matrix enterprises profile - matrix engineering (pvt) ltd

r Matrix En nterprises, A Group C Company o f Matrix En gineering ( (Pvt.) Ltd. Mat trix Ente erpr rises s Head Office: 131 – West Wood Colony, Thokar Niaz Baig, Raiwind Road, Lahore - Pakistan. Tel: + 92 – 42 – 37516201~3, Fax: + 92 – 42 – 37516206, e-mail: Engineering Works: 620-B, Sundar Industrial Estate, Lahore - Pakistan Tel: + 92 – 42 - 35297621 ~ 3, Fax: + 92 -42 -35297626, e-mail: [email protected]

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Page 1: Matrix Enterprises Profile - Matrix Engineering (Pvt) Ltd


fMatrix Ennterprises,, A Group CCompany o f Matrix En gineering ((Pvt.) Ltd.

Mattrix Enteerprrisess

Head Office: 131 – WWest Wood CColony, Thok ar Niaz Baig , Raiwind Rooad, Lahore - Pakistan. Tel: + 922 – 42 – 375516201~3, Faax: + 92 – 422 – 375162066, e-mail: [email protected]

Enginneering Works: 620-B, Sundar Industrial Estate, Lahore - Pakistan Tel: + 922 – 42 - 35297621 ~ 3, Fax: + 92 -42 -35297626, e-maail: [email protected]

Page 2: Matrix Enterprises Profile - Matrix Engineering (Pvt) Ltd



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Matriix Enterpprises Inttroductioon

Matrix Enterprisess is a group company oof Matrix Enngineering (Pvt.) Ltd. a newly emerged Grouppand proo nufacturingg company.. Realizing dday to day industrial nneeds Matrix Group offCompannies are providing vide range of products aand servicess to variou spheres innPakistan. Matrix Enterprises iis a platformm where enngineering ssupport serrvices and ssupplies aree

. The scopee offered byy Matrix Entterprises inccludes but nnot limited to;

• Crane Serviices with SLI System • Fork Lifter Rental

• erator Renttal

• Locomotivee and Transportation

• Ware Housses and Storrage Areas

• Civil Constrruction Support Servicees

Beside these the company’ss main cennter of atteention is too emphasizze on the economicalservicess provision for Logisticss and Storage.

The Coompany is earning addmirable sttanding in the said sservices to the industrial sectorroperating in Pakistan. The Company SSpecializes and is becoming an inimitablee name forrprovisioon of Liftinng Gears, Shifting annd Erectionn equipment. Matrix Enterprisees is beinggacknowwledged by llocal custommers as well as multinaationals commpanies funnctioning loccally.

Custommer List:

Matrix Enterprisess has perforrmed jobs for differentt national aand multinaational companies. Ourrpotential customers are;

• DDFC (Pvt.)) Ltd.

• EKL (Pvt.) LLtd.

• Engro Foodds Limited.

• Ejaz Dyeingg

• Nishat Chunian

• Sapphire Fiinishing Mills

• The Coca Cola Export CCorporationn

• Pakarab Fertilizers

• Unilever Paakistan Limited (Wall’s Ice Cream Factory)

The Company is mmanaged by well experienced and committted professsionals recoognized forrtheir DDedication, Innovationn, Professioonalism annd Cost Efffective Solutions forr needs offcustomers. Key ppersonals oof the teamm incorporrate the fuunctions off Design, EEngineering,,Manageement and most impoortantly Saffety to proovide state of the art solution, mmeeting theeinternational standdards.

Rigging Study, Rissk assessmment and Safety Meassures are tthe objectiive provisioons by ourrprofessional team..