gets This Money

Each year over 1,000,000 entrepreneurs and businesses use these government money programs to start orgrow their businesses, including big business and big time entrepreneurs like:

- Donald Trump

- H. Ross Perot

- Nike Shoes

- Federal Express

Before they entered the White House, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney took advantage of thesegovernment money programs for their businesses. They’re not dumb. They know where the money is.

While running Halliburton Company, Vice Presidential Candidate Dick Cheney received over $1.5 billionfrom the U.S. Export-Import Bank and the Overseas Private Investment Bank to finance his overseassales. He also received over $2.3 billion in federal contracts during the 5-year period he was in charge.

Presidential Candidate Bush received $200 million worth of government money to build a new stadiumwhile he was in charge of the Texas Rangers baseball team. In five years this project raised the value ofhis original $606,302 investment to $14.9 million.

But this money is not just for fat cats. It’s also for people like:

- Blanca Basson, who received $30,000 to start a music jingle business in her home

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- Keith Ross and Gil Rodrigues, who got $100,000 to start a coffee shop

- Michelle and Mark Levendoski, who received $35,000 to start their own exclusive hair salon

- Michael Williams, who received over $1,000,000 for his consulting business

How to Use Lesko’s Business Money Finder

It’s not at all complicated:

1) Review each of the programs for those that may fit your needs

2) Print out those applications you feel are most suited to your needs

3) Fill out the application and send it in for your money

This Is Earth Not Heaven

If life was perfect, you could just fill out the applications, mail them in, and sit back and wait for the money.As we all know, few things in life are this simple or perfect. No matter what you are doing, life will continueto put up hurdles and little glitches all along the way. If these obstacles weren’t there, then it wouldn’t be life.It would be heaven. And we’re not there yet.

Here are some things you can do that will cut down on the glitches, lower the hurdles and ultimately increaseyour chances of getting the money:

1) Call First: This can’t hurt. Try to get as much additional information about the program as you can.Talk with someone at the office so that you can get a name of someone to keep as a contact. Thosewho are most successful in using the system are those that are not afraid to do three things: Call.Call. Call.

2) Make It Personal: Remember it’s the bureaucrats at these offices who have power over themoney. The more you can personalize your application the easier it will be to get their attention.Believe it or not, these bureaucrats are actually human beings. Think of it as being back in school.Remember the good brown- nosers? They were the students who’d meet with the teacher after classand not only talk about school but would talk about their life. Show the teacher pictures of the familydog. Talk about how much they liked baseball — anything to get the teacher to relate to them not asa student but as a person. Once the teacher sees a student as a person, it’s hard to flunk them nomatter how bad they are. It’s no different with these bureaucrats. They have the power to pass or

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fail you on your money exam. The more they get to know you as a person the more likely they are tohelp you pass the test. And they certainly have the power to help, because they are the ones who giveout the money. So when you are talking to them don’t be afraid to talk about personal stuff along withthe professional.

3) How To Treat A Bureaucrat: When you are calling around to government offices getting a lot ofvoice mail or being put on hold, it’s hard to remember how important that person is who finally an-swers the telephone. That’s the person who can give you the money. So how well you treat them candetermine your success or failure in getting what you need. If when the person answers the phone youstart yelling because you’ve been sitting on hold for the past 10 minutes, you don’t sound like you aregoing to be the highlight of that person’s day. Remember, that bureaucrat gets paid the same amount ofmoney whether they help you for free for two weeks or hang up on your right after you say hello. Whatyou have to do is try to get that person to want to spend time with you. You want them to enjoytalking with you. The more comfortable they are in talking with you, the more likely they are to shareinside information that will increase your chances and make it easier for you to get the money. It’sbasic common sense things like: a) Don’t be nasty when they answer the phone — the first words outof your mouth can set the stage for the entire conversation. b) Don’t act like you hate them for the factthat they are sitting on the money (even though it may be true) because this will come through in yourconversation and they will not want to help you. c) Send “thank you” notes when people are excep-tionally nice because it is the best way to ensure that you are remembered the next time you call. Ican go on and on but simply put …. TREAT PEOPLE LIKE YOU WANT TO BE TREATED.

4) Belly To Belly Cash Flow: If “giving good phone” increases your odds of getting the cash, then faceto face will do even that much more. This may not be practical or even possible all the time, but it iscertainly another way for a bureaucrat to put a face with an application and this will make it that muchharder for her to just say “no”.

5) Don’t Wait: I really mean this — don’t wait until the last minute to apply. Especially with thoseoffices that only give out money at certain times of the year. As deadline time approaches, the bureau-crats can become too busy to provide you with any individualized help. So the best strategy is to callearly and call often.

6) There’s Always Next Year: Sure the government runs out of money. It happens every year. But thegood news is that the office will get their coffers filled again for the following year. That’s why it isimportant to remember that if you talk to an office and they say they have run out of money, ask themwhen their fiscal year ends. Because the day after that you can call again. That’s the day they getanother year’s worth of money.

7) Get A Copy Of The Test Ahead Of Time: Wouldn’t it have been great if when you were in schoolyou had a way to get a copy of the test days before you took the exam? Well, it’s legal when you’regetting government money. Under the Freedom of Information Act laws at the federal level and in

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most states, successful applications for government money are available for view to the public.Remember this is taxpayer’s money they’re giving out, and as a taxpayer you have a right to see howthey are spending it. It may not be the easiest thing to do but under the law you can get them. Thecaveat you may run into is that the agency has the right to block out those portions of the applicationsthat may reveal confidential information about the applicant, like detailed financial information. Youmay want to weigh the benefits of having such a document against the hassle of the procedure forgetting one. One way to help you decide is by carefully looking at the questions on a blank applicationand trying to understand how seeing a completed one might help. Many applications require only thatinformation which is so personal to you that seeing others may be of no value at all.

8) Bad Credit Can Make You Eligible: Remember this is the government and a lot of things just don’tmake sense. We are not here to explain why some programs exist, we are here simply to show youthat they do exist. And it’s true, there are programs that are set up for entrepreneurs to get money tostart a business if they have less than stellar credit. Actually many government programs have beenestablished primarily to serve people who can’t get money elsewhere. Yours is not the reason why,yours is just to apply.

9) “No” Doesn’t Mean No: The older I get the more I believe that the only time “no” means “no” is insexual harassment cases. There are times when bureaucrats will say, “no, you don’t qualify”, or “no,we don’t give money for what you want to do”, just because it’s the easiest thing to say or they don’treally know what they are talking about. A few years back. Steven Stern, a young man from Boston,saw me on the David Letterman show telling the audience about a government program that givesmoney to teenage entrepreneurs. He contacted the appropriate office and they said that he could notapply for the money because it was only for teenagers who lived in small towns and Boston was notconsidered a small town. Steven tracked me down and asked what he could do. I wasn’t sure, butsaid that before you give up get a copy of the programs literature. When he got the literature he readit closely. It certainly said that the money was indeed for teens in small towns, but a separate line alsostated that it was for teens who wanted to start lawnmower service businesses. That was exactly whatSteven wanted to do. He contacted the office and after he told them what their own literature said,they gave him the money. And that $2,000 he got to start a lawnmower service business earned himover $10,000 a year to put himself through college. A “no” may also be changed to a “yes” becausean office may be trying to get rid of more of their money towards the end of their fiscal year becausenot enough people have applied for it. Or a “no” may become a “yes” because the official misunder-stood the real importance of your project or is simply not creative enough to understand how to bendthe objective of your project to meet the objectives of the money program.

10) Apply Everywhere: If you’re not sure exactly which program to apply to, then apply everywhere.The worst thing that can happen is that you get too much money! That’s a nice problem to have. Youcan always give it back. You can also take the approach of thinking nationally but acting locally. Keepin mind that there are federal programs you can eventually turn to, but start applying at the local levelfirst and see how you do. The local level is where officials are going to be more sensitive to your

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needs and have a better understanding of you and your project. Eventually, you can turn to the stateand finally go up to the federal government.

11) The Columbo Effect: There was a detective series on television back in the 70s and 80s calledColumbo starring Peter Falk. (I’m showing my age here.) He was a sloppy person who alwayswore a raincoat that looked like he slept in it. When he was interviewing suspects he always took theapproach of being very humble even to the point of acting dumb and unassuming. By the end of theinterview, even as he was walking out the door and the suspect thought that she was in the clear,Columbo would turn around and ask one more question that would cut right to the heart of the matterand expose the suspect as the real criminal. Now, your mission is not to expose any bureaucraticwrongdoing but you do want to ask one last question before you leave your conversation. Especiallyif the encounter proved to be unproductive in getting the money you need. The question you have toask while walking out the door is, “Do you know of anywhere else to get money?” Remember thatyou contacted these people believing that they could help get you money, so if they don’t have anythemselves it is certainly possible that if they have been in their business for awhile they may know ofother colleagues or offices that run other money programs. Try to get them to stretch their imaginationa little or even ask other people in their office. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

12) Maybe You Don’t Need All The Money You Think You Do: Many people who are thinking ofstarting or expanding a business believe that money will solve all their problems. But it’s not alwaysso. Think about doing your business with just a little or maybe, no money at all. Anyone can dothings with a lot of money, but a true entrepreneur does it with little or no money. It’s easy to spendlots of money buying the latest hi-tech equipment and spending big money on advertising and thenhoping for the best. But can you get customers without spending money on advertising and thenborrowing someone’s equipment when you need it to do the work? Many businesses today onlyrequire a phone and a business card to be in business. This is certainly true of service businesses andeven many information businesses. You can be a web designer or a pet sitter and all you need is abusiness card to show you are in business. The key to being in any business in getting customers.

Programs With No Applications

There are some money programs that do not have applications included on this CD ROM. These organiza-tions are mostly local in nature and insist that they personally meet with you before they provide you with anapplication. Organizations with these restrictions are noted in their cover sheet descriptions.

It is important that you do not rely solely on the application file for identifying potential money sources. Youmust also review the program descriptions to ensure that you are taking advantage of all the potential oppor-tunities.

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A Caution About Website Addresses

Our website address list in the descriptions of the programs may be lengthy because, when possible, we try togive you the address that goes directly to the page that describes the program. If you have trouble using aweb site address or it appears to not be active, there are a number of things you can do before you startsearching on your own. You may be able to get there by not using the complete address. For example if youput in and you receive a notice that “Page cannot be found”,try putting in and work your way through the site to where you would like to go.Sometimes simply retyping the address in your web browser instead of clicking though an address in a docu-ment will lead to success. These techniques should definitely be tried before you try to attack unruly searchengines.

There’s Always More

We have dozens of the country’s best researchers working on this project and no matter how hard we try wewill never capture every single program available. Though we are constantly updating to keep this material ascurrent as we possibly can, in our society things change daily and even hourly. Just like your local telephonebook, as soon as this product is in print it is out of date. As a result, you may find a program that has beencancelled since we updated your edition or there may even be additional programs that our researchers failedto uncover. So keep an open mind. And enjoy the excitement of discovering that pearl that even the expertsare not aware of.

Happy Hunting!Matthew Lesko

P.S. More is on the way. We are working on a project that will include applications for money programs fromstate and local governments, non-profit organizations, venture capitalists, and small business friendly banks. Tosee if the programs for your state are available, contact us at or 1-800-955-POWER.

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Lesko’s Business Money FinderFederal Programs – Texas Edition

Table of Contents

Federal - Other$1,500,000 Grant To Organizations Who Help Small Businesses In Small Towns

$10,000 For Businesses In Small Towns

$10,000,000 For Businesses In Small Towns

$100,000 For Disabled Veterans To Go To College

$100,000 For Veterans To Learn Entrepreneuring

$15,000,000 Grant To Non-Profits Who Lend To Small Businesses In Small Towns

$150,000 In Down Payment Money To Become A Farmer

$2,000,000 Grant To Commercialize Science Related Ideas

$2,000,000 Grant To Organizations In Small Towns Who Lend To Local Small Businesses

$2,000,000 Grant To Work On Fossil Energy Ideas

$200,000 Grant To Work On Energy Related Inventions

$200,000 In Low Interest Loans For Small Farmers And Ranchers

$200,000 To Buy A Farm Or A Ranch

$200,000 To Operate A Farm Or Ranch

$22,000,000 Grant To Businesses That Employ People With Disabilities

$295,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Problems Related To The Environment

$3,000,000 Grant To Train Your Employees

$300,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Commercialize Scientific And Engineering Ideas

$300,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Commercialize Scientific And Engineering Ideas

$300,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Education Related Ideas

$330,000 Grant To Small Towns To Lend Money To Local Small Businesses

$34,000,000 For Airport Operations And Improvements

$500,000 For Native Americans To Start Or Expand A Business

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$500,000 For Women-Owned And Minority Businesses To Get Government Contracts

$500,000 Grant For Small Businesses To Commercialize Education Related Ideas

$500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Commercialize General Aviation Related Ideas

$500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Commercialize Health Related Issues

$500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Defense Related Research$500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Defense Related Research

$500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Defense Related Research

$500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Defense Related Research

$500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Imagery Related Ideas

$500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Missile Technology

$500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Missile Technology

$500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Scientific And Engineering Ideas

$500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Scientific Research With Non-Profit Organizations

$600,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Commercialize Military Technology

$600,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On General Aviation Related Ideas

$717,000 For First Time Farmers And Ranchers

$717,000 For Women And Minorities To Buy A Farm Or Ranch

$730,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Military Related Ideas

$750,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Commercialize Environmental And Energy Related Ideas

$750,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Commercialize Military Technology

$750,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Defense Technology Related Ideas

$750,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Health Related Ideas

$750,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Ideas For The Defense Department

$750,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Transportation Related Ideas

$750,000 In 0% Interest Loans To Utility Companies In Small Towns Who Help Small Businesses

$759,000 To Operate A Farm Or Ranch

$900,000 Grant To Do Research On Injuries

Small Business Administration$1,000,000 For Companies Hurt By Defense Cuts

$1,000,000 To Sell Your Goods And Services Overseas

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$1,000,000 To Start Or Expand A Business

$1,000,000 To Start Or Expand A Business

$150,000 Loan That Requires No Collateral

$150,000 With A One-Page Application

$2,000,000 To Get Through A Seasonal Downturn

$25,000 For Small Businesses

$250,000 For Women And Minority Entrepreneurs

$3,000,000 In Venture Capital

$750,000 For A Small Business To Fulfill A Contract

$750,000 For Businesses Hurt By The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

$750,000 To Sell Your Goods And Services Overseas

$750,000 To Start Or Expand A Business

10,000,000 In Venture Capital

Small Business Administration 504$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

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$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

$1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings

Export Import Bank$10,000,000 For Exporters Of Architectural, Industrial And Engineering Design Services

$10,000,000 For Exporters Of Maintenance Services

$10,000,000 In Working Capital Money For Exporters And Foreign Purchasers Of Exports

$10,000,000 To Financial Institutions Who Lend To Exporters

$10,000,000 To Help Sell Overseas

$10,000,000 To Pay Exporters Bad Debts From Foreign Buyers

$200,000,000 For Foreign Buyers To Purchase From U.S. Companies

$200,000,000 To Help Exporters With Cash Flow Problems

$50,000,000 To Help Large Aircraft Manufacturers Sell Overseas

$50,000,000 To Help Railroad Companies Sell Overseas

$50,000,000 To Help Ship-Building Companies Sell Overseas

$50,000,000 To Help Small Aircraft Companies Sell Overseas

$50,000,000 To Help U.S. Businesses Sell Used Aircraft Overseas

Insurance For Leasing Companies Who Export

Insurance For Leasing Companies Who Export

Insurance For Leasing Companies With Special Problems

Insurance To Cover Political And Commercial Risks For New Small Business Exporters

Insurance To Cover Political And Commercial Risks For Small Business Exporters

Insurance To Cover Risky Foreign Customers

Insurance To Help Businesses Sell Environmental Equipment Overseas

Insurance To Protect Exporters From Political Or Commercial Risks

Insurance To Protect Letters Of Credit For Exporters

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Short Term Insurance To Cover Political And Commercial Risks For Small Business Exporters

Overseas Private Investment Corporation$11,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Sub-Saharan Countries

$14,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Agriculture Related Businesses in The Baltic Region

$14,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Southern Africa

$14,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Environment Related Businesses In Emerging Markets

$15,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Southern Europe And Turkey

$16,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Latin America

$16,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Manufacturing Businesses In India

$18,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In South America

$18,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses in Thailand, India, Korea And Other Countries

$2,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Small Businesses Overseas

$2,000,000 Medium Term Loan For Small Businesses To Invest Overseas

$20,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Ukraine, Russia And Other Countries

$200,000 Long Term Loan For Businesses To Invest Overseas

$200,000 Medium And Long Term Loan For Businesses To Invest Overseas

$25,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Emerging Market Countries

$3,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Sub-Saharan Africa

$30,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Infrastructure In The Baltic Region

$4,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Israel

$4,500,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In West Bank/Gaza, Jordan And Oman

$40,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Water Related Businesses In Emerging Countries

$5,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Poland

$5,500,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In India

$6,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Environment Related Businesses In Emerging Markets

$6,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Telecommunications Services In Central And Eastern Europe

$6,5000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In The West Bank/Gaza and Jordan Regions

$7,500,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Southeast Asia

$9,200,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia

$9,500,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Central Europe

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Insurance Against Currency Fluctuations When Investing Overseas

Insurance Against Expropriation For Businesses Investing Overseas

Insurance Against Political Violence For Businesses Investing Overseas

Insurance Coverage For Financial Institutions Who Make Loans In Emerging Market Economies

Insurance Coverage For Overseas Contractors And Exporters

Insurance Coverage For Overseas Oil And Gas Projects

Insurance Coverage For Technical Assistance Companies Doing Business Overseas

Insurance Protection For Overseas Financial Transactions

Insurance Protection For Overseas Leasing Arrangements

Insurance Protection For Overseas Mineral Exploration

Tax Credits$1,000,000 In Tax Credits To Pay For Software Development, Patents Costs And Research

$1,000,000 Tax Credit For Building, Buying Or Rehabilitating Low Income Housing

$10,000 In Tax Credits For Making Donations And Loans To Non-Profits

$10,000 In Tax Credits For Paying Restaurant Employee Tips

$10,000 In Tax Credits For Timber Businesses

$100,000 In Tax Credits For Alcohol Fuel Producers

$100,000 In Tax Credits For Taxes Paid To Foreign Governments

$100,000 Tax Credit For Doing Business In Certain Zip Codes

$100,000 Tax Credit For Employing Native Americans

$15,000 In Tax Credits For Oil Companies

$15,000 Refund Of Federal Gas Tax

$2,400 For Hiring A 16-17-Year-Old EZ/EC Resident

$2,400 For Hiring An 18-24-Year-Old EZ/EC Resident

$2,400 For Hiring An 18-24-Year-Old Food Stamp Recipient

$2,400 For Hiring A Vocational Rehabilitation Referral

$2,400 For Hiring A Welfare Recipient

$2,400 For Hiring A Welfare Recipient

$2,400 For Hiring An Ex-Felon

$2,400 For Hiring An SSI Recipient

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$20,000 Depreciation Deduction For Empowerment Zone Companies

$200,000 In Tax Credits For Fixing Up Buildings Built Before 1936

$200,000 In Tax Credits For Fixing Up Historic Buildings

$200,000 In Tax Credits For Investment In Solar Or Geothermal Energy

$200,000 In Tax Credits For Testing Drugs For Rare Diseases

$200,000 In Tax Credits To Sellers Of Electricity

$4,000 Tax Credit To Purchase An Electric Vehicle

$5,000 For Small Business To Become Handicap Accessible

$8,500 For Hiring A Long-Term Welfare Recipient

Small Business Development CentersFree Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

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Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A BusinessFree Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business

Selling To The GovernmentFree Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

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Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government ContractFree Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Page 19: Matthew Lesko

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract

Entrepreneurial Training$10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training

$10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training

$10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training

$10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training

$10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training

$10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training

$10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training

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$10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training

$10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training

$10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training

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$10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training

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$10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training

$10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training

$10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training

$10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training

$10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training

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Title $1,500,000 Grant To Organizations Who Help Small Businesses In Small Towns ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Agriculture - Rural Business-Cooperative Service Contact Person Bryan Daniel Title Program Director Address1 101 South Main Street, Suite 102 Address2 City Temple State TX Zip 76501 Phone 254-742-9700 Fax 254-742-9709 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $1,500,000.00 Program Name Rural Business Opportunity Grants

Description Program provides funds for technical assistance, training, and economic development and planning activities with the purpose of promoting both sustainable business development and growth in rural communities with exceptional needs. Public bodies, nonprofit corporations, Indian tribes on

Federal and state reservations and federally-recognized tribal groups, as well as cooperatives are eligible to apply. Maximum funding is $1.5 million per grant.

Applicants must be located in rural areas (this includes all areas other than cities of more than 10,000 people).

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 24: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Businesses In Small Towns ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name U.S. Department of Agriculture - Rural Business-Cooperative Service Contact Person Billy Curb Title Program Director Address1 Federal Building 102 Address2 101 South Main Street City Temple State TX Zip 76501 Phone 254-742-9775 Fax 254-742-9709 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Business and Industry Guaranteed Loans

Description Helps create jobs and stimulates rural economies by providing financial backing for rural businesses. Provides guarantees up to 90% of a loan made by a commercial lender. Loan proceeds may be used for working capital, machinery and equipment, buildings and real estate, and certain

types of refinancing. Beneficiaries may include cooperatives, corporations, partnerships, trust and legal entities organized and operated for profit or nonprofit, Federally recognized Indian Tribal Governments and individuals in rural areas of less than 50,000 population. Applicant should contact the state office above for assistance with application process.

Applicants must be U.S. citizens, and, if corporations, at least 51% owned by such individuals.

__________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 25: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000,000 For Businesses In Small Towns ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name U.S. Department of Agriculture - Rural Business-Cooperative Service Contact Person Billy Curb Title Community and Business Programs Address1 Federal Building 102 Address2 101 South Main Street City Temple State TX Zip 76501 Phone 254-742-9775 Fax 254-742-9709 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $10,000,000.00 Program Name Business and Industry Direct Loans

Description Provides loans to public entities and private parties who cannot obtain credit from other sources. Funds can be made for improving, developing or financing businesses and industry, as well as creating jobs, and improving the economic

and environmental climate in rural communities (fewer than 50,000 residents). Applications should be submitted to the address listed above.

Applicants must be U.S. citizens, and, if corporations, at least 51% owned by such individuals.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 26: Matthew Lesko

Title $100,000 For Disabled Veterans To Go To College ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Veterans Benefits Administration Contact Person Title Rehab Counselor Address1 6900 Almeda Road Address2 City Houston State TX Zip 77030 Phone 800-827-1000 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $100,000.00 Program Name Vocational Rehabilitation for Disabled Veterans

Description Provides all services and assistance necessary to enable service-disabled veterans and service persons to get and keep a suitable job including tuition, books, fees, supplies, and rehabilitative services. When employment is not feasible, provides the needed services and assistance to help the individual learn skills to achieve maximum independence (can include entrepreneurial training). Applications should be mailed to the above address.

Applicant must be a veteran of WWII or later service or a service member awaiting a disability discharge and have a VA combined service-connected disability rating of 10% or more.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 27: Matthew Lesko

Title $100,000 For Veterans To Learn Entrepreneuring _________________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Veterans Benefits Administration Contact Person Title Rehabilitation Specialist Address1 6900 Almeda Road Address2 City Houston State TX Zip 77030 Phone 800-827-1000 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $100,000.00 Program Name Vocational Rehabilitation for Veterans

Description Provides for direct payment to service providers for the entire cost of tuition, books, fees, supplies, and rehabilitation services. Counseling services are provided throughout participation in the program. Participants may select a program of education to assist them in advancing educational, professional,

or vocational objectives at any approved educational institution they choose. Applications should be mailed to the above address.

Eligibility ceases at the end of 10 years from the date of the participant's last discharge or release from qualifying active duty after January 1977.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 28: Matthew Lesko

Title $15,000,000 Grant To Non-Profits Who Lend To Small Businesses In Small Towns ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Agriculture - Rural Business-Cooperative Service Contact Person Bryan Daniel Title Program Director Address1 101 South Main Street, Suite 102 Address2 City Temple State TX Zip 76501 Phone 254-742-9700 Fax 254-742-9709 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $2,000.00 $To $15,000,000.00 Program Name Rural Business Enterprise Grants

Description Provides grants to public bodies, nonprofit corporations, and Indian tribal groups to finance and facilitate the development of small and emerging private business enterprises located in rural areas. Funds may be used for startup and operating costs and working capital; the acquisition and development of land and the construction of buildings, plants, equipment, access streets and roads; technical assistance and other related training

for adults; and for the creation, expansion, and operation of rural distance- learning networks. Grant applicants are required to submit supporting data (Pre-application Form SF-424) before an application is made. Applicants should contact the state representative above for further information on pre-application and application requirements.

For the purpose of this program a "rural area" is defined as a city, town or unincorporated area that has a population of 50,000 or fewer residents . A private business is eligible only if it will employ 50 or fewer employees and has less than $1 million in projected gross revenue.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 29: Matthew Lesko

Title $150,000 In Down Payment Money To Become A Farmer ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Farm Service Agency - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Contact Person Larry Owens Title Farm Loan Specialist Address1 P.O. Box 304 Address2 City Lamesa State TX Zip 79331 Phone 979-680-5229 Fax 979-680-5237 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $150,000.00 Program Name Down Payment Farm Ownership Loan Program

Description Assists beginning farmers and ranchers in purchasing a farm or ranch by providing a means for retiring farmers to transfer their land to a future generation. Applications should be mailed to local county office. Contact the state office listed above for referral to county/regional office. Loans are for 30% of purchase price or the appraised value, whichever is lower (up to $250,000). Applicant must make a cash down payment of at least 10% of the purchase price.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 30: Matthew Lesko

Title $2,000,000 Grant To Commercialize Science Related Ideas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Contact Person Barbara Lambis Title Coordinator - Advanced Technology Address1 NIST Advanced Technology Program Address2 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 471, Admin.Bldg.101, Rm. A413 City Gaithersburg State MD Zip 20899 Phone 301-975-4447 Fax 301-869-1150 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $2,000,000.00 Program Name Advanced Technology Program

Description This grant bridges the gap between the research lab and the marketplace, stimulating prosperity through innovation. Partners with companies of all sizes, universities, and non-profits to foster the development of innovative technologies that will generate significant commercial payoffs as well as widespread benefits for the nation. Awardees are selected through yearly, open, peer-reviewed competitions. ATP proposals will only be accepted in response to specific, published solicitations. Notices of ATP competitions are published in Commerce Business Daily. To request to be placed on a mailing list to be notified of upcoming competitions, call 1-800-ATP-FUND or e-mail: [email protected].

Must be a single for-profit company or an industry-led joint venture company and must be substantially involved in the research and development with a leadership role in steering the project. The ATP office listed above serves all states and the District of Columbia.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 31: Matthew Lesko

Title $2,000,000 Grant To Organizations In Small Towns Who Lend To Local Small Businesses ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Agriculture - Rural Business-Cooperative Service Contact Person Title Program Director Address1 Rural Business-Cooperative Service Address2 101 South Main Street, Suite 102 City Temple State TX Zip 76501 Phone 254-742-9700 Fax 254-742-9709 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $2,000,000.00 Program Name Intermediary Re-lending Program

Description Finances business facilities and community development projects in rural areas through loans made to "intermediaries". Intermediaries re-lend funds to ultimate recipients for the formation of new businesses, the development of existing businesses, creation of employment opportunities, saving existing

jobs, or community development projects. Intermediaries include private non- profit corporations, public agencies, Indian groups, or cooperatives; ultimate recipients may be public or private organizations or individuals. Applications should be mailed to the above address. For application instructions contact the IRP representative listed above.

The maximum loan to any one intermediary is $2 million with interest rate of 1% per annum. At least 51% of owners or members of both intermediaries and ultimate recipients must be U.S. citizens and should be unable to obtain the proposed loan elsewhere at reasonable rates and terms. Contact above office for a listing of re-lending agencies.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 32: Matthew Lesko

Title $2,000,000 Grant To Work On Fossil Energy Ideas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Energy - Office of Fossil Energy Contact Person John Augustine Title Proposal Coordinator Address1 Office of Fossil Energy, U.S. Dept. of Energy Address2 1000 Independence Ave., SW City Washington State DC Zip 20585 Phone 202-586-6503 Fax 202-586-5146 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $15,800.00 $To $2,099,232.00 Program Name Fossil Energy Research and Development

Description Program provides project grants to individuals, commercial firms, non-profit research organizations and educational institutions to fund the research and development of environmentally and economically superior technology using fossil fuels. Unsolicited proposals should be submitted to: John N. Augustine, Unsolicited Proposals Coordinator, Mail Stop 921-107, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Federal Energy Technology Center, 626 Cochrans Mill Rd, P.O. Box 10940, Pittsburgh, PA 15236-0940.

To qualify for funding, applicants must have had prior successful research and development experience in the fossil energy or related fields.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 33: Matthew Lesko

Title $200,000 Grant To Work On Energy Related Inventions ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Energy - Office of Industrial Technology Contact Person William E. Taylor Title Program Manager Address1 111 E. 17th Street, 11th Floor Address2 City Austin State TX Zip 78701 Phone 512-463-1931 Fax 512-475-2569 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $200,000.00 Program Name Invention and Innovation Program

Description Provides funds for promising projects demonstrating both energy-related innovation and future commercial market potential. Grants open to U.S. citizens, small, U.S. owned businesses, or educational institutions located

in the U.S. Special consideration is given to individual inventors and small businesses. Competitive program is announced periodically. See website listed above for solicitation information. Grants range from $0 - $40,000 (conceptual ideas) to $0-$200,000 (development and performance).

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 34: Matthew Lesko

Title $200,000 In Low Interest Loans For Small Farmers And Ranchers ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Farm Service Agency - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Contact Person Larry Owens Title Farm Loan Specialist Address1 P.O. Box 304 Address2 City Lamesa State TX Zip 79331 Phone 979-680-5229 Fax 979-680-5237 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $200,000.00 Program Name Interest Assistance Program

Description Aids operators of not larger than family-sized farms in obtaining credit when they are temporarily unable to project positive cash flow without a reduction in the interest rate. Assistance extends for up to ten years or for the life of the loan. Application should be sent to local office. Contact Federal office listed above for referral to state/local office.

Applicant must meet eligibility requirements for FSA Guaranteed Loan.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 35: Matthew Lesko

Title $200,000 To Buy A Farm Or A Ranch ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Farm Service Agency - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Contact Person Larry Owens Title Farm Loan Specialist Address1 P.O. Box 304 Address2 City Lamesa State TX Zip 79331 Phone 979-680-5229 Fax 979-680-5237 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $200,000.00 Program Name Farm Ownership Loans

Description Assists eligible farmers, ranchers, and aquaculture operators to become owner-operators of family farms. Loan may be used to operate family-owned ranches and agricultural businesses and purchase farmland, construct and repair buildings, and promote soil and water conservation. Applications should be mailed to to local county office. Contact state office above for referral to appropriate regional office.

Must have education, training, and experience in managing and operating a farm; must be U.S. citizen and have an acceptable credit history. If the farm/ranch is to be operated as a business entity, all members must be related by blood or marriage.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 36: Matthew Lesko

Title $200,000 To Operate A Farm Or Ranch _______________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Farm Service Agency - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Contact Person Larry Owens Title Farm Loan Specialist Address1 P.O. Box 304 Address2 City Lamesa State TX Zip 79331 Phone 979-680-5229 Fax 979-680-5237 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $200,000.00 Program Name Farm Operating Loans

Description Assists operators of not larger than family farms to make efficient use of their land, labor, and other resources, and to establish and maintain financially viable farming and ranching operations. Loan may be used to operate family-owned ranches and agricultural businesses. Must have education, training, and experience in managing/operating a farm; must be U.S citizen; must have acceptable credit history. If farm/ranch will be operated as a business entity, all members must be related by blood or marriage.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 37: Matthew Lesko

Title $22,000,000 Grant To Businesses That Employ People With Disabilities ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Education - Rehabilitative Services Administration Programs Contact Person Title Chief, Service Projects Branch Address1 U.S. Dept. of Ed. Application Control Center Address2 1701 North Congress Avenue City Austin State TX Zip 78701 Phone 512-463-9734 Fax 512-463-9008 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $22,071,000.00 Program Name Projects With Industry Program

Description Provides job development, job training services, and job placement to assist individuals with disabilities to obtain or advance in employment in the competitive labor market. Grants are awarded for up to 5 years and may not exceed 80% of the total cost of the project. Completed applications should be mailed to the above address.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 38: Matthew Lesko

Title $295,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Problems Related To The Environment ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Environmental Protection Agency Contact Person Greg Cooke Title Program Director Address1 EPA Region 6 Address2 1445 Ross Ave. Suite 1200 City Dallas State TX Zip 75202 Phone 214-665-6444 Fax Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $295,000.00 Program Name Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

Description Grant supports high quality research or research and development (R&D) proposals containing advanced concepts leading to scientific and public benefit. Awards stimulate technological innovation in the private sector and encourage participation by women-owned and other economically disadvantaged small business firms. Support under the Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) is provided for six months and up to $70,000 for Phase I projects (for a feasibility study of ideas submitted by applicants on research topic areas designated in the solicitation) and for two years and up to $295,000 for Phase II awards (principal research and development effort). Proposals will only be accepted through solicitation. Specific requirements and guidelines can be found on the website listed above. Only businesses that are independently owned, controlled, and operated for-profit and with 500 or fewer employees are eligible to apply. The office listed above is a regional office for this state. The EPA’s national headquarters is located at: 51 N. Street NE, Washington, D.C. 20002. __________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 39: Matthew Lesko

Title $3,000,000 Grant To Train Your Employees ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Labor - Employment and Training Administration Contact Person J.C. Mitchell Title Program Manager Address1 1201 Main Street, Suite 2700 Address2 Region 4 (Dallas Branch Office) City Dallas State TX Zip 75202 Phone 214-290-1000 Fax 214-745-1110 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $3,000,000.00 Program Name H-1B Technical Skills Training Grant

Description The H-1B Technical Skills Training Grant Program awards year-round grants to Workforce Investment Boards and to business partnerships. The purpose of these grants is to provide technical skills training to American workers so

that firms can minimize their dependence on highly-skilled foreign workers. Emphasis is on technical training and healthcare jobs. Eligibility extends to local workforce investment boards in partnership with at least one business/ business association, community or faith-based organizations, labor unions, or a higher education institution.

Region 4 (Dallas Branch) serves the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 40: Matthew Lesko

Title $300,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Commercialize Scientific And Engineering Ideas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Dept. of Commerce - National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Contact Person Terry Lynch Title SBIR Program Coordinator Address1 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 3460 Address2 City Gaithersburg State MD Zip 20899 Phone 301-975-6478 Fax Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $300,000.00 Program Name Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

Description Funds creative advanced research in scientific and engineering areas that will encourage the conversion of Government-funded research into a commercial application. These grants stimulate technological participation and innovation

by small businesses as well as minority, disabled, and other disadvantaged individuals.

Unsolicited proposals will not be accepted. Each organization submitting a proposal must qualify as a small business for all research and development purposes. The primary employment of the principal researcher must be with the small business at the time of the award. The office listed above serves all states and the District of Columbia. For further questions on NIST’s SBIR Program email: [email protected].

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 41: Matthew Lesko

Title $300,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Commercialize Scientific And Engineering Ideas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Dept. of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Contact Person Greg Hernandez Title Program Director Address1 14th Street & Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 6013 Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20230 Phone 202-482-6090 Fax 202-482-3154 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $300,000.00 Program Name Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

Description Supports creative advanced research in scientific and engineering areas that encourage the conversion of Government-funded research projects into commercial applications. Awards stimulate technological participation and innovation by small businesses as well as minority, disabled, and other disadvantaged individuals. Proposals are accepted by solicitation only (see website above for calls for proposals). Proposals should be sent to: SBIR Proposals, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Contract Administration Branch, Code OFA613, 1305 East-West Hwy., SSMC4, Station 7604, Silver Spring,

Maryland 20910. A detailed online guide for application requirements and preparation procedures can be found at the following website:

Unsolicited proposals will not be accepted. Each organization submitting a proposal must qualify as a small business for research and development purposes. The primary employment of the principal investigator must be with the small business at the time of the award. The NOAA office listed above serves all states and the District of Columbia.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 42: Matthew Lesko

Title $300,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Education Related Ideas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Education Contact Person Title Program Director Address1 Texas Dept. of Education Address2 1701 North Congress Avenue City Austin State TX Zip 78701 Phone 512-463-9734 Fax 512-463-9008 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $300,000.00 Program Name Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

Description Provides grants to small business firms to support research in educational technology, science, or engineering with the goal of stimulating technology

innovation in the private sector and strengthening the role of small business in meeting Federal research and development (R&D) needs. Support under the Dept. of Ed's Small Business Innovation Research Program is normally provided for six months and up to $60,000 for Phase I projects (for feasibility studies to evaluate the scientific and technical merit of an idea) and for two years and up to $300,000 for Phase II awards (to expand the results of and further the development of Phase 1).

Only businesses that are independently owned, controlled, and operated for-profit and with 500 or fewer employees are eligible to apply. Proposals are accepted on a solicitation only basis. Check application web address above for information and grant application package.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

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Title $330,000 Grant To Small Towns To Lend Money To Local Small Businesses ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Agriculture - Rural Business-Cooperative Service Contact Person Bryan Daniel Title Program Director Address1 101 South Main Street, Suite 102 Address2 City Temple State TX Zip 76501 Phone 254-742-9700 Fax 254-742-9709 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $10,000.00 $To $330,000.00 Program Name Rural Economic Development Grants

Description Program provides grants to rural communities through Rural Utilities Service (RUS) to be used for revolving loan funds for community facilities and infrastructure and for

assistance in conjunction with rural economic development loans. Contact the state office listed above for questions concerning the application process and for a list of required documentation.

Borrower may not be delinquent on any Federal debt or in bankruptcy proceedings.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 44: Matthew Lesko

Title $34,000,000 For Airport Operations And Improvements ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Federal Aviation Administration Contact Person Gary Patterson Title District Manager Address1 FAA, Office of Airport Planning and Programming, Address2 800 Independence Avenue, SW, Room 600E City Washington State DC Zip 29591 Phone 202-366-4000 Fax 202-366-4200 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $12,600.00 $To $34,354,194.00 Program Name Airport Improvement Program

Description Assists sponsors, owners and operators of public-use airports by providing Federal funding for eligible projects such as improvement and development

of runways, pavement maintenance, the purchase of navigational equipment, land acquisition for development, and other capital improvements.

Only projects considered by FAA Administrator to be necessary to provide for a safe and efficient airport system and to meet the current and projected growth of civil aeronautics will be considered. Applicant must be a sponsor, proprietor, or operator of a public-use airport as listed in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) with at least 2,500 passengers boarding annually and receiving scheduled passenger aircraft service.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 45: Matthew Lesko

Title $500,000 For Native Americans To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of the Interior - Bureau of Indian Affairs Contact Person Joseph Day Title Loan Specialist Address1 1819 Bemidji Avenue Address2 City Bemidji State MN Zip 56601 Phone 218-755-3825 Fax 218-755-3739 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $500,000.00 Program Name Indian Loan Guarantee Program

Description These guaranteed loans stimulate and increase Indian entrepreneurship and employment through the establishment, acquisition, or expansion of Indian-owned businesses. Borrowers will work directly with the lenders. Upon lender's approval of an application for guaranteed loan, the lender will request a loan guaranty from the B.I.A. office where the business is located. Borrower must be a federally recognized tribe or Alaska Native group, member of such tribe or group or an Indian-owned organization. The business must be located on/near a reservation or recognized service area and contribute to the economy of the reservation. A minimum of 20% equity, in either cash and/or unencumbered assets to be used in the business being financed, is required. The office listed above serves all states and the District of Columbia. Contact the above office directly for application information.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 46: Matthew Lesko

Title $500,000 For Women-Owned And Minority Businesses To Get Government Contracts ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name DOT -- Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Contact Person Nancy Strine Title Manager, Short Term Lending Program Address1 Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Util., S-40 Address2 400 7th St., SW, Room 9410 City Washington State DC Zip 20590 Phone 800-532-1169 Fax 202-366-2852 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $500,000.00 Program Name Short Term Lending Program

Description Assists minority-owned, women-owned and other disadvantaged business enterprises in obtaining working capital to perform the transportation related contracts for the Department of Transportation. Loan applications are initially submitted to a participating bank. For a list of these banks, see the OSDBU website listed above. Applicants must have a transportation related contract and must be certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise by any agency applying the DOT’s certification guidelines or by the U.S. Small Business Administration. Funds are limited to the short-term costs of the contracts being financed and are not available for refinancing of existing debt, for contract mobilization, equipment or other long term uses. Office listed above serves all states and the District of Columbia.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 47: Matthew Lesko

Title $500,000 Grant For Small Businesses To Commercialize Education Related Ideas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Education Contact Person Title Program Director Address1 Texas Dept. of Education Address2 1701 North Congress Avenue City Austin State TX Zip 78701 Phone 512-463-9734 Fax 512-463-9008 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $500,000.00 Program Name Small Business Technology Transfer Program

Description Provides grants to small business firms to support research in educational technology, science, or engineering with the goal of stimulating technology

innovation in the private sector and strengthening the role of small business in meeting Federal research and development (R&D) needs. Support under the Dept. of Ed's Small Business Technology Transfer Program is normally provided for six months and up to $60,000 for Phase I projects (for feasibility studies to evaluate the scientific and technical merit of an idea) and for two years and up to $300,000 for Phase II awards (to expand the results of and further the development of Phase 1).

Only businesses that are independently owned, controlled, and operated for-profit and with 500 or fewer employees are eligible to apply. Proposals are accepted on a solicitation only basis. Check application web address above for information and grant application package.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 48: Matthew Lesko

Title $500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Commercialize General Aviation Related Ideas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name NASA Contact Person James Aanstoos Title Program Director Address1 P.O. Box 12728 Address2 City Austin State TX Zip 78711 Phone 512-936-0234 Fax 512-936-0433 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $500,000.00 Program Name Small Business Technology Transfer Program

Description Funds joint venture innovative research opportunities for small business and the nation's premier non-profit research institutions with the purpose of moving ideas from the laboratory to the marketplace, addressing the technological needs of the Federal Government and fostering high-tech economic development. NASA awards up to $100,000 for approximately one year for Phase I projects (the exploration of the scientific, technical and commercial feasibility of an idea) and up to $500,000 for up to two years for Phase II (development/commercialization of Phase I projects). Proposals may only be submitted in response to solicitations. See the above website for current solicitations and deadlines. Applicants must be small, American-owned and for-profit businesses with 500 or fewer employees. At least 40% of the research project is to be conducted by the small business concern and at least 30% by the partnering research institution.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 49: Matthew Lesko

Title $500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Commercialize Health Related Issues ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name National Institutes of Health (NIH) Contact Person Stanley Canton Title Program Director Address1 National Institutes of Health Address2 6100 Executive Boulevard, Room 6D05 City Bethesda State MD Zip 20892 Phone 301-496-9639 Fax 301-480-2506 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $500,000.00 Program Name Small Business Technology Transfer Program

Description Funds joint venture innovative research opportunities for small business and the nation's premier non-profit research institutions with the purpose of moving ideas from the laboratory to the marketplace and addressing the technology needs of the Federal Government. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) solicits proposals for biomedical and behavioral research and awards up to $100,000 for one year for Phase I projects (exploration of the scientific, technical and commercial feasibility of an idea) and up to $500,000 for two years for Phase II (development and commercialization of Phase I projects).

Proposals may only be submitted in response to solicitations. Applicants must be a small, American-owned and for-profit business of 500 or fewer employees. At least 40% of the research project is to be conducted by the small business concern and at least 30% by the partnering research institution.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 50: Matthew Lesko

Title $500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Defense Related Research ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Defense - Air Force Contact Person Dr. Victoria Franques Title Program Manager Address1 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Address2 4040 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 500 City Arlington State VA Zip 22203 Phone 703-696-7313 Fax 703-696-7320 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $500,000.00 Program Name Small Business Technology Transfer Program

Description Funds joint venture innovative research opportunities for small business and the nation's premier non-profit research institutions with the purpose of moving ideas from laboratory to marketplace, while fostering high-tech

economic development and meeting the technology needs of the Federal Government. The Small Business Technology Transfer Program provides funding for one year and up to $100,000 for Phase I projects (a feasibility study to evaluate the scientific and technical merit of an idea) and for two years and up to $500,000 for Phase II awards (for the development and commercialization of Phase I projects).

Applicants must be a small, American-owned and for-profit business of 500 or fewer employees. Proposals may only be submitted in response to solicitations. To access forms, applications, program summaries and current solicitations, companies must register with the DOD's website at: For other questions regarding solicitation and proposal preparation contact the DOD’s Help Desk: 866-216-4095. The office listed above serves all states and the District of Columbia.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 51: Matthew Lesko

Title $500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Defense Related Research ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Defense - Navy Contact Person John Williams Title STTR Program Manager Address1 Office of Naval Research Address2 Ballston Tower #2, Rm. 106, 800 N. Quincey Street City Arlington State VA Zip 22203 Phone 703-696-0342 Fax 703-696-4884 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $500,000.00 Program Name Small Business Technology Transfer Program

Description Funds joint venture innovative research opportunities for small business and the nation's premier non-profit research institutions with the purpose of moving ideas from the laboratory to the marketplace and addressing the technological needs of the Federal Government. The Navy's Small Business Technology Transfer Program provides funding for up to one year and up to $100,000 for Phase I projects (feasibility study to assess the scientific and technical merit of an idea) and for two years and up to $500,000 for Phase II awards (the development and commercialization of Phase I projects).

Applicants must be a small, American-owned and for-profit business of or fewer employees. Proposals are accepted on a solicitation-only basis. To access applications, program summaries and solicitations, company must register with the DOD at: For further questions regarding solicitation and proposal preparation call the DOD's Help Desk: 866-216-4095. The office listed above serves all states and the District of Columbia.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 52: Matthew Lesko

Title $500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Defense Related Research ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Defense - Army Contact Person Dr. Frank Hurley Title Program Manager Address1 U.S. Army Research Office Address2 P.O. Box 12211 City Research Triangle Park State NC Zip 27709 Phone 919-549-4322 Fax 919-549-4248 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $500,000.00 Program Name Small Business Technology Transfer Program

Description Funds joint venture innovative research opportunities for small business and the nation's premier non-profit research institutions with the purpose of moving ideas from the laboratory to the marketplace while addressing the technological needs of the Federal Government. The Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR) provides funding for one year and for up to $100,000 for Phase I projects (to evaluate the project’s scientific and technical merit) and up to $500,000 for two years for Phase II awards (for the development and commercialization of Phase I projects).

Applicants must be a small, American-owned, for-profit business of 500 or fewer employees. Proposals are accepted on a solicitation-only basis. For questions regarding solicitation and proposal preparation contact the DOD's SBIR/STTR Help Desk at: 866-216-4095. The office listed above serves all states and D.C. To access applications, program summaries and current solicitations, company must register with the DOD’s website:

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 53: Matthew Lesko

Title $500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Defense Related Research ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Energy Contact Person William Taylor Title Program Director Address1 111 E. 17th Street, 11th Floor Address2 City Austin State TX Zip 78701 Phone 512-463-1931 Fax 512-475-2569 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $500,000.00 Program Name Small Business Technology Transfer Program

Description This program supports creative advanced research in technical areas such as biological and environmental research, high energy and nuclear physics, and fossil and fusion energy that encourage the conversion of Government- funded research in a commercial application. Awards stimulate innovation and technological participation by small businesses and minority, disabled, and other disadvantaged individuals. Support under the Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTP) is provided for six months and up to $100,000 for Phase I projects (for a feasibility study of innovative concepts) and for two years and up to $750,000 for Phase II awards (for the principal research and development effort).

Unsolicited proposals will not be accepted. Only those businesses that are independently owned, controlled, and operated for-profit and with 500 or fewer employees are eligible to apply. Organizations submitting proposals must qualify as a small business for research and development purposes.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 54: Matthew Lesko

Title $500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Imagery Related Ideas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Defense - National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) Contact Person Dr. Kathleen Morrish Title SBIR Program Manager Address1 12310 Sunrise Valley Drive Address2 Mail Stop P-53 City Reston State VA Zip 20191 Phone 703-262-4557 Fax 703-262-4588 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $500,000.00 Program Name Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

Description Funds early stage research and development by small businesses that support NIMAs mission to provide timely, relevant, and accurate imagery, imagery intelligence, and geospatial information in support of national security objectives. NIMA's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program provides up to $100,000 over nine months for Phase I projects (for feasibility studies to evaluate the scientific and technical merit of an idea) and up to $500,000 over two years for Phase II awards (for testing phase in which prototypes are built).

Only businesses that are independently owned, controlled, and operated for-profit and with 500 or fewer employees are eligible to apply. Proposals will be accepted on a solicitation-only basis. To access forms, applications, program summaries and current solicitation, company must register with the DOD's website at: For further questions regarding solicitation and proposal preparation contact DOD's SBIR Help Desk at: 866-216-4095. The office listed above serves all states and the District of Columbia. __________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 55: Matthew Lesko

Title $500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Missile Technology ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Defense - Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) Contact Person Jeff Bond Title Program Manager Address1 1725 Jefferson Davis Highway Address2 Suite 809 City Arlington State VA Zip 22202 Phone 703-604-3538 Fax 703-604-3956 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $500,000.00 Program Name Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

Description Funds early stage research and development by small businesses that support the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization‘s (BMDO) mission of developing innovative technology for the purpose of enabling a defense against missiles in flight. BMDO's Small Business Innovation Research Program typically provides up to $60,000 over the course of six months for Phase I projects (for a feasibility study to evaluate the scientific and technical merit of an idea) and up to $500,000 for two years for Phase II awards (demonstration phase when prototypes are built and tested).

Only businesses that are independently owned, controlled and operated for-profit and with 500 or fewer employees are eligible. Proposals will be accepted on a solicitation-only basis. To access all applications, program summaries and current solicitations, company must first register with the DOD's website at: For questions regarding solicitation and proposal preparation contact DOD's SBIR Help Desk at: 866-216-4095. The office listed above serves all states and the District of Columbia.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 56: Matthew Lesko

Title $500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Missile Technology ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Defense - Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) Contact Person Jeff Bond Title Program Manager Address1 1725 Jefferson Davis Highway Address2 Suite 809 City Arlington State VA Zip 22202 Phone 703-697-3699 Fax 703-695-5729 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $500,000.00 Program Name Small Business Technology Transfer Program

Description Funds joint venture innovative research opportunities for small business and the nation's premier non-profit research institutions with the purpose of moving ideas from the laboratory to the marketplace, addressing the technological needs of the Federal Government and fostering high-tech economic development. BMDO's Small Business Technology Transfer Grants are provided for one year and up to $100,000 for Phase I projects (for a feasibility study to evaluate the scientific and technical merit of an idea) and for two years and up to $500,000 for Phase II awards (for the development and commercialization of Phase I projects).

Applicants must be a small, American-owned and for-profit business of 500 or fewer employees. Proposals may only be submitted in response to solicitations. To access forms, applications, program summaries and current solicitation, company must first register with the DOD's website at: For questions regarding solicitation and proposal preparation contact the DOD's Help Desk: 866-216-4095. The office listed above serves all states and the District of Columbia.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 57: Matthew Lesko

Title $500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Scientific And Engineering Ideas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name National Science Foundation Contact Person Title Program Director Address1 4201 Wilson Boulevard Address2 City Arlington State VA Zip 22230 Phone 703-292-5111 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $500,000.00 Program Name Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

Description Supports high quality projects on important scientific, engineering, or education problems with the potential for significant commercial and public benefit. Awards stimulate innovation by small businesses as well as minority, disabled, and other disadvantaged individuals. The Small Business Innovation Research Program provides funding for six months and up to $100,000 for Phase I projects (experimental or theoretical investigation on the proposed research or activity) and for two years and up to $500,000 for Phase II awards (for research and development effort). Only a SBIR Phase 1 grantee who successfully completes a Phase 1 project is eligible to submit a Phase II proposal.

Proposals will be accepted on a solicitation only basis (see the above website for calls for proposals). Eligibility extends to businesses that are independently owned, controlled, and operated for-profit and with 500 or fewer employees. The organization submitting an application must first qualify as a small business for research and development purposes. The office listed above serves all states and the District of Columbia.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 58: Matthew Lesko

Title $500,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Scientific Research With Non-Profit Organizations ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name National Science Foundation Contact Person Title Program Director Address1 National Science Foundation Address2 4201 Wilson Boulevard City Arlington State VA Zip 22230 Phone 703-292-5111 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $500,000.00 Program Name Small Business Technology Transfer Program

Description Funds joint venture innovative research opportunities for small business and the nation's premier non-profit research institutions. The purpose of this collaboration is to move ideas from the laboratory to the marketplace, to foster high-tech economic development and to address the technology needs of the Federal Government. National Science Foundation (NSF)

awards up to $100,000 for approximately one year for Phase I projects exploration of the scientific and commercial feasibility of an idea) and up to $500,000 for up to two years for Phase II (for the development and commercialization of Phase I projects).

Proposals may only be submitted in response to solicitations. See above website for current solicitations and deadlines. Applicants must be small, American-owned and for-profit businesses with 500 or fewer employees. At least 40% of the research must be conducted by the small business and at least 30% percent by the partnering institution. The above office serves all states and the District of Columbia.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 59: Matthew Lesko

Title $600,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Commercialize Military Technology ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Defense - Navy Contact Person Vincent Schaper Title SBIR Program Manager Address1 Office of Naval Research Address2 800 N. Quincey Street, Rm. 633 City Arlington State VA Zip 22217 Phone 703-696-8528 Fax 703-696-4884 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $600,000.00 Program Name Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

Description This program funds the early-stage research and development projects of small companies that have the potential for commercialization in the private sector or U.S. military markets. The Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) is provided for six months and up to $70,000 for Phase I projects (feasibility study to evaluate the scientific/technical merit of a research idea) and for two years and up to $600,000 for Phase II awards (demonstration phase in which prototypes are built and tested).

Only businesses that are independently owned, controlled, and operated for-profit and with 500 or fewer employees are eligible to apply. Proposals are accepted on a solicitation-only basis. To access forms, applications, program summaries and current solicitation, company must register with the DOD's website at: For further questions regarding solicitation and proposal preparation contact the DOD's SBIR Help Desk: 866-216-4095. The office listed above serves all states and the District of Columbia.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 60: Matthew Lesko

Title $600,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On General Aviation Related Ideas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name NASA Contact Person James Aanstoos Title Program Director Address1 P.O. Box 12728 Address2 City Austin State TX Zip 78711 Phone 512-936-0234 Fax 512-936-0433 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $600,000.00 Program Name Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

Description This program supports high quality research and development proposals promoting revitalization of general aviation. Awards inspire technological innovation in the private sector, strengthen the role of small businesses and encourage participation by women-owned, socially and economically disadvantaged small business firms. NASA's Small Business Innovation Research Program provides funding for six months and up to $70,000 for Phase I projects (to establish the scientific or technical feasibility of ideas submitted by applicants on research topics designated in the solicitation) and for two years and up to $600,000 for Phase II awards (for the primary research and development effort). Proposals will be accepted on a solicitation-only basis. Requirements and

guidelines can be found on the website listed above. Only businesses that are independently owned, controlled, and operated for-profit and with 500 or fewer employees are eligible to apply.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 61: Matthew Lesko

Title $717,000 For First Time Farmers And Ranchers ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Farm Service Agency - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Contact Person Larry Owens Title Farm Loan Specialist Address1 P.O. Box 304 Address2 City Lamesa State TX Zip 79331 Phone 979-680-5229 Fax 979-680-5237 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $717,000.00 Program Name Loans for Beginning Farmers and Ranchers

Description Provides direct and guaranteed loans to beginning farmers and ranchers who are unable to obtain financing from typical commercial credit sources. Applications for Direct Loan assistance may be made at the county office where the farming operation will eventually be located. For a Guaranteed Loan, applicants must apply to commercial lenders who participate in the the Guaranteed Loan Program. Contact the state office listed above to be referred to a local or regional FSA office. Loans range from $ 0 - $200,000 for Direct Loans and $0 - $717,000 for Guaranteed Loans (amount varies annually based on inflation).

Applicant must not have owned/operated a farm or ranch for 10 years and must substantially participate in the farm operation.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 62: Matthew Lesko

Title $717,000 For Women And Minorities To Buy A Farm Or Ranch ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Farm Service Agency - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Contact Person Larry Owens Title Farm Loan Specialist Address1 P.O. Box 304 Address2 City Lamesa State TX Zip 79331 Phone 979-680-5229 Fax 979-680-5237 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $717,000.00 Program Name Loans for Socially Disadvantaged Persons

Description Enables socially disadvantaged applicants to buy and operate family-sized farms and ranches. For purposes of this program, socially disadvantaged groups include: women, African Americans, American Indians and Alaskan Natives, Hispanics, and Asians and Pacific Islanders. Application for Direct Loan assistance must be made from the county FSA office where operation is located. For Guaranteed Loans, applicants must apply with a commercial lender who participates in the Guaranteed Loan Program. Applicant should contact the state office above for referral to a local/regional FSA office. Loan amounts range from $ 0 - $200,000 for Direct Loans and from $0 - $717,000 for Guaranteed Loans.

Applicants must meet all requirements for FSA's regular farm loan program assistance. Must have education, training, and experience in managing and operating a farm; must be U.S. citizen; must have acceptable credit history.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 63: Matthew Lesko

Title $730,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Military Related Ideas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Defense - Army Contact Person Dr. Kenneth Bannister Title SBIR Program Manager Address1 U.S. Army Research Office Address2 Army National Command Bldg., 5001 Eisenhower Ave. City Alexandria State VA Zip 22333 Phone 703-617-7425 Fax 703-617-8274 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $730,000.00 Program Name Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

Description Funds early-stage research and development projects of small companies that have the potential for commercialization in the private sector or United States military markets. The Army's Small Business Innovation Research Program is normally provided for 6 months and up to $70,000 for Phase I projects (feasibility study to evaluate the scientific and technical merit of a

project) and for 2 years and up to $730,000 for Phase II awards (the stage in which prototypes are built and tested).

Businesses that are independently owned and controlled with 500 or fewer employees are eligible to apply. Proposals are accepted by solicitation only. To access forms, applications, program summaries and current solicitation, company must first register with the DOD at: For questions regarding solicitations and proposal preparation contact the DOD's Help Desk: 866-216-4095. The office listed above serves all states and the District of Columbia.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 64: Matthew Lesko

Title $750,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Commercialize Environmental And Energy Related Ideas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Energy Contact Person William E. Taylor Title Program Director Address1 111 E. 17th Street, 11th Floor Address2 City Austin State TX Zip 78701 Phone 512-463-1931 Fax 512-475-2569 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $750,000.00 Program Name Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

Description This program supports creative advanced research in technical areas such as biological and environmental research, high energy and nuclear physics, and fossil and fusion energy that encourage the conversion of Government- funded research in a commercial application. Awards stimulate innovation and technological participation by small businesses and minority, disabled, and other disadvantaged individuals. Funding through the Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) is provided for six months and up to $100,000 for Phase I projects (for a feasibility study of innovative concepts) and for two years and up to $750,000 for Phase II awards (for the principal research and development effort).

Unsolicited proposals will not be accepted. Only those businesses that are independently owned, controlled, and operated for-profit and with 500 or fewer employees are eligible to apply. Organizations submitting proposals must qualify as a small business for research and development purposes.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 65: Matthew Lesko

Title $750,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Commercialize Military Technology ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Defense - Air Force Contact Person Stephan Guilfoos Title Program Manager Address1 1864 4th Street Address2 Suite 1 City Wright-Patterson AFB State OH Zip 45433 Phone 937-656-9021 Fax 937-255-2329 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $750,000.00 Program Name Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

Description Funds early-stage research and development projects of small companies that have the potential for commercialization in the private sector or the U.S. military markets. The Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) provides funding for nine months and up to $100,000 for all Phase I projects (feasibility study to evaluate the scientific and technical merit of an idea) and for two years and up to $750,000 for Phase II awards (demonstration phase in which prototypes are built and tested).

Only businesses that are independently owned, controlled, and operated for profit and with 500 or fewer employees are eligible to apply. Proposals will be

accepted on a solicitation-only basis. To access forms, applications, program summaries and current solicitations, company must register with the DOD's website at: For questions regarding solicitation and proposal preparation contact the SBIR Help Desk at 866-216-4095. The office listed above serves all states and the District of Columbia.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 66: Matthew Lesko

Title $750,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Defense Technology Related Ideas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Defense - Defense Advanced Research Agency (DARPA) Contact Person Connie Jacobs Title SBIR/STTR Program Manager Address1 3701 North Fairfax Drive Address2 City Arlington State VA Zip 22203 Phone 703-526-4170 Fax 703-841-5158 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $750,000.00 Program Name Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

Description Funds early stage research and development by small businesses that support the Defense Advanced Research Agency’s (DARPA) mission of advancing state-of-the-art defense technology, and that have a strong likelihood of being successfully marketed commercially. DARPA's Small Business Innovation Research Program typically provides up to $99,000 over the course of nine months for Phase I projects (feasibility study to evaluate the scientific and technical merit of an idea) and up to $750,000 over the course of two years for Phase II awards (demonstration phase in which prototypes are built and tested).

Only businesses that are independently owned, controlled, and operated

for-profit and with 500 or fewer employees are eligible to apply. Proposals will only be accepted by solicitation. To applications, program summaries and current solicitation, applicant must register with the DOD’s website: For further questions regarding solicitation and proposal preparation contact the SBIR Help Desk at: 866-216-4095. The office listed above serves all states and the District of Columbia.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 67: Matthew Lesko

Title $750,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Health Related Ideas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Dept. of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health (NIH) Contact Person Stanley Canton Title Program Director Address1 6100 Executive Blvd., Room 6D05 Address2 City Bethesda State MD Zip 20892 Phone 301-496-9639 Fax 301-480-2506 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address http://grants.nih.giv/grants/funding/sbir.htm Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $750,000.00 Program Name Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

Description Supports creative advanced research in the biomedical or behavioral research areas that encourage the conversion of Government-funded research in a commercial application. Awards stimulate technological participation and innovation by small businesses and minority, disabled, and other disadvantaged individuals. Funding from the Small Business Innovation Research Program is normally provided for six months and up to $100,000 for Phase I projects (feasibility study of project) and for two years and up to $750,000 for Phase II awards (principal research and development effort). Completed applications for both Phase I and Phase II grants should be mailed to the above address.

Unsolicited proposals will not be accepted. Only for-profit businesses independently owned and controlled with 500 or fewer employees are eligible to apply. Organizations submitting a proposal must qualify as a small business for research and development purposes. The office listed above serves all states and the District of Columbia.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 68: Matthew Lesko

Title $750,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Ideas For The Defense Department ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Defense - United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Contact Person Karen L. Pera Title SBIR Program Manager Address1 U.S. Special Operations Command Address2 7701 Tampa Point Blvd. City MacDill AFB State FL Zip 33621 Phone 813-840-5514 Fax 813-840-5481 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $750,000.00 Program Name Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

Description Funds early stage research and development by small businesses that support the United States Special Operations Command’s (USSOCOM) mission of developing and acquiring distinctive special operations forces equipment, provisions and services. The SBIR provides up to $100,000 over the course of 6 months for Phase I projects (for the feasibility study to evaluate the scientific and technical merit of the proposal) and for two years and up to $750,000 for Phase II awards (when prototypes are built and tested).

Only businesses that are independently owned, controlled, and operated for-profit and with 500 or fewer employees are eligible to apply. Proposals will be accepted on a solicitation-only basis. To access SBIR applications, program summaries and current solicitations, company must register with the DOD's website at: For further questions regarding solicitation and proposal preparation contact the DOD’s SBIR Help Desk at: 866-216-4095.The office listed above serves all states and the District of Columbia.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 69: Matthew Lesko

Title $750,000 Grant To Small Businesses To Work On Transportation Related Ideas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Transportation Contact Person Michael Behrans Title Program Director Address1 125 E. 11th Street Address2 City Austin State TX Zip 78701 Phone 512-463-8585 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $750,000.00 Program Name Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

Description Supports initiatives directed toward high priority transportation research and development. Awards stimulate technological innovation in the private sector, strengthening the role of small businesses and encouraging participation by women-owned and socially and economically disadvantaged small business firms in technological innovation. The Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) provides grant funding for six months and up to $100,000 for Phase I projects (feasibility study to determine the scientific or technical of ideas submitted by applicants on research topic areas designated in the solicitation) and for two years and up to $750,000 for Phase II (the principal research and development effort).

Proposals are accepted on a solicitation only basis. See website above for current solicitations. Businesses that are independently owned, controlled, and operated for-profit and with 500 or fewer employees are eligible to apply.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 70: Matthew Lesko

Title $750,000 in 0% Interest Loans To Utility Companies In Small Towns Who Help Small Businesses ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Agriculture - Rural Business-Cooperative Service Contact Person Bryan Daniel Title Program Director Address1 101 South Main Street, Suite 102 Address2 City Temple State TX Zip 76501 Phone 254-742-9700 Fax 254-742-9709 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $10,000.00 $To $750,000.00 Program Name Rural Economic Development Loans

Description Provides zero interest loans to Rural Service Utilities funded telephone and electric utilities to provide economic development and job creation projects including but not limited to: project feasibility studies, start up costs, and incubator projects. Promotes projects that will result in the sustainable increase of the productivity of economic resources in rural areas, thereby leading to a higher level of income for these residents. Contact the state office listed above for further questions regarding the application process and for a list of required documentation.

Borrower should not be delinquent on a Federal debt or in bankruptcy proceedings. Projects will not be selected unless supplemental funding is provided in an amount equal to least 20% of the amount of the zero- interest loan funds provided by Rural Business Service. The repayment term, including any principal deferment period, will not exceed 10 years.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 71: Matthew Lesko

Title $759,000 To Operate A Farm Or Ranch ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Farm Service Agency - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Contact Person Larry Owens Title Farm Loan Specialist Address1 P.O. Box 304 Address2 City Lamesa State TX Zip 79331 Phone 979-680-5229 Fax 979-680-5237 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $759,000.00 Program Name Guaranteed Loan Program

Description Guarantees farm ownership or farm operating loans made by conventional agricultural lenders for up to 95% of principal. Contact the state office above for locations of local county/regional office. Applicants must apply to conventional lender who arranges guarantee.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 72: Matthew Lesko

Title $900,000 Grant To Do Research On Injuries ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OTHER Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name Department of Health and Human Services - Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Contact Person Title Program Director Address1 1100 West 49th Street Address2 City Austin State TX Zip 78756 Phone 512-458-7111 Fax 512-458-7708 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $0.00 $To $900,000.00 Program Name Grants for Injury Prevention Research

Description Funds research by professionals from a wide spectrum of disciplines for the purpose of building a scientific base for prevention of injuries, disabilities, and deaths. Applications may be submitted by public and private nonprofit and for-profit organizations, academic and research institutions, state and local governments, Indian tribal organizations, and small, minority and women-owned businesses. Awards are made for a 12-month budget period within a 3-year project period. Funding level will not exceed $300,000 per year.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 73: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,000,000 For Companies Hurt By Defense Cuts ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA Report State TX

Original Researcher R. Rosser Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration Contact Person Lavan Alexander Title District Director Address1 4300 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 114 Address2 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 75155 Phone 817-684-5500 Fax 817-684-5516 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,250,000.00 Program Name DELTA Program

Description This program provides financial help to small defense-dependent firms that have been affected adversely by defense cuts that have diversified into the commercial market. The loans are from banks and the Small Business Administration (SBA) guarantees payment to the bank. Loans are guaranteed up to 80% and must be used to retain jobs of defense workers, create new jobs in impacted communities, or expand in order to remain national technical and industrial based. Loans may be used for working capital, acquisition of equipment, raw materials, inventory, and capital improvements that may include renovation and replacement of the applicant's physical plant. Maximum financing available is $1.25 million. Loan used in accordance with the 7(a) or 504 Loans and/or other SBA loans. Terms for 504 Loan pegged to and increment above current market prime rate and for 5-10 year U.S. treasury issue. Terms for 7(a) Loan are 5-10 years for fixed assets. Contact the office listed above for a list of participating lenders and to be directed to a regional/local SBA office serving your area. The SBA National Headquarters is located at: 409 3rd St., SW, Washington, D.C. 20416. Phone: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA. __________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 74: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,000,000 To Sell Your Goods And Services Overseas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA Report State TX

Original Researcher R. Rosser Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration Contact Person Lavan Alexander Title District Director Address1 4300 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 114 Address2 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 75155 Phone 817-684-5500 Fax 817-684-5516 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,250,000.00 Program Name International Trade Loan

Description Loan offers long-term funds to small businesses engaged in or preparing to engage in international trade, as well as those businesses adversely affected by import competition. The loans are from banks and the SBA guarantees payment to the bank. The SBA can guarantee up to $1.25 million for a combination of fixed asset and working capital financing, but the working capital portion cannot exceed $750,000. Eligible businesses include: retail and service businesses with annual receipts of less than $3.5 million, construction businesses with fewer than $17 million in annual receipts and wholesale businesses with fewer than 100 employees. Loans for facilities/equipment have up to a 25-year term and may be combined with the EWCP loan which has a maturity of 12 months with 2 amendments for a maximum of 3 years.

Contact the SBA office above for a listing of participating lenders and to be directed to a regional or local office serving your area. The SBA National Headquarters is located at: 409 3rd St., SW, Washington, D.C. 20416.The toll free number is: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 75: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,000,000 To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA Report State TX

Original Researcher R. Rosser Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration Contact Person Lavan Alexander Title District Director Address1 4300 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 114 Address2 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 75155 Phone 817-684-5500 Fax 817-684-5516 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,000,000.00 Program Name CapLines

Description CapLines loans finance the short-term, cyclical, working capital needs of small businesses. The loan generally guarantees up to $750,000 and in special circumstances up to $1 million. Eligibility is based on a case-by- case basis and is determined by 4 factors: type of business, size, use of loan funds and special circumstances. The rate of the loan is negotiable with the lender and can be up to 2.25% over prime rate. Each five lines of credit's maturity is up to 5 years and each is tailored to the needs of the individual business. Contact the office listed above to be directed to a compatible lender.

For application information and guidelines, applicants should check the following website: or speak with the contact person listed above. Applicants should call the SBA office listed above to be directed to a local SBA office serving their area. The SBA National Headquarters: 409 3rd St., SW, Washington, D.C. 20416. Phone: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 76: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,000,000 To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA Report State TX

Original Researcher R. Rosser Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration Contact Person Lavan Alexander Title District Director Address1 4300 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 114 Address2 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 75155 Phone 817-684-5500 Fax 817-684-5516 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,000,000.00 Program Name 504 Program

Description The 504 Certified Development Company Loan provides businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for major fixed assets, such as land and buildings. CDC’s are non-profit corporations set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. CDC's work with the SBA and private sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. The maximum loan is $1.3 million. Rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rates for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

A business with a net worth of less than $6 million that does not have a net income in excess of $2 million after taxes for the preceding 2 years is eligible. Applicants should contact the above office, to be directed to a regional or local SBA office serving their area. A geographical listing

of CDC’s is available at the following website: The SBA Headquarters is located at: 409 3rd St., SW, Washington, D.C. 20416. The SBA toll- free hotline: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 77: Matthew Lesko

Title $150,000 Loan That Requires No Collateral ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA Report State TX

Original Researcher G. Taylor Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration Contact Person Lavan Alexander Title District Director Address1 4300 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 114 Address2 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 75155 Phone 817-684-5500 Fax 817-684-5516 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $150,000.00 Program Name SBA Express

Description The SBA authorizes preferred lenders to use their own forms and procedures to process, service and liquidate SBA guaranteed loans. The SBA guarantees up to 50%; loans under $25,000 do not require collateral. Maturities are usually 5 to 7 years for working capital and up to 25 years for real estate or equipment. Revolving lines of credit are allowed for a maximum of 5 years.

Applicants should contact the office listed above to be directed to a local SBA office serving their area. The SBA National Headquarters is located at: 409 3rd St., SW, Washington, D.C. 20416 The toll free hotline is: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 78: Matthew Lesko

Title $150,000 With A One-Page Application ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA Report State TX

Original Researcher R. Rosser Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration Contact Person Lavan Alexander Title District Director Address1 4300 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 114 Address2 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 75155 Phone 817-684-5500 Fax 817-684-5516 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $150,000.00 Program Name Low Documentation Loan (LowDoc)

Description This program minimizes the amount of paperwork by allowing applicants to apply using a one-page application and relies on strength of personal credit history and character. Maximum loan amount is up to $150,000.These loans are from banks and the SBA guarantees payment to the bank. These loans

are guaranteed up to 85% and may be used for plant and equipment, working capital and inventory. Businesses who have fewer than 100 employees and whose sales average less than $5 million for the last three years can access this program. Interest rates are negotiable between lender and borrower fixed and variable are tied to current prime rate. A listing of participating lenders is available at the following website: .

Applicants should contact the office above to be directed to a regional/local SBA office serving their area. The SBA National Headquarters: 409 3rd St., SW, Washington, D.C. 20416. Phone: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 79: Matthew Lesko

Title $2,000,000 To Get Through A Seasonal Downturn ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA Report State TX Original Researcher G. Taylor Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration Contact Person Lavan Alexander Title District Director Address1 4300 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 114 Address2 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 75155 Phone 817-684-5500 Fax 817-684-5516 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $2,000,000.00 Program Name Caplines: The Seasonal Line of Credit

Description This specialized loan program finances the short-term seasonal increases of accounts receivable and inventory. Applicant must have an established seasonal pattern and have been in business for a minimum of 12 months. The SBA provides a 75% guarantee. Maturity may be up to 5 years. Contact the office listed above to be directed to a regional/local SBA office serving your area. The SBA National Headquarters is located at 409 3rd St., SW, Washington, D.C. 20416. Phone: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 80: Matthew Lesko

Title $25,000 For Small Businesses ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA Report State TX

Original Researcher R. Rosser Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration Contact Person Lavan Alexander Title District Director Address1 4300 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 114 Address2 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 75155 Phone 817-684-5500 Fax 817-684-5516 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $25,000.00 Program Name SBA Microloan Program

Description Economic Ventures is an SBA Intermediary for U.S. Small Business Administration's SBA entrepreneurs. Funds can be used for working capital or for the purchase of inventory, supplies, furniture, fixtures, machinery and equipment. The maximum loan is $25,000 and the maximum repayment term is 6 years. Each Intermediary is required to provide business-based training and technical assistance before loan applications are chosen and application process started. Applicants should contact the above office to be directed to a local SBA office. The SBA Headquarters is located at 409 3rd St., SW, Washington, D.C. 20416. The SBA toll free hotline: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 81: Matthew Lesko

Title $250,000 For Women And Minority Entrepreneurs ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA Report State TX

Original Researcher R. Rosser Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration Contact Person Lavan Alexander Title District Director Address1 4300 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 114 Address2 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 75155 Phone 817-684-5500 Fax 817-684-5516 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $250,000.00 Program Name SBA Loan Pre-qualification Program

Description This loan is targeted toward armed forces veterans, minorities, women, exporters and rural small business owners in specialized industries. This program authorizes the SBA to pre-qualify an applicant for a 7(a) Loan Guaranty before the applicant goes to the bank. Maximum loan amount is $250,000. The SBA-designated intermediaries review and strengthen applications focusing on character, credit, experience and reliability rather than assets. Maximum maturity is 25 years for real estate and equipment, 7 years for working capital. Interest rates are negotiated between lender and borrower and are typically pegged to current prime rate under SBA maximum.

Applicants should contact the office listed above for a list of participating lenders and to be directed to a regional or local SBA office serving your area. The SBA National Headquarters is located at: 409 3rd St., SW, Washington, D.C. 20416. Phone: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 82: Matthew Lesko

Title $3,000,000 In Venture Capital ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration, Investments Division Contact Person Lavan Alexander Title District Director Address1 4300 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 114 Address2 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 75155 Phone 817-684-5500 Fax 817-684-5516 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $100,000.00 $To $3,000,000.00 Program Name New Markets Venture Capital

Description The New Markets Venture Capital Program, administered by the Small Business Administration (SBA), assists in the economic development of low income areas by providing a combination of equity-type financing and intensive operational assistance to smaller businesses in specific rural and

urban areas. This program assists local entrepreneurs and creates quality employment opportunities for residents while building wealth within these communities. The SBA selects potential companies through a competitive selection process. Rules and regulations for the program can be found on the website listed above.

To apply for designation as NMVC company, applicants must be new for- profit entities with a management team with demonstrated experience in community development finance. Businesses must be able to provide the required investment capital (minimum $5 million) from sources other than

an agency of the Federal Government and must pay a one-time issuance fee of $5,000, due at the time of application submission. This fee will be refunded to applicants not selected.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 83: Matthew Lesko

Title $750,000 For A Small Business To Fulfill A Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA Report State TX

Original Researcher G. Taylor Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration Contact Person Lavan Alexander Title District Director Address1 4300 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 114 Address2 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 75155 Phone 817-684-5500 Fax 817-684-5516 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $750,000.00 Program Name Caplines: The Contract Loan Program

Description This is a specialized program to help small businesses. Funds may be used to finance material and labor needs for a specific contract(s). Loan maturity based on length of contract, but maximum of 5 years. The SBA provides a 75% guarantee.

The SBA National Headquarters is located at: 409 3rd St., SW, Washington, D.C. 20416. Phone: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 84: Matthew Lesko

Title $750,000 For Businesses Hurt By The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA Report State TX

Original Researcher R. Rosser Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration Contact Person Lavan Alexander Title District Director Address1 4300 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 114 Address2 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 75155 Phone 817-684-5500 Fax 817-684-5516 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $750,000.00 Program Name CAIP - Community Adjustment and Investment Program

Description Program is designed to target and help partnerships with Mexico and Canada following the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). CAIP promotes economic implementation of the adjustment increasing the availability of flow of credit and encourages business development and expansion in impacted areas. Credit is available to businesses in eligible communities to create new, sustainable jobs, and to preserve existing jobs. CAIP works with the SBA’s 7(a) and 504 Loan programs. Maximum loan maturities are 25 years for real estate and equipment and 7 years for working capital. Interest rates are negotiated between the borrower and the lender, but are subject to SBA maximums which are pegged to the prime rate.

Specific CAIP application information is listed on the following website: Contact the office listed above for information on participating lenders and to be directed to a regional or or local SBA office. The SBA National Headquarters is located at: 409 3rd St., SW, Washington, D.C. 20416. Phone: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 85: Matthew Lesko

Title $750,000 To Sell Your Goods And Services Overseas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA Report State TX

Original Researcher R. Rosser Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration Contact Person Lavan Alexander Title District Director Address1 4300 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 114 Address2 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 75155 Phone 817-684-5500 Fax 817-684-5516 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $750,000.00 Program Name Export Working Capital Program (EWCP)

Description Through the EWCP, the SBA guarantees up to 75% of a secured loan (80% on loans of $100,00 or less) or $750,000, whichever is less. Loan maturities may be for up to three years with annual renewals. Funding can be used for single or multiple export sales and can be extended for pre-shipment working capital and post-shipment exposure coverage, or a combination of both. A letter of pre-qualification is available from the SBA. Proceeds can only be used for export transactions.

Contact SBA office listed above for a list of participating lenders and to be directed to a local office serving your area. The SBA Headquarters is located at: 409 3rd St., SW, Washington, D.C. 20416. The SBA toll free hotline is: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 86: Matthew Lesko

Title $750,000 To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA Report State TX

Original Researcher R. Rosser Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration Contact Person Lavan Alexander Title District Director Address1 4300 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 114 Address2 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 75155 Phone 817-684-5500 Fax 817-684-5516 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $750,000.00 Program Name Loan Guaranty Program

Description Loans are available to small businesses that cannot obtain financing on reasonable terms through traditional lending channels. These loans are from banks and the Small Business Administration guarantees payment to the bank. Loans are available for a variety of purposes including real estate, expansion, equipment, working capital and inventory. The SBA guarantees 75% of the loan amount up to $750,000. For loans less than $100,000, the guaranty rate is 80%. Interest rates will not exceed 2.75% over the prime lending rate. Maturities may be up to 7 years for working capital and up to 25 years for fixed assets.

Eligibility is determined by four factors: the type of business, size, use of loan funds and special circumstances. A lender list by county is available at: Applicants should contact the office listed above to be directed to a local or regional SBA office serving their area. The SBA National Headquarters is located at: 409 3rd St., SW, Washington, D.C. 20416. The SBA’s toll free hotline is: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 87: Matthew Lesko

Title 10,000,000 In Venture Capital ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA Report State TX

Original Researcher H. Brown Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration, Investments Division Contact Person Harry E. Haskins Title Associate Administrator for Investment Address1 Small Business Administration Address2 409 Third Street, S.W. City Washington State DC Zip 20416 Phone 202-606-4000 Fax Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $0.00 $To $10,000,000.00 Program Name Small Business Investment Company (SBIC)

Description Small Business Investment Companies (SBIC’s), licensed by the Small Business Administration (SBA) and are privately owned and managed investment firms. SBIC’s use capital funds borrowed from the SBA to provide financing to small business ventures through equity securities and long-term loans as well as expert management assistance. Only firms defined by the SBA as small businesses are eligible for this SBIC financing. The SBA defines a company as small if its net worth is less than $18 million and its average net income for the preceding two years did not exceed $6 million. Information on forming an SBIC can be found on the following website: . Businesses in need of financing can find application information at the

above website. A directory of participating SBIC's is available online at:

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 88: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Brownsville Local Development Company, Inc. Contact Person Ben Medina Title Address1 1150 East Adams, 1st Floor Address2 City Brownsville State TX Zip 78522 Phone 956-548-6150 Fax 956-548-6144 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of $2 million after taxes.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 89: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Texas Certified Development Company Contact Person Ernest Perales Title President Address1 1701 East 7th Address2 P.O. Box 6479 City Austin State TX Zip 78762 Phone 210-554-7606 Fax 210-554-7160 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of $2 million after taxes.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 90: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Ark-Tex Regional Development Company, Inc. Contact Person James C. Fisher Jr. Title Address1 122 Plaza West Address2 City Texarkana State TX Zip 75501 Phone 903-832-8636 Fax 903-832-2672 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of $2 million after taxes. The service area of this CDC includes Bowie, Cass, Delta, Franklin, Hopkins, Red River, Lamar, Morris, and Titus Counties in Texas, as well as Miller County in Arkansas.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 91: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Central Texas Certified Development Company Contact Person Bruce Gaines Title V.P. of Operations Address1 1103 Airline Drive Address2 City Waco State TX Zip 76705 Phone 817-799-0259 Fax 817-799-0294 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of $2 million after taxes. The service area includes Bell, Bosque, Coryell, Falls,

Hamilton, Hill, Freestone, Limestone, McLennan, Milam, Navarro, Somervell, and Johnson Counties. __________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 92: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Concho Valley Business Finance Corporation Contact Person Robert R. Weaver Title Executive Director Address1 5002 Knickerbocker Road Address2 City San Angelo State TX Zip 76904 Phone 915-944-9666 Fax 915-944-9925 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of $2 million after taxes. The service area of this CDC includes Coke, Concho, Crane, Crockett, Glascock, Howard, Kimble, Mason, McCulloch, Schleicher,

Irion, Pecos, Reagan, Menard, Sterling, Sutton, Terrell, Tom, Green, and Upton Counties. __________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 93: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Dallas Business Finance Corporation Contact Person Charles English Title Executive Vice President Address1 1402 Corinth Street, Suite 1150 Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75215 Phone 214-428-7332 Fax 214-426-6847 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of

$2 million after taxes. The service area of this CDC is Dallas County.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 94: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name East Texas Regional Development Company, Inc. Contact Person Kent Bryson Title Address1 3800 Stone Road Address2 City Kilgore State TX Zip 75662 Phone 903-984-8641 Fax 903-983-1440 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of

$2 million after taxes. The service area of this CDC includes the counties of Anderson, Camp, Cherokee, Gregg, Harrison, Henderson, Marion, Panola, Rains, Rusk, Smith, Upshur, Van Zandt, and Wood. __________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 95: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Fort Worth Economic Development Corporation Contact Person Larry McNatt Title Executive Director Address1 100 East 15th Street, Suite 500 Address2 P.O. Box 136 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 76102 Phone 817-336-6420 Fax 817-335-4513 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of

$2 million after taxes. The service area includes Erath, Denton, Ellis, Hood, Kaufman, Palo, Pinto, Dallas, Tarrant, Wise, Parker, and Johnson Counties, excluding the City of Dallas.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 96: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Greater East Texas Certified Development Company Contact Person Judy Loden Title Address1 P.O. Box 1129 Address2 City Athens State TX Zip 75751 Phone 903-675-7403 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of

$2 million after taxes. The service area of this CDC includes the counties of Anderson, Cherokee, Henderson, Kaufman, Shelby, Smith, and Van Zandt.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 97: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name North Texas Certified Development Corporation Contact Person Webb Cox Title President Address1 1101 East Plano Parkway, Suite A Address2 City Plano State TX Zip 75074 Phone 214-516-0514 Fax 214-424-7479 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of

$2 million after taxes. The service area includes Grayson, Ranes, Rannin, Hunt, Collin, Cooke, and Rockwall Counties.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 98: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Ark-Tex Regional Development Contact Person Title Commercial Loan Officer Address1 P.O. Box 5307 Address2 City Texarkana State TX Zip 75505 Phone 903-832-8636 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of

$2 million after taxes. The service area of this CDC is Miller County.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 99: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Brownsville Local Development Company, Inc. Contact Person Ben Medina Title Address1 1150 East Adams, 1st Floor Address2 City Brownsville State TX Zip 78522 Phone 956-548-6150 Fax 956-548-6144 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of

$2 million after taxes. The service area of this CDC is the City of Brownsville.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 100: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name San Antonio Local Development Corporation Contact Person Michael Mendoza Title Financial Specialist Address1 215 South San Saba Address2 P.O. Box 830505 City San Antonio State TX Zip 78283 Phone 210-554-7606 Fax 210-554-7160 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of

$2 million after taxes. The service area of this CDC includes Gillespie, Kerr, Kendall, Comal, Guadalupe, Bandera, Bexar, Medina, Wilson, Karnes, Frio, and Atascosa Counties. __________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 101: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Bryan-College Station Certified Development Company Contact Person Dennis H. Goehring Title Representative Address1 2908 Finfeather Road Address2 City Bryan State TX Zip 77801 Phone 409-775-3698 Fax 409-775-4393 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of

$2 million after taxes. The service area of this CDC is Brazos County.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 102: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Houston-Galveston Area Local Development Corporation Contact Person Jeff Sjostrom Title Economic Development Specialist Address1 3555 Timmons Lane, Suite 500 Address2 P.O. Box 22777 City Houston State TX Zip 77227 Phone 713-627-3200 Fax 713-621-8129 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of

$2 million after taxes. The service area includes Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Walker, Waller, and Wharton Counties. __________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 103: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Multi-County Small Business Finance Corporation Contact Person Amos M. Brown Title Executive Director Address1 3100 Timmons Lane, Suite 222 Address2 City Houston State TX Zip 77027 Phone 713-840-8804 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of

$2 million after taxes. The service area includes Brazoria, Fort Bend, Liberty, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, and Waller Counties.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 104: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Southeast Texas Economic Development Foundation Contact Person Wilson White Title Executive Director Address1 450 Bowie Address2 P.O. Box 3150 City Beaumont State TX Zip 77704 Phone 409-838-6581 Fax 409-833-6718 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of

$2 million after taxes. The service area is Jefferson and Orange Counties.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 105: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Council Finance, Inc. Contact Person Rick Womble Title Executive Director Address1 909 North Judge Ely Blvd. Address2 P.O. Box 3195 City Abilene State TX Zip 79604 Phone 915-672-8544 Fax 915-675-5214 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of

$2 million after taxes. The service area of this CDC includes the Counties of Brown, Callahan, Coleman, Comanche, Eastland, Fisher, Haskell, Stephens, Jones, Kent, Knox, Mitchell, Taylor, Runnels, Scurry, Shackelsford, Stonewall, Nolan and Throckmorton. __________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 106: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Caprock Business Finance Corporation Inc. Contact Person Tim Pierce Title Director of Economic Development Address1 1323 58th Street Address2 P.O. Box 3730 City Lubbock State TX Zip 79452 Phone 806-762-8721 Fax 806-765-9544 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of

$2 million after taxes. The service area of this CDC includes Baily, Cochran, Crosby, Dickens, Floyd, Garza, Hale, Hockley, King, Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, Motley, Terry, Gaines, Dawson, Borden, Andrews, Martin, Howard, Winkler, Ector, Midland, Glasscock, Ward, Crane, Upton, and Yoakum Counties. __________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 107: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Texas Panhandle Regional Development Corporation Contact Person Perna Strickland Title Administration Director Address1 415 West Eighth Avenue Address2 P.O. Box 9257 City Amarillo State TX Zip 79105 Phone 806-273-3381 Fax 806-373-3268 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of

$2 million after taxes. The service area of this CDC includes the Counties of Armstrong, Briscoe, Carson, Castro, Collingsworth, Deaf Smith, Hutchison, Dallam, Donley, Gray, Hall, Hansford, Hartley, Hemphill, Lipscomb, Moore,

Ochiltree, Randall, Oldham, Parmer, Potter, Roberts, Sherman, Swisher, and Wheeler Counties.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 108: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Capital Certified Development Corporation Contact Person Edith Snow Title Executive Director Address1 1600 S. Colorado Address2 City Lockhart State TX Zip 78644 Phone 1-800-504-2232 Fax 512-398-5041 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of

$2 million after taxes. The service area of this CDC is most Texas counties.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 109: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Cen-Tex Certified Development Corporation Contact Person Rosa Rios Valdez Title Executive Director Address1 2212 South Congress Avenue Address2 City Austin State TX Zip 78704 Phone 512-912-9864 Fax 512-912-9869 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of

$2 million after taxes. The service area is central Texas Counties.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 110: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,300,000 For Small Businesses To Buy Land And Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: SBA 504 Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Upper Rio Grande Development Company Contact Person Justin R. Ormsby Title Executive Director Address1 1100 North Stanton, Suite 610 Address2 City El Paso State TX Zip 79902 Phone 915-533-0998 Fax 915-532-9385 Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $1,300,000.00 Program Name Certified Development Company Loan

Description A Certified Development Company (CDC) is a nonprofit corporation set up to contribute to the economic development of its community. All CDC's work with the SBA and private-sector lenders to provide financing to small businesses. 504 CDC Loans provides growing businesses with long-term fixed-rate financing for the purchase of major fixed assets, such as land, buildings, machinery or equipment. This loan may not be used for working capital or inventory, consolidating or repaying debt, or refinancing. Interest rates are pegged to an increment above the current market rate for 5-year and 10-year U.S. Treasury Issues. Maturities of 10 and 20 years are also available.

To be eligible for this loan, the business must be operated for profit and fall within the size standards set by the SBA. Under the 504 Loan Program, the business qualifies as small if it does not have a tangible net worth in excess of $6 million dollars and does not have an average net income in excess of

$2 million after taxes. The service area of this CDC includes the Counties of El Paso, Hudspeth, Culberson, Jeff Davis, Presidio, and Brewster.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 111: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000,000 For Exporters Of Architectural, Industrial And Engineering Design Services ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $10,000,000.00 Program Name Engineering Multiplier Program

Description This program finances feasibility studies in support of the export of services related to architectural, industrial and engineering design. It covers 85% of the export value. The foreign buyer is required to make payment of at least 15% in cash.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 112: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000,000 For Exporters Of Maintenance Services ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $10,000,000.00 Program Name Operations and Maintenance Contracts Program

Description This program provides Export Import Bank (EXIM) loans and loan guarantees to cover expenses related to start-up, testing and control, repairs, preventive maintenance and on-site salaries. Current interest rates can be viewed at:

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 113: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000,000 In Working Capital Money For Exporters And Foreign Purchasers Of Exports ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $10,000,000.00 Program Name Working Capital Guarantee Program

Description This program is designed to assist businesses in obtaining the necessary pre-export working capital that will allow them to bid, construct, or enhance production to complete foreign contract awards. The Export Import Bank provides working capital loans to U.S. exporters and guarantees repayment of loans or makes loans to foreign purchasers of U.S. goods and services. Financing extends to all types of goods and services with the exception of those related to the military. The product or service must be comprised of 50% U.S. content and not adversely affect the U.S. economy. Lenders may charge the market rate of interest on all guaranteed loans.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 114: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000,000 To Financial Institutions Who Lend To Exporters _________________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $10,000,000.00 Program Name Credit Guarantee Facility Program

Description This program assists financial institutions in the collection of export transactions. A line of credit is established between the U.S. lender and a foreign obligor, and transactions are approved and underwritten as a package rather than individually eliminating the need to have each transaction submitted and approved separately.

This program covers multiple sales of U.S. capital goods and services. Lenders may charge the market rate of interest on guaranteed loans.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 115: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000,000 To Help Sell Overseas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $10,000,000.00 Program Name Medium Term Loan Program

Description The Long Term Loan Program is a credit program for foreign buyers to covers purchases over ten million dollars. To qualify for Export Import Bank (EXIM) support, the product or service must be comprised of at least 50% U.S. content and must not affect the U.S. economy adversely. Disbursements are made to the U.S. exporter and the products are delivered to the foreign buyer. The loan is available for up to 85% of the U.S. export value. The buyer must make a payment of at least 15% of the U.S. export value in cash.

Financing extends to all types of goods and services with the exception of those related to the military. Repayment terms for long-term loans are generally greater than 7years. Fixed lending rates offered by EXIM apply. The borrower must be a credit-worthy entity and reside in a country eligible for EXIM assistance. Current interest rates can be viewed online:

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 116: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000,000 To Pay Exporters Bad Debts From Foreign Buyers ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $3,500,000.00 $To $10,000,000.00 Program Name Medium Term Guarantee Program

Description This program offers a guarantee to cover the repayment risks of debt obligations for foreign buyers. The Export Import Bank (EXIM) guarantees that, in the event of default, it will repay the principal and interest of the loan. The foreign buyer is required to make a payment of at least 15% in cash.

EXIM Bank guarantees coverage of 100% of the commercial and political risks for purchases of less than $10 million. Guarantees covering political risks only

are also available. Any U.S. or foreign bank, other financial institutions, or other responsible party, including the exporter, may be a lender under this program. Lenders may charge a market rate of interest on guaranteed loans.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 117: Matthew Lesko

Title $200,000,000 For Foreign Buyers To Purchase From U.S. Companies ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $10,000,00 $To $200,000,000.00 Program Name Long Term Loan Program

Description The Long Term Loan Program is a credit program for foreign buyers to covers purchases over ten million dollars. To qualify for Export Import Bank (EXIM) support, the product or service must be comprised of at least 50% U.S. content and must not affect the U.S. economy adversely. Disbursements are made to the U.S. exporter and the products are delivered to the foreign buyer. The loan is available for up to 85% of the U.S. export value. The buyer must make a payment of at least 15% of the U.S. export value in cash.

Financing extends to all types of goods and services with the exception of those related to the military. Repayment terms for long-term loans are generally greater than 7years. Fixed lending rates offered by EXIM apply. The borrower must be a credit-worthy entity and reside in a country eligible for EXIM assistance. Current interest rates can be viewed online:

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 118: Matthew Lesko

Title $200,000,000 To Help Exporters With Cash Flow Problems ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $200,000,000.00 Program Name Project Finance Program

Description This program finances projects that depend on cash flow to repay loans Candidates for this program include Greenfield both projects and projects involving significant facility or production expansion. The Export Import Bank (EXIM) offers a finance program with several options available to project sponsors to aid in developing an appropriate financing plan. Comprehensive political guarantees are offered during construction and operation. EXIM does not have dollar limits related to project size, sector or country. The maximum support is governed by OECD rules.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 119: Matthew Lesko

Title $50,000,000 To Help Large Aircraft Manufacturers Sell Overseas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $50,000,000.00 Program Name Transportation Equipment - New Large Commercial Aircraft

Description The Export Import Bank (EXIM) offers a variety of finance programs to assist U.S. manufacturers in the sale of transportation equipment to foreign buyers. EXIM has established terms and conditions guided by the OECD to support

all types of aircraft. EXIM guarantees 100% of the principal and interest of the guaranteed loan and supports up to 85% of the contract price. All credit decisions will be based on the credit worthiness of the lessee and additional security provided by the aircraft. Current interest rates can be viewed at the following website:

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 120: Matthew Lesko

Title $50,000,000 To Help Railroad Companies Sell Overseas _________________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $50,000,000.00 Program Name Transportation Equipment - Railroad Equipment

Description The Export Import Bank (EXIM) offers a variety of finance programs to assist U.S. manufacturers in the sale of transportation equipment to foreign buyers. EXIM has established terms and conditions guided by the OECD to support all types of locomotives, passenger and freight cars. Credit decisions will be

based on credit worthiness of the lessee. For government-owned/controlled railroad borrowers, EXIM may also require a sovereign guarantee. Current Interest rates can be viewed at the following website:

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 121: Matthew Lesko

Title $50,000,000 To Help Ship-Building Companies Sell Overseas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $50,000,000.00 Program Name Transportation Equipment - Ships

Description The Export Import Bank (EXIM) offers a variety of finance programs to assist U.S. manufacturers in the sale of transportation equipment to foreign buyers. EXIM has established terms and conditions guided by the OECD to support all types of ships. Ships are defined as self-propelled sea-going vessels of more than 1000 gross tons. For government-owned/controlled ships, EXIM

may also require the additional security provided by mortgage over the ship. The U.S. government can also support the export of ships and the maritime industry through its programs offered by the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) and the Maritime Administration (MARAD). For current interest rates see the following website:

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 122: Matthew Lesko

Title $50,000,000 To Help Small Aircraft Companies Sell Overseas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $50,000,000.00 Program Name Transportation Equipment - New Small Commercial Aircraft

Description The Export Import Bank (EXIM) offers a variety of finance programs to assist U.S. manufacturers in the sale of transportation equipment to foreign buyers. EXIM has established terms and conditions guided by the OECD to support all types of aircraft. Credit decisions will be based on the credit worthiness of the lessee and the additional security provided by the aircraft. Current interest rates can be viewed at the following website:

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 123: Matthew Lesko

Title $50,000,000 To Help U.S. Businesses Sell Used Aircraft Overseas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $0.00 $To $50,000,000.00 Program Name Transportation Equipment - Used Aircraft

Description The Export Import Bank (EXIM) offers a variety of finance programs to assist U.S. manufacturers in the sale of transportation equipment to foreign buyers. EXIM has established terms and conditions guided by the OECD to support all types of aircraft. Credit decisions will be based on the credit worthiness of the lessee and the additional security provided by the aircraft. EXIM Bank is prohibited by law from supporting the sale of military or civilian aircraft that will be used for military purposes. Current interest rates can be viewed at the following website:

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 124: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance For Leasing Companies Who Export _________________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $10,000,000.00 Program Name Leasing Insurance - Government Prevention of Repossession

Description This policy is designed to support leasing companies involved in the export of products. This program provides coverage in cases where government actions that may prevent the repossession, expropriation, or confiscation of leased products.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 125: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance For Leasing Companies Who Export ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $10,000,000.00 Program Name Leasing Insurance Policy-Stream of Payment

Description This policy is designed to support leasing companies involved in the export of products. Payments to the company are covered during the period the company is in the process of repossessing a product. This program insures the lessor against a loss of continued revenue from the lease.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 126: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance For Leasing Companies With Special Problems ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $10,000,000.00 Program Name Financing Lease Insurance Policy

Description This policy protects leasing companies in situations where the lease concept provides that at the end of the lease there will be little residual value remaining in the leased product and ownership will be transferred when the lease expires. Coverage for the insured percentage of each lease payment as it falls due is provided to the lessor should the lessee default.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 127: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance To Cover Political And Commercial Risks For New Small Business Exporters ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $10,000,000.00 Program Name Small Business Insurance

Description This policy is designed to assist new exporters. Businesses classified by the Small Business Administration (SBA) as small businesses are offered repayment protection for short-term export credit sales. Political risk (war, revolution, etc.) is covered at 100%. Commercial risk that may lead to a default by the buyer is covered at 95%. This policy insures sales by U.S, corporations, partnerships, individuals,

foreign corporations doing business in the United States, and foreign sales corporations controlled by U.S. corporations. Premiums vary with the terms of the sale and the type of buyer. The exporter must pay a fully refundable advance premium of $500. The policy is renewable each year.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 128: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance To Cover Political And Commercial Risks For Small Business Exporters _________________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $10,000,000.00 Program Name Small Business Umbrella Policy

Description This program targets new exporters and provides protection for the Small Business Administration (SBA) program, per SBA requirements. Short-term credit sales of less than one year, are insured against loss due to political or commercial actions. Protection is provided at 100% of the political risk (terrorism, war, etc.) and 95% of commercial risk (currency devaluation). Program requires a $500 advance premium.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 129: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance To Cover Risky Foreign Customers ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $10,000,000.00 Program Name Short Term Single Buyer Policy

Description This program offers coverage of credit sales of less than one year, to a single buyer named in the policy declaration, for goods produced and shipped, or services exported from the U.S. during the policy period.

Protection is provided for both political and commercial risks. Premiums are based on a risk-based pricing system. See the website for premium minimums. This policy is only available to exporters. Financial institutions are not eligible for coverage under this plan.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 130: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance To Help Businesses Sell Environmental Equipment Overseas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $10,000,000.00 Program Name Small Business Environmental Policy

Description This program provides short-term credit to SBA classified small business exporters with products that benefit the environment. Coverage is provided to protect against loss due to defaults related to political or commercial risks. Eligible exports must be specifically designed to aid in the abatement, control, or prevention of air, water, noise pollution, and/or ground contamination.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 131: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance To Protect Exporters From Political Or Commercial Risks ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $10,000,000.00 Program Name Medium Single Buyer Insurance

Description The Medium Term Insurance Credit Program protects exporters for sales terms of one to five years. Protection is offered against loss resulting from the default of a foreign debtor for political or commercial reasons. Covered goods include: vehicles, machinery, commercial equipment, project related services and breeding cattle. Coverage is provided at 100% to cover political and commercial risk. Two types of policies are offered: a Single Sales Policy for one-time transactions and a Repeat Sales Policy for an exporter with an on-going relationship with the purchaser.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 132: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance To Protect Letters Of Credit For Exporters ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $10,000,000.00 Program Name Bank Letter of Credit Insurance Policy

Description This program protects banks against loss of irrevocable letters of credit insured by foreign banks to support U.S. exports. Coverage is offered against the failure of an overseas financial institution to make payments or reimburse the insured bank. Rules prohibit publication of premiums. Contact the Export Import Bank Business Development Office listed above for rates.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 133: Matthew Lesko

Title Short Term Insurance To Cover Political And Commercial Risks For Small Business Exporters ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: EXIM Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) Contact Person Wayne Gardella Title Manager Address1 811 Vermont Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20571 Phone 800-565-3976 x3787 Fax 202-565-3380 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $10,000,000.00 Program Name Small Business - Short Term Multi-Buyer Policy

Description Program targets new exporters and helps small businesses remain in compliance with the SBA requirements to expand sales. It provides comprehensive credit risk coverage on the short-term sale of goods to many buyers. For purposes of this program, short-term is defined as as less than one year. Coverage provided at 100% of the value for political risk (such as war, revolution, currency inconvertibility, etc.), or 90% of covered value for commercial risk (currency devaluation). Premiums vary with the terms of the sale and the type of buyer.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 134: Matthew Lesko

Title $11,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Sub-Saharan Countries ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Steve Cashin Title Address1 Modern Africa Fund Mgr., LLC Address2 1100 Connecticut Ave, N.W., #500 City Washington State DC Zip 20036 Phone 202-887-1772 Fax 202-887-1788 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $3,000,000.00 $To $11,000,000.00 Program Name Modern Africa Growth Investment Fund

Description This program provides equity investments in Sub-Saharan Africa for manufacturing, telecommunications, energy, mining, and financial services. It is designed to promote and facilitate U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. Investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products. Funds must meet the OPIC policy requirements, including respecting impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 135: Matthew Lesko

Title $14,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Agriculture Related Businesses in The Baltic Region ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Robert Peyton Title President - America First Companies Address1 1004 Farnam St. Address2 City Omaha State NE Zip 68102 Phone 402-930-3060 Fax 402-930-3007 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $2,945,000.00 $To $14,915,000.00 Program Name Agribusiness Partners International

Description This program provides equity investments in the Baltic Region for agriculture, food, firms, infrastructure projects, privatizations, food storage, and distribution. This program is designed to promote and facilitate the U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. These investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products and must meet OPIC policy requirements, including respecting impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 136: Matthew Lesko

Title $14,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Southern Africa ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Thomas C. Barry Title President/CEO Address1 Zephyr Mgmt., LP Address2 320 Park Ave. City New York State NY Zip 10022 Phone 212-508-9400 Fax 212-508-9494 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $3,600,000.00 $To $14,000,000.00 Program Name ZM Africa Investment Fund, LP

Description This program provides equity investments in southern Africa for diversified manufacturing, financial and service industries. It is designed to promote and facilitate U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. These investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products and must meet OPIC policy requirements, including respecting impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 137: Matthew Lesko

Title $14,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Environment Related Businesses In Emerging Markets ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person H. Jeffrey Leonard Title President Address1 GEF Management Corporation Address2 1225 Eye St., N.W., #900 City Washington State DC Zip 20005 Phone 202-789-4500 Fax 202-789-4508 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $3,600,000.00 $To $14,400,000.00 Program Name Global Environment Emerging Markets Fund II

Description This program supports equity investments in environment-oriented sectors and is designed to promote and facilitate the U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. Investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products and must meet the OPIC policy requirements, including Respecting impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 138: Matthew Lesko

Title $15,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Southern Europe And Turkey ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person David Mathewson Title Manager Address1 Soros Private Funds Mgmt. LLC Address2 888 Seventh Ave. City New York State NY Zip 10106 Phone 212-333-9727 Fax 212-397-0139 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $4,000,000.00 $To $15,000,000.00 Program Name Southeast Europe Fund

Description This program provides equity investments in southeast Europe and Turkey and is designed to promote and facilitate the U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. Investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products and must meet OPIC policy requirements, including any impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 139: Matthew Lesko

Title $16,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Latin America ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Bernard Aronson Title Address1 ACON Investments, LLC Address2 1133 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Ste. 700 City Washington State DC Zip 20036 Phone 202-454-1100 Fax 202-454-1101 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $4,800,000.00 $To $16,000,000.00 Program Name Newbridge Andean Partners, LP

Description This program supports equity investments in Latin America for diversified manufacturing, financial, and service industries. An emphasis is placed on

Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. Program is designed to promote and facilitate the U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity/equity related investments. These funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products and must meet OPIC policy requirements, including impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 140: Matthew Lesko

Title $16,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Manufacturing Businesses In India ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Michele J. Buchignani Title Managing Director Address1 CIBC Oppenheimer Corporation Address2 Word Financial Center City New York State NY Zip 10281 Phone 212-667-8190 Fax 212-667-4468 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $4,200,000.00 $To $16,800,000.00 Program Name India Private Equity Fund

Description This program supports equity investments in India for consumer goods, basic manufacturing and related industries. This program is designed to promote and facilitate the U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. These investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products and must meet OPIC policy requirements, including respecting impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 141: Matthew Lesko

Title $18,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In South America ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Eduardo Borhouquez Title President/CEO Address1 Westsphere Equity Associates, LP Address2 55 E. 59th St., 13th Floor City New York State NY Zip 10022 Phone 212-317-3600 Fax 212-317-0739 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $1,000,000.00 $To $18,000,000.00 Program Name South America Private Equity Growth Fund

Description This program provides equity investments in South America for diversified diversified manufacturing, financial and service industries. This program is designed to promote and facilitate the U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct

equity and equity related investments. Investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products. Each investment fund must meet OPIC policy requirements, including impacts on the United States economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 142: Matthew Lesko

Title $18,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses in Thailand, India, Korea And Other Countries ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Terrye Dewey Title CFO, Olympus Capital Holdings Address1 153 E. 53rd St. Address2 45th Floor City New York State NY Zip 10022 Phone 212-292-6622 Fax 212-292-6644 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $450,000.00 $To $18,000,000.00 Program Name Asia Development Partners, LP

Description This program supports equity investments in telecommunications, consumer reports, and financial services in the following countries: Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Laos, Korea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. This program is designed to promote and facilitate U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. These investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products and must meet the OPIC policy requirements, including respecting impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 143: Matthew Lesko

Title $2,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Small Businesses Overseas _________________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Cabell Williams III Title President - Allied Capital Corporation Address1 1919 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20006 Phone 202-331-1112 Fax 202-659-2053 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $600,000.00 $To $2,000,000.00 Program Name Allied Capital International Small Business Fund

Description This program supports global equity investments in basic manufacturing and service industries sponsored by U.S. small businesses. It is designed to promote and facilitate U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related

investments. Investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products. Each investment fund must meet OPIC policy requirements, including impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 144: Matthew Lesko

Title $2,000,000 Medium Term Loan For Small Businesses To Invest Overseas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Dr. Cliff Moore Title Vice President Address1 1100 New York Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20527 Phone 202-336-8400 Fax 202-408-9866 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $100,000.00 $To $2,000,000.00 Program Name Corporate Finance Loan

Description This program is designed to facilitate U.S. investment in emerging market economies by providing medium-term loans and guaranties. The program assists in the promotion of small businesses, with less than $250 million in

revenue, or entities with a net worth of less than $67 million and medium- sized businesses. Business development financing is provided in over 140 nations and emerging nations internationally. OPIC provides financing for overseas investments that are wholly owned by U.S. companies or are joint ventures in which the U.S. sponsoring firm is a participant. A U.S. investor must have at least 25% equity in the project.

OPIC lends funds based on individual business needs. OPIC financing can be used for permanent working capital, fixed assets, and the expansion of facilities. Amortization periods range from 3 to 7 years. Interest rates and guarantee fees are based on the underlying cost of capital (comparable to U.S. Treasury notes or other U.S. Government guarantee issues of similar maturity), and a risk premium of between 2% and 6%.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 145: Matthew Lesko

Title $20,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Ukraine, Russia And Other Countries ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person George Rohr Title President Address1 NCH Advisors Address2 712 Fifth Ave., 46th Floor City New York State NY Zip 10019 Phone 212-641-3200 Fax 212-641-3201 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $7,000,000.00 $To $20,000,000.00 Program Name New Century Capital Partners, LP Fund

Description This program provides equity investments in diversified manufacturing, consumer products, financial, and service industries for the following target areas: Ukraine, Armenia, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, and Russia. This program is designed to promote and facilitate U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. These investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products and must meet OPIC policy requirements, including respecting impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 146: Matthew Lesko

Title $200,000 Long Term Loan For Businesses To Invest Overseas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Dr. Cliff Moore Title Vice President Address1 1100 New York Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20527 Phone 202-336-8400 Fax 202-408-9866 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $100,000.00 $To $200,000,000.00 Program Name Project Finance Loan

Description This program is designed to facilitate U.S. investment in emerging market economies by providing medium-term loans and guaranties. Business development funding is available in over 140 international nations and emerging nations. OPIC provides financing for overseas investments that are entirely owned by U.S. companies, or are joint ventures in which the U.S. sponsoring firm is a participant. Investors must have at least 25% equity in the project.

Small businesses can obtain these OPIC loans in amounts ranging from $100,000 to $1,000,000. Loan guarantees are available for up to $2,000,000. OPIC may lend up to $200 million per project and up to 50% of the cost of start-up operation, or up to 75% of the costs for expansion of a successful existing business. Financing can be used for feasibility studies, construction, machinery and equipment, land, training and market development, interest payments, and for start-up expenses (initial losses and adequate working capital). Amortization periods range from 5 to 15 years. Both interest rates and guarantee fees are based on the underlying cost of capital (comparable to U.S. Treasury notes or other similar government guarantee issues) and a risk premium between 2% and 6%.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 147: Matthew Lesko

Title $200,000 Medium And Long Term Loan For Businesses To Invest Overseas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Dr. Cliff Moore Title Vice President Address1 1100 New York Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20527 Phone 202-336-8400 Fax 202-408-9866 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Loan $ From $100,000.00 $To $200,000,000.00 Program Name Hybrid Loan

Description This program is designed to facilitate U.S. investment in emerging market economies by providing medium-term loans and loan guaranties. Funding is available in 140 nations and emerging nations. OPIC provides financing for overseas investments that are wholly owned by U.S. companies or are joint ventures where the U.S. sponsoring firm is a participant. The investor must have at least 25% equity in the project.

This program offers hybrid loans that combine features of the Corporate Finance Loan and the Project Finance Loan. Hybrid loans may be used when the domestic partner has already pledged assets to existing banks. OPIC may lend up to 50% of the full cost of the start-up operation, or up to 75% of the costs of expanding an existing business. Financing can be used for feasibility studies, organizational expenses, land, construction, machinery, equipment, training, market development, interest payments

during construction, start-up expenses (initial losses and working capital). Amortization periods range from 5 to 15 years. The interest rates and the guarantee fees are based on the underlying cost of capital (comparable to U.S. Treasury notes or other U.S. Government guarantee issues of similar maturity), plus a risk premium of between 2% and 6%.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 148: Matthew Lesko

Title $25,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Emerging Market Countries ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Drew Guff Title Managing Director Address1 Siguler, Guff and Co. Address2 630 5th Ave., 16th Floor City New York State NY Zip 10111 Phone 212-332-5108 Fax 212-332-5120 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $4,500,000.00 $To $15,000,000.00 Program Name Russia Partners

Description Program provides equity investment in natural resource related companies, telecommunications, light manufacturing, consumer products, and services. This program is designed to promote and facilitate the U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. Investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products. Each investment fund must meet OPIC

policy requirements, including potential impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 149: Matthew Lesko

Title $3,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Sub-Saharan Africa ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Joe Jandreau Title Managing Director Address1 45 Glastonbury Blvd. Address2 City Glastonbury State CT Zip 06033 Phone 860-633-9999 Fax 860-682-6464 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $750,000.00 $To $3,000,000.00 Program Name Africa Growth Fund

Description This program provides equity investments in Sub-Saharan Africa for manufacturing, telecommunications, energy, mining, and financial services. It is designed to promote and facilitate U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. Investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products. Funds must meet the OPIC policy requirements, including respecting impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 150: Matthew Lesko

Title $30,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Infrastructure In The Baltic Region ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person William Jarosz Title Vice President - American International Group Address1 80 Pine St. Address2 14th Floor City New York State NY Zip 10005 Phone 212-458-2289 Fax 212-809-3581 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $5,000,000.00 $To $30,000,000.00 Program Name AIG Brunswick Millennium Fund

Description This program provides equity investments in the Baltic Region for large infrastructure projects including power, transportation, natural resource development and related industries. This program is designed to promote and facilitate the U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct

equity and equity related investments. Investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products and must meet OPIC policy requirements, including impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 151: Matthew Lesko

Title $4,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Israel ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Allan Barkat Title General Manager Address1 APAX-Leumi Partners, Inc. Address2 P.O. Box 2-34 City Herzliya State Israel Zip 46120 Phone 972-3-696-5992 Fax 972-9-958-8366 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $1,000,000.00 $To $4,000,000.00 Program Name Israel Growth Fund

Description This program supports equity investments in Israel for technology, telecommunications, consumer retail, and consumer products. It is designed to facilitate United States investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. These investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products and must meet the OPIC policy requirements, including respecting impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 152: Matthew Lesko

Title $4,500,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In West Bank/Gaza, Jordan And Oman ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Dr. Fuad Abu Zayyad Title Chairman Address1 InterArab Mgmt. Inc. Address2 2468 Eubarcadero Way City Palo Alto State CA Zip 94303 Phone 650-917-0390 Fax 650-856-9864 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $1,000,000.00 $To $4,500,000.00 Program Name InterArab Investment Fund

Description This program supports equity investments in basic industries that create intra/inter-regional synergies. Regions supported include: West Bank/ Gaza, Jordan and Oman. This program is designed to promote and facilitate the U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. These investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products and must meet OPIC policy requirements, including respecting impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 153: Matthew Lesko

Title $40,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Water Related Businesses In Emerging Countries ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person John Sylva Title COO/Aqua Texas Pacific Group Address1 345 California St. Address2 Suite 3000 City San Francisco State CA Zip 94104 Phone 415-743-1500 Fax 415-743-1504 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $5,000,000.00 $To $40,000,000.00 Program Name Aqua International Partners

Description This program supports equity investment for operating and special purpose companies involved in the bulk treatment, bulk supply and distribution of water in emerging market countries. This program is designed to promote and facilitate U.S. investment in emerging

market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity related investments. These investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products and must meet the OPIC policy requirements, including impacts on the

U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 154: Matthew Lesko

Title $5,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Poland ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Landon Butler Title President Address1 Poland Partners Address2 700 13th St., N.W., Ste. 1150 City Washington State DC Zip 20005 Phone 202-737-7300 Fax 202-737-7604 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $1,500,000.00 $To $5,000,000.00 Program Name Poland Partners, LP Fund

Description This program provides equity investments in Poland for manufacturing, consumer goods, distribution networks, merchandising, and related service networks. This program is designed to promote and facilitate the U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. These investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products and must meet OPIC policy requirements, including impacts on the United States economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 155: Matthew Lesko

Title $5,500,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In India ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person William H. Draper Title Address1 50 California St. Address2 Suite 2925 City San Francisco State CA Zip 94111 Phone 415-616-4050 Fax 415-616-4060 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $1,650,000.00 $To $5,500,000.00 Program Name Draper International India Fund

Description Program supports equity investments in India for information technology, telecommunications, and consumer goods. It is designed to promote and facilitate U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. Funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products. Each investment fund must meet OPIC policy requirements, including respecting impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 156: Matthew Lesko

Title $6,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Environment Related Businesses In Emerging Markets ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person H. Jeffrey Leonard Title President Address1 GEF Management Corporation Address2 1225 Eye St., N.W., #900 City Washington State DC Zip 20005 Phone 202-789-4500 Fax 202-789-4508 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $2,000,000.00 $To $6,000,000.00 Program Name Global Environment Emerging Markets Fund

Description This program supports equity investments in environment-oriented sectors and is designed to promote and facilitate the U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. Investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products and must meet the OPIC policy requirements, including Respecting impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 157: Matthew Lesko

Title $6,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Telecommunications Services In Central And Eastern Europe ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Jamie Halper Title Address1 TDA Partners, Inc. Address2 15 Valley Dr. City Greenwich State CT Zip 06830 Phone 203-625-4525 Fax 203-625-4520 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $1,800,000.00 $To $6,000,000.00 Program Name Emerging Europe Fund

Description This program supports equity investments in central and Eastern Europe for telecommunications, services, and retail. Promotes and facilitates the U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. Investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products. Each investment fund must meet OPIC policy requirements, including impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 158: Matthew Lesko

Title $6,5000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In The West Bank/Gaza and Jordan Regions ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Scott Stupay Title President Address1 International Capital Investors Address2 6862 Elm St., Ste. 720 City McLean State VA Zip 22101 Phone 703-847-0870 Fax 703-847-3068 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $1,200,000.00 $To $6,500,000.00 Program Name West Bank/Gaza & Jordan Fund

Description Program provides equity investments in West Bank/Gaza and Jordan regions for basic service and manufacturing companies. This program is designed to promote and facilitate the U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. These investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products and must meet OPIC policy requirements, including respecting impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 159: Matthew Lesko

Title $7,500,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Southeast Asia ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Ta-lin Hsu Title Chairman-Hambrecht & Quist Asia Pacific Address1 156 University Ave. Address2 City Palo Alto State CA Zip 94301 Phone 650-838-8098 Fax 650-838-0801 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $2,250,000.00 $To $7,500,000.00 Program Name Asia Pacific Growth Fund

Description Program supports equity investments in light manufacturing, financial construction, and telecom services in the following areas: Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, and other countries in Southeast Asia. This program is designed to promote and facilitate the U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. These investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products and must meet OPIC policy requirements, including respecting impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 160: Matthew Lesko

Title $9,200,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia _________________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Irakli Rukhadze Title CEO - Caucasus Advisors Address1 31 Milk St. Address2 Suite 901 City Boston State MA Zip 02109 Phone 617-646-4512 Fax 617-646-4501 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $2,850,000.00 $To $9,200,000.00 Program Name Caucasus Fund

Description This program supports equity investments for telecommunications, media, and other business services in the countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. It is designed to encourage and facilitate the U.S. investment in in emerging market economies by working with individual capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. These investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products and must meet OPIC policy requirements, including impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 161: Matthew Lesko

Title $9,500,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Businesses In Central Europe ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Fred Martin Title President - The Bancroft Group Address1 251 Brompton Rd. Address2 City London SW3 2EP State England Zip 0 Phone 44-20-7823-9222 Fax 44-20-7589-3442 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Venture Capital $ From $2,850,000.00 $To $9,500,000.00 Program Name Bancroft Eastern Europe Fund

Description This program supports equity investments in central Europe for distribution networks, basic manufacturing, consumer goods, and related networks. It is designed to promote and facilitate the U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity-related investments. Funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products and must comply with the OPIC policy requirements, including impacts on the U.S. economy and employment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 162: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance Against Currency Fluctuations When Investing Overseas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Dr. Cliff Moore Title Vice President Address1 1100 New York Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20527 Phone 202-336-8400 Fax 202-408-9866 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $200,000,000.00 Program Name Currency Inconvertibility Insurance

Description This program is designed to promote and facilitate the U.S. investment in emerging market economies. Specialized insurance programs provided to protect businesses from the investor’s inability to convert profits from local currency to U.S. dollars. Currency inconvertibility does not protect the investor against devaluation of the country’s currency. Coverage under this program insures earnings, return of capital, principal and interest payments, technical assistance fees, and similar remittance. Coverage may be extended for a maximum of 20 years (generally equal to the length of the underlying contract). Protection is granted for up to 90% of the investment. Loans and capital leases from financial institutions may be insured for 100% of the principal and interest.

Rates range from .25 to .40 per $100 of coverage based upon the entity requesting coverage. Payment is made in U.S. dollars.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 163: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance Against Expropriation For Businesses Investing Overseas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Dr. Cliff Moore Title Vice President Address1 1100 New York Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20527 Phone 202-336-8400 Fax 202-408-9866 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $200,000,000.00 Program Name Expropriation Insurance

Description This program is designed to promote and facilitate the U.S. investment in the emerging market economies. Specialized insurance programs are provided to protect businesses against loss resulting from expropriation, nationalization, or confiscation of physical or tangible assets by the host government. Tangible assets include manufacturing equipment or other properties essential to generating returns.

Protection under this program covers equity investments, and loans and also includes “creeping expropriation”, which is an unlawful government action depriving the investor of funding rights in a project. Security does not extend to lawful taxation, actions provoked by the investor, or actions taken by the foreign government in its commercial capacity as a supplier, manager, etc. Rates vary from .20 to .90 per $100 of coverage.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 164: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance Against Political Violence For Businesses Investing Overseas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Dr. Cliff Moore Title Vice President Address1 1100 New York Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20527 Phone 202-336-8400 Fax 202-408-9866 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $200,000,000.00 Program Name Political Violence Insurance

Description This program is designed to promote and facilitate U.S. investment in emerging market economies. Specialized insurance programs protect businesses against the loss of assets or income due to war, revolution, insurrection, politically motivated civil strife, terrorism or sabotage. The insurance also compensates for property and income loss. Insurance under this program does not cover loss due to labor strife, or student unrest without a political objective. Rates vary from .20 to .70 per $100 of coverage depending on the entity requesting coverage.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 165: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance Coverage For Financial Institutions Who Make Loans In Emerging Market Economies ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Vice President Title Finance Department Address1 1100 New York Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20527 Phone 202-336-8400 Fax 202-408-9866 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $200,000,000.00 Program Name Financial Institutions Insurance Program

Description Program is designed to promote and facilitate the U.S. investment in emerging market economies. Specialized insurance programs are provided to protect financial institutions operating in developing countries or emerging markets engaged in loans, all capital market transactions, gold loans, commodity price, or interest rate swaps.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 166: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance Coverage For Overseas Contractors And Exporters ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Vice President Title Finance Department Address1 1100 New York Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20527 Phone 202-336-8400 Fax 202-408-9866 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $200,000,000.00 Program Name Contractors and Exporters Coverage

Description This program protects against the wrongful calling of bid performance, advance payment guaranties, custom bonds and other guaranties. Coverage is provided against the loss of physical assets and bank accounts as a result of confiscation or political violence, and inconvertibility of proceeds from the sale of equipment used at a site. This program offers coverage to companies and investors that are acting as contractors pursuant to international construction, or service contracts. Includes companies that are exporters of heavy machinery, turbines, computers, medical equipment, and other goods.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 167: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance Coverage For Overseas Oil And Gas Projects ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Vice President Title Finance Department Address1 1100 New York Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20527 Phone 202-336-8400 Fax 202-408-9866 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $200,000,000.00 Program Name Oil and Gas Insurance Program

Description This program provides enhanced and special expropriation coverage for oil and gas projects. Expropriation includes losses caused by the material change agreements that are unilaterally imposed by the host government. This program provides coverage against confiscation of tangible assets and

bank accounts. Also protects against any interference, as a result of political violence, which may cause cessation of operations lasting 6 or more months.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 168: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance Coverage For Technical Assistance Companies Doing Business Overseas ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Vice President Title Finance Department Address1 1100 New York Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20527 Phone 202-336-8400 Fax 202-408-9866 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $200,000,000.00 Program Name Technical Assistance Insurance Program

Description This program protects investments in the form of technology and ”know- how”, or services, pursuant to technical assistance agreements between the U.S. and foreign companies. This coverage is limited to companies providing technology or services. Coverage provided for 90% of payment accrued but unpaid as a result of inconvertibility, expropriation, or political violence.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 169: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance Protection For Overseas Financial Transactions ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Vice President Title Finance Department Address1 1100 New York Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20527 Phone 202-336-8400 Fax 202-408-9866 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $200,000,000.00 Program Name Capital Markets Insurance Program

Description This program provides protection for capital market transactions including Private Placements, Rule 144A Bond Issuances, and new bond financing of existing venues.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 170: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance Protection For Overseas Leasing Arrangements ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Vice President Title Finance Department Address1 1100 New York Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20527 Phone 202-336-8400 Fax 202-408-9866 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $200,000,000.00 Program Name Leasing Coverage Insurance Program

Description This program provides protection for capital leases or operating leases in which ownership of the asset is expected to transfer to the lessee when the lease expires. Protection is offered against default of lease payments from inconvertibility, expropriation and/ or political violence. This OPIC program provides coverage against unlawful actions by the host government that prevent a lessor from enforcing the right to repossess, re-export, and de-register leased equipment.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 171: Matthew Lesko

Title Insurance Protection For Overseas Mineral Exploration ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Fed: OPIC Report State TX

Original Researcher K. Strong Organizations Name Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Contact Person Vice President Title Finance Department Address1 1100 New York Ave., N.W. Address2 City Washington State DC Zip 20527 Phone 202-336-8400 Fax 202-408-9866 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $200,000,000.00 Program Name Natural Resources Insurance (other than oil/gas)

Description This program protects investors against risks involved in large-scale natural resource projects. Coverage is provided to protect against traditional political risks, and may also insure against unlawful withdrawal or breach by the host government involving mineral exploitation rights or other types of risk.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 172: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,000,000 In Tax Credits To Pay For Software Development, Patents Costs And Research ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $1,000,000.00 Program Name Credit for Increasing Research Activities

Description Program offers a tax credit to businesses for making a new product, or improving an existing product. A tax credit of 20% of the cost of the research and development of such products is available. The research must be performed for the purpose of discovering information “which is technological in nature”. Such costs can include software development and patent costs. To apply for this credit submit IRS Form # 6765, Credit for Increasing Research Activities and Instructions. Copies of this form are available from the IRS at the website listed above. The IRS toll free hotline is: 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 173: Matthew Lesko

Title $1,000,000 Tax Credit For Building, Buying Or Rehabilitating Low Income Housing _________________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $1,000,000.00 Program Name Low Income Housing Credit

Description This program offers a tax credit for low-income housing that was constructed, rehabilitated or acquired after 1986. The credit covers 70% of the qualified basis of non-federally subsidized units, or 30% of the qualified basis of units financed with tax-exempt bonds or other federal subsidies. The credit must be claimed over a period of 10 years. To apply for this credit submit IRS Form 8586, Low Income Housing Credit. Copies of this form and the instructions to complete the form are available from the IRS at the website listed above. The general IRS toll free hotline is 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 174: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 In Tax Credits For Making Donations And Loans To Non-Profits ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Community Development Corporation Tax Credit

Description This program offers a tax credit for gifts or long-term loans to certain community development organizations that provide employment and business opportunities to low-income individuals. Tax credit is offered for 5 percent of the amount contributed, credited each of 10 tax years, beginning with the year the contribution is made. This will lead to an eventual credit of 50 percent of the amount of the contribution.

To apply, submit IRS Form 8847, Credit for Contributions to Selected Community Development Corporations. A list of selected organizations is included with the form. Copies of this form are available at the above website. The national IRS toll free hotline is 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 175: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 In Tax Credits For Paying Restaurant Employee Tips ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Credit For Taxes Paid on Certain Employee Tips

Description Program offers employers of waiters or other food service employees as a tax credit for any FICA taxes paid on tips. Employees who receive more than $20 in tips during a single month must report the tips to their employer. The employer is required to pay 7.65% of Social Security and Medicare (FICA) tax on this money. Tax credit is offered whether or not employees report the tips earned.

To apply, submit IRS Form 8846, Credit for Employer Social Security and Medicare Taxes Paid on Certain Employee Tips. Copies of this form and the instructions to complete the form are available at the above website. The national IRS toll free hotline is 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 176: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 In Tax Credits For Timber Businesses ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Reforestation Credit

Description Timberland production businesses can claim 10% of expenses incurred each year to forest or reforest property for a maximum credit of $10,000. To apply for the credit submit IRS Form 3468, Investment Credit. Copies of this form and the instructions to complete the form are available from the IRS.

The national IRS toll free hotline is 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 177: Matthew Lesko

Title $100,000 In Tax Credits For Alcohol Fuel Producers ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $100,000.00 Program Name Credit For Alcohol Used As Fuel

Description This program offers a tax credit to producers of alcohol fuels for mixtures such as gasohol or ethanol. This credit is offered for up to 60 cents per gallon toward the sale or use of such fuels. To apply for this credit submit IRS Form 6478, Credit for Alcohol Used as Fuel. Copies of this form and the instructions to complete the form are available from the IRS at the website listed above. The national IRS toll free hotline is 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 178: Matthew Lesko

Title $100,000 In Tax Credits For Taxes Paid To Foreign Governments ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $100,000.00 Program Name Foreign Tax Credit

Description This program offers a tax credit for foreign income taxes and/or taxes imposed by possessions of the U.S. that were paid or accrued during the tax year. An example of these taxes are foreign taxes on profits from overseas operations or investments. To apply for this credit submit IRS Form 1116, Foreign Tax Credit or IRS Form 1118, Foreign Tax Credit-Corporations. Copies of this form and the instructions to complete the form are available from the IRS at the website listed above. The IRS toll free hotline is 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 179: Matthew Lesko

Title $100,000 Tax Credit For Doing Business In Certain Zip Codes ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $100,000.00 Program Name Empowerment Zone Employment Credit

Description This program offers a $3,000 tax credit to businesses located in designated empowerment zones for every employee hired from the zone. The credit is limited to 20% of the first $15,000 in wages. To apply, submit IRS Form 8844, Empowerment Zone Employment Credit. Copies of Form 8844 or Publication 954, Tax Incentives for Empowerment Zones and Other Distressed Communities, are available from the IRS at the

website listed above. For further information and to identify enterprise zone locations, visit the following website: The national IRS toll free hotline is 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 180: Matthew Lesko

Title $100,000 Tax Credit For Employing Native Americans _________________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $100,000.00 Program Name Indian Employment Credit

Description This program offers a tax credit to businesses hiring Native Americans or the spouse of a Native American. Businesses are entitled to claim a federal tax credit of 20% of the first $20,000 of paid wages and medical insurance expenses. An annual tax credit is available for up to $4000 per employee per year. To apply for this credit, submit IRS Form 8845, Indian Employment Credit. Copies of this form and the instructions to complete the form are available from the IRS at the website listed above. The national IRS toll free hotline is 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 181: Matthew Lesko

Title $15,000 In Tax Credits For Oil Companies ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $15,000.00 Program Name Enhanced Oil Recovery Credit

Description This program offers a tax credit to businesses that significantly develop a domestic oil recovery project that uses certain tertiary recovery methods,

such as the injection of liquids, gases, or other matter, to increase crude oil production. Businesses can take a credit of 15% of oil recovery costs for the tax year.

To apply for this credit submit IRS Form 8830, Enhanced Oil Recovery Credit. Copies of this form and the instructions to complete the form are available at the website listed above. The national IRS toll free hotline is 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 182: Matthew Lesko

Title $15,000 Refund Of Federal Gas Tax ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $15,000.00 Program Name Gasoline Tax Credit

Description This program offers a tax credit or refund for federal excise tax paid on fuel by consumers of gasoline and other fuels when the fuel is used on a farm, off-highway use, export, commercial fishing, school, intercity or local business, or nonprofit education organizations. To apply for this credit submit IRS Form # 4136, Credit for Federal Tax Paid on Fuels. Copies of this form and the instructions to complete the form are available from the IRS at the website listed above. The toll free IRS hotline is 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 183: Matthew Lesko

Title $2,400 For Hiring A 16-17-Year-Old EZ/EC Resident ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Dept. of Labor, Licensing & Regulation Contact Person Mr. John Carlson Title WOTC Coordinator Address1 TX Workforce Commission, Room 332T Address2 101 E. 15th Street City Austin State TX Zip 78778 Phone 512-463-9926 Fax 512-463-8819 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $60,000.00 Program Name WOTC Tax Credit - 16-17/Yr Old EZ/EC Resident

Description This program offers a tax credit to businesses hiring a 16 -17 year-old resident of an Empowerment Zone or Enterprise Community (EZ/EC) as a Summer Youth Employee. A tax credit of $2,400 per year (40% of first year wages) is available with the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. An EZ/EC resident is someone living in a designated Empowerment Zone or Enterprise Communities. Information on this program and the locations of Enterprise Zones or Enterprise Communities is available on the following website:, or by calling 1-800-998-9999.

Steps to obtain credit: 1) Submit IRS Form 8850, "Pre-Screening Notice and Certification Request for the Work Opportunity and Welfare-to-Work Tax Credits", by date of job offer; 2) Submit ETA Form 9061,"Individual Characteristics Form"; 3) Mail the signed and dated IRS and ETA form to the State Employment Security Agency no later than 21 days after the new hire's employment start date.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 184: Matthew Lesko

Title $2,400 For Hiring A 18-24-Year-Old EZ/EC Resident ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Dept. of Labor, Licensing & Regulation Contact Person Mr. John Carlson Title WOTC Coordinator Address1 TX Workforce Commission, Room 332T Address2 101 E. 15th Street City Austin State TX Zip 78778 Phone 512-463-9926 Fax 512-463-8819 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $60,000.00 Program Name WOTC Tax Credit - 18-24/Yr Old EZ/EC Resident

Description This program offers a tax credit to businesses hiring an 18-24 year-old resident of an Empowerment Zone or Enterprise Community (EZ/EC) as a Summer Youth Employee. A tax credit of $2,400 per year (40% of first year wages) is available with the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. An EZ/EC resident is someone living in a designated Empowerment Zone or Enterprise Communities. Information on this program and the locations of Enterprise Zones or Enterprise Communities is available on the following website:, or by calling 1-800-998-9999.

Steps to obtain credit: 1) Submit IRS Form 8850, "Pre-Screening Notice and Certification Request for the Work Opportunity and Welfare-to-Work Tax Credits", by date of job offer; 2) Submit ETA Form 9061,"Individual Characteristics Form"; 3) Mail the signed and dated IRS and ETA form to the State Employment Security Agency no later than 21 days after the new hire's employment start date.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 185: Matthew Lesko

Title $2,400 For Hiring an 18-24-Year-Old Food Stamp Recipient ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Dept. of Labor, Licensing & Regulation Contact Person Mr. John Carlson Title WOTC Coordinator Address1 TX Workforce Commission, Room 332T Address2 101 E. 15th Street City Austin State TX Zip 78778 Phone 512-463-9926 Fax 512-463-8819 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $60,000.00 Program Name WOTC Tax Credit - 18-24/Yr Old Food Stamp Recipient

Description This program offers a tax credit to businesses hiring an 18-24 year-old resident of an Empowerment Zone or Enterprise Community (EZ/EC) as a Summer Youth Employee. A tax credit of $2,400 per year (40% of first year wages) is available with the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. An EZ/EC resident is someone living in a designated Empowerment Zone or Enterprise Communities. Information on this program and the locations of Enterprise Zones or Enterprise Communities is available on the following website:, or by calling 1-800-998-9999.

Steps to obtain credit: 1) Submit IRS Form 8850, "Pre-Screening Notice and Certification Request for the Work Opportunity and Welfare-to-Work Tax Credits", by date of job offer; 2) Submit ETA Form 9061,"Individual Characteristics Form"; 3) Mail the signed and dated IRS and ETA form to the State Employment Security Agency no later than 21 days after the new hire's employment start date.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 186: Matthew Lesko

Title $2,400 For Hiring A Vocational Rehabilitation Referral ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Dept. of Labor, Licensing & Regulation Contact Person Mr. John Carlson Title WOTC Coordinator Address1 TX Workforce Commission, Room 332T Address2 101 E. 15th Street City Austin State TX Zip 78778 Phone 512-463-9926 Fax 512-463-8819 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $60,000.00 Program Name WOTC Tax Credit - Vocational Rehabilitation Referrals

Description This program offers a tax credit to businesses that provide vocational rehabilitation referrals. For each referral, an annual tax credit of up to $2,400 (40% of first year wages) is available from the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. A vocational rehabilitation referral is a disabled person who has completed or is completing rehabilitative services approved by their state or the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Steps to obtain credit: 1) Submit IRS Form 8850, "Pre-Screening Notice and Certification Request for the Work Opportunity and Welfare-to-Work

Tax Credits", by date of job offer; 2) Submit ETA Form 9061, "Individual Characteristics Form"; 3) Mail the signed and dated IRS and ETA form to the State Employment Security Agency (SESA) WOTA Coordinator no later than 21 days after the new hire's employment start date.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 187: Matthew Lesko

Title $2,400 For Hiring A Welfare Recipient ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Dept. of Labor, Licensing & Regulation Contact Person Mr. John Carlson Title WOTC Coordinator Address1 TX Workforce Commission, Room 332T Address2 101 E. 15th Street City Austin State TX Zip 78778 Phone 512-463-9926 Fax 512-463-8819 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $60,000.00 Program Name WOTC Tax Credit - Veterans and Family

Description This program offers a tax credit to businesses hiring veterans or family members who have received food stamps for at least a 3-month period during the 15 months preceding the hire date. An annual tax credit of $2,400 (40% of first year wages) is available through this program.

Steps to obtain credit: 1) Submit IRS Form 8850, "Pre-Screening Notice and Certification Request for the Work Opportunity and Welfare-to-Work

Tax Credits", by date of job offer; 2) Submit ETA Form 9061, "Individual Characteristics Form"; 3) Mail the signed and dated IRS and ETA form to the State Employment Security Agency (SESA) WOTA Coordinator no later than 21 days after the new hire's employment start date.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 188: Matthew Lesko

Title $2,400 For Hiring A Welfare Recipient ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Dept. of Labor, Licensing & Regulation Contact Person Mr. John Carlson Title WOTC Coordinator Address1 TX Workforce Commission, Room 332T Address2 101 E. 15th Street City Austin State TX Zip 78778 Phone 512-463-9926 Fax 512-463-8819 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $60,000.00 Program Name WOTC Tax Credit - Welfare Recipients

Description This program offers businesses a tax credit for hiring a welfare recipient. A tax credit of $2,400 per year (40% of first year wages) is available under the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. A welfare recipient is any member of a family that received Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) for at least 9 of the 18 months preceding the hire date. Steps to obtain credit: 1) Complete IRS Form 8850, "Pre-Screening Notice and Certification Request for the Work Opportunity and Welfare-to-Work

Tax Credits", by date of job offer; 2) Complete ETA Form 9061, "Individual Characteristics Form"; 3) mail the signed and dated IRS and ETA form to the State Employment Security Agency (SESA) WOTA Coordinator within 21 days after the new hire's employment start date.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 189: Matthew Lesko

Title $2,400 For Hiring An Ex-Felon ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Dept. of Labor, Licensing & Regulation Contact Person Mr. John Carlson Title WOTC Coordinator Address1 TX Workforce Commission, Room 332T Address2 101 E. 15th Street City Austin State TX Zip 78778 Phone 512-463-9926 Fax 512-463-8819 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $60,000.00 Program Name WOTC Tax Credit - Ex-Felon

Description This program offers businesses a tax credit for hiring an ex-felon who is a member of a low-income family. A tax credit of $2,400 per year (40% of first year wages) is available under the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Steps to obtain credit: 1) Complete IRS Form 8850, "Pre-Screening Notice and Certification Request for the Work Opportunity and Welfare-to-Work

Tax Credits", by date of job offer; 2) Complete ETA Form 9061, "Individual Characteristics Form"; 3) Mail the signed and dated IRS and ETA form to the State Employment Security Agency (SESA) WOTA Coordinator no later than 21 days after the new hire's employment start date.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 190: Matthew Lesko

Title $2,400 For Hiring An SSI Recipient ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Dept. of Labor, Licensing & Regulation Contact Person Mr. John Carlson Title WOTC Coordinator Address1 TX Workforce Commission, Room 332T Address2 101 E. 15th Street City Austin State TX Zip 78778 Phone 512-463-9926 Fax 512-463-8819 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $60,000.00 Program Name WOTC Tax Credit - SSI Recipient

Description This program offers businesses a tax credit for hiring an SSI recipient. A tax credit of $2,400 (40% of first year wages) is available under the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. An SSI recipient is an individual who has received Supplemental Security Income benefits within the 60 days preceding the hire date. Steps to obtain credit: 1) Complete IRS Form 8850, "Pre-Screening Notice and Certification Request for the Work Opportunity and Welfare-to-Work Tax Credits", by date of job offer; 2) Complete ETA Form 9061, "Individual Characteristics Form"; 3) Mail the signed and dated IRS and ETA form to the State Employment Security Agency (SESA) WOTA Coordinator within 21 days after the new hire's employment start date.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 191: Matthew Lesko

Title $20,000 Depreciation Deduction For Empowerment Zone Companies ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $20,000.00 Program Name Increased Section 179 Tax Deduction

Description This program allows businesses located in Empowerment Zones to deduct all or part of the cost of certain property, up to $20,000, in the year it begins to use the property. This is an alternative to taking depreciation over several years.

To apply for deduction, submit IRS Form 4562, Depreciation and Amortization. Copies of these forms are available from the IRS at the website listed above. For information on identifying empowerment zone locations visit the following website: The national toll free hotline is: 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 192: Matthew Lesko

Title $200,000 In Tax Credits For Fixing Up Buildings Built Before 1936 ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $200,000.00 Program Name Rehabilitation Credit - Non-Historic Buildings

Description This program offers businesses a 10% rehabilitation tax credit for non-historic buildings built before 1936. A $1 credit is offered for every $5 invested. Rehabilitation must be substantial, ($5,000 or greater) and funds must be used for commercial, non-residential purposes. To apply for credit, submit IRS Form 3468, Investment Credit. Copies of this form and instructions to complete the form are available from the IRS. The toll free hotline is 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 193: Matthew Lesko

Title $200,000 In Tax Credits For Fixing Up Historic Buildings ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $200,000.00 Program Name Rehabilitation Credit - Historic Buildings

Description This 20% rehabilitation tax credit is available for historic buildings built before 1936. For every $5 invested you receive $1 back as a tax credit. The rehabilitation must be substantial, usually exceeding $5,000, and must be used for non-residential, commercial purposes. To apply for credit, submit IRS Form #3468, Investment Credit. Copies of this form are available from the IRS office listed above. The IRS toll free hotline is 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 194: Matthew Lesko

Title $200,000 In Tax Credits For Investment In Solar Or Geothermal Energy ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $200,000.00 Program Name Business Energy Tax Credit

Description This program offers a tax credit for businesses that invest in, or purchase, a qualified solar or geothermal energy property. A tax credit of 10% of the investment or purchase, and installation amount, is offered. To apply for this credit, submit IRS Form 3468, Investment Credit. Copies of this form and the instructions to complete the form are available from the IRS at the website listed above. The national IRS toll free hotline is 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 195: Matthew Lesko

Title $200,000 In Tax Credits For Testing Drugs For Rare Diseases ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $200,000.00 Program Name Orphan Drug Credit

Description This program offers a tax credit to Drug companies of 50% of the qualified clinical testing expenses for drugs that treat rare diseases and conditions. To apply for this credit submit IRS Form 8820, Orphan Drug Credit. Copies of this form and the instructions to complete the form are available from the IRS. The national IRS toll free hotline is 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 196: Matthew Lesko

Title $200,000 In Tax Credits To Sellers Of Electricity ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $200,000.00 Program Name Renewable Electricity Production Credit

Description This program offers a tax credit to sellers of electricity based on electricity produced from qualified resources at a qualified facility during the 10-year period after the facility begins service. Credit is based on electricity produced before 2002 from wind or closed loop biomass facilities. To apply, submit IRS Form 8835, Renewable Electricity Production Credit. Copies of this form and the instructions are available at the website listed above. The IRS toll free hotline is 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 197: Matthew Lesko

Title $4,000 Tax Credit To Purchase An Electric Vehicle ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $4,000.00 Program Name Qualified Electric Vehicle Credit

Description This program offers a tax credit for 10% of the purchase price of an electric vehicle for a maximum credit of $4000 per vehicle. To apply submit the IRS

Form # 8834, Qualified Electric Vehicle Credit. Copies of this form and the instructions to complete the form are available from the IRS at the website listed above. The IRS toll free hotline is 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 198: Matthew Lesko

Title $5,000 For Small Business To Become Handicap Accessible ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Internal Revenue Service Contact Person Title Address1 1100 Commerce Street Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75242 Phone 214-767-2941 Fax Email Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $5,000.00 Program Name Disabled Access Credit

Description This program offers a tax credit to businesses with revenues up to $1,000,000, or up to 30 full-time employees to cover a variety of expenditures including: sign language interpreters, adaptive equipment, removal of architectural barriers in facilities/vehicles and consulting fees. A tax credit is offered for 50% of the eligible access expenditures in one year, up to a maximum of $10,250 in expenditures. The maximum tax credit is $5,000 and credit may not be taken for the first $250 in expenditures.

To apply for this credit, submit IRS Form 8826, Disabled Access Credit. Copies of this form and the instructions to complete the form are available from the IRS at the website listed above. The national IRS toll free hotline is 1-800-829-1040.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 199: Matthew Lesko

Title $8,500 For Hiring A Long-Term Welfare Recipient ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Federal Tax Credits Report State TX

Original Researcher A. St. John Organizations Name Dept. of Labor, Licensing & Regulation Contact Person Mr. John Carlson Title WOTC Coordinator Address1 TX Workforce Commission, Room 332T Address2 101 E. 15th Street City Austin State TX Zip 78778 Phone 512-463-9926 Fax 512-463-8819 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address Type of Money/Help Tax Credit $ From $0.00 $To $250,000.00 Program Name WtW Tax Credit - Long Term Welfare Recipients

Description This program offers a tax credit to businesses that hire long-term welfare recipients under the Welfare-to-Work Tax Credit program. A business may receive credit for up to $8,500 per year (30% of wages for the first year and 50% of wages for the second year). A long-term welfare recipient is defined as any member of a family that received Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) for at least 18 consecutive months before the date of hire.

Steps to obtain credit: 1) Complete IRS Form 8850, "Pre-Screening Notice and Certification Request for the Work Opportunity and Welfare-to-Work

Tax Credits", by date of job offer; 2) Complete ETA Form 9061, "Individual Characteristics Form"; 3) mail the signed and dated IRS and ETA form to the State Employment Security Agency (SESA) WOTA Coordinator within 21 days after the new hire's employment start date.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 200: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name N. Central Texas Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Cathy Keeler Title Director Address1 1525 W. California Address2 City Gainesville State TX Zip 76240 Phone 817-668-4220 Fax 817-668-6049 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 201: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name North Texas Small Business Development Center (SBDC) District Office Contact Person Liz Klimback Title Regional Director Address1 Dallas County Community College Address2 1402 Corinth St. City Dallas State TX Zip 75215 Phone 214-860-5831 Fax 214-860-5813 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 202: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name San Angelo Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Pamela Brown Title Director Address1 Angelo State University Address2 2610 West Ave., N, or Campus Box 10910 City San Angelo State TX Zip 76909 Phone 915-942-2098 Fax 915-942-2096 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 203: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name San Antonio Regional Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Morrison Woods Title Director Address1 University of Texas/San Antonio Downtown Address2 145 Duncan Dr., Suite 200 City San Antonio State TX Zip 78212 Phone 210-458-2460 Fax 210-458-2464 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 204: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Laredo Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Araceli Lozano Title Director Address1 Laredo Development Foundation Address2 616 Leal St. City Laredo State TX Zip 78041 Phone 956-722-0563 Fax 956-722-6247 Email [email protected] Web www.laredo-ldf/ldfsbdc.htm Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 205: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Austin Community College Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Larry Lucero Title Director Address1 5930 Middle Fiskville Rd. Address2 City Austin State TX Zip 78752 Phone 512-223-7754 Fax 512-223-7734 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 206: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Waco Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Linda Ramirez Title Director Address1 McLennan Community College Address2 401 Franklin St. City Waco State TX Zip 76701 Phone 254-714-0077 Fax 254-714-1668 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 207: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Rio Grande Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Luis Urbina Title Director Address1 Sul Ross State University/Rio Grande College Address2 Route 2, Box 1200 City Eagle Pass State TX Zip 78852 Phone 830-758-5025 Fax 830-758-5020 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 208: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Big Bend Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Dave Wilson Title Director Address1 Sul Ross State University, Brisco Administration Building Address2 Room 319, P.O. Box C-47 City Alpine State TX Zip 79832 Phone 915-837-8694 Fax 915-837-8104 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 209: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Blinn College Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Phyllis Nelson Title Director Address1 Blinn College Address2 902 College Ave. City Brenham State TX Zip 77833 Phone 979-830-4137 Fax 979-830-4135 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 210: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Northeast/Texarkana Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Bob Wall Title Director Address1 P.O. Box 1307 Address2 City Mt. Pleasant State TX Zip 75455 Phone 903-897-1307 Fax 903-897-1106 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 211: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Brazos Valley Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Jim Pillans Title Director Address1 4001 E. 29th St., Suite 175 Address2 P.O Box 3695 City Bryan State TX Zip 77805 Phone 979-260-5222 Fax 979-260-5229 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 212: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Navarro Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Leon Allard Title Director Address1 120 N. 12th St. Address2 City Corsicana State TX Zip 75110 Phone 903-874-0658 Fax 903-874-4187 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 213: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Kilgore Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Brad Bunt Title Director Address1 Kilgore College, Triple Creek Shopping Plaza Address2 110 Triple Creek Dr., Suite 70 City Longview State TX Zip 75601 Phone 903-757-5857 Fax 903-753-7920 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 214: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Grayson Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Karen Stidham Title Director Address1 6101 Grayson Dr. Address2 City Denison State TX Zip 75020 Phone 903-463-8787 Fax 903-463-5437 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 215: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Collin Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Mark Langford Title Director Address1 The Courtyard Center for Professional Economic Development Address2 4800 Preston Park Blvd., Suite A126/Box 15 City Plano State TX Zip 75093 Phone 972-985-3770 Fax 972-985-3775 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 216: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Best Southwest Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Neil Small Title Director Address1 214 S. Main St., # 102A Address2 City Duncanville State TX Zip 75116 Phone 972-709-5878 Fax 972-709-6089 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 217: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Tyler Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Donald Proudfoot Title Director Address1 Tyler Junior College Address2 1530 South S.W. Loop 323, Suite 100 City Tyler State TX Zip 75701 Phone 903-510-2975 Fax 903-510-2978 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 218: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Trinity Valley Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Judy Loden Title Director Address1 Trinity Valley Community College Address2 500 S. Prairieville City Athens State TX Zip 75751 Phone 903-675-7403 Fax 903-675-5199 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 219: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Tarrant Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person David Edmonds Title Director Address1 Tarrant County Junior College Address2 100 E. 15th St., Suite 400, #24 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 76102 Phone 817-871-6028 Fax 817-871-0031 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 220: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Dallas Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Jeff Blatt Title Director Address1 Dallas County Community College Address2 1402 Corinth St. City Dallas State TX Zip 75215 Phone 214-860-5850 Fax 214-860-5867 Email [email protected] Web /director.html Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 221: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Paris Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Pat Bell Title Director Address1 Paris Junior College Address2 2400 Clarksville St. City Paris State TX Zip 75460 Phone 903-782-0224 Fax 903-782-0219 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 222: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Caruth Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Judy Wilhelm Title Director Address1 Abilene Christian University Address2 648 E. Highway 80 City Abilene State TX Zip 79602 Phone 915-670-0300 Fax 915-670-0311 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 223: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Lubbock Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Steve Anderson Title Director Address1 Texas Tech University, Spectrum Plaza Address2 2579 S. Loop 289, Suite 210 City Lubbock State TX Zip 79423 Phone 806-745-1637 Fax 806-745-6717 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 224: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Northwest Texas/Lubbock District Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Craig Bean Title Regional Director Address1 TX Tech University, Spectrum Plaza Address2 2579 S. Loop 289, Suite 114 City Lubbock State TX Zip 79423 Phone 806-745-3973 Fax 806-745-6207 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 225: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Edinburg Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Pedro Salazar Title Director Address1 University of Texas - Pan American Address2 2412 S. Closner City Edinburg State TX Zip 78539 Phone 956-316-2610 Fax 956-316-2612 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 226: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Corpus Christi Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Ann Fierova Title Director Address1 Del Mar College, Venters Bldg., Room 351 Address2 101 Baldwin City Corpus Christi State TX Zip 78404 Phone 361-698-1021 Fax 361-698-1024 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 227: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Angelina Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Brian McClain Title Director Address1 Angelina Community College Address2 3500 S. First St., P.O. Box 1768 City Lufkin State TX Zip 75902 Phone 936-633-5400 Fax 936-633-5478 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 228: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Houston District Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Mike Young Title Executive Director Address1 University of Houston Address2 2302 Fannin St., Suite 200 City Houston State TX Zip 77002 Phone 713-752-8425 Fax 713-756-1500 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 229: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name El Paso District Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Roque Segura Title District Director Address1 1359 Lomaland Dr., Room 532 Address2 City El Paso State TX Zip 79902 Phone 915-831-7743 Fax 915-831-7734 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 230: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name W. Texas A&M University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Bill Harrington Title Director Address1 W. Texas A&M University, T. Boone Pickens School of Business Address2 1800 S. Washington, Suite 209 City Amarillo State TX Zip 79102 Phone 806-372-5151 Fax 806-372-5261 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 231: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name University of Houston - Victoria Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Carole Parks Title Director Address1 700 Main Center, Suite 102 Address2 City Victoria State TX Zip 77901 Phone 361-575-8944 Fax 361-575-8852 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 232: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Midwestern State University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Tim Thomas Title Director Address1 3410 Taft Blvd. Address2 City Wichita Falls State TX Zip 76308 Phone 940-397-4373 Fax 940-397-4374 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 233: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Small Business Administration - Office of Veterans Business Development Contact Person Candie Roxas Title Coordinator Address1 1201 West University Drive Address2 City Edinburg State TX Zip 78539 Phone 956-316-2610 Fax 965-316-2612 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Center

Description Provides entrepreneurial development services such as business training, counseling, and mentoring to eligible veterans who own or are considering starting a small business. Clients work directly with a business counselor to develop an Individual Entrepreneurial Development Plan. This program assists clients in developing and maintaining a five-year business plan and provides training in such areas as international trade, franchising, Internet marketing, and accounting.

Applicant must be a veteran who seeks to start and manage a small business.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 234: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name San Jacinto College District Small Business Development Center (SBDC) North

Office Contact Person Tom Sherifs Title Business Consultant Address1 5800 Uvalde, S209C Address2 City Houston State TX Zip 77049 Phone 281-459-7643 Fax 281-459-7694 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 235: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name San Jacinto College District Small Business Development Center (SBDC) -

Central Office Contact Person Michaelynn Dunaway Title Business Consultant Address1 8060 Spencer Highway, B105E Address2 City Pasadena State TX Zip 77501 Phone 281-542-2024 Fax 281-478-3610 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 236: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name San Jancinto College District Small Business Development Center (SBDC) -

South Office Contact Person Judy Whitehurst Title Director Address1 2006 E. Broadway, Suite 101 Address2 City Pearland State TX Zip 77581 Phone 281-485-5214 Fax 281-485-6978 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

_________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 237: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Sam Houston State Univ. Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Bob Barragan Title Director Address1 843 S. Sam Houston Ave. Address2 P.O. Box 2058 City Huntsville State TX Zip 77341 Phone 936-294-3737 Fax 936-294-3738 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 238: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Kay Hamilton Title Director Address1 N. Harris Montgomery County College Address2 250 N. Sam Houston Parkway East City Houston State TX Zip 77060 Phone 281-260-3174 Fax 281-260-3162 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 239: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Lee College Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Tommy Hathaway Title Director Address1 Lee College, Rundell Hall Address2 200 Lee Dr., P.O. Box 818 City Baytown State TX Zip 77522 Phone 281-425-6309 Fax 281-425-6307 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 240: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Lamar University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Gene Arnold Title Director Address1 Lamar University, John Gray Center Address2 855 E. Florida Ave., Suite 101 City Beaumont State TX Zip 77705 Phone 409-880-2367 Fax 409-880-2201 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 241: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Galveston Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Georgette Peterson Title Director Address1 Galveston College Address2 4015 Ave. Q City Galveston State TX Zip 77550 Phone 409-762-7380 Fax 409-762-7898 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 242: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Brazosport College Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Michael Moore Title Director Address1 500 College Dr., Room K-201 Address2 City Lake Jackson State TX Zip 77566 Phone 979-230-3380 Fax 979-230-3482 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 243: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help To Start Or Expand A Business ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Tarleton State University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Contact Person Ron Beck Title Director Address1 Tarleton State University, College of Business Admininistration Address2 Box T-0650 City Stephenville State TX Zip 76402 Phone 254-968-9330 Fax 254-968-9329 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Small Business Development Centers

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 244: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Women's Business Center - Fort Worth Business Assistance Center Contact Person Catherine Simpson Title Project Director Address1 Guinn School Address2 1150 S. Freeway, Suite 106 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 76104 Phone 817-871-6001 Fax 214-678-9968 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description This Women’s Business Center is a part of the Fort Worth Business Assistance Center. This office provides information and aid to women business owners from start-up through development/expansion stages. Also offers assistance in locating and bidding on government contracts. There is no charge for these services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 245: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) - District Office Contact Person Carlos Mendoza Title District Director Address1 10737 Gateway West, Suite 320 Address2 City El Paso State TX Zip 79935 Phone 915-633-7001 Fax 915-633-7005 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description The Small Business Administration (SBA), network is funded by the U.S. Government and provides aid, counseling, and assistance to the small business community. This network offers several programs to assist in starting or developing a business. The SBA routinely offers a series of government procurement workshops for obtaining government contracts through Section 8-A procurement. This SBA office provides a vast array of services including a business resource library, computer hardware, software, and Internet services. Counseling is available for starting and expanding a business. There is no charge for these services. The SBA’s toll free hotline is: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 246: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Paris Small Business Development Center Contact Person Pat Bell Title Director Address1 2400 Clarksville St. Address2 City Paris State TX Zip 75460 Phone 903-784-1802 Fax 903-784-1801 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 247: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Northeast/Texarkana Small Business Development Center Contact Person Bob Wall Title Director Address1 P.O. Box 1307 Address2 City Mt. Pleasant State TX Zip 75455 Phone 903-572-1911 Fax 903-572-0598 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 248: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name North Central Texas Small Business Development Center Contact Person Cathy Keeler Title Director Address1 1525 W. California Address2 City Gainesville State TX Zip 76240 Phone 817-668-4220 Fax 817-668-6049 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 249: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Navarro Small Business Development Center Contact Person Leonard Allen Title Director Address1 120 N. 12th St. Address2 City Corsicana State TX Zip 75110 Phone 903-874-0658 Fax 903-874-4187 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 250: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Kilgore Small Business Development Center Contact Person Brad Bunt Title Director Address1 Triple Creek Shopping Plaza Address2 110 Triple Creek Dr., Suite 70 City Longview State TX Zip 75601 Phone 903-757-5857 Fax 903-753-7920 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 251: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Grayson Small Business Development Center Contact Person Karen Stidham Title Director Address1 6101 Grayson Dr. Address2 City Denison State TX Zip 75020 Phone 903-463-8787 Fax 903-463-5437 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 252: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Collin Small Business Development Center Contact Person Mark Langford Title Director Address1 Courtyard Center for Professional & Economic Development Address2 4800 Preston Park Blvd., Suite A126/Box 15 City Plano State TX Zip 75093 Phone 972-985-3770 Fax 972-985-3775 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 253: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Best Southwest Small Business Development Center Contact Person Neil Small Title Director Address1 214 S. Main, #102A Address2 City Duncanville State TX Zip 75116 Phone 972-709-5878 Fax 972-709-6089 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 254: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Tyler Small Business Development Center Contact Person Donald Proudfoot Title Director Address1 Tyler Junior College Address2 1530 S. Southwest Loop 323, Suite 100 City Tyler State TX Zip 75701 Phone 903-510-2975 Fax 903-510-2978 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 255: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Trinity Valley Small Business Development Center Contact Person Judy Loden Title Director Address1 Trinity Valley Community College Address2 500 S. Prairieville City Athens State TX Zip 75751 Phone 903-675-7403 Fax 903-675-5199 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 256: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Tarrant Small Business Development Center Contact Person David Edmonds Title Director Address1 Tarrant County Junior College Address2 100 E 15th St., Suite 400 #24 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 76102 Phone 817-871-6028 Fax 817-871-0031 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 257: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name McLennan Small Business Development Center Contact Person Linda Ramirez Title Director Address1 McLennan Community College Address2 401 Franklin City Waco State TX Zip 76701 Phone 254-714-0077 Fax 254-714-0077 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 258: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Rio Grande One Stop Capital Shop Contact Person John Cisneros Title Procurement Specialist Address1 2412 S. Closner Address2 City Edinburg State TX Zip 78539 Phone 956-316-2610 Fax 956-316-2612 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description This One Stop Capital Shop provides computer hardware and software technology, a reference library, and workshops and classes on various

aspects of business management. A procurement specialist is available to assist small business owners in locating and bidding on government contracts. There is no charge for these services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 259: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Austin Community College Small Business Development Center Contact Person Larry Lucero Title Director Address1 5930 Middle Fiskville Rd. Address2 City Austin State TX Zip 78752 Phone 512-223-7754 Fax 512-223-7734 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 260: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name On-Line Women's Business Center/North Texas Women's Business Development Center Contact Person Lajuana Sherman Title Project Director Address1 1420 Wet Mockingbird Lane Address2 Suite 270 City Dallas State TX Zip 75247 Phone 214-678-9964 Fax 214-678-9968 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description This on-line center is an extension of the SBA Women’s Business Centers. Networked throughout the United States, these centers provide information

and aid to women business owners from start-up through development and expansion. Assistance is also offered in locating and bidding on government contracts. There is no charge for these services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 261: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Texas Center for Women's Business Contact Person Dianne Olson Title Project Director Address1 P.O. Box 1992 Address2 City Temple State TX Zip 76503 Phone 254-774-4815 Fax 254-773-4967 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description This center provides assistance to women business owners for start-up, developing or expanding businesses. This center also has a Women’s Construction Network (TxCWBE) that specializes in assisting women in the construction industry in locating and bidding on public contracts at no charge. Assistance is available for locating and bidding on government contracts at federal, state, and local levels. There may be a nominal fee ($10) for some classes, but counseling services, workshops and other services are offered at no charge.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 262: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Texas Center for Women's Business Contact Person Susan Patterson Title Project Director Address1 300 Cheyenne Rd. Address2 Suite 101 City Killeen State TX Zip 76543 Phone 254-200-2003 Fax 254-200-2002 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description This center provides assistance to women business owners for start-up, developing or expanding businesses. Assistance is available for locating and bidding on government contracts at federal, state, and local levels. There may be a nominal fee for some classes, but counseling services, workshops and other services are offered at no charge.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 263: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Texas Center for Women's Business Contact Person Michele Pettes Title Center Director Address1 4100 Ed Bluestein Blvd. Address2 Suite 203 City Austin State TX Zip 78721 Phone 512-472-8522 Fax 512-472-8513 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description This center provides assistance to women business owners for start-up, developing or expanding businesses. Assistance is available for locating and bidding on government contracts at federal, state, and local levels. There may be a nominal fee for some classes, but counseling services, workshops and other services are offered at no charge.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 264: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) - Procurement Office Contact Person Fiacro Salazar Title Government Procurement Specialist Address1 Brooks Air Force Base Address2 143 Billy Mitchell Blvd., Suite 4 City Brooks AFB State TX Zip 78241 Phone 210-922-7407 Fax 210-922-7449 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description The Small Business Administration (SBA), network is funded by the U.S. Government and provides aid, counseling, and assistance to the small business community. This network offers several programs to assist in starting or developing a business. The SBA routinely offers a series of government procurement workshops for obtaining government contracts through Section 8-A procurement. This SBA office provides a vast array of services including a business resource library, computer hardware, software, and Internet services. Counseling is available for starting and expanding a business. There is no charge for these services. The SBA’s toll free hotline is: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 265: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) - Procurement Office Contact Person Ann Montes Title Government Procurement Specialist Address1 Brooks Air Force Base Address2 8101 Arnold Street, Bldg. 1160 City Brooks AFB State TX Zip 78235 Phone 210-536-5131 Fax 210-536-4363 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description The Small Business Administration (SBA), network is funded by the U.S. Government and provides aid, counseling, and assistance to the small business community. This network offers several programs to assist in starting or developing a business. The SBA routinely offers a series of government procurement workshops for obtaining government contracts through Section 8-A procurement. This SBA office provides a vast array of services including a business resource library, computer hardware, software, and Internet services. Counseling is available for starting and expanding a business. There is no charge for these services. The SBA’s toll free hotline is: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

The SBA representative listed above specializes in assisting business owners in the procurement of government defense contracts. There is no charge for this service.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 266: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) - Procurement Office Contact Person Stephanie Lewis Title Government Procurement Specialist Address1 4300 Ammon Carter Blvd. Address2 Suite 116 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 76155 Phone 817-334-5905 Fax 817-684-5310 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description The Small Business Administration (SBA), network is funded by the U.S. Government and provides aid, counseling, and assistance to the small business community. This network offers several programs to assist in starting or developing a business. The SBA routinely offers a series of government procurement workshops for obtaining government contracts through Section 8-A procurement. This SBA office provides a vast array of services including a business resource library, computer hardware, software, and Internet services. Counseling is available for starting and expanding a business. There is no charge for these services. The SBA’s toll free hotline is: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

The SBA representative listed above specializes in assisting business owners in the procurement of government defense contracts. There is no charge for this service.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 267: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) - District Office Contact Person Rodney Martin Title District Director Address1 727 E. Durango Address2 City San Antonio State TX Zip 78206 Phone 210-472-5900 Fax 210-472-5935 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description The Small Business Administration (SBA), network is funded by the U.S. Government and provides aid, counseling, and assistance to the small business community. This network offers several programs to assist in starting or developing a business. The SBA routinely offers a series of government procurement workshops for obtaining government contracts through Section 8-A procurement. This SBA office provides a vast array of services including a business resource library, computer hardware, software, and Internet services. Counseling is available for starting and expanding a business. There is no charge for these services. The SBA’s toll free hotline is: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 268: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) - District Office Contact Person Tom Dowell Title District Director Address1 1205 Texas Ave., Suite 408 Address2 City Lubbock State TX Zip 79401 Phone 806-472-7462 Fax 806-472-7487 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description The Small Business Administration (SBA), network is funded by the U.S. Government and provides aid, counseling, and assistance to the small business community. This network offers several programs to assist in starting or developing a business. The SBA routinely offers a series of government procurement workshops for obtaining government contracts through Section 8-A procurement. This SBA office provides a vast array of services including a business resource library, computer hardware, software, and Internet services. Counseling is available for starting and expanding a business. There is no charge for these services. The SBA’s toll free hotline is: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 269: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) - District Office Contact Person Milton Wilson Title District Director Address1 9301 S.W. Freeway Address2 City Houston State TX Zip 77074 Phone 713-773-6500 Fax 713-773-6550 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description The Small Business Administration (SBA), network is funded by the U.S. Government and provides aid, counseling, and assistance to the small business community. This network offers several programs to assist in starting or developing a business. The SBA routinely offers a series of government procurement workshops for obtaining government contracts through Section 8-A procurement. This SBA office provides a vast array of services including a business resource library, computer hardware, software, and Internet services. Counseling is available for starting and expanding a business. There is no charge for these services. The SBA’s toll free hotline is: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 270: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) - District Office Contact Person Sylvia Zamponi Title District Director Address1 222 E. Van Buren, Suite 500 Address2 City Harlingen State TX Zip 78550 Phone 956-427-8533 Fax 956-427-8537 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description The Small Business Administration (SBA), network is funded by the U.S. Government and provides aid, counseling, and assistance to the small business community. This network offers several programs to assist in starting or developing a business. The SBA routinely offers a series of government procurement workshops for obtaining government contracts through Section 8-A procurement. This SBA office provides a vast array of services including a business resource library, computer hardware, software, and Internet services. Counseling is available for starting and expanding a business. There is no charge for these services. The SBA’s toll free hotline is: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 271: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) - District Office Contact Person Lavan Alexander Title District Director Address1 4300 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 114 Address2 City Fort Worth State TX Zip 76155 Phone 817-684-6500 Fax 817-684-6516 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description The Small Business Administration (SBA), network is funded by the U.S. Government and provides aid, counseling, and assistance to the small business community. This network offers several programs to assist in starting or developing a business. The SBA routinely offers a series of government procurement workshops for obtaining government contracts through Section 8-A procurement. This SBA office provides a vast array of services including a business resource library, computer hardware, software, and Internet services. Counseling is available for starting and expanding a business. There is no charge for these services. The SBA’s toll free hotline is: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 272: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name North Texas Small Business Development Center Contact Person Liz Klimback Title Regional Director Address1 Dallas County Community College Address2 1402 Corinth Street City Dallas State TX Zip 75215 Phone 214-860-5831 Fax 214-860-5813 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services. ____________________________________________________________________

Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 273: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name San Jacinto College District Small Business Development Center Contact Person Judy Whitehurst Title Director Address1 2005 E. Broadway Address2 Suite 101 City Pearland State TX Zip 77581 Phone 281-485-5214 Fax 281-485-6978 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 274: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Procurement Technical Assistance Ctr. (PTAC) Del Mar College Contact Person Dwayne Meeker Title Procurement Specialist Address1 101 Baldwin, VB 351 Address2 City Corpus Christi State TX Zip 78404 Phone 361-698-1023 Fax 361-698-1024 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC) assist businesses in selling to the federal, state, and local governments. These centers provide tools, such as bid matching (matching products/services with

solicitations using the Commerce Business Daily and other resources), subcontracting opportunities, and procurement seminars/workshops.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 275: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Procurement Technical Assistance Ctr. (PTAC) Contact Person Edmond Esparza Title Procurement Specialist Address1 Panhandle Regional Planning Commission Address2 P.O. Box 9257 City Amarillo State TX Zip 79105 Phone 806-372-3381 Fax 806-373-3268 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC) assist businesses in selling to the federal, state, and local governments. These centers provide tools, such as bid matching (matching products/services with

solicitations using the Commerce Business Daily and other resources), subcontracting opportunities, and procurement seminars/workshops.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 276: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Procurement Technical Assistance Ctr. (PTAC) Contact Person Joseph Conway Title Procurement Specialist Address1 The Contract Opportunities Center Address2 El Paso Community College, P.O. Box 20500 City El Paso State TX Zip 79998 Phone 915-831-7751 Fax 915-831-7755 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC) assist businesses in selling to the federal, state, and local governments. These centers provide tools, such as bid matching (matching products/services with

solicitations using the Commerce Business Daily and other resources), subcontracting opportunities, and procurement seminars/workshops.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 277: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Procurement Technical Assistance Ctr. (PTAC) N.W. Texas SBDC Contact Person Otilo Castellano Title Procurement Specialist Address1 2579 S. Loop 289 Address2 Suite 210 City Lubbock State TX Zip 79423 Phone 806-745-3973 Fax 806-745-6717 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC) assist businesses in selling to the federal, state, and local governments. These centers provide tools, such as bid matching (matching products/services with

solicitations using the Commerce Business Daily and other resources), subcontracting opportunities, and procurement seminars/workshops.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 278: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Procurement Technical Assistance Ctr. (PTAC) Angelina College Contact Person Thomas Brewer, Jr. Title Procurement Specialist Address1 Angelina College Procurement Assistance Center Address2 3500 S. First St. City Lufkin State TX Zip 75902 Phone 936-633-5424 Fax 936-633-5478 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC) assist businesses in selling to the federal, state, and local governments. These centers provide tools, such as bid matching (matching products/services with

solicitations using the Commerce Business Daily and other resources), subcontracting opportunities, and procurement seminars/workshops.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 279: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Procurement Technical Assistance Ctr. (PTAC) San Antonio Contact Person Albert Vela Title Procurement Specialist Address1 San Antonio Procurement Outreach Program Address2 P.O. Box 839966 City San Antonio State TX Zip 78283 Phone 210-207-3912 Fax 210-207-3909 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC) assist businesses in selling to the federal, state, and local governments. These centers provide tools, such as bid matching (matching products/services with

solicitations using the Commerce Business Daily and other resources), subcontracting opportunities, and procurement seminars/workshops.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 280: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Procurement Technical Assistance Ctr. (PTAC) University of Houston, Texas Contact Person Carey White Title Procurement Specialist Address1 Texas Information Procurement Service (TIPS) Address2 2302 Fannin, Suite 200 City Houston State TX Zip 77002 Phone 713-752-8477 Fax 713-756-1515 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC) assist businesses in selling to the federal, state, and local governments. These centers provide tools, such as bid matching (matching products/services with

solicitations using the Commerce Business Daily and other resources), subcontracting opportunities, and procurement seminars/workshops.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 281: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Procurement Technical Assistance Ctr. (PTAC) University of Texas at Brownsville/TSC Contact Person Rosalie Manzano Title Procurement Specialist Address1 University of Texas at Brownsville Address2 1600 E. Elizabeth St. City Brownsville State TX Zip 78520 Phone 956-548-8713 Fax 956-548-8717 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC) assist businesses in selling to the federal, state, and local governments. These centers provide tools, such as bid matching (matching products/services with

solicitations using the Commerce Business Daily and other resources), subcontracting opportunities, and procurement seminars/workshops.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 282: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) Cross Timbers Procurement Center Contact Person Jim Hicks Title Procurement Specialist Address1 University of Texas at Arlington Address2 7300 Jack Newell Blvd., S. City Fort Worth State TX Zip 76118 Phone 817-272-5978 Fax 817-272-5952 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC) assist businesses in selling to the federal, state, and local governments. These centers provide tools, such as bid matching (matching products/services with

solicitations using the Commerce Business Daily and other resources), subcontracting opportunities, and procurement seminars/workshops.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 283: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name W. Texas A&M University Small Business Development Center Contact Person Don Taylor Title Director Address1 T. Boone Pickens School of Business Address2 1800 S. Washington, Suite 209 City Amarillo State TX Zip 79762 Phone 915-552-2455 Fax 915-552-2455 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 284: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Tarleton State University Small Business Development Center Contact Person Rusty Freed Title Director Address1 College of Business Administration Address2 Box T-0650 City Stephenville State TX Zip 76402 Phone 817-689-4373 Fax 917-689-4374 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 285: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Midwestern State University Small Business Development Center Contact Person Tim Thomas Title Director Address1 3410 Taft Blvd. Address2 City Wichita Falls State TX Zip 76308 Phone 940-397-4373 Fax 940-397-4374 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 286: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Big Bend Small Business Development Center Contact Person Dave Wilson Title Director Address1 Sul Ross State University Address2 P.O. Box C-47, Room 319 City Alpine State TX Zip 79832 Phone 915-837-8694 Fax 915-837-8104 Email [email protected] Web www.sulrossedu/~sbdc/ Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 287: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Lower Colorado River Authority Coastal Plains Small Business Development Center Contact Person Allen Maffett Title Director Address1 301 W. Milam Address2 P.O. Box 148 City Wharton State TX Zip 77488 Phone 409-532-1007 Fax 409-532-0056 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 288: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Small Business Administration - Procurement Office Contact Person Title Government Procurement Specialist Address1 Small Business Administration Address2 City State Zip 0 Phone Fax Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description The Small Business Administration (SBA), network is funded by the U.S. Government and provides aid, counseling, and assistance to the small business community. This network offers several programs to assist in starting or developing a business. The SBA routinely offers a series of government procurement workshops for obtaining government contracts through Section 8-A procurement. This SBA office provides a vast array of services including a business resource library, computer hardware, software, and Internet services. Counseling is available for starting and expanding a business. There is no charge for these services. The SBA’s toll free hotline is: 1-800-U-ASK-SBA.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 289: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Sam Houston State University Small Business Development Center Contact Person Bob Barragan Title Director Address1 843 S. Sam Houston Ave. Address2 P.O. Box 2058 City Huntsville State TX Zip 77341 Phone 936-740-7380 Fax 936-740-7381 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

____________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 290: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name N. Harris Montgomery County College Small Business Development Center Contact Person Kay Hamilton Title Director Address1 250 N. Sam Houston Parkway E. Address2 City Houston State TX Zip 77060 Phone 281-260-3174 Fax 281-260-3162 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 291: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Lee College Small Business Development Center Contact Person Tommy Hathaway Title Director Address1 Rundell Hall, 200 Lee Dr. Address2 P.O. Box 818 City Baytown State TX Zip 77522 Phone 281-425-6309 Fax 281-425-6307 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 292: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Lamar University Small Business Development Center Contact Person Gene Arnold Title Director Address1 855 E. Florida Ave. Address2 Suite 101 City Beaumont State TX Zip 77705 Phone 409-880-2367 Fax 409-880-2201 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 293: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Gavelston College Small Business Development Center Contact Person Georgette Peterson Title Director Address1 5001 Ave. U Address2 City Galveston State TX Zip 77550 Phone 409-740-7380 Fax 409-740-7381 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 294: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Brazosport College Small Business Development Center Contact Person Patricia Leyendecker Title Director Address1 500 College Dr. Address2 Room K-201 City Lake Jackson State TX Zip 77901 Phone 979-230-3380 Fax 979-230-3482 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 295: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Brazos Valley Small Business Development Center Contact Person Jim Pillars Title Director Address1 4001 E. 29th St., Suite 175 Address2 P.O. Box 3695 City Bryan State TX Zip 77805 Phone 979-260-5222 Fax 979-260-5229 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 296: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Blinn College Small Business Development Center Contact Person Phyllis Nelson Title Director Address1 902 College Ave. Address2 City Brenham State TX Zip 77833 Phone 979-830-4137 Fax 979-830-4135 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 297: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name University of Houston - Victoria Small Business Development Center Contact Person Carole Parks Title Director Address1 700 Main Center Address2 Suite 102 City Victoria State TX Zip 77901 Phone 361-575-8944 Fax 361-575-8852 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 298: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Angelo State University Small Business Development Center Contact Person Pamela Clark Title Director Address1 2610 West Ave., N. Address2 Campus Box 10910 City San Angelo State TX Zip 76909 Phone 915-942-2098 Fax 915-942-2096 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 299: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name San Antonio Small Business Development Center Contact Person Morrison Woods Title Director Address1 UTSA Downtown Address2 1222 N. Main St., Suite 450 City San Antonio State TX Zip 78212 Phone 210-458-2460 Fax 210-458-2464 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 300: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Laredo Development Foundation Small Business Development Center Contact Person Araceli Lozano Title Director Address1 616 Leal Street Address2 City Laredo State TX Zip 78041 Phone 956-722-0563 Fax 956-722-6247 Email [email protected] Web www.laredo-ldf/ldfsbdc.htm Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 301: Matthew Lesko

Title Free Or Low Cost Help In Getting A Government Contract ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Help Selling To The Government Report State TX

Original Researcher F. Kingery Organizations Name Abilene Christian Univ. - Caruth Small Business Development Center Contact Person Judy Wilhelm Title Director Address1 College of Business Administration Address2 648 E. Highway 80 City Abilene State TX Zip 79601 Phone 915-670-0300 Fax 915-670-0311 Email Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Services $ From $0.00 $To $0.00 Program Name Selling To The Government

Description Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are funded and managed by the efforts of the private, educational, and government sectors. SBDC offices are partially funded by the SBA and provide management training, counseling, and technical assistance to small businesses from start-up through development and expansion stages. All network centers provide management training and technical assistance through counseling, conferences, workshops, and seminars. A wide variety of useful topics are covered such as business plan development; financial analysis; market research planning; debt and equity funding opportunities and management techniques. The SBDC network offices work with outside experts to offer workshops, seminars, and instruction on specialized topics such as financing options, international trade, procurement opportunities, and regulatory issues. There may be a small charge for some classes and

workshops, but there is no charge for counseling services.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 302: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Beaumont Career Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 350 Magnolia Street, Suite 400 Address2 City Beaumont State TX Zip 77701 Phone 409-839-8045 Fax 409-835-1627 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 303: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Kerr County Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 819 Water Street, Suite 116 Address2 City Kerrville State TX Zip 78028 Phone 830-257-3171 Fax 830-257-3181 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 304: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Comal County Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 183 IH 35 South Address2 City New Braunfels State TX Zip 78130 Phone 830-606-2055 Fax 830-625-0561 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 305: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Atascosa County Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 206 N. Smith Street Address2 City Pleasanton State TX Zip 78064 Phone 830-569-4702 Fax 830-281-6629 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 306: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Bexar County Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1201 Austin Highway, Suite 117 Address2 City San Antonio State TX Zip 78209 Phone 210-822-7640 Fax 210-882-9623 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 307: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Alice Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 601 E. Main Street, Floor 3 Address2 City Alice State TX Zip 78332 Phone 361-668-0167 Fax 361-668-9218 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 308: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Beeville Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 309 N. Saint Marys Street Address2 City Beeville State TX Zip 78102 Phone 361-358-8941 Fax 361-358-2130 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 309: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Dallas MLK Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 2922 Martin Luther King Blvd. Address2 City Dallas State TX Zip 75215 Phone 214-421-2460 Fax 214-426-2924 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 310: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Sinton Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1113 E. Sinton Street, SPC D Address2 City Sinton State TX Zip 78387 Phone 361-364-3284 Fax 361-364-3325 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 311: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Middle Rio Grande Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 216 W. Main Street Address2 City Uvalde State TX Zip 78801 Phone 830-278-4491 Fax 830-278-7297 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 312: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Dewitt County Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1137 N. Esplanade Address2 City Cuero State TX Zip 77954 Phone 361-277-8870 Fax 361-277-8340 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 313: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Jackson County Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 903 S. Wells Street Address2 City Edna State TX Zip 77957 Phone 361-782-7526 Fax 361-782-3650 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 314: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Goliad County Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 329 W. Franklin Road Address2 City Goliad State TX Zip 77963 Phone 361-645-2703 Fax 361-645-2221 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 315: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Gonzales County Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 427 St. George Street, Suite 101 Address2 City Gonzales State TX Zip 78629 Phone 830-672-2146 Fax 830-672-5099 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 316: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Hallettsville Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 414 N. Texana, Suite B Address2 City Hallettsville State TX Zip 77964 Phone 361-798-1046 Fax 361-798-1044 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 317: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Calhoun County Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1800 S. Highway 35, STE H Address2 City Port Lavaca State TX Zip 77979 Phone 361-552-1563 Fax 361-552-7465 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 318: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Center Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1135 Hurst Street Address2 City Center State TX Zip 75935 Phone 936-598-2468 Fax 936-598-4357 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 319: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Kingsville Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1417 E. Corral Avenue Address2 City Kingsville State TX Zip 78363 Phone 361-592-1006 Fax 361-592-6384 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 320: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name The Worksource Texoma-Grayson Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 2415 S. Austin Avenue, Suite 105 Address2 City Denison State TX Zip 75020 Phone 903-463-9997 Fax 903-463-3073 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 321: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Coldspring Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 41 Alpine Address2 City Coldspring State TX Zip 77331 Phone 936-653-5790 Fax 936-653-5791 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 322: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name The Worksource-Alvin Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1600 E Hwy 6, Suite 400 Address2 City Alvin State TX Zip 77511 Phone 281-585-3303 Fax 281-585-2166 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 323: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name The Worksource-Bay City Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 3501 Avenue F Address2 City Bay City State TX Zip 77414 Phone 979-245-4808 Fax 979-244-2455 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 324: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name The Worksource-Baytown Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 606 Rollingbrook Street, Suite 2-E Address2 City Baytown State TX Zip 77521 Phone 281-837-0079 Fax 281-427-0258 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 325: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name The Worksource-Conroe Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 100 Interstate 45 N, Box 101 Address2 City Conroe State TX Zip 77301 Phone 936-441-0037 Fax 936-441-0038 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 326: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name The Worksource-Galveston Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 4700 Broadway Street, Suite B101 Address2 City Galveston State TX Zip 77551 Phone 409-770-9915 Fax 409-766-1861 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 327: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name The Worksource-Rosenberg Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 117 Lane Drive, Suite 7 Address2 City Rosenberg State TX Zip 77471 Phone 281-344-0279 Fax 281-344-9537 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 328: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Rio Grande Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 216 Chaparral Blvd. Address2 City Rio Grande City State TX Zip 78582 Phone 956-487-3215 Fax 956-487-3328 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 329: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name The Worksource-Harlingen Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 601 E. Harrison Street Address2 City Harlingen State TX Zip 78550 Phone 956-423-9266 Fax 956-423-3770 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 330: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name The Workforce Center- East Austin Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 3401 Webberville Road Address2 City Austin State TX Zip 78702 Phone 512-223-5400 Fax 512-223-5463 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 331: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Central TX Workforce Center-Killeen Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 300 Cheyenne Drive Address2 City Killeen State TX Zip 76542 Phone 254-200-2000 Fax 254-200-2233 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 332: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Temple Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 2420 S. 37th Street Address2 City Temple State TX Zip 76504 Phone 254-773-1607 Fax 254-774-9699 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 333: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Carrizo Springs Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 307 W. Nopal Street Address2 City Carrizo Springs State TX Zip 78834 Phone 830-876-1308 Fax 830-876-9670 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 334: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Texas Workforce Commission Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 613 W. Zavala Address2 City Crystal City State TX Zip 78839 Phone 830-374-2308 Fax 830-374-2209 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 335: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Del Rio Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1927 Bedell Address2 City Del Rio State TX Zip 78840 Phone 830-774-4741 Fax 830-775-4550 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 336: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Eagle Pass Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1200 Ferry Street Address2 City Eagle Pass State TX Zip 78852 Phone 830-773-1191 Fax Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 337: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Mount Pleasant Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1902 W. Ferguson Road Address2 City Mount Pleasant State TX Zip 75455 Phone 903-572-9841 Fax 903-572-0159 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 338: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name The Worksource-Brownsville Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 851 Old Alice Road Address2 City Brownsville State TX Zip 78520 Phone 956-546-3141 Fax 956-544-6003 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 339: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Big Spring Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 310 Owens Street Address2 City Big Spring State TX Zip 79720 Phone 915-263-8373 Fax 915-264-7703 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 340: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Kaufman County Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 809 W. Nash, Suite 110 Address2 City Terrell State TX Zip 75160 Phone 972-563-7271 Fax 972-563-7274 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 341: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Waxahachie Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1712 W. 287 Business Address2 City Waxahachie State TX Zip 75165 Phone 972-937-8114 Fax 972-937-1719 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 342: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Parker County Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1508 Santa Fe Drive, Suite 203 Address2 City Weatherford State TX Zip 76086 Phone 817-594-0049 Fax 817-594-0348 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 343: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Arlington Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 3701 S. Cooper Street, Suite 225 Address2 City Arlington State TX Zip 76015 Phone 817-557-8520 Fax 817-557-0890 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 344: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Waco Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 925 Columbus Avenue Address2 City Waco State TX Zip 76701 Phone 254-754-5421 Fax 254-754-8914 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 345: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Bastrop County Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 150 Settlement Drive, Suite F Address2 City Bastrop State TX Zip 78602 Phone 512-303-3916 Fax 512-303-4352 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 346: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Raymonville County Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 101 E. Frontage Road, Unit H Address2 City Raymondville State TX Zip 78580 Phone 956-689-3412 Fax 956-698-5092 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 347: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Caldwell County Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 117 N. Main Street Address2 City Lockhart State TX Zip 78644 Phone 512-398-3491 Fax 512-398-3492 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 348: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Palo Pinto Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 2307 E. Hubbard Street Address2 City Mineral Wells State TX Zip 76067 Phone 940-325-2595 Fax 940-328-0146 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 349: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Midland Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 2408 N. Big Spring Address2 City Midland State TX Zip 79705 Phone 915-687-3003 Fax 915-683-4719 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 350: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Odessa Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 2626 JBS Parkway BLDB D Address2 City Odessa State TX Zip 79761 Phone 915-367-3332 Fax 915-683-4719 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 351: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Center for Workforce Preparedness Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1359 Lomaland Drive Address2 City El Paso State TX Zip 79935 Phone 915-887-2635 Fax 915-629-7519 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 352: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Bryan Brazos Valley Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 3000 E. Villa Maria Road Address2 City Bryan State TX Zip 77803 Phone 979-776-1510 Fax Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 353: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Abilene Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 400 Oak Street Address2 City Abilene State TX Zip 79602 Phone 915-795-4200 Fax 915-795-4384 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 354: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Amarillo Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1206 W. 7th Street Address2 City Amarillo State TX Zip 79101 Phone 806-372-5521 Fax 806-371-7342 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 355: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Dumas Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 500 E. 1st Street Address2 City Dumas State TX Zip 79029 Phone 806-935-3351 Fax 806-935-2538 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 356: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Kyle Family Learning Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 107 Center Street Address2 City Kyle State TX Zip 78640 Phone 512-268-2719 Fax 512-268-1950 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 357: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Lubbock Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1218 14th Street Address2 City Lubbock State TX Zip 79408 Phone 806-765-5038 Fax 806-747-8629 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 358: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Paris Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 5210 SE Loop 286 Address2 City Paris State TX Zip 75460 Phone 903-784-4356 Fax 903-784-0655 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 359: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Tex/Ark E S Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1118 Wood Street Address2 City Texarkana State TX Zip 75501 Phone 903-794-4163 Fax Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 360: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Athens Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 205 N. Murchison, Suite 101 Address2 City Athens State TX Zip 75751 Phone 903-677-3521 Fax 903-677-1749 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 361: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Cathage Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 410 W. Sabine Street Address2 City Carthage State TX Zip 75633 Phone 903-693-2272 Fax 903-693-9612 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 362: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Henderson Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1424 S. Main Street Address2 City Henderson State TX Zip 75652 Phone 903-657-8723 Fax 903-655-0473 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 363: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Jacksonville Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 2027 N. Jackson Street, Suite A Address2 City Jacksonville State TX Zip 75766 Phone 903-586-3688 Fax 903-589-3642 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 364: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Tyler Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 4100 Troup Highway Address2 City Tyler State TX Zip 75703 Phone 903-561-8131 Fax 903-561-4204 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 365: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name North Central Workforce Center-Stephenville Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 2301 W. South Loop Address2 City Stephenville State TX Zip 76401 Phone 254-965-5100 Fax 254-965-6843 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 366: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Littlefield Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 305 Phelps Address2 City Littlefield State TX Zip 79339 Phone 806-385-9119 Fax 806-385-1217 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 367: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name North Central Workforce Center - Rockwall Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 102 S. 1st Street, Suite A Address2 City Rockwall State TX Zip 75087 Phone 972-722-1575 Fax 972-722-1798 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 368: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Graham Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1111 F Indiana Street Address2 City Graham State TX Zip 76450 Phone 940-549-6363 Fax 940-549-9821 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 369: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Vernon Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1700 Wilbarger Street, Room B7 Address2 City Vernon State TX Zip 76384 Phone 940-552-9381 Fax 940-552-2997 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 370: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Collins County Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1024 S. Greenville Avenue, Suite 100 Address2 City Allen State TX Zip 75002 Phone 972-359-0707 Fax 972-359-0713 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 371: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name North Central Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 720 N. Beaton Street Address2 City Corsicana State TX Zip 75110 Phone 903-874-8276 Fax 903-872-7804 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 372: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name North Central Workforce Center-Denton Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 1300 Teasley Lane Address2 City Denton State TX Zip 76205 Phone 940-382-6712 Fax 940-382-5652 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 373: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Hunt County Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 5804 Wesley Street Address2 City Greenville State TX Zip 75402 Phone 903-454-9350 Fax 903-454-2896 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 374: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name San Angelo Local Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 122 S. Oakes Address2 City San Angelo State TX Zip 76903 Phone 915-653-2321 Fax 915-659-6684 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 375: Matthew Lesko

Title $10,000 For Entrepreneurial Training ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Type Grants For Entrepreneur Training Report State TX

Original Researcher S. Harris Organizations Name Levelland Workforce Center Contact Person Title Employment Specialist Address1 410 Houston Street Address2 City Levelland State TX Zip 79336 Phone 806-894-5005 Fax 806-894-8755 Email [email protected] Web Application Web Address N/A Type of Money/Help Grant $ From $500.00 $To $10,000.00 Program Name Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Description Free entrepreneurial training may be available while you collect unemployment benefits. If approved for training, you may also be eligible for additional money for transportation costs. Amount of funding is determined on a case-by-case basis. For qualification guidelines and application information contact the office listed above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Lesko's Money Finder Copyright © 2002 All Rights Reserved Matthew Lesko * Information USA, Inc. * 12081 Nebel St * Rockville, MD * 20852 1-800-UNCLE-SAM *

Page 376: Matthew Lesko

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- 15,000 Government Programs to Start a Business, Get A Better Job, Get and Education or Follow Your Dream. Hate your job? Life at a staqndstill? Want more time? More Money? Feel unfulfilled? Don’t just complain about your life; Do something about it.

How To Write And Get A Grant - Lesko’s complete course for getting government grants for business,

training and school. Includes 50 Successful Grant Applications on CD-ROM! Free Money & Help For Women Entrepreneurs

- Over 5,000 Government sources of Grants, Loans, Venture Capital, Management, Technical Assistance and Marketing Help. 66% of new businesses are started by women and women have a 75% greater chance of success in business ownership Other Titles: Free Money For Your Retirement Government Giveaways For Entrepreneurs Free Stuff For Women’s Health, Fitness & Nutrition Free College Money & Training For Women Free Stuff For Busy Moms Free Health Care Free Legal Help Gobs and Gobs of Free Stuff Matthew Lesko, 12081 Nebel Street, Rockville, MD 20852, 1-800-UNCLE-SAM